This statement appears in the June 15, 2001 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
LaRouche: McCain Bolt
From GOP Would Be Lawful
The following release was issued by LaRouche in 2004, the campaign committee of Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., a candidate for the 2004 Democratic Party Presidential nomination, on June 2, 2001. It was entitled, "LaRouche Says McCain's Possible Bolt From GOP Is Lawful, in Light of 200 Years of American History."
Today, Lyndon LaRouche offered his assessment of the weekend meeting between Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and incoming Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D-S.D.), which has provoked speculation that McCain may soon leave the Republican Party and announce his intentions to run for the Presidency in 2004 as an independent. LaRouche noted that the McCain development is lawful, when considered in light of more than 200 years of American history. LaRouche drew the parallel to the situation at the time of the War of 1812, when the first edition of Mathew Carey's book, The Olive Branch, played a key part in the work of collaborators such as Henry Clay, in forging the formation of the Whig Party. This was done in response to the crisis of failure of existing party institutions, both the Federalist Party and the Jefferson-Madison Democratic-Republican Party, and the failure of existing political institutions to address the crises. That action by the Careyites, in turn, led to the later founding of the Republican Party of President Abraham Lincoln, which saved the Union from the British-sponsored Confederate secessionist plot.
Today, the horrible performance of the Bush Presidency in the first 100 days in office, combined with the tendency among some pro-Confederate elements in the Democratic Party to split with traditional Democrats, and pursue a sectional political agenda, has provoked a political crisis. No decent American, particularly no decent elected political official, can accept this situation, particularly in the context of a worldwide financial breakdown crisis now rapidly unfolding. Thus, we saw last week's action by Sen. Jim Jeffords (I-Vt.), in breaking with the Bush-Lott GOP, and delivering control over the U.S. Senate to the Democrats. This is a manifestation of growing recognition, internationally, and within the United States, that the Bush Presidency is a disaster for humanity.
How, then, are American political currents to respond to this crisis? Many who did not agree with Lyndon LaRouche, as late as December 2000, now find themselves agreeing with him, about the nature of the unfolding global crisis and the dangerous incompetence and venality of the Bush Administration. There is thus a lawful rejuggling of the American political spectrum now under way. There is now a tendency to form what might appear to be a third-party movement, which will impact significantly on the 2002 Congressional elections and on the 2004 Presidential race. A sweeping restructuring of American party politics is now under way, LaRouche declared. However, he cautioned against any simple-minded conspiratorial conclusions respecting the McCain-Daschle discussions.
This is, LaRouche emphasized, a lawful process, as seen in the context of over 200 years of American political history. It is not possible, at this time, to say which way McCain and others will jump. But, what is clear is that a sea-change in the political party alignment and in the policy agenda, is now under way, and that is a healthy development that LaRouche had uniquely anticipated and has decisively helped to shape.