LaRouche on Israel's Bombing of Lebanon
LEESBURG, Va., April 14, 1995 (EIRNS)--Democratic Presidential pre-candidate Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. issued the following statement today.
Readers of the publications associated with my work as Contributing Editor for EIR News Service, will recall a recently reported comment by a U.S. State Department press spokesman. In that statement, the State Department deplored the suggestion that Middle East terrorism could be attributed to Britain, that ally with which the United States presumably has the closest sort of "special relationship."
That State Department opinion was emitted under conditions that a continuing flood of evidence shows the authorship of Middle East terrorism against Israel to originate with organizations whose headquarters are in London. The State Department opinion is that Iran, rather than London, is the source of these attacks.
Hence, since the U.S. State Department refuses to acknowledge the existence of the evidence pointing to London, the State Department implicitly instructs the government of Israel to bomb Lebanon areas indicated to be concentrations of Iran-based Hezbollah.
Already, the government of Israel has found itself pressed to account for injuries which Israel's attacks have inflicted upon innocent Lebanese. Israel accuses Lebanon of being responsible, for reason of failing to have disarmed the Hezbollah. Why will Lebanon not disarm the Hezbollah? Because Syria's Hafez al-Assad will not allow the government of Lebanon to do so. In the meantime, Israel does less than nothing to stop the terrorist attacks at the source, London.
Let all the guilty assume the blame they should. As a U.S. citizen, it is my moral responsibility to blame the State Department's role in, once again, covering up for the crimes of London, just as Secretary of State Christopher has covered up for London's continuing complicity in the Serbians' genocide and other atrocities in the Balkans. After all, London's geopolitical purpose in deploying terrorism against Israel's Peace Plan, is to shoot down every foreign-policy success of U.S. President Clinton; it is therefore all-too-logical, that certain State Department circles should assist London in Britain's effort to ruin President Clinton's policies.