Don't Belittle Danish Voters on `No' To Euro
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
September 29, 2000--As of the close of the day, Thursday, it appears that the Danish voters have voted their patriotic preference for keeping their national currency, over the Euro, by a considerable margin. In and of itself, the presently reported outcome was generally expected, and, apparently, its most immediate effects had been prediscounted by the usual "financial markets," that during the several days preceding that election itself.
Nonetheless, only fools will belittle the Danish voters' decision. Although last night's reported poll was not an unexpected development, the early result will include not precisely predictable, but early and significant, catalytical effects on the international political and financial situation.
The captains of English-speaking imperial financier interests, are still in charge of the ship, still relishing their temporarily continuing authority to rattle sabers, make wars, to hire and fire subordinate executives, and to decide which passengers will die next; but, so far, they exhibit neither the intelligence, nor the will to save the ship known as the world's financial system from sinking. They bark their orders, but, for all of that, the ship is sinking at an accelerating rate, the turbulence stirred up by each new subsidence growls more loudly, and the shudders of its <ntsubsidence are more menacing than a few moments earlier. In the case of those present authorities, allusions to "Hitler in the bunker," are timely. That is the situation on the battlefield, on the evening after the vote in the Danish election has been reported. As the Prussian military advisers to Russia's Tsar Alexander I counseled in 1812: "The enemy appears to be winning, but, therefore, that fool is also losing."
To sum matters up, we have entered a revolutionary period, in which the script is complete with featured inclusion of a powerful and mass-murderous, but doomed and tarnished former glory of the old regime. In fact, the only way in which to understand the present situation, is to take a point some short distance into the future, and to use that as a vantage-point to look backwards toward the present moment, to view the leading personalities of leading powers and mass-media voices of the current moment as the future will view them, as doomed voices of a recent past. We must adopt the standpoint of that future vantage-point in time, a retrospective view, from the future, of the present as tomorrow's self-doomed past.
In a situation like the present world situation, revolutionaries may be slaughtered, or triumph. Either way, they will be honored for their contribution to the more distant future beyond. But, the sidewalk superintendents and bookmakers of current history will be consigned to that Hell where the contemptible bask in the well-deserved disgust they have, once again, so richly earned in this present crisis, as in notable parallels from the history of the past.