This article appears in the May 29, 2020 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
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An Appeal to American Citizens:
What the World Needs from America!
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche
We have come to the point where the citizens of the United States need to recall the best tradition of their history: the American Revolution, the War of Independence against the British Empire, the principles expressed in the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, and the principles of the American system of economics as developed by Alexander Hamilton, Henry Clay and Henry C. Carey.
The essence of all these aspects of U.S. history is very clearly stated in the Preamble to the Constitution:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
This intention of the Constitution, expressed in the preamble, to promote the general Welfare not only for the present generation, but also for all future generations, contains an implicit rejection of the so-called “shareholder value” policy and the unbridled free trade of globalization, promoted then and now by the British Empire, which has not only widened the gap in the United States itself between a caste of increasingly rich billionaires and the growing numbers of impoverished, but is also responsible for the catastrophic underdevelopment in so-called developing countries.
Clearly, the world will never return to the status quo that existed before the coronavirus pandemic broke out. We are at an absolute turning point in history, where we will either be able to put the world in order with the program we have outlined in these pages, to defeat underdevelopment, or we are threatened with plunging into a dark age. The phase of unrestricted globalization—which the protagonists of a unipolar world have attempted to implement, in particular after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, and which led to a global wave of protests, including the election of Donald Trump—is over for good.
Lyndon LaRouche had forecast the catastrophe now unfolding before our eyes in all its aspects, from his characterization of President Nixon’s disastrous destruction of the Bretton Woods System in 1971 and his forecasts of the danger of pandemics resulting from the monetarist policy, to the systemic collapse of the financial system. During the same time, spanning half a century, he presented an unprecedented number of solutions for overcoming the crises in the United States and internationally, and it is in that same spirit that the program herein has been conceived.
Any honest person who reads these analyses and programmatic proposals today, in light of the current pandemic and the destruction of the real economy, will conclude that Lyndon LaRouche was a man of providence. The idea of providence is not meant here in a strictly religious sense, but in that his entire method of thinking was so highly in accordance with the principles of the physical universe, that his analyses and creative proposals were of a tremendous, almost prophetic precision. He thought and worked “in tune” with the intention of the universe, and if correctly understood, of the Creator.
Therefore, the greatest crime committed against LaRouche by his unjust jailing and lifelong vilification by that same McCarthyite apparatus that is responsible for the ongoing coup attempt against President Trump, is not only the outrageous injustice done to LaRouche personally, but above all that it has made it extremely difficult for Americans and others around the world to have access to these solutions. In many ways, the enormous hardships that the population now endures, due to the combination of pandemics and the economic crisis, are the result of the political persecution of this extraordinary thinker.
And unfortunately, his warning that no one would be safe if his persecution were tolerated has been borne out. When one considers, for example, how General Michael Flynn has been and will be prosecuted, the famous quote by Martin Niemöller comes to mind: “When the Nazis came for the Communists, I was silent; I wasn’t a communist. When they locked up the Social Democrats, I was silent; I wasn’t a social democrat. When they came for the trade-unionists, I was silent; I wasn’t a trade unionist.”
It is past time for Lyndon LaRouche, the man and his ideas, to be fully exonerated, and I personally call on President Trump to do so.
But Lyndon LaRouche’s ideas are alive, as this program for the creation of 1.5 billion new, productive jobs worldwide underscores. The United States has now reached a breaking point in its history, where the ideas in the tradition of the pledge of the U.S. Constitution will be realized, or the financial reconquest of the American colony by the British Empire will plunge the entire world, together with the United States, into a dark age.
This is the time when the demand that Nicholas of Cusa—who had already laid the foundation for the American Republic back in the 15th Century with his works—set out in his Concordantia Catholica, has become a question of survival for the entire world. He established that the only legitimate basis for a nation’s existence is its commitment to the common good of all nations, and to such a relationship among all nations. Precisely that was the intention of Benjamin Franklin, of the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence against the British Empire. It was also the foreign policy conception of President John Quincy Adams, that the United States should be part of an alliance of completely independent sovereign republics, linked together by a common idea, and that America was not called upon to “go abroad in search of monsters to destroy.”
The key to building such an urgently needed alliance today is positive cooperation between the United States and China. The coronavirus pandemic has made it undeniably clear that the hollowed-out combined industrial capacity of the global economy is nowhere near sufficient to feed and to sustain in dignity the world population today. Cooperation between the two largest economies in the world is therefore an essential prerequisite for overcoming the impact of pandemics, starvation and poverty in Africa, Latin America, parts of Asia and even regions in Europe and the United States.
Although, thanks to the manipulations of the British secret services and Anglophile politicians in the U.S., a great deal of damage has been done to the U.S.-China relation through the “blame game” regarding the origin and handling of the Coronavirus, and although the current “China-bashing” evokes the darkest memories of the McCarthy period, constructive cooperation between the United States and China not only is absolutely possible, but also points the way toward a new era in human history. This era must be characterized by the overcoming of geopolitics, and the promotion of the general welfare of all nations on this planet.
Given the existential problems that many people in America are facing due to the pandemic, there may not be much public awareness of the huge gap that exists between the image the United States enjoyed in the world at the time of the American Revolution and during the presidencies of George Washington, John Quincy Adams, Lincoln or Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and the United States that has waged endless wars throughout the world since the end of the Soviet Union under the Bush and Obama administrations. America was once regarded by all republican circles around the world as a temple of liberty and a beacon of hope, as a country whose Constitution served as a model for republican aspirations in many countries around the world. But the admiration and friendship gave way during the Bush and Obama Administrations to fear, or worse, U.S. military power.
It is five minutes to midnight to deliver on the promise for a constructive relationship with President Xi Jinping and China that emerged in the early days of the Trump Administration. Given the complete discrediting of “Russiagate” and the likely legal proceedings against the British-inspired coup plotters, nothing stands in the way of constructive cooperation between the United States and Russia, as has been indicated between NASA and Roscosmos. If the U.S. now takes the lead in the economic reconstruction program and the creation of 1.5 billion productive jobs in the world, and helps to make the New Silk Road become the World Land-Bridge, then the United States will regain the place it once had in the eyes of the whole world: as a pioneer of freedom and hope for all mankind.