This transcript appears in the October 2, 2020 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
[Print version of this transcript]
Helga Zepp-LaRouche
Lyndon LaRouche: His Ideas and Initiatives
This is the edited transcription of Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s keynote address to the International Youth Conference of the Schiller Institute on September 26, 2020. Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche is the founder of the Schiller Institute. Subheads and embedded links have been added.
The purpose of this event today is to make the name and person and ideas of Lyndon LaRouche known to many young people around the world. His ideas are key to the world being able to get out of the present crisis. Given the fact that he was my husband for 41 years, and I was one of his many political associates for about half a century, what I’m saying now is not merely a statement, it is being said with the deepest conviction of my own soul and mind: He has been, and in one sense because of his immortality, is still the most beautiful soul and the most creative person of his time.
There is no greater discrepancy between who Lyn really was and is, and the kind of picture which is being painted about him. From the standpoint of universal history, if you judge individuals on how much they bring the development of all of humanity forward, I think he is one of the most outstanding figures of all of history. On the other side, the almost unmatched violence—and that says a lot, especially in contemporary America—with which his opponents went after him, vilified him, demonized him, really gives you a sense of the degree to which they were absolutely terrified of him.
One of the great German natural law philosophers, [Friedrich August] Freiherr von der Heydte, said that the LaRouche case reminded him of the Dreyfuss Affair in France. And former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark, in speaking to a commission investigating the so-called LaRouche case in 1994, said:
The LaRouche case represents a broader range of deliberate cunning and systematic misconduct over a longer period of time, utilizing the power of the Federal government, than any other prosecution by the U.S. government in my time, or to my knowledge.
Leadership to Save Humanity from
World War III
What was behind that, or who was behind that, is what people nowadays call the Deep State, or better, the Anglo-American intelligence apparatus; the same kind of apparatus which is behind the coup attempt against President Trump since 2016, behind Russia-gate, behind the demonization of Presidents Putin and Xi Jinping, and the people who are now in an all-out push to get war going, maybe even before the U.S. election, or at least drive the containment against Russia and China up to the point where it could go all wrong and we could have World War III.
The effect of these people having been relatively “successful”—and I mean that ironically—is the reason that we are now on the verge of World War III; that we have an out-of-control pandemic; that we are still threatened with the danger of a financial collapse of the entire system; and that we have famine especially in the developing countries which could quickly reach Biblical dimensions.
If we want to overcome these dangers—even at this very late stage of affairs—it will depend—and we can discuss it, but it is my deepest conviction—it will depend on our ability and your help to free Lyn’s name from the lies, slanders, and distortions, and to implement Lyn’s solutions, which really have practically taken care of every single problem which is an existential threat to humanity today.
In a very beautiful paper called, “The Historical Individual,” which I would urge you to read, he saw two major missions for himself. One, he said, I want to get you safely through the worst of the presently onrushing world and national crises. And secondly, to foster a new leadership from among the ranks of our young people, which will understand the systemic features of history, and therefore, will be much less likely to make the same mistakes as the foolish members of the recent two adult generations have made until now.
That fostering is directed towards you. You are the young people who are the future. Therefore, it is up to you to develop out of your ranks the kinds of leaders who will make a difference in history.
Lyn said, in that paper, when every nation, every culture is in a tragic moment of great crisis, it is “gripped by the need for a sudden and profound change in the quality of its leadership.” Then survival depends upon its “willingness to choose a new quality of leadership,” and not leave the fate of humanity to those narcissistic leaders who occupy leading positions now, who are only concerned about their performance, but not about the well-being of their nations or the world. You have to have the aspiration to become, all of you, true great statesmen. You have to take as your examples, according to whom you want to orient your life, such people as Benjamin Franklin, or Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jeanne d ’Arc, or Martin Luther King; and, I would like to add, Lyndon LaRouche.
An ‘Ugly Duckling’
We have now the greatest danger that the world is run by leaders around the world who are mediocrities—there are very few exceptions—who are really not fit to lead the world out of this crisis. This is at a moment when you would need intellectual and moral giants. So, the indispensable leaders for such times as these, Lyn says in this paper, are those people who succeeded, practically from childhood, to let themselves be taken over by the natural potential for the sublime. The sublime—that is, that quality described by Friedrich Schiller where a human being attaches his or her identity to higher values than even our physical existence, and becomes not physically safe, but morally safe.
Such a person rejects the banality of popular culture and taste. Such a person rejects the world of sense certainty, the pleasure in the here and now, and develops the innate power of that quality that is described in I Corinthians 13—agapē. A profound, passionate love for mankind, without which, the world will not get out of this crisis.
Those relatively free souls among us, Lyn says, are the “ugly ducklings,” those who are mistakenly called “eccentrics” because they don’t fit the mainstream popularly accepted taste of the social clubs of that kind of paradigm which got us into this crisis. Lyn jokingly, but not so jokingly, called himself many times an “ugly duckling.” But I can assure you, his mind was the most beautiful swan you ever could see.
The Young Lyndon LaRouche
As a young man, Lyn studied, all on his own, the ideas of Leibniz, and he listened to Classical music. He rejected Kant—especially his ideas about aesthetics—that there was no meaning in beauty, and that beauty was arbitrary. He rejected Kant’s idea that there was no knowable, universal truth.
Lyn then joined the Second World War, participating in the India-Burma theatre. He told us many times of his experiences in the Calcutta riots of 1946. This was a very decisive moment in his history because he saw firsthand the brutish character of the British Empire in action. It was clear in his mind from that point on, that the natural course of affairs would be that after the Second World War, the Americans would return and develop India and other developing countries, as was the intention of Franklin D. Roosevelt to develop the developing countries with American technology.
Lyn was shocked when he heard that Truman would replace Roosevelt and told his contemporaries in India that a great man had been replaced by a very little man. And he was completely appalled when he then returned to the United States and saw how people who had developed a certain greatness in fighting Nazism and in fighting fascism and being in World War II, how they became petit bourgeois; going into the suburban life of American cities. Lyn developed a healthy contempt for that kind of lifestyle.
Then, in his function as a business consultant, he came across the theories of Norbert Weiner and John von Neumann. He studied information theory and systems analysis, and immediately recognized that these systems were not capable of describing real economic processes of physical economy, which he had started to develop into his own system based on the ideas of Leibniz.
He developed the idea of physical economy, which became the basis for him to become the most successful economic forecaster of the recent period. His love for Classical music—Bach, Beethoven—had given him the appreciation for the importance of the cognitive potential of each individual. From that standpoint, he was one of the very few people in the 1960s—when most everyone was mesmerized by the hippies, by “flower power”—he immediately recognized that this paradigm shift, which was induced by the oligarchy, would destroy the cognitive potential of the population in the long term. He started an unceasing campaign against the danger of drugs and the rock-drug-sex counterculture.

Then, I think the most important point in this early period was that Lyn recognized what it meant when Richard Nixon, on August 15, 1971, decoupled the dollar from the gold reserve standard, and introduced floating exchange rates. Lyn understood that what Franklin D. Roosevelt had intended with the Bretton Woods system—which had partially survived what Churchill and Truman did with it—was then being totally destroyed. Lyn said, prophetically, that if that monetarist tendency were to continue, it would inevitably lead to the danger of a new depression, a new fascism, and the danger of a new world war, unless it were replaced by a just, new world economic order.

Malthusianism Refuted
Immediately following this, in 1973, Lyn created a Biological [Holocaust] Taskforce to study the impact of austerity imposed by the IMF and World Bank on the developing sector—the infamous IMF conditionalities that had prevented the developing countries from investing in infrastructure and health care, forcing them to pay their artificially inflated debt instead. Lyn said that if that were to continue, it would inevitably lead to the outbreak of old diseases and new pandemics. He had the foresight that epidemics and pandemics would develop, and they did: AIDS, SARS, MERS, Ebola, and now COVID-19. None of this would have had to happen if Lyn’s policies for the development of the developing countries had been implemented.
From that perspective, Lyn also immediately recognized the absolute devastation of the implementation of the Malthusian policies of the Club of Rome, and how the paradigm shift occurred at the beginning of the 1970s: From the idea that it was natural that eventually all developing countries would develop, as expressed in the development decades of the 1950s and ’60s of the United Nations, to its replacement by the infamous theories of the Club of Rome: the idea that there are limits to growth, the idea that population is not a good thing; that the “population bomb” is the greatest threat to humanity; that there is overpopulation.
Basically, Lyn knew that was completely wrong; that this was completely against the laws of the actual physical universe. He developed one of his most important conceptions, which was the idea of relative potential population-density. Meaning that it is a law of the universe that the number of people must increase; they must develop more abilities to have longevity in order to be able to have more people be able to develop more skills which require longer education. And that the effect of this would be limitless development. He also knew that the premise of the Club of Rome was completely ridiculous. The Earth is not a closed system; the whole assumption of the Malthusians is wrong.
Naturally, his image of man was that man is not an accountant who manages limited resources, and for sure not a parasite as the Greenies today say. But the discoveries of man can again and again show him new physical principles that are part of the development of the universe, as a matter of fact, are the most developed part of it.
The First of Eight Runs for President
Because Lyn saw the danger the Malthusian ideas represented for humanity, he decided, as an individual, as somebody who was not backed by Wall Street or the City of London, to run for President of the United States. He did that first on the Labor Party ticket, a party he founded in 1973. He was the Labor Party’s candidate in the Presidential campaign of 1976, fighting against the Trilateral Commission and all their rotten ideas, the danger of nuclear war, and the urgent need for the industrialization of the developing sector.
This was a very bold idea. Lyn meant it; he went in for winning the Presidency. The U.S. Presidency is probably the most powerful institution in the present world; this is due to the American Revolution, the idea of the Declaration of Independence, that life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are the inalienable right of all human beings, given to them by the Creator. This Constitution of the United States defined it as the task of the government to protect those inalienable rights of all human beings.
Therefore, it was the first time that there was actually a form of government which was the complete opposite of the oligarchical model which existed in the monarchies and other forms of government in Europe, where the ruling idea was that the purpose of the government was to protect the privileges of the elite and keep the mass of the population backward.
So Lyn, as an independent, decided to go against this plutocracy, the control of the Democratic and Republican parties by Wall Street, and fulfill the promise of the Declaration of Independence and the American Constitution. Lyn ran for President eight times, in 1976, and then from 1980 to 2004 as a Democrat. He had the concept that he had to wage this battle to turn the United States into a force for good, as it was intended by the Founding Fathers.
How the International Development Bank
Will Work
In the year before he started the first campaign, in 1975, he developed a revolutionary conception—the International Development Bank (IDB). It was the idea that it should replace the IMF; that it should be an incredible credit institution for technology transfer to industrialize the so-called Third World.
He developed also in 1975, the Oasis Plan, which was the idea to develop Southwest Asia; develop new water, green the deserts. He developed with his associates, a plan for the industrialization of Africa.

Naturally, immediately, the establishment regarded Lyn as the greatest threat to their system. Because what became known only later, in 1974 Kissinger had developed a paper called NSSM 200 [National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests], which was a blueprint for population reduction. It quite brazenly defined the raw materials in some of the most populous of the developing countries—13 countries—as belonging to the strategic interest of the United States. Therefore, their population should be reduced, because too many people in these countries would consume too much of their raw materials. This scandalous paper was only made public in the 1990s, but obviously every word that Lyn was saying went completely against these ideas.
Then, we published the proceedings of a conference on the Industrialization of Africa we had in 1979 in Paris when Lyn’s Presidential campaign was already in full gear.
I was in Paris organizing a one-week diplomatic seminar with a group of Arab ambassadors who had planned to invite Lyn to come to Paris and give them a one-week course on the Oasis Plan, on his economic theory.
This was really a major event. But what happened? On the day that the seminar was supposed to start, Lyn had just arrived from the United States. I got a phone call from the Iraqi ambassador, who said, unfortunately, I must tell you that Mr. LaRouche has to develop a “diplomatic flu.” He must basically say he’s sick and therefore cannot participate in the seminar. Lyn was supposed to have been the main speaker, the main teacher. As it turned out, Henry Kissinger, himself, had just flown into Paris that day, to personally pressure the French government and all the ambassadors to cancel this event all together.
By 1976, we had already organized for one full year in many countries around the world, to implement the International Development Bank. We had talked to many embassies of the Non-Aligned sector, of Africa, of Latin America. In the fall of 1976, the Non-Aligned Movement practically adopted that plan for a New World Economic Order at its Colombo conference in Sri Lanka.
So we were extremely happy. I called up all the media in Germany and asked, “When are you reporting this?” They said, completely arrogantly, “We are not reporting this, because this is not newsworthy.” I said, “What? Three-quarters of the human species want a New World Economic Order, and you say this is not newsworthy?”
Well, that was the first major lesson about the control of the media. Then, what happened was a tremendous backlash, where leaders of the Third World, Indira Gandhi, Mrs. Bandaranaike, President Bhutto, were all destabilized, and also General Juan Velasco Alvarado from Peru already in 1975, he was one of the leaders of this movement. They all were ousted or killed. This all happened on the orders of the IMF and the State Department. But Fred Wills, the Foreign Minister of Guyana, introduced the IDB conception to the UN General Assembly in 1976.
In 1976, Lyn was running for President of the United States, and I was running for Chancellor in Germany. I thought that was necessary because the alternatives were Helmut Kohl and Helmut Schmidt—Kohl being your typical mediocre conservative, and Schmidt, who had some good features, but he had also endorsed Hjalmar Schacht, the Finance Minister of Hitler, or his policies.
I thought it was necessary to fight for an alternative. That double candidacy brought Lyn and me much closer, and in 1977 we got married. This was then the beginning of a truly beautiful marriage, which is very precious to me.
Immediately, death threats started. The so-called Red Army Faction, Baader-Meinhof groups. The Red Army Faction is RAF, which is also short for the Royal Air Force of Great Britain. So, it causes one to wonder. Some of the so-called third generation of that terrorist RAF probably never actually existed. The enemies of Lyn’s conceptions were determined to suppress his ideas.
Lyn continued his Presidential campaigns. In 1980, he campaigned against George Bush, Sr., and ruined Bush’s Presidential ambitions at that time, which got him the lifelong hostility of the Bush family. But it also made him an acquaintance of President Reagan, which turned out to be very fruitful later on.
Operation Juárez
In 1982, we did an enormous number of things. López Portillo, the President of Mexico, who had gotten to know our youth movement in Mexico, was completely intrigued by the fact that there would be young people who would fight for such ideas. So he wanted to find out about LaRouche. When the peso was under massive attack, and there was a huge capital flight organized out of Mexico, he invited us to come to Mexico City. He asked Lyn to help him defend the sovereignty and the currency of Mexico.
Lyn immediately wrote a program, not just for Mexico but for all of Latin America. This was called Operation Juárez. It was the idea of an infrastructure development plan, a debt reorganization, and basically developed credit mechanisms for long-term real development of the entire Latin American continent. At that time, Latin America had a $200 billion debt. They had paid that debt many times over; this is what we call “banker’s arithmetic,” but $200 billion—which is now proverbial peanuts in terms of all these quantitative easing trillions being pumped into the system. But $200 billion in 1982 was regarded as enough to bring down Wall Street and the City of London.
When López Portillo implemented that policy on September 1, 1982, it just happened that Lyn and I, on that day, were in Frankfurt, Germany, meeting with the management of the Credit Institution for Reconstruction [Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau]. At 11 a.m., we were just standing there, talking. One of the biggest currency traders rushed into the room and said, “This is it! Wall Street is finished! This is a debt bomb by the Latin American countries. This is the end of the system!” Lyn just smiled and said, “No, don’t worry.” It’s just a way to save these banks; because if you reorganize them in an orderly fashion, that’s the only way they can actually be saved. That was really a remarkably interesting moment. However, the establishment thought that was the end of their system and increased their resolve to go after Lyn.
In the same year, we went to India and met with Indira Gandhi. We worked with her on a forty-year development plan for the development of India, which also was part of Lyn’s conception to develop the whole world. The programs together, the Mexico program, the India program, Latin America, Asia, Africa—it basically would have meant that the entire Malthusian order as it was then developed, would have been undone.
The same year, Lyn started to work on another grand design for the change of the world, which was that since the end of the 1970s, we had found out that the Soviet scientists were developing beam weapons. They had developed a point defense system for the city of Moscow.

A Science Driver: Technology from New Physical Principles
Lyn was convinced that the biggest danger of nuclear war would arise when one side—either NATO or the Warsaw Pact—would be able to develop new weapons systems based on new physical principles, making nuclear weapons obsolete. In that moment then, the one side would feel encouraged to use nuclear weapons while they were still usable. You also had the development of the medium-range missile crisis, where in Europe you had the Pershing II and SS-20 missiles directed against each other, with only three or four minutes’ travel time until they would hit their target. They were always on launch-on-warning status, and at that time, you had a gigantic peace movement of people who knew that we were on the verge of World War III.
Lyn developed a conception of how the two superpowers—the United States and the Soviet Union—would not enter a new arms race, but instead develop these new systems jointly—develop and implement such systems jointly, and for the first time, make nuclear weapons technologically obsolete. The defense would be less costly than the offense. An absolutely brilliant design. It was not what the media claimed in calling it Star Wars. Rather it was a viable and brilliant conception of how to technologically make nuclear weapons obsolete.
For one full year, we organized conferences—in Rome, in Paris, in Bonn (at that time, Bonn was the capital of Germany), and in Washington. Out of that developed negotiations between Lyn and the representatives of the Soviet Union in a so-called “back channel” discussion, in which the Soviet Union seriously studied whether to adopt that policy.
After one year, in February 1983, the Soviet representatives sent a message from Moscow that the idea was rejected because, they said, it would give the West more advantages. Later we found out the reasons—namely that the Ogarkov plan had completely different objectives, and they therefore rejected it. But, on the 23rd of March, President Reagan announced that very policy to be the official U.S. strategic policy, naming it the SDI, the Strategic Defense Initiative.

A little bit later, Lyn developed what that policy could have been. Namely, in a protocol for the superpowers, he described how the development of these new technologies based on new physical principles would lead to a science driver in the military field. And that if they were applied in the civilian sector, they would lead to an incredible increase of the productivity of the economy. Then, if the two superpowers would work together, they could dissolve the military blocs of the Warsaw Pact and NATO, and jointly make a technology transfer to the developing sector, ending the character of these countries as proxies in a superpower confrontation, and really go in the direction of overcoming poverty and the development of the so-called Third World.
President Reagan adopted that policy. He wrote two official letters to the Soviets, offering American help to apply these technologies in the civilian sector. That is generally not discussed, but we were very close to establishing a completely human world order.
At that time, the determination of the oligarchy to really go after Lyn escalated. Because Lyn was not only able to define conceptions which would have changed the world for the better, but he got heads of state to implement these ideas—López Portillo, Indira Gandhi, President Reagan. So then, when the Soviet Union rejected Reagan’s offer in 1984, he said if the Soviets keep their existing policy, they will collapse in five years. Now, they did collapse, as you know. In 1989, when the [Berlin] Wall came down, his prediction was fulfilled.
In 1982, when all of this became very clear, that Lyn was having these impacts, Henry Kissinger, in May, made an infamous speech at Chatham House in London, where he admitted that he always followed the orders of the British Empire much more closely than those of the United States government.
Kissinger, in August 1982, wrote a letter to the FBI Chief of that time, William Webster, and demanded that there should be an investigation of Lyndon LaRouche as a Soviet agent of influence. Nothing was further from the truth, but that is where basically the entire apparatus, which was completely upset after Reagan started to put the SDI on the agenda, went completely wild. Bush, Schulz, that faction.

Founding of the Schiller Institute
However, this was a period when we did so much. In 1984, we started the Schiller Institute. It was my idea, but Lyn was completely supportive. Very quickly, the Schiller Institute, which had the idea that you needed to replace the present policy with a foreign policy based on statecraft, and that nations should relate to each other by referring always to the best of the other. The best culture, the best traditions. That you needed to fight for a new world economic order and a renaissance of Classical culture. So, in the 36 years since, the Schiller Institute has become a very influential institution on five continents.
Also in 1985, we had a beautiful conference honoring Krafft Ehricke, one of the great space visionaries and rocket scientists, who had not only developed beautiful conceptions about colonizing the Moon and the development of Mars, he developed the idea of the “extraterrestrial imperative.” The idea that mankind would completely transform its nature through space travel. He was a very good friend of both of us.
In all these years, Lyn was incredibly productive. He had already developed in the 1970s key conceptions about the fundamental laws of the universe. He had developed the Riemann-LaRouche economic model, which was based on the physical principles of the real universe, and not on the sense-certainty perception of the mere shadows, which was one of the ways he became the best forecaster on the planet. He made clear the fundamental difference between the Platonic and Aristotelian traditions in European history.
Classical Music and the Fusion Energy Foundation
He initiated a beautiful campaign for the protection of the principles of Classical music, the so-called Verdi tuning, which was endorsed by all major singers of that time, and many instrumentalists. Lyn developed out of this work a close friendship with Norbert Brainin, who was the first violinist of the famous Amadeus Quartet. Once Norbert spent two days in our house in Virginia. He and Lyn spoke for hours and hours—two full days about music—at the end of which, Norbert said, “Well, you know so much more about music than I do.” I think this was a correct characterization. Lyn also developed beautiful friendships with such singers as William Warfield and Sylvia Olden Lee; with Piero Cappuccilli, with Carlo Bergonzi.
In 1974 Lyn founded the Fusion Energy Foundation, which was a scientific institution fighting for the frontiers of science, including the life sciences, and which also engaged in putting forward large-scale development projects. We had assembled around us in the 1980s more than a hundred top scientists who agreed with us to build three private universities, one in Peru, one in America, one in Germany, to teach Lyn’s scientific method.
That was all interrupted with the infamous raid of our home, and in Leesburg, our offices, and the prosecutions which followed. The life of this organization was completely changed. Up until 1986, we were building, we were optimistic, we were only engaged in productive concepts of how to make the world better. But after this raid, we had to really defend ourselves, and obviously with the prosecution of Lyn and him being innocently in jail, this organization had really to fight for our existence. They wanted to get rid of us all together.
But before the jailing of Lyn happened, again completely prophetically, he wrote an article in 1987, in which he said, if I become President in 1989, I will make sure that there will be a unification of Germany with Berlin as the capital. That idea that Germany should be unified, and that Germany should have a peace treaty, was also part of our wedding agreement. We had said that Lyn would be President of the United States for eight years, and then I would be Chancellor of Germany for eight years. So, this was sort of a joke, but not totally. It was also meant seriously.
Then, in 1988, Lyn held the famous press conference in the Kempinski Hotel in Berlin, where he predicted that Germany would soon be unified, and Berlin would soon be the capital of Germany. Again, as with Lyn’s prognosis that the Soviet Union would collapse, which he had said in 1984, in 1988, nobody thought that Germany would be unified. But when the Wall came down one year later, we were the only ones who had a conception of what to do. Lyn was already sitting innocently in jail, but we immediately worked together on the Productive Triangle: the idea to develop Eastern Europe with the help of modern technology.
When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, we immediately expanded our conception to become the Eurasian Land-Bridge: the idea to connect the population and industrial centers of Europe with those of Asia through development corridors. We promoted that conception in literally hundreds of seminars and conferences. I’m absolutely sure that that whole effort very much influenced what then became the Chinese New Silk Road, the Belt and Road Initiative.
The Task is Now Yours
The most important thing Lyn contributed however, was a method of thinking. He opened access to ideas which had been completely forgotten, pushed aside by the rewriting of history and the history of ideas through the oligarchy. He again made it possible for people to understand the spiritual power of the mind for hypothesis. A method which, if it were applied by young people all over the world, would simply mean—and it has to mean—that many of the young people of the world will have a way to access how to become a genius. Many of you will become outstanding leaders who can change the world for the better.
So, what is the lesson of all of this? Will we give up just because Lyn’s opponents have made such a mess of the world? They have the questionable success that they succeeded; therefore, we are on the verge of World War III, famine, epidemic, and general collapse.
But consider—and we will hear about it for the rest of this event—that if Lyn’s ideas had been implemented for the past 40 years, we would have Africa as a blossoming garden. We would have Latin America completely developed. You would have many countries who would be not less developed than China is today. You would have Europe not being the culturally relativistic mess it is right now; Europe would have revived the beautiful culture of the Golden Renaissance and the German Classical period of Schiller and Beethoven. The United States would be a force for the good, where people around the world would be happy to be friends of that great country.
I think history will, for sure—if there is going to be a history—record that Lyn’s enemies were the worst scoundrels, on a par with all the previous scoundrels in the world, among them Hitler and others. And that the world would have been such a more beautiful place if Lyn’s ideas had been implemented.
That task is now yours. You will be those people who have to design a new era of mankind. If you think that job is too big, I think you should be confident. Because the entire history of mankind is the proof that Leibniz’s conception that we are living in the best of all possible worlds is true: Every great evil will generate an even greater good. I think that that is exactly what we can do, and it absolutely depends on whether there are enough people who have the potential to be truly great leaders. That is what I want you to become.