The DNC Doesn't Really
Represent Anyone!
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.This analysis was written on Feb. 28, 2003, and circulated by the Presidential candidate's political committee, LaRouche in 2004.
That outburst by one important Democratic official, came in response to the measures which have been taken by the DNC faction of the 2000 Presidential campaign-ticket of Al Gore and Joseph Lieberman, all in a frankly hysterical and thuggish attempt to exclude me from the list of current candidates for the Democratic Party's 2004 Presidential nomination.
The issue behind that series of thuggish actions taken by representatives of the Democratic Leadership Council's (DLC) faction in the Party is the issue defined by Senator Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) in a January 1995 declaration, that "This nation does not need two Republican parties." The traditional Democratic Party, which I defend and promote, is that of the tradition of President Franklin Roosevelt. The opposing, "second Republican Party" to which Senator Kennedy referred, is that of Marc Rich-linked Gore and Lieberman, et al. today.
The "second Republican Party" on which Senator Kennedy focussed in his January 1995 address—the DLC—came into being during the early 1980s around Meyer Lansky mob-offshoot Michael Steinhardt. This Michael Steinhardt is a leading associate of the "Russian Mafiya" kingpin Marc Rich, the same Marc Rich closely associated with current U.S. Vice-President Dick Cheney's office.
Over the course of the recent two decades, this faction within the Democratic Party has based itself on rejecting the interests of the lower 80% of family-income brackets. These in the lower 80% are today's equivalent of the "forgotten man" on whose behalf Franklin Roosevelt campaigned in 1932. They are the families of farmers, manufacturing operatives, senior citizens, those in need of health-care, the homeless, and the poor generally.
That lower 80% represents the majority of the Democratic Party's natural constituency. Therefore, the DLC crowd represents nothing of importance to the nation today. That lower 80% is the natural constituency of my candidacy for the Democratic Presidential nomination; therefore, the DLC is in deadly fear of my candidacy.
The following series of events is a reflection of that conflict between my candidacy and that DLC which Senator Kennedy pointed out as "the other Republican Party."
How the Squabble Began
When the Democratic National Committee announced that they were inviting all declared candidates for the 2004 Democratic Presidential nomination to address their Winter Meeting in Washington, D.C. last weekend, the name of Lyndon LaRouche was glaringly omitted. When DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe was informed of the omission, it opened a week-long discussion regarding LaRouche's candidacy. After extensive discussion back and forth, LaRouche's representatives were told that the issue "had not been resolved"—that the DNC was not going to take the (suicidal) step of attempting to claim that LaRouche was not a "bona fide" Democratic candidate, but that, at least for now, they were declining to issue an invitation to him.
Athough McAuliffe's Pilate-like decision was a step back from the kind of insanity practiced by the DNC under the tutelage of the corrupt Gore-Lieberman machine during the Year-2000 Presidential campaign, it still did not sit well with LaRouche's Democratic supporters. Despite the DNC's obstinate refusal to include LaRouche on the Winter Meeting's agenda, LaRouche's campaign headquarters continued to receive invitations from College Democrats across the nation, seeking his participation in upcoming state meetings of College Democrat chapters.
When members of the LaRouche Youth Movement saw that the College Democrats of America were sponsoring a public town meeting as part of the DNC Winter Meeting, they thought it would be an excellent place to raise the question of support for Mr. LaRouche's candidacy. When the College Dems opened their meeting on the evening of Feb. 20, they found that the majority of the audience was comprised of LaRouche's college-age supporters. Soon after the opening remarks, the discussion centered on questions surrounding both LaRouche's candidacy and his programmatic approach to intervening in the unfolding financial breakdown crisis. Although not everyone agreed on all particulars, the debate was an intense and lively one, conducted in a fraternal spirit on all sides.
At least, all was sane and well until some DLC-connected DNC bureaucrats, from upstairs, decided to play a dirty trick for the convenience of Al Gore and Joe Lieberman and a group of moneybags who happen to be staunch supporters of Ariel Sharon and the overall drive for war.
Those individuals, who have a clear affinity for the money provided by organized crime-linked figures Marc Rich and Michael Steinhardt, and hence for the war they support, were so worried about the direction of the honest debate, that they proceeded to call the police.
To the surprise of the College Dems who were hosting the meeting, any young person even suspected of supporting Lyndon LaRouche's candidacy was forcibly removed from the room. More than a dozen of those expelled had no connection with the LaRouche campaign. Only when the DNC leadership was confident, mistakenly, that the LaRouche presence had been removed, did DNC Chair McAuliffe make a surprise appearance at the town meeting, and attempt to rally those gathered around banal points regarding their college tuition. He avoided all of those more compelling questions of war and the state of the global economy that had been on the table just a few moments earlier. McAuliffe also congratulated the College Dems on the ouster of the LaRouche delegation, pretending, fraudulently, that his audience had been somehow involved in the decision.
Meanwhile, the members of the LaRouche Youth Movement who had been removed from the town meeting, continued to organize both young and old meeting participants, in the hotel's lobby and restaurants. Not surprisingly, the vast majority of the meeting participants from across the United States had no idea that LaRouche had been barred from addressing the gathering, and could think of no reasonable explanation for that decision by McAuliffe.
Not true, however, of the corrupt inner circle. DLC hack Joe Sanders stood on the escalator screaming at a young African-American LaRouche supporter that LaRouche was a racist and an anti-Semite. Perhaps out of thoughtless hysteria, Sanders chose to refer the young man to the DNC's "attorney of record" in the 2000 case in which the DNC argued against the Voting Rights Act in an effort to keep LaRouche and his duly elected delegates out of the Democrat National Convention, for the "facts" against LaRouche. Ironically, that attorney, himself no Democrat, was none other than the son of the Department of Justice's notorious racist Jack Keeney, who not only anchored the "Get LaRouche" task force, but who also was one of the intellectual authors of the infamous "Operation Frühmenschen" doctrine that targetted black elected and public officials for persecution.
Another young LaRouche supporter was accosted in the elevator by a belligerent and screaming Ron Oliver, Chairman of the Arkansas Democratic Party, who insisted that any supporter of Lyndon LaRouche should be immediately imprisoned!!!
Come the Day After
Early the next morning, Terry McAuliffe's staff contacted LaRouche spokeswoman Debra Freeman, to complain that the LaRouche campaign had violated some imagined "deal" not to intervene in the meeting. They were informed that no such agreement had ever been made. The following day, when LaRouche supporters returned to the conference to listen to candidate Al Sharpton address the participants, they were fingered by party bureaucrats and barred from entering the meeting hall.
A few days later, during a visit by LaRouche to the state of Arkansas at the invitation of State Senator and Legislative Black Caucus Chair Henry "Hank" Wilkins—a state where LaRouche has gotten more than 22% of the Democratic vote during the Y2000 primary campaign—DNC strong-arm tactics continued. After a full day of very successful events in Pine Bluff, including a town meeting in which Mr. LaRouche shared the podium with several influential members of the Legislative Black Caucus in addition to Senator Wilkins, the candidate was the guest of the Caucus at their weekly meeting in the State Capitol in Little Rock. When Mr. LaRouche's turn to speak came, the members of the Caucus, many of whom had been so engaged just the night before, greeted his remarks with nervous silence. At the time, although it was apparent that something was wrong, it wasn't clear just what had occurred, and LaRouche's entourage had to move on to the next series of meetings in what was a heavy schedule.
Later that same day, at a reception held in LaRouche's honor, members of the Caucus confided that Oliver and his henchmen had attempted to strong-arm members of the Caucus into disinviting LaRouche. When those efforts failed, Oliver deployed three "observers" to the Caucus meeting to "monitor" the behavior of the legislators, in an obvious attempt at intimidation.
Caucus members were insulted and infuriated at the heavy-handed tactics, and questioned why the Gore-Lieberman apparatus was so afraid of a simple address by LaRouche. One officer of the Caucus said, "It wasn't an endorsement meeting. We're in a massive state fiscal crisis and Mr. LaRouche had something important to contribute. Why blow it up this way? What is it that they are so afraid of? What's going on here?"
Clearly, what was going on was that those financial interests close to the "Russian Mafiya's" Marc Rich were willing to employ any tactic they needed to to quiet LaRouche, who has emerged as the leading U.S. political voice internationally opposing the drive toward war, and demanding action on dealing with the onrushing global collapse.