`Four Democratic Candidates Stand Out'
Tele 23 of the Lazio region, which includes Rome, aired a live interview with U.S. Presidential pre-candidate Lyndon LaRouche, along with Italian economist Dr. Nino Galloni, on April 10, 2003. Dr. Galloni's book on development projects and new economic/monetary policies, Present at the Event, had been released that day.Tele 23: What will be the consequences of the war in Iraq?
LaRouche: Well, in history, when you have major breakdown crises in the economy, in monetary-financial systems, there's always the danger that someone may try to exploit the crisis, as a moment of opportunity to make a coup, as was done in Germany in 1933. We face a similar situation today.
Tele 23: What was Bush's mistake?
LaRouche: Well, Bush is essentially a puppet of a group of lackeys in his Administration, headed by the Vice President, Dick Cheney. The operation was a manipulation of the President, who is not the most brilliant man in the world.
Tele 23: The word "puppet" is strong.
LaRouche: Maybe so, but it's the truth.
Tele 23: Very well. Why does the American public support Bush at this time?
LaRouche: They don't.
Tele 23: They don't?
LaRouche: No, this is a—we're in war. And under wartime rules, the major press of the United States lies most of the time. It lies for purposes of policy. Behind the scenes, if you know the inside of the United States, the local communities, the local newspapers—not CNN, not Conrad Black's press, not Rupert Murdoch's press—then you get a completely different picture. The voices which contradict the President, or contradict Cheney, or contradict Rumsfeld, are less heard on certain channels. But if you look for them, you'll find them.
Now, there is no majority support. The problem is, that despite the fact that many of the leading institutions of the United States—such as the military, the serving military—are opposed to these policies as insane, irresponsible; most of the intelligence community is opposed to it. A small group's voice is heard. And the problem is, that the Democratic Party, which should be the opposition, presently, or recently, has not responded as it should. Once they do, you will get a very clear indication of the opposition to this war, or the continuing war, from the American people.
Tele 23: Under conditions of this war, what is the political possibility of the Democrats retaking power in the United States?
LaRouche: I wouldn't look at it that way. I would say that the first job of the Democrats, at this point, since the election is more than a year away, is to save the country and save the world. The job of the Democrats should be to join with leading forces in Europe, in finding alternatives to this ongoing war, which has now threatened Syria, which threatens Iran, which threatens North Korea, which ultimately threatens China. We do not need this war. And the job of the American patriot, especially in the Democratic Party, is to join with those in Europe, who oppose this war, and force a reasonable discussion of the issues.
Tele 23: Explain for our Italian citizens: The U.S. media says that 70% of the American people are with Bush; you say it is not true. Tell us then, where should we look for the truth?
LaRouche: Well, it takes a bit of work, particularly when you're up against a dictatorial condition. Under warfare conditions, the United States and the British, since World War II, have maintained that propaganda, or news reporting and propaganda, are a military-strategic interest. And therefore, they make great effort—.
For example, you have Bolton here, visiting Rome, I believe, yesterday. Bolton is one of the people who have pushed for the war, one of the puppet-controllers of the President. Certainly what he said here was not truthful. What I've seen on television from statements from Cheney, from Rumsfeld, are not truthful statements. There are other sources. Admittedly, for the average person, depending on public news media, it's difficult for them to get the truth. Those who are professionals, who know how to investigate, as international journalists, can get at the truth, if they have the resources to check all the sources, which do exist and are available, through places like the Internet—they can get many alternative sources, which are reliable and useful ones.
Tele 23: What is the American people's view of President Bush, and is it justified?
LaRouche: Bush is a very limited man, and I don't pick on him too much. I don't like him. I think he's incompetent, but I don't think he is the intellectual author of many of these problems. He's not capable of being that. The problem here is, as Nino has just said, the issue is: We're in the worst financial crisis, and monetary crisis, since the 1928-1933 period. The danger of war now, arises—not as a result of the economic conditions—but under those kinds of economic conditions, attempted dictatorships and wars often break out.
Our concern, and my concern in particular, is to push the economic alternatives to war, and thus, get a motion among the people for a peaceful solution to the problems of the economy; and in most conditions, I believe the opposition to the war will become effective. The problem is, we are not effectively addressing the economic crisis. This creates a vacuum, people are confused; they sense a lack of leadership; and therefore, they sit and they watch this war, and they say it's happening; what can we do about it?
Tele 23: How do you begin to counter the propaganda, as you call it?
LaRouche: Practically, in the United States, this is going to center around the Presidential campaign which is now beginning in the United States. In the Democratic Party, there are four figures who are outstanding as Presidential candidates. I'm one of the four. One of the four, Lieberman, is doomed, because he's a violent pro-war candidate, and he won't last. Edwards is little known, except in his own state, where he has certain popularity. Kerry of Massachusetts, the Senator, is the leading rival, I would say, that I have, in terms of this point. Kerry and I would probably get along fairly well, on the war issue, which probably means that the Democratic Party is going to increasingly move, not just on an anti-war program, but an economic recovery program, echoing Franklin Delano Roosevelt's methods, back in the 1930s. So, this is where I think the significant opposition will occur.
In Europe, we have a bankrupt Europe, which needs markets, especially Western Europe. China, to some degree Russia, India, Southeast Asia, are the markets which can pull Europe, Western Europe, out of its economic crisis. Therefore, we in Europe, and in the United States, have a similar problem. Different countries, different particular contexts—we need the same kind of policy. Therefore, we must bring the United States back together in partnership with Western Europe and other countries, in projects such as the development of Asia, and projects which build up the economy of the world. We've got to get out of this depression, get out of it now. The opposition, I believe, to the war, or continued war, will come from those who have confidence that we, in Europe, the United States, Asia, are moving to rebuild the economy and give a future to our children.
Tele 23: Mr. LaRouche, what will be the platform of your Presidential campaign?
LaRouche: Basically, it is general economic reform, using the lessons of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's successes in order to approach the present situation. Even though the solutions are somewhat different, the state of mind, the attitude is the same.
Tele 23: It is hoped that you will succeed in reviving the programs you have outlined.
LaRouche: What I'm trying to do to that end, is to maintain intensive discussions with my friends in Europe and other parts of the world, and to try to bring together a colloquium on these issues now, for a meeting of the minds. I'm convinced if we can meet the appropriate meeting of the minds, we will come to an agreement and get the job done.
Tele 23: Meanwhile?
LaRouche: Let us work together to pull this world out of the present mess. The problems are different in different countries, but the solutions are based on the same principles.
Tele 23: Thanks to all.