This transcript appears in the May 28, 2021 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
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A ‘Different Approach’ from Russia and China Threatens the Globalist Oligarchs’ Great Reset and Green New Deal
The following is an edited transcript of The LaRouche Organization’s Weekly Webcast with Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Friday, May 21, 2021
Harley Schlanger: The first story we want to cover is the Global Health Summit conference in Rome, Italy taking place today. The speech by China’s President Xi Jinping today at that conference was important. Helga, what can you tell us about that conference?
Helga Zepp-LaRouche: We were trying to create an environment around this summit to make sure the agenda would be up to the standard required. We circulated a statement by the Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites, an organization created by me and Dr. Joycelyn Elders, former U.S. Surgeon General, to fight for a world health system: meaning a world health system in every single country. Every nation must have a modern healthcare system, not just vaccines, not just supplies, but to have modern hospitals, advanced doctors and nurses, and all the equipment which every country could have, and therefore, should have. We have circulated that statement among, I would say, hundreds, if not thousands of members of parliament around the world, ambassadors, institutions of all kinds.
We do not yet know the full outcome of this summit. I got a preliminary report, and I saw an excerpt of Xi Jinping’s statement. He was invited by the organizers of the conference, which was Prime Minister Mario Draghi, as the Italian President of the G-20 and EU Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen. They invited Xi Jinping, which makes good sense, because China is the country which has the best record in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.
Xi Jinping elaborated a five-point program in which he said that there must be a “global community of health” and that the lives and health of people must be put “front and center,” and that we must guarantee that every single life is protected. This has been the foundation of the policy of the Chinese government in fighting the pandemic. So, I think this is a very good start. There are many other important leaders: I saw that Mexican President López Obrador is there. We will give an evaluation if this summit did live up to the demand of this pandemic once it is concluded.
But I think it is not enough to lift the patent, which President Biden recently said. We completely support that, and there are obviously ways how firms can be compensated, but the question is how do you transmit the technology, the technology transfer to the developing countries so that production sites can be erected in the countries and continents where these vaccines must be administered. So this is a very important test for the ability of the world to respond to such a crisis.
This is a very important point, because, as we have said many times, the fight against this pandemic and the recognition that this pandemic was completely unnecessary—this by the way has been stated by the World Health Organization in noting that most governments responded much too late and had a laissez-faire approach. If every country had hospital systems, as they did in Wuhan, where if you don’t have enough hospital beds, you can build a modern hospital in one week with 1,000 beds, the spread of this pandemic could have been halted. That, however, requires sufficient electricity, energy, clean water, and other infrastructure. And that is why we will continue this fight to say that this must be the starting point to seriously overcome the underdevelopment in the developing countries. So this is just one moment in a battle, but an important point to review.
Russia-China Collaboration on a Nuclear Power Station
Schlanger: What you were just describing is a different approach than what most governments have taken, and we see now, a collaboration between Russia and China which is becoming more close, more intense, with the dialogue yesterday between Presidents Xi and Putin on the opening of construction of a nuclear project. This really is quite different from the Green New Deal and what’s being pushed by the unipolar system.
Zepp-LaRouche: Yes, it’s very refreshing, because President Putin and President Xi Jinping decided to celebrate the collaboration of China and Russia in the construction of four new nuclear reactors, with the help of Russian technology—not only the construction as such, but to make it a point that this is the beginning of a much larger contribution of the two countries to work to improve the innovation for all of humanity. And Xi Jinping in particular said they want to make a decisive contribution to such a transformation. I think this is extremely important: Because if these two countries—one being one of the two largest nuclear powers, Russia; and China being the second largest economy, and also becoming a sizable military force—if these two countries decide they will go on a course of advanced technology, higher energy flux-densities. And given the fact that their attitude is sharing a lot of projects, a lot of technology with developing countries, this is becoming a very attractive model, and it really breaks this Green New Deal, and I think it is a good example of how you can go about things in a completely different way.
Schlanger: The trans-Atlantic think tanks like the Atlantic Council, the Royal Institute of International Affairs/Chatham House, the Council on Foreign Relations, are very focussed on their fears of a Russia-China military alliance. But I think what’s more threatening to them is that we’re seeing the potential for economic collaboration, against the project of the Great Reset and Green New Deal.
India and Africa
Now, there’s a very important presentation, also, from Wang Yi, the foreign minister of China, who was talking about the need for more cooperation to help Africa. What did he say?
Zepp-LaRouche: There was a UN Security Council Open Debate “On Peace and Security in Africa,” where Wang Yi, who now holds the rotating presidency, called on the international community to upgrade their efforts to help Africa to deal with the pandemic; not just the distribution of vaccines, but everything, the supply of all medical requirements, of really helping Africa to overcome the lack of infrastructure and lack of development which is why they’re so absolutely threatened right now.
Especially in light of the fact that the pandemic is out of control in India, where a new variant has developed which is an enormous crisis for India; but also creating a situation where India, the main producer of vaccines for Africa, had to virtually stop its export of vaccines to Africa. So, this is why Wang Yi made a very important point.
This Indian situation is horrendous. They had infection rates down in February to very few, less than 10,000 a day, which for a country of 1.3 billion is really very low. But then, I think, they loosened the restrictions too early; they had a lot of religious festivities, and now they have these incredible infection numbers, and they’re completely unequipped. It’s a total crisis.
There is a huge mobilization among Indian organizations. There are a lot of overseas Indians in the United States, trying to convince Biden that he should release the 60 million doses of AstraZeneca the United States has in stock, which Biden has not done yet so far, which is a complete outrage. But the situation in India is very grave, because the hospitals—there are by far not enough hospitals, there is no oxygen. In the rural areas, where many people had fled to, everything is breaking down. And there is now a big danger that eventually the planting season, which is now, may not take place because of the ravaging of this pandemic, and people are worried that this may lead to a severe food shortage by the fall.
So, this all underlines the necessity that only our approach can remedy the situation: A modern health system in every single country, but also doubling food production, because mankind should not be in need of food, when it would be so easy to remedy it.
Schlanger: When you talk about the positive developments that we’re seeing with Russia and China, there are a couple of stories I’d like you to comment on, that show the opposite: One is this incredible article in the British medical journal The Lancet, which makes the argument that we cannot provide modern health systems for 5 billion people! This is the classic Malthusian approach, but it’s really quite dangerous.
Zepp-LaRouche: I think it’s very revealing. This was an article which was published in 2019—so long before the pandemic erupted. It says, explicitly, that 5 billion people at that time were not having the advantage of a modern health system and the idea that if you would provide that, that would blow up the climate for the whole planet. This is the same argument that Obama made in 2013, when he was in South Africa in Soweto, in a university. And when a student asked him, what are you providing for Africa in terms of development, Obama said, if everybody wants to have a car, air conditioning and a big house the planet will boil over, so forget about it.
This is the old colonialist idea that the underdevelopment of the developing countries, the non-white parts of the world, that that is certified, cemented forever, that it’s only a small, preferably white elite that has all the privileges, and that the countries of the developing sector will be kept down. And you can cull the herd, if there are too many of those.
This was discussed by Friedrich Schiller, already in his writings, about “The Legislation of Lycurgus and Solon,” where he contrasted what became the republican model of state typified by Solon, who when he was asked, what is the purpose of the state, said it’s the development, the progress of the people; and Schiller contrasted that to Sparta, which was the prototype of the oligarchical model, where, if there were too many slaves, in this case it was the helots, well, you can just shoot them and cull the herd. And that attitude is still what is behind the neo-Malthusian idea, like everybody can’t have a car, and you know, in a tropical climate, everybody can’t have air conditioning. What an outrage!
So, I think this is really something most people don’t think about. They take somehow for granted that the poverty and the underdevelopment of the developing countries would be forever. But this is the absolute declaration of bankruptcy, because if you don’t recognize that every human being on this planet has the same inalienable rights as we do, then I think you are on the wrong side of history.
Schlanger: The same thing was expressed by Mark Carney, the former Governor of the Bank of England, who basically gave a diktat, that the African countries must not develop industry, and instead should sell their carbon offset to the right countries. This is the same Malthusianism.
Zepp-LaRouche: Yes, this is really outrageous, and I think it would be very good if every country from the developing sector would study what he said there. He did that in the context of the announcement for the COP26, the big climate summit which will take place in November in Glasgow, Scotland. He said there will be a climate offset market until the end of the year, where most of the demand, 90%, will come from the firms of the industrialized countries, and 90% of the supply will come from Africa, who can then trade off, that if they sign contracts that they will not develop their resources, that they will not develop agriculture, that they will basically not industrialize, then they will get a lot of money paid from the Western firms to make such an offset. So they should get money for signing treaties to not develop.
And then he said, if the Western firms invest in that, then there must be permanence and integrity and transparency, so therefore, it must be controlled. And then comes along—who?—the Chief of MI6, Richard Moore, who says that since climate change is the most important foreign policy goal of the British Empire, one can say, MI6 will be conducting worldwide surveillance to ensure that these contracts are met.
This is incredible! This is an open declaration of reintroduction of colonialism, and to have a colonialist police in the form of MI6 to make sure this is happening.
I think the countries should absolutely reject that. Why would they sign an agreement to not develop? This is not well known enough, that there is such an open campaign to reintroduce colonialism in its most naked form!
A Debate on the Origin of
Changes in the Climate
Schlanger: There is a plan to have a debate on the so-called climate change, to get at the question of whether it’s solar radiation or carbon dioxide that’s the cause—this is an initiative from Italy.
Zepp-LaRouche: Yes. It’s very good. A few months ago, several hundred Italian scientists wrote letters to the Italian government, to the EU Commission, to the United Nations, saying there is no climate emergency, the whole thing is a complete fraud. Out of this circle of scientists, they plan an initiative to have a public debate, whereby the two models of climate change are debated, whether it’s CO2 emission, is it man-made climate change? Or is it the astronomic oscillation which has been going on for millions of years, changing always between ice ages and warming periods, small ice ages, as we have seen it for millions of years—obviously, having just gone through this incredibly cold spring period, one would tend to think maybe some of the Russian scientists who claim we are in a new ice age have a point.
But apart from such ephemeral things, I think it’s more fundamentally a question of science, and in light of this Green Deal and the Great Reset, some of these people are waking up and recognizing that this is now an absolutely crucial debate to be held. So we can look forward to hearing about that a lot more.

Schlanger: There’s also been a lot of focus, for obvious reasons, on the situation between Israel and Palestine. But there’s also still the Syrian sanctions, the destruction policy against the people of Yemen, the continuing wars. And it does appear as though there are more people coming around to agree with what your husband, Lyndon LaRouche, said many years ago, that you can’t have a political solution, without an economic solution. And the solution we’ve proposed is economic cooperation. How would that work?
Zepp-LaRouche: I think the situation in the Middle East is terrible. There are very passionate demonstrations. People talk a lot about the role of Israel, but it must be recognized that it was the Biden administration that gave the green light to everything Netanyahu wanted to do, telling him he has as much time as he wants. And unfortunately, this is exactly the same as the Trump administration’s policy before. I think it’s completely terrible.
The plight of the Palestinians is beyond belief. Look at the casualties. Look at the call of Cardinal Zenari, the Apostolic Nuncio to Syria, who reported that more than 90% of the population is in dire need, having fallen below the poverty line over 10 years of war, because of the Caesar sanctions, because of COVID. The situation in Yemen is completely heartbreaking.
The Big Powers Must Drop Geopolitics Now!
We have to have development: “The new name for peace is development.” That is what Cardinal Zenari said, and frankly, given the complexity of the region, I don’t think there is any chance to solve the Israel-Palestine crisis, or any of the other situations unless there is an end to geopolitics among the large powers. The United States, Russia, and China, have to cooperate. Then you can solve the problems in the Middle East easily. It has been used as a cockpit for geopolitical confrontation for a very long time. The plan to solve it starts with the New Silk Road, which President Xi offered as a viable economic plan in 2015, when he visited Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt. He proposed extending the New Silk Road into the whole region.
There is a demand coming from the Iraqis, from the Afghanis, from the Syrians, the Yemenis, all wanting to have that kind of cooperation, and if the United States and the Europeans would stop their evil, geopolitical regime-change policy, which still insists that they will not help in the reconstruction of Syria until Assad is removed. This has to stop! Or else, we are creating a Hell for everybody on Earth, and maybe the extinction of the whole human civilization.
Because, if geopolitics is continued, we may end up having no civilization, because the warnings that we are closer to nuclear war than at any time since at least the Cold War, but probably earlier, many such voices are being raised in the recent period. And I think there must be a complete change in thinking. The more people get active, and the more people start to take responsibility, the better the chances are that we can change the situation.
The European Union Idiocy
Schlanger: Another area where there needs to be a change of thinking is the European Union policy toward China. There’s been somewhat of a debate over this recently, in terms of the sanctions policy and so on. Where does this stand?
Zepp-LaRouche: What the European Parliament just did is stupid. They just voted by a large majority to stop the investment agreement between China and the EU that had been agreed upon toward the end of last year, at the insistence of Merkel. They voted to stop that, including MEP Reinhard Bütikofer [Greens-Germany], this old Maoist (that’s how he started his career), whom I think doesn’t like the reforms of Deng Xiaoping, because he is still in the framework of the Cultural Revolution. He tweeted that the Chinese shot themselves in their foot, and now the agreement is out.
And fortunately, Michele Geraci, who presently is teaching in China, responded to the tweet, saying that it was the EU that requested that agreement to have more access to the Chinese markets, so who shot whom in the foot? Maybe if you think slapping somebody in the face is a big gain, then it is European firms and workforce who have to pay for it.
But this just shows you the utter stupidity of the Greens in particular, but also the victims of this anti-Chinese brainwashing. And people should look at what China is doing: It’s completely illegitimate how these accusations against China are being conducted, because in reality many more countries realize that collaboration with Russia and China is to their benefit. Look what is happening right now in Central America, the backyard of the United States, where Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, all want to have cooperation with Russia, with China, and they see where they get an advantage, and where they’re being just used for military purposes.
Schellnhuber’s ‘New European Bauhaus’ Proposal
Schlanger: Helga, we have enough time to take up one more example of the idiocy of Greenie ideology, and this is the case of Sir John Schellnhuber and his new proposals for how construction should be done. It’s hard to imagine how these guys can be treated as serious thinkers.
Zepp-LaRouche: Well, Schellnhuber has quite a record of polluting any place he goes to: The EU Commission got their guidelines from him on climate change. He defined a lot of Merkel’s policy on climate change; he unfortunately polluted the Vatican Academy of Sciences, he influenced the present Pope Francis with his ideology, and now he, together with Ursula von der Leyen, started a project—in Weimar, of all places!—trying to pollute the beautiful tradition of the Weimar Classics by having a project which they call the “New European Bauhaus,” whereby Schellnhuber is in the middle of calling for a radical change in construction worldwide. He proposes that all the previous construction material such as concrete, steel, aluminum, glass, be replaced by wood and bamboo only! His idea is that if everything goes well, and everything can be put on a “circular economy,” by 2050, up to 50% of all construction worldwide should only come from wood and bamboo.
And what they said in a recent internet seminar; they want to convince the not-developed countries to do likewise, and then they want to have 90% of all construction worldwide, be only from wood and bamboo. Now what that will do to the environment and the climate, when you have such an incredible demand for wood, but since they want to reduce the world population to 1 billion or so, maybe they think this can be done. It’s insane!
It’s completely crazy and they want to call this a New Bauhaus movement. But to do this in Weimar is an assault on the best tradition Germany has, which is the Weimar Classics and it should not be tolerated.

Humanity on Mars
Schlanger: Just so we don’t leave our viewers with that bit of insanity, let’s end by talking about the Chinese rover, which is now on Mars, preparing for some exploration up there. This is quite exciting.
Zepp-LaRouche: Yes, and I think it shows also how the Chinese are thinking about it, because the rover is called Zhurong, which means the god of fire, and that is the same idea as the idea of Prometheus who stole fire from Zeus and brought it to human beings for the benefit of their livelihood and production and improving their lives. So to call it Zhurong, by bringing that kind of power to Mars is beautiful.
Now three nations are in the midst of Mars missions: The United States, which already made some breakthroughs by having its little helicopter Ingenuity successfully fly on Mars, which is incredible; the United Arab Emirates, and now China. We will see what these Mars missions will accomplish. That’s the way to go. We have to look to the stars to get a perspective for the future of humanity and not be some backward oriented people who want to turn history back, like the Schellnhubers of this Earth.
Schlanger: We started by talking about a different approach: This is what you have been fighting for, with the Schiller Institute, with the idea of a new paradigm, and we’re seeing it come into existence in spite of extraordinary efforts by the oligarchy to send us back into the Dark Ages. So Helga, thanks for joining us today, and we’ll see you next week.
Zepp-LaRouche: Till next week.