When Cheney Spoke of Terrorism:
Which Terrorists, Dick?
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.In a communication on Aug. 9, 2003, entitled, "A Slight Shift in the Flanking Approach," addressed to members of his international political association, Presidential pre-candidate Lyndon LaRouche discussed the urgency of the political campaign to derail the threat of a "new Sept. 11" terrorist attack on America—a threat announced by Vice President Dick Cheney on July 24 in a speech to the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, and repeated in several speeches the following week.
In the memo, which immediately follows, LaRouche, who is leading a drive to force Cheney's resignation, says "the entirety" of Cheney's power over U.S. policy-shaping "was gained solely through those of his presently undiscovered political benefactors who staged the terrorist attack of Sept. 11, 2001." Now, says LaRouche, "Cheney has promised an early terrorist attack on the U.S.A., comparable in political effect to that of Sept. 11, 2001. He does so at a time when his own failing political position requires some lucky such event to put him firmly back in the position he had prior to the recent developments in the Iraq war."
How to understand this situation, and how to derail the terrorist operation is the subject of LaRouche's communication.
Always situate the part in its functional position within the whole. Never start from the local, or other particular, as an approach to the whole. Always define processes in terms of changes in the physical geometry of the ongoing processes. Shift the way the emphasis has been placed on Cheney's "yellowcake" connections slightly, but without dropping the "yellowcake" issue, by headlining what we have established as fact until now, with the terrorist threat to the internal U.S.A., from the current Blas Piñar-pivotted operations of the Synarchist International.
The crucial flanking task of the moment, is to develop a fresh view of the significance of Dick "Yellowcake" Cheney's Synarchist connections, with lurid emphasis upon the terrorist threat to the internal United States from Cheney's fascist co-thinkers abroad, without otherwise downplaying any of the points previously stressed.
As a precaution: Never imply that Cheney is the kind of threat termed an "evil genius." Back then, Cheney was a mean-spirited playground bully, and general dumb jock, of the variety of sweating gladiator, fresh from the toils of intramural sport, blurting into a campus reporter's microphone "Hey, Mom, I won!" Such were the old times in Wyoming, when he was the panting dumb jock, standing at a distance, admiring the local Wyoming campus queen, Lynne. A crude, markedly bi-polar thug, leaning intellectually to the role of Minnesota's Abe "Kid Twist" Rellis, not intellectual pursuits: so to speak, a Vice-President expert only in Vice. Today, his Straussian wife, Lynne, is his controller, and he is her toy, her surly-burly, "Sic him, Dick!" attack bulldog.
However, Cheney has assumed the position of controller of the specialty of terrorism, at a time that the entirety of his power over U.S. policy-shaping was gained solely through those of his presently undiscovered political benefactors who staged the terrorist attack of Sept. 11, 2001. Otherwise, without that attack, he would have been, still today, the surly ape shuffling restively in the Vice-President's cage.
Now, speaking from that position, Cheney has promised an early terrorist attack on the U.S.A., comparable in political effect to that of Sept. 11, 2001. He does so at a time when his own failing political position requires some lucky such event to put him firmly back in the position he had prior to the recent developments in the Iraq war. He claims to be the expert in such matters. Is he bluffing, or do his advisors know something relevant? Are there any relevant kinds of possible terrorist attacks on the horizon? As, now, the myth of the Arab origin of 9/11 is in the process of becoming buried under a pile of fake yellowcake—what other alternatives exist?
I know of two cases which would fit Cheney's requirements. One is typified by the formally deniable capabilities of Pollard Affair star and fugitive Rafi Eytan, currently a subject of concern for both relevant Israeli and U.S. circles. The Israeli fascist circles are masters of disguise. The second is defined by the cover recently assembled under Spain's leading fascist figure, Blas Piñar. Assess the potential for a relevant type of 9/11-like attack on the U.S. which would be traceable to Blas Piñar, as 9/11 was traced to Arabs.
Blas Piñar's current regrouping of international Synarchist forces does contain elements which fit the ID of the principal terrorist organizations deployed inside Western Europe during the 1970s, in incidents such as the Bologna railway-station bombing and the kidnapping-murder of the Italian leader personally threatened by Henry Kissinger (during a Washington, D.C. meeting), Aldo Moro. These are Synarchist groups whose penetration of Mexico and other parts of the Americas was coordinated, during the 1930s, from Germany, via Spain, by Adolf Hitler's Nazi Party offices in Berlin. They exist, actively, still today.
The most significant aspect of the new international regroupment under former Franco official Blas Piñar, is that it is muscular, but of an intrinsically mayfly kind of political-operational potential. It is composed, inclusively, and significantly, of small but muscular groups representing a continuation of those which were used as cover for international terrorist operations in 1970s Europe. Through Blas Piñar's recent action, there are presently ideal instruments for covering terrorist operations run against the internal U.S.A. through South and Central America. Muscular mayfly associations of international Synarchist profiles are, by their very existence, among the most likely sources of international terrorist actions; otherwise, they, like mayflies, die soon. The impending referendum in Venezuela is among the pivotal points of interest in study of potential pretexts.
Think of the effect of a terrorist attack on the U.S.A., comparable in psychological effect to 9/11, but blamed this time on Hispanic, rather than Arab populations! Think of the great benefit of that for resuscitating Cheney's re-election prospects!
How should we deal with this? Let us not be stupid again. The methods of Straussians such as Ashcroft and Cheney only make bad matters worse. Use intelligent political methods; expose the Synarchist International. Let people learn from the 1920-1945 wars in Europe, and Nazi subversion of South and Central America, how President Franklin Roosevelt and his leadership dealt politically with such threats. Expose Synarchism for what it actually is. Strip it of toleration by governments and churches, and send quietly waiting counterintelligence ambushes into position, to catch them if they try to move in relevant directions.
To make populations as well as leading institutions alert to existing dangers, is the first line of defensive counterintelligence against such dangers. The U.S. has the professional capability for its part in such precautions, were the interference of Cheney's neo-conservative crowd to be removed.
Freedom is good, but to have it, one must defend it, and do that essentially by political methods which promote, rather than diminish freedom of the innocents, and defend the right of justice for guilty and innocent alike. People are often naughty, but the object is to redeem them, rather than exterminate those one does not like. Justice has an infectious quality of aid to the good, and is among the most efficient weapons of our national security against terrorism and many other evils.