This article appears in the April 9, 2021 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
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Helga Zepp-LaRouche
Let Us Cure the Insanity of the
United States and the European Union
Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder and President of the Schiller Institute made these remarks at the close of the third panel, “Southwest Asia: Pivot for War, or Peaceful Development with the New Silk Road” during the Schiller Institute March 20-21, 2021 conference, “World at a Crossroad: Two Months into the New U.S. Administration.”
I want to address the question: Are the United States and European Union self-destructive? I think they are much more so, than people really realize. Because right now, they want to commit $30 to $50 trillion to green investment. Now, that is the biggest self-destructive policy because you cannot go to low energy density in highly advanced industrial countries, without destroying those countries.
This will come at a huge social cost. One of the economists at Deutsche Bank recently wrote that the whole debate about the Green Deal has been completely dishonest, because the EU for example, did not tell the people that this will mean a gigantic, dramatic reduction in the living standard, and will destroy many, many jobs. There is now a first, important reaction that was mentioned yesterday. Twelve Attorneys General from twelve American states are suing against Executive Orders of Biden, trying to implement that.
I think one should really consider the fact that in the Interim National Security Guidance, the geopolitical confrontation with Russia and China is dominant and that the other major issue is that climate change is now a top national security priority of the military-industrial complex! I think this deserves to be much more reflected upon, because I think this is the crux: What has the climate change question to do with the fight against Russia and China?
I cannot now elaborate this in all consequences. I just want to present it as food for thought. People have to really digest that. I think what Senator Black said is true. We have been trying to do that for many years. But if we could mobilize, that the same investment of $30-$50 trillion would go into infrastructure in the United States, to reconstruction in Southwest Asia, we would solve the problem; we could have a peace solution. We could have a solution which would be in the interest of everybody, and it is clearly the alternative to the building up this war machine and going to war. But to do that, would really require a gigantic mobilization of the populations of many countries, working together. And this is one of the things we want to accomplish with this conference.