Putin's Silent Offer to the U.S.A.
Statement by EIR Founding Editor Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., on Russian President Vladimir Putin's state-of-the-union address. LaRouche's statement is also available in Russian.
(An English translation of Putin's address is available at http://russia.strana.ru/stories/2001/04/03/986298477/986298219.html (Part 1) and http://russia.strana.ru/state/presidency/2001/04/03/986300109.html (Part 2)
The full Russian text of Putin's address is available at http://president.kremlin.ru/events/191.html.)
April 6, 2001
Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin's April 3 "state of the union" address to Russia's parliament, the Federal Assembly, is, by far, the most significant public statement, in importance and in respect of real substance of its content, by any of the world's heads of state or government, since the 1991 break-up of the Soviet Union. Although President Putin conspicuously excluded even a breath of mention of the name of the United States in his address, the references to the U.S.A. were clearly implied, although only as gestures in the direction of something behind an unmarked door.
Any competent assessment of that official address by Russia's head of state, will adopt and feature the following leading points.
First, as I emphasized in my March 21 public address to an international audience, Russia is one of only three nations, including the British monarchy and the U.S.A., presently, whose national culture impels it to play a leading role in world affairs. President Putin's April 3 address meets that standard.
At the present moment of crisis, only initiatives from among those three nations could spark the quality of agreements needed to save the world from the presently imminent, worst economic and demographic collapse in recent centuries. President Putin's address has opened the door for such a needed process of global reform.
Second, it is a clear statement of a set of policies, which represent, in fact, a competent commitment to bring a chaos-stricken world back into order, by development of relevant nation-building and related security partnership throughout the Eurasian continent.
Third, this policy declaration appears at the moment the world's presently reigning international financial system is gripped by a fatal collapse threatening the real economies and populations of every part of this planet. This occurs as the manifest incompetence and bungling of the new U.S. government is horrifying the leading circles of nations which have been the closest, most long-standing adherents of a world dominated by Anglo-American leadership.
Fourth, U.S. partnership with Eurasia, in implementing the kinds of economic-recovery and other partnerships implicit in President Putin's April 3 address, represents the greatest opportunity for building new forms of international cooperation now urgently needed for the economic recovery of that rust belt which used to be known, several decades ago, as the powerful and growing U.S. economy.
It is urgent that the plain implications of President Putin's proffer of a combination of international development and internal Russian economic and political stabilization, find early, positive response among both leading nations of Eurasia, and also the U.S.A. The movement of some combination of leading nations in that direction, would provide the indispensable context in which to introduce the sweeping and profound general monetary and related reforms urgently needed to supersede the presently doomed architecture of the IMF system in its present form.
The government of the U.S.A. should be regarded as a self-doomed pack of fools, if it fails to come soon to the point of recognizing these implications of that address.