Sewers Are Often Suburban
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.The following statement was issued by the LaRouche in 2004 Presidential campaign committee on July 29, 2003.
The right-wing Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) with its right-wing suburban twist, is to today's Republican far right what Henry "Scoop" Jackson's gang was to the frankly racist "Southern Strategy" of Richard Nixon. Currently that DLC is exerting a ruinous, if waning degree of control over the Democratic National Committee (DNC). Therefore, no one should be surprised that the current polls show little net difference between the candidacy of incumbent President George W. Bush and the pitiful pack of nine DNC-managed rivals for my own 2004 Democratic Presidential nomination. If the Democrats would dump the DLC and its Tweedledee copying of the right-wing rhetoric of Tweedledum Bush, Bush's re-election-campaign would already be trailing hopelessly far behind.
Those Democrats have yet to learn, that the only important appeal of the supposedly popular Brand X, is that it can be bought for a cheaper price. The reason the Democratic National Committee has been losing, is that it insists upon producing some sleazy Brand X variety of "greasy kid stuff." Get the greasy DLC out of sight and smell, and the Democratic Party, spruced up and freshly wrapped, could move way ahead.
Despite the current leadership of the DNC, Franklin Roosevelt's Democratic Party is not dead; it is only being muffled by the current party bureaucracy. Fortunately, there is a growing, lively ferment being stirred by some leading elected Democratic officials at the national and state levels. For example, the pressure from Congressmen and others for Vice-President Dick "yellowcake" Cheney's resignation, is doing the good work of putting the Bush White House over a barrel. Part of that pressure is from some good Democrats, and also some good Republicans, who are already filling an important part of the moral and intellectual vacuum left by the present, almost vacant DNC leadership.
Therefore the first, simplest question to be asked by all serious political figures, Democrats or Republicans, today, is: Would Bush lose the 2004 election if he dumps Cheney now, or, is it inevitable that he will lose if he keeps Cheney? Is the defeat of Bush's reelection effort by a competent rival not already inevitable, either way?
Meanwhile, the increasingly apparent, Vietnam-like folly of Cheney's and Rumsfeld's Iraq policy, combined with the onrushing breakdown-like collapse of the current, "floating-exchange-rate" world monetary-financial system and the matching tailspin-like dive of the U.S. dollar, are pushing the remembered recovery policies of FDR back onto the agenda. The only way the Democrats could lose the 2004 election, is to blow it, by foolishly following the silliness of a current DNC leadership which continues to be fiddle-footed on the present life-and-death issues of war and economy.
The question should not be: who is going to win the next election? The issue is: if the combination of Bush and one of the DNC-approved Democratic contenders win the Presidential nominations, will the nation survive the result? The question is: where is the candidate who could lead our nation out of the disaster which either the election of President Bush, or of any among my nine current rivals, would guarantee?
Where President Bush is concerned, there is only one deliverable offer which the Democrats could make to him. Show him the way in which he can prepare to have a safe exit from office, come January 2005. Tell him and his family circle: "Get rid of that pesky pack of Gingrich-like neo-conservatives, and let the wiser heads of the institutions of the Presidency guide you through safe passage to an honorable exit. Mr. President, you really have no other option; what we are offering is the best deal that anyone could actually deliver to you." I, for my part, would sign on to the proffer of that guarantee, if he would adopt it before he commits some horrible new blunder which would force the offer to be withdrawn.
That said, what is the most crucial challenge which the next President of the United States must overcome?
The Roosevelt Syndrome
Today, any serious discussion of electoral strategies begins with a reference to the nearly comparable situation which faced Franklin Roosevelt, from the time of his 1932 election-campaign, until his death. No Presidential candidate should be seriously considered for the nomination, unless and until he or she recognizes certain crucial similarities between the situation which Roosevelt faced then, and what you would have heard already from any competent choice of candidate for the Democratic nomination at this time.
The principal active threat to the security of our republic, now, as during the quarter century following the post-World War I Versailles Treaty, is an organization which was known to the world's leading intelligence services as the Synarchists. This organization was classed in the files of various among the world's intelligence services, including those of the United States as "Synarchism: Nazi/Communist." This Synarchist association, steered by a consortium of private family banking interests, was the creator and controller of a network of fascist governments including Mussolini's Italy, Hitler's Germany, Franco's Spain, and the Vichy and Laval governments of war-time France, and, also, a network of Nazi Party-run Synarchists, coordinated through Spain, and subversive movements run from Mexico on south, throughout South America. This same Synarchist network is the agency behind those so-called neo-conservatives, grouped around Cheney and Rumsfeld, which has used the clearly intended effect of Sept. 11, 2001, to virtually take over the U.S. government's domestic and foreign policies. This Synarchist faction is the present political enemy which every U.S. patriot must be prepared to defeat; any different view is not only a foolish one, but also a potentially fatal error, an error now already threatening our constitutional form of government.
When the 1940 Nazi defeat of the continental forces of France, Belgium, and Britain put western Europe under Hitler's domination, Britain's Winston Churchill and our Franklin Roosevelt faced the following, horrifying prospect. Were the British naval forces to fall into the hands of Hitler at that time, a combination of Nazi-led, Synarchist-created fascist regimes in Germany, Italy, Spain, France, and Japan, would proceed to gobble up the Soviet Union and then present the U.S.A. with a hopeless situation, a prospective strategic threat to it, from the combined naval and other forces of Britain, France, Germany, Italy, and Japan. On this account, President Roosevelt and Churchill reached agreement on a politically very difficult alliance between them, an alliance which, with all its enormous defects, saved the world from virtual Hell.
We are in an analogous situation today. The difference now, is that the presently grave military threat to the U.S.A. comes not from Europe, but from the risk that the nuclear arsenal of the U.S.A. might fall under the general control of the Synarchists' neo-conservative circles associated with Cheney and Rumsfeld.
There are certain added parallels of crucial strategic importance, including economic parallels, which must be taken into account as the basis for the Democratic Party's policies for the present pre-election campaigns.
What became known, after the Versailles Treaty, as the Synarchist International, was the kept property of a consortium of medieval-Venice-style private bankers, as typified by the Banque Worms complex which ran Vichy and Laval's France in partnership with the Nazi circles of Hermann Goering et al. The political forces controlled by these bankers were held together by a strange, occult variety of freemasonic sect, known as the Martinists. This sect, whose political forces had later become known as the Synarchists, had been in existence since it was formed within the dictatorship of the world's first fascist regime, that of the Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte. Following Napoleon's defeat, the notion of creating a new Europe-wide Empire based on the Napoleon model, was a design elaborated by the principal writings of such devotees of the Napoleon image as G.W.F. Hegel, as also beast-man Friedrich Nietzsche.
This occult conspiratorial sect was steered by consortia of such private bankers throughout the history of Europe, from Napoleon's time on. It assumed its present modes of operation in the setting of the Versailles Treaty, after which it surfaced under the rubric of Fascism in financier Volpe di Misurata's Italy, as the Mussolini dictatorship. All of the fascist movements of Europe and the Americas during the following period were products of a single Synarchist network which came to be dominated, for a time, by the Nazi regime of Nietzschean beast-man Hitler.
The key to Synarchist plots, then and now, has always been economic.
From the beginning, as John Maynard Keynes' treatise on Versailles warned more or less correctly, the international monetary-financial system hammered out at Versailles was doomed from the start. The system was based on Germany's obligation to pay an unpayable mass of imposed war-debts, chiefly to a France and Britain which carried an enormous burden of war-related debt to New York bankers. The built-in, foreseen doom of that Versailles monetary-financier system, was the motive-force behind the spread of fascist coups throughout much of Europe, just as the presently onrushing, inevitable breakdown-collapse of the post-1971-72 IMF "floating-exchange-rate" monetary-financial system, is the driving force behind the warfare and dictatorship policies of those Synarchists, calling themselves "neo-conservatives," grouped around Cheney and Rumsfeld.
Germany failed to adopt its needed economic reform in the available time, a failure which produced the Hitler dictatorship. Roosevelt introduced the relevant reform in time in the United States, a reform which ultimately saved the world as a whole from an excursion through Nazi Hell. That is the most crucial of the lessons from history which the Democratic Party must learn today. Time is running out; at some early point, waiting to expel Cheney from office a day too long might prove to be as fatal to the U.S.A. as the choice of Hitler was for Germany.
Unfortunately, the Democratic Party's leadership has abandoned its Franklin Roosevelt legacy. That is the sickness I intend that the party must now correct, a correction which must be made now, if the nation is to be saved from the present threat.
Economics & Morals
The intermeshed 1928-1933 economic and political developments in Europe and the Americas were a reflection of an oncoming general breakdown crisis of that world monetary-financial system established under the Versailles Treaty, just as the present world strategic crises are usually a reflection of the onrushing systemic breakdown-collapse of the IMF's post-1971, "floating-exchange-rate" world monetary-financial system.
Provided governments can put people back to useful work at levels sufficient to balance the current physical costs and expenses of an economy, government could overcome any general financial collapse, in approximately the manner President Franklin Roosevelt did. In the case of the U.S.A., our republic has a special kind of capability for dealing with such a crisis, a capability embedded in the supreme law of our republic, the Preamble of our Federal Constitution. Our law mandates our government to respond to any crisis by acting to defend our sovereignty, the general welfare of our people, and our posterity, from any threat. This feature of our Constitution was that mustered by the Franklin Roosevelt administration to pull the U.S.A. up and out of the Great Depression, to emerge from ruin and war as the world's most productive and richest nation.
At this moment, as I write, the new financial collapse is pounding at the doors of the monstrous mortgage-backed-securities bubble which Alan Greenspan has built up around Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. That rumbling sound is just one warning that it is now time to react with a Roosevelt-like reflex, once again.
Some people did not agree with Roosevelt then, and some will disagree with me now. The kind of bankers behind the Synarchists demand that, in time of general financial crisis, government must be prevented from applying the principles of our Constitution's Preamble, from applying what the Franklin Roosevelt era identified repeatedly as "the general welfare principle." Already, since the Richard Nixon administration, where Rumsfeld and Cheney were introduced to power, the long-term trend in U.S. policy-shaping by the varieties of financier interests represented by my fanatical personal political enemies at the Wall Street Journal, has been to uproot and destroy, one after the other, every feature of the system of constitutional "general welfare" protection built into the reforms which rescued the U.S.A. and its people from the follies of Coolidge and Hoover.
Since the 1789 French Revolution, each time the possibility arises, that governments are faced by an onrushing threat of systemic collapse of the current money-economy, certain private, Venetian-style banking circles reach for the political weapon known today as Synarchism. The argument is, that those bankers' financial claims will be paid profitably, no matter how many people must die to guarantee payments to entities such as Bechtel or Halliburton now, or the Nazis' Banque Worms complex earlier. So, the so-called "suburban" ideologues of the Democratic Party machine are acting, even despite today's galloping financial crises. In the name of "the middle," they are acting to prevent the nomination of any Presidential candidate who is disposed to act as Franklin Roosevelt did.
However, unless the U.S. voters choose a candidate who is committed to the same sense of history as Franklin Roosevelt, our nation, and those voters generally, will have no chance worth mentioning, even for the personal lives of most, during the years immediately ahead. Right now, I am the only qualified such candidate in sight. To save this nation from who-knows-what coming down in the months and more ahead, we require, again, a President who will face both economic depression and the warlike threats of the Synarchists, as the lesson of Franklin Roosevelt's Presidency warns us a nation must sometimes be led. The next President must look Hell in the eye, and make it back down.