The reference, in the most recent issue of the Beijing publication of the Industry and Commercial Bank of China, China Urban Finance (see Documentation), to certain crucial similarities of views between two of the world's best-known economists, ``the well-known American economist Lyndon LaRouche'' and France's Nobel Prize economist Maurice Allais, typifies the recent months' profound, ongoing shift in thinking, among leading political and economist circles from all continents.
Until recently, even during the 1996 U.S. election-campaign period, among most leading nations, not all, but a majority of leading circles would have joined hands to oppose the theses published since August 1994, in the widely-circulated LaRouche's Ninth Forecast:
[ 1 ] as additional documentation supporting that forecast has been significantly updated in the Jan. 1 edition of Executive Intelligence Review, and later locations, since.[ 2 ] It is the first-hand knowledge of this writer and his associates, that, recently, among the highest-ranking, relevant circles in a number of leading nations, only a rapidly dwindling minority still refuses to acknowledge the fact, that the world financial system is already in the process of a global chain-reaction collapse. The question today, is ``What do we do about the oncoming financial crash?''Despite that growing agreement on diagnosing the severity of the patient's sickness, no consensus has been reached in prescribing medication. Yet, despite the disagreements over choices of medication, most current leading opinion, so far, can be assorted among four types of policy-options.
- Preparations for the short-term: Let us construct our war-plan for controlling events on the day either the New York financial market collapses in panic, or the collapse of the banking system of some leading nation, sets off a systemic, global chain-reaction.
- Hysteria: We must throw everything, including U.S. Congressman Phil Crane's proverbial kitchen-sink, into the markets, to defend the present financial system, at whatever cost. This second option, is typified by the report which former Senator Sam Nunn reported, to Aviation Week,
[ 3 ] as the commitments of a bi-partisan group in which he had participated.- Whatever comes, this nation and its people must survive: A third option asks: What must be done, to be certain that ``our nation'' (such as the U.S.A.), and also our citizens' pensions, do not go down the sewer, together with a doomed Wall Street? This type of thinking is still the thinking of a small minority, but the view is spreading.
- Euthanasia for all nation-states: Among some of the wealthiest international financier-oligarchs, the response is: Let the financial system destroy itself in an orgy of ``globaloney.'' When the world's financial system collapses, we will have bought up title to most of those raw materials (international food-trade, petroleum, natural gas, precious metals, strategic minerals, and the choicest real estate) on which continued life on this planet largely depends. The wars and genocide which the British Privy Council, its Baroness Lynda Chalker, British war-Lord Caroline Cox, and their Commonwealth, have launched in the ``Greater Horn of Africa,'' typify the raw-materials grabs and build-up of mercenary-based, warlord regimes, which groups such as the cronies of Sir George Bush are conducting, in anticipation of the early day the world financial systems go bust and nation-state governments also collapse.
Only the third option provides any calculable expectation, that civilized life would continue on this planet, much beyond the beginning of the coming century. Without the collaboration among at least some of the world's leading and other powers, in defining and adopting a President-Franklin-Delano-Roosevelt style of approach to global financial reorganization and resumed physical-economic growth, chaos would reign throughout this planet, perhaps for as long as a half-century, or more.
When those facts are taken into account, it is quickly apparent, that, without the appropriate leadership from the United States, no attempt at a rational, post-IMF world economic order would be achievable. That means, that sudden decisions of great pungency and force, must be instituted by the U.S. Executive branch during the remaining years of President Clinton's term of office. In that context, China, today, represents the leading potential partner of the U.S.A., in the effort to ensure that global civilization survives the inevitable doom of what many find it convenient to identify as ``the present IMF system.'' The referenced article from China Urban Finance, reflects those currents of China policy-thinking, the which represent some of the most crucial present discussion-partners for the Clinton Administration, world-wide.
Since this writer's televised, Berlin press conference of Oct. 12, 1988,
[ 4 ] in which the early collapse of the Soviet economic bloc and reunification of Germany were forecast, the present writer and his associates have been at the center of the international organizing efforts which presently overlap the China government's commitment to an already ongoing process of developing mass-transit-spined, economic-development corridors across the Eurasian continent, from the Pacific and Indian oceans, to the Atlantic coast and into Africa. In China, this projected Eurasian development is identified as ``The New Silk Road'' projects. Iran has participated in the recent completion of some of the international transportation links. India has recently committed itself publicly to its part in the Eurasian network's development, linking Southeast Asia, including Indonesia, into the rail networks leading into, and from western continental Europe. Other nations have declared interest in aspects of the overall project.[ 5 ] Recently, the present writer has used a number of occaions to put on the public record the outlines of the required global economic-recovery program. Three chief, categorical, and interdependent monetary, financial, and economic components:
The preparation for, and convening of what is fairly identified as an emergency ``New Bretton Woods System,'' repealing the failed ``floating-exchange-rate monetary system,'' replacing that self-bankrupted post-August-1971 system with a new monetary order containing the most successful features of the pro-agro-industrial 1946-1966 Bretton Woods agreements.
A shared commitment to a global economic-recovery program, premised upon large-scale infrastructure development, and centered around the Eurasian Land-Bridge projects already in their initial implementation.
A revival, and mobilization of the strategic machine-tool capabilities of leading industrialized nations, such as the U.S.A., western Europe, the former Soviet Union, and Japan, as part of an integrated process of global participation in the increase of the productive powers of labor through investment in scientific and technological progress.
South and East Asia represent the overwhelming majority of the human population, and therefore the great mass of potential for economic growth during the coming century. Cooperation between China and India, and mutual cooperation with the nations through which they are linked to Eurasian land-routes, is the indispensable key to a global economic renaissance erupting early during the coming century. The future political and economic security of the planet, and of the nations in it, depends absolutely upon such a renaissance.
In this setting, the present writer, as an economist, has come to assume a place in world affairs today analogous to the part played by his Nineteenth-Century predecessors, the American System economists Henry C. Carey and Friedrich List.
Acknowledged: during the 1984-1988 interval, this writer's influence on policy-shaping was set back, temporarily, by the most extensive and savage, politically motivaed, fraudulent prosecution and mass-media defamation, ever directed against an international public figure, in the Twentieth-Century history of the United States. This campaign was conducted, largely through a corrupt mass news media, in the U.S.A. and internationally, with more intensity, duration, and scope, than against any personality not a major figure of government. As a result, even still today, there are millions of U.S. citizens who have been so thoroughly brainwashed by a mass-media campaign coordinated through Henry Kissinger, George Bush, et al., that those duped persons react with knee-jerk outburst of baseless, irrational rage, at the mere mention of the name ``LaRouche.''
Nonetheless, despite the lingering effects of that 1980s mass-brainwashing of simple citizens by the habituated liars of the establishment's mass media, the role of this writer, together with Executive Intelligence Review newsweekly, is one of the most important private influences contributing to shaping new economic and strategic thinking, throughout most of the world today. The referenced article in China Urban Finance, is a symptom of both China's emerging world-role, and of the present writer's role in building a new kind of bridge of collaboration between the U.S.A. and China of the coming years.
China Urban Finance names two of the world's leading economists warning against the insanity of today's radically neo-conservative, ``globalist'' dogmas, two who have warned against the threatened earlier doom of the planet flowing from what have become today's generally accepted classroom economics dogma. In many nations, significant numbers of economists and related professionals are warning governments of the folly of continuing recent trends in generally accepted economics dogmas. It is the duty of those professionals, to collaborate in assisting their governments, in defining the new policy-options needed to enable the nations of this planet to survive the inevitable and early doom of the presnt ``IMF system.''
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., The Coming Disintegration of The Financial Markets (Leesburg, Virginia: New Federalist, August 1994) (See also, EIR, June 24, 1994.)
[ return to text ]Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., ``We Are at the End of an Epoch,'' address to a conference of the International Caucus of Labor Committees, Eltville, Germany, Dec. 2, 1995 (see EIR, Jan. 1, 1996).
[ return to text ]Sam Nunn, a speech entitled ``Surveying the Strategic Landscape,'' as reported in the ``Aerospace Forum'' column, Aviation Week & Space Technology, Nov. 25, 1996.
[ return to text ]Rebroadcast, as part of a nationwide, half-hour TV election-campaign special broadcast, entitled ``The Winter of Our Discontent,'' on CBS-TV, on Oct. 31, 1988.
[ return to text ]See The Eurasian Land-Bridge: The `New Silk Road'--Locomotive for Worldwide Economic Development, EIR Special Report (Washington, D.C.: EIR News Service, January 1997).
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