U.S.A. and Russia Can Change History
May 15, 2007
Here are the brief remarks that Lyndon LaRouche made on May 15, at the celebration in honor of Prof. Stanislav Mikhailovich Menshikov's 80th birthday at the Russian Academy of Sciences. Mr. LaRouche spoke after the keynote remarks by Professor Menshikov.
Lyndon LaRouche: When you reach the age range of Professor Menshikov and I—I'm now about to become 85—and at this age, if you're intelligent, as you know, that you do not think about what the future is going to give you, you think about what you are going to give the future. And right now, on a world scale, what we require is someone to change the agenda to which Professor Menshikov referred.
We have, presently, the greatest crisis in all modern history is now occurring. There's an attempt to cover up and deny it, but it's happening. I see, most of Western Europe, from the border of Russia and Belarus westward, is a group of failed states, that are no longer capable of governing themselves, in even their domestic affairs from the inside. The world has been taken over, to a large degree, by supranational financial interests, which similar interests are doing that, to shape policy.
When you look at the politicians—and I deal with politicians, particularly in the United States—and look at them in other countries, we have not only failed states, including most of those of Western Europe; the United States is also in the process of becoming a failed state. I have many friends and sometime collaborators among members of the Congress of the United States, and other people; but I find that today, the clear thinking is not coming from the politicians. The clear thinking required for political policy is coming from a different layer, usually senior representatives of the professionals, military, intelligence, diplomatic and so forth, who step outside the small-time controversies that fascinate politicians, and do look at the future of mankind, especially senior people.
And sticking to the topic of Professor Menshikov's delivery right now, I think some things that he forecast, can be changed. The question is, who is going to change them? In practice, you take President Putin of Russia has spoken much, with others, in these recent events, about World War II, the conclusion, and Franklin Roosevelt, and praised the Roosevelt tradition. I think that when we make economic forecasts, and they find that the forecast is not satisfactory, we say, "How can we change the forecast?" You have to change it in reality, not just as a forecast: And therefore, the time has come, to change some of the axiomatic features of currently ongoing world history.
Europe is a collection of failed states, west of the Russian and Belarus border. Therefore, the United States must change its behavior, by approaching Russia, China, and India, in order to create a new order of relations in the world, bringing all the smaller nations in to cooperate with them. I think we can do it: We can change history.
But we must rely upon younger generations coming up, in the age-range of 18 to 35, the younger generations that fight wars, to fight this war for improvement. And we must change the perspective. In that case, Russia's role, as its culture more than its economy, especially the culture of science, in dealing with the potential of the large area of Northern Asia, and Northern Eurasia, in the vast mineral resources that would be required to be developed, if the needs of China, India and other countries are to be met. This is not something that could be exported, because in Russia itself, there is a repository of knowledge of how to do this, on which the rest of the world depends.
So therefore, what I think is urgent at this time, is a program for action. First of all, intellectual action. There must be more discussion among this, particularly between leading layers of senior people in Russia and in the United States. We have it. We have to establish a sense of the reality of this possibility. In that case, we can probably win over the political process, under the heat of crisis, to recognize that this is the only alternative to what is presently the most dangerous situation in all modern history.
Thank you.