`The Enemy of Russia Is London'
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In an interview given May 16, 2007 in Moscow to Andrei Kobyakov, director of the Russian web publication RPMonitor (, Lyndon LaRouche addressed the British roots and control of current provocations against Russia in Europe. The excerpts provided here were transcribed by EIR from the audio tape and are pre-published with permission of RPMonitor.
LaRouche: The enemy was Britain in 1945-46; the enemy of Russia is Britain today. It's not the United States, it's Britain. It's London, what it represents as a financial clique center of the world. Since 1971-72, the British have taken control, politically, of the dollar. The dollar is a reserve currency that controls the world's fate today, but it's actually controlled from London. And the question is, to get the dollar back out of the hands of London and to reorganize the world financial system.
So, we must defeat London now, or there's no chance for the future....
I think senior people in Russia do not think that the United States is the problem. They think that the United States is key to the problem, but that Britain is the enemy. Anyone who understands this knows that Britain is the enemy. The British Empire.
Now, Putin is trying to find in the United States, a resonance, by talking about "Roosevelt, Roosevelt, Roosevelt, Roosevelt, Roosevelt." And it's not just Putin.... And Russia is also totally isolated, because all of Europe, Western Europe, is totally controlled by Britain. The former Soviet states, the former Comecon states that split off, like Estonia, and so forth, like what's happening in Ukraine, all comes from London.
So, anyone who knows the situation, knows: "All right. Can we split?"—said from the Russian standpoint—"Can we split the United States from London? Because if we split the United States from London, then the Roosevelt idea will work. Because London will never tolerate Roosevelt."
So therefore, if you're Russian, and you know the world, you say, "Can we get back to Roosevelt?" That means, breaking from the British. It's the only chance Russia has.
There's nothing in Europe that's going to do anything otherwise. There are people in Europe, who may resent this, who may not like it, but they won't fight it: They've given in to globalization. Europe gave in to this Maastricht agreement, which was imposed by Thatcher, and her dog, Mitterrand. Since then, Europe, the independence of Germany for example, has grown less, and less, and less, and less. With the [Gerhard] Schröder government collapse, there is no resistance in Germany among the official institutions, the leading government institutions, to the British rule. Germany is, today, a British colony....
Kobyakov: Talking about these fascist trends, I see it as a very dangerous situation, becoming reality, now in Europe. You know that there are very dangerous things in Estonia, in Poland, in Hungary, where openly Nazi forces become more and more active. You know that they tried to destroy all the monuments of anti-fascist soldiers. And what do you think about it?
LaRouche: It's British. The British created fascism in the first place.
Kobyakov: But what about the United States? Because the American Congress had the declaration, where they said, "Okay, we like the Estonian government...."
LaRouche: It's not the U.S. government, it's a very specific faction of the U.S. government. It's the "Israeli faction," so-called. When the British want to do something in the United States, they always tie it to the Israeli right wing....
Kobyakov: It is very dangerous, because the result will be a very big tragedy, a new Holocaust maybe, also.
LaRouche: This is a new form of world war, you could call it World War III, in a different form than World War I and II. But the chief targets are Russia, China, and India, in that order of priority. They're determined to destroy Russia. They have effectively declared war on Russia.
They've gotten every whore in every one of these states with a pro-fascist inclination, and they're deeply ridden with it—take Estonia: Go through families, go through five, six generations of families in Estonia. You want to find fascists? They never left. Look at Poland: You ever heard of [Jozef] Pilsudski? An outright fascist. And how was Poland destroyed? It was destroyed with the help of the British-backed tradition.... Because, you have in Poland, in many places in Eastern Europe, you had an oligarchical tradition. The Polish peasantry were among the most persecuted people, also under the independent government of Poland. And that's why you had this reputation about, you know, stupid Poles, all over the world. Why? Because they were abused! They were broken! It was real oligarchy, a vicious oligarchical rule, that you find in most of Eastern Europe.
Look at [Count Richard] Coudenhove-Kalergi, and that crowd. And look at the extent of the influence of Coudenhove-Kalergi, look at the fact that, for example, the famous Alexander Helphand [Parvus, who arranged foreign financing for the Bolsheviks in 1917] was a fascist! He was actually a British agent from the 1890s.... The whole thing was to orchestrate war and revolution to destroy Russia and other countries. And he was working as a British agent to do it.
And then, after the Revolution, he was in Germany, and from Germany, he was working as part of the apparatus of Coudenhove-Kalergi. And Coudenhove-Kalergi is the base of a whole Nazi operation in Northern Europe and Northern Italy; going into some of the French potentials, as well. So, the entire fascist movement.
Now, you look at the family histories, going back several generations, in any of these parts of the world, and you will find plenty of them. You'll find in Ukraine, there's a whole operation in Ukraine, especially in western Ukraine. There's an operation in Poland, a big one. Croatia, through most parts of Western Europe, which were going back to the period before World War I, already part of this operation. And it was always controlled by the British, with French association. The way the thing was run, it was Anglo-French operations in Poland, around Pilsudski.
So, the Anglo-French ran an operation, especially the British: They ran an operation where they ran the Germany-Poland conflict and all these other conflicts, and they orchestrated them....
Kobyakov: So, it's very dangerous. And what is to be done?
LaRouche: Putin, and people around him, have done the right thing. And the one right thing is: Roosevelt. Roosevelt, Roosevelt, Roosevelt. The greatness of Roosevelt, the greatness of Roosevelt in cooperation with Russia, with Roosevelt in World War II, on the ideas of development for the post-war world.
So, what's that? This is going at the real issue of the United States: Because anyone who gets into government in Russia, gets into the top position, has to deal with all the facets, military, diplomatic, economic, and so forth. Any government has to. Those who find themselves suddenly with a pattern of problems, and they look at the pattern of problems, and they begin to see that certain things that they believed before they came into government, they find out now, it's not true. And anyone—repeatedly in Russian history, they have certain names for the dirty, old Queen....
And so, they come to the point, they recognize from the standpoint of practical diplomacy, that the British are the enemy, the British Empire is the enemy. And they recognize also, particularly after what happened to Schröder, that Germany is no longer a friend. Oh yes, the people of Germany would be glad to go back to what Schröder's policy was, but they're becoming less and less and less, and they're out of there.
If it comes, either it comes from the United States, or it won't come at all. That's the situation. And obviously, the Putin government has recognized this, and used the occasion of the anniversary of the war, as a way of saying, "Roosevelt, Roosevelt, Roosevelt, Roosevelt." Because they're smart enough to realize that only a relationship with the United States, if a certain force comes to power in the United States that represents the Roosevelt legacy, that's the only chance.
Kobyakov: Now there are these missile systems being deployed just near the borders of Russia.
LaRouche: What do you expect? This is what the British crowd represents. Because the government, the Executive branch, the office of the Presidency is controlled by London. It's what Cheney represents. Cheney runs the Bush Administration. Not the President. The President's an idiot, he's crazy. He's clinically insane! So therefore, you've got Cheney, who's allowed to be the figure, who is used from the Vice President's office, to run the Presidency! Not on everything, but on everything strategic.
But Cheney is nothing. Cheney is only an instrument of London, because George Shultz is an instrument of London, and George Shultz controls it all. The whole crowd, the Wall Street crowd, is London! It always has been London. It's always London-oriented, it's not the U.S. Go to 1763, when you had a split in the colonies between those went against the British repression, and those who went with it, the British East India Company: We have the Boston crowd, the Connecticut crowd, the New York crowd—went with London. And the American Revolution was also an internal revolution, internal war, civil war, against the British influence inside the colonies. And it's always remained there. What you call Wall Street, Wall Street finance, is British. It's the continuing extension of the British imperial financial empire—not the monarchy—but the financial empire, inside the United States.
And Roosevelt was against that, and you had, repeatedly from Lincoln on, you had Presidents who were constantly considered a danger to Britain. And all they do is get rid of them. You look, how many assassinated Presidents, who were assassinated, who were considered enemies of Britain.