BAE: The World's Biggest Loose End
Lyndon LaRouche delivered an international webcast on June 21 in Washington, D.C., which was broadcast in full over the Internet, on and, where it is archived. Some 200 people attended the meeting in the nation's capital, while hundreds more participated over the Internet. An expansive two-hour discussion followed LaRouche's opening remarks. Here is an edited transcript.
Debra Freeman: Good afternoon. On behalf of the LaRouche Political Action Committee, I'd like to welcome all of you here today. My name is Debra Freeman, I'm Mr. LaRouche's spokeswoman here in Washington and nationally.
Since the last time we gathered in Washington, Mr. LaRouche has certainly been very busy. Just prior to the G-8 meeting, Mr. LaRouche visited Russia and did a series of appearances there, the results of which I think were reflected in the G-8 meeting, and which we will discuss during the course of today's discussion. Mr. LaRouche visited Italy, where he had the opportunity to speak with members of the Italian Senate, and again, the result of that trip were reflected in events internationally.
But probably no story is more compelling right now, than the scandal that broke at the G-8 meeting, the scandal surrounding BAE, which some people here in Washington are calling the "Scandal of the Century," despite the fact that there is almost no discussion of it in the U.S press. The implications and what is behind that scandal, I think will be a subject that will merit much discussion during the course of this afternoon.
I know people are very anxious to hear Mr. LaRouche, and I know that Mr. LaRouche is anxious is to talk to you. So, without any further introduction: Ladies and Gentlemen, Lyndon LaRouche.
Lyndon LaRouche: As the BAE scandal mounts, even in the U.S. press now, the time has come, as the Walrus said, "to speak of many things"—not of cabbages, but of kings.
What I'm going to do today, corresponds to the reality of the occasion: that things which I have said in other locations earlier, as in classes and various programs, will be reflected here, but they have not been presented in this way, before an audience of this type, an international audience of this type. So, this is going to strain some of you a bit, because we're dealing with areas in which the problems that confront mankind are mankind's acceptance of certain things as being assumably true, almost self-evident; and confining what they think is possible, to what they consider to be self-evidently true. And suddenly, what they consider to be self-evidently true, is no longer true! And really never was. But its truth has caught up with them.
We have come to the end of a period of history. The BAE crisis expresses that, reflects that—does not embody it, but expresses it symptomatically.
Now, we've come to the point, therefore, that where people have ordinarily operated, especially in the present generations, on the assumption that some things were self-evident, that you would start from agreement to self-evident things that almost everybody, considered educated or influential, believed. And that these things would persist and go on forever, more or less. And therefore, we need not worry about the need to make sudden deep-going changes in current policy, we merely had to adapt to variations in terms of the current trend. It's like the people who believe in the principles of Euclidean geometry. Now, Euclidean geometry was, from the beginning, a farce—in fact, it was a fraud, which many people have believed ever since. It's like modern Cartesian thinking. Most thinking about economics today, among professional economists, involves a more or less insane version of Cartesian thinking. That is, a mechanistic, statistical thinking where you start from certain statistical assumptions and project these out and say, "What date is the crash coming?" or "What date is this going to happen?" or "What date is that going to happen?" And society doesn't function like. But people believe that.
A Financial System Based on Gambling
As a matter of fact, the great danger of a financial crash today, is that most people, in what they call economics, believe actually not in economics: They believe in gambling. It's called a financial system. It's a gambling system. And people understanding that, ever since Galileo came up with this idea about gambling as the basis of discovering how markets would work, everyone has tried to get a better statistical system for gambling. Like breaking the bank at Monte Carlo, making a killing at Las Vegas, probably one's own. And therefore, these guys who are running the financial world today, depend on the assumption that they've got a "better system"—as they used to have at the race tracks, a "better system" for handicapping the horses. And it would really handicap the bettor, in the end, as he found himself on the street without cash—and being pursued by his lenders.
But what you've got today, as was typified in the calamity that occurred in August through October of 1998, was that the bettors now rely upon mathematics. And computers have helped them to do this: They can now bet faster, they can do mathematics faster than ever before, statistics faster than ever before. But they're all trying to find the best system of gambling. And they're all competing to get in on what they believe is the best system of gambling. The result is that, when all the gamblers come close to the same system of gambling against each other, but they're all gambling according to the same formula, what happens? They all go down together, in one big flop!
And that is what we saw a forecast of, in the events of the LTCM collapse in 1998: a general collapse of the system based on confidence, and competition, using the same system, as a world system which doesn't work at all. And they all went bankrupt.
And President Clinton and his Secretary of the Treasury [Robert Rubin] collaborated with others to organize a bailout, to postpone the inevitable collapse of the entire world system, which was implicit in what happened in September-October of 1998. We have never paid the bill for that bailout. We have been bailing things out more and more ever since. And we now have reached the point, that the system is about to collapse.
And the BAE collapse is not the cause of the problem, it is a symptom of the problem: Is that more and more, under a system which was established, a change in the system established with the election of a non-person as a President, George W. Bush, Jr., under his chimpanzee keeper, the Vice President, that the world was being run, more and more by what is behind the BAE. The BAE is actually better known as the British Empire. Some people call it the "Brutish Empire."
Now, not all the people in England are guilty of this. Many of them, even who are Brits or who believe in the imperial system, or the British Empire, or whatever, think that what is being done now by BAE is insane. They think that other things are insane: They know that the idea of global warming is a hoax—they know that. They know it's totally unscientific, and could not be sold to a society in which science was still known as a subject for most people of that generation. And therefore, not because they are anti-British, but because they know that the system which is being run by the Blair government and its associates in the British system, being run by Blair's friend Cheney, and others, that this system is clinically insane. And therefore, they object to it. And they raised objections to it, which are registered in places like the London Guardian, called Guardian Unlimited these days, and the British BBC, and other locations.
There was virtual silence on the subject of this, at least to its substance, inside the United States itself. It was only in the past three days, that there has been any appearance in the major English-speaking American press, of anything—even hinting at what has been the ongoing reality of this Bush Administration, since before the President was sworn in, in 2001. The world has been living under a system, which is the 9/11 system, which already existed, as I warned at the beginning of 2001, before President George W. Bush was inaugurated for the first time in January of 2001. Where I said: The world system has reached the point, that an onrushing collapse of the system is now in process. We can not determine exactly when or how this will occur, but we know the following two things: Number 1, we know that this President and this Presidency can not deal with this crisis. Therefore, we must expect that the entire world will be subjected to the kind of thing we experienced in February of 1933, when Hermann Göring, the man behind the throne, the sort of Dick Cheney of the Hitler Administration, orchestrated the burning of the Reichstag as a terrorist event. And this terrorist event was used on that night, or the following day, to install Hitler with dictatorial powers, which Hitler never lost, until the day he died!
And I said then, the danger is that something like this will occur, under present trends in the United States, and it did occur: And it was called 9/11.
Now, without going into the details of what we know and what we don't know about how 9/11 was orchestrated, we know that the only means by which this kind of thing is orchestrated, is found in one location: in a financial complex which is centered in the identity of the BAE. Now, that's the mystery of 9/11. How it was done, the mechanics—that's irrelevant. We'll find out. And everybody in and around government, who understands these matters, knows that! And that's where the heat is here.
We've come to the point, that an entire system, is collapsing. That system, at this point, because of the complicity of the present U.S. government, and the complicity of the leadership of the Democratic Party, as well as the Republican Party, because of this, we are living under a one-world system, called generically "globalization." It's a preparation for the new Tower of Babel, under which there are no nations, and in which languages begin to become babble.
Under this system, what controls it? It's called "globalization"; it's called the "global warming crisis"; it's called these various kinds of things, referring to these things. It's a one-world system! It is not consolidated, but every obstacle to this one-world system is crumbling. Every government of Europe—and you will see soon in France, that this is also true, there—every government in Central and Western Europe is today ungovernable. They may or may not be called, at the present time, "failed states." But they are at the brink of being failed states, which can no longer govern themselves. They are in the process, in Europe, of surrendering, from the Russian and Belarus border westward, they're surrendering their powers of government, to international agencies and supranational agencies. Germany, since the passing of the Schröder Administration, no longer really governs itself. Italy is struggling to maintain an appearance of government, under conditions in which government is not possible as long as the euro continues to exist. France: We saw the newly elected President of France, Sarkozy, had a meeting with the President of Russia, and came back giggling like a silly girl on a drunk.
You're in this kind of world!
We Live Under a Dictatorship
Now, there are other characteristics of this world. We have entered into a period of generalized warfare. Now, this did not start now. What we're seeing now is the culmination of a process which has been going on, actually since the time that Kennedy was shot. Since the time that Kennedy was shot, there's been a change in world politics, a change in direction in world politics, which was signaled soon by the launching by the U.S. war in Indo-China. And that led into what became 1968, which was the general breakup of the Democratic Party, and you had a new kind of government under parties since then.
The lower 80% of the U.S. population, the adult population, which had had a dominant influence under Roosevelt, and continued to have a strong influence in the United States until that point, began to lose its power. The upper 20% of family-income brackets are the ones who control politics today. And the upper 20% that control politics today, are controlled by an upper 3% that control the greatest concentration of money we've ever seen percentile-wise in world history.
We live under a dictatorship, in which the lower 80%, the conditions of life, in our own country, are that nature. And the Democratic Party reflects that. It no longer responds to its own political base. The Republican Party is, in a sense, breaking up. Because they can not accept the Bush Administration and what it represents. And it's looking for a new destiny, either in one of several directions, and there may be an upheaval. You have candidates, including Presidential candidates in the Democratic Party for whom I have personal respect as individuals, intellectually. But their performance as candidates, so far, is no less than disgusting! Especially given the real conditions.
You have a majority of the Democratic Party base, is calling for the impeachment of Cheney—suddenly. They want a sudden impeachment, not a long process. And that could be arranged for them. You could walk to Cheney with the right message, and you say, "Dear Dick..." And he would go out with a sour face the next morning and say, "I've decided my potato patch is being neglected. I've got resign and get back there and take care of those potatoes!" That's the way a corporate president usually goes out suddenly, you know. He's suddenly got an urge to get back to the potato patch. And they let him do that, and everybody knew he'd been fired. So, a message that he could not refuse would be given to Cheney. He would not be impeached; he wouldn't have to be impeached, he'd resign. And that could be orchestrated, if you wished to do that.
If the Democratic Party had the guts!
But the Democratic Party can't function. Why? Look at all the money that is being spent on the Democratic candidates? Whose money is it? It's your money, they don't have. It's fake money! It's hedge fund money. It's borrowing against banks and other institutions now, to create a mass of credit, which is fake credit—it's a promissory note—to go out in the world, and say, "We're going to buy this, we're going to buy that, and we're going to buy that. We're taking over your corporation!" Why? "We're going to buy your stockholders. And therefore you can't prevent us from taking over your stockholders. We have a mass of money that says, we can buy your stockholders. Therefore, we own your corporation: Turn it over, buddy! Turn it over, buddy!" They don't have real assets there! These are fake, inflated assets—largely artificial. And they move in, as these hedge funds, and they take over.
Well, what's the center of this thing? The center of this is the Cayman Islands, the British monarchy's Cayman Islands and similar locations run by the same organization, the British Empire, in its modern form, which is expressed by BAE. And a few hundred billion dollars, which are associated with BAE-related operations, now become multiplied by these kinds of markets into a gigantic fund, which controls, in financing, many of the operations which are controlled. And look at the contributions to the Democratic Party candidates, and Republican candidates, for President! Look at the composition of the funding for these candidacies! Look at the funding of the Democratic National Committee, the campaign committee: Who's doing it? George Soros? Well, he's one thing. Nazi Felix Rohatyn, that's another thing. He's nominally a Democrat. He's a Pinochet Democrat! He's the guy who headed up a financial institution which was the backing of Pinochet's taking over and setting up a dictatorship in Chile. And Pinochet was an integral part of BAE, and the operation. He was also part of a death squad operation which ran across the Southern Cone of South America, and these kinds of things.
So, we're in this kind of period. Now, this didn't start recently. But we're seeing now, this culmination of a concentration of power under the Bush-Cheney Administration, a concentration of power under the leadership and control of the powers that control the British Empire. That's the situation. This empire, this gambling system, is now in a process of collapsing. It's at the verge of collapse. It is therefore moving, to take total world power. Because if you take total world power, then nobody can say otherwise. And your problems are solved: You decide what money is and what isn't, because you have a world dictatorship.
They don't yet have a world dictatorship. And therefore, we, as citizens of the United States and other nations, have to act and say, "We're not going to let you have that power! We're going to stop you, now!"
And history intervenes at times, to present us with the opportunity to do this, the occasion to do this. That time is now. And that's what my subject is today.
And therefore, because of that, what I shall say to you today, is rather different than what I have said, in terms of quality of subject matter in public occasions of this type, earlier. Because what I said earlier, which I've said to smaller audiences, in print, and so forth, internationally, repeatedly, and I've said it plainly enough, I've not said in this form, in this kind of audience. Because it would not have been appropriate earlier. Why? Because the public was not scared enough, and not shocked enough, to realize that changes had to be made.
The Difference Between Man and Monkey
You know, people are not as smart as they think they are. Human beings have great powers of intelligence that no other living creature has. They create science, they create the mastery of the universe, they create the changes in culture, which raise the conditions of life of mankind. But sometimes, they behave like silly children. And the more adults, and the more adulterated they become... [video clip of chimpanzees] the more "perfect" their childishness becomes!
Now, what form does this take? We have a basement operation out there, nearby, and people have been going through in groups of five, six, or seven, at a crack, in reliving the experience of making the fundamental discoveries, a linked series of fundamental discoveries which embrace the entirety of scientific progress of European civilization, from the time of the ancient Pythagoreans, about the time of the 7th Century B.C., up to the present time; or up to a recent time, when we still practiced science. And so, we have young people going through, step by step, working through, experiencing—not being taught, to pass an examination on this subject or that subject—but going through the process of making discoveries themselves, which are a replication of the experience of earlier scientists, and making the discoveries on which the scientific achievements of European civilization, globally, have depended. From the time of the Pythagoreans, from the time of Solon of Athens, the time of Thales, up to recent times. The achievements of progress of European civilization, with fits and starts all along the way, especially those of modern civilization.
Now, therefore, in dealing with the difference between man and the monkey, as the core of what I'm talking about today: That we have to get beyond the assumption that what we have experienced, and what has become generally accepted opinion, so-called "self-evident rules of behavior," of the recent generation, or the recent one or two generations, the idea that this "self-evident knowledge," which is taken as self-evident, as common sense among most people in society—this is nonsense. But people believe in it. And they believe that there's no possibility of a course of action, which could occur, which would be accepted, would be allowed to occur, outside the framework of so-called "self-evident truths." Which generally broke down to "generally accepted current popular opinion."
So therefore, when you present them with evidence, that the present system itself, the system to which they are accustomed, is in a process of self-destruction and collapse, they say, "Ah! You're silly! You must be some kind of a nut—what's this?" They will say, "Everybody knows you're wrong!"
But it's the system that's wrong! And what everybody knows, is what's stupid!
But! As long as long as people believe that popular opinion, or what passes for popular opinion, among the most recent couple of generations, what they get from the textbooks, what they get from the so-called authorities, what they hear from, you know, "people in the know"—that this is the boundary condition which determines what is "acceptable behavior," by the individual or by the group in society, and therefore, people limit their choices of action to what they believe are acceptable premises of action. They don't question the premises themselves, just the same way that foolish people in school accept Euclidean geometry as being science, or Cartesian mechanistic forecasting as science.
So, until this kind of assumption is called into question, you do not say publicly, in the manner I'm speaking now, that "the system is coming down!" Because now the time has come, you have to accept the fact—if you're sane—that the system is coming down. And one by one, like tenpins in a bowling alley, Senators and others, who two weeks ago would have rejected what I was saying now, will shudder, and say, "I'm afraid he might be right!"
The time has come: The system must change. It is not within the framework of these so-called current traditions, or current public opinion, that mankind has a future. We're on the verge of a global dark age.
The 'Military-Industrial Complex'
Now, the signs of this, have been coming at us for a long time. Look at the area of Southwest Asia, and some other places, and look at what we call "prolonged warfare."
All right: Kennedy was killed. He was killed for a reason. It was not by a lone assassin—it may have been a loan shark, but not a lone assassin. He was killed to get him out of the way. Because, what Eisenhower had identified as the "military-industrial complex," in his outgoing address as President of the United States, is the process, which is the same process which we identify in the press today as the BAE phenomenon. It's a process that actually came into being under Hitler, and Mussolini, which was stopped by the intervention of Roosevelt.
On the day Roosevelt died, or a few days later, when Truman discovered that we had nuclear weapons, and decided to drop these nuclear weapons on the civilian populations of two cities, of a defeated Japan, before allowing the surrender to occur, we had entered a new age, to which Dwight Eisenhower, as outgoing President, referred to as the "military-industrial complex."
The military-industrial complex came out of a division in Anglo-American policy during and after the war. Remember, that Hitler was put into power, like Mussolini, largely from Britain and the United States. For example, Averell Harriman, from Brown Brothers Harriman, together with the head of the Bank of England at that time, was responsible for the sponsorship of making Hitler a dictator of Germany. When Roosevelt became President, over a period of time, Roosevelt induced the British to finally give up this idea of backing a Mussolini and Hitler. The financial establishment of Wall Street in that period, was behind Hitler, as they had been behind Mussolini, and their intentions were exactly in that direction.
Their intentions were the same thing as global warming today: It was called then, "eugenics." Get rid of the excessive people, particularly the ones whose skin color you didn't like. They weren't bleached enough. Eugenics: It was a program of murder. This was the program on which the Nazi party was founded, was eugenics—which is the same thing as global warming, today, exactly the same ideology, rewarmed with a new name, but with the same intention.
So, these guys put Mussolini into power; they put Hitler into power. They intended to establish a world dictatorship, in which the United States would destroy itself as a power—because we were a power, then—and in which they could run the world, as a one-world power. Which has always been the intention, since 1763, since the British Empire actually was created by the Treaty of Paris, in February 1763, by the British East India Company.
And what you're seeing today, with BAE, you're seeing a corporate structure in the heritage of the British East India Company—the Anglo-Dutch Liberal East India Company—which created the British Empire, and for many years, when the monarchy was simply a fixture attached to it, the Anglo-Dutch East India Company, the Liberals, through banking, controlled the entire British Empire. The occupation of India by the British Empire, was done by a private company!—the British East India Company. China was destroyed: By what? By the British East India Company, with the opium trade and similar kinds of things. The world was controlled by this financial octopus, this new Venetian empire. And that has run things.
The United States has emerged as the only significant challenger to this issue of empire, since 1763. That was the division. In 1763, the word came down about the Treaty of Paris. And the ranks of the leading circles in North America were divided: One group, the patriotic group, gathered around Benjamin Franklin, this group created the American Revolution, and the American System, whose roots had already been developed inside the Americas before then. And we had a character, an anti-oligarchical character, which was different than that of Europe.
And the other faction, which is still the so-called Wall Street faction and similar types today, were the people who joined with the British East India Company against Franklin and company. And their goal has always been to re-absorb North America into the British System as a part of the English-speaking system. That's been their purpose. And they've worked from inside the United States to destroy those aspects of our system, which are embedded in our Constitution and Declaration of Independence.
Other parts of the world have had importance, and do have importance. But it's the challenge between two English-speaking societies, that of the United States, as the model republic, and that of the British Empire, as the opposition, the Anglo-Dutch Liberal opposition: That has been the dominant feature of all the major wars on this planet, since that time.
So, we now come to a point, that the British Empire in that form, has consolidated itself to the point, that it will either fall, now, in this form, or in its attempt to impose an empire, or the whole planet will go into a dark age: That's where we stand.
So, now the time for change is obvious.
Now, remember how this thing [the breaking of the BAE scandal] happened: For weeks, there was no whisper of this issue, inside the press of the United States, the leading press; among the politicians, members of the Senate had no idea that such a thing was going on—but it had been going on! It was going on! It was the secret behind the Vietnam War. It was the secret behind the great war in Southwest Asia, between Iraq and Iran, during the 1980s. It was the first U.S. Iraq War. It was the Afghanistan occupation, continuing. It is the new Iraq War. It is the spread of war throughout all Southwest Asia. It's all a struggle for the British Empire! And the struggle to corrupt the United States, and destroy it.
Now, what happened? In the history of the United States, when Abraham Lincoln led a fight to defeat the British Confederacy—and the Confederacy was nothing but a tool of the British East India Company interests—when we won that war, we established in the United States, a scheme which had been defined by John Quincy Adams when he had been Secretary of State: to define the United States as a continental nation, from Atlantic to Pacific, with northern borders, Canada, and southern borders, Mexico. That had been our intention. When Lincoln led the victory over the British and French, in the freeing of the United States, and of Mexico, from this oppression, the United States emerged with a wave of immigration from Europe, with a transcontinental railway system and other developments. We emerged as a power which could no longer be destroyed by invasion of foreign forces.
We also emerged over the period 1865-1877, as a leading influence for reform throughout Eurasia. We had, 1877, Japan: an economic reform, organized from the United States. Russia, same period, organized from the United States, under Mendeleyev's leadership. Germany, under Bismarck, 1877-1879, the Bismarck reforms, under the influence of the United States, directly, and Henry C. Carey in particular. And similar things in other parts of the world. We became a challenge, not as a threat to establish an American empire. We became a challenge, because we were promoting, in Asia and other parts of the world, the development of sovereign nation-state republics, which would use the advantages of our experience, for their own, independent development, and cooperation, and mutual defense.
To defeat this, the British Empire organized two World Wars, starting with the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-95. And the continuous war of the British Empire through its toady, Japan, between 1895 and 1945, was a continuous part of this process. The destruction of China, which threatened to become a great power, was one of the purposes of this operation.
So there had been a global struggle: We had one world war; we had a Second World War, for this purpose! We went through a so-called Cold War, which involved the same issue.
We now have come to the final stage, of a threatened destruction of the world order, in order to create a new Tower of Babel, called "globalization," or "global warming," under the leadership of these financier interests, which are imperial in origin.
'No Old Men Among You'
Now, this issue, is one that the politicians, the poor foolish politicians who run our country, refuse to understand. They have no long memories! If you read Plato's Republic and his Timaeus, you recall his report of a visit with the Egyptian priesthood, who said to the Greeks, "You Greeks are intelligent, you're fine. But you have no old men among you." By which the Egyptians meant, "you had lost your identity in the processes of history which gave birth to you." We, in the United States represent the outcome of the birth of European civilization, a birth which was accomplished largely through the influence of Egypt, or certain forces in Egypt. This is where our science came from, which was called among the Pythagoreans, Sphaerics, which relates to physical astronomy. This is where our culture began, as typified by the case of Solon of Athens, with the first conception of a true nation-state, a nation-state of the people. And our power has been, largely, that we have been, in the United States, in that conscious tradition.
The founders of the United States, the authors of our Declaration of Independence, the authors of our Federal Constitution, the leaders of the veterans of the Revolutionary War, the Cincinnatus Society, all understood, that the root of our republic, lay in the precedence and lessons of Solon of Athens' reforms. Those are the terms in which they spoke of it. We were an attempt to free mankind as a whole, not by conquering it, but from the inside, from a division of mankind into two classes, of rulers and animals, human animals, human cattle. Most people in most parts of the world, in most societies have lived, not as human beings, but as human cattle. Under the ban from knowledge, as knowledge, as specified by the case of Zeus, Olympian Zeus, of the Prometheus Bound story.
Now, the birth of European civilization, with Athens, was a threat to the imperial forces of Eurasia. And therefore, an operation was run, quite similar to an operation run against the people of the United States, at the end of World War II, which produced the Baby-Boomer generation—a brainwashing operation, mass brainwashing operation, called sophistry; or called, in the case of the post-war generations of Europe and the United States, existentialism. This corruption denied the existence of universal physical principles, which were knowable to the mind of the human individual. And said, "You don't know anything. You only know what is generally accepted, or will be generally accepted. You know the consensus! You don't know whether it's true or not. You know you have to obey it, because it's on top. And if you want to get ahead in this world, you have to submit to the consensus." There is no question of certainty of knowledge, there's no scientific certainty in it.
So therefore, what happened? We had, in our country, at the time that Roosevelt died, we had children who were what came to be called "the white-collar class," from 1946 through about 1958. And these young children, who generally would orient toward the military-industrial complex types of people and that sort of thing, became the "Golden Generation" of the 1960s. They no longer believed in science. They no longer believed in truth. They believed in being accepted. They believed in a consensus:, a white-collar consensus. They didn't like working people. They didn't like farmers. They didn't like science. They liked mathematics, but not science, hmm? They liked to calculate... you know. They didn't like to earn money, they liked to grab it.
So, they became a generation which exploded under the influence, from Europe, of the existentialist conditioning. And they exploded in the middle of the 1960s, following the assassination of Kennedy, which was a blow of demoralization to the American people at that time; and the following of the assassination of Kennedy with the launching of the Indo-China War. This demoralized the American people. You saw the balls of rage rolling in the streets in 1968, in Europe and the Americas, and elsewhere.
So this generation, the white-collar generation, which hated working people; they hated trade unionists, they hated blue-collar people; they hated farmers; they hated science. Now, that doesn't mean all of them were against science, or all of them were against agriculture and industry. But! They understood one thing: They had no principle. They had a principle of "going along to get along," a principle of accepting the consensus of their generation, their particular stratum.
And this became the Golden Generation, which more and more, reshaped the country. For example: 1968. Nineteen sixty-eight, the revolt of the 68ers destroyed the Democratic Party on the white-collar versus blue-collar issue! So, the Democratic Party was smashed, by its own complicity in the Vietnam War. And by this. Therefore, we got a virtual dictatorship, under Nixon. It wasn't Nixon's dictatorship, it was a group of people: It was the military-industrial complex. They took us over.
And bit by bit, they destroyed everything. They destroyed agriculture, they destroyed our monetary system, on which our strength had depended. They destroyed the farmers, they destroyed the industries, they destroyed science. And they got more and more power, and more and more fantasy.
And my generation began to die out. We don't have a generation of scientists and engineers of the type we had, still, back in the 1970s: We don't have that any more! We have a fraction of that! We don't have a scientific-industrial capability any more. We have a little bit of it, surviving in the military sector, of military production, predominantly. We've lost it. We've shipped our industries, our agriculture overseas. We're destroying our farmers! We're growing crops to make fuel!—not to feed people, in a world shortage of food.
The Face of the Enemy Is Exposed
So, we've come to the point, the system doesn't work! And the breakdown is now obvious. And the face of the enemy has exposed itself, in the BAE. And the exposure of the BAE, has come not from the Americans, it has come, largely, from the ranks of the British. The same faction in Britain, which opposed the global warming swindle. It's a complete fraud: There's no scientific basis for global warming. It's all a fraud, a hoax. But Baby-Boomers don't know any better! They keep suckin' on the bottle!
But, a group in England, in Britain, which recognizes that the British Empire is sending itself to Hell, objected to global warming, just as they objected to this operation, this Iraq War, and similar kinds of wars; just as they objected to this kind of financial operation, the BAE swindle.
So, a section in Britain, itself, through the BBC, through the Guardian, and through others, made this issue clear! And gradually, this thing spread here.
We were on top of it, of course, from the beginning, because we knew it; we understood it. But up until about three days ago, you could not find any large constituency for what I'm saying now about BAE, in the Congress of the United States or in any other part of the United States—you couldn't find it. You had a pall of stupidity and ignorance, control the minds of the Senate, the House of Representatives, and more. That doesn't mean they're not intelligent people, but they believe in consensus. They believe in adapting to what they consider popular opinion. They believe in "going along to get along." They believe that so-called "traditions," confine what is allowed and what is not allowed in society: that you have to work within the bounds of those limitations.
And I say today, we're now going to have to proceed; it having been shown that the whole culture we have stinks and is doomed. It's a sinking ship, and don't try to get a better stateroom on the Titanic simply because some people are leaving it.
Therefore, the question is, what is human nature? Why should we believe that mankind, which has allowed this swindle to dominate humanity for so many centuries, that there's something in mankind today, that would enable people who have made the biggest fools of themselves imaginable, would suddenly become brilliant and make the right decision about the future of mankind? I have to tell you: On this question, I'm an optimist. I believe in mankind. Just because he cleverly made himself appear to be so stupid, doesn't mean he's quite that stupid. Time for the stupidity act to end.
All right, now therefore, what I've said so far, is a preface for what I'm about to say. And the question is, human nature: Is man an ape? [video clip of chimps] Now, is that man? It could be Frederick Engels, but not man! George Bush would give you a good imitation of that.
All right. Now, we want to get to this question. The question, is this first question which we put on the board. You had a book which was written a long time ago, it's called the Book of Genesis; it's called the First Chapter of Genesis. Now, in it, there are three sentences, three verses, which I want to call your attention to, and present these, not as some kind of arbitrary religious belief, of some Hebrews off there in the Sinai Desert (where they're not allowed to function, today, or something). Anyway, but, actually, as an observation by knowledgeable people, presumably Moses of Egypt, who, looking at reality, are describing what they see as the reality of the circumstance in which they're living. And they state: There are certain things we can see, and they sum up in these three verses. That mankind, as Vernadsky would agree, from a scientific standpoint, mankind is not an ape, nor is mankind a form of animal life. We have a bodily form of animal life, but we also have powers, as thinking powers and creative powers, which no animal has.
These creative powers endow us with a certain quality of potential immortality. In what sense? That, we are capable, as mankind, of discovering the lawful composition of our universe. We call these "universal physical principles" for example: such as Kepler's discovery of the principle of universal gravitation, which he uniquely discovered.
And therefore, mankind, as having these powers, the power to discover universal physical principles, uses these powers to increase mankind's power to exist in and over the universe, as no species of animal can. Every animal species has a potential relative population density, which is characteristic of that species, which varies with the environment in which the species operates, but can not be willfully changed by a member of the species. Mankind is capable, through the discovery and realization of universal physical principles, of changing the universe. And in these three verses from the closing portion of the chapter of Genesis, you have—just think, not of someone preaching a doctrine, or an arbitrary belief—but someone simply saying, "Here is what the truth is, about ourselves. Man and woman are distinct from all forms of animal life, in that they have these powers and responsibilities, in the universe, the power to change the universe for the better. We have a stewardship in the universe, that of mankind."
And therefore, human life is immortal, in that sense.
The Birth of European Civilization
For example, go back to the history of this issue of creativity. Go back to the history itself: What we have as European civilization was born about 700 B.C. Europe had been in a prolonged dark age for some period of time, and under the initiative of a revival of civilization, in Egypt after a dark age, Egypt reached out to places such as Ionia, where there was a maritime culture [Figure 1]. But this region—you have an area there which is Magna Graecia, Greece as such, including the part into Ionia, which is the Greek culture. It allied itself with the Etruscans, who dominated an area from about the Tiber northward, to about the island of Elba and inward, which was the leading maritime culture of that time. They probably were a branch of the Hittite culture, which had been the only iron-processing culture in the whole Mediterranean region of that period. And then you had, in the north of Africa, you had this one area of Cyrenaica, is the area of Egypt's maritime culture. This is called Cyrenaica to the present day. It's this area, which is a rich area, potentially, and was rich at that time. And it was known for such people as, later Eratosthenes, who was actually of Cyrenaican extraction, and who was a representative of the Platonic Academy at Athens, and was the leading scientist of Egypt. He died just before 200 B.C., which was about the time the Roman Empire was coming up, and civilization was being destroyed.
So, our birth of civilization is located essentially in a struggle centered in this area, from about 700 B.C. to about 200 B.C., from the time of the Pythagoreans and the emergence of Solon and so forth, into those times.
But in this, there was a struggle, and the struggle was typified by the Cult at Delphi, the the Apollo-Dionysos Cult of Delphi. Which was tied to the surrounding region of that area, which was dominated by imperial powers, such as Babylon, such as the Persian Empire, the Achaemenid Empire, and other kinds of empires.
So, at this point, the significance of the birth of European culture, is a revolt typified by the role of Solon in Athens, the image of Solon, on which the idea of the United States was premised: an image of what man could be, an image of a republic, a true republic. Against a system, under which 80% or more of the human population of any area, were essentially treated as human cattle. This is the distinction, the good distinction, of European civilization: Its greatest heritage comes from this emergence, at least in known history, the emergence of this idea, of this conception.
Now, the struggle inside Greece itself, has been the principal font of our understanding of history, that is, European history begins approximately about 700 B.C. That is, a conscious history that we are dealing with a society organized around ideas and a consciousness of these ideas. So, the struggle, the difference between the form of society, in which mankind, all mankind, is treated as being human, as having these powers of creativity, in which there was development of the totality of the society as human.
Now, what is this difference between man and the beast? The difference between man and the beast, is essentially that of the discovery of a universal physical principle, that's the exemplification of this. The work of the Pythagoreans was typical of this. The work of Plato and his circles was typical of this.
But on the other side, the order was, as is presented dramatically in the middle section of the Prometheus Trilogy of Aeschylus, that the god, the evil god, the Zeus of Olympus, decrees that mankind shall not know the secret of the use of fire. Including such things as nuclear fission. And that man must therefore be maintained as human cattle. And the tradition of most cultures has been to condemn most of humanity to the condition of human cattle. In modern society, this takes a special form, it's called empiricism: in which you deny the knowledge of the existence of a principle—I'll come to this—and in place of this idea of principle, in modern society, we have the idea of liberalism, which is what the Anglo-Dutch Liberal system is based upon.
Therefore, the key thing here, to understand, is what do we mean, by the discovery of a universal physical principle? This is the simplest modern example of what we mean by a universal physical principle. [Animated figure of Earth orbiting around the Sun (see] Which some people in this room understand, because they're well educated. They educated themselves.
What we're looking at here is an image, and this is an image based on actual data, an image of the Earth's orbiting of the Sun. Now, this orbit, even though it may appear to be circular, is not really, truly circular. It's actually elliptical. Now, you get the closeup, and let's describe this orbit. Because the discovery of this orbit by Kepler, is actually the foundation of all competent modern, physical science. This is not the complete discovery. Now, as you get to the smaller area, you're in an elliptical area. This planet's moving along an elliptical course: What does that mean? But it's not just an elliptical course. There's a principle involved. The rate of motion is changing. What is governing the change of the rate of motion? Well, Kepler called it "equal areas/equal times": That is, the sector, or the sector defined by the position of the Sun with respect to the planet, sweeps out a sector of the ellipse; and the rate of movement within the ellipse corresponds to the relative area which is being generated: equal area/equal time.
Now, what this means is, is that there is a principle operating here, for which this is only the shadow. The actual movement of the planet, according to equal area/equal time, is only the shadow of something, of a principle. What is that principle? The principle is what we call an "infinitesimal." Now, contrary to idiots, the infinitesimal is not a dot. The infinitesimal is a rate of change in the smallest degree—a rate of change of velocity, of angular velocity. So, it's a rate of change of the velocity, not a rate of change of a size of a dot.
Now, this discovery by Kepler, was attributable to a discovery made earlier by a predecessor whom he much admired, the fount of modern physical science: Nicholas of Cusa. And Nicholas of Cusa, in an exhaustive study of what the Italians had brought back from Greece, from certain libraries in Greece, demonstrated that Archimedes had made a great mistake. Archimedes' notion of the construction of the circle by quadrature was false. You could not, by successive approximation of getting smaller and smaller intervals, smaller and smaller polygons, you could not approach the truth of the existence of the circle. The existence of the circle involves the same principle as the principle of the sphere: It's a rate of change in the dynamic, in the motive of action.
Modern Science Begins with Kepler
So, this discovery is the foundation of all modern physical science. Or the implications of this discovery are the basis for modern science. As Einstein said back in the 1950s, if you take the development of physical science, which begins with the discoveries by Kepler, it extends as a continuing process through the work of Bernhard Riemann, which is the extent of all modern physical science.
Now, this science—Kepler's discoveries are not only the beginning point of all competent modern physical science. They contain, continuously, the foundations of the process of discovery, of all modern physical science. If you don't know Kepler, you don't know physical science. You may know how to report about it, you may know how to describe the experience of seeing it happen. You may know how to make a picture of it. But you don't know what it is.
And you have to go back to Kepler, because no one, ever in the history of successful modern science, ever went a step forward by excluding Kepler. Kepler is embedded in the foundation of science, just as those who preceded Kepler among the ancient Pythagoreans and the followers of Plato, they are embedded in the work of Cusa; they are embedded in the work of Kepler. They remain an integral part of the human knowledge of science. It's not something you left behind, and went on to something else. It's something which is in there at all times, and never departs! It is truly universal. And that's the difference.
So therefore, as Einstein said, you start with Kepler, and there's a continuity of development, unbroken development, from Kepler through the work of Riemann, in terms of physical geometry. And all competent physical geometry, all competent modern science—including modern economic science!—can only be obtained from Riemann, by that method.
So you have Kepler's work, starts it. Kepler poses a problem—now go to Fermat. Now, Fermat—I give the dates here to give you some sense of lapsed time. Fermat made a discovery which was called a principle of least action. And this principle of least action became crucial in shaping the thinking of 17th-Century physical science. In the end of the 17th Century, Leibniz, who was the discoverer of the calculus—Leibniz's calculus is based on Kepler. It's based on Kepler's principle I just indicated to you, the principle of gravitation—the same principle as gravitation. The infinitesimal is the constant rate of change of the action, as you see in the case of the Earth's orbit.
So, the question came up—in Fermat's work: What is the actual pathway of least action, in physical space-time? And therefore, through the work of Fermat, applied to the challenge posed by Leibniz, we had the development of what was called the universal physical principle of least action. Which, again, is an integral part of science, and the Leibniz principle of universal physical least action is an integral part of all competent science, today. It never went away; it's there; it's expanded; it's improved upon: But it remains there, vibrating. Pushing. Always motivating. Every student who comes along, who learns science, has that in their mind; it's in their mind, vibrating, constantly.
Then you get from Fermat, you get this development around Leibniz, and there are many people involved in this. So, again, Leibniz sets this into motion, together with a fellow called Jean Bernouilli, which defines this as a field of science, the modern sciences, based on this conception. And it's based on the catenary. I'll give you an example of this—we didn't put this on the screen, but... Back, shortly before Nicholas of Cusa, who was the founder of modern science, you had a fellow called Brunelleschi, Filippo Brunelleschi, in Italy, in Florence. Now, Florence Cathedral was not completed at that point, it has a hole at the top, where there was supposed to be this dome, called a cupola. And the problem was, that if you were going to build this dome, to complete the cathedral, you wouldn't have enough wood in Italy available to build the supporting structure around which to erect this dome. But then, if you look as I did, some years ago, on this Brunelleschi thing, and you look carefully at the structure of that cupola, and you find the hanging-chain formation in there, the shape is in there: that Brunelleschi used a hanging chain as the guide for constructing the cupola, without using all that wood that wasn't available.
So, this hanging-chain phenomenon is called the catenary. And the significance of the catenary was actually discovered fully, by Leibniz and Bernouilli. And it's the underlying principle of the principle of universal least action, which is embedded in all science. It's sitting there vibrating to the present day! You can't get rid of it. You can't go any further without it.
And this led, then, to the later developments, beyond Bernouilli. Now you get Kästner and Gauss. Now, who's Kästner? Well, Kästner's a very important appearance in American history. Kästner was born in 1719, in Leipzig, which is about three years after the death of Leibniz, who had also been born in Leipzig. And he became a leading teacher of science. He became the leading teacher of mathematics, and the history of mathematics in Germany, and he still is a foundation of a competent education in mathematics to the present day. But Kästner, among his other students, was a prominent influence on a number of important historical people, historical in the sense of the American Revolution. Because in the 1750s and 1760s, there arose a revolt against some disgusting things by two fellows, one, Moses Mendelssohn, and his friend, Gotthold Lessing, who was also a great artist, and so forth. And their intervention against corruption in science in the Berlin Academy, was the foundation for the development of the Classical culture in Germany, and spreading into other countries, in the late 18th Century.
And Kästner was the guy who inspired this. Shakespeare was revived, actually in German, from ruin, by Kästner, who got his young friends to proceed in organizing around this. And we have Shakespeare today because of Kästner.
Kästner was the first proponent in modern science of an explicit anti-Euclidean geometry for example. He died in 1800. And he was the inspirer, one of the key inspirers of Gauss. And you don't understand Gauss's work, unless you understand the work of Kästner, for various reasons that some people working in the basement now are beginning to understand.
Beyond Gauss, to Riemann
Then you have the next case: You go beyond Gauss, the basis for the conception of modern science. And the question that Gauss posed in this issue of dealing with asteroid problem, was, the idiot in science will write a formula and tell you this formula is responsible for this particular trajectory phenomenon in physical science. But that's not true! In no science is that true. In so-called mathematical science, or based on mathematics, it's assumed that the form that you can describe mathematically, is the cause of its existence. Whereas, in point of fact, as in the case of Gauss, who posed the same question which had been posed in a different way earlier by others, the question was: You have a trajectory, a planetary trajectory. What moves it?
Don't assume the description of the pathway it takes when moved is the cause of that motion. What moves it? And the secret for how the trajectory is determined is determined by that which moves it. And this leads to some wonderful things, which I won't go into here, but which we're doing down in the basement. If you ever get lucky, and get promoted into the basement, you will find out about such things. I won't tell you! I don't tell people secrets in the basement—maybe a few, here and there. But they find out for themselves. But it's a magic basement. If you get in that basement, and you work hard, the discovery will overwhelm you.
All right. Now, this leads to, again, the completion of what Einstein described as the first phase of all modern science. This is the 1950s, Einstein. What is it? Riemann.
What Riemann did was to free you from the Democratic Party leadership! In 1854, he wrote his famous Habilitationschriften. This is the paper which was used to qualify him as a professor at Göttingen University. And in this paper, he opens up, and he eliminated all assumptions, axioms, and postulates from geometry. And he says that only physical, experimental evidence can define the way that the physical universe is organized. Which is what I do, is my work in this.
Now, what's the point here? The point is, the same thing as Gauss: Motive!
Don't tell me that a mathematical pattern has determined a mathematical pattern. I don't promote masturbation.
What has motivated that? That particular form of existence, that expression of existence?
Therefore, what it comes down to this: That science, instead of being a conception of a predetermined set of principles, so-called self-evident principles which define the universe as a Cartesian model does, or most economists do, you have to say, "What is the principle that motivates a pattern of action?" What's the principle? And therefore, you define the universe as Einstein does, and as Riemann does implicitly, as composed of principles: universal principles.
What does that mean? That means, for example: It amuses some people to be told, there's nothing outside the universe. Nor does the universe have a boundary which defines its limit. The universe is the expression of the motivations which generate the forms of existence we experience in the universe. And therefore, knowledge of principles, is the derivative.
Now, what does this mean, again, in turn? What does it say about man? Only mankind, among living creatures, can discover a universal physical principle. And by discovering that principle as a motive, governing the way something can act, and using that motive, that principle, you can change the universe in which you're operating. Only man can do that. The monkey, the chimpanzee can not do it. The typical professor at a university can not do it. No matter how much he monkeys around with science—he can't do it.
Therefore, instead of seeing the universe as being a Cartesian manifold, or a Euclidean manifold, stretched out in all directions, you see the universe as bounded by the principles, not by an area, but by the principles which control all that happens within it, all the motives, the principles. Mankind can discover these principles, but by discovering a principle which has been previously unused by mankind, mankind is able to increase man's power to exist in the universe, and is capable of changing the geometry of the universe in which we live. The ability to get beyond the population level of several millions of individuals at any one time, of a monkey, of an ape—a gorilla, or chimpanzee: What's the difference between man and the chimpanzee? The essential difference, is man's ability with the human mind, to discover experimentally, by these kinds of standards, to discover the meaning of principle. And to apply that principle to previously existing practice, in a way to change that practice qualitatively.
This, in science, is called "machine-tool design." What they used to do in the auto industry, when they were allowed to make automobiles in the United States. Machine-tool design. You discover a principle you didn't know before, or you didn't know how to apply before. You apply this principle to something you were already doing. You transform the quality of that operation, by introducing that principle: And you change the universe. You increase man's power to exist. You increase the density of population you can sustain. You increase the life expectancy of mankind. And you build in the individual a sense of an immortal personality, who is participating in the process of increasing the knowledge of mankind, from generation to generation, in a practical way, for the benefit of mankind.
So therefore, you have this problem: A monkey dies. An ape dies. A current President dies. What's left behind? Nothing. It's gone. It's a sad case, a human being who acts like a monkey, lives like a monkey, doesn't make any discoveries. Doesn't even repeat discoveries made by people before him. Just keeps on going, scratching. Like Bush.
This person has no sense of immortality! We all die. We all have human bodies, we die. The human body fails us, it quits on us. The car quits. Breaks down on the highway—you know, like a typical LPAC car. But the immortal occupant of the car, lives on! Hopefully.
No, so the point is, is that humanity is, essentially, potentially immortal: Because, that which is part of us, as human beings, is not merely this physical animal part that we inhabit. It's what we represent through such means as learning to re-experience discoveries of principle, and carrying them on and on to future generations. To building a better world, to building a better universe. To changing the universe, simply in the same way, that the writer of Genesis 1 depicts man's function in the universe. Not simply saying he's got some magical secret here: He's describing the situation of man in the universe! Man and woman in the universe, exist to do what? They have a mission, they have a responsibility. This is our mission! We have to make the universe better: We are the servants of the Creator, in making the universe better.
And how do we do that? By making discoveries which are called principles of discovery, the principles themselves. And by mastering these principles, we increase man's power to solve problems, and we live in those future generations, which take what we contribute. And it's alive in them. The work of Plato, the work of Plato in particular, is alive in Cusa. Cusa is alive in Kepler. Similarly, Leibniz is alive in Cusa, and in Kepler. Riemann is alive, in all of these people.
Those who have done the great works of mankind, who have passed on what their lives have contributed to human knowledge and human knowledge for practice, live on.
The Book of Genesis
In former times, we had an approximation of this: People would just go by the Book of Genesis, for example, or something like that, and say: "What are we living for? We're going to die. Well, we're living for"—like immigrants coming into the United States—"we're living for our children. We're living for our grandchildren. We're making a society for our children, our grandchildren. We're making a better life for our children and grandchildren."
And this goes on, not merely for two or three generations, which is typical in our experience. This goes on for thousands of years! Look at the Great Pyramid at Giza. It was built, when? Somewhere about 2550 B.C. Well, that's a pretty long time ago, isn't it? 4,700 years ago. How many generations is that? What about the discoveries that preceded the possibility of the building of the Pyramid of Giza, in terms of the knowledge expressed? What about the generations before? Aren't they alive? Isn't the effect of their living, alive in us, today?
So therefore, we had a sense of immortality, in the sense that we were making the universe better, for generations to come, and that we express our immortality in living on, in the benefits which we pass on to those who follow. This was our sense of identity, our sense of citizenship.
What happened is, the Baby-Boomer generation has lost that. They don't believe in their children. They don't believe in principles. They believe in what they call common sense, or generally accepted ideas. They believe in "go along to get along." They aren't motivated by a sense of immortality. The idea of a soldier who dies in battle, for the sake of his nation: It's real! As opposed to a stone killer, who just goes out and kills for no purpose whatsoever, but just because he's told to do so.
This sense of immortality, this sense of the individual mind as a creative mind, different than the beast, different than the chimpanzee, the sense of an obligation to do something with your life which is of benefit and realized in future generations; to maintain that which has been accomplished, to keep it alive, and to build upon it: That's what's been missing in our society.
And the contrary is, implicitly the principle of slavery. The enemy of mankind has been a sense of slavery, the sense of slavery which you can read in the Prometheus Bound of Aeschylus. Mankind is forbidden to know how to discover, or use, nuclear fission power: fire. That turns man into a beast! The discovery of universal physical principles which improve man's power in the universe, to solve problems in the universe, medical discoveries, other kinds of discoveries—these are expressions of immortality. These are expressions of citizenship. A citizen is not simply a member of a club! A citizen is a person who participates in society, who's an integral part of the society, who's contributing to that society. And who anticipates benefits for future generations.
People struggled against slavery in this country! What's the meaning of their lives? The meaning of the slave, is the struggle against slavery! And the realization of the success in defeating that oppression. And continuing that process, for a quality of education in life, which that corresponds to: That is citizenship! That's the meaning of the Preamble of the Constitution. That's the meaning of the Declaration of Independence, taking it from Leibniz: the concept of the happiness of humanity, the future generations.
And so, we have lost that motive! We live on a planet—it's not a question of how to make a better society—we live on a planet of over 6.5 billion people. Many of these people are living in absolute misery. This is not acceptable to us. This may not be our country, but it's not acceptable to us that they live in misery. We have to change the planet, we have to change the organization of the planet, so that they no longer live in misery—they're no longer compelled to live in misery.
More important: We don't want to merely help them, like do-gooders. We must empower them to have a sense of their own immortality, their own importance in their own society. Do you know how many people live and die, with no real sense of human worth? Or a sense of human worth denied to them as a form of expression? Does it not bother you, that a human being is not able to be a human being? To sense what it is to be a human being? Can you sleep easily at night, if someone in some other part of Asia or Africa, does not have the right to a sense of a human life? Is that not a mission? Are there not many kinds of missions of that type, which inspire people to adopt these missions as professions?
And that's what we've lost.
We lost it in the United States with the Baby-Boomer generation, because the poor fellows were brainwashed. Brainwashed into this utopian, existentialist kind of culture.
Now, that brings us to some concluding points: The key thing, of course, is, to recognize this is the problem. We've come to the point, we've been a society of fools. We are travelers on a ship of fools, called Convention; called Conventional Belief; called Our Way of Life. A ship of fools. Guys struggling to get a better stateroom on the Titanic, while it's sinking.
And therefore, the key thing we have done, we have allowed our people to become degenerate, as you can see on almost any television. Or you can see it on the Internet, if you want to. We've allowed that to happen. We've lost a sense of life. We've lost a sense of a purpose in life, which is not mortal, but a sense of that which is transcendental. That that good we do, if it's well conceived, lives on after us. And the purpose of life, is to ensure that that happens. And to ensure that others have the right to live that kind of life! And that's what's denied. It's denied by an existentialist form of corruption, which has destroyed the United States from the inside.
Now! Since we are at the point that everything that people thought they had, in this society, is about to be taken away from them, by the circumstances typified by the BAE, you have an existential question: You want to die as a pig? Or live as a man?
And that's what politics must be, today.