LaRouche Warned About
Danger of Dictatorship
During his webcast on Jan. 3, 2001, Democratic leader Lyndon LaRouche announced his campaign for the 2004 Democratic Party Presidential nomination, and issued the following sharp warning about the dangers the nation immediately faced:On the economy: "Now, technically, we are bankrupt as a nation. The entire banking system of the United States, as a collective unit, is bankrupt. The Federal Reserve system is bankrupt. The European central banking systems are bankrupt. The central banking systems, or the equivalent, of Central and South America, are bankrupt. Africa's totally bankrupt. The Middle East is on the edge of a potential war, which can become a religious war, spreading throughout the Muslim and other parts of the world. There are explosions potentially in South Asia, crises of these types. There's a crisis in Europe. Europe is bankrupt. England is bankrupt. Continental Europe, western Europe, depends upon the German economy, and the German economy is operating at a loss, under these conditions. They destroyed their export market, though they're thinking of getting another one."
On potential dictatorship: "I would pull every string in the book that's serious, as a legislative string, to make sure that Ashcroft is not made the Attorney General. And I think that members of the Congress, members of the Democratic Party, should act on that point, as if their life might depend upon it. Because the lives of many of them might just depend upon that.
"You don't know—We're going into a period in which either we do the kinds of things I indicated in summary to you today, or else, what you're going to have, is not a government. You're going to have something like a Nazi regime. Maybe not initially at the surface. What you're going to have is a government which cannot pass legislation, meaningful legislation. How does a government which cannot pass meaningful legislation, under conditions of crisis, govern? They govern, in every case in known history, by what's known as crisis management.
"In other words, just like the Reichstag fire in Germany, How did that happen?
"Well, a Dutchman, who was a known lunatic, was used to set fires, as a provocateur. And he went around Germany setting fires. And one night, with no security available for the Reichstag, he went into the Reichstag building, and set the joint on fire. And Hitler came out and said,'Well, let's hope the Communists did it.' And Goering moved, and the Schmitt apparatus, that is, of Carl Schmitt, the jurist. And they passed the Notverordnung. And on the basis of a provocation—that is, crisis management—they rammed through the Notverordnung, which established Hitler as dictator of Germany.
"What you're going to get with a frustrated Bush Administration, if it's determined to prevent itself from being opposed—its will—you're going to get crisis management. Where members of the Special Warfare types, of the Secret Government, the secret police teams, and so forth, will set off provocations, which will be used to bring about dictatorial powers and emotion, in the name of crisis management.
"You will have small wars set off in various parts of the world, which the Bush Administration will respond to, with crisis-management methods of provocation. That's what you'll get. And that's what the problem is, and you have to face that. You've got to control this process now, while you still have the power to do so. Don't be like the dumb Germans, who, after Hitler was appointed to the Chancellorship, in January 1933, sat back and said, 'No, we're going to defeat him at the next election.' There was never a next election—there was just this 'Jawohl,' for Hitler as dictator. Because the Notverordnung of February 1933, eliminated the political factor.
"And that's the danger you'll get here. If the Bush Administration is determined to hammer its way through on this thing, if it's not resisted, and you allow it to do so, you will find it strongly tempted. And you look at, remember what George Bush's specialty was, as I remember very well. Remember Iran-Contra, one of the biggest mass-murder swindles in modern history, run by Vice-President Bush, under special powers, given to him under special orders, with the Executive Branch. He ran Iran-Contra, the biggest drug-running game in the world. And behind Bush—and I know these guys very well, because I've been up against them; most of my problems came from these characters—these guys, pushed to the wall, will come out with knives in the dark. They will not fight you politically; they will get you in the back. They will use their thugs to get you. That's their method. Know it."