Shanghai Paper Highlights
LaRouche on Global Crisis
by William Jones
As the foreign ministers of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) convened in that Chinese city on May 15, the Shanghai daily Wen Hui Bao highlighted Lyndon LaRouche's warnings about the onrushing economic collapse. Under the title "He Ran for President Seven Times and Continues To Say Astonishing Things," the article was based on a two-hour interview that LaRouche conducted with several journalists from the newspaper on April 9. The activity of the LaRouche Youth Movement had sparked their interest in LaRouche and his ideas. In choosing to publish the article so prominently at this time, the newspaper's publishers were effectively sending a signal about the importance of the views of the prominent American economist and political figure.
Skeptical about many of LaRouche's comments on the economy, the journalists were invited to his home in Virginia to get a closer look at his view of the world. Arriving at his residence, they found the 83-year-old "hale and hearty in mind and spirit, his speech following easily his nimble train of thought."
They first asked about his past Presidential campaigns. How can one run a campaign without being a "moneybags," they wondered? LaRouche referred to the humble circumstances of Abraham Lincoln, who had a program relevant for the times, and an ability to convey it to the public. He also noted his great admiration for Franklin Roosevelt, who was not of humble circumstances, but was a great President who had led the country out of the depression, to victory in World War II. Most disconcerting for the journalists were LaRouche's comments on the world financial crisis, contrary to what they were being told by their American friends, and the mass media.
The Financial Blowout
"LaRouche addressed a webcast in Washington on the theme `The Greatest Economic Crisis in Modern History,' " they wrote. While President Bush and the media seem self-satisfied about the economy, they noted, LaRouche continually talks about the bankruptcy of the American economy. This was also a key theme of their discussion with him. "LaRouche told the journalists that the new economic crisis is already here. If U.S. leaders don't adopt effective measures to deal with it, then he will step forward to emphatically address the issues, and wake up the silent masses in order to save the people from a conflagration."
"In the face of these rather skeptical journalists, LaRouche pointed to the evidence in his own neighborhood," the article continued.
LaRouche then explained to them the dilemma facing those who had bought houses in the local, fast-growing Loudoun County at exorbitant prices, and now with falling wages, increasing bankruptcies, and rising oil prices, were facing some very serious problems. "LaRouche explained, `Today U.S. stocks, the real estate market, are all a big bubble. The trade deficit is increasing, the gap between rich and poor is getting bigger. All of this is a sign of a bankrupt economic system. Don't believe the reports of the media or the politicians. There is no reality to what they are saying. We have to change the system. . . . If the U.S. economy collapses, the whole world economy will also be destroyed.' "
The article related how the reporters expressed their curiosity over the way LaRouche was attracting so many young people into his movement. "The journalists told LaRouche that they had met some of his supporters last year outside the UN General Assembly, demonstrating with their slogans, and again this year they were outside the White House in Washington in force, and most of them were young people." LaRouche explained how the youth, rebelling against the immorality of their Baby Boomer parents, become demoralized, get involved in drugs, or seek some satisfaction in sexual pleasure, but feel alienated. "I understand their thinking. I'm calling for a total change of the economic system; I get them to see the possibility of bringing about real change. This gives them hope, and they support me."[FIGURE 1]
`Renminbi Revaluation May Accelerate U.S. Collapse'
Noting LaRouche's extensive writings on economics, the journalists were curious to learn his view of the Chinese economy. "LaRouche is an economist by background," the authors noted. "He has written many books and articles on economic topics, among these The Theory of the Productive Triangle, in which he proposed that Western Europe, Eastern Europe, and China cooperate as representatives of the Eurasian continent, which has certainly been influential."
They asked LaRouche if he preferred being referred to as an economist or a political statesman. " `I'm an economist, essentially. But if you are a politician and not an economist, I worry,' LaRouche said. `Those Americans who blame the balance of trade deficit on the value of the renminbi are stupid or insane,' LaRouche said. `If the renminbi were revalued suddenly by 20%, the U.S. economy would only collapse more quickly,' he said. `China should abandon the attempt to maintain the immense purchases of Treasury obligations and bonds, and work to expand their internal demand, strengthen the construction of the Western region, and promote the general welfare. I'm optimistic about the development of China's economy.' "
The article described LaRouche's political career, his creation of the U.S. Labor Party in 1976, and his shift to the Democratic Party. In spite of opposition from party bureaucrats and often ridicule from the media, "the old gentleman was still unyielding, fighting on despite repeated setbacks, and from beginning to end, had a layer of faithful supporters, who are now establishing dozens of campaign district headquarters all over the country. The American media always treats the LaRouche campaign more with ridicule than with cheers, and yet they also acknowledge that he is a unique figure on the American political scene."
Democratic Candidate for 2008?
The journalists were perhaps most interested in LaRouche's thoughts regarding the next Presidential elections. "In response to questions from the journalists, LaRouche revealed that he did not intend to run again. Now he is in the process of discussing with party leaders the question of a candidate for 2008, although he feels confident that there are candidates that are qualified, and he would use all his effort to assist them. `The Democratic Party needs a new look,' LaRouche said. `They have to come forward with a real political program, a program to resolve the ongoing threat of a world economic crisis. Unfortunately, people who could stand up under such crisis conditions are rare.' "
"But if the party were to choose someone who was unsuitable?" the journalists asked. He said he couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't "threaten" to run, as a means of putting on pressure. "LaRouche replied, `I don't plan to run for President. But, I could,' he said, with a smile.... It seems that this experienced, old campaigner is not going to leave the political whirlpool anytime soon.' "
After the interview, the journalists were still skeptical about his remarks on the economy. They proposed a wager with him, that if the world economy goes belly-up within the year, they would have to come back to talk again. "Again that mysterious smile appeared on LaRouche's face: `Believe me, the United States economy is already in a state of collapse.' "
The interview is circulating on a number of other Chinese websites.