`Ask the Man Who Owns One'
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
April 20, 2007
Put the roster of declared 2008 Republican U.S. Presidential pre-candidates to one side for the moment. What about the presently leading Democratic Party contenders? Put the whimpers of the perennial bitch-goddess, popularity, to one side; public opinion has often been wrong, sometimes as badly mistaken as it has been, habitually, since the almost suicidal public selection of 2000: a time when the U.S. voter was given the option of losing, horribly, either way the leading choices offered went (Bush-Cheney or Gore-Lieberman). This time, none among all of the presently leading Democratic candidates, is presently actually qualified, by both motive and wisdom, as Franklin D. Roosevelt was, to serve during the 2009-2017 terms. We must select and develop—rapidly—a suitable pre-candidate, hopefully a Democrat, who must undergo the urgently needed development and guidance which this present crisis demands.
Who owns the leading candidates to be considered? What is inside the package, waiting to pop out, were such a candidate to enter the White House?
What is the possibility that, under present conditions, the electorate could put aside its customary small-mindedness and related prejudices of recent years, and, thus, become competent to make the right choice, hopefully a choice of a candidate with the spirit of Presidents Abraham Lincoln and Franklin D. Roosevelt, all that in the patriotic tradition of 1776-1789?
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The first question a wise citizen would ask about any present pre-candidate, would echo the advertising slogan of the Packard motor car company of the 1930s: "Ask the man who owns one."
Let us put the roster of declared and otherwise likely Republican pre-candidates to one side for a suitable later occasion. Let us now concentrate, for the moment, on the exemplary cases of the two ostensibly, currently leading Democratic pre-candidates: Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.
Frankly, at the present moment, none of the listed Democratic pre-candidates would actually be competent to serve as President under those historically critical conditions with which the next U.S. President will be confronted. I can say with certainty, that none of them, so far, has given the public the slightest inkling of the onrushing actual situation which the next President of the U.S.A. will face.
Formerly, I would have been the best qualified potential candidate on these counts, whether you like that idea, or not; but, given my present age, eighty-four, the likelihood of my living out the full skein of the years 2009-2017 in the prime condition we should require in that office, is a wee bit uncertain.[1] I shudder when I recall the terrible effects, for our nation, and for the world, of President Franklin Roosevelt's untimely death in office. Clearly, the national interest demands that we develop someone who is no ordinary Presidential nominee, but an unusual candidate, as I could have been earlier, who is qualified to become a fair approximation of a President Franklin Roosevelt; otherwise, our republic has a very poor chance of surviving in a manner which conforms to its present Constitution.
Therefore, to start, we must begin our probe of any pre-candidate's potential qualifications with the famous 1930s advertising slogan of the Packard motor car company: "Ask the man who owns one." Ask the financial backer of each candidate: "Who really owns him?" "What is the interest which has built him up, groomed him, and brought him to market?"
On this account, already, we can be reasonably confident that we know who, apart form her obvious personal ambition, "owns" Senator Clinton. We have seen some of the packaging of Senator Obama's campaign; but, I have not seen enough of what might actually be inside the package, to calm my fears for our nation; certain uncertainties arising from his Chicago packaging worry me very much, as it should you. Are we choosing a man, or a package with his face on the cover? Are these certain financier interests, such as those centered in Chicago, which are more likely to care for the same hedge-fund-connected financier interests which are ruining the increasingly looted lives of the majority of our population today? I hear nothing so far to ease my worries on that account. Do not just look into the candidate's eyes; look under the hood.
It is now nearly May 2007, or, we might say, a month after April Fools' Day; within about nine months, some crucial steps toward choices of Party candidates for the general election will be made. Unless the selected candidates present an image of their intentions which goes far beyond anything the press or public has seen from the candidates so far, nothing less than the very future existence of our nation is in jeopardy: if the visible candidates are actually nothing more than the shallow display of cosmetics for today's occasion, which is what they have presented themselves to be, as of now.
Sometimes, the important fact about a candidate is what he is; at other times, the most important question is what he is not.
I have some recent experience with this problem now immediately threatening virtually all of our people, and the very existence of our constitutional republic, as well. From late November 2004, until the close of 2005, I was an integral part of the Democratic Party's effort to defend the U.S. Social Security system from wild-eyed looting by our goofy, incumbent, Cheney-controlled U.S. President of that time.
However, those same Democrats who fought to save Social Security then, stubbornly refused to take any of the urgently needed measures required to save the productive potential and employment of our already gravely endangered auto industry. We now see the result of that negligence by the U.S. Congress, especially in the states of Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana, today.
The reason for this terrible negligence by members of the Congress, was, typically, the influence of certain predatory international financier circles, as typified by the so-called "Middlebury Monster," Felix Rohatyn, who had played a key role in the efforts of George Shultz and Henry A. Kissinger, not only to bring an old-Nazi-linked Pinochet into power in a mass-murderous fascist dictatorship in Chile, but to continue that with a Nazi-like wave of mass murders and kindred enterprises throughout the "Southern Cone" of South America. It was not Kissinger who created the Pinochet dictatorship; it was same international financier cartel still behind George Shultz today, which assigned Kissinger to his part in that drama, and which, with aid of Dick Cheney, created the George W. Bush, Jr. Presidency. Look to see which candidates bellwether Shultz is behind in recent years, and still today.
Today, a similar threat is represented by the influence of a man who is in fact a British agent, the ever-duplicitous, racist, and shallow former Vice-President Al Gore, the figure pushing a lying swindle called "Global Warming." The "Global Warming" swindle is a copy of the same policy, then named "eugenics," of certain leading U.S.A. and British financial interests, the policy which was used, by them, to create the Nazi Party and the regime of Adolf Hitler, in the late 1920s and early 1930s.
Among the open backers of Adolf Hitler back then, was Prescott Bush, the grandfather of the current President of the U.S.A., who wrote the order, on behalf of Averell Harriman, for transfer of funds needed to save Hitler's Nazi Party from bankruptcy, that just in time for the appointment of Hitler as Germany's Chancellor. The green "environmentalist" policy on which the Nazi Party of the 1920s and early 1930s was based then, represents, today, exactly the same eugenics policy, the post-1945 policy of Julian Huxley et al.,[2] which had been pushed, earlier, by the Nazis and the relevant Anglo-Dutch and Wall Street financier interests, during the 1920s and 1930s.
If anything, the "green" policy of Gore et al. today, is of a far more radical character, more extremely genocidal (and at least as racist), as anything the Anglo-American and other financier backers of Hitler had proposed back during the 1920s and 1930s.
As recently as the 1970s and 1980s, it would have been impossible to elect any U.S. Presidential candidate who ran on what is represented as the "Global Warming" hoax of British Blair government agent Al Gore today. Admittedly, the "Green" disease was already rampant among the "anti-blue collar" "68ers" during the 1970s; but, then, the representatives of my generation were in top-most positions of political power. Those who remembered what "eugenicist" Adolf Hitler really was, would, therefore, never have tolerated the "green" Baby-Boomer policies which have sucked in so many from among Al Gore's generation today. The Green policies of Hitler's movement and its Anglo-Dutch Liberal and U.S. backers of the past, had to wait until most of the veterans of World War II had died out, to push the policies which Al Gore and his backers typify today.
The current policy of the Anglo-American and related interests associated with British agent Gore's global swindle today, is the elimination of the sovereignty of all nations of the planet, that under a doctrine calling for a new, global, "Tower of Babel," called "globalization." Under the impulse of the same policy, that by the present Bush-Cheney Administration, the world is presently teetering at the brink of not only the risk of a potential Iran war, but the near-term further danger of a new form of major, thermonuclear world war, already being built up for Anglo-American action against Russia, China, and India.
All of these and other problems, are situated within the context of a presently onrushing general economic breakdown-crisis of the planet as a whole. The driver behind all of these approximately immediate dangers to life on our planet as a whole, is the continuation of the financial-economic policies associated presently with the predatory role of a global "hedge-fund" swindle centered, chiefly, in the British monarchy's Cayman Islands. Therefore, which financier interests actually control which Presidential and other candidates, is the most fundamental, personally existential question facing any intelligent U.S. voter today.
That is why I have a certain set of questions to present to candidate and Senator Obama.
That is the opening portion, the preface, of a longer report which I shall be issuing during the coming days and weeks. I have much more to say as I add to what is already presented here, during the coming days and beyond.
1. On Strategy: They All Flunk!
I now turn from the preceding preface to the body of this report, adding the following, opening section of what shall become the body of the report as a whole.
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So far, the Democratic Presidential Primary campaign is headed in the direction of an historical national catastrophe.
None of leading Democratic Presidential pre-candidates so far, has taken into account the greatest challenges which will decide the fate of all humanity, especially the U.S.A. itself, developments which will be increasingly crucial during the decade or more beginning the weeks and months now immediately ahead. At the best, what any one of them has said publicly, with a sideways wink, on that account, is, in effect, "don't ask; trust me." None of them has said anything which is consistent with even the slightest conception of the major threat actually facing our nation, to say nothing of actually offering a sane response to such a threat. In other words, so far, the candidates' campaigning has been essentially a swindle.
It is said: "Don't buy a pig in a poke." In some other cases, which I could mention, but shall not consider here, my counsel would be a bit different: "Don't buy a poke in a pig." The fabled beauties of age not only permit me to speak frankly in such matters, but compel me to do so. Serious people at my age, do not have the time to waste telling sweet lies.
Senator Hillary Clinton is a better person, and political figure than she has shown the world during her Presidential campaign thus far. She used to be, when right or wrong, a spunky fighter. Now, in contrast to some among her earlier public political efforts, she appears to be more occupied with going through the motions of creating an appearance of being a vital force for ideas and principles, rather than actually fighting off dragons, as she had done in certain public performances in earlier occasions. She appears more determined to appear to be convinced, than show any credible degree of genuine mission-orientation. Money-money-money now; the rescue of our nation, perhaps later.
Shallowness is also shown, thus far, in a slick style of public performance by Senator Obama. The campaigning of each, so far, has more the character of a job application, than missions for rescue of our imperilled nation and its planet. It is good to love the people, but, it were better to actually serve them with what they really need.
In a large degree, the failings of both have been, predominantly, that the style and content of their campaigning, represents that university-education-oriented, traditionally anti-"blue collar" portion of the population, which was born between 1945 and 1956: what are known as "Baby Boomers." So, by and large, the ethical standards of the typical representative of that entire political, "Baby Boomer" class, so defined, whether in the U.S.A., or in western and central Europe still today, should remind our scholars of the generation of Sophists who took control of the policies of Pericles' Athens, and who therefore destroyed the most powerful nation of that time, their own nation of Athens.
What the "Baby Boomers" of Athens did, was something from which, Athens never, in fact, recovered its earlier glory, to the present day, more than 2,600 years later. By and large, the leading political class of today's "Baby Boomers," as I have defined it here, is a tribe of Sophists with the same implicitly fatal flaw, with all the intellectual and moral faults that the ancient Greek conception of that term implies.
Like the U.S.A. which was impelled, by the lies of Prime Minister Tony Blair and Vice-President Dick Cheney, into a needless, prolonged, and wasting war in Iraq, ancient Athens destroyed itself by criminal warfare against its ally, Melos, and continued that folly, as that extended Peloponnesian War which brought down the independent power of all Greece of that time, just as Bush, Cheney, Blair, and their Democratic Party accomplices allowed us to be misled into ruining our United States in an unnecessary, wasting war in Iraq.
There is no possible excuse for the way in which most among the Democrats in the U.S. Senate gave their consent to that folly which has wrecked the U.S. economy and its relations with the world at large over the course of about four foolish years since. The Senate Democrats, like some of their Republican colleagues, have learned something from that experience to date, but, apparently, not much. They now tend to go through the motions of pointing out some among President George W. Bush's many mistakes, but not their own.
Obviously, not all born into the class of "Baby Boomers" are the type of opportunists which Classical historians recognize as Sophists. Unfortunately, usually, even those exceptions are all too prone to adapt, opportunistically, to the kind of Sophistry composing the dominant element of that social-political stratum's currently reigning political class. That stratum is, thus, dominated by the vicious "white chicks" of the tribe, who, more or less instinctively, drive the more honest representatives, the "black chicks" of their social tribe, down into, and perhaps out of the relevant circles of ruling power.
The Key to This Campaign
The special type of moral crisis controlling the leading political class today, is also to be understood as a reflection of the change in composition of political power which has emerged since approximately the end of President Ronald Reagan's first term, is that my generation, the World War II veterans' stratum, has either died out, or has retreated into a virtually third place, waning position of influence in circles of political and social power. The conflict between former President George H.W. Bush and his son, President George W. Bush, Jr., is a clinically significant reflection of this conflict between the two generations.
Although the Sophist fanatics of the "Baby Boomer" generation have exerted increasing, and often violent influence over the direction of social policy of practice, a development echoing the Dionysian-cult convulsions of the pro-violence campus strata from Summer 1968 onward, into the late 1980s, there was also some still gradually waning resistance against the downward-leading Boomer trends in national policy-shaping. The core of this resistance came chiefly, from the generation of World War II veterans, who tended to resist the ruin of our nation and its morals by Baby-Boomer efforts to actually wreck society. The 1981 phenomenon of "Reagan Democrats" typifies what was then this already eroding resistance to those encroachments of the "Baby Boomer" class launched by the "Trilateral" Democratic administration of 1977-1981. My own international role in President Reagan's promotion of what he named a "Strategic Defense Initiative," was the last significant opportunity to negotiate a new arrangement with the Soviet Union, which would have reversed the ruin of both the U.S.A. and continental Europe which lurched freely forward, from about that time onward, especially under the post-1989 policies shoved down central Europe's throat by the Thatcher-Mitterrand cabal.
Since the tail-end of the second Clinton Administration, the Baby Boomer generation's pro-Dionysian impulses have gone hog-wild, often even literally hog-wild. That reincarnated Jacobin terrorist Newt Gingrich, and his crony Al Gore, typify the worst of this phenomenon of moral rot within leading political circles still today. However, recently, there has been growing resistance to this impulse's most cruelly devastating effects. This resistance has come, chiefly from the leading intellectual strata of the young adult generation between the ages of 18 and 35, especially those in the 18-25 range. The generation in the range of 36-49 years, which has been caught between the book-ends of the younger and the Baby-Boomer age-groups, is buffeted by the storms of a rapidly rising, systemic conflict between the Boomers and young adults.
The Baby Boomer reacts quickly to his or her perception, on the one side, of the conflict between the Sophistry to which the Baby Boomer tends to cling as "our tradition," and the Boomer's perception of the enemy as being that present generation of capable young adults who are at the verge of moving into the positions of authority, positions which the Boomers regard as their special property, as the representatives of their generation occupy this territory today.
There could be no competent election-campaign strategy for this Presidential round, which was not premised on recognizing the existence and growing importance, and historical significance, of this specific type of cultural conflict. This pinpoints the inherently tragic effects for our nation's future, of the political failures of the currently leading Democratic Presidential-nomination campaigns.
Our American Tradition
Look at this conflict from the vantage-point of our presently endangered American System.
To understand the presently tragic failures in the Democratic Presidential nomination campaigns, you must take into account evidence known to me, as to relevant others, as bearing on the fact that my earlier ancestors within North America arrived here, in New England and Quebec, respectively, during the early Seventeenth Century, and the more recent arrivals, from Scotland and Ireland, during the period of approximately 1863-1870. Allowing for the differences among the members of my family heritage over four centuries, I can discern a peculiarly American, as distinct from European trait among us as a people, over that span; despite all subsumed differences, there has been a sense of an underlying, positive historical-cultural connection within those families in general over all successive generations, in both the U.S.A. and western and central Europe—until the 1960s surfacing of the Baby Boomers.
The conflict among generations, which separates the Baby Boomers from my own generation, and also separates the young-adult generation of the 18-35 range from the Boomers, is a unique kind of cultural cleavage unique to the Baby Boomer generation itself. There is nothing comparable to this cleavage in earlier general experience of successive American generations. It is as if aliens from space had transformed a certain ration of our post-war babies into what have become adult forms of a 1950s horror film's "pod people."
The leading characteristic of most among those earlier immigrant families, is that the leading edge of the movement of these settlers came not to flee from Europe, but, like the Winthrops and Mathers of New England, to bring the best of Europe's culture into a new land as distant as feasible from the reach of the persistence of the prevalent oligarchical traditions of Europe itself.
The original settlers, as for example, my own New England ancestors, shared a multi-generational perspective, a commitment to several future generations of continuing development of the institutions and conditions of life in a new nation. They sacrificed for the benefit of their descendants, and their descendants, largely, treasured that which their predecessors had contributed. In turn, from early on, it was certain currents among Europeans which had sponsored, assisted, and sometimes defended the success of efforts to build a truly sovereign, oligarchy-free nation on this side of the Atlantic.
The most honorable souls in Europe, promoted the development of our republic, and often sent their children here to be a part of the freeing of European cultures from the evils of oligarchical traditions.
Our greatest Presidents after George Washington, such as, most notably, John Quincy Adams, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin D. Roosevelt, represented that commitment to the assigned role of our U.S. republic in promoting the cause of a world freed from the bestializing effect of an oligarchical past.
In this respect, they were inspired by contemplation of the immortality of that human soul which transcends the death of mortal flesh. Our sense of immortality is expressed in the most immediate way, in our consciousness of those who have preceded us and those who will come after us. It is these cross-generational ties which define the substance of practiced public and personal morality, a morality which is largely absent in the ranks of the typical Baby Boomer. Yet, for the first time in the national history of true American patriots, that notion of personal immortality as spanning earlier and later generations in practice, was lost with the emerging of that "white collar" (and largely "anti-blue collar") generation which distinguishes a special portion of our own population and much of the European populations born, chiefly, between 1945 and the deep U.S. recession of 1957-61.
As the celebrated U.S. and European events of 1968 attest, the post-1945 rise of the "white collar" type as the "Baby-Boomer" generation, produced a Phrygian (e.g., Dionysian) type determined, like the Phrygians of the French Revolution's Terror, to destroy the world of the preceding generations. There was a severance of the functional interrelations with the two older generations still living then, and, in due course, also a manifest existential conflict of the "Baby Boomers" with their own young-adult progeny.
Worse, the historical cultural fiber which links successive generations in a healthy society, was fractured, and has been almost destroyed, through the pro-Satanic influence typified by the existentialist fanatics, such as Bertrand Russell creatures Margaret Mead, Norbert Wiener, John von Neumann, and kindred figures of moral decadence. These degenerates included such as former Nazi Professor Martin Heidegger and his associates of Jewish descent, such as Horkheimer, Adorno, and Arendt; these morally depraved types represented what was known in European experience as "The Congress of Cultural Freedom," the latter a vicious cult associated with morally rotten institutions such as the Paris Review of the American John Train, and Britain's perennial, decadent expatriate Teddy Goldsmith, et al.
In the second phase of the Winter-Spring 1968 strike-wave at New York's Columbia University, we witnessed an incident which alarmed me by showing me that a certain part of the SDS-related development of that time was an echo of the time, during the pre-Hitler Berlin trolley-car strike, when the Communist and Nazi parties were swapping large portions of their respective memberships, back and forth. That development was a significant reflection of the process leading into the establishment of the Hitler dictatorship. As we saw, around the influence of Herbert Marcuse, with the development of the frankly Phrygian, proto-terrorist "Weatherman" organization out of precisely the ranks of the "purgative violence" circles involved in those late-Spring Columbia University events, the "white collar" stratum of the "Baby Boomer" generation had hatched the Nietzschean existentialism of that Dionysian, terrorist mob which was to become the so-called "environmentalist" movement of the 1970s and beyond.
The "New Left" of the early through middle 1970s was often, in fact, the vanguard of a proto-fascist "New Right."
These connections were not accidental in any way. The Nazi Party itself had been an outgrowth of the "eugenics" movement which created the ideological base of the Hitler Nazi Party, a Hitler party brought into power largely by the same U.S. and Anglo-Dutch Liberal financier family-households which put Hitler into virtually absolute power in Germany, through Göring's orchestration of the burning of the Reichstag, during the last weeks of February 1933.
What Al Gore represents right now, is not only, as his Africa policy shows, a frankly pro-racist copy of the same eugenics movement behind the build-up of the Nazi Party, but, as the Goebbels' war-time "wish concerts" attest, Gore's anti-humanism, as against Africans, is more radically pro-Satanic than even that of the broader social base of the Nazi hard-core of the 1920s and early 1930s were.
As Friedrich Nietzsche laid down the explicitly pro-Satanic rules of modern German-speaking fascism, the essence of Nazism, and fascism generally, is the same Phrygian (Dionysian) cult-tradition which was deployed by the currents of the Delphi Apollo cult to destroy the city-states of ancient Classical times by killing their parents, and smashing modern culture of that time with the type of "back to nature" movement which has been the model of the British Haileybury School's Malthusians and Luddites, and of the eugenics movement of Hitler et al., and, also, of its copy, the so-called "environmentalist" movement of today. The consequences of tolerating the influence of the movement being pushed by the partnership of Britain's Prince Charles and Al Gore, would be as bad or worse than the eugenics movement which created Adolf Hitler's rise to power during the 1920s and 1930s.
It is the attempt to adapt to the rabidly anti-science, moral corruption whose influence is associated momentarily with Al Gore, an influence which has produced the factor of what I shall show, below, must be defined as "an acute psycho-political impotence" lurking behind the mask of the Sophist's rhetoric employed, commonly and otherwise, by current pre-candidates, and others, including Senators Clinton and Obama.
The fate of what might be recognized as "civilization" now depends upon recognizing that specific quality of intellectual impotence, and its available remedy.
2. `Failed Economics' Is the Key
To locate the root of the error which permits today's misguided leading political figures, and many others, to tend to be taken in by Al Gore's neo-Malthusian swindle, we must focus attention on the source of the prevalent incompetence of all generally taught and accepted doctrines of economics today. None of these dupes of Al Gore's swindle, recognize the universal physical principle which distinguishes the behavior of a generally prosperous human society from a troop of baboons. As we see in the performance of today's hedge-funds, sometimes a nut-gathering species related to the Cayman Islands' baboons, seem to take over. So far, the species of most leading economists of today, but also most of our leading politicians, like T.H. Huxley's dupe, the British Fabian Society's aging asset Frederick Engels of the 1890s, could never actually understand the principled difference between man and ape.
My long admired co-thinker Jonathan Swift could have explained this to you in one way, I in another.
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Suppose, that our relevant, leading Democrats had come back to their senses, and had junked the mass-murderous lunacy of Al Gore. Even after we might have freed the campaigns of Senators Clinton and Obama from the corrupting influence of Gore's swindle, their campaigns would still be in very deep trouble.
Especially in front-running political campaigns, the rise of the mayfly tends to precede its fall. The world is now in the most menacing global economic crisis in all modern history, while neither of the two Senators, in particular, has shown the slightest competence in economics, nor the slightest publicly expressed apprehension of the need to act now to defeat the deadly existential threat now immediately threatening civilization as a whole. Therefore, in their views of the current state of economy, they appear to be, like most among their rivals, merely competing for the best available, recently abandoned staterooms on an already sinking ship.
It takes more than putting up the public-relations front of acting as if one were a "nice guy," to be actually good for one's country. Any Sophist swindler would tend to operate to his profit from behind the camouflage of exactly such hollow public-relations "fronts."
I am not arguing that our putatively leading economists are stupid persons, but only seriously crippled by their miseducation; some, perhaps a relative handful, are nonetheless useful, competent, and even indispensable in their way. Really thoughtful and serious professionals, even if not competently educated, will usually find ways in which to be useful in some important respects, even if their theory is as great a disaster as we find in even the relative best of the failed theory prevalent among our economists generally today. In other words, the best among our present-day economists may be seriously miseducated, but they are nonetheless capable of thinking. Thus, they are useful only when they are not following their own theory.
We must also take into account the qualifying fact, that, in general, the members of today's tribe are utterly incompetent when compared with the economists of period prior to the ruinous cultural-paradigm down-shift in quality of national policy-shaping, the change for the worse which was installed during the 1969-1981 interval and beyond.
It should not be necessary, but it is, to remind people, especially leading candidates, that being good for one's country requires more than Pollyanna's wishes that everything would turn out just right for the next voter to whom they make reckless promises. It is also necessary that one is equipped with the knowledge and related skills to correct the errors which are the cause for everything important continuing to become much worse today.
In respect to the leading problem of our internal affairs, our physical-economic problems, everything has, indeed, been getting worse; in fact, this downward trend has been ongoing for more than thirty-five years. How do you intend to change the way our political class has been behaving, to prevent that class from continuing to make things almost consistently worse? Look at this from the standpoint of the measured physical condition of our national territory, for most of the nation's territory, per capita and per square kilometer, over more than thirty-five years. [[Fig: Statistical Charts]] Look at this from the standpoint of the lower eighty percentile of our family households, including the basic economic infrastructure on which their actual conditions of life have depended—for more than thirty-five years.
Mr. Politician: how do you intend to stop doing what your class has, in the main, being doing very wrong for most of those past thirty-five years? What are the scientific principles you intend to use as guides for this purpose? What are the actions you propose to take to accomplish that result now, while there is still a tiny margin of time which you have available to change your habits of policy-making behavior?
To sum up the crucial points just made: as candidates, Senators Clinton and Obama, like most among their putative rivals, have been behaving, until now, as Classically tragic figures. I do not mean "Classical" in the sense of popular abuse of the term "tragedy," such as the nonsensical Romanticism of Samuel Taylor Coleridge and his followers on the subject of Shakespeare, or the existentialist followers of the purely evil Friedrich Nietzsche on literature and art generally.[3]
You, Mr. or Mrs. Candidate, ladies and gentlemen alike, are the leading expression of our national tragedy. Unfortunately, a competent insight into the Classical meaning of tragedy, as in the work of the great Aeschylus, Shakespeare, or Friedrich Schiller, is generally beyond the comprehension of even what is, ostensibly, the sophisticated, highly placed Baby Boomer of today. This must now be corrected, quickly, if civilization is to be saved. We must understand the principle of tragedy, and apply that wisdom to the necessary corrections in the way of thinking of our leading policy-shaping circles today. This is the crucial, qualitative, upward change, the which must be introduced, now, introduced, especially, into the leading behavior of our presently tragically failed, but currently reigning political class.
To that very practical, and urgent end, it must be understood, that Classical tragedy, as the work of Aeschylus and the expressed treatments by Schiller best define the meaning of this, is a conception which tended to be lost from the current knowledge of European civilization, then over the period since the emergence of the Roman Empire, until Europe's Fifteenth-Century Renaissance. This is knowledge your society lost again, in modern times, under the influence of what is to be recognized the imperialist reach of the Anglo-Dutch Liberalism introduced to modern Europe by Paolo Sarpi's followers, such as that slippery scoundrel Galileo. This is the source of the potential fatal cultural flaw you must recognize in the typical Presidential candidate of today, if the urgently needed correction in our nation's national tragedy is to be chosen.
This is not a matter of some nebulous aspect of artistic taste. Classical art, such as that of Johann Sebastian Bach, and the current of science running from the ancient Pythagoreans and Plato, through the founding of modern science by Nicholas of Cusa, Leonardo da Vinci, Johannes Kepler, Pierre de Fermat, and Gottfried Leibniz, are of the same cognitive substance, a substance to which we must turn to replace the follies which are typical of the currently burgeoning cluster of Presidential pre-candidates.
What I must now introduce, at this point, on those referenced accounts, is best labelled The Principle of Tragedy, by which I mean Classical tragedy, as Aeschylus, Shakespeare, and Schiller intended, but not any of the Romantics or modernists who profess to interpret those works. To apply the needed conception of the principle of tragedy to economic policy-shaping, as I do here, it were necessary to expand the representation of tragedy somewhat beyond the customary classroom view of that subject-matter, to include the advantageous view provided by the anti-Euclidean physical geometries of Bernhard Riemann.
This may seem to be "tough stuff," and, for the typical Anglo-Dutch Liberal from among the usually miseducated university graduate of today, it is; but it is indispensable if we are to devise policies which prevent the early slide of our civilization into a prolonged "new dark age" which, unless we act now to prevent it, would be probably worse than anything experienced in more than the recent 2,500 years of European civilization.
"Before taking up an aircraft, please, for the passengers' sake, learn to fly."
The Principle of Tragedy
The Romantic school of tragedy, as reflected today in the legacy of Samuel Taylor Coleridge et al., misleads the credulous into the view of the so-called "tragic personality." In fact, as in the exemplary work of Aeschylus, Shakespeare, and Schiller, as in competent physical science, it is not the individual, but the society and its present form of culture, which are tragic. Just so, in the case at hand, it is neither Senator Clinton, nor Senator Obama who is tragic, not even the present leadership of the Democratic Party. What is tragic, is the cultural trends launched with the interrelated phenomena of the death of Franklin Roosevelt and influence on today's society of the birth and systemic moral and intellectual corruption of the Baby Boomer generation bred over the course of the 1945-1958 interval.[4]
This defines a little understood, but nonetheless fundamental, Leibnizian principle of scientific method, called "dynamics." Lack of understanding of that principle, is arguably the chief source of the incompetence running wildly in our so-called political class today. It is this ignorance which must be urgently remedied under the present conditions of our national existential crisis.
The case for the point which I have just, thus identified, has often (perhaps not often enough) been made by the greatest writers on Classical art, especially Classical drama. In study of the subject immediately at hand, the matter of a tragically failed U.S. economy of the recent thirty-five and more years, we have the advantage of the fact, that, in cases such as those of Senators Clinton and Obama, the tragedy is expressed chiefly, and most clearly, within the domain of national economy viewed as a subject of physical science. That is to emphasize the fact, that the social policies of practice of national economy and the physical-scientific implications of that practice, coincide inseparably. In this case, the subject-matters of social theory and physical-scientific fact, are interlocked in a fashion which render them inseparable issues.
On this account, great Classical tragedy, is not a fanciful dramatization of history; it is the truest account of history, as from the Prometheus Trilogy of Aeschylus, through that work of Shakespeare brought back to life through the intervention of Germany's Abraham Kästner, and through the drama, and writings on history by Schiller. Human history is not a matter of mere facts, but of the willful acts of passion, or indifference, which motivate the successive ordering of what appear to the dull-witted as merely "the facts." History, properly apprehended in its intended guises as Classical drama, is never fiction; it is the truest expression of social and political science.
So, in Classical tragedy, Shakespeare creates the voice of Horatio, to show that the tragedy is not that of Hamlet, but of his "rotten" Denmark of that time, as Schiller provides the voice of the Queen in Don Carlos to the same end, and as Schiller creates the characters of the two "Children of the House" in the Wallenstein Trilogy with the same method and intent. These figures appear, on behalf of the playwright's service to his audience, to provide a view of the mind and senses of a figure outside the tragic process which is, otherwise, that society as a whole, to make thus clearer to the audience that the tragedy expresses the guilt expressed as the fruit of the control over nearly all among the individual actors by a systemic flaw of the relevant culture as a whole. The shrewd Classical dramatist uses the image of the exceptional figure in history, to make clear the systemic features of tragedy through which both the leading and popular strata of society participate in launching and sustaining the corrupt world-outlook by which the tragic culture ruins itself. The exceptional figure, points to the need for the discovery of universal principle, physical, or social, which is urgently required to free the society of the removable fatal flaw which permeates that culture in its ontological whole.
The effective Classical drama's exceptional figure, such as the Horatio of Hamlet, or Schiller's Queen and the two children, corresponds in real life to what is otherwise expressed by the creative scientific "genius" who contributes a discovery of principle which overthrows the relevant, pervasive folly of his, or her culture up to that point in historical time and place. The greatest creative artist, such as Bach, Mozart, or Beethoven, or the greatest minds in modern physical science, such as Cusa, Leonardo, Kepler, Fermat, and Leibniz, exemplify the distinctive advantage of the human species as a species. Our species, from time to time, produces a certain number of exceptional individuals, whose valid discoveries of principle, have the potential to lift their entire society out of the habituated muck and mire of customary ways, and, lead the physical and moral condition of mankind as a whole one more step upward.
So, in Schiller's great drama, the Wallenstein trilogy, from the impact of the theme of Wallenstein's Camp, to the end, the guilt lies only with the entire culture which embraces all of the participating social forces and the individual agents acting under the persuasion of those forces. So, Schiller intended to uplift the member of the audience in the balcony, seeing the tragedy expressing the guilt of an entire society on stage, to be inspired to leave the theater a better individual citizen than he had entered it shortly before.
Such is the true nature of that tragedy which has, for the moment, caught up candidates such as Senators Clinton and Obama. They have failed, because they have failed thus far to rise above that set of perceived conventions, conventions like smelly old unwashed socks, which are already hurtling society toward one of the great, global calamities of known human existence as a whole. So far, in this campaign, neither of them has been the needed exception to the ongoing tragedy; rather, for their lack of dynamics, they have been part of its expression.
In physical science, the curative powers of this anti-Romantic principle of Classical tragedy, are made comprehensible in its guise as the mathematical physics of Bernhard Riemann's development of the methods of a physical science subsumed by the specifically Leibnizian, dynamic principle of physical hypergeometry. It is only from the vantage-point of physical hypergeometry, that the actual principles of national and world economy can be clearly identified.
True, mathematical physics is not art. But the essential feature of physical science was never merely repetition of old calculations, but expressed something new, something creative, something dynamic, which surpasses the habitual mixtures of achievements and follies of the past. It is those sovereign creative powers of the individual human mind, powers by means of which discoveries of universal physical principles are generated, as from outside the bounds of existing conventions, the means from outside the barriers, which distinguish the human individual from the conventional ape.
The universe in which we dwell, as Albert Einstein said, is determined by a view of the universe as finite, but without external bound, a universe made comprehensible by the uniquely creative contributions to science represented by succession of the discoveries made by Johannes Kepler and his followers through those of Bernhard Riemann. Successful economies, which is to say, economies unlike what our own has become during about four decades in downward motion, are a subsumed expression of those connections, those dynamics indicated by Einstein.
It is this matter of dynamics which must be raised in discussion, to perform the necessary, remedial re-education of the presently incompetent ranks of leading economists and their presently credulous followers among the politicians of today. It is that topic of dynamics to which I turn your attention here.
3. The Powers of Sense-Deception
In these gravely troubled days, the most dangerous variety of political fool, is the political figure, especially were he or she a Presidential pre-candidate, who evades a relevant matter of principle, by using the premise that since he, or she has difficulty in understanding that principle, he or she has concluded, on that evidence itself, that the subject must therefore be wrong, or, at best, is not relevant to ensuring the welfare of society.
Call him, or her "Ichabod," for, truly, with any such pompous fool, "the glory has departed."
* * *
We have now reached the place, at which I am about to introduce the most crucial point of this report, a point which will be received, perhaps, also, the most shocking to be presented to the two referenced and other Presidential pre-candidates. The subject, whose meaning and relevance for the campaign, I shall make clear in due course here, bears the ancient Pythagorean name for what Johannes Kepler was to define as harmonics, a notion, as employed by them and Plato, and by Kepler later, which has the most profound significance for understanding the actually crucial issues posed for the present pre-election campaigning. This topic presents itself in the guise of that central issue of economics on which the possibility of the continued existence of our republic for the early future, now depends. The following, introductory remarks, on background, are required to locate the relevant historical settings for presenting that argument.
We are sometimes happily shocked, as I have been, repeatedly, to find that some of the most significant features of modern physical science can be traced in a systematic fashion, to traces within certain cultures existing thousands of years before the beginning of a European culture such as that of ancient Classical Greece. There is such evidence of that sort lurking here, ready to pounce upon the illusions of unsuspecting Senators Clinton and Obama, evidence whose already known discovery dates from very ancient times, from civilizations existing long before a non-Semitic language culture, such as one rooted in Indian Ocean maritime cultures, planted the seeds of a future Mesopotamian civilization, up-river, in Sumer. This includes some evidence which is of crucial importance for understanding the root of the common blunders on the matter of political-economy, which are shared by the two candidates up to this point in time.
The subject of that quality to be treated in this immediate section of the report, is the practical implications for their campaigns, of a phenomenon most fairly described as "sense-deception." I explain this point, and its crucial importance for the onrushing crisis of civilization today, beginning with the successive phases of this crucial, in-depth presentation of this crucial point of principle as follows.
It is among the most important ironies of political life of nations today, that the foundations of competent currents in specifically European science, are traced most immediately, from, predominantly, ancient Egyptian sources. This is expressed in the form of an ancient Egyptian approach to astrophysics, called Sphaerics by the Greeks, rather than bare-faced astronomy. These are conceptions which carried very pronounced overtones, those which are characteristic of a transoceanic maritime culture rooted in the circumstances found within the most recent great ice age. This contribution from ancient Egypt and its associated, maritime feature, Cyrenaica, is what was adopted by the Pythagoreans and the circles of Plato, to serve as the proximate origin of all competent strains in European physical science, and, therefore, also, a science of economy, today.
As Kepler demonstrated the solution for the crucial flaw common to the failures of Ptolemy, Copernicus, and Tycho Brahe, the idea of a strictly defined actual science, is one which is necessarily rooted in the idea of an astrophysical (rather than simply astronomical) universe. One should signify a science as this is typified for ancient human eyes, chiefly, both in the view of developments as observed within a clear starry domain of the night, and the apparent rising and setting of the Moon and Sun. Hence, we have the notion of existent principles rightly termed "universal": principles which can be traced from their attributable roots in the processes manifest as what is to be observed as "everywhere above" our planet.
There is such a notion of principle which was adopted explicitly, from Egypt, among the Pythagoreans, which is plainly in sight of relevant evidence. This is a notion rooted in evidence, rather obvious evidence, which modern European scientific education nonetheless tends to overlook, as if it the teacher and students were gripped to this effect by some strange force of compulsion. This principle is central to the astrophysics which the Greeks obtained from Egyptian Sphaerics.
This notion of Sphaerics, is the underlying principle of all of the discoveries in physical science and geometry made by the Pythagoreans and also their associates among the circles of Socrates and Plato. It also reappears, much later, in all of those principal discoveries by Nicholas of Cusa's avowed follower Johannes Kepler, as the principle of harmonics, on which all competent physical science since that time depends; but, ironically, this is a principle which, nonetheless, few among my former, 1970s and 1980s associates among the scientists of the Fusion Energy Foundation, excepting, most notably, Professor Robert Moon, found themselves able to accept.[5]
The actual European roots of modern science, are to be traced today as planted during an ancient post-dark-age interval from about 700 B.C. through the death of Plato, and harvested as the fruit of that age was extended by exemplars such as the Platonic Academy's physicist Eratosthenes. This continued until about the time of the deaths of both Eratosthenes and his active correspondent Archimedes, and also the geometer Apollonius.[6] This knowledge became Europe's subsequently (largely) lost knowledge of the methods of actual science, over the period from the incipient rise of what became the Roman Empire in the aftermath of the Second Punic War, until the rise of modern European civilization in the great Fifteenth-Century Renaissance, during which latter we had the founding of modern experimental physical science by Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa.
That connection of ancient Egyptian, Greek, and modern European science, to roots in a more ancient, pre-European science, was emphasized in the work of a leading Indian patriot, scholar, and scientist of his time, Bal Gangadhar Tilak.[7] Tilak made combined use of his Vedic studies and resort to (principally) Nineteenth-Century German work in astronomy, to show the roots of a modern astronomy comparable to that of the Egyptian Sphaerics. Tilak was enabled, through his competence as a Vedic scholar, to correlate the religious and related Vedic calendars of Central Asian societies with the evidence of modern European astronomy. He dated respectable societal practice of a sophisticated long-ranging astronomy, to cycles measured in respect to four to six or more millennia, B.C., and to other datings of cycles reaching back as far as intraglacial periods. Similar indications, looking back toward very ancient times, are built into the design of the Great Pyramids of Egypt.[8]
The particular point to be made by aid of those historical references here, is that the geometry of Euclid's Elements and the fraudulent concoction by Claudius Ptolemy, are typical of cases in which it is shown that, what is currently received as conventional wisdom, often does not correspond to an actually superior condition of original knowledge during some earlier time. Often, as most academic and related opinion today tends, as I shall emphasize later here, more to conceal, than reveal more ancient, and sometimes far better, earlier insights into mankind's knowledge of the lawful ordering of our universe.[9]
So, today, as in times past, what is received as expert knowledge respecting matters of art and physical science, is often more or less fraudulent, rather than accidentally mistaken. Just as the successive Babylonian and Achaemenid captors of the Israelis of the time, made a zealous effort to rewrite the religious teachings and records of the captives, tyrants rely upon corrupt scribes, such as the backers of Al Gore's "Global Warming" hoax, who echo the traditions of the ancient Babylonian priesthoods as they sing for their suppers by prescribing the opinions which they teach to the credulous of today.[10]
So, in the fashion of ancient, priestly Babylonian swindlers, the cult-forces built up around Al Gore's "Global Warming" swindle, have been engaged in a relevant, hysterical effort to silence all critics of Gore's pseudo-scientific concoction. To that purpose, they resort to the arbitrary, inquisitional methods of a Tomás de Torquemada, and of Torquemada's Martinist-freemasonic admirer Count Joseph de Maistre, seeking, thus, to outlaw any criticism of their hoaxes, from anywhere. This is exactly the scheme expressed through the methods employed in aid of Gore's attempted revival of the Hitler tradition's so-called "eugenics." These are "Babylonian" methods, as in the case of that "Whore of Babylon" which may be traced into European history by way of the worship of the snake-god, Python, and of the Satan known as the Olympian Zeus. Such was the Sophistry which was spread from the Delphic Temple of Apollo by such Roman imperial celebrities as the faker known at the time as the Delphi Apollo cult's high priest Plutarch.
So, for example, for rather obvious reasons, the hoaxster Gore never accepts a rigorous challenge of his current hoax from any relevant critic from the leading circles of relevant science, a critic such as a distinguished authority who has not been bought, or terrified into submission on this issue, such as Britain's Lord Monckton whose challenge the slimy Gore persistently evades.
The premise for Gore's and others' insistence on blind faith in Gore's fraudulent visions, is simple; the whole "Global Warming" hysteria is based upon the resort to ancient Babylonian and kindred inquisitional methods. It is a mere superstition, whose reputation could not survive, except through the blind, superstitious faith—"it is our consensus; therefore, you must believe"—of the gaping-mouthed varieties of the credulous. What passes as a replacement for scientific proof in such circles, is chiefly the duped believers' aping of those modern Flagellant cultists represented by the wild-eyed hysterics of Gore's current pack of savagely frothing-at-the-mouth devotées.
The Issue of Method
There are two specific, but also interlinked types of fraud in the intentions underlying Al Gore's fraudulent case for "Global Warming." Both of these are traced in the history of European cultures from the pro-Satanic, Gaea-Python cult of the Delphi Apollo and Dionysos, the priests of Apollo, including the notable Plutarch, most clearly. Both of these frauds are the axiomatic kinds of cultural, core characteristics of that synthetic culture associated with the pro-terrorist eruptions of the "68ers."
The first, the most general of these frauds, is that addressed by Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound: the banning of knowledge of the uses of fundamental scientific progress, the ban which was the principal feature of that drama. The second of the characteristic features, was the Phrygian cult of Dionysos, from which Friedrich Nietzsche derived the systematized doctrine of both modern European terrorism, and the mainstream, together with the complementary influence of Husserl, of the so-called "Frankfurt" existentialism of Heidegger, Horkheimer, Adorno, Arendt, et al.[11] Both of these were central features of that synthetic culture associated with the "true believers" among the 68ers. This is the same type of belief that Nietzschean basis employed to create the eugenics cult adopted as a leading basis-element, called "eugenics," of Hitler's movement, and to mobilize the original British and U.S. backers of Hitler, such as the circles of the Harriman family and of Harriman asset Prescott Bush.
Granted, not every 68er was, or is a terrorist, although many were, especially during the 1970s and 1980s, as in the anti-nuclear mass terrorism, a virtual civil war in Germany which led, through such terrorist methods of intimidation, to the virtual banning of nuclear power, and the later establishment of what became known as the "Green Party." Moreover, not all persons whose behavior is controlled by the 68er pathology, is a typically anti-science fanatic. However, they all belong to a commonly determining pattern of group behavior.
This pattern of pathetic behavior is not specifically European. Terrorism in today's Southwest Asia and beyond, may not be specifically European in its culture, but it has the same Delphic characteristics, and enjoys the same outside direction by imperial, Europe-based agencies, as those of the German 68ers, those enemies of farmers and industrial operatives and craftsman, who, during the 1970s and 1980s, conducted a truly Nietzschean form of warfare against both their own nation and civilization generally, a disposition which lurks in them still, to the present day.
This apparent paradox is what makes the issues facing the cited candidates, and others, as we might say, scientifically "interesting"; which brings our account in this chapter to its crucial point for consideration, the issue of scientific method. How is the political behavior of figures such as Senators Clinton and Obama controlled?
This question brings us to the crucial point of this report: the matter of dynamics, as the principle of dynamics was the underlying expression of creative scientific genius among the Pythagoreans and Plato's other circles. The same principle of dynamics was revived explicitly by Leibniz as the foundation of the competent modern physical science which had been re-established by Nicholas of Cusa, and underlies the work of such declared followers of Cusa as Leonardo da Vinci and Johannes Kepler. The modern use of the term dynamics, was introduced formally by Gottfried Leibniz in his 1692-1695 exposure of the systemic incompetence of Descartes in matters of physical science.[12]
The root-source in method of the failure which is permeating the Presidential-nomination campaigns of Senators Clinton and Obama until now, is their witting, or unwitting, but nonetheless systemic submission to the quality of modern philosophical-Liberal superstition derived from the still widespread, and scientifically incompetent, mechanical-statistical, reductionist methods of John Locke and René Descartes. These are, of course, the same mechanistic-statistical methods still generally employed both in teaching of physical science, and in social metrics, including professionals' typically incompetent, but academically preferred methods of economic forecasting by professionals such as the curiously celebrated Morton Scholes.[13]
Although the term "dynamic" is often employed in the attempt to promote commonplace, neo-Cartesian forms of intrinsically incompetent, mechanical-statistical methods, the actual meaning of the term "dynamic" as defined by Leibniz, is a faithful echo of the use of the term "dynamis" by Pythagoreans such as Archytas, and contemporaries associated with Socrates and Plato. Actually, the term "dynamic," as employed by Leibniz, also has the same meaning as Nicholas of Cusa's definition of modern experimental science, as in his De Docta Ignorantia. The same meaning underlies and permeates the work of such explicit followers of Cusa as Leonardo da Vinci and Johannes Kepler; the full meaning of Cusa's, Kepler's, and Leibniz's intention on this account, is the essence of all the principal work of Bernhard Riemann, from his revolutionary 1854 habilitation dissertation, through his elaboration of the general principles underlying Leibniz's analysis situs under the title of physical hypergeometry. This is the same meaning intended by Albert Einstein's celebrated commitment to the combined physical-scientific method of Kepler and Riemann. It has been of crucial importance in my own work, since 1952-1953, in the science of physical economy.[14]
For appropriately educated professionals, the significance of Riemann's discoveries for physical science is more or less evident, whether some of those professionals agree with Riemann's own discoveries, or not.[15] That implication, for physical science, is an included functional feature of my report here. However, that limited reading of Riemann's work, is only a subsumed feature of the fuller implications of his discoveries; the most important feature, to be emphasized in this present report, is the way in which Riemann's discoveries implicitly define the social functions, including social-behavioral characteristics of the individual human mind. Here, viewing those discoveries in that fuller light, the deeper implications of Einstein's emphasis on the common essence of the discoveries of both Kepler and Riemann, we see more deeply into the processes of Einstein's mind.
To summarize the issue now to be addressed in customary usages: That, the matter of method, is where Senators Clinton and Obama have, so far, entirely missed the relevant boat.
The Ontological Issue
Do not think, for a moment, that anything which I am about to write from here on, is not serious business. It will often be ironical, but any reality which is unfamiliar to the thinking of those being addressed, as by me here, especially a harsh reality, since the hearer has not previously known that subject, can not be effectively presented to its audience in any manner except in the initial form of a Classical type of ambiguity: any valid discovery in science, or valid artistic creation, must first appear on stage as if in the corner of the author's or audience's mind's eye.
For example: the manifest problem which grips Senators Clinton and Obama, as also most among their putative rivals, is that the opinions which they express are opinions of minds imprisoned with certain false assumptions concerning the actual physical nature of the world in which they dwell.[16] That real world which now confronts them, is not the world which they still believe they are seeing. Their added, presently urgent problem is, that their imagined world has changed, but, they have not. That pair's current public posturing is typical of nearly all the putative pre-candidates thus far; each is like a fellow still furiously trying to swim across a football field, imagining that that turf is the pool in which he had only dreamed he were swimming.
In competent experimental science, a predicament of that type would be immediately recognized as a problem in what is termed epistemology.
For those and related causes, those candidates, like many other citizens today, assume that they are living in a world which, in fact, no longer exists, if it ever did. They are relying on a set of buttons, bells, and whistles which no longer function as mechanisms by means of which one can move successfully through a maze-like world which, in fact, is no longer there, and, strictly speaking, actually never was. It is completely fair to say, that Senators Clinton and Obama are each competing in the attempt to fix a little leak in the bottom of the boat, when the smashed-up starboard hull is already being torn away. It all suggests a pair competing furiously in the effort to win the booby-prize, and paying massively for that attempt. What makes it all seem as funny as a clip from an old "Keystone Cops" movie, is that most among their rivals are competing against one another, in the same foolish game.
Among legislators, in particular, that sort of tragi-comic behavior is catalogued under the rubric of "Go along, to get along." Concentrate on going like Hell, to get along to get ahead in a world which is not there, and, perhaps, never actually was. The time has come when letting our nation solve even an actually existing existential problem, is clearly not the intention expressed by these candidates' current campaigning; the expressed priority of campaigns of each from the "Baby Boom" stock, is "winning" his, or her personal contest, whatever that might mean.[17] Win the rubber ducky, if that is the best that you could get!
Right now, it should be obvious to anyone paying attention, that the world in which Senators Clinton and Obama (like others) might believe they are competing, does not exist. It actually never did; as I said, the difference, now, is that the oncoming smash-up is staring straight at them, from a place and time just a few steps ahead; but, their own attentions are distracted by the passion of a fancied contest, not the real challenges moving to pounce upon them all. They are like men and women dreaming within a fit of pure rage, while thinking of almost nothing but getting ahead, winning whatever, while seeking to go first wherever that might take them, even against their will.
So, the world in which they believe they are competing, is actually not there; really, it never was. The difference now, as I shall explain that in the subsequent pages of this report, is that what was formerly, actually the seemingly distant, unexpected destination, is coming up close, and fast.
I explain what I have just written above.
Perhaps the most controversial, and most important issue which now permeates every corner of efforts to understand physical science and art, alike, is the question whether or not, and in what manner and degree, what we believe to be today's sense-perceptual experience, as such, corresponds functionally to the universe in which we actually exist. This point I shall also explain.
On this subject as such, there is much which we might not need to present afresh here, since scientifically literate people already have access to fair appreciation of the simpler aspects of such kinds of questions. For example: We need not waste time and energy here, by arguing with those simple-minded illiterates who delude themselves with the assumption that simple sense-perception is truth. What literate people, whether competent or not, should do, is to limit their quarrels, speculations, and what-have-you, to debating the universally underlying question of how we might interpret sense-perceptual experiences as such, as scientists should do.
Persons of those otherwise mutually opposing factions, who can be meaningfully classed as "rational," should limit our discussion of "rules of the game," to attempts to define our experience of the universe as an accessible perception of a universal order in which, on the one side, we assume that the perceived universe as a whole, is one regulated by a set of universal rules, and, on the other side, that we pursue this course without actually knowing all those possible rules. Some think that set of rules is fixed; I, on the contrary, like some others, absolutely do not accept the idea of a completed universe, but prefer the conception associated with the relevant technical term: an anti-entropic process of continuing creation.
For example, for those who share my outlook: A seemingly solitary Sun, spinning rapidly on itself in a certain part of physical space-time which it occupied, generated a system of planets. Yet, that Solar system is also regulated in depth by the galaxy it occupies, and that galaxy by a system of galaxies, and so on, and on. Some people imagine that the system with its set of rules, is fixed. I join with Philo of Alexandria in rejecting what should be recognized as an obviously fallacious, Aristotelean scheme. The Creator did not render Himself impotent by launching a universe of a set of fixed characteristics.[18] I, like my great predecessors such as Bernhard Riemann, know that the process is a lawfully developing one, a universally anti-entropic process.
Among people who are more or less sane, in at least formal terms, people operating intellectually within the bounds of universality I have just described summarily, the debate over our respective outlooks on the subject of the universe generally, is inevitably focused on the subject of the meaning of sense-perception: To what degree, and in what way, does sense-perception provide us access to meaningful control over the effect of our actions within the bounds of that experience?
That, as just stated, points directly to the pivotal, ontological question posed by the common current failures of judgment which are being expressed by Senators Clinton, Obama, and others: in what universe do their intentions actually dwell? This means not merely the world in which they believe they are operating currently; it means, in a far more significant way, today, that "I, personally, know, with certainty, that the imagined world in which those candidates' motivations are currently actually dwelling, is a non-existent, fanciful world," a world of economic fantasies, the imaginary, "doll house" world which their current intentions actually inhabit.
The needed approach to a correct answer to the questions implied in that fashion, was supplied, with fair approximation, by the Pythagoreans, Socrates, Plato, et al., according to those principles of Sphaerics which I have already referenced above. Instead of the inherently false set of "definitions, axioms, and postulates" associated with textbook Euclidean geometry, our competent scientific figures such as the Pythagorean Archytas, Socrates, and Plato, described the methods of physical construction on which the practice of the astrophysical science of Sphaerics depended. Archytas' solution for the doubling of the square purely by construction, illustrates the point. No a priori assumption, such as Euclidean definitions, axioms, and postulates was permissible in a competent science today. Like Archytas' famous construction of the doubling of the cube, the methods of Theaetetus and others in spherical construction of the set of so-called Platonic solids, are typical of that same method.
This ancient platonic method was revived in modern times, by (later) Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa, in his second major work, De Docta Ignorantia. In both cases, that of the Pythagoreans and Cusa, we are dealing, not with a formal geometry as such, but a physical geometry based on discoverable principles of construction. Although it was Cusa who revived attention to the Classical evidence, as by Aristarchus of Samos, of the planets' rotation around the Sun, the elaboration of modern physical science based on Cusa's principles was provided through Johannes Kepler's discoveries in the organization of both a Solar system characterized by harmonically ordered universal gravitation, and Kepler's related discovery of the principle of a related subject, a calculus of the infinitesimal which was actually given its original development by Gottfried Leibniz. The general outcome of that practice of Sphaerics was the same portrait of scientific method encountered in Riemann's 1854 habilitation dissertation.[19]
What is to be emphasized here, in pointing to those elements of the history of modern physical science, is that principle of anti-Euclidean physical geometry, traced as I have just summarized the case, from the ancient Pythagoreans, through Plato, Cusa, Kepler, Fermat, and Leibniz. That leads into the relevant successive contributions of Gauss and Riemann. This approach is key in defining the cultivated philosophical state of mind needed for overcoming the terrible blunders expressed by the current U.S. pre-Presidential campaigns of Senators Clinton, Obama, and others. The solution for the type of epistemological issue so situated—the ontological issue—is expressed for the social-economic relations of modern society in the form of a Riemannian science from which a modern science of physical economy was developed. This is a system of physical economy within which Riemann worked, but. on which the constitutional economic system of the Federal Republic of our U.S.A., the Leibniz-based system of the enemies of the pro-slavery John Locke, such as Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, and Mathew Carey, was already grounded. That is the standpoint from which Riemannian physical hypergeometry is to be viewed. It is to be viewed, thus, as the appropriate expression of the intentions already embedded in the U.S.A.'s American System of political-economy, the so-called, anti-free-trade, "protectionist" method inherent in a science of physical economy, as opposed to the British imperial system based upon axiomatically usurious monetarism.
Perception & Cognition
On the one side, we have our sense-perceptions. On the other side, unseen, but experienced in our mind, beyond the bounds of sense-perception as such, there exists the real object in the universe expressed as an actual event. How, then, can we know that object, to which the mind has no simply direct connection, when we must rely upon aid of the use of those shadows which the presentation to our sensorium, of the unseen actual object, if it actually exists, may have cast upon our senses?
How, for example, can we know events corresponding to events which can not be seen with the microscope, but whose effects, as existence, we can prove, and whose adducible effects we are sometimes able to control without ever being able to actually "see" them directly? That is our epistemological challenge.
In the matter of sub-atomic physics, for example, we are obliged to tend to waver, on experimental grounds, between the conclusion that something has the quality of a particle, or, perhaps, a wave. This experience presents itself not only in the sub-microscopic domain, but was already the form of the ontological challenge which Johannes Kepler faced in his discovery of the harmonically composed organization of the Solar planetary system. In both cases, the Mendeleyev Periodic Table as generally understood in presentations by nuclear chemists today, is organized in the mode of harmonic systems of the type we may associate with the notion of "wave-icles," rather than particles of a reductionist's Cartesian-like, mechanistic-statistical system.
The most crucial issue which this invokes, was already settled by Leibniz during the 1690s and slightly later, in his exposure of the fraudulent character of the mechanistic system of Descartes and of Descartes' English and other imitators. Yet, nonetheless, the generally accepted method of economic forecasting employed in the U.S.A. and Europe today, almost universally, is what Leibniz proved to have been the intrinsically incompetent mechanistic-statistical method derived from Descartes.[20]
These considerations compel us to return our attention to a focus on the matter of the ontological paradoxes of human sense-perception. To simplify the discussion, as needed, but in an effectively authoritative way, we must focus on what should be the most obvious, and most deadly intellectual problem of the culture of globally extended, modern Europan culture, a challenge which may be conveniently described as the paradox of the sensory function of, respectively, our eyes and ears.
The Briton C.P. Snow, identified the epistemological problem I am now addressing, as a "two cultures" paradox: the conflict between the intellectual standpoint of mathematical-physical science and of (for example) Classical artistic performance and composition in sundry leading and relevant media.[21] I restate here the relevant argument which I have delivered on several earlier occasions, restating that argument in terms relevant to the content and purpose of this present report.[22]
I approach this task here in two distinct, but systemically interdependent phases. First, I shall focus on the epistemological problem which the primary relationship of the two primary senses defines. This occupies the remainder of the present chapter of this report, and contains the most essential meat of this chapter. Second, in the following chapter, I shall focus on the larger question, of both national economies in particular, and also the subject of the human species as a Riemannian type of dynamic system which must be recognized as implicit in the functional cognitive relationship between the senses of vision and hearing.
The Eyes & Ears of Truth
As I have already indicated earlier, the epistemologically valid approach to the development of a European physical science, was in force in a significant degree during what seem, in retrospect, as several historically brief, presently visible intervals, such as, first, the period of the work of ancient Greece from the time of Thales through the Pythagoreans and Plato, as extended somewhat to the time of the deaths of Eratosthenes and Archimedes.
Second, is the record, and some of the important effects of that period of the history of science, was carried by several principal routes into the eruption of the so-called, Fifteenth-Century, Florence-centered "Golden Renaissance." After the Fall of Constantinople, a mixed situation existed; from the launching of the Inquisition's expulsion of the Jews from Spain, some of the benefits of the Fifteenth-Century Renaissance persisted, stubbornly, despite the effects the religious warfare crafted and unleashed in the attempt, by Venice-centered oligarchical interests, to throw European civilization back into a medieval darkness.
Third, the virtual miracle of the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia ended the holocaust of religious warfare in Europe, and, for a time, permitted a new virtual Renaissance, centered in the France of Cardinal Mazarin and his associate Jean-Baptiste Colbert, which unleashed a relatively short-lived, decades-long, great surge of scientific and physical-economic progress, radiating, chiefly, from France, throughout Europe and from generally.
However, the folly of France's Louis XIV and the criminality of the neo-Venetian financier interests represented by Anglo-Dutch Liberalism, threw mankind backwards again, until, fourth, the inspiration expressed by circles featuring Abraham Kästner, his student Gotthold Lessing, the magnificent Moses Mendelssohn, and the associates of Friedrich Schiller. These intellectually nobler circles' influence converged with the success of the U.S. War of Independence, to bring several decades of a trans-Atlantic Classical Renaissance. That was set back, from July 1789 on, by the British direction of the French Revolution, and by London's use of its strings on puppet Napoleon Bonaparte to ruin continental Europe with wasting warfare, to such a degree, that the resumption of the intention of the U.S. Federal Constitution could not be resumed in practice until the defeat of Lord Palmerston's Confederacy operation which occurred under the Presidency of Abraham Lincoln.
However, the later U.S. defeat of Palmerston's Confederacy conspiracy, under the leadership of President Abraham Lincoln, pushed trans-Atlantic civilization forward, economically, and in other respects, until the 1890's turn for the worse, with the ouster of Germany's Chancellor Bismarck, the assassination of France's President Sadi Carnot, the Dreyfuss case, and London's launching of the first of the Japan wars against China. That war against China, overlapping the activities of the predatory Lord Kitchener in Africa and elsewhere, uncorked a wave of imperial geopolitical wars launched by the British Empire. This wave continued, in fact, until Summer of 1945, and was then resumed as the colonial wars conducted by Britain, the Netherlands, France, and others during the immediate post-war years, and beyond.
A fifth semi-Renaissance had been brought into being through the 1933-1945 leadership of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The potential which the Roosevelt-led victory in combating both the global economic depression of the late 1920s and 1930s, led to certain improvements in economy and social conditions in the world generally, despite the British and other efforts to destroy the Franklin Roosevelt tradition, into the immediate aftermath of the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy. Since approximately 1967-1968, the trend in Europe and the Americas as a whole has been along an accelerating downward course, with a spectacular, accelerating physical collapse of the U.S. economy since the virtual counterrevolution against the U.S. Constitution launched under the relevant U.S. Presidencies.
Yet, after taking that aspect of European history into account, many would be astonished, when tracing the history of Europe back to about 700 B.C., to recognize the persistence of the net progress of European civilization over the interval until about the time of the onset of the present downturn of the U.S. economy, and of scientific and technological progress in the increase of the productive powers of labor, a downturn unleashed about the time of the riotous antics of the 68ers in the U.S.A. and western and central Europe. That record, when taken as a whole, as reflected in the efforts of certain nations and other leading forces to revive the Franklin Roosevelt legacy now, bespeaks a factor of virtual immortality, bridging long dark-age intervals, in the power of the ideas associated with physical science and Classical culture. This is manifest through all periods of great hardship between the rise of ancient Greece about 700 B.C. and the most recent wrecking, since the middle to late 1960s, of the economies and cultural development of trans-Atlantic civilization.
There is, thus, a persistence of an immortal power of progress, bridging generations, bridging even long dark age intervals. This persistence bespeaks the immortal nature which permeates the existence of mankind.
The evidence in support of that view is massive, and should be considered conclusive, despite the interventions by a factor of intentionally induced cultural decadence, such as the decadence desired and promoted by a powerful, international financier oligarchy of Venetian financier-oligarchical pedigree, the latter reflecting a persisting, oligarchical tradition which has always, since no later than the Delphi Apollo cult, regarded the development of republics based on a free citizenry as its chief mortal adversary.
The principal agency promoting such setbacks to civilization has been what was known since ancient times as the ancient, or "Babylonian" model of oligarchical rule. This is, I repeat, the so-called "oligarchical model," as typified, in European internal experience, by the ancient Roman and Byzantine empires, by the so-called medieval "ultramontane" system of shared rule by the Venetian financier-oligarchy and the Norman chivalry, and by the Anglo-Dutch Liberal imperial model which emerged around the time of the occupation of London by the murderous tyrant William of Orange.
Looking back, it remains an incontestable fact, that the individual person has often been a powerful catalyst in steering the course of evolution of political and other institutions. Yet, the power sometimes exerted by individuals, must be examined with more careful attention to the historical processes in which such individuals emerge into powerful roles for a moment or so. This view urges us to see that it is neither the individual, nor the mass which shapes history over the longer course, but, rather, the sometimes remarkable role of the individual personality action within a long-ranging, historical process of successive generations. Nothing illustrates that more simply and clearly than a study of the history of science: of science as such, and of its role in shaping society's culture.
Today, our discussion would be mired in a waste of time, if we did bring the matter of the concept of the Noösphere, a concept introduced by Russia's Academician V.I. Vernadsky, into the discussion, as we shall consider this in the coming chapter of this report.
The basis for the most meaningful discussion of such historical processes, is found in the uniqueness of the generation of ideas of physical-scientific and related principle by the autonomous processes of individual creative personalities. It is through these discoveries, that the human species has been able to do what no animal species could approximate, a distinction which is to be recognized in great surges in increase of the relative potential population-density of the human species, per capita and per square kilometer. Only the human species could do that. It is recognized most simply in the effect of individual's discovery of scientific principles.
In short, the existence of the human species, is unlike any animal species, in that it is a willful act of the power expressed in such voluntary forms as the discovery of a universal physical principle by an individual mind. This social fact defines the meaning of ideas. It is the willful process associated with the discovery and propagation of such ideas, which distinguishes the human species from all other. It is the work represented by the transmission of created such ideas, across successive generations, and borders of cultures, which distinguishes the essential distinction of the human species, and the individual human being, from all inferior forms of life. This is the essential expression of the ontological actuality of the immortality of the personality of the individual mortal human being. This is the characteristic development of the individual personality's role in the discovery, promulgation, and practice of universal principles of science, such as those by Kepler, which defines the human species.
It is the relationship between the individual person, especially the individual scientific discoverer and Classical artist, and the society, which defines and shapes the existence of mankind as something of an absolutely higher order of existence than that of any other form of life.
It Is Called `Cognition'
The quality which distinguishes the human individual absolutely from the species of apes is called "cognition."
Therefore, to continue the argument just made above, put "animal psychology" to one side. In treating the subject of human progress, as I do here, our attention must be focussed on a principle of action which is absent from all known species but the human individuality. Therefore, while the functions of our sense-organs do replicate important aspects of what might be called "animal psychology," no beast is capable of either an original discovery of a universal physical principle, or the changing of the characteristic potential relative population-density of society through the employment of such a discovered principle. Using the language of V.I. Vernadsky, we are at the boundary which separates the definition of the Noösphere from the definition of the Biosphere.
How does the human mind adduce a universal physical principle, that by aid of the use of the mental-perceptual apparatus which seems to echo the function of a similar apparatus among the beasts? For the record, here, I must, at least, present the content of the following series of summary points as a matter of supplying references.
Now focus on the two primary senses, vision and hearing. Neither of these two provides mankind with the means to develop a valid form of original discovery of a universal physical principle. To foreshorten the effort here, focus directly on Johannes Kepler's development of the general principle of gravitation's function within the Solar system, as within his The Harmony of the World. For relevant assistance, reference the approximately four-hour report on their replication of Kepler's discovery, by the LaRouche Youth Movement (LYM) team.
What is key to the success of Kepler's second great discovery in astrophysics? Harmonics! The principle of that second great discovery was not absolutely original; it is found already in the records of the work of the Pythagoreans, where it appears as a central feature of the great discoveries of the Pythagoreans and the circles of Plato. This is to be studied as Kepler's discovery of the perfected second qualitative phase of his introduction of the astrophysical principle of universal creation, his general theory of gravitation in the Solar System as a whole, as in the Harmony of the World. To the best of our present knowledge from investigations to date, the relevant argument was first introduced to the knowledge of European civilization by either the Pythagoreans or some Egyptian source, where it appears as the crucially important, but little understood principle of the comma in the work of the Pythagoreans.
Our response to this question has two aspects. From one standpoint, we examine the question from the standpoint of the functional relationship of individual cognitive functions to specific human qualities of the specific category of ideas associated with experimentally validatable notions of universal physical principle. In the following chapter, we focus on a different way of viewing the functions of human cognition, from the vantage-point of the role of that cognitive function in the matter of the difference of superior Noösphere from the lower order of experience known as the Biosphere.
The ascent of mankind from a wretched ancestral, tiny population of long, long ago, to a population of about six and a half billions today, is the net outcome of the promotion of that creative potential of the individual human mind which we associate primarily with the discovery and dedication to use of discoveries of fundamental scientific principles.
This progress, when it is permitted and encouraged to occur, has two outstanding, complementary, principled features. One of these, is the discovery of universal physical principles, and their use to increase the potential physical productive powers of labor. The second, is to transform the physical conditions of the society in which production occurs, in a related way. In a successful economy, the investment in improvement of land-area, per capita and per square kilometer, for the entire population, is an essential pre-condition for the increase of the technology-driven productive powers of the portion of society engaged in productive labor as such.
Thus, for example, the possibility of continuing a decent life for mankind on this planet, now depends upon qualitative improvements in mass transit and mass transport, and on building up toward the massive use of nuclear fission and thermonuclear fusion technologies, without which, not even the present level of world population could continue to be sustained generally for long into the present century.
Every universal physical principle shares the commonly underlying characteristics of a universal physical principle which Albert Einstein, for example, associated with both Johannes Kepler's uniquely original discovery of universal gravitation, and also the extension of Kepler's study as the characteristic principle of Bernhard Riemann's uniquely original discovery of the principle of physical hypergeometries. To qualify as such a principle, a relevant discovery must function as a self-determined boundary condition throughout a universe which has no external boundary. The principle's presence must therefore be efficiently expressed in the very small as ontologically infinitesimal.
The notion of the ontologically infinitesimal, was first introduced to modern physical science by Kepler's discovery of gravitation. It was Kepler who proposed to "future mathematicians" the task of developing a mode of mathematics which could handle the practical effects of this infinitesimal. That prescribed discovery was developed, uniquely by Gottfried Leibniz.[23] Two aspects of Leibniz's work have outstanding relevance here. One, is the outcome of the work on the calculus which led into the primary role of the catenary in defining the mapping of a universal principle of physical least action, and the very pregnant, but almost fragmentary treatment of Analysis Situs: all of which leads into the discoveries of Riemannian physics.
The practical significance of the foregoing paragraphs for the political practice of policy-shaping for economic development, is implicitly prescribed by those notions of a Riemannian manifold to which I have summarily referred here thus far. These implications pertain to both the increase of the productive powers of labor at the point of production, and to the effective increase of potential productivity through the functions of long-term, large-scale physical investment in basic economic infrastructure. The two aspects are interdependent, since investment in basic economic infrastructure can not be sustained except through technologically progressive, relatively capital-intensive modes in such expressions as always technologically progressive forms of agriculture and manufacturing, and progress in net physical rates, in scale and intensity, of productive output of society depends on rising rates of capital-intensive modes of physical investment in basic economic infrastructure.
The Crucial Point
Any matured, skilled, and experienced machine-tool-design specialist, could present a relevant case. The crucal point on which I am concentrating here, is to indicate how the mind of the qualified scientist must work, as an example of what I mean by "discovered," in that environment. I present what may seem an unusual approach to stating a relevant practical case.
Since the period of the Y2000 Presidential election campaign, I have been occupied with the increasingly urgent task of developing the kind of adult-youth movement needed, as a catalytic agency, for the revitalization of our nation's increasingly sterile and shallow political life. What I have seen in the efforts of many Republican and Democratic Party efforts at creating an adult-youth organization, as an appendage to a political party is almost a matter of mechanics, rather than a serious intellectual challenge. What is required is the development of those qualities of formal-intellectual and emotional potentials which we should desire in developing future scientists and comparably creative professionals. Over the years, we have had a success which is modest in scale, but vastly superior to ostensibly competing work in quality.
Our capability of undertaking such a program was marked by our relative success, back during the 1980s, in developing a credible public performance of the Mozart Requiem, as a culmination of programs of intensive training in strict Florentine bel canto voice-training, assisted by counsel and other help from some leading singers and other professional Classical musicians of Europe and the Americas. Our past experience with that respectably successful venture, encouraged our choice in reviving that work as what was seen by us as part of the recent years of development of the indicated adult-youth organization.
The political side of this development has been situated by strong emphasis on crucial elements of the history of physical science, and Classical musical development. This program traced the development of European science from its roots in the work of the Pythagoreans and the circles of Plato, and an emphasis on choruses whose program of training was chiefly in Florentine bel canto practice and choral work focussed upon Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven. A few years ago, we upgraded the quality of these choral activities, and continue to do so, raising the level to be reached as much as possible in each round of the successive efforts. We added a program of education, conducted in the form of work by teams over months, on assigned tasks of working through some fundamental discoveries by Kepler, Gauss, and Riemann selected as crucial. The scientific work was cross-coordinated with the choral work of training and performance.
The cross-effect of the intensive work on science by the same teams, and usually also the same persons involved in the musical development, produced a remarkable effect. In theory, the effect is what I had intended, and hoped for. That it succeeded, and that as if spontaneously, showed that we were approaching the point for the kind of breakthrough in scientific productivity for which I had hoped.
I should emphasize that I do not like reliance on the use of mass classroom methods as a leading feature of education. Relatively large audiences have a useful role, as a matter of provoking students to useful effect, and supplying a general sort of task orientation for common efforts, but it must be small teams of adult students, concentrating over weeks, or preferably months, chiefly on a single, challenging effort at replicating the intense experience of an historically significant discovery of principle. It is the young-adult students, so organized, who must conduct and experience the process of discovery themselves, who must do most of what becomes the equivalent of teaching, not the "lecturer." It must be "theirs"; "they must own it as their own." The young-adult task-oriented groups, between 18 and 25, preferably, are typical of those most likely to succeed. Youthful passion and an adult sense of the meaning of task-oriented responsibility, are the ingredients most to be desired.
It was in that context, that "it happened." It was the musical task-force which represented some of the most serious task-forces also focussed on discovery of scientific principle, which demonstrated spontaneously the nature of the relationship between Classical choral performance-training, and the ability to break through barriers to insight into the discovery of a universal physical principle. The context was Kepler, the Harmony of the World most emphatically.
When the training and practice of choruses employs strict Florentine bel canto practice methods, the goals implicit in a Bach choral work coincide exactly with the sudden, explosive sense of certainty in the independent sense of recognition of a universal physical principle. The sense of truth is not provided by gaining a certain grade in a course of instruction; the sense of truth, is a sense of certainty of the type experienced when the solution to a performance problem in tackling a Bach choral work, or a work such as Mozart's Ave Verum Corpus, "comes together" with a sense of certainty that that is right.
Great professional musical artists, such as the members of one wonderful group whose leading figure I have known in the past, need only say, "Let's try that again," to proceed, probably without any explanation, to come closer to that sense of "rightness" which the rehearsal as a process seeks.
The principle involved is native to Kepler's work, since the group's discovery of the function of gravitation within the planetary system as a whole, becomes focussed entirely on the role of the dialogue in determining the orbits and relations among them, and thus the approximately perfected discovery of the way in which gravitation composes the Solar system as a whole.
Then comes something crucial:
This interaction of Classical bel canto choral performance, with discovery of principles of physical science, illustrates the relationship of the passion associated with the function of hearing (and singing), to the accessibility of an inner sense of truth in respect to experiences of the visual domain. It is not a simple agreement of the evidence experienced by simultaneous experience of the visual and aural domains; it is the tension created by the ironical juxtaposition of the two mutually exclusive types of experience, which is crucial. It is when the two become one, that the "magic" appears. A new organ of sense appears, a special kind of "organ," which is neither sight nor hearing, through which ideas of principle are sensed, ideas which lie on the other side of the chasm, between the efficient reality to be apprehended, and, across the unbridgeable gap, the object of the mind which is the apprehended principle of the universe. Such is the nature of true scientific or creative-artistic insight.
It is insight apprehended in this way, which distinguishes the quality of science from grey-flavored "blab."
In effect, without going further with the explication of the point now, we must recognize the existence of an implicit, other sense-organ, which is neither sight nor sound, but the effect of a third organ in itself, which exists only in the human cognitive processes associated with ideas, rather than simple sensory images.
This same evidence bears significantly on the failures among even leading scientists to grasp the validity of the work of Kepler in astronomy. For them, the idea that musical tonalities, even those in octaves far removed from the ordinary use of our sense-organs, are crucial, was, for them, horrifying, enraging. Yet, if we know the place of Kepler's work at the center of the history of the development of all aspects of modern European physical science, in which this matter of harmonics occupied an indispensable, central position, their aversive reaction was seemingly inexplicable.
This implicitly accounts for a phenomenon which is specific to Academician V.I. Vernadsky's recognition of the distinction among non-living, living, and cognitive processes, each and all sharing what appears otherwise to be the same domain, but representing crucially distinct kinds of processes, nonetheless. It is in precisely this way, that the human mind is evidently disposed to recognize the relevant distinctions as a matter of principle, rather than accident.
I leave the solution to the paradox just presented to the following chapter.
4. Dynamics as Economic Science
Few today, even those ostensibly literate in modern physical science, appear to fail to grasp the fact of Gottfried Leibniz's devastating refutation of the entire sweep of René Descartes' claims to scientific competence. This includes all of the defenders of the absurd notion of Isaac Newton as an important scientific thinker, even after the evidence of the contents of Newton's celebrated chest was openly presented and pronounced "dead" by designated British authorities. The evasion of the relevant evidence, was typified by all of Eighteenth-Century Cartesian followers of the Venetian Abbé Antonio Conti, and the avowed Newtonians, and also Laplace, Augustin Cauchy, Lord Kelvin, and by devotées of the cult of Bertrand Russell, such as Professor Norbert Wiener and John von Neumann.
This is the principal source of the crucial incompetence of most leading contemporary economists in the field of forecasting. This is the clue to the intrinsic incompetence of all methods of attempted long-range forecasting based on implicitly Cartesian mechanistic-statistical methods.
* * *
To understand the prevalent incompetence of most teaching on these matters today, examine some paradoxical features of Euclid's Elements.
All of the important subjects of Euclid's Elements are reflections of discoveries made long before Euclid himself, chiefly either by the Pythagoreans and the circles of Socrates and Plato themselves, or contributions by Egyptian or other authorities. Euclid does not contain those actual acts of discovery, but, rather, uses paraphrases developed, evidently, according to the Sophist method adopted by Euclid himself. The significant issue to be emphasized on that subject here, is that emphasis on a priori definitions, axioms, and postulates, is a mark of inherently reductionist systems of Sophistry, such as that of the Sophist Euclid, is the core of the problem. In contrast, as the leading Eighteenth-Century mathematician Abraham Kästner emphasized, any competent geometry is essentially an anti-Euclidean constructive geometry, rather than a Euclidean geometry, or a so-called "non-Euclidean" geometry of either Lobatchevsky or John Bolyai.
The first modern system of anti-Euclidean physical geometry, was launched by Bernhard Riemann in his 1854 habilitation dissertation, which set into motion his development of the foundations of all competent modern physical hypergeometry. However, Riemann's famously resounding "from Euclid to Legendre" opening the second paragraph of his 1854 habilitation dissertation, leaves untouched what relevant predecessors of Riemann knew to have been a competent "anti-Euclidean" geometry consistent with the opening argument of the habilitation dissertation, as the leading Eighteenth-Century German mathematician Abraham Kästner had emphasized, and as the practice of Plato, his immediate, Socratic circle, and leading Pythagoreans such as Archytas attests. In all physical science, as also in the matter of Classical art, it is important to take into account the factor of the "Babylonian priesthood" and its repeated reincarnations in various languages, during rather long periods of history, such as our own, at the time and place of each of this phenomenon's appearances.
To appreciate the obstacles to a competent understanding of economy and related policy matters today, it is essential to glance, at least, at the conditions against which Gottfried Leibniz had to fight in presenting the concept of dynamics, in its modern form, against the prevailing sentiments of that occasion.
As I have indicated in the preceding chapter:
In fact, however, like Plato, the Pythagoreans of Socrates' and Plato's lifetime, were also the actual founders of a true anti-Euclidean physical geometry. The contrary views of significance are associated with the radical reductionists of that part of history, notably the Eleatics, such as Parmenides, in particular; Plato's Parmenides, in exposing the essential fallacies of the Eleatics, suggests the work of Heraclitus as a relevant counter to the reductionist fallacies of the Eleatics and their like.
It is not Euclidean geometry which is the core of the problem. It is not the chocolates which killed her; it was the cyanide with which they were laced. The cyanide, in the case at hand, lies within the aprioristic assumptions, by which I mean here and now, the definitions, axioms, and postulates on which the policy-shaping of our nation has depended over a span of about two generations, since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. We could live with the theorems of Euclidean geometry; it is the adopted aprioristic elements of current U.S. top-down policy-shaping, which have been killing our economy, and more and more of our people, especially from the lower eighty percentile of family-income brackets, during the recent thirty-five-odd years.
The Achaemenid Empire of the time had three thrusts deployed in the effort to conquer all of Greece. One by land, one by sea, and the third the subversion conducted by the Delphi cult of Apollo and Dionysos. When Athens, with its allies, defeated the Achaemenid forces by sea, the thrust by land was outflanked, leaving only the third column, the forces of Sophistry already assaulting the young Athenians to bring about Classical Greece's ruin by its own hands.
The Baby-Boomer generation of the U.S. today, is a virtual copy of the instrument by which the Delphi Apollo cult induced Athens and other nations of Greece to destroy themselves.
The relevant parallel to today's situation may be summarized as follows.
The great empire which replaced Byzantium as the ruling imperial power of the Mediterranean and adjoining regions, was a combined force of the Venetian financier-oligarchy and the Crusading Norman chivalry. This arrangement continued over about three centuries, beginning with the Abligensian Crusade and Norman Conquest, but brought down by a chain-reaction financial bankruptcy of hedge-fund-like Lombard bankers, which wiped out half of the parishes of Europe and reduced the population of Europe by about one-third.
The outcome of this temporary, but still catastrophic setback to the Venetian financier-oligarchy's power, created an aperture into which the forces of an emerging Fifteenth-Century Golden Renaissance intervened, a Renaissance typified by the founding of the modern nation-state and of modern science, by the initiatives of Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa. To make our account short: The forces of Venice struck back with the orchestration of the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople and the battles which followed. Nonetheless, Cusa struck back, as from his grave, by crafting a policy of oceanic missions to peoples and territories across the Atlantic and into the Indian Ocean region. It was the documents of Cusa which, in and about A.D. 1480, informed Christopher Columbus's voyage across the Atlantic. Other positive outgrowths of the Renaissance filled out much of the century. The first modern commonwealth state, under France's Louis XI, was established, echoed by Henry VII's England. Venice struck out against the continued influence of the Renaissance, by the terror launched by the Grand Inquisitor Tomás de Torquemada and the massive deployment of top-ranking Venetians and other Venetian agents into England, to corrupt a corruptible Henry VIII. These developments set fire to all Europe in successive waves of ruinous religious wars, until the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia.
However, the Venice-orchestrated developments of the early Sixteenth Century had not crushed the impulses unleashed by the Renaissance. The writings of Niccolò Machiavelli, esteemed into the Twentieth Century as the mandatory instruction of military officers being trained for positions of command, provide insight into the difficulties which the Venetian forces encountered in the effort to uproot the legacy of the Renaissance.
Thus, a new Venetian faction, led by Paolo Sarpi, became a new power, with a new policy, a policy designed to absorb, rather than suppress the impulse, sprung from the Renaissance, for economic development through technological progress. This policy of Sarpi, and of his personal house-lackey Galileo, was the foundation for what became the Anglo-Dutch Liberal system emerging during the last decades of Seventeenth-Century Europe. The conquest of England by William of Orange, followed by the defeat of the British Tory faction allied with Gottfried Leibniz, led into the establishment of the Anglo-Dutch Liberal financier interests as the new international maritime empire actually controlling England itself.
That imperial takeover of England by a Venetian financier oligarchy in Anglo-Dutch Liberal costumes, provoked a revolt against this development, in the North American English colonies, and spreading throughout continental Europe, even back into England and the British Navy themselves. The successful orchestration of the French Revolution and the Napoleonic system by the Jeremey Bentham-directed secret committee of the British Foreign Office, ruined continental Europe and left the newborn U.S. Federal constitutional republic with numerous sympathizers, but little hope of support from other powers of the world. In the course of time, an India revolt tumbled the British East India Company, and the British monarchy took over the empire officially.
The point I am making here, as distinct from the same and related accounts presented on earlier occasions, is that that empire founded implicitly by the February 1763 Peace of Paris has not gone away, nor has the intention to eliminate the existence of an independently sovereign U.S. republic. The present name of that same old empire is "globalization." The tattered monarchy is not the actual imperial power; the monarchy is the instrument of a Venetian style of financier-oligarchy, which bears the official label of "globalization."
The destruction of the U.S.A., especially a U.S.A. in the image of the Franklin Roosevelt Presidency, has been the intention of the neo-Venetian imperialist adversary of the U.S.A. since the moment President Franklin Roosevelt died.
To bring about that destruction of the U.S.A. which has been, thus, in progress since the day of Franklin Roosevelt's death, it was considered necessary to take down the U.S.A. in a fashion not unlike the grand-strategic approach launched by the Achaemenid Empire, by aid of the Delphi Apollo cult's program of Sophistry, through an operation whose characteristic feature was the creation of a treasonous element comparable to the role of Sophistry in the destruction of Athens. That mass-based instrument of Sophistry has been the Baby Boomer generation, otherwise known as "the 68ers." The principal mode of the attack intended to bring down the U.S.A., was what the 68ers embodied from the moment they appeared on the campuses and streets in Europe and the U.S.A.
The social process by means of which we have been ruined in this fashion, is not only needless wars, such as the 1964-1972 U.S. war in Indo-China, and the folly of the war in Southwest Asia, but the monetary, financial, and economic reforms conducted by the U.S. government itself, over the 1969-1981 interval, and beyond, to the present day.
The economic policies and related measures which I promote, would have been rightly considered the only sensible expressions of vital U.S. strategic and economic interests under a post-war President Franklin Roosevelt, and the majority of the veterans returning home at the close of the war. There is not even a whiff of either honesty or sanity, in any of the prevalent policy-initiatives which defined the net long-ranging trends in U.S. government policy-shaping for economics during the entire 1969-2007 interval to date. There have been particular exceptions to that trend; but, it is the trend which has been dominant.
Our nation's economic power has been either simply destroyed, or exported. Our independent farmer, our closely held technologically progressive enterprise, and the giants which were standing at the close of war in 1945, and our basic economic infrastructure generally, have been either totally destroyed, or are close to the breaking-point at the present time. The intention expressed by the policy-making trends of government during the 1969-2007 interval to date, have been policy-trends designed to destroy our U.S. economy, and us, too.
The only remedy which a sane U.S. patriot would tolerate today, would be the return of the world to a fixed-exchange-rate system, the elimination of the reign of monetary systems, and the resumption of the superior power of a banking system and associated elements based on a credit-system, rather than a monetary system: a protectionist, rather than a "free trade" policy.
If we look back in history, as, for example, to the leadership of President Franklin Roosevelt, we would recognize the need to rebuild the U.S. economy through a massive, capital-intensive, national infrastructure-building program, based on the traditionally American use of a constitutional national credit-system, to "drive" a general revival of our virtually dead private productive sector, through the catalytic effects of a program of national infrastructure development through reliance on capital-intensive modes, including a general emphasis on nuclear-fission and related levels of modern technology.
With that perspective, rather than viewing investment in infrastructure as a piecemeal, largely privately financed activity, we must have a balanced, national and regional approach, based largely on the use of long-term Federal public credit at base rates not in excess of 2% simple interest for a general rebuilding of the basic economic public infrastructure of every state of the U.S.A. That program would serve as the "market" used to prompt the resurrection of the now virtually extinct private productive sector, and with the aim of restoring presently destitute, formerly prosperous agro-industrial regions of the nation to their former relative excellence and prosperity. The role of public credit, deployed in cooperation with private banks being restored to health, would be crucial.
The market required to sustain such an effort inside the U.S.A. itself, would depend on creating a new virtually global fixed-exchange-rate system, with emphasis on long-term, low-interest-rate treaty agreements, of up to fifty years' maturities, to turn even the most imperilled economic regions of the world into areas of sustainable growth and investment.
5. Science, Policy & Economy
As long as the U.S.A. persists in the pattern of changes in philosophy of economic policy-shaping, which were introduced in the wake of the 1968 eruptions through 1981 and beyond, the U.S.A. is now doomed. With the included measure of a sudden reversal of the pattern of decision-making associated with every change made during the 1969-1981 interval, the U.S.A. is now teetering on the brink of a general collapse and disintegration from which it would never return.
The crucial problem therefore, is that that artificial social phenomenon, which was installed with the intention of uprooting the legacy of President Franklin Roosevelt, must be uprooted. Any other policy-making were worse than a waste of time.
Conceded, within a decade, the largest part of the presently reigning Baby-Boomer generation will be departing the ranks of top-most policy-shaping among us. Unfortunately, we do not enjoy the option of patiently waiting for that change of command to occur. The needed corrections of policy, which are radical by their very nature, must be made now, or else, this nation, and most of the people in it, will not survive.
* * *
All of the related measures required to save our republic, and also civilization generally, today, depend upon the kind of "hard science" which is, in the greater part, alien to the tastes of the Baby-Boomer generation. They, and their young followers, like to play with marbles, whether in socially depraved forms of financial speculation, or in the guise of computer games, or otherwise; but, they hate real physical science. Often, their young accomplices sit in rags and rents they can not afford, lusting over electronic games which they probably do not distinguish from sex. They enjoy lifestyles which stunt, or even destroy the cognitive powers of mind, while they are dreaming, perhaps, of strange sexual experiences on some distant, unknown planet, or fighting wars and mini-wars to keep the population down to comfortably low levels. They might rightly remind us, at least somewhat, of a caricature of Bertrand Russell.
Bertrand Russell was, beyond reasonable doubt, the most evil man of the Twentieth Century. He was a leading figure, together with the avowed Satanist Aleister Crowley and H.G. Wells, of perhaps the greatest part of the cumulative evil, including nuclear warfare, which humanity as a whole has undergone over the course of the entire Twentieth Century and still today. He was a principal author of the policies of evil which bumbling bully Al Gore promotes. Russell wrote in 1951, even after his ideas had already been field-tested in the practices of the Adolf Hitler regime:
But bad times, you may say, are exceptional, and can be dealt with by exceptional methods. This has been more or less true during the honeymoon period of industrialism, but it will not remain true unless the increase of the population can be enormously diminished.... War ... has hitherto been disappointing in this respect ... but perhaps bacteriological war may prove more effective. If a Black Death could spread throughout the world once in every generation, survivors could freely procreate without making the world too full.... the state of affairs might be somewhat unpleasant, but what of it? Really high-minded people are indifferent to happiness, especially other people's. —The Impact of Science on Society
There is no systemic political difference between Gore's fraudulent An Inconvenient Truth, and his earlier Earth in the Balance, on the one hand, and Russell, on the other. The same rotten policies still unite them both, the crude, racist Tennessee swamp-creature Gore and the Mephistophelean British aristocrat Russell. Gore calls it "environmentalism," while the U.S. and British backers of Hitler, like Adolf Hitler himself, called "eugenics." So did Russell's protégé Julian Huxley, who stated, shortly after the end of the war, that he was determined to continue the practice of eugenics, knowing full well that eugenics, called "environmentalism" today, was at the core of Hitler's racism.
The difference is that Gore is a foolish, cowardly sort of noisy bully and sneak, an inveterate, swamp-bred style of lackey and liar, where Russell was brazen, as cold-blooded, and as outspoken as Satan himself.[24] Gore has no other importance, except that he is part of our national shame, whose presence among us seems to have been one of those things invented to haunt us. Gore is a nasty fool, a lackey; it is Bertrand Russell, already dead, but, still today, it is his policies, such as those of 1951, which should remind us, that this is what makes him still a serious enemy of our nation, and of civilized life on this planet in general.
Russell himself made his intention clear, boldly, and insolently:
... [W]hen I first became politically conscious, Gladstone and Disraeli still confronted each other amid Victorian solidities, the British Empire seemed eternal, a threat to British naval supremacy was unthinkable, the country was aristocratic, rich and growing richer.... For an old man, with such a background, it is difficult to feel at home in a world of ... American supremacy.
Thus, for an old man like me, our leading pre-Presidential candidates of the moment appear childishly ignorant of not only the foreign and domestic policies which our republic's survival requires, to save itself from not only a presently onrushing general catastrophe, to save even the rudiments of economy and life itself.
[1] When I ran in 2004, I had in mind the fact that "Old Moltke" who was still fully qualified for his office in his late eighties. I have often put myself at risk by overworking, approximately 90-100 hours a week; but that is what we should expect of any President who is serving seriously "on the job." Similarly, Mrs. Indira Gandhi, who I had the occasion to observe at work in her office of Prime Minister, had a prodigious intellectual capacity and effectiveness, which my wife and I observed first hand. Respecting Molkte's own record, I should add the qualifying observation, that I agree with Bismarck's view that Prussia should have sought peace with France once the aggressor, London's stooge Napoleon III, had abdicated, rather than turning an enraged post-Napoleon III France into the future Entente Cordiale dupe of the Prince Edward Albert who, contrary to Ku Klux Klan fanatic Woodrow Wilson's lying Secretary Lansing, bears the entire true war-guilt for World War I.
[2] The two most notable Huxley brothers, Julian and Aldous, were part of the collection managed by the Satanic trio of Bertrand Russell, H.G. Wells, and the Lucifer cult's Dionysian Aleister Crowley who introduced what became known in its synthetic form as the London Tavistock Clinic's LSD. The Huxley brothers were nominally assets of the H.G. Wells who had served as a lackey under their grandfather, the infamous "monkey man" T.H. Huxley.
[3] The popularized, absurd doctrine, attributed to Nietzsche and his followers of the Twentieth Century, existentialist schools, defines art according to the presumptions of the pro-Satanic Delphi Apollo cult, according to the attributed Apollo/Dionysos myth respecting the evil Olympian Zeus, as portrayed by Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound. The quality of human creativity, which distinguishes man from the beast, is specifically the Promethean quality of rigorous scientific discovery of universal physical principle which the distinctly uncreative Al Gore hates and is working to ban from human behavior. That is the essence of Gore's dedication to doing evil. Classical art and science are, like the composers Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven, expressions of human creativity, in opposition to the sterile, almost mechanical formalism of the pathetic Rameau and the satanic quality of passion specific to morally degenerate forms such as modern "rock." Such is the distinction between the famous London, post-war, Promethean performance of Schubert's Ninth Symphony under Wilhelm Furtwängler, as compared to the Nietzschean-like, reactionary sterility of the direction of the same composition, in a similar time, under the philosophical existentialist Bruno Walter.
[4] As I have treated this issue in earlier locations, the "Baby Boomer" generation is defined as a specially designed social caste, which was crafted, chiefly, by the same ultra-decadent Trans-Atlantic philosophical elite typified by the U.S. and other leaders of the Congress for Cultural Freedom in Europe. The impetus behind that 1945-1956 program was aborted somewhat by the existential quality of loss of confidence among the typical Baby Boomers' parental and related circles which erupted as a reaction to the sudden arrival and persistence of the great U.S. post-war recession of 1957-1961.
[5] Until the most recent decades, the relevant works of Kepler, the unique founder of modern astrophysics, and also the first to discover the principle of an infinitesimal calculus as developed later by Leibniz, had not been known in fact by nearly all among the leading English-speaking physicists with whom I was working in that period. Most among them had no significant knowledge of the principal work of Kepler, but, relied upon a substitute, accepting the popular academic classroom practice of back-constructing the discovery of gravitation as if that discovery had been made through the hoaxes of Galileo, and by the attributions to those allegedly "lost" private personal papers of Isaac Newton, which proved, on their discovery, to have been, largely, wild-eyed experiments in witchcraft.
[6] The content of Euclid's Elements was largely a misleading reconstruction, an ostensibly factitious and intentionally misleading piece of the work of a dedicated Sophist, Euclid, of discoveries which had been made, chiefly, by such predecessors as the Pythagoreans and other immediate circles of Socrates and Plato. The core of the development of geometry by those circles was consistent with the essential, opening argument of Bernhard Riemann's 1854 habilitation dissertation, an argument introduced by one of the teachers of Carl Gauss, the leading mathematician of the middle through late Eighteenth Century, Abraham Kästner. Hence, the greatest benefit I gained from my adolescence's exposure to science was my instinctive, and correct abhorrence of what was to me the obvious absurdity of the famous "definitions, axioms, and postulates" of Euclid. This cleared the pathway for my later long-standing embrace of the thesis of Riemann's crucial habilitation paper.
[7] Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Orion (1893), and Arctic Home in the Vedas (1903). Crucial astrophysical evidence defining calendars dating to six thousand or more years ago is featured in the Orion. The success of the work in the Orionencouraged Tilak to explore more calendar evidence and modern European astrophysics, pointing to even intraglacial times.
[8] The transition, from about 17,000 B.C., from a long period of glaciation in the Northern Hemisphere, into a prevalent sea-level (approximately 400 feet higher) corresponding to that of historical times produced significant evidence of a colonization by what are classed as "Peoples of the Sea," who colonized port-sites often fortified against attacks from the interior of nearby land areas, and moved the development of civilization upstream, from the mouths of large rivers, producing an upriver movement along the course of great rivers which the misdirected opinions of some specialists classify as "riparian cultures." In fact, the evidence points to the development as up-stream, rather than downstream. Modern geopolitics is premised on a correct view of the net thrust of history: "go upstream, young man!" We are only now entering a time in which the land-areas will dominate the oceans in the development of society, a time when the presently arid western regions of the U.S.A., as, also, the interior of Asia, will, so to speak, "come into their own."
[9] The first known demonstration that the Earth orbited the Sun, is traced to Aristarchus of Samos. Cf. T.L. Heath, Aristarchus of Samos: The Ancient Copernicus (New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1981).
[10] So, the celebrated controversy unleashed by the Byzantine Emperor Constantine's insistence on legalizing Christianity as, implicitly, a feature of the Roman imperial pagan Pantheon, that on the condition that he, Constantine, would retain the imperial authority to appoint the bishops. A development, which is characteristic of those oligarchical models of political-social systems whose effects have bedeviled the body of Christianity to the present day.
[11] That Frankfurt School of existentialism played a key part in pre-shaping the Baby-Boomer wave of terrorism in the German Federal Republic of the 1970s and 1980s, and, also, as through Horkheimer, Adorno, and Arendt, played a key part, with accomplices such as Bertrand Russell follower Margaret Mead and the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation, and the Brigadier John Rawling Rees' London Tavistock Clinic, in such enterprises as crafting and promoting LSD, and other expressions of that form of mass-brainwashing of babies and children which produced, synthetically, the ideologically "white collar" Baby Boomer generation of the Americas and western and central Europe. This was the crew which brainwashed young Europeans under the auspices of the Congress for Cultural Freedom, through aid of instruments such as The Paris Review.
[12] E.g. "Critical Thoughts on the General Part of the Principles of Descartes" (1692) and "Specimen Dynamicum" (1695).
[13] Scholes' method was made famous by his contribution, as a forecaster, to creating the financial catastrophe of August-September 1998. The intrinsic incompetence of the root methods underlying Scholes' work in forecasting then, is still prevalent today.
[14] The actual beginning of my studies in the science of physical economy is strictly dated to the Spring of 1948, a study prompted by my reaction against the insane doctrine of "information theory" presented by Professor Norbert Wiener. However, although the greatest portion of the work grounding my discoveries was largely completed, with some intervening fits and starts, by 1952, it was a 1953 rereading of Riemann's 1854 dissertation, which prompted my relevant equivalent of a cry of "Eureka!" None of this was accidental; I had accurately recognized the intrinsic nature of the incompetence of Euclidean geometry from the first day I entered the relevant high school classroom. Wiener's assertion of the absurd notion of "statistical information theory" transformed that hostility to Euclid into a compelling passion.
[15] Usually, but with some significant exceptions, my references to Riemann's work correspond to the content of the set of collected writings, the 1902 B.G. Teubner edition of Bernhard Riemann's Gesammelte Mathematische Werke, as edited by Heinrich Weber with the participation of Richard Dedekind. My references to that source are usually to my use of the Dover reprint edition of 1963. However, I am not in philosophical agreement with Heinrich Weber, as attested by Weber's incompetent comment on Riemann's 1858 Ein Beitrag zur Elektrodynamic, a subject on which Heinrich Weber was an opponent of his brother, the Carl Gauss collaborator Wilhelm Weber with whom Riemann was associated in the relevant original experimental work. Chicago University's and the Fusion Energy Foundation's nuclear scientist and specialist in physical chemistry Professor Robert Moon, who had been trained under the celebrated William Draper Harkins, confirmed the experimental proofs by Wilhelm Weber and his relevant sometime laboratory assistant Riemann. Numerous public demonstrations of the experimental proof were presented repeatedly as part of the educational programs conducted by my associates of FEF and the National Caucus of Labor Committees.
[16] Members of the Congress, like those in comparable categories, tend to suffer the moral shortcoming expressed by a certain arrogance which seems to be derived from the sense that being in a policy-creating institution, they are in a position to "stop the clock" of history, from time to time: "It doesn't exist, because we have not decided to acknowledge its existence in our deliberations." This tendency has spilled over, conspicuously, into the current pre-Presidential campaign.
[17] This is a particular problem within the ranks of the "white collar" class of the Baby-Boomer generation, as reflected in the collapse of so-called traditional Christian congregations. The "now generation" has lost an efficient sense of a connection to immortality, to the sense of what the passing of their mortal lives signifies for the aspirations of the earlier generations, and the mission embodied in the generation next to come. On this account, the fundamentalist "fanatics" are as much a reflection of the "now generation" (demanding instant and magical gratification from the Creator, including especially magically endowed personal sexual and financial gratification) as the sophists attending the so-called "traditional churches." In the latter churches it is still the rule, as in the Klan's thunderous Tennessee Agrarian and Wilsonian tradition, that more souls are made (behind the tent) than saved by proceedings within.
[18] A dear person, and a friend of a dear friend, once said to me: "The Messiah will come when God will decide."
[19] Leibniz's development of a mathematical calculus of the infinitesimal, as had been prescribed by Kepler, occurred in two phases. The first phase occurred in France, during the 1671-1676 interval, under the patronage of France's Jean-Baptiste Colbert, and close collaboration with the heirs of Pascal and with Christiaan Huyghens. The first result was presented to a Paris publisher in 1676. No such calculus was ever developed by the circles of Isaac Newton. The second phase, leading into Leibniz's defining of the catenary-based, root-principle of the complex domain (in collaboration with Jean Bernouilli) according to the universal principle of physical least-action, emerged in the period of the 1690s and following, as part of the fight against the influence of the fraudulent, reductionist mathematics of René Descartes et al. It was this latter work of Leibniz, as widely promulgated by Germany's Abraham Kästner and by Kästner's most famous pupil, Carl F. Gauss, which led into the relevant, revolutionary discoveries and methods of Bernhard Riemann.
[20] E.g., Gottfried Leibniz, "Critical Thoughts on the General Part of the Principles of Descartes," (1692) and "Specimen Dynamicum" (1695), in Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Philosophical Papers and Letters, Leroy E. Loemker, ed. (Dodrecht: Kluwer, 2nd ed. 1989).
[21] C.P. Snow, The Two Cultures and The Scientific Revolution (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1959). See also: The Two Cultures, and a Second Look (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1963). This PhD physicist and chemist, an associate of figures such as P.M.S. Blackett of war-time scientific Operations Research "circus" fame, produced this pathbreaking study as a 1959 Rede Lecture published in book for that same year. He appears to have been on the hate-list for modern devotées of the Matthew Arnold tradition, much to Snow's considerable added credit. His "Two Cultures" shook the relevant international scene among serious thinkers worldwide.
[22] The most relevant summation of that argument has been my "Vernadsky and Dirichlet's Principle," EIR, June 3. 2005.
[23] There never was an actually Newtonian calculus. In fact, all among the leading supporters of such claims for Newton, such as de Moivre, D'Alembert, Euler, and Lagrange, like Augustin Cauchy later, expressed their claim in the form of a denial of the actual existence of the infinitesimal calculus—a fact made clear enough by actually reading those authors on this subject. This fraud was exposed, implicitly, by Carl F. Gauss in his 1799 doctoral dissertation on the subject of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, which, as Gauss himself later pointed out, expressed the same principle of the complex domain as the Leibniz-Bernouilli concept of the complex domain. Riemann's treatment of ontologically physical hypergeometries is properly seen as the outcome of Leibniz's specification of a dynamic, as opposed to a Cartesian-like mechanistic-statistical system for mathematical physics (and, therefore, implicitly, for social processes such as economic processes).
[24] Former Vice-President Al Gore's personal misfortunes are two. The first of these is simply being himself. The second is the persisting effect of the heritage of his personal childhood and adolescent background. He has the misfortune of being a brutish lout at bottom, but also a picaresque, currently fat lout who, in his fantasy-life, plays out the part of a cowardly, but hardened and bullying oligarch: the bumpkin who plays the part he wrote for himself in his 1992 Earth in the Balance, the autobiography of a bucolic tyrant to the rural victims gathered, like starved and battered serfs, around plump Al Gore's family-owned country store—with a stinking old zinc mine to match. There are doubtless those who can foresee him as thrown away from the Gates of Heaven, and dragged to his destiny by a disgruntled Satan who is muttering to himself: "I always have to take out the trash!" His promotion from Georgia sidekick of Newt Gingrich, to a position of power and influence in Washington and London, tells us much about the kind of corruption which our nation has carelessly adopted all too often, especially from among the morally worst of the white-collar dominated, upper twenty-percentile drawn from our Baby-Boomer stratum.