LaRouche to Nader:
Voodoo Won't Save California
Lyndon LaRouche, who has announced his intention to seek the Democratic Presidential nomination in 2004, issued the following statement on Jan. 23, in response to Ralph Nader's demand that California Gov. Gray Davis "let the state utility companies go bankrupt."
The voodoo trick, of suffocating and burying a man, and resurrecting him as a zombie, is not the way to improve the performance of California's energy deliveries to its people and institutions.
You may not like the choice of George W. Bush as President, but, you must act as I do in this matter. He is the President, and we must not forget that his problems may become, more or less automatically, those of our nation as a whole.
This new President has done, as I had stated my fears on this point before his inauguration. He has, for this moment, painted himself into a deadly political corner on the California energy-crisis. He is presently trapped, at least for the moment, in a choice between Enron's profits from its looting of our nation's energy sector, and a collapse of a state economy, that of California, equal to that of the sixth largest nation of the world, and the most developed part of our U.S.A. Therefore, our new President's stated position on the matter, if he sticks to it, could be, even probably, the blunder which detonates a chain-reaction collapse of the already tottering and financial-derivatives-bloated world financial system.
We must re-regulate the existing industry, and reestablish the rule of the general welfare of the nation and population as a whole. We must save the industry, not lurk like voodoo priests, waiting for the time to call the dead to rise from out of the cemetery. We must act to save the industry and its service to the general welfare now, before President Bush's recently stated wrong-headedness on the issue, if uncorrected, sinks his Presidency, virtually at its start.