LaRouche Interviewed by
Russia's First Channel TV
Lyndon LaRouche was interviewed on Aug. 16 on Russia's First Channel TV, the main national television network, for its "Vremya" evening news at 9:00 p.m., which aired a segment among its top news items. Here is the transcript of the raw interview. (See also press release.)
Q: So, the war is over, but who is the winner? Who is the loser? What do you think?
LaRouche: Well, there's no winner, there's no loser, really. Because what you're dealing with is an aspect of global asymmetric warfare, which is the situation in Southwest Asia, which threatens every part of the world. This could be an ignition point for the world as a whole. My concern has been to stop this war. We apparently have temporarily delayed it: Now we have to do something to stop it.
Q: And what do you think about the role of the United States, about the role of the Bush Administration in the conflict?
LaRouche: The Bush Administration, I think the President himself is completely confused, and he's shown no comprehension of the situation he's in. Cheney is a sociopath, and knows fully what he's doing. Their intention was to create a situation for the bombing of Iran, that was their target. But the target is much bigger: It's global. We're looking at the danger of a crash of the financial system, which always is dangerous in world politics, and this means the whole world could be involved in asymmetric warfare, of a new type. Not something without precedent, but asymmetric warfare under today's conditions.
Q: Do you think there's going to be the next world war, because of the mistaken steps of the United States? Or—?
LaRouche: Well, it's more than that. The problem lies essentially with an international financier group, which is actually the same financier group which was behind the Hitler operation earlier. It's the Synarchist International and certain of its London and Dutch relations. They're out to play a game now. It's a very dangerous game: It's called globalization, and they're determined to do it. So, it's the equivalent of a world war.
The problem is, that unlike the Nazis, these characters are not technologically competent. Therefore, they will only make a mess of everything. My hope is that by the methods proposed by Yossi Beilin, that we could introduce a factor from within Israel itself, which would open up the way for negotiation, so we can stabilize the situation, and then we have a chance, between now and November, hopefully, to deal with the problem inside the United States.
Q: How do you see the perspective in the Middle East in the future?
LaRouche: The future is—we have to look at, primarily, as I'm going to be dealing with this in Berlin, in a conference I'm giving there on the 6th of next month; we need to go to what is understood in Russia as the Eurasian model of cooperation: Which means a Eurasian approach, in which the technology of Europe is harnessed again, to be of service to developing Asia. If we have a Eurasian orientation of that type, we can then use that as an economic recovery program to bring peace to Eurasia. If we bring peace to Eurasia, we have secured peace.
Q: United States sold different kinds of weapons to Israel. What do you think? Was it right? Or?
LaRouche: The U.S., right now, on weapons, is crazy. The administration is crazy. And most of our senior generals, and others who are experts, and intelligence people, would say this is crazy. The U.S. policy is clinically insane.
They're proposing a war which nobody can win, and everybody can lose. This is a different kind of situation. And their mentality is such, they have no comprehension of what they're doing. In my view—I know some of these people, they're absolutely crazy. They have no conception of reality whatsoever. They're living in an illusion.
Our problem is, is to bring forces in the world which are rational, including those in the United States, into conjunction to bring about a new world order, based on the reality of a breakdown of the system; and use the Eurasian cooperation, which is typified by the relationship to the Shanghai Cooperation Council, use that as a vehicle for rebuilding the world economy. You have to change the mission from one of conflict to one of cooperation. And I think the possibility exists, because the need for cooperation is great, particularly on economic questions.
Q: Thank you.
LaRouche: Okay.