The Strategic Significance
of the Hit on India
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.July 14, 2006
I bring no "good news." Only fools march to battle because the news is good; wise men march with grim and resolute determination, because they know the news is very bad.
Lately, while most of the U.S. Congress has been virtually sleeping through a months-long, lulling delusion, like that which Neville Chamberlain carried back to London from Munich, the world has been lurching toward the brink of a crisis which must be compared, at the very least, to the brink of outbreak of each of two so-called "world wars" of the last century. Actually, what is presently threatened for the immediate future, unless we act now to prevent it, would soon be something much worse than either of those wars. Do not look for the image of troops marching to battle; what is coming down the road now, is something most nearly comparable, in known history, to a nuclear-age version of the Hellish nightmare-scenes of the so-called "New Dark Age" which erupted in the Fourteenth Century, when the King of England repudiated his debts to the Lombard League's House of Bardi.
While the gathering for the G-8 summit brings the world into a great global crisis which has been already over-ripe for eruption, certain events of the past week to date, in Southwest Asia and in the Asian subcontinent, respectively, taken together with escalating issues of the immediate G-8 meeting, have lit the fuse of a simmering force of global strategic explosion like nothing which has happened in history before this time.
So, during Tuesday's late afternoon drive, back from Zürich, Switzerland, to Germany, the car's radio broke the news of terrorist bombing attacks on the commuter trains leaving Mumbai (Bombay), India. By Thursday, reports on the strategic implications of this event received from high-level circles inside India, gave a fuller picture. This attack was comparable, in its strategic implications, if not the size of the death toll, to what struck New York City on September 11, 2001. The principal targets of the coordinated attacks were the first-class coaches of trains leaving Mumbai. The number of reported dead, so far, is significantly less than those who died in the attacks on New York's World Trade Center, but the effect was clearly intended to be comparable, and, given other developments around the world ongoing now, the strategic effects would be much worse than those of "9/11," unless action to prevent such an outcome were taken now.
This was no ordinary sort of "terrorist incident"; the characteristics of the attack themselves bespeak the hand of a leading strategic power.
The admirers of Vice-President Cheney's strategic impulses might be pleased by the intention expressed in these events in India, since what is being served is the same warfare policy expressed by Cheney's wicked partnership with Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu. Worse, although Cheney's conspiring with Netanyahu has been the obvious motive for the presently escalating state of warfare launched, in several directions, by Israel, Cheney himself is merely a disposable pawn in an imperial game played by forces operating from a much higher level than the current U.S. Presidency, levels higher than Cheney's immediate master, George P. Shultz.
With the combination of this strategic attack on India, and the continuing actions of Dick Cheney and his accomplice, Netanyahu, in Southwest Asia, a signaled, actually global threat was delivered, in effect, to those assembling for the "G-8" summit in Russia now. Like the June 28, 1914 assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife at Sarajevo, the Mumbai incident of this past Tuesday has been recognized, in relevant circles in India and elsewhere, as the intended detonator of a global strategic crisis. This is, in fact, a crisis which must be compared with the situation on the verge of the two so-called "world wars" of the Twentieth Century; unless the present threat is promptly reversed, the outcome will be vastly worse than anything experienced in the two "world wars" of the preceding century, but of an essentially different type than either of those two great wars.
These are, once again, times "which try men's souls." The world as a whole is gripped by what threatens to be the world's greatest crisis since the U.S. was founded, in 1776, a worse crisis of European civilization as a whole than anything since the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia. For the U.S.A. itself, it is everything our republic has accomplished since the developments of 1776-1789, which is under attack, and in grave jeopardy from both forces within and without our republic.
Within forty-eight hours of that trip from Switzerland, I understood precisely what the nature of the present concatenation of ongoing and simmering strategic crises signifies. My problem on this account, is that of enabling others, especially some in very important positions, to grasp at least the rudiments of a crisis whose characteristic, fuller implications would probably be, otherwise, beyond their present attempts at comprehension. It is not sufficient that I state the facts, as I shall in the concluding summary section of this report; I must, first, equip those hearers to understand the actual facts of the situation. To prepare for the threats ahead, the audience must, so to speak, weigh the situation within today's equivalent of Wallenstein's Camp.
That point will be made clear as I proceed in this report.
The Weakness in Our Government
We knew, this past Springtime, that Vice-President Dick Cheney was a principal figure behind a proposed, preemptive series of aerial attacks on the nation of Iran. The pressures of circumstances induced the government of President George W. Bush, Jr., to back away, perhaps temporarily, from Cheney's threat of launching such an attack as soon as June 2006. However, Cheney had an alternative; pressures placed upon forces within Israel opened up a new initiative with the same lust for warfare against Iran as Cheney had represented earlier, and also against other targets, in sight.
Now, that alternative detour to Hell on Earth has brought events to the point that a global nightmare beyond the belief of most, is threatened for the early future. The addition of the strategic quality of terrorist mode of attacks on India, combined with the lunatic escalation of events unleashed, chiefly, by the accomplices of Cheney and Netanyahu in Israel, now signal a remarkable convergence of a strategic crisis with the convening of the G-8 negotiations. The potential of this systemic threat is monstrous, with consequences obviously beyond the imagination of the present members of the U.S. Congress.
We should not be surprised by the recent months' trend toward failures of performance in the U.S. Senate. Presently, very few in the U.S. Congress as a whole have shown themselves willing to think clearly about these matters. Their attention is focussed on far less noble goals than world peace or the fate of the U.S. economy. It is therefore indispensable that I intervene, as I intervened in aid of the Democratic Party's 2004 Presidential election-campaign, and, still later, in November 2004, to revive the Party from its moment of post-electoral despair. There are only a few leading figures of the Democratic Party, and others, who are equipped by intention to grasp the essential features of the great strategic issues underlying the presently accelerating world-crisis.
In fact of manifest practice, presently, most of our elected Federal representatives have put the existence of mankind itself "on hold" until some yet to be decided at some time past the coming November elections. Yet, the greatest events, and the most crucial strategic decisions in present world history, will be decided by what happens during these Summer months, while members of the Congress are campaigning, like the "Wynken, Blynken, and Nod" of the children's poem, for a November 2006 election, an election which, just possibly, might not happen after all.
People who do not understand either the nature of mankind, or its history, will ask: "Is it going to happen, or not: Yes, or No?" Such people have yet to recognize that special nature of the human species, which sets mankind apart from the beasts; such people have never grasped the kind of physical geometry of cause and effect within which the great developments of human history have always been shaped. People who say, "My experience teaches me," if they wished to become credible in God's Eyes, should have chosen a different school. Mere personal experience will never teach anyone the nature of that which has yet to be experienced for the first time in history. Whatever comes out of the weeks and months of the presently onrushing world strategic crisis, the persons who live through that time will have experienced mostly things they had never imagined might happen.
One thing, above all others, is certain. The world as it exists for mankind a year or so ahead, will have become already a different world, for better, or for far worse, than most members of Congress, for example, would have the present courage to believe possible. So, most of those influential people in the age-brackets between fifty and sixty-odd years of age, including some members of the Congress, presently, seem to be swimming like fish which the outgoing tide has cast upon the beach; those poor fish, certain members of the Congress, and others, are still trying to swim to safety as they only imagine that past experience might have taught them.
There is a timely precedent for overcoming this hellish danger before us all. We have but to look back, knowingly, to both the election of President Franklin Roosevelt, and to the defeat of those powerful plotters within the U.S. who not only admired Hitler as they admired Mussolini, but who also plotted a military overthrow of the Roosevelt government. These are the forerunners, sometimes of the same families, who later set the leading precedents for the financier and other organizations, such as the so-called Congress for Cultural Freedom, which typify, once again, the source of the principal internal threat to not only our virtually bankrupted U.S.A., but civilization as a whole, today.
This time, those who are willing to understand the actual situation in those historical terms of reference, must lead, or there will be soon no remaining republic for us to defend.
1. The Prerequisites of Comprehension
"The fault, dear Brutus, lies not in our stars, but in ourselves..."
The source of the recent apparent inability of most members of our Congress, for example, to grasp the actual nature of the ruinous situation it, unwittingly, is doing so much to create, is a popular conceit, most notably among the university-educated generation, the proverbial "upper twenty percentile," now centered in the 50-65 age-group. That conceit has been shaped by the form of sophistry to which that generation was subjected, virtually from birth, by degrading influences typified by the Congress for Cultural Freedom.
The specific aspect of the problem, which must be emphasized in any effort to bring our republic safely out of the threatened destruction which looms over our nation and its people now, is that we are led by a generation of so-called "Baby Boomers" which has been steeped in a Sophistry which is an imitation of the fatal moral sickness of Pericles' Athens; like Sophists generally, like many among the wilder 68ers whom I recall, they do not recognize the specific, determining distinction of man from monkeys. In other words, at this moment, we are largely ruled by a generation which does not recognize that the shaping of the history of mankind depends upon certain principles of human nature which are, themselves, absolutely contrary to a standard middle-class Baby-Boomer notion of reality.
These foolish notions of such self-destructive people include the idea of individual "free will" in the Kantian and related sense of Kant's doctrine of "Practical Reason"; I refer thus to the so-called doctrine of "negation of the negation," which was copied into the Nineteenth-Century Romantic school of law and history of that follower of Martinist freemasonry's Count Joseph de Maistre known as G.W.F. Hegel, as also Hegel's crony F.C. von Savigny.
In order to approach the strategic issues implicit in the intersection of the Israeli and Indian situations with the issues of the G-8 meeting, two points of principle must be underscored. These are points of principle of which most representatives in government are still ignorant, but which they must now come to know, if they are to discover the way out of the presently menacing mess which they, the unwitting, have helped to create.
First, the Issue of Irony
First, consider the matter of the distinction between ironical and literal speech, in defining the relative intellectual and moral capabilities characteristic of cultures.Putting aside such Romantic adversaries of the European Classical cultural tradition as Kant and Hegel; the contrary culture, from which the U.S. Declaration of Independence and Federal Constitution sprang, was essentially the Classical culture expressed by the succession of both Europe's Fifteenth-Century Renaissance and the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia. However, there is a lingering, important, ironical distinction of an American scion of European culture who has been relatively liberated from the oligarchical ironies which, still today, pollute the lands whence our founders, and my European forebears came. Otherwise, the best historical root of our national U.S. culture is, thus far, essentially European. However, we must also recognize the danger which lurks in the fact, that the origins and nature of the pro-oligarchical corruption has been promoted within our republic, the danger expressed by that Europe-based oligarchical faction which has been determined, from our nation's beginnings, to eradicate what we represent from this planet.
It is this legacy of European oligarchical culture which is the source of the principal evils of globally extended European culture today. It is this irony which distinguishes the Presidential system of the U.S. Federal Constitution from the implicitly pro-oligarchical, parliamentary cultures of western and central Europe today. It is the reach of this oligarchical defect in Europe's traditions into the U.S.A. itself, which has been the principal source of our nation's own corruption, and the source of the present threat of a collapse of our civilization into a prolonged dark age. It is that pro-oligarchical current which is the principal source of the great evil which menaces civilization as a whole right now.
For example, our Federal Constitution subordinates the uttering of our currency and control over our banking system to the authority of our government; whereas, the usual European system, subordinates the government of the nation to the authority of implicitly imperial, Anglo-Dutch Liberal forms of privately owned and controlled central banking systems. Globalization is nothing but the intention to destroy the U.S. Federal Constitution, in favor of the concerted power of private usurers, that according to the tradition of the same type as the Venetian bankers who created the New Dark Age of Europe's Fourteenth Century.
There are discoverable principles which would help us to find our way to solutions for the present crisis which that inherently pro-imperialist, Anglo-Dutch Liberal system of globalized financial tyranny has brought upon this planet as a whole.
Human development in the individual is centered in the dynamics of individual interaction with transmitted culture. Excepting the mentally ill, ideas are never communicated as the so-called "literal" meanings of words used according to some mechanical-like notion of "dictionary" meaning. All literate use of language relies upon the same natural root as the musical quality of Classical poetry; it is the musical-poetical principle, to be seen as the medium through which ideas are molded: not as mechanically literal meanings, but as ironies. It is not only through the transmission of explicit statements, that one generation communicates to the other; it is through the ironies conveyed within the usages of specific languages, especially in sung forms of Classical polyphony, that the creative powers of human thought, those powers which distinguish man from beast, are transmitted across successive generations. It is the resulting accumulation of irony with a use of a specific language, which touches with relatively greatest immediacy upon those cognitive functions of the individual's mind which are the medium of creative discovery and its transmission.
It is the sharing of the peculiarities of that cultural development within the nation, which enables a people to think together, rather than merely throwing words at one another.
Thus, there can be no representative form of government of peoples which is not based on regard for this aspect of language and thought, and nothing but the impulse for barbarism is possible without adherence to a principle of national sovereignty.
For example. As the substance of the published exchange between Albert Einstein and Max Born illustrates: in physical science, the damaged mind identifies a physical principle with a specific, written mathematical formulation; whereas, the healthy mind, conceives the crucial-experimental form of the discovery as real, and the mathematical formulation, as an intrinsically defective adumbration of the effect of the principle itself. Einstein's notion is of a physical universe as finite, but unbounded, or, as I would prefer, "self-bounded." This points directly to the difference between the two viewpoints. Dry-as-dust mathematical minds dream in black and white; able Classical musicians prefer to dream in color, as do great scientists who prefer Classical music. Color expresses life; black-and-white are the colors of the dead.
It is for this reason that music which conforms to Classical principles of choral singing of polyphony, such as the Florentine bel canto, plays a crucial role in religious services. People who sing in that way are better people than they would be, or could be, otherwise.
Notably, with the maliciously intended replacement of Classical forms of polyphony from popular practice, we encounter today a population which can not speak literate speech; it has little sense of the role of polyphonically ironical utterance in communicating important qualities of ideas. This is especially notable when we compare the news reporting from the generation of Walter Cronkite to intrinsically illiterate tendencies toward mechanical babbling among what passes for yackety-yack news-reporting speech delivered by the mass media today.
For such reasons, we would reject the idea of universal vocabulary such as Esperanto, since Esperanto were a way of reducing societies to virtual, if homogeneous cultural idiocy. It is the ironies of the practice of a familiar language, including its natural, Classical prosody/musicality, which enable a society to unify itself around a common set of ways of deliberation about principled ideas.
Second, Consider Historical Cycles
Now, for our second qualifying point: consider the way in which the most crucial changes in cultures are brought about, usually over relatively long intervals of several or even many generations.
The known history of mankind is arranged as the rise and fall of specific cultures and forms of government over long periods, periods which are often separated from one another by intervening "dark ages," or the like. Consider the case of the history of European civilization, from the emergence of the Ionian and Etruscan cultures as allies of Egypt against the maritime forces of Tyre and its Punic colonies. Proceed to the collapse of Athens following the ruinous Peloponnesian War; the rise of the Roman Empire; the succession of the Byzantine Empire; the attempted renaissance of civilization under Charlemagne's leadership; the imperial reign over the Mediterranean by the ultramontane form of Venetian financier oligarchy and its allies of the Norman chivalry; and, the Fifteenth-Century emergence of modern Europe in the form of the Golden Renaissance. These are examples of the spans of many generations usually defining the rise and fall of entire species of reigning cultures.
On this account, as in competent physical science, cultures and their history reveal their principled characteristics in the way they collapse. A collapse of a society, as the foregoing list of cases illustrates the point, implicitly defines a governing principle which, in the end, brings a culture incorporating some crucially failed principle of social organization, to an end. Every culture is like an experiment based upon some principle; the collapse of that culture confronts us with the evidence of that principle's efficiency in bringing that culture itself down, sooner or later.
To be clear about this crucial point, recognize, as Albert Einstein did, for example, that the existence of any physical principle which can be shown rigorously to be universal, bounds the existence of the system within which it is operating. Thus, Einstein described the universe as "finite, but unbounded." I prefer "finite and self- bounded." So, the principled assumptions operating, often unconsciously, in the relations within a society, bound the existence of that form of organization of a society.
The task of the political analyst who would wish to be competent in his trade, is to uncover the existence of such controlling parameters, as I have done, for example, in my exceptionally successful record of long-range economic forecasting. Rather than attempting to infer the occurrence of crucial events by extrapolation, adduce the principle which functions as a self-bounding feature of the current way in which the system is operating. Avoid the often deadly fallacy of using modes of statistical projection of trends, without first defining the principled character of the specific physical geometry of the system for which the forecast is being projected.
As the case of the August-September 1998 collapse of the LTCM speculative bubble illustrates this point: only a fool seeks to become rich by taking in his own laundry at a substantial rate of profit. All living systems, including economies, are intrinsically dynamic, never the ontologically linear schemes on which the Enron-like hedge-fund charlatans rely.
Example: The Fourteenth-Century New Dark Age:The self-weakening of the Byzantine system, transferred the Byzantine effort to crush Charlemagne's legacy of statecraft to the hands of the rising power of Venice's financier oligarchy. Venice carried on this heritage through building up the power of that Norman chivalry which had been formerly directed by Byzantium itself. This became known as the system of the Crusades, seeking to crush the vestiges of Charlemagne's system, and against the heirs of Charlemagne's cooperation with the Baghdad Caliphate and Jewry. After crushing and looting both the remains of Byzantium and the targeted opposition, as opposition was typified by the Hohenstaufen Emperor Frederick II, the Venetian-Crusader system began to eat its own legs, as if having nothing else to consume. The result was the Fourteenth-Century New Dark Age, which destroyed an estimated half of the parishes of Europe, and reduced the population by an estimated one-third.
That New Dark Age is the nearest approximation of what the attempt to enforce globalization would do to the world as a whole today.
Example: Oligarchical systems generally:In all known history, as history, the greatest conflict within society has been between the Athens typified by the leadership of Solon, and the oligarchical model which Friedrich Schiller associated with the Lycurgan constitution of Delphic Sparta. The principled essence of this conflict is summed up in the surviving, middle portion of Aeschylos' Prometheus trilogy, Prometheus Bound. The virtual Satan and "environmentalist" fanatic of Aeschylos' drama, the Olympian Zeus, condemned Prometheus to perpetual torment for the adjudged crime of having permitted mortal mankind to discover the use of fire: science & technology.
Such is the conflict between the actual nature of the human individual, and what was known and widely upheld as the oligarchical model typified by the systems of ancient known Mesopotamia. This is the point of present mortal conflict of the co-ideologues of the financier-oligarchical fanatics of Felix Rohatyn's circles, against all human beings who associate their loyalties with the system of law congruent with our Federal Constitution. On this account, Rohatyn's profession of his nominal citizen's allegiance to the U.S.A. is a brutish lie.
The issues so posed pertain to the fact that the human species differs absolutely from all other forms of life, by virtue of those creative powers of the individual mind which do not exist in any other known living species.
Within the phase-space represented by the population-potential of any living species in any specific setting, the existence of the population is bounded by what are loosely identified as biological characteristics. Thus, the planetary animal potential of the human species would be comparable to that of a member of the higher apes. In fact, the human population today is over six billions individuals This difference is intellectually determined, by the physical effect of the accumulation of discovery and employment of knowledge of universal physical principles. This accumulation occurs only through practices which are banned from the knowledge of the mass of the people, categorically, by the implications of the Olympian Zeus' decreed punishment of Prometheus.
In effect, the oligarchical system typified by the image of the Olympian Zeus, divides the human species among functional types: those who prey upon others, and those who are intended victims of the predators. This defines a limited possibility for the continued existence of any oligarchical form of culture, and also defines a need of humanity to free itself from the limits to human existence imposed by predatory, ostensibly "environmentalist" oligarchical systems. The essential difference between the two cultures, oligarchical versus humanist, is that the oligarchical culture is self-doomed to relive its collapse, whereas the potential for discovery and mastery of new physical principles, by the freed human mind, is implicitly limitless.
The human individual who is relatively freed of submission to the constraints of an oligarchical culture, acts, in effect, as he or she were a member of a different species than the persons who submit to typical oligarchical constraints upon the specific ability of the human individual to increase society's power to exist, that through use of the creative faculty associated with the discovery of universal physical principles.
Example: Euclid as a Sophist hoaxster:Therefore, for reasons implied in those illustrations, the individual person's assumed knowledge of his experience, usually, still today, takes the defective form of a notion of all direct experience of living individuals, as chiefly limited to the personal, individual life-span of a virtually infinitesimal speck within the rise and fall of entire cultures.
The miseducated individual who accepts that naïve view of experience, is easily induced to swallow the Sophist doctrine of Euclidean geometry, assuming that there are self-evident definitions, axioms, and postulates, from which everything can be deduced, in all times and places. It was on those elementary fallacies that the entire system of deductive argument employed by the Sophist Euclid was premised. Euclid thus misrepresented the method of discovery by which the actual founders of Classical Greek science worked to produce the discoveries which Euclid perverted in his report of them. So, the credulous student's worship of Euclid, or kindred forms of reductionism, creates the fantasy which sees space as a timeless flatland extended into three spatial dimensions and time.
For the dupe of that reductionist persuasion, knowledge is the simple, additive aggregation of local experiences tacked one next to another, all in some wild-eyed fantasy suited to the work of E.T.A. Hoffmann.
In reality, as the study of the rise and fall of empires and comparable social systems illustrates this point, societies are ruled, usually over many successive generations, in each case, by certain sets of underlying, axiomatic-like assumptions. For a long span of elapsed time, as we see in the case of the rise and fall of the cultures of ancient Mesopotamia, nature often tolerates such ruling sets of assumptions over a period of time spanning many successive generations. In these cases, although there are many changes which do occur within each culture, over successive generations, the culture taken as a whole has a certain fixed type of essential characteristic. The collapse of the culture occurs, when it could survive only by rejecting the culture's needed changes in its relationship to humanity generally, and would collapse simply from the continuation of the cumulative impact of its habits upon its own environment.
The Anglo-Dutch Liberal "free trade" system of monetarism is such an inherently self-doomed, intrinsically imperialist system in the footsteps of Babylon.
Take the case of so-called "environmentalism." This was the "68ers" revival, in modern dress (and often, as we saw then, "undress") of the tradition of the ancient Dionysian cult celebrated at the ancient Delphi temple of the Pythian Apollo. This ancient cult became the characteristic of the leading political edge of the Baby Boomer university-student population of the late 1960s and 1970s, in Europe as also in the U.S.A. This cult's influence has been the crucial social factor in destroying the economies—and living standards—of Europe and the Americas, over the 1968-2006 interval to date. Without a reversal of that revival of the dionysiac tradition, there is presently no possibility of the survival of civilization globally. Without the very rapid proliferation of nuclear-fission power, and the early arrival of thermonuclear-fusion technology, it were not possible to sustain the present level of world population. Similarly, without uprooting and banning "globalization," it were not possible to sustain the present world population.
Refusal to abandon such foolish choices of axiomatic ideas of a present culture, should remind us of the way in which ancient Mesopotamian oligarchical culture caused the collapse of that civilization through the salinization caused by the oligarchical exploitation of what had been the bow-tenured agricultural population.
So, ancient imperial Rome destroyed itself. So, ancient Byzantium brought about its own destruction. So, the alliance of Venetian financier-oligarchy with Norman chivalry destroyed the work of Charlemagne and his followers, such as Frederick II, but brought about the destruction of European civilization of that time in the Fourteenth-Century New Dark Age.
Example: real economy:The best way to understand the principle underlying this aspect of human history as a whole, is to adopt the notion of "potential relative population-density" (i.e., measures of the life expectancy and power of the population, per square kilometer, per capita).
In these processes associated with the successive rise, decline, and fall of cultures, the crucial consideration is the distinction of man from beast. By that, we must understand the notion of a quality of increase of knowledge and use of discovered universal physical principles. Exemplary are those physical principles most readily recognized as means by which the power of man over nature is increased through discovery and employment of universal physical principles. However, that is not the extent of the issue which must be understood in assessing the presently onrushing, global existential crisis of society at this moment.
In physical science as such, the mind of the individual is focussed upon manifest principles of non-living processes, or living processes and their residues: or, what Russia's V.I. Vernadsky identified as the Biosphere. In human social behavior, meaning the cooperation among persons in society, the individual mind is focussed upon the social processes which are categorically non-existent among animal species, but which are determining in considering the principled characteristics of the willful cooperation within society. This latter concern is rightly identified as the subject of natural law. It is therefore useful to treat natural law, so defined, as the chracteristic expression of that domain which Vernadsky identified as the Noösphere.
So, just as we may trace the role of true and false notions of the universal physical principles of the phase-spaces associated with inorganic and living processes, so, we must recognize the role of the true and false notions of the natural law applicable to the Noösphere.
It should be apparent today, that the American System of political-economy has proven itself, when applied, as a certain culmination of a long sweep of the rise of civilization to whatever should be the take-off-point for whatever the next improvement will prove to be. From the outset of our national experience, all of the principal evils which have arisen inside our republic have been imposed upon us by the Venetian-style financier-oligarchical practices known as the imperial British East India Company and its outgrowths.
With the achievements of President Franklin Roosevelt, including his indispensable role in rescuing the planet from the Nazi menace, the U.S. American System of political-economy had reached the level of achievement, that had that President lived, what would have been accomplished during the completion of the term to which he had been reelected, would have represented a virtually irreversible establishment of a planetary system of perfectly sovereign nation-states, whose benefits for all mankind would have been an imperfect, but irreversible step toward a higher order of affairs among nations.
We have fallen far below the standard of morality which Franklin Roosevelt's leadership had realized in practice. We must reverse those losses, and use that recovery of our planet's economy and affairs as an adopted launching-point for whatever new changes the future will require. Otherwise, without a return to the American System of political-economy, instead of the abomination of the decadence which has reigned over us, as a trend, these recent nearly four decades, there is a poor chance for mankind globally, for generations yet to come.
For us, it is back to FDR, or a prolonged sojourn of our posterity in virtual Hell.
The Concept of Immortality in Society
The crucial distinction between man and beast is expressed chiefly in the principle of human immortality. That, whereas death removes the mortal aspect associated with the animal-life functions, the distinction of the human personality is the development of those changes in principle of practice which have the practical, cultural effect of evolution into a higher species than we were, in practice, a generation or so earlier.
We see this process in the development of European physical science since Nicholas of Cusa and Johannes Kepler. We see this process in the development of music, as from J.S. Bach through Johannes Brahms. We see this also in social reforms, such as the Hill-Burton legislation which the Nixon Administration destroyed, and the Social Security system installed by FDR, which the George W. Bush, Jr. Presidency has sought to destroy.
Thus, in such ways, we die as mortal, but, in the human good we do, we live as immortals in the simultaneity of eternity.
In statecraft, as in scientific progress, we pass the torch. The institutions of progress to which we contribute are an integral, functional part of the future of society. The practical expression of the immortality of the deceased lies in the principle of qualitative development, in the progress of peoples which is the progress of our unique species as a whole.
So, there are qualitative changes for the better, or for the worse. In this light, competent statecraft flows from progress, not a fixed order of things. The distinction of the member of the human species from the apes, is the power for progress, for change, lodged in the creative potentials of the individual human mind. By creative, we must not intend mere "innovation." We must mean improvements in the knowledge of principles, especially newly discovered universal principles. We must mean that the policy of good nations, under good self-government, is based on organizing the activity of the nation around the realization of the potential represented by the implementation of discovered advances in discovery of universal principles.
This argument, as it applies to progress in physical science, has a more general expression, as in those forms of development of Classical artistic culture. By Classical artistic culture, we mean that which the beasts could not imitate, nor should man the beasts.
Case in Point: the immortal President:The character of the truly sane human individual, a category which qualifies him or her to be considered as a prospective President of the U.S.A. in the tradition of exemplars such as George Washington, John Quincy Adams, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin Roosevelt, is a keen sense of immortality, the immortality to which I have referred here. Looking abroad, there was greatness in the President Charles de Gaulle who resisted the attempted Synarchist tyranny over France, and a certain extraordinary goodness in the inspiring attempts of Chancellor Konrad Adenauer under terrible circumstances. However, the institution of the U.S. Presidency is unique among nations to date, because our history and our Constitution are unique.
From the beginning, as the chief crafter of our Constitution's principle, Benjamin Franklin understood very well, our emerging republic had a nearby great enemy in the corrupting influence of the faction of the British East India Company, the so-called "Essex Junto," in our midst. This struggle against the chief foe within our ranks was always, as today, like a wrestling with the Devil incarnate himself. This foe was represented by the modern expression of the same evil which European experience sometimes refers to as "the whore of Babylon," the oligarchical interest typified by the image of the Delphi cult's Pythian Apollo and Olympian Zeus. It represented the Anglo-Dutch Liberal mask of the Venetian financier-oligarchical tradition.
This specific form of evil, the Anglo-Dutch Liberal mask, is to be recognized today as rooted in the role of Paolo Sarpi as the organizer of the new Venice faction which came to be incarnated in the Anglo-Dutch Liberal party of Sir Francis Bacon, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Bernard Mandeville, François Quesnay, Adam Smith, and Jeremy Bentham. The opposing faction within the specific domain of political-economy, has been typified by the founder of the modern science of physical economy, Gottfried Leibniz.
The February 1763 Treaty of Paris, which concluded the so-called "Seven Years War," established the Anglo-Dutch alliance associated with the British East India Company as a growing world-empire-in-fact. With the absorption of the defeated Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte's Banque de France into the orbit of the higher-ranking Anglo-Dutch Liberal system, the present leading constellation of actually imperial financier-oligarchical power was brought into being. The integration of the Synarchist banking circles of France and other nations into the Anglo-Dutch Liberal system of, in fact, global imperial power, has been recently consolidated in a new degree through the emergence of a European Central Bank whose existence and practice have degraded the nations of western and central continental Europe into mere colonies of global Anglo-Dutch Liberal financier power, dying colonies trapped within the orbit of the dying Euro and its satellites.
This system is now implicitly bankrupt beyond redemption. One way or another, a new system's early appearance is virtually inevitable—either for good, or for doom. For the moment, the likely contender for leadership over a bankrupted, globalized world at large, is an inner core of international bankers closely associated with the same France-based Synarchist cabal which played a key role in bringing the regime of Adolf Hitler into power in France, and which was never actually shut down, despite its crimes as an accomplice of the Nazis. This element, associated with the Lazard bank and its Banque Worms links, is the central feature of a system of control over ownership of primary commodities and of crucial elements of industrial and agricultural production, a monster which has situated itself in a position to seize power over, and to devour what survives of the world economy, all this under the conditions of a now threatened global financial collapse comparable, on a world scale, to what happened in Europe during the Fourteenth-Century New Dark Age crisis.
This is a key aspect of the current leading strategic threat to the planet as a whole. If this Synarchist-centered element were to succeed in that gamble, or if it were to nearly succeed but fail, all of this planet's civilization would be in jeopardy. While this is an expression of the greatest evil loose on the planet today, is it only an aspect of the larger problem. This brings us now to the core of my report on the current threat.
2. The Author of the Mumbai Horror
It is not absolutely necessary to know the personal identities of the culpable parties behind the crimes of mass murder perpetrated in Mumbai, India earlier this week. That does not mean that we should not seek to apprehend the particular culprits and their accomplices; it means simply that we already know the name of the enemy species, the guilty species. Our priority must not be to punish scape-goats, but to remove the specific power to do evil which that faction represents. Punishing culprits will not bring the victims back to life; eliminating the power of the evil forces on whose behalf the perpetrators acted, is to honor the victims by removing the power represented by the class which the perpetrators represented. To the victims we owe the assurance that their lives and suffering were not in vain. We must resolve, once more, and mean it, that the evil we face today shall never be allowed to happen again.
The victory over Hitler was made possible by the fact that Franklin Roosevelt was elected President of the United States, and that he prepared and directed not only the recovery of the U.S. from that economic collapse, by about one-half, caused by the combined policies of the Coolidge and Hoover Administrations; he also prepared the U.S. to intervene to prevent the United Kingdom from joining a Synarchist-ruled France, which had prearranged Hitler's military victory, in capitulating to Hitler, in Summer 1940, as France had done. Thus, although the fascist regimes of 1922-1945 Europe had been established with the initial enthusiastic support for fascist regimes in both Europe and the U.S.A. itself, from leading financial groups in New York City, Paris, London, Switzerland, and elsewhere, the alliance among, principally, the U.S., the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union, saved the world from the 1930s likely threat of Nazi world rule.
The logic of that account of history is much the same danger we face, in principle, under the qualitatively new conditions of today. The person, or institution which does not relish reflection on that truth of the 1922-1945 interval, is useless, or worse than useless, in addressing the great global crisis descending upon us all now.
The most significant form of incompetence of political leadership in the world today, is that view which is sometimes expressed either by mentally deranged fellows, or simply frauds, who preach, "I do not believe in conspiracy-theories." Only a bit less extreme incompetence is shown by those who claim to accept the fact of conspiracies in history, but who seek to explain history in mechanistic-statistical ways.
As I have emphasized earlier in this present report, the course of history is shaped chiefly in what may appear to be long waves, long cycles. Mass behavior, and conduct of individuals, is chiefly determined by assumptions which shape the will of individuals and institutions, but of which the individual is often unaware. This is conveniently illustrated by the case of the fraud which is Euclidean geometry.
The quickness with which the all-too-typical student accepts the Sophist fraud, that certain definitions, axioms, and postulates are "self-evident," is the prototype of all of the most successful forms of academic frauds. Until the victim of that miseducation were rescued by discovery of a Riemannian, or corresponding mode in physical geometry, rather than the usual textbook stuff, the victim does not see how he is fooled, and how his behavior is controlled by his belief in assumptions he does not recognize as assumptions. Once any similarly fraudulent assumption is habituated, that assumption takes the form, functionally, of an axiom of the victim's belief-system, and, thus, controls the behavior of the affected population.
How It Happened
Strategically, the enemy who menaces civilization today is, chiefly, an echo of what the Nazi system and its immediate predecessors in the "conservative revolution" represented in the aftermath of the First World War. Unless we recognize the reincarnation of that same evil in the forces menacing civilization at this moment, we shall have lost the war coming upon us, before the great battles had begun.
Many among the core of those royal and other powerful families and related institutions of Europe and the Americas, which had, initially, shared sympathies for the fascist role of Coudenhove-Kalergi and his like, turned against Adolf Hitler, for one reason or another, but, usually, had not abandoned the implicitly axiomatic prejudices which had shaped their former inclinations toward fascism. As psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud would have made the point, they lost their cathexis for the image of Hitler, Nazism, and so on, but had not lost contact with those axiomatic-like impulses which had drawn them into varying degrees of inclinations toward, or attachment to specific fascist commitments earlier. (The followers of those one-time Nazis and the like, are rarely pleased to be reminded of that, publicly, today.) This kind of pattern was more significant as typical of institutions, rather than of isolated persons. Families, or institutions, for example, tended to reinforce pro-ideological attachments in a degree much less probable for the instance of the single individual.
In other words, the relevant predispositions, or inclinations, were much more an expression of social ties than of individual persuasion as such.
This threat was already clear to some at the time President Roosevelt died.
A friend, an OSS veteran close to General Donovan, recalled a moment when he had been waiting outside President Roosevelt's office while Donovan met with the President, inside. The friend recalled the expression on Donovan's face when the General came out. The General muttered something which the friend recalled as, "It's over!" The President was clearly dying, which signified to Donovan and my friend that the old right wing was moving in to take over, and cancel the relevant post-war policies intended by Roosevelt. Hence, the ruinous role played by the waiting Vice-President, Harry S Truman.
After the President's death, the changes in direction of policy came suddenly, and sharply. However, there were some features of the Roosevelt legacy which could not be uprooted so readily as others. The world economy outside the U.S.A. was a ruin; without retaining the core of the Bretton Woods agreements framed by Roosevelt, no stable world order were possible. It would be not until two decades later, in the middle to late 1960s, that the British, first, and the U.S. government, second, would proceed to the immediately following destruction of the Bretton Woods system.
Meanwhile, with the death of President Roosevelt, the core of his lurking adversaries, some with important links to the European financier circles which had backed Mussolini and Hitler, respectively, back during the 1920s and 1930s, were back in the saddle. All that is essential in that drive toward world-wide fascism expressed by circles such as those of Lazard's Felix Rohatyn, including temporarily condemned and imprisoned notable Nazi collaborators, were already back in motion by about 1948.
In the meantime, these who carried the germs of fascism, made another long-term cultural investment, this time in a selected stratum from among those born during the 1945-1957 interval, especially those so-called "Baby Boomers" who were likely to pass into and through relevant universities in their adult rise to positions of relatively great collective influence. The pro-existentialist Congress for Cultural Freedom, typified an array of programs with that intended effect on what was to become the so-called "68ers." Fascism-in-fact was thus spread among the relevant 68ers, not in shirts of black or brown, but in the politically upwardly-mobile green of the fanatically anti-science brigades.
So, over the course of the 1969-1981 Presidency, the Bretton Woods system and the system of regulation on which the U.S. recovery from Hoover had depended, were almost obliterated. Similarly, the beneficial effects of similar, surviving features of Roosevelt's reforms were promoted in Europe, until the turn for the worst during the middle through late post-John F. Kennedy 1960s.
Look at the dwindling ration of science graduates, before and after 1968. Look at the dwindling ration of the total labor-force employed in agricultural and industrial production. Look at the collapse, during the recent more than three decades in the ratio of maintenance of essential infrastructure to total employment. Look at the cultural and economic downshift to enmiserated, unskilled so-called "service workers," clinging desperately to economic survival in the ruins of what had been our nation's most prosperous agricultural and industrial regions. Look at the increasingly depraved standard for quality of education provided, especially to the members of households in relatively lower income-brackets.
Today, my generation of World War II veterans is dying out. The generation ensconced in leading positions of power, between approximately fifty and sixty-five years of age, occupies most of the leading positions of influence in government, academic, and other professional life. The cycle of the 1945-2006 cultural paradigm-shift, from Hiroshima to this week's terror of Mumbai, has been run, with worse implicitly promised as soon to come. It has been those decadent axiomatic-like elements of belief often associated with the name of the "68ers," which work their subtle effect on the scarcely witting, which have done their nasty work to this effect.
You might wish to say, that this is true, and it is terrible. Yet, the fellow standing next to you might say: "You are probably right about that; but you have to be realistic enough to say to yourself that it is inevitable." So, the descent into the ghoulish nightmare of "globalization" is heralded as, "You can't put the toothpaste back in the tube."
In this way, you, to speak generically, have been conditioned, generation by generation, decade by decade, to accept as virtually inevitable conditions you would have sworn never to tolerate a relatively short time earlier. The lapse of a generation, became, thus, as if almost a century away in a past one claims he can scarcely still remember.
In the meantime, a new "power elite" emerges, typified by those sufficiently corrupted to tolerate the company of someone of the obvious characteristics, and included Synarchist (i.e., fascist) pedigree of a Felix Rohatyn. Such miserable political creatures are products of a process of cultural devolution. They are, in the pedigree of many, the rebirth, in successive new generations, of what was left over as the wealthy and related authors of 1922-1945 fascism. The emergence of the successive generations, has also been a process of changes in the qualities of those old institutions which continue to exist, but also new kinds of institutions. These institutions, and their new ways careen as if by social inertia in the direction of the modern mass terrorism, which governments and other powerful agencies deploy in the attempt to bring forth a new kind of world, called globalization, a world which would be a parody of Europe's medieval ultramontane tyranny of Venetian financial oligarchy and the privatized armies of the Norman chivalry: a new form of the design for an international Waffen-SS.
The various actors in this unfolding situation of global crisis, are, in large degree, acting consciously, as if by free will. Yet, if their choices are sometimes willful, the criteria which shape those choices are more bred into them by their social conditioning, than in the form of actually independently rational acts of cognitive judgment. The evil within them, as this is exhibited by Felix Rohatyn, is, as if instinctive, as an evil which commands them, such that they may be conscious of what they choose to do, but they act so because they can not resist the impulse which conditioning has embedded, as virtually axiomatic, in their wills.
So, today's mounting world nightmare unfolds, as if it had been written as a script.
The Simple Matters of Grand Strategy
The only remedy for this kind of recurring type of affliction in known history, is a willful creative action, which goes against the pricks, which goes directly against the kinds of reaction which conditioning compels the virtual puppet to perform. Return to the uncompleted mission of President Franklin Roosevelt for the post-war world of his time.
The only hope for avoiding the now seemingly inevitable plunge into the abyss which the combination of Southwest Asian lunacy and terror against Mumbai foretells, is to induce a voluntary action by governments to go directly against the dominant trend of the recent decades. Like the man who would swim, the survival of civilizations in perils of this kind, has always been the exceptional voluntary action, which both overturns the currently seemingly inevitable trends toward ruin, and which sends society moving in a rational choice of direction, directly against the current, menacing trends.
The power of human creative reason, which is rarely understood, or consciously employed in society today, is that which distinguishes the man from the beast, if he is both conscious of that difference, and has the courage of the fabled Prometheus to cry out, "Zeus be damned!" We could save civilization, if we really wished to do so badly enough.
It is not good news which drives humanity upward, but rather the very bad news which kicks the reluctant people into necessary action to overturn the habits which led them into a self-inflicted peril. It is that impulse which provokes the uniquely human within you, the creative powers of mind lacking in the beasts.
The enemy is he who reveals himself, as in the exemplary personal history and role of Felix Rohatyn. Rohatyn, personally, is a triviality morally; his significance is that he is not merely evil, but has made himself conspicuously so. So, he typifies the kind of evil agency whom humanity must mobilize to defeat. If you can not dare to name him, identify the evil he represents, and act directly and efficiently to frustrate and destroy the enterprise he is building, then it is you who lack the moral fitness to survive.