President George W. Bush, Jr.
Attempts Our Species-Jump Down
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
October 21, 2006
To sum it all up: on the surface of events so far, the principal fault of the current U.S. Administration of President George W. Bush, Jr., is, that the entire term of that President has been, from the start, an attempt at a species-jump down. Call him "Miniver Cheevy" Bush: "... child of scorn," and concede, that "he had reasons"; but, also say, that that child of scorn, is what he is, now, and in history to come.
That fault lies within the personality of the President himself; but, therefore, what should we say of his accomplices within government, as in the U.S. Congress, for example, who have failed, especially during this year to date, to hold that worse than reckless human failure, this Bozo, this President, in check?
Assume, for just a moment, for the sake of argument, that the world's problems today are chiefly a result of U.S. policy. That is not true, but, assume it were, just to set up the discussion of what is no mere assumption; the very real fact is, that the U.S., while scarcely the sole author of the present global crisis, now continues to play a leading role, in pushing the world as a whole, more and more, into virtual "Hell." No direction in policy-making presently adopted so far by this Bush government of the U.S.A., or those of western and central Europe of the same time, has really produced any good. This is, emphatically, so in economic policy, whether in the U.S.A., in western central Europe, or beyond. The world's economy, not only that of the U.S.A., is not only collapsing, but, under presently prevailing policy-making, is nearing the end-phase of a threatened, collective nose-dive into oblivion.
In the meantime, everything this wretched President Bush does, seem to turn into you-know-what; the bigger his wild-eyed claims of success, during this current year so far, in getting most of the Senators to crawl, and to lick his, or Felix Rohatyn's stinking political feet, the greater each of this President's successive failures becomes.
It might appear that a passing genie came along, pitied the President for coming into office completely bereft of any real talent for that job, and gave that wretched creature, that President, three big wishes; the President, simple-minded fool that he is, fell for the trick, and accepted the proffer of the third wish. "And," the President replied, "I wish to become the all-time Emperor of the World, and show my father up for the fool he was!" The way it turned out, he got an important part of what he had wished; what a fool that father had become, for having raised that son!
Not to mix metaphors and legends unduly, history smiled a little, sad smile, with its characteristic wont for irony, when this President did meet his appointment in Samarra, as literally as you might desire.
That much said so far, is a part, but only part of what I mean, by speaking about "a species-jump" downward.
The obvious, currently popular error about the present crisis, is the increasingly widespread assumption, in the U.S.A. and abroad, that the mess which this President has created, is entirely of his administration's doing. This President might be the most obvious case of a leading fool in the world today, but he is not the only such fool. Look at those equally foolish governments, and other people from around much of the world as a whole, who hate the U.S.A. under Bush so much—and, admittedly, they do have reasons—that these misguided people wallow in the suicidal delusions, that the collapse of the U.S.A. would more or less solve the greatest problems of the rest of the world, and that the plunge into the mass insanity of "globalization" is inevitable.
The usefulness of picking on Bush is not that he is, personally, the worst malefactor in the world, but, that a change in the composition and posture of the U.S. government, is the most needed thing we must do for the sake of present and future humanity as a whole. That is what we must do, if we are to move the world out of a hole which, in fact, many nations have contributed, so far, to creating. In such matters as this present global crisis of all mankind, the task of the political strategist, my job, is not to predict the outcome of history as a wicked witch would do, as if by reading someone else's crystal ball; but, we must discover, and know how to change humanity's apparent destiny, and to act, myself, to contribute to bringing that needed change about.
Four Central Facts
Look at some really important facts, four key facts, which discredit the species of popular delusions, about politics and strategy, which I have just ridiculed above.
FIRST of all, the U.S.A. is not a distant galaxy off by itself, but an integral, dynamical part of the present world-system of ecology, economy, and interacting government, all located immediately, and functionally, within the array of inner planets of an integrated Solar System as a whole. We (which means you, personally) are responsible for what happens to our neck of the universe.
SECOND, the U.S. economy today is not a separate part of our world economy.
Since World War II, the world as a whole has been more or less marginally dependent upon the role of the U.S. dollar. Since the awfully foolish acts of our government during 1971-1972, when the U.S. dissolved the Bretton Woods system, the U.S. dollar which apparently dominates the world's economy, is no longer a sovereign U.S. dollar. It has become, increasingly, especially since the reign of U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman and Ayn Rand fanatic Alan Greenspan, virtually a piece of curiously negotiable International Monetary Fund toilet-paper, largely uttered from Japan, which is regarded with increasing distaste, but used and passed around, and used again, going from hand to hand, nonetheless.
Since 1971-1972, that currency has not been a U.S.-owned, sovereign dollar, but has become an object floating on top of what has become a sea of despair. It has become an object of increasingly doubtful support, quality, and aroma, as something owned and controlled in common by a concert of nations organized under the post-1971 form of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
That U.S. dollar of today is actually controlled, increasingly, as the captive of a kind of global slime-mold, one so defined by the characteristics of the actually imperial Anglo-Dutch Liberal financier system. That latter, that imperial world system itself, is composed of those so-called independent central banking systems of the world, which are, in turn, controlled by globally careening consortia of private financier cartels.
So, it is now the case, that under this present world monetary system, the nations of the world are like late-night, drunken Japanese business gentlemen, stumbling away, along a seemingly heaving and weaving sidewalk, from the site of their libations. Without one another to lean upon, they could barely move a single additional step ahead. They lurch from one side, to the other, and back and forth, sometimes forward, sometimes not, sometimes picking one another up from the ground; that overnight dependency upon one another, has been the living epitome, the cynosure, of the world's financial carry-trade.
That means, that, if the U.S. dollar, in its present, floating-exchange-rate form, goes down, the entirety of the world's present monetary-financial system goes, suddenly, into a hyperbolic form of general disintegration. Under present world physical-economic circumstances, under so-called "globalization," a sudden collapse of the dollar, which might be triggered by the presently accelerating fall of loony Ayn Rand acolyte Alan Greenspan's John Law-style real-estate hyper-bubble, would impel the world as a whole into a plunge into a new dark age.
Unless the U.S. dollar is defended at approximately current parity, the entire world monetary-financial system is plunged into a general collapse. Measures to bolster the dollar for a function like that of the fixed-exchange-rate system, are not only possible, but indispensable. A sudden, radical change in U.S. policy, and in corresponding relations with other leading regions of the world, is now the only hope of avoiding the early unleashing of a chain-reaction financial collapse, globally, which would be a collapse of civilization.
Therefore, we all, all leading nations of the world in particular, urgently require a new administration of government of the U.S.A., replacing the present administration now. The world at large needs that just as desperately as do we. Technically, on principle, this could be done, and would be successful. We require only the sense of urgency and will to act to bring that now desperately needed change about.
To provide a rough estimate of the effects of failing to reverse the present course, away from such a presently onrushing collapse, it would be fair, if admittedly imprecise to say, that during such a new dark age, levels of the human population would tend to fall to something resembling the levels of the period of medieval Europe's Fourteenth Century's "New Dark Age" collapse of the imperial, Venetian monetary-financial system of that time.
Thus, the world of economics and finance, as constituted today, pending the reforms I have proposed as urgent, is inextricably connected to, and rendered almost helpless to resist an onrushing global financial collapse, a collapse being caused by the effects already being experienced under the form of imperial mass-insanity expressed as policies of "globalization."
THIRD, although the attempted sabotage of the U.S. economy began, officially, virtually the day after U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt had died, the world chugged along for about two more decades, under advantages inherent in the continuation of crucial elements of that Bretton Woods monetary system which had been created under that President. The 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy, an assassination which served anti-Franklin Roosevelt interests, had made possible the combined effects of such ruinous developments as the lunatic plunge into the U.S. war in Indo-China and into the eruption of the wild-eyed 68ers' irrationalism;[1] but, the actual process of collapse of the U.S. economy which emerged as a trend during the late 1960s, did not become a net effect, until the aftermath of developments under the cultural trend, downward, expressed by the wrecking-role of the post-1968 U.S. administrations of Presidents Nixon, Ford, and Carter.
The downward trend, leading into the accelerating physical economic decline of the U.S. and western and central European economies (for example) today, is chiefly an expression of the changes, in favor of implicitly imperial, Anglo-Dutch Liberal, "post-industrial" economic doctrines, which were consolidated under the combined impact of that 68er revolt against reason, whose effects made possible both the U.S. Nixon Administration and the consequent 1971-1972 destruction of the Bretton Woods system.
Now, only a radical cultural change in the world's dollar-based U.S. monetary system, back to the principles expressed by the original design of the Bretton Woods system, could provide us the kind of new monetary order needed to launch a physical-economic turnaround from presently onrushing disaster. That is the only hope for the U.S.A. now; it is also, like it or not, the only hope for the world.
The public addresses of President George W. Bush, Jr., even taking into account the increasing signs of mental illness his addresses express, are not the origin of the sickness of the world order today; but, they are the symptom, the death-rattle of a world order which has been an already dying, but presently, if only briefly, still hegemonic, world system.
A close examination of the most conspicuous cultural feature of the George W. Bush Administration's policies, its clinically insane military policy, is a most useful approach to understanding the way in which virtually six years of the current Bush Administration itself has played its crucial part, in transforming a world which had been merely in a state of crisis, into a cesspool of global disaster today.
FOURTH, since the close of the preceding U.S. administration, the Clinton Administration, even during the period of the 2000 U.S. Presidential election campaign, there has been a generally accelerating loss of the ability to think clearly among the ranks of the upper twenty-percentile of family income-brackets between the ages of, notably, those veteran 68ers now between fifty and sixty-five years of age. This stratum contains, chiefly, the people who operate among those leading kinds of the political and other social functions by which a national economy is managed. The cultural decadence suffered by most among them, is associated with our resulting experience that this seemingly rudderless generation, a generation obsessed by its worship of what it fancies as inevitable, has largely lost the moral capacity and quality of rationality to make the useful kinds of relatively crucial choices in policy which had been relatively typical among the notable leaders presented by two earlier generations.
As is customary in history, the remedy for this decadence will come, at least chiefly, if it comes at all, from the generation between eighteen and thirty years of age, which has been, customarily, often sent to war on past occasions, or it will not come at all in our time. However, the unleashing of that needed potential from among the ranks of those young adults, also requires the inspired cooperation of a perhaps small, but significant portion of the converts to reason from within that generation we call "the Baby Boomer generation," and, also, from a crucially important, but now dwindling remnant of my own.
1. How We Went to War
The George W. Bush Presidency was very much something foisted upon the U.S. government, and the world; but, it was also an expression of the pervasive cultural condition of that President's own generation, a generation which he represents as a relatively extreme example of a downward cultural trend, a cultural trend which permitted such a global catastrophe as he represents, to be inserted into that office.
This is not only a pattern in the U.S.A., but is also the recent decades' trend in the political and related cultural life in western and central Europe, and also other places. It is this trend, more than any other factor, which has now brought the world as a whole to the verge of a threatened new dark age. The characteristics of the kind of general warfare toward which a foolish world is being impelled today, are consistently characteristic of the top-down patterns in mass behavior, with the impulses which have been moving the world into the present period of war and ruin beyond.
The relevant set of those events, which is unfolding upon the world today, is unique in certain features; but, the ruinous trend to which analogous cultural patterns, have led to similarly awful consequences in mankind's past, is not new. We are now experiencing, once again, a kind of trend which relatively failed cultures of the past have frequently undergone. The worst aspect of such tragic episodes within the span of history, has been, that, although remedies existed which might have prevented an awful outcome, the leaders who might have prevented such a disaster, did not exist, or were not allowed to rise to the occasion. Potentially competent leaders were, in one sense or the other, not permitted to act in the proper, remedial role of which they might have been capable. They were, in the main, either not fit, or not situated for the kind of role of which Franklin Roosevelt, an exceptional leader in his times, proved himself capable.
The able leader, in a proper position of leadership, may save a nation, a civilization, as President Franklin Roosevelt did in his time. Such an able leader acts to reform a decadent trend in culture, when decadence is the culture of the people at large, as ours was becoming under the succession of Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Calvin Coolidge, and Herbert Hoover, before President Franklin Roosevelt, and, as the downward trend was resumed after the death of Roosevelt: in the administrations of Harry Truman, Nixon, Ford, Carter, George H.W. Bush, and, now, George W. Bush.
The Hamlet of Shakespeare's Hamlet did not cause the disaster. As Shakespeare wrote, something was rotten in that Denmark as a whole, as has been the case in the U.S. and western and central Europe today. It is not bad leaders, as such, who bring a nation to doom; bad leaders are tolerated only as the expression of a sick reigning culture of the people, as the case of the virtual intellectual zero, President George W. Bush, shows.
This kind of widespread sickness in the people, tends to prevent what would have been able leaders from being selected; as a result of that, society fails to avert the doom which the prevalent culture would otherwise bring upon itself, even its civilization as a whole. Some leading stratum, or strata, of a foolish people represents, thus, the cause of the doom which it has expressed by a nation, in choosing leaders such as George W. Bush. Such is the doom which the people, largely, bring upon themselves, through the choosing of leaders who will ensure such a wretched future for themselves.
What in Hell Did This War Do?
President George W. Bush, Jr. himself, is the kind of mentally deranged boy who breaks toys. He punishes his toys, his associates and underlings, as the depraved Roman Emperor Nero did. Who would wish upon himself the position of Seneca to attend this raving lunatic? Perhaps Karl Rove deserves that position; perhaps the character of the Bush Administration as a whole, is a reflection of the sense that our nation has decided, somehow, not to waste an actually good advisor on another Emperor Nero!
He, however, is not the cause of our ruin; he is, as I have emphasized up to this point, the fool who was picked out for his obvious qualities as a living poison pill, and is therefore well-suited to bring forth that kind of corruption of our nation's system which has been expressed by this Bush Administration over nearly six years to date.
The question posed by more than half a decade, since 2001, is, therefore: how and why did it come about, that such a fool as George W. Bush, who was so obviously a national security-risk in any position of political power, who was virtually appointed to power by George P. Shultz et al., could be the kind of a thing which might be foisted upon the U.S. Presidency?
In retrospect, it is clear, that he was selected by Shultz et al. because the malicious authors of this constitutional travesty were assured that poor, sick, sick George Bush, Jr., was the kind of mental case whose inbred, pathological mental condition, made him a certain kind of deranged puppet, a kind Shultz and others deemed useful to their totalitarian cause.
Among poor creatures whose personal character was suited to such a wrecking role, this fool was preferred as enjoying the marketable value of the Bush dynasty's name. His selection could have been only the result of the intention to use this chosen fool as a tool to destroy the U.S.A. from within, that more or less in the way our nation has become this fool's pet goat. The clear intention, as performance shows, was to use him on behalf of the commitment of eliminating the sovereign nation-state institution, by inducing the U.S.A. to discredit itself awfully in the eyes of the world: that done in favor of the treasonous goal of destroying the U.S.A. for the purpose of instituting a form of imperial tyranny known as "globalization."
The astonishing depth and breadth of contempt and hatred this President has brought upon the United States, and himself, that in less than six years, has set the U.S. up with what is actually a catastrophic, strategically existential defeat in the increasingly hated scourge of aggravated asymmetric warfare in Afghanistan, Iraq, and other targets under similar threat. To destroy a nation as powerful as our own, you must discredit it, preferably by installing a government as disgraceful and odious as the current Bush Administration has become. An administration under a loony President shouting "Stay the course!"—all the way to Hell! This President, if he is not the last President of the U.S. elected under our Constitution, will go down in history as the worst imaginable of all to have held that office to date.
For example, under wartime conditions, under some governments, Bush's actions, as in engaging the U.S.A. in launching his war in Iraq, or by means of utter, willful fraud, could have been the premise for such a person's being summarily court-martialed and, perhaps, even, in some nations, shot by the responsible higher authority, under relevant wartime conditions. In effect, silly Bush has made war for his own personal pleasure, and lied like evangelical Hell to get his way in doing this. He should have been impeached by the U.S. Congress, that on the basis of the evidence already in the hands of the Congress prior to the November 2002 mid-term elections. The Congress which allowed itself to be duped into an plainly unconstitutional pre-commitment to war, did not have even the pretext of an incident like the "Gulf of Tonkin incident" hoax, to justify its craven complicity in permitting the lunatic President Bush to go to war: then, and, probably, again, and again, and some more, and yet again.
What has prevented the Congress from impeaching that guilty President, despite the fact that all sane members had discovered that he had lied to them to get us into that war? What kept them under his control, was either the members' personal cowardice, or their often exposed unwillingness to admit that they, themselves, had been guilty of allowing themselves to be fooled into allowing a violation of the U.S. Constitution and the relevant laws established under it. It was the rottenness "in Denmark": this time in the ranks of the majority of the elected political establishment in the legislature, which has allowed our nation to be brought down in this affair.
My focus in crafting this report has been, thus, on the subject of going to war under present global economic conditions.
At the close of what is called "World War II," especially after the manifest existence of nuclear weapons, and, still more, the development of arsenals of missile-borne thermonuclear warheads, it began to be conceded by all sane forces in and around principal governments, that the day in history, when going to war might have been, sometimes, an available instrument of sane policy, was finally coming to an end.
Since those preceding developments, as, on that relevant day in Paris, when U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower and France's President Charles de Gaulle had manifestly understood this, but, clearly, not Nikita Khrushchev then, nor, later, Khrushchev vis-à-vis President Kennedy in Vienna. The spread of deployment of nuclear weapons, especially thermonuclear missile-borne weapons, as instruments of warfare in service of foreign policy, what President Ronald Reagan was to label "revenge weapons," could not be tolerated any longer by sane governments.
The reaction to the practical demonstration of this fact, came in the wake of the 1962 missiles-crisis.
Since then, the problem has been, despite the attempt made on behalf of such a policy as that expressed as my own original SDI proposal, as presented by President Ronald Reagan on March 23, 1983, the nations have failed to adopt any effective form of positive alternative to pre-1945 notions of warfare. I emphasize positive, as distinct from merely negative options, and as against any launching of general modern warfare, whether or not it might be foreseen as leading to either a nuclear, or not-nuclear mode. General warfare, except warfare required to repel an attack, can not be used successfully any more.
As the administration of President George H.W. Bush ("41") recognized, continuing with an attempted military occupation of Iraq at that time would be an assured disaster. The experience of the U.S. military adventure in Indo-China, and the Soviet experience in Afghanistan, had already demonstrated the increasing role of asymmetric warfare, such as that which has defeated the U.S.A. et al. in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the ruin of Israel's most recent venture in Lebanon. No regular military force can resist indefinitely the attritional force expressed by a people which defies an invader with the pure willingness to die in vast numbers in asymmetric resistance. Whether the Miniver Cheevys of the Bush Administration and London's Blair choose to accept that fact or not, the world has changed, and that forever.
This presents us with a point to be argued which, for the sake of clarity, must be stated and restated here in modes which differ from one another, but converge to the same ultimate effect.
So, as I have just stated above, I emphasize, that somewhat to his credit, the specific, well-advised decision of the current U.S. President's father, Bush "41," was not to continue warfare with an attempt to occupy the whole territory of Iraq. This was not, in itself, the needed positive policy option; but, it was serious only as a negative alternative, to be chosen against continuing the initial intervention as a full-scale, continuing, asymmetric warfare which that former President's foolish son has unleashed. It was emphatically not, for example, the needed positive, SDI-like option, which the Soviet crisis of 1989-1990 had made, once again, available to modern history.
Earlier, every NATO and related military exercise, desk or otherwise, in Germany, for example, had led to the impasse, the point at which nuclear weapons were deployed in action, and, then, inevitably, thermonuclear weapons after that. This state of affairs existed, in fact, until the aftermath of the notable events in Germany, in 1989. The support which I received from relevant leading military circles of the U.S.A., Europe, and elsewhere, for what President Reagan named his "Strategic Defense Initiative," was premised by leading professionals' recognition of the important change in policy which I had introduced for adoption by that President. President George H.W. Bush could have picked up the SDI under the favorable conditions unleashed by the collapse of the Comecon, and made it a keystone for global peace and growing prosperity, instead of the ruinous policy of rapine which he, Margaret Thatcher, and François Mitterrand used to plunge the world into the deepening economic catastrophe of today.
What has been poorly understood about this entire business, is that the problem to be solved is not merely, or even chiefly, the existence of nuclear and thermonuclear technology. Only wishful idiots presume that extended general warfare could occur today without the use of such weapons at some point in the conflict, whether a government had initially intended that or not. Under the relevant practical conditions, no effective form of simple enforcement of a ban were feasible today. Those who dream of "super-weapons," show us that they have no rightful place of power among sane governments in our world.
The Westphalian Option
The problem so presented, must be addressed in a different way, as the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia illustrates the principle involved.
No sane and otherwise competent political leader today, would argue against a policy which maintained an institution of competent military strategic defense. Simply blocking nuclear technology, would be like shutting down agriculture as a way of preventing insects from eating crops: just as growing foodstuffs as fuel to replace petroleum and nuclear power, will destroy the nation stupid enough to employ such "alternatives" (which would assuredly be the destruction of the environment).
What the relevant shallow minds have failed to grasp, so far, is even the simple fact, that the sheer destructive force and reach of modern warfare now, defines a competent modern military defense as being not a war policy, but, in even its relatively simplest aspect, an indispensable, functional part of a general-war-avoidance policy. This was demonstrated in the early phase of the U.S. invasion of Iraq under Bush "43." The initial military onslaught was successful, as expected by the relevant opponents of Donald Rumsfeld among the professionals; it was the occupation, which assumed the worst possible form of virtual criminal stupidity with the advent of Paul Bremer, which has been a perpetual catastrophe. This illustrates, when the facts are compared with those of "Desert Storm," that it is not a military policy per se which contains the essence of failure; military capability is a necessary, but, now, merely a subsidiary feature of a certain kind of limited mission. The implications of what should be already an obvious fact of current world reality, remain otherwise, admittedly, still poorly understood, current diplomatic policy.
As I shall show at an appropriate place later in this present report, to understand the deeper, systemic implications of what I have stated concerning war-policy above, we must bring another topic, a certain aspect of the science of physical economy, into play.
Most simply stated: what has changed on this account since the 1914 outbreak of the British Empire's orchestrated launching of geopolitical World War I, is the modern technological and related circumstances which do not permit the nations to tolerate a military policy of the lunatic type associated with the George W. Bush Administration's clear intention: an intention which he and his Administration have expressed since no later than the moment that that administration first took office, and most flagrantly since the evening's deliberations of September 11, 2001.
The use of military capability as a factor contributing to containment of the threat of warfare and like conflicts, must be complemented by an effective form of positive alternative to both so-called regular and asymmetric combat impulses. Without that factor, containment is, like the lunatic U.S. Bush Administration's lunatic policy toward North Korea now, putting a boy up to sit on the overheated engine's safety-valve.
The use of positive measures to delimit the use of the force of arms politically, is not new. The relevant modern precedent is the role of Cardinal Mazarin in connection with the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia. The point to be made, is best illustrated by the circumstances leading into the adoption of that Treaty ending the 1618-1648 "Thirty Years War." That Westphalian precedent expresses a principle, which must be recognized as the needed principle to be applied, by modern means, in crafting the change in policy employed today.
2. From Cusa to Mazarin
To understand any systemic issue within the framework of modern European civilization, we must situate the discussion within the notion of the difference between the kind of physical space-time framework within which the development of modern European civilization is situated, and a contrasting, qualitatively different physical space-time framework of the time prior to the Fifteenth-Century emergence of the modern sovereign nation-state institution around the great ecumenical Council of Florence.
The crux of the world situation today, is defined by those terribly foolish, intentional measures which have been aimed at the early destruction of the institution of the modern nation-state and of the relations among the development of such states which were still, in 1945, in the process of emerging from their gross physical-economic underdevelopment as colonies or semi-colonial states. The present situation is defined, more sharply, by the general, deliberate breakdown of the physical economic processes of development in Europe and the Americas, over the course of the 1968-1981 interval of shift from a productive society, to a decadent, so-called "post-industrial" model of physical collapse: a collapse, per capita and per square kilometer of national territories, into the neo-feudal form called "globalization," imperialist fantasies copied from the tattered, antique pages of Astounding Science Fiction. Such is the paradoxical situation globalization poses now, especially under the effects of the aggravated rate of collapse of economy since 1990-1992.
Therefore, to appreciate the realities of today's world situation, we must begin with attention to the history of the emergence and general development of modern Europe out of the preceding conditions of pre-modern, post-Charlemagne, so-called "feudal" Europe, from about A.D. 1000, as follows.
From approximately the turn of the millennium, A.D. 1000, until the close of the Fourteenth Century, the Mediterranean littoral and beyond was dominated by a system usually referred to as "feudalism." That so-called feudal system, whose principled characteristics are, most unfortunately, poorly understood today, even among most putative scholars, was actually composed of the subsuming, dynamic mode of interaction of an imperialist system with two principal features: a kind of alliance between the factors of the Venetian financier oligarchy and the Norman chivalry. This was the so-called ultramontane system of empire, which, in principled contrast to the early Roman and Byzantine empires, is what is echoed today, since the February 1763 Peace of Paris, by the effort of the Anglo-Dutch Liberal party of Lord Shelburne's East India Company, to install what would be a similarly failed model of, this time, a truly global imperialism, called "globalization."
That present scheme called "globalization," is a reflection of the same, pathetic model expressed in the military policies of the current Bush Administration's Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, former Secretary of State George P. Shultz (the ungodfather of the Bush Administration), and Vice-President Cheney. These Bush Administration policy-impulses are indistinguishable, in fact of practice, from the policies called "international fascism" today.[2] They represent a copy, in principle, of an earlier scheme of some for a world Nazi empire, a model which the relevant fascist ideologues expressed as a new version of the old imperial military system of Roman legions, a new version such as the one proposed for an international Waffen-SS. The actual model imitated by today's scheme for "globalization," is not the Roman or Byzantine model as such, but, rather the so-called ultramontane form of imperialism, in which Venice's financier oligarchy was primary, and the privatized military forms of a crusading Norman chivalry, a subordinated leading feature.
The collapse of the Fourteenth-Century version of the Venetian ultramontane scheme, became the opportunity for the establishment of modern European civilization in the form introduced, implicitly, by the great ecumenical Council of Florence, the Golden Renaissance, and by the launching of the first modern nation-states of the commonwealth form, that of France's Louis XI and Henry VII's England. This characteristic feature of the great change pivotted on that Council of Florence, was expressed in three signal writings of the Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa: his Concordantia Catholica, the design of the principled policy of modern sovereign nation-state republic, his De Docta Ignorantia, the work which founded modern experimental science, and his De Pace Fidei, the policy of ecumenical peace on which the later 1648 Treaty of Westphalia was grounded, that under the leadership of Cardinal Mazarin.
We are still enjoying, even still today, much of the benefit for humanity generally, which the combined effect of that Renaissance and the Treaty of Westphalia echoes. However, a major problem arose, which haunts our civilization up to the present moment, a problem which is the forerunner of the horrors of that unleashing of global religious warfare by the fundamentally, and rather radically heathen, present Bush Administration.
Briefly, the case is this. With the orchestration of the Fall of Constantinople by the resurgent Venetian financier oligarchy, there came a feudalist effort to turn back the influence of the Council of Florence and the institution of that modern form of sovereign nation-state republic, the commonwealth form, as the latter was typified then by the reigns of Louis XI and his admirer, Henry VII.
This commonwealth model from Louis XI's and Henry VII's governments, provided the inspiration for the formation of certain among the relatively autonomous English colonies in North America, and serves still as the root of a constitutional principle of self-government still relatively unique to the U.S. Federal Constitution, a constitution pivotted on that remarkably superior principle of natural and constitutional law expressed by the Preamble of that Constitution. Indeed, this Constitution represents not only the distillation of the noblest aspirations from among the cultures of Europe, but has reflected the desired possibility for forming such a republic at a discreet distance from the social diseases inherent in the oligarchical traditions among the nations of Europe.
The most crucial blow to the achievements of the Golden Renaissance, was not the Fall of Constantinople, but, the rise of the Spanish Inquisition under Tomás de Torquemada, from approximately 1480, and the launching of that Inquisition's expulsion of the Jews from Spain, in 1492. This was a return to the same anti-Semitic and Muslim-hating policies, like those of London's Bernard Lewis today, which had characterized the anti-Charlemagne policies of the medieval ultramontane system. This 1492 expulsion unleashed a wave of religious warfare, based on the evil doctrine copied by Thomas Hobbes, a mass-murderous, bestial insanity, which continued in virtual "free fall" until the adoption of the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia.
From 1648, the intent of all civilized governments among the nations of globally extended European civilization, has been to employ means of warfare solely to protect the system of relations among sovereign peoples which the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia prescribes, as according to the principle of agape famously expressed within the Christian Apostle Paul's I Corinthians 13.
Since 1648, the leading source of violation of that peaceful order among nations and peoples, has been the role of relics of earlier imperial systems, chiefly those of the Roman, Byzantine, and the ultramontane types. The latter is typified by, the Venetian system of ultramontane rule in the interest of a slime-mold-like financier-oligarchy. The same echo of medieval Venice, in the slightly altered variety of Paolo Sarpi's design of so-called "Liberalism" for modern society, is the form of the principal threat from within to modern civilization today.
On that account, the governments of nations of the period since the death of President Franklin Roosevelt, including the current Bush Administration, tend to be the more consistent, and, therefore, the worst examples of heathenism. They seek, in fact, to destroy Christianity, as President George W. Bush, Jr., attempts to do this in fact, by promoting, and thus seeking to popularize, an image of Christianity which is a disgusting, fraudulent sort of wildly gnostic, pagan travesty. It is an image in the likeness of Dostoevsky's image of the satanic Grand Inquisitor, as this face of evil is expressed, in its innermost character, in the spirituality expressed in the form of the Nazi-like torture pens of Guantanamo.[3]
To grasp the principle which underlines the practical problem which this conflict represents, we must situate the behavior of George W. Bush and his Administration, in Bush's implied hostility to that principle of functional literacy which is the essential line of separation of man from beast.
George W. Bush: Man or Beast?
Most among you have, at one time or another, made a humorous quip, with no malicious intention, but which you soon regretted. You might, for example, have told a friend suffering a particularly vicious hangover from the party they had enjoyed the night before, "What accident have you crawled out of!" in the fashion of joshing an old friend. You had not known that a family member of his had been killed in a highway collision that morning.
Nonetheless, I would be at minimal fear of risk on such account, if I had stated here my suspicion that poor President George Bush, obviously, could not tell the difference between a Christian and a monkey, especially if that monkey were himself. Not even if he thought his life and after-life, combined, depended upon such knowledge. After due, thoughtful reflection, does the accumulated evidence not suggest to us that we might think of his administration's collection, especially the Vice-President's office, as mimicking the characters from H.G. Wells' The Island of Dr. Moreau? For some clever wag, that fact might suggest an explanation for the beastly confusion shown by George's reference to his own ape-ing of his apparent choice of Vice-President as by pointing out Cheney and saying: "That's me!"
Therefore, a reporter might simply ask poor rage-ball George: "Could a monkey be a Christian?"
Caught by that question at a White House press conference, Junior might look startled for a moment, but, then, might seem to light up: "Let me just take a stab at it. My guess would be, 'No.' "
There, the President's reach into the domain of theology would have reached its outer limits. His claims to passion in his answer, would not be convincing to qualified specialists in animal husbandry, since a rhesus monkey whose paw was caught in a Malaysian monkey-trap, might have uttered that same opinion with screams of even greater clarity, sincerity, and passion.
There is no moral risk in the use of wit of that sort where he is concerned. Not only does Bush deserve it, richly; but, the citizens of our nation need it, even desperately. This is not merely an allusion to the President's incontestable uncomeliness; it is, quite literally, a matter of speaking gently, but also with scientific precision on that subject, as I make that point, in full sobriety, here and now.
The known, and richly proven distinction which separates the human being from the category of the beasts, is that sovereign quality of that individual, healthy human mind, the which the virtual Satan, the Olympian Zeus, of Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound, demanded be banned from human practice: the quality of the ability, to know, and to employ a discovered principle of the universe, such as Kepler's uniquely original discovery of gravitation, or the use of forms of fire, such as nuclear power. This is the only quality of the individual human mind which efficiently, and most clearly, separates the human individual from all lower forms of life, apes and monkeys included.
The human species is distinguished by that form of its labor associated with increasingly capital-intensive expressions of scientific and technological progress. The distinction of the human being, in contrast to the apes, is expressed in the form of those physical actions which are informed by the discovery of knowledge of universal physical principles, such as such uses of the principle of fire as nuclear power.
What has mostly ruined the economy of the U.S.A., over the recent thirty-five-odd years, most notably, has been the shift of employment, away from progress in production based on scientific-technological progress in infrastructure, agriculture, and manufacturing. This is progress measurable in physical terms per capita and per square kilometer of land-area of the U.S. land-area and population as a whole.
The recent decades' ruin of the U.S. economy as a whole, can be measured roughly, but rightly, per capita, per square kilometer, as my associates and I have approached this task, for each county and all counties of the U.S. territory as a whole. Historically, since 1971, especially since the radical changes, to deregulation, in 1979-1981, the U.S. economy, and the real net physical income of its people, have been ruined, more and more, up to the point of bringing about the general physical-economic and monetary-financial breakdown-crisis over which the current Bush Administration presides, amid all the wonder of its cupidity and stupidity, combined, today.
The amount of nominal money and near-money, combined, in circulation today, has skyrocketed, whereas the net physical purchasing-power of the population, per capita, and per square kilometer of land-area, has collapsed under the impact of what has been an accelerating general rate of physical collapse and physical purchasing-power of the population. When those factors are taken together as one, the rate of inflation of the U.S. dollar is a present lunge into imminent hyperinflationary collapse [Figure 1], beginning perhaps, with Ayn Rand fanatic Alan Greenspan's great, hyperinflationary mortgage bubble and the associated pestilence of hedge-funds. Ours is, its present form, an imminently doomed civilization, first and foremost in the U.S.A. and western and central Europe, but a doom which would inevitably overtake every part of the planet as a whole.
[[FIGURE: COLLAPSE FUNCTION #2 as illustration at precisely this point in the text.]]
Is this perhaps God's punishment of man for tolerating the policies, such as those of George W. Bush's admirers at Enron, which the upper twenty-percentile of the U.S. and European 68ers, chiefly, have foisted upon this planet. A credible argument for that view of the situation is implicitly available.
The likeness of the individual member of the human species to the Creator of this universe, lies in the power of the individual human mind to generate discoveries of universal physical principle, and comparable Classical artistic principles, which are congruent with the work of Johannes Kepler, and with the conception of Kepler's acknowledged great, and avowed predecessor, Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa. This quality of the human individual is the likeness of that individual to the person of the Creator, who exerts the continuing power of creation throughout the universe as a whole. It is this creative power within the sovereign individual human, which is the sole root of that individual's immortality, despite the death of the animal part of our individual nature.
Is poor President Bush, then, actually a Christian? Even the virtually pro-Satanic George P. Shultz, who took pride in making a President George W. Bush virtually out of either mud, or some less comely material, could not accomplish that miracle. Certainly not. He were, more likely, like a coyote, a thief at heart, or simply a predator.
The Purpose of Peace
On account of that species-distinction of the human individual, which I have just pinpointed, the human individual is to be considered as made in the likeness of the continuing Creator of the universe. In turn, those powers of creativity which set the human individual apart from and above the beasts, and in that likeness to the Creator, render the human individual's personality, if not his body, intrinsically immortal, as a human personality.
Through the medium of those powers of creativity whose essentially empirical distinction is the generation and realization of scientific and Classical cultural modes of progress, as Cusa emphasized, man participates in the Creator, in the further development of this finite and self-bounded universe. On this account, the human individual lives and acts in the image of the Creator, and is part of the Creator's universal process of creation as the relevant verses of Genesis 1 affirms. The individual personality must be treated accordingly, even when his or her behavior may not be of the finest quality.
This regard for the goodness thus imparted to the human individual's available powers, is the proper basis for defining the functional sovereignty of the nation, and, at the same time, the vital interest of the nation in cooperation to the same general end shared with other sovereign nations. Our U.S. Federal Constitution's vital Preamble, which is the life's blood of our constitutional law, expresses this explicitly for our affairs, and also implies the kind of cooperative relationship we seek with other sovereign states.
A successful form of modern society, is approximated at its relative best, by the periods of the highest rate of physical-economic development, per capita and per square kilometer, of the U.S.A. In this form of society at its best, the development of long-term investment in basic economic infrastructure, is coordinated functionally with capital-intensive modes of scientific and technological progress in both methods of production and increasing capital-intensity of investment in product and its production. "One or the other," is never a sane choice; both are required simultaneously, and are interdependent in respect to the effects accomplished; one without the other will be a physical-economic catastrophe, and probably, also a financial catastrophe, such as that descending upon the U.S.A., in particular, today.
The chief source of the difficulties which mankind has experienced as an obstacle to such cooperative relations along these lines among sovereign states, has been the form of what is fairly described as pro-satanic corruption, a form best known to globally extended European civilization as "the oligarchical principle," as typified by the Delphi Apollo cult's division of the population of Lycurgan Sparta between rulers and helots. This "model" corresponds to the ideology of the rule of a nation by its upper three or perhaps twenty percentile of family-income brackets, where the lower eighty percentile, or so, is condemned to even actually slavery or other expressions of meanness. It is the suppression of the development of the scientific and related creative powers of the individual from the lower ranks of society, while morally stupefying the corrupted upper three or twenty percentile, which creates a culture which is antipathetical to the principle of the natural divinity of the personality of the human individual.
That is the kind of factor of corruption which the U.S. has suffered, especially since the advent of the Nixon Administration. That corruption is the prevalent situation of the U.S.A. today.
By bestializing the population with use of such oligarchical habits inherited from societies premised on the idea of the rule of the master over the slave, a certain quality of behavior is engendered within and among nations. This is a quality which is the antipathy of regard for the proper sense of identity, the true self-interest of the human individual soul. Hence, the minimal standard of excellence for the members of any society, is that typified by the Christian Apostle Paul's celebrated I Corinthians 13, the concept, as referenced by that Apostle, and, also, most notably, by the Apostle John, which is presented in Classical Greek as Plato's concept of agape. It is not prescribed that we endure oppression and other corruption themselves kindly; it is necessary to defeat oppression and related corruption through means cohering with this concept of agape, as also emphasized ecumenically by the great Moses Mendelssohn, the quality of agape which expresses the immortality of the individual human soul.[4]
Since we all must die, the crucial issue of human life is defined as that aspect of us which must outlive our mortal form of existence. This is expressed in the form of an action which coheres with the quality of creativity typified by Kepler's uniquely original discovery of universal gravitation, or kindred qualities of Classical artistic composition. Because these creative actions express the quality which coheres with the action of the Creator, they are universal actions, hence immortal. It is those progressive changes in the organization of society's action, which reflect the generation and transmission of such progress, which defines the typification of the practical expression of the immortal works of the human soul. It is upon this conception of the soul that the existence and functioning of a civilized society depends.
At this point in world history, the challenge of immortality is typified by a certain set of global challenges to society at this time. I have pointed these out in earlier locations, and emphasize them as a matter of illustration now.
3. The Eurasian Option
The world has now reached the physical state of preconditions for a progressive change, upward, in the modes of production, at which a qualitative leap upwards in technology is the price of the physical survival of civilization as a whole.
To illustrate this point, consider the implications of the need to meet the challenge of the numerous poor people among growing nations such as, most notably for size, China and India. As I have emphasized in reports published on earlier occasions, without a qualitative upshift to heavy emphasis on nuclear-thermonuclear and related physical principles, mankind would face rapidly approaching physical limitations which would threaten a general collapse of the Earth's economy, and, therefore, its civilization as a whole.
Our consideration of the implications of this physical challenge to economy, would add a new dimension of importance to certain qualitative changes in the strategic relations among sovereign nation-states throughout the planet today. This gives a new dimension of presently overriding importance to the reactivation of the principle underlying the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia, a principle which is now, also, the immediate precondition for avoiding a general eclipse of civilization globally,
This represents an unprecedented form of challenge to society. The essence of that matter is the following.
For the first time in human existence, the ratio of required consumption of relatively high qualities of so-called "raw materials" to the requirements of human production and consumption, is within the foreseeable range of outrunning the economically usable supply of such materials within the planet's Biosphere. This means, that, during the coming two generations, humanity as a whole must have completed a qualitative upshift in physical-economic modes of practice, a quality of upshift which overcomes the relative limits which this presently emerging new state of affairs implies.
No longer can mankind simply exploit the Biosphere's relevant accumulation of deposits; now, we must generate and regenerate the supply of such resources, and we must accomplish this at rates which outrun the required increases of human consumption, rates required to maintain the high standard of living and production technology which the meeting of this challenge absolutely requires.
The feasible solution for this challenge now exists in principle.
However, meeting this challenge requires an immediate, profound, qualitative shift in the policy-shaping of the world's nations, especially the world's leading powers. This required upshift gives an added quality of dimension to the need to restore the principle of the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia in a form which demolishes the politics of "globalization." If we are unwilling to make that change in direction, now, civilization will bring a planetary new dark age upon itself, virtually immediately. Humanity as a whole has no sane choice but to abandon "globalization," and to proceed now to that kind of full restoration of the authority of the sovereign nation-state which this challenge demands of us.
The strategic situation, as viewed from that point of reference, is the following.
As I have said, above: the great progress in the human condition of the planet, was that made with the emergence of modern European civilization from the point of reference of the great ecumenical Council of Florence. This change was characterized by the influences typified by the work of Cusa and his followers in the birth of modern science, and the founding of the institution of the modern European, commonwealth form of sovereign nation-state, in Louis XI's France and Louis' follower, Henry VII's England. This result of that development is typified by the interaction of this current within modern European civilization with the present state of the so-called "Asiatic model."
Out of this so-called conflict in cultures, between what had been seen as modern European and Asian models, two conflicting forms of oligarchical tendencies arose within European civilization. In one case, as in the Habsburg takeover of Spain, and in the other case, under the influence Anglo-Dutch Liberalism, we had modern imperialism, which misused the advantage of Europe's scientific and technological development as a weapon of imperial subjugation of the continents of Asia and Africa, most notably. In the opposing case, the opposition to both reactionary currents, came as the opposition to the oligarchical European model defined by the birth of the U.S. Federal Constitutional republic.
As U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt, an insightful and bold adversary of modern European oligarchical models, had intended for the post-war world, the lesson learned was the need to share the power and other advantages of European scientific and technological progress with our Asian and African friends, as a way to rid the world of subjugation to intrinsically imperialist oligarchical systems. Unfortunately, this Roosevelt policy was reversed, sharply and bloodily, by Winston Churchill's exemplary U.S. co-thinker, President Harry S Truman. With that step, the U.S. republic also became the target whose ultimate destruction was intended by those, chiefly, who shared the imperial Anglo-Dutch Liberal inclination.
Since then, that form of Liberalism has shown itself to be a wolf in sheep's clothing, as that is attested by the revival of fascism even within leading circles around the Bush-Cheney regime today. Thus, since the death of President Franklin Roosevelt, the imperialist tendency centered in the financier oligarchy behind Anglo-Dutch Liberal domination of the planet's monetary-financial systems, has brought the world, step-wise, downward, to what threatens to be the greatest calamity of humanity since Europe's Fourteenth-Century "New Dark Age." Unfortunately, as since 1763, this American opposition to the oligarchical model had its enemies, such as the British East India Company's Essex Junto asset among us, sometimes known as "the white shoe" faction, even within what became the United States
However, meanwhile, especially since the counter-revolutionary actions of the administration of U.S. President Richard Nixon's wrecking of Roosevelt's Bretton Woods system, two asymmetrically ordered, contrasted processes have been underway globally.
On the one side, there is the deliberate collapsing of the economies of the Americas and Europe, in particular, in an effort to ruin these nations in such a way as to clear the pathway for a new form of Anglo-Dutch Liberal imperialism, now called "globalization." At the same time, the existing system of our planet as a whole, has been racing toward a meeting with an actually astronomical destiny, the near-approach of that date of physical space-time within our Solar System, when the unleashing of nuclear, thermonuclear, and related technologies must be summoned as the only possible means for meeting the new challenge from the Biosphere.
This is clearly a global condition without precedent in the entire span of prior human existence to date. At this moment, U.S. President George W. Bush represents the fag-end of nature's toleration of the economic policies of Anglo-Dutch Liberalism in any form. Failure to terminate the dominion of that Liberalism now, means choosing an existential disaster for all humanity.
A Matter of Principle
The essence of the distinction of the individual member of the human species from the apes, is the sovereign capacity of the individual human mind, as such, to generate an experimentally validatable discovery of a universal physical principle, as this is illustrated by Cusa follower Johannes Kepler's uniquely original discovery of the existence of a principle of universal gravitation. This is the discovery, by Kepler, which has been central to all of the principal subsequent, valid developments of modern European science since his functionally interdependent Mysterium Cosmographicum, The New Astronomy, and World Harmonics.
These universal physical principles, are known by their effects, but they, as provably efficient forms of objects of human thought, can not be experienced as finite, discrete objects of sense-perception. They are, seemingly, relatively "infinite" in their extent as objects; hence Albert Einstein's argument for a finite, self-bounded universe, without any externally imposed bounds. Therefore, they can not be defined as objects by any form of finite mathematics of discrete particles, but can be proven to express their influence even infinitesimally, as Gottfried Leibniz derived the infinitesimal calculus from the prescription for the development of such a calculus uttered by Kepler. This notion of the infinitesimal, as prescribed by the discoveries of Kepler, was already proven in Kepler's proof of the existence of a universal physical principle of gravitation.
Carl F. Gauss first presented his case against the fundamental error of the opponents of this modern scientific development, such as the Newtonians D'Alembert, Euler, Lagrange, et al., in his 1799 doctoral dissertation; the apparent smallness of the localizable effect of such a principle as gravitation, is beyond the reach of any simple mathematics of the finite. Such objects can be accounted for only within the conceptual framework of Gottfried Leibniz's Keplerian calculus of the infinitesimal, in terms of the complex domain associated with Leibniz's catenary-cued principle of universal physical least action. As Einstein emphasized, the essential argument implicit in the questions posed by Cusa, Kepler, Leibniz, and Gauss, was perfected by the work of Bernhard Riemann on the subject of physical, as distinct from merely formal hypergeometries.
Discoveries of universal principle such as these, which exist only outside the shadow-world of discrete objects, can not be generated by "wiring" individual minds together in a group. The discovery by one mind can be replicated only as an autonomous experience of another. Not only can the discovery itself be replicated; but, it can be verified, and thus proven by suitable experimental demonstrations of its efficiency. Since each such type of discovery is unique, as a species, these ostensibly "invisible" (infinitesimal) creatures of the Leibniz calculus are known not only by their efficient experimental expression, but by their respective, efficiently categorical difference of species.
This is what the human mind can do, and does, in successful discoveries of universal physical principles, and also in the same quality of idea encountered among the crucial ironies of great Classical forms of artistic composition. This power of the individual human mind, so conceived, is the functional distinction which separates the human individual, and the efficient existence of his soul-personality, from the existence of the lower forms of life.
These species of "infinitesimals," of physical science and Classical artistic composition, share a common quality of existence, as that is best defined as "Classical forms of irony" common to both competent processes of discovery, such as those of the Pythagoreans, Plato, Cusa, and Kepler, in physical science and also in competently defined Classical modes of artistic composition and performance.
Thus, the principal function of actually literate forms of language, is a function which lies outside the particular confines of literal "meanings" of words. The meanings which correspond to distinctly human ideas, as distinct from dictionaries filled with footprints of animal sounds, but, distinctly, within the bounds of use of language, are located as expressions of Classical forms of irony.
This quality of irony is consonant with the Pythagorean intention in references to that musical comma which has a special place in Kepler's discoveries respecting the composition of the Solar System, and in the Gaussian insight into the arithmetic-geometric mean. It is also the crucial feature of J.S. Bach's development of well-tempered counterpoint, and is the crucial consideration in performance of those works of Classical polyphony based on Bach's discoveries, such as the works of Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Mendelssohn, Schuman, and Brahms.[5]
This matter of principle can be traced back to the famous aphorism of Heracleitus, as the intention of Heracleitus is clarified by study of the series of paradoxes of Plato's Parmenides dialogue. I shall indicate the strong relevance of that specific connection at the appropriate place below.
In poetry, for example, this principle of irony accounts for the way in which a sentence, a paragraph, and so forth, may have multiple meanings. Such effects may be introduced as a kind of noise, like the humor produced, as some readers may recall, by the notable Spike Jones band of recordings of the late 1930s and early 1940s Wurlitzer notability. They are, more notably, the crucial feature of great poetry, such as that of Shakespeare, John Keats's fascinating, elegant Ode on a Grecian Urn, the poetry of Shelley, and so on.
In both Classical art and physical science, these kinds of ideas, expressed as ironies, which reference provably real objects not directly visible to the senses, are the essential distinction of the mental processes of the human mind from the brain of an ape, or of other lower forms of life.
How To Wreck a Car
There is more on this subject at relevant places, later here, below. But, now, for a relevant moment, look at the other side of the matter, as typified by the dangerous practice of so-called "benchmarking."
One of the relevant delusions produced by the globally spreading cultural and economic decay of the recent four decades, is a degraded form of behavior in industrial and related design called "benchmarking." This is a pathological practice widely introduced at approximately the close of the 1980s, a practice credited with some notably deadly failures in automotive designs.
Although the energetic promotion of this degenerate form of practice has been employed, more and more, as an attempted substitute for traditional machine-tool design experiments, the root of this particular form of virtually autistic mathematical insanity, dates from the radically reductionist influences associated with the followers of Ernst Mach, and of Bertrand Russell since the lunacy of his Principia Mathematica, and with the spread of the related cult of so-called "information theory," by such notable devotees of Russell's cult as the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation's Cybernetics cult of hoaxster Margaret Mead et al., that of Russell devotee Professor Norbert Wiener, and the cult of "artificial intelligence" associated with the influence of Russell devotee John von Neumann.
Look at these latter corruptions, including benchmarking, from the standpoint of the correlated social processes in history.
The unique form of development of European physical and related science, as modern science, originated with the circles typified by the Pythagoreans and Plato, as this legacy was maintained by Plato's Academy through the lifetimes of such outstanding geniuses as its representative Eratosthenes, and also Eratosthenes' correspondent, Archimedes. This science was plunged into a relative dark age by the rise of the Roman and Byzantine empires, and under the domination of European culture by the partnership of the Venetian financier oligarchy and the Norman chivalry, into the depths of the Fourteenth-Century New Dark Age.
The general revival of science occurred as a specific outcome of the revival of the knowledge of the scientific method of the circles of the Pythagoreans and Plato, during Europe's middle to late Fifteenth Century, in relevant activities centered around the organizing and impact of the great ecumenical Council of Florence. The founders of modern science, are typified by the Brunelleschi who discovered the physical principle of the catenary, and by Nicholas of Cusa's laying down of the general principles for what became the modern European experimental physical science of Johannes Kepler and his followers. Those Renaissance geniuses turned to, principally, ancient sources archived under the Byzantine Empire's reign, dating, largely, from the work of the Egypt-influenced Pythagoreans and Plato, work from that part of ancient Greek history through the deaths of Eratosthenes and Archimedes.
This development within European civilization, chiefly in the Greek development of an Egyptian heritage, and the revival of that European science of the Greek tradition by the Fifteenth-Century Renaissance, is the principal foundation in intellectual life and related practice, for the advantage which modern European civilization carried up into, and beyond the beginning of the Twentieth Century.
The implication of these developments, as may be found in a study of the contrasted images of mankind such as Solon's Athens versus Lycurgus' Sparta, is located precisely in the argument of Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound, and the contrast of Plato's conception of man, out of the mouth of his Socrates, as opposed to the oligarchical conception of man expressed by the evil Thrasymachus (and his admirer, the Sophist and modern fascist Leo Strauss) and Glaucon of The Republic. The essential issue is that presented by Aeschylus: the Olympian Zeus' order of the perpetual torment of Prometheus at Zeus' own version of George W. Bush's Guantanamo, for the crime of providing knowledge of the use of fire to human beings. That is the same issue posed by the introduction of so-called "benchmarking" as a means for eliminating the function of the machine-tool designer.
In some cesspools of past history, the dehumanizing of the so-called lower classes of humanity, was accomplished by condemning the son to do nothing other than what had been practiced, as a matter of so-called "tradition," by his father and grandfather before him. In this degree, men and women were brutalized, degraded to the lower form of life resembling that of an habituated ape. This policy was affirmed by the old Venice, as by the attacks on Nicholas of Cusa's work which had founded modern science, De Docta Ignorantia. The attack was delivered by the same Venetian spymaster and global mischief-maker, Francesco Zorzi, who was deployed to England as marriage counsellor to Henry VIII.
Later, in modern European history, since the rise of Paolo Sarpi to power in Venice, rather than the Olympian Zeus' explicit ban on permitting the lower classes to discover principles of nature, Sarpi's new Liberalism, which was the source of the Anglo-Dutch Liberalism of Sir Francis Bacon, Galileo, Thomas Hobbes, Descartes, et al., permitted some effects of scientific discovery to be circulated, on condition that the concept of the relevant act of discovery itself was banned, as this ban is central to the work of modern neo-Euclideans such as René Descartes, the alleged work of Isaac Newton, and the Newtonians de Moivre, D'Alembert, Euler, Lagrange, Laplace, Cauchy, et al.
The attack on science by Sarpi and his household lackey Galileo Galilei, was focussed principally against the follower of Cusa, Johannes Kepler. If we take into account the importance for Kepler and others of Cusa student Leonardo da Vinci, the focus of the attack by Sarpi and Galileo was against the most notable follower of Cusa in the development of a comprehensive, experimental basis for the practice of modern science, Kepler. If we include such explicit followers of Kepler as Fermat and Leibniz, all competent streams of modern physical science are rooted in the legacy which Kepler left, explicitly, to "future mathematicians." The crucial feature of Kepler's bequest to mathematical method as such, was the interrelated conception underlying both the notion of the infinitesimal, as I have emphasized that in this present location, and that generalization of elliptical functions which led through, most notably, Gauss and Abel, to Riemann's generalization of the notion of a physical hypergeometry. So, Albert Einstein traced the history of modern European science to the combined legacy of Kepler and Riemann.
The notion of the infinitesimal, as I have indicated that summarily above, is the crucial issue that divided the modern reductionists from the leading currents of progress in modern science. I summarize the most relevant implications for us here as follows.
Shadow and Substance
What we believe we see with our senses, is not the real universe, but, as this is echoed in the Apostle Paul's I Corinthians 13, we sense a shadow cast upon our sense-perceptual apparatus by the real universe. The question whether the shadow reflects something real, or not, is posed to the mind as a practical question. Does the universe respond to our intervention in a way which demonstrates the practical efficiency of our conception of the mapping of those shadows?
Thus, we have two sources of experience with which to work in attempting to unravel the mystery of the universe around us. We have the shadows of finite objects, and we have the shadows of shadows, the universal physical principles which are unseen by the senses, which correspond to certain objects of the mind, but not of the sense-perception as such: the shadow cast by a universal physical principle which governs the movement of a type of shadow of sense-perception, as the unseen power of gravitation generates the orbit of the planet (rather than the elliptical orbit determining gravitation).
In the work of Russia's V.I. Vernadsky, the discoverer of both the Biosphere and Noösphere, the chemical composition of living processes represents nothing more than some of the same materials as non-living processes, but the behavior of the living processes is qualitatively different than for the non-living.[6] Hence, a principle of life is defined as a unique, universal principle. Similarly, the actions of society on nature deal with materials belonging to either the abiotic or living domain; but, the ordering principle of society's progress in potential relative population-density, per capita and per square kilometer, expresses a power of the human mind, a universal physical principle, a universal, physically efficient principle, a conception which is not found otherwise among living creatures.
This principle expressed in the form of the development of the Noösphere, is the same principle experienced as an experimentally validated discovery of a universal physical principle, a principle experienced in the form of a comma, an irony in the way in which a language conveys an idea which the customary use of that language itself, up to that point, does not contain in a literal way. This latter idea is precisely what is suppressed in and by the Anglo-Dutch Liberal system of the followers of Paolo Sarpi. By suppressing that irony, by suppressing that prescient sound of joyful laughter, as benchmarking does, intentionally, the application of science is made stupid, generating thus the expected sort of catastrophes associated with carelessly crafted novel designs.
Worse, the application of Liberalism to the study of human social behavior, produces the moral degeneracy of a John Locke, a Bernard Mandeville, a François Quesnay, a Turgot, an Adam Smith, a Jeremy Bentham, a John Stuart Mill, and a Bertrand Russell and such among his acolytes as Norbert Wiener and John von Neumann.
The quality associated with ironies of the indicated type, is otherwise what is properly defined as the principle of human intellectual creativity. It is that creativity, in and of itself, which must now be mustered to enable mankind to make the needed transition from merely exploiting, and exhausting the deposits of raw materials from within the Biosphere, to reinventing that Biosphere through emphasis upon the development and application of nuclear fission and fusion to the enlargement of the quality, and also the quantity, of the materials needed by mankind for the richer development of the Biosphere.
To this end, we must clean up that mess we call modern higher education. We must rip out the mind-deadening influences of reductionist Liberalism, and shift the emphasis in all pre-adult and adult education of the young to the concept of scientific and Classical-artistic creativity as such: thus eradicating the power for evil expressed by the pro-Satanic doctrine, the oligarchical principle of the Olympian Zeus. The future of mankind depends upon our willingness, and our ability to do this.
4. The Mission Before Us
Heretofore, the sustenance and development of society has depended chiefly upon using up mineral and other resources accumulated within the Biosphere. Virtually all conventional practice, including the assumptions of what had been, heretofore, modern, conventional physical chemistry, had been predicated upon the assumptions associated with reliance on that practice. Now, we have entered a new era of mankind, during which the creation of those resources, by the action of mankind, is the precondition for preventing a collapse of civilization which would be caused by exhaustion of finite, previously established levels of available, acceptable qualities of resources. The characteristic of the new age of mankind, on which the continued existence of civilized life now depends, is man's development of resources to replenish, or replace those of the type we have been exhausting from the pre-existing store contained within the Biosphere.
Some have termed this new frontier an "isotope economy." Out of preference for functional, rather than descriptive terminology, it were better termed a nuclear-fission and thermonuclear-fusion economy, with increasing emphasis upon thermonuclear fusion, as my associates and I had emphasized this perspective in the formation and work of the 1970s and 1980s Fusion Energy Foundation.
Put most simply, the generation of isotopes which had not been known earlier, which appeared as a by-product of developments in nuclear fission and fusion, had generated supplies of isotopes which had not been known to exist prior to the practices of modern nuclear chemistry. The importance of the enlarged array of isotopes has forced science to emphasize the physical-chemical significance of these isotopes, such, that, whereas the behavior of the elements of the Periodic Table was once associated with the consistency of their chemical reactions, the variations in performance among isotopes of the same elements are subjects of propensities for physical reactions which are not simply bounded by the common characteristics of the chemical elements, but are separated by qualitative physical differences among the isotopes of the same element.
The importance of this feature of isotope behavior, with emphasis on isotopes of a previously unknown type, born as by-products of nuclear physics, impels us to return attention to a point, on the subject of biogeochemistry, emphasized by Academician V.I. Vernadsky during his written reports from 1935-1936.[7] Whereas, there has been a temptation to view the chemical reactions among elements of the Periodic Table as mechanistic in nature, Vernadsky warned that processes characteristic of living processes are dynamic, in Leibniz's sense of the distinction of dynamics, that in the sense of the distinction of Bernhard Riemann's physical hypergeometries, from Cartesian (and, Newtonian) mechanistic dogma.
On this account, we are obliged to emphasize the evidence that the Solar System was an outgrowth of what had been once a relatively solitary, faster-spinning Sun. This Sun generated a kind of "plasma," probably a polarized one, through which a Solar System composed of the once-counted 92 elements of a periodic table of Solar System elements had been generated, into places away from that Sun, through thermonuclear fusion.
Today, science is looking at that material from the enhanced vantage-point of Twentieth-Century exploration and developments within the functionally defined domain of nuclear fission and thermonuclear fusion. The relative proliferation of isotopes, both within and beyond the range of what had earlier been considered the Periodic Table of elements, has impelled us to view the processes of nuclear fission and thermonuclear fusion in a fresh, richer way. We are now, especially in the domain of the chemistry of medicine, producing and using isotopes which had not been known to exist earlier, including isotopes of very interesting transuranic elements whose outstanding, most interesting distinguishing characteristics are dynamic, rather than simply chemical.
All of these and related considerations, are bounded by the qualitative difference, in terms of universal physical principles, between living and non-living processes.
The relative limits of exploitation of the needed, relatively richer quality of resources accumulated, from life, by the Biosphere, compel us to develop means for either replenishing existing, relatively richer fossil resources stored in the Biosphere, or to create new physical chemistries which provide us improved kinds of materials, or excellent alternatives not previously considered as part of the essential repertoire of economic practice.
These questions point our attention to a much-needed improvement over the way our leading educational institutions have lately viewed the universe.
The Mental Illness Called Entropy
The impact of the induced form of mental illness, known as the reductionist outlook of Paolo Sarpi's empiricist followers, has produced an arbitrary, aprioristic misconception of the universe, which, in turn, produced the mid-Nineteenth-Century, reductionist fantasy of Clausius, Grassmann, Kelvin, et al., which is sometimes described as a "law of universal entropy." The more popular, kinematic version of this popularized classroom delusion, is traced from influence of the fanatical reductionist Ernst Mach on the teaching of so-called thermodynamics by Mach's dupe Ludwig Boltzmann and others.
Notably, as Albert Einstein reported the circumstances of this morally disgusting development, the turn to a radical view of Machian ideologue Boltzmann's dogma, occurred, in Austria-Hungary and Berlin, after Boltzmann's curious suicide, during the period of World War I. The savage attack on the work and person of Max Planck, by the fanatics of the Machian tribe, created a radiating setback to scientific competence which dominated the 1920s Solvay conferences, and led to the still worse, more radical Bertrand Russell variety of corruption of science, a corruption which is typified by today's continuing influence of the witchcraft of Professor Norbert Wiener and of the virtually autistic John von Neumann, whose virulently immoral doctrine of so-called "artificial intelligence" treated his fellowman as an "it," a thing on a lower plane of existence than even a Freudian "Id."
The case of the development of Kepler's Solar System from the original, faster-spinning Sun, illustrates the proof of the lunacy of the Clausius-Grassmann-Kelvin-Mach-Boltzmann, radically reductionist dogma. Their pathological mental state can be best understood from the standpoint of its actual roots in pathetic varieties of theology.
The pathological view in ancient systematic theology, is typified by the arbitrary presumption that, if the universe was created as perfect, then, the Creator had abandoned all further authority over that Creation by virtue of the perfect action of Creation. In short, Friedrich Nietzsche's "God is dead."
The contrary view, as typified by the famous adage of Heracleitus, is that Creation is a process, not a mere event. In this view, the universe is perfect to the degree it is developing into higher states of existence. In theology, this is the view of the role of man and woman as described in the first chapter of Genesis: the universe is a process of continuing development (perfection), a process which mankind (man and woman made in the likeness of the Creator) is assigned to assist.
The development of our Solar System out of a relatively solitary Sun, is, as Kepler's astrophysics points to this matter of principle. In short, the universe is intrinsically anti-entropic, in the same general sense that the evolution of the Solar System attests. The characteristic performance of the human intellect, as the development of society to higher states of existence of the human individual through the impact of the use of fundamental discoveries of physical principle by individual minds, is a demonstration of the efficient, experimentally demonstrated universality of the principle of anti-entropy.
What man's mind has become capable of mastering, in this respect, is an expression of what the human mind has come to know as the way in which the universe works, at least as much of that matter as the universe has taught mankind through our species' experience of working with the evidence thus far. Consequently, the law of the universe, as known to us, is the process of creative development of that universe to higher physical states out of lower physical states, for which the development of the individual human mind within society is the most significant expression for us today.
To appreciate the immediate relevance of that point for the policy-making among nations today, it were most efficient to consider the effect of dumbing-down of the majority of society's population, as slavery, serfdom, and modern empiricism produce such effects, on the physical state of national and global society.
The effect of dumbing down of the members of society, as the Olympian Zeus of Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound demands this, does insert the factor of entropic decadence as a leading feature within any society which submits to this feature of the role of the oligarchical principle in the organization of, and among societies.
On this account, ancient imperial Rome, Byzantium, the ultramontane system, and today's Anglo-Dutch Liberalism are characteristically entropic, which is to say implicitly evil forms of organization and government of society. The source of this entropic immorality prevalent in most of the governments and dominant social strata of the world of 1971-2006 thus far, is the oligarchical principle expressed, against mankind and Prometheus alike, by the Olympian Zeus of Aeschylus' drama. Slavery and serfdom, or simply today's mass entertainment, and, most notably, the spread of the Anglo-Dutch Liberal dogma rampant among the U.S.A.'s often pro-fascist "white shoe" class of John Train, et al., are characteristics of a society which is experiencing the effect of sliding into some kind of Hellish punishment for its behavior, unless that trend is reversed in principle.
Civilization is not properly run politically by a religious body, but, preferably, by an appropriate ecumenical, fraternal association among religious bodies within and among nations. The essential commonality must be the principle, respecting man and woman, as presented in the famous first Chapter of Genesis. However, the needed ecumenicism must not be passive. Love of mankind as a creative being made in the functional likeness of the Creator, is the proper common moral and intellectual standard of guidance for practice.
The need today can be thus described as twofold.
That disease of Anglo-Dutch Liberalism which has been the root of modern forms of European racism, religious warfare, and imperialism, must be eradicated, and replaced by a commitment to the progress of mankind's increasing power, per capita, in improving the universe. This progress must be of the form of scientific and Classical-artistic development.
Society must be based on a conception of the mortal individual person, as assigned to play the part of an immortal mind within a mortal body, a mind whose immortality is expressed as a commitment to an anti-entropic principle of universal development of an anti-entropically developing society and the universe.
The individual in society, must be elevated, from being seen by himself, herself, and others, as a mere, miserable piece of greedy, pleasure-crazed individual biology, to an efficient instrument of the progress of society within a universe being urged by man to higher general states of its own ordered existence.
On that account, the mission immediately before mankind, at this perilous moment of onrushing world breakdown-crisis, is specific for the two generations immediately ahead. Two generations, approximately fifty years, is approximately the span of the active work-related employment ahead for any generation entering adulthood today. For those of us near the close of our mortal span of life, that young adult generation is the embodiment of our society's future, as far ahead as practical measures we might adopt for today could reach.
The world as a whole has now entered both the most menacing crisis in all modern history of this planet, and, also, the opportunity and obligation to effect, in our time, the change of the direction of the world as a whole, from that of onrushing doom under a continuation of today's conventional beliefs, to enjoying the honor of setting into motion the greatest step upward of the achievements of humanity in the known existence of all mankind to date.
The problem is, as Cotton Mather described the situation in his own times, that our once great U.S.A. has shrunk, morally, economically, and intellectually, until we have become, or are about to become nothing, unless we, very suddenly now, change our habits, rid ourselves of this virtually venereal moral disease which is a popular culture of Sophistry, the moral disease of thinking in little terms, of my little interests, and the gratification of what are for many the awesome attractions of their petty passions.
Man must govern himself by seeing himself rightly as in the likeness of the universe's Creator.
[1] Cf. Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., The New Left, Local Control, & Fascism (New York: The National Caucus of Labor Committees, 1968). The second massed sit-in at Columbia University campus, during the late Spring of that year, expressed the eruption of a social disorder reminiscent of the violent, early 1930s Berlin trolley-car strike, during the course of which the Communist and Nazi parties had swapped significant portions of their memberships, back and forth. This showed, that within the New Left, there was a large component of the "purgative violence" syndrome seen in the Mussolini fascist movement, in French fascists with their razors and kindred impedimenta, and Nazism. Later, as FBI official documents reported, much of the New Left was deployed, a few years later, at the urging of the FBI, together with the Communist Party, in an FBI-steered effort to eliminate me and my influence physically from the scene, during the early 1970s. The same was widely characteristic of the New Left of the 1970s, including rather numerous Trotskyist varieties who have popped up recently as part of the plainly fascist neo-conservative shock troops deployed under the direction of Mrs. Lynne Cheney et al. The same quality of "purgative violence," is seen in Mrs. Cheney's and Senator Lieberman's movement on campuses today.
[2] Mrs. Lynne Cheney's role in thought-control measures associated with the practice of ACTA, is another example of fascist measures echoing the Hitler era in Germany.
[3] The pro-Satanic image of anti-Semitic Tomás de Torquemada was the model adopted by the Martinist freemason Count Joseph de Maistre, for his redesigning of the personality of his protégé Napoleon Bonaparte, the same model, by de Maistre, used for the animal-training of the personality of the anti-Semitic Adolf Hitler.
[4] Moses Mendelssohn, Phaedon (1767).
[5] The derivation of the germ-idea of Brahms' Fourth Symphony, from a development within the Adagio Sostenuto movement of Beethoven's Hammerklavier Sonata, is typical. Studies of Mozart's K. 475 Fantasy by a team of researchers from the LaRouche Youth Movement (LYM), into Kepler's harmonics of the Solar System, illustrate the point which should guide professionals' performances of that work. I recommend application of that same approach to both Bach's The Art of the Fugue and Beethoven's Grosse Fuga. These studies of the actual implications of the Pythagorean comma, are to be compared with the superior quality of the late Wilhelm Furtwängler's application of the principle he describes in such terms as "performing between the notes." The concepts expressed in this way, are clear as physically existent effects of meaning; but, the meaning controlling the physical effect is situated within the transcendental domain of Classical irony. Hearing the difference in the music so performed, makes clearer what is otherwise to be recognized in the domain of physical science.
[6] Cf. Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., "Vernadsky and Dirichlet's Principle," EIR, June 3, 2005.