This transcript appears in the June 21, 2019 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
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As Global War Danger Grows,
the Ideas of Lyndon LaRouche
Are Needed More Than Ever
This is the edited transcript of the Schiller Institute’s June 14, 2019 New Paradigm webcast with the founder of the Schiller Institutes, Helga Zepp-LaRouche. She is interviewed by Harley Schlanger. A video of the webcast is available.
Harley Schlanger: Hello, I’m Harley Schlanger with the Schiller Institute. Welcome to our webcast with our founder and President Helga Zepp-LaRouche! Today is June 14, 2019, and we have just come from a very extraordinary event, last Saturday, on June 8, a memorial for Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. The title of the memorial was, “In Memoriam: The Triumph of Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.”
And Helga, it was an extremely moving emotional event, which provided people with some real insights into the extraordinary life of your husband. I’d like your thoughts on how it went and its importance.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche: I think that everyone who participated in this memorial in New York, or in some of the live-streamed satellite events in a number of other American cities, was quite astounded and clearly moved, because the real Lyndon LaRouche came across absolutely clearly. His own words—because we had very important, beautiful video clips of his speeches—were integrated with the most profound Classical music performances, which were all on an extremely high level and of high quality. The whole composition, really, stunned people. As a matter of fact, I have not found anyone who did not say that they cried at various points of the event—it was incredibly truthful and moving.

Let me appeal to all of you, those listening or reading this later: Make the time to spend three hours and watch this memorial, which is available on the Schiller Institute website. Take the time, because there has never before been available, a better, so complete presentation, in which you can get the idea of who Lyndon LaRouche was, and who he is, and who he will be in the future of world developments. It is extremely important to clear away the false images—he had been vilified by the evil forces who prosecuted him and put him, an innocent man, in jail. Clearing his name is crucial today. His ideas are still the most advanced ideas of our time.
I’m saying this, not to diminish what other great leaders in other countries are doing, but I think anybody who engages in a study of the works of Lyn in depth, will admit that he contributed in so many fields—in economics, natural sciences, in the arts, in history, in philosophy. He contributed exceptionally important breakthroughs, which still need to be studied and understood by many people around the world, in order to solve the problems of this present world strategic situation.
So, I really encourage you: Look at this memorial and help us to clear his name. There is no greater difference than the real Lyndon LaRouche and the falsehoods spread against him. We now see the same kind of nasty, British-inspired mass media putting out such falsehoods against Trump, against Putin, against Xi Jinping. It’s all coming from the same British Empire directed geopolitical faction and its co-thinkers in the United States and on the continent of Europe. That’s my urgent appeal to you.
Schlanger: People can go to the Schiller Institute website and see it.
Now, also extremely important for what you were just saying, the exoneration of Lyndon LaRouche: On June 21, the LaRouche PAC is going to be releasing a video documentary called, “The LaRouche Case: Robert Mueller’s First Hit Job.” I think this also will add to the mobilization for an exoneration, which is an urgent requirement. It’s not just about bringing honor to Lyndon LaRouche. He doesn’t need the honor—he’s spoken for himself; he lived an extraordinary life. What’s necessary is that people recognize what you were just saying about his role, and internalize that, so that we can actually solve the problems that he was addressing during his life.
Helga, I don’t know if you’ve been involved in the production of this documentary, but is there anything you’d like to say about it?
Zepp-LaRouche: We plan to release the video on June 21. I would ask all who hear or read this discussion, please to help us spread the news simultaneously in all social media, internationally. Let’s build what we call in Germany, a Paukenschlag, a drumbeat, ahead of that release. This documentary will put a spotlight on the apparatus which is today’s war party. This is not an academic question, it is extremely urgent, because despite the tremendous potentials in the world, we are still sitting on a tremendous powder keg.
A Future Pregnant with Danger and Potential
Schlanger: We have the G20 summit coming up in Osaka, Japan on June 28-29. There’s a potential there, because President Trump has said he wishes to meet with President Putin of Russia and President Xi of China. But tremendous threats are emerging that President Putin addressed in several venues recently, including his warning that the relations between Russia and the United States are deteriorating. What can you tell us about what Putin has had to say, and what he’s been doing?
Zepp-LaRouche: Putin said that the U.S.-Russia relationship is deteriorating “by the hour.” Prior to the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, of June 6-8, he addressed all the major international news agency heads, warning that the danger of a global catastrophe coming out of that deterioration, including nuclear war, is actually very much alive. And then—I thought very interesting—he appealed to the youth, saying the youth these days are concerned about environmental issues, but teenagers and children should actually be concerned about the global threat to the existence of civilization. I think that touches on something very truthful. The last time we were in a real serious crisis—at the beginning of the 1980s with the medium-range missile crisis—there were hundreds of thousands of people in the streets, warning of the danger of a third world war.
Although there are still some channels of communication between Russia and the U.S. now, it’s nowhere near the communication which existed between NATO and the Warsaw Pact during the Cold War.
On another occasion, Putin warned that the system of globalization is not functioning and is in a phase of complete deterioration. He attributed that to a lack of courage and the unwillingness to fix the causes of the 2008 crisis—demanding that changes must urgently be made.
A New Bretton Woods System
I must add to what Putin said that there is one conception, which would really remedy the situation, and it is one I really hope that the G20 leaders would be wise enough to put this on the agenda and adopt. It may not happen in this way—but it is nonetheless urgent. Those leaders should start with the truth that the present Western financial system is bankrupt. We are heading towards a new financial storm: All the signs are present. More likely than not it will happen this year, if certain changes are not made. Therefore the adequate policy for the G20 meeting is to put on the agenda, a New Bretton Woods system. As far as we can tell, this will not be adopted by the G20 because there are some countries that stupidly cling to the old paradigm and geopolitical manipulation.
It is for that reason that many years ago my husband had called for a partnership of the four most powerful countries: The United States, Russia, China, and India, which encompass the majority of the world population and which are somehow representative of all of these developing countries as well.
This idea does not exclude, on principle, countries such as Germany, Japan, Korea and others, who are also welcome to join, but you need a powerful combination of countries to impose a new credit system. We have to go away from monetarism: It was the neo-liberal monetarist system which has aggravated all of these problems we have internationally today. We therefore need a New Bretton Woods system as expressed in the intension of Franklin D. Roosevelt, and not the kind of Bretton Woods system as was implemented in the postwar period, because that system lacked, emphatically, mechanisms to have technology transfer to the developing sector. Lyn has been very emphatic that the New Bretton Woods must provide for large-scale credit generation for the development of the developing countries.
I would, therefore, urge all our viewers and readers: If you want to do anything for world peace and overcome the kinds of challenges we see right now in Iran, or concerning Iran, and other issues we should talk about, then help us to get the kind of mobilization going on the New Bretton Woods, and the idea that we have to get the United States to cooperation with the New Paradigm that is emerging clearly on the planet with the Belt and Road Initiative, now already joined by 126 countries.
Look at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. That was also a very important element of the emerging new world order. Russia, far from being isolated, drew 1,900 participants to that Forum, including about 350 top leaders who signed about 650 major trade agreements. It was really an absolutely important meeting.

Comprehensive Strategic Partnerships
Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin agreed on a comprehensive strategic partnership for a new era. That partnership continues to be discussed at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, in meetings between Putin, Xi Jinping, and Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India. So the stage is really prepared for the G20. Hopefully, meetings between Trump and Putin, and Trump and Xi Jinping, and maybe also Modi, will take place and really put the New Paradigm on the agenda which is really so urgently needed.
Schlanger: I think it’s important to note that while all this diplomatic activity and discussion is underway for a Putin-Xi meeting, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe was recently in Moscow. These and other meetings are taking place, discussing specifically how to build a new productive system. We have nothing but foolish gibberish coming out of the United States and Western Europe, and we can get to that in a moment; but there was also a very important statement issued by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, regarding U.S.-Russian relations. I think that’s worth putting on the table, also.
Zepp-LaRouche: Yes. This was also the same type of the warning, that the danger of thermonuclear war is not yet eliminated. Speaking to the Primakov Readings international forum on June 11, Lavrov said, “From a political perspective, it’s of principal importance that Russia and the U.S. calm the rest of the world and pass a joint statement at a high level that there can be no victory in a nuclear war and therefore it is unacceptable and inadmissible.” He referred to the fact that such an agreement existed between the Soviet Union and the United States, saying, “We do not understand why they cannot reconfirm this position now.”
He also noted that concerning all of the different proposals concerning arms treaties and similar proposals, there has not yet been any positive response from the United States. So, I think this is also a matter of grave concern and something we should change.
Washington Needs to Speak with One Voice
Schlanger: Talking about the United States, we see a very strange pattern, which is continuing, of Donald Trump saying one thing, while others in his administration are saying the opposite. For example, in a joint press conference on June 12 with the Polish President Andrzej Duda a couple days ago, Trump interrupted the Polish President, who was talking about the dangers of Russia, to say, “But I hope that Poland is going to have a great relationship with Russia. I hope we’re going to have a great relationship with Russia, and, by the way, [with] China and many other countries.”
But then he has people in his cabinet such as his Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, and his National Security Advisor, John Bolton, threatening countries, talking about the rebellion in Hong Kong, that this is important, and that Trump came out in support of the demonstrations against the government there.
Within hours of an attack on two Japanese oil tankers carrying Iranian oil in the Gulf of Oman, Pompeo issued a so-called “Government Assessment” that said Iran was responsible, thus putting us, again, on the verge of a potential war there in the Persian Gulf.
This occurred right after Prime Minister Abe was in Tehran as a mediator, in a sense, between the United States and Iran, and also before the Osaka summit.
Where do you see us heading with these crises?
Zepp-LaRouche: The Chinese and Russian leaders have said repeatedly, that they very clearly differentiate between President Trump and the other members of his cabinet. The only problem is that Trump says something positive, and then in the next moment his cabinet members do the opposite, for foreign leaders—in China, Russia, but also in Europe, in Germany, in France—it makes it very difficult to have confidence that the word of Trump really will prevail, and that is a serious strategic problem.
Trump has said very positive things concerning China, but then, Pompeo, in his capacity as Secretary of State, actually a month ago, met with so-called “democracy” groups from Hong Kong and, in a certain sense, meddled in the internal affairs of China which then adds to the extremely high tensions that exist because of the trade war between the U.S. and China. Concerning the situation in Iran: This is very dangerous. This could lead to a new war with Iran, and we in the past, have always noted that such a war immediately means confrontation with Russia and China, which could go totally out of control and could lead to a third world war.

So, this time, just hours after Prime Minister Abe from Japan was in Tehran to attempt to mediate, which was supported by President Trump, this attack on these two tankers in the Gulf of Oman occurred, and within hours, obviously without the ability to prove it, Pompeo accused Iran of being behind it, putting out a so-called “Government Assessment.” Now, within hours, you can’t find out what really happened. The American strategic analyst Pat Lang asked the question: “I would like to know how many agencies of the U.S. Intelligence Community concur” in that assessment?
Obviously, this is a very dangerous situation, because once anything more develops in this region, this could really threaten world peace in the most immediate way.
Sabotage of Trump Is Extension of Russiagate
I think it’s a problem. I don’t know how difficult it is for President Trump to solve, but I don’t think it’s very good for the future of international relations if these different voices come from the United States on almost every topic. Trump is attempting something positive, as in the case of North Korea, then it’s being sabotaged because at the last moment in the Hanoi summit, demands were injected which ruined it.
The same happened with the U.S.-China tariff confrontation: Both sides said they were very optimistic they could find a solution, and then, all of a sudden demands were put in the negotiations by the U.S. side which demanded that China abandon its very successful economic model, and that was naturally unacceptable to China. Why should China change a model which has had the most unbelievable success in the last 40 years, and which is now a hope and inspiration for many other countries in the world to do likewise, and overcome underdevelopment and poverty?
In the meantime, China’s Ministry of Commerce put out a 10-page White Paper, “U.S. Gains in China—U.S. Trade,” refuting, point by point, the arguments made about why this trade imbalance exists. One of the most important points, is that the trade imbalance exists because China’s exports to the United States consist largely of low-technology goods, and that if the United States used the same rules for its trade with China as it uses, for example, with France, 1,300 items of mostly high-technology exports from the United States to China would be so treated, the U.S. deficit would be reduced by one-third.
So, who put in these changes for Chinese structural reforms in the last minute? Well, I don’t know; obviously, somebody in the negotiation team from the side of the United States.
But this is actually a pattern: Trump attempts something positive, then sabotage occurs, and the effort goes nowhere. If the Trump voters and other concerned people really want to do something about that, they have to give President Trump the backing, so that he can get some better advisors than these people who lead him in the wrong direction every single time.
Schlanger: We’ve seen this before, Helga, before previous summits, when Trump was going to meet with Putin and Xi Jinping in Buenos Aires last November, his meeting was sabotaged, at that time by the Kerch Strait incident. Similarly Trump was prevented from meeting with Putin during his trip to France to commemorate the end of World War I.
So, I think you see this British constant intervention. And we’re going to continue to expose that, because it’s directly related to what is coming out on the Russiagate story: That what we’ve said from the beginning, is that the real issue of Russiagate is the strategic opposition of leading forces of the British Empire to Trump establishing new relations with Russia and China.
Investigation of the Investigators
Helga, there have been some developments since the last time we’ve spoken, with the “investigation of the investigators”; a letter from Assistant U.S. Attorney General Stephen Boyd to Congressman Jerrold Nadler about the importance of this investigation under way by Attorney General Barr and U.S. Attorney John Durham.
How do you see the Russiagate story unfolding?
Zepp-LaRouche: It’s very promising. The letter by Boyd to Nadler talks about the fact that there is a very broad investigation, involving U.S. and foreign intelligence services. And I think that the investigations are quite promising, under Barr’s leadership. I hope that Barr and Durham will bring the whole story out.
The question here is a question of time. Special Counsel Robert Mueller took more than two years to issue his final report. And if Barr’s investigation is anywhere near as slow, or takes that much time, it may be too late, because events are really very pressing.
The need for people in government to bring Bill Binney into hearings—he is the former Technical Director of the National Security Agency—is now even more urgent. He is part of the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS). A group from the VIPS has conducted a forensic investigation proving technically that there could not have been Russian hacking of the Democratic National Committee’s computer server. That story is coming out internationally.
Mr. Binney was just interviewed by a Swedish blog site. The questions need to be presented to Binney, who met with then CIA Director Pompeo at the request of President Trump, in October 2017. This must be taken seriously, because there was no Russian hacking. There was collusion on the part of Trump’s enemies with another foreign power, namely, British intelligence, and it’s very, very urgent that the full story, including Binney’s evidence and analysis, come out.
Now, the New York Times reported that already some CIA agents were investigated, and I think that there are all the signs of extreme nervousness of the coup apparatus, that their crimes could be unearthed. But, the question of time and an educated electorate is really of the essence, so you should heed our efforts to spread the word of all of these things.
Schlanger: We were the ones who put out the original story on the British background of the Mueller investigation, so we’ve been way ahead of the curve, and people who have been looking at our website and reading our material know that.
U.S. Labor Begins to Rebel at the ‘Green New Deal’
Now, Helga, just because we’re running a little short on time, I want to switch to another subject, which is quite fascinating, which is the rebellion of the U.S. labor movement against the “Green New Deal”: The Democrats seem to have nothing to offer except “impeach Trump,” and “destroy what’s left of U.S. industry and manufacturing.” Labor unions in California are saying the Green New Deal would be a disaster.
There’s a big push globally, now, for this Green movement. In the United States there’s resistance to it, but this has to spread, doesn’t it?
Zepp-LaRouche: It’s very promising that the California trade unionists are now moving against it by emphatically making the point that this would destroy the jobs and livelihood of millions of people in practically every area which is affected.
In Europe, ‘Climate Protectionism’ Reigns
This green environmentalism is a global offensive. In Europe, especially in Germany, unfortunately, this is really a very serious matter, because of a series of manipulations prior to the European Parliament election in late May. First was the “children’s crusade,” led by the poor Greta Thunberg, a Swedish 16-year-old, who is completely manipulated by people like Kevin Anderson, who had already advocated back in 2000 that the carrying capacity of the Earth is only a half-billion people, because, he says, global temperature will go up by 4°C or even 6°C.
Then there was the “Fridays for Future” mobilization, and some mainstream media manipulation of a so-called “influencer” video produced shortly before the election in Germany. As a result of all of this, which has the typical hallmarks of intelligence operations manipulating public opinion in such a way, the Greens are now almost the leading party in the polls; they could become, if there would be now early elections—which could happen in Germany, because of the collapse of the CDU and the Social Democracy. And if as a result of such early elections, a Green Chancellor is chosen by the Bundestag, this would be the end of Germany as an industrial nation. And because of the power and size of the German economy, it would also mean the end of Europe.
This Green climate protection craziness, has reached such proportions of absolute hysteria in Germany, that people don’t discuss anything else anymore. But it is as much a British coup against Germany as the Russiagate coup was against Trump. We will put out some more documentation of that, but I think if you consider what the Morgenthau Plan was supposed to do to defeated Germany after World War II, this is a Morgenthau Plan five times over. It has to be reversed!
More and more people are waking up to reality. Even in Germany, some industrialists and others are saying that the exit from nuclear energy without having an alternative was a big mistake, and Germany has to have nuclear energy.
And in the United States, there is also a very beautiful thing, which I think should be an inspiration to trade unionists all over the world: A really beautiful leaflet by Roger Calven from the U.S. Plumbers Local 5 in Washington, D.C., demanding that this British Green New Deal should be defeated, because it’s an effort to re-colonize the United States. And then he demands, in the context of NASA, that all trade unionists should be trained to set up a permanent station on the Moon, to learn how to do mining on the Moon, for example, for helium-3; to learn how to use robots and be trained after 2030 for interstellar operations.
Basically, train the whole workforce to deal with the next economic platform, as my husband would have called it, and learn the skills required for workers and trade unionists to work in space. In the context of Trump’s space program, where he promised he would put humans on the Moon by 2024, I think this is fantastic, because you need this kind of in-depth mobilization of the population to back up what Trump is doing—especially because the Congress is dragging its feet in the financing of this absolutely necessary science-driver program.
So, I think we are in an incredible period, where people should become active, they should work with the Schiller Institute, because we have the concepts which are absolutely required to solve this present crisis.
The Triumph of Lyndon LaRouche
Schlanger: Helga, just reflecting on what we’ve been discussing, it again brings to mind again the importance of the memorial event, which put a focus on your husband’s intervention in every single one of these areas! Strategic, scientific, cultural, how it is that we have to prepare ourselves for the future. I think it would be very useful if you just summarize the importance of this event to provide people with a direction forward.
Zepp-LaRouche: Well, you know, it is a fact that most people are so much suffering under the burden of getting their livelihood together, just to make ends meet, which is becoming more difficult for most people, and they don’t have time to think about the future, they don’t have time to think about a vision, where humanity should be a hundred years from now. That is why looking at the work of Lyndon LaRouche is so crucial, because, you know, he is the real America! If you want to have any person representing the best identity of America as a republic, it is Lyn.
He had a beautiful vision of what the New Paradigm would be. He wrote a book, Earth’s Next Fifty Years, and beyond that he had the most incredible ideas about how the world would be different, once we had thermonuclear fusion as a commercial energy source; we would have raw materials security and energy security—raw materials security because we could separate all the waste into its isotopes and put it back together in new raw materials, including nuclear waste, so this problem would be solved as well.
And then, international cooperation on space research and space travel gives the kind of international cooperation which is absolutely needed. And let me say, for me, the recent Event Horizon Telescope’s imaging of a black hole fifty-five million light-years away is the best example that international cooperation is an absolute must, if civilization is to survive. Because you could not have imaged that black hole in one country, not even in Russia, which has 11 time zones. It required the collaboration of radio telescopes in Spain, in Chile, in the Antarctic, in the United States, and four other places, in order to get the kind of width needed to make the imaging of this incredible physical phenomenon, about which all known physics breaks down.
And it shows that we have to make breakthroughs, building on Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity.
We are really on the verge of a new era, which requires all the creativity of all people of all nations, working together for our common aims. And there is no other American who stands for this beautiful conception of the future of humanity, than my beloved husband: And therefore, I really ask you, help us to exonerate him, and help us to get the United States into this New Paradigm, because that’s what the whole world wishes for.
Schlanger: Well, Helga, thank you for your words of inspiration. And we’ll see you again, next week.
Zepp-LaRouche: Yes, next week.