A World Gone Mad:
Are We Smarter Than the Dinosaurs?
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche
This article was translated from German.
March 18—The dramatic impact of the earthquake in the Pacific Ocean, with a magnitude of 9.0 on the Richter scale, and the subsequent tsunami, which together killed tens of thousands of people, and the resulting accident at the Fukushima nuclear plant, confront mankind with a truly existential challenge. But it is of a completely different nature than what the media, with its 24-hour disaster reporting, is trying to make us believe. The reactions to these events by the representatives of all parties in the German Bundestag (parliament), including Chancellor Angela Merkel's dramatic U-turn,[1] can actually only be described, as the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung did on March 17, as the result of "energy policy brainwashing."
There are two fundamental crises before us:
- the final phase of the collapse of the financial system in the trans-Atlantic area, and the reaction to it, in more and more regions of the world, with a mass-strike process; and
- a dynamic process of massively increased Solar activity, which is correlated with a series of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, especially in the Pacific, the Pacific "Ring of Fire," which is expected to increase significantly in the next two years.
Instead of asking the potentially decisive question—why the worst earthquake in the history of Japan, with a magnitude of 9.0, occurred (Japanese nuclear power plants are only designed for a maximum of 8.2)—the media focused almost exclusively for days on the accidents in the nuclear power plants. In no way did they reflect the fact that this is no isolated Japanese incident, but rather the third recent quake in a powerful shift within the Ring of Fire of the Pacific, which began with the Feb. 27, 2010 earthquake in China (magnitude 8.8), the Feb. 22, 2011 quake in New Zealand (at magnitude 6.3, it destroyed the second largest city of Christchurch), and continued in Japan on March 11, with a magnitude of 9.0.
In this latest quake, Japan moved 4.5 meters closer to the United States; Japan's Northeast sank by 75 cm, worsened by the destructive force of the tsunami. Since then, the planet has been expanding and contracting every 6.5 minutes, so that it vibrates with a kind of hum, which is, however, a few octaves below the range that the human ear can hear. According to NASA, the Earth's axis has shifted by 17 cm; the Earth was given a twist and is rotating 2 millionths of a second faster. Russian and American researchers warn that more catastrophic earthquakes are to be expected soon in North and South America.
Galactic Effects
The recent earthquake in Japan released as much energy as the explosion of 480,000 kilotons of TNT. By comparison, the explosion of the largest nuclear bomb ever tested released the equivalent of 50,000 kilotons of TNT, while the accident at Chernobyl released 0.2 kt, barely one-fifth of a kiloton. The recently increased Solar eruptions released energy in the range of 1 trillion kilotons. And these eruptions, which in turn can be traced to cyclical processes in our galaxy, set into motion electrodynamic processes that, in ways not yet fully understood, have an undeniable correlation with the increased seismic activity on Earth.
If we want to prevent the whole planet, one not-so-fine day soon, from looking like Northeast Japan does now, then we have to quickly come to a better understanding the processes of our Solar System and our galaxy. We also have to, among other things, get as quickly as possible to a higher energy-flux density in the production process, and achieve thermonuclear fusion, the process that takes place in the Sun. Only then can we meet the energy needs of a growing global population, which will rise six-fold by the end of the century. And that is the only way we can intervene in these processes when necessary, to "have dominion over nature."
Green Insanity in Germany
Against this background, what the German government and the Bundestag have just acted out would be a tragicomedy, if the very existence of Germany were not at stake. The entire spectrum of parties represented in parliament, with the exception of one single member, avowed their support for the earliest possible and complete transition to "renewable" energy sources. If this situation continues—and that is up to the voters—it will mean the end of Germany as an industrial nation, of the living standards of the population, and of any hope that Germany will assume any positive role whatsoever in solving these existential problems of the planet. Heinrich Heine would certainly have characterized what was presented in the Bundestag as a gala performance by the inhabitants of Charenton.[2]
The ARD TV magazine Contrasts reports on the existence of a secret document from the Federal Environment Ministry, which served as the basis for the Federal Government's decision to impose a moratorium on the extension of the lifespan of nuclear power plants. It lists extensive new safety precautions with which the German nuclear power plants now have to be retrofitted. The hurdles are so high that they would mean a complete end to nuclear energy in Germany. The Merkel government will thus implement what the Red-Green opposition parties want.
The Commission of Inquiry of Nov. 23, 2010, "Growth, Prosperity, Quality of Life: Towards Sustainable Development and Social Progress in the Social Market Economy," cast a shocking light on what all these parties want. The Commission had to compile a catalog of questions on how to redefine such things as prosperity, growth, and economic sustainability. Unbelievably, it proceeds completely from the 1972 theses of the Club of Rome, editing its selection of literature to include only writings of green, zero-growth-oriented authors, who all refer, not to the real, scientific laws of the universe as it really is, but to the fiction of an entropic universe. They claim, in principle, that our universe is a kind of aquarium, a closed system, in which a balance is achieved, and where we have to make do with fewer and fewer resources. And of course, the neo-conservative Prof. Meinhard Miegel is one of its "expert" staff members.
The Club of Rome was and remains a propaganda apparatus of the international financial oligarchy, whose goals Britain's Prince Philip has espoused most openly: that the world population has to be reduced to no more than 2 billion people. This is supposed to make a small financial elite incredibly rich, with all the corresponding privileges, while the reduced mass of the population remains backward and poor. And is that not exactly where we are now? After over three and a half years of the financial crisis and countless rescue packages amounting to tens of trillions, there are more billionaires and millionaires than ever before, whereas the livelihoods of billions of people are collapsing.
Phasing out nuclear energy not only in Germany, but worldwide, would lead directly to the death of billions of people. If we only choose to phase it out in Germany, it would mean farewell to Germany as an industrial nation, mass poverty, and a landscape even more blighted by environmentally detrimental wind turbines and solar panels than it is now.
Look Ahead to Fusion Power
The problems that exist today with nuclear energy worldwide are solely the result of sabotage of research since the 1970s. This led, for example, to the fact that the inherently safe high-temperature reactor (HTR) has so far only been built in China. The technical problems encountered in the boiling water reactors in Japan—looked at in the context of the Sun-related earthquakes—would have been overcome long ago, had the HTR reactors been built, and Germany would have expanded its leadership role in the HTR and other inherently safe reactor types. This is exactly how we, together with other nations, must proceed today, to undertake a crash program for the development of controlled thermonuclear fusion.
The use and mastery of nuclear fusion power provides the key not only to mankind's long-term energy and raw materials security, but also to dealing with the processes taking place now because of the eruptions on the Sun, where nuclear fusion is constantly occurring, so that mankind can survive.
In the history of our planetary development, major earthquakes and volcanic eruptions have repeatedly led to the extinction of whole genera and species; the dinosaurs are just one well-known example. If we want to prevent the human race from being preserved only as a fossil, then we need to understand better how the incredibly large and ever-evolving anti-entropic universe, in which new galaxies are constantly being formed, influences our Solar System and thereby processes on Earth.
If man, unlike all other organisms, did not possess the creative ability to understand nature and to have mastery over it, we would never have progressed beyond a population potential of perhaps 5 million hunters and gatherers. In the history of the universe, the history of creative mankind—maybe 10,000 years—is a ridiculously small fraction of time. Mankind is thus, in a sense, still wearing its first baby shoes, in terms of our intellectual and moral development.
The progression of this crisis, so far, has demonstrated that the Japanese population was much better intellectually and emotionally equipped for crisis management in the situation than most of German population, which has been brainwashed by the media and the Greens. If we do not want to end up like the dinosaurs soon, then we in Germany need a two-tier banking system—a Glass-Steagall system—to overcome the casino industry, and a true renaissance of science and Classical culture. If we achieve that, we can be optimistic about the future.
[1] Merkel's U-turns: In 2000, German's Grand Coalition government, which included Merkel's Christian Democratic Union, voted to phase out all nuclear power plants by 2021. Then in 2010, when new elections gave Merkel's party enough votes to form a government without the anti-nuclear Social Democrats and Greens, Merkel, now Chancellor, decided to prolong the life of the plants for 17 years, until "renewable" technologies could fill the gap. About one-quarter of Germany's electricity now comes from nuclear plants; by comparison, the figures are 75% for France, 29% for Japan, 18% for Russia, 20% for the United States. After the March 11 earthquake in Japan, Merkel reversed her policy, temporarily closing the seven oldest plants, while safety checks are carried out. She said that the situation in Japan "had changed everything in Germany."—ed.
[2] The 19th-Century German poet Heine commented on the Madhouse of Charenton in his book The Romantic School, among other locations. One of Charenton's more famous inmates was the Marquis de Sade.—ed.