A Christmas Gift for
Víctor Eduardo Ordóñez
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
December 25, 2003
Ostensibly on December 10th of this year, during the time the the birth of Jesus Christ was soon to be celebrated, Don Víctor Eduardo Ordóñez of Argentina sent a message which was implicitly intended to be directed to my attention. Perhaps it was his way of demanding a gift, as school children in North America often write letters to Santa Claus at about that time of the year. Since this is Christmas Day, I shall honor this day's occasion by sending him the gift he deserves, this reply.
There is no need for me to comment on the details of Don Víctor's retort to Mrs. Small, since there was nothing false as to fact, or inappropriate otherwise, in her article, which I have read. It is sufficient to send to Don Víctor the gift of certain information concerning himself which he needs to take into consideration; I would hope that his receipt of this intelligence from me would improve what his letter reveals to be what is hopefully, an only temporary, but highly disturbed state of mental health.
My subject is the recent relaunching of what had been known, interchangeably, as the Synarchist or fascist movement, with the accession to power of Synarchist regimes such as those of Mussolini, Hitler, and Franco, over the interval 1922-1945. During that time, the Synarchist International was deployed, by way of Spain, into Mexico and other parts of South and Central America, from Nazi Party headquarters in Berlin. It is being reactivated, similarly, in Central and South America today; this reactivation is presently the greatest single threat to the nations and peoples of South and Central America.
My knowledge on this subject is extensive and unimpeachable. The issue posed by Don Víctor's missive is the question, whether or not that letter signals that he and others have openly associated themselves personally with the revival of that Synarchist/fascist international regroupment, which is now operating within the Americas, in concert with the notorious Blas Piñar of Spain. I include here, implicitly, elements of notorious antecedents and connections to which Mrs. Small made reference in her article.
On that account, I inform Don Víctor on three relevant points.
First, I am obliged by the principles of charity to relieve him of any delusion that those whom he appears to defend are, in any meaningful sense, servants of Christianity, but are rather attached in fact to the directly opposite cause. Therefore, it is my duty to inform him of exactly what he appears, in reality, to have chosen to defend.
Secondly, I shall point out the principled ways in which his expressed political disorientation might tend to worsen the extremely precarious situation which the recent reactivation of the Synarchist insurgency in Central and South America is creating as a threat to the continued existence of those republics under present world-crisis conditions.
Thirdly, I clarify certain muddy features of his former, indirect association with me. In matters such as these, it is important to know more clearly who is who, and who agreed to what.
Toward the close of the Eighteenth Century, after many centuries, the wicked alliance between the imperial maritime power of Venice's financier-oligarchy and the Norman chivalry shifted its base from the now vulnerable location at the head of the Adriatic, to new bases of maritime and financier power in the Netherlands and England. During the course of the Eighteenth Century, after the Netherlands had been assimilated under the hegemony of the British monarchy, the 1763 peace-treaty between the British and French monarchies established the British East India Company, led by the political figure of Lord Shelburne, as a more or less globally imperial maritime power, whose intent, according to Lord Shelburne and his lackeys, was to become—as Shelburne's lackey Gibbon detailed this—a pro-paganist revival of the Roman Empire. In 1763, Shelburne launched two long-range strategic projects, whose included consequences are the mess into which Don Víctor has apparently misled himself today.
Shelburne feared that the North American English-speaking colonies would use the opportunity provided by the defeat of the French colonial forces in North America to create an independent republic in North America. This, Shelburne was determined to prevent. At the same time, Shelburne intended to destroy any power on the continent of Europe, beginning with Britain's chief rival, France, which might represent a credible future threat to the East India Company's empire. The combined effect of these two goals, was the events in France from July 14, 1789 through the Duke of Wellington's seating of his puppet, the Restoration Bourbon monarch, on the throne of France. To this end, Shelburne had prepared the way for the events leading into Napoleon's tyranny through the development of a synthetic freemasonic cult, then known as the Martinists, based around the City of Lyons. This Martinist cult, later renamed Synarchy, emerged as that Synarchist International which produced the array of fascist movements and governments which ran amok during the 1922-1945 interval.
This Martinist/Synarchist international continued as a major threat to the security of Europe and the Americas throughout and Nineteenth and into the Twentieth Century. As from the beginning, Martinism/Synarchy was always a tool of a continuing financier-oligarchical network which was merely typified by the British East India Company and its financier collaborators on the continent of Europe, and in the Americas. The freemasonic form of political movements and controlled religious bodies featured among the activities of the revolutionaries were always under effective control of financier cabals. For example, as confessed by Simón Bolívar in the latter part of his career, it was Jeremy Bentham, Shelburne's head of the British Foreign Office's Secret Committee, who exerted control within the Bolivarist movement, as also the Young Europe and Young America associations of Lord Palmerston's agent Giuseppe Mazzini. The U.S. Confederacy was a product of what we know today as the Synarchist International.
Now, as the world plunges currently into a terminal breakdown-crisis of the present, floating-exchange-rate monetary-financier system, the relevant financier oligarchs have reactivated the Synarchist operations for major coups and similar events, a reactivation which includes the operations into Central and South America associated with Blas Piñar. The purpose of that reactivation of the networks associated with him, is to disrupt and destroy any effective resistance to the crushing of each and all of the nations of the Americas, just as the Paris events of July 14, 1789 were intended to prevent the stabilization of France by the draft constitution presented by Bailly and Lafayette. So, in Venezuela, both Chávez and his leading opponents, are Synarchist assets, who will proceed to butcher one another and their nation in right-left obscenities without true practical or moral purpose. In the Americas, the religious cover of the right-wing Synarchist forces will be exemplary and bloody.
I would wish that persons associated with the name of Colonel Seineldín were not drawn into participation in the kinds of travesties on which the associates of the turncoat enemy agent Fernando Quijano are embarked.
The issue which Don Víctor's letter evades, with its splatter from the editorial likeness of a hippopotamus's tail, is the case of Quijano himself, the third issue to be addressed here.
Quijano was always a somewhat unstable romantic, who, if not watched closely, would tend to construct a vast theory of history from reading a portion of a single book. He was useful to my organization to the degree he, more an enthusiast than an intellect, continued to be devoted and willing to accept supervision. When he rejected our supervision, his personality seemed to disintegrate. Persons with relevant military experience would understand my point about the virtues and structural defects of his personal intellectual development and moral character.
However, in the course of time, as he faced the same threat of imprisonment on fraudulent charges which others of us faced from certain Manhattan and Washington, D.C. financier interests, cowardice took him over, and he ran, like a true traitor, to the other side, into the arms of such creatures as his neighbor Nestor Sánchez. He used my imprisonment as the opportunity to attempt to take control over my association on behalf of his open alliance with the Synarchist Blas Piñar. Among the persons he corrupted in his role as a cowardly turncoat and accomplice of Blas Piñar and other hard-core Synarchists, was the valuable Marivilia Carrasco, who was first ruined, and, then, finally broken during the period of her visit to Brazil and Argentina earlier this year.
During the period Quijano was using my absence to act freely as an agent of our enemies, a conference was convened in Mexico, during which many silly and even worse things were said, as if they had been adopted by my association. I never accepted, nor tolerated those things. Unfortunately some from the Argentina delegation to that conference obviously did not understand the fraudulent and worse features of their implied pact with Quijano.
The circles which had been associated with the good Colonel have appeared to me as good soldiers and patriots, but lacking the sophistication in the Classical philosophy of Plato, Nicholas of Cusa, Leibniz, et al., and related matters, which is indispensable for the role of qualified political leaders of a nation in crisis. On this account, I had attempted to deal generously with the philosophical shallowness and other intellectual shortcomings of some of that circle, hoping that their weaknesses on this account would be dissolved into the expression of their true talents in service of their future accomplishments.
I fear now, that the language spewed by Don Víctor points most indicatively toward the influence of those dangerous Synarchists around such as Blas Piñar, whose current role is to drown the hopes of sovereignty of the states of the Americas in the blood of internecine warfare, all in variously witting or unwitting service to those financier interests who have already looted those nations so savagely since no later than 1982. To condone the relationship of Quijano's circles to Blas Piñar, would be, in effect, true treason against the nations and peoples of the hemisphere.