The biggest political earthquakes of the Twentieth Century, were not the outbreaks of wars and revolutions, but rather, those uncommon occasions, when the citizens of a nation were awakened some morning, to read the long-suppressed truth about their own nation's history in one of their country's leading daily newspapers. The politics of Germany, and the world, could never again be the same, after the leading political daily of Germany, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, published the truth about U.S. President George Bush's role, in 1990, in imposing, intentionally, the conditions which have caused the economic collapse of Germany today.
Germany's politics, and Europe's, will never be the same again.
For Americans, a comparable experience would be, reading in the flagship daily of the U.S. Anglophile financial establishment, the New York Times, a documented report, that the Anglo-American establishment arranged things inside the U.S. government, such that Pearl Harbor would not be mobilized to prevent the attack of Dec. 7, 1941: so as to shock the U.S. population into a war-fighting mood. Or, to read in that New York Times, the officially documented evidence, showing that the Times, in January 1974, ran a major libel against what was then a relatively minor political celebrity, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.: as a cover-up for the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation's use of the FBI-controlled Communist Party U.S.A. in a just-aborted assassination-attempt against that same LaRouche.
For better (as in President Franklin Roosevelt's U.S. recovery from the Depression which he had inherited from the pro-British policies of Presidents Woodrow Wilson and Calvin Coolidge), or, for worse (as in the 1933-38 backing of the Hitler regime by the father of later President George Bush, Harriman executive Prescott Bush), no profound change in the course of a nation's, or the world's history can occur, except through a sweeping rethinking of what had been generally accepted opinion on the preceding interval of history. So, today, until the U.S. public accepts such truths, as the fact that George Bush, as Vice President (and head of the ultra-secret, drug-trafficking, E0-12333/NSDD-3 Special Situation Group), was the U.S.'s Colombia-cartel-connected, leading cocaine kingpin, there is little likelihood that the U.S. Constitution will still be in force for the presently scheduled general election of Nov. 7, 2000.
What Detlef Junker, Director of the Washington, D.C.-based German Historical Institute, presented to the FAZ's readers, was the fact that, in 1990, President George Bush was advised to resist Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's grim determination to crush Britain's NATO ally Germany; instead, to summarize the essential facts, Bush negotiated a deal among Thatcher, France's President François Mitterrand, and Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachov, to put Chancellor Helmut Kohl's Germany under a regime of destructive "self-containment," which would destroy Germany and its D-mark, as Mrs. Thatcher and her François Mitterrand devoutly desired, but would compel the Germans to do it to themselves, under the so-called "Maastricht" agreements: rather than have it openly imposed from the outside, under the post-war "Four Powers" agreement of the "occupying powers."
The appearance of that FAZ report implicitly, totally discredits any German political figure, or political party, which continues to insist on submission to the terms of the "Maastricht" agreements. With that, the 1989-96 era of continued Bush-league U.S. foreign policy-structures is doomed.
The publication of that report occurs in the midst of a wave of political mass-strikes, throughout western Europe, chiefly strikes against the terms of the Maastricht agreements. The publication of Detlef Junker's featured report, occurred as the mass-strike wave in Germany had reached a new, ominous high-water mark, with enraged German miners in mass demonstrations on the grounds of the "forbidden city," the government zone within the Bonn national capital.
Already, Chancellor Kohl himself had been confronted with the threatened choice of dumping Maastricht, or being summarily dumped--for a new "grand coalition"--himself. The strike-wave reaching into Bonn's "forbidden-city" zone, combined with evidence of a new round of explosions and implosions in the international financial system, had brought Germany's Maastricht political commitments to the breaking point.
A new page in Germany's history has thus begun. In Germany, and throughout the world, this signals that we must now choose, a profound, and sudden change in the course of history--either for the better, or much worse.