The Presidential Touch
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
March 25, 2008
On the subject of the selection of a U.S. President.
When I pledged my support to U.S. Senator John Kerry's Democratic nomination for election, in July-August 2004, I had also resolved to remove myself from the roster of U.S. Presidential candidates, but to retreat to the higher-ranking, more cumbersome, but more appropriate position of a defender of the constitutional institution of the U.S. Presidency for the sake of heroes past, and generations yet to come. This was no mere sentiment, no mere posture. It was a role I had adopted in full awareness of the immediately growing danger to not only our republic, but the world at large for generations yet to come.
I know what it means to be President of our U.S.A. I know that our republic is encumbered with a unique mission for all humanity, by virtue of the very special qualities of that heritage of Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa who first committed those who heeded his counsel to reach out from a Europe unable to fulfill its mission, to go across the oceans to build bastions to correct the failure of a sick European political system.
I thus serve this republic whose establishment Benjamin Franklin led in defending, that for the sake of generations of mankind to come. The enemy remains, chiefly, despite the corruption of our institutions, that British Empire against whose global corruption our patriots have fought since the February 1763 Peace of Paris which established the Anglo-Dutch financier oligarchy as an empire in fact. Since that time, still today, our mission as a republic which gained its freedom in combat against that same old empire, still is a sacred mission for all mankind. That is the mission of being its true self as the conspiracy once led by Franklin, and which Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt after him, had defended. Our function was, and continues to be, to be the sovereign nation-state republic which is committed to transform this planet as a whole into a community of respectively sovereign republics, free of the evil which the British Empire still represents today, nations united into a single fraternity of respectively sovereign powers by the single banner of the 1648 Peace of Westphalia.
We who are wise enough, and also good enough to lead, know that our nation's foe is not a nation, not a people, not color of skin, but the same old "principalities and powers." That enemy, today, is chiefly today's Anglo-Dutch Liberal financier tyranny, which has ruled so long, and so often, by putting one part of humanity into campaigns of hate against others, as the British Empire-in-fact is acting at this moment: a British Empire which plays our nation's foolish press and popular opinion like a fiddle, that they might need no greater ally than the folly of our own public opinion and corrupted institutions of government and finance to cause our people to destroy their own nation for the advantage of our tormentors.
Christianity thus comes, unlike the message from Jeremiah Wright's congregation, with a message of love of mankind, not venom. We fight, when it is required; but our object in any war we are obliged to fight, is an object modeled upon our President Abraham Lincoln's final great public address on the repairing of the damage which had been done to our nation by the actions of those within our nation who had been manipulated by the British Empire into imposing both the system of slavery and the Civil War upon us.
Cheap-shot politicians are those who dole out bribes to the electorate, as the three notable present candidates for the Presidential nominations now have done, perhaps because it seemed that that was the way to become elected. The competent statesman thinks differently, as I do, as I emphasized, at some length, to an assembly of my associates this past Saturday morning. I spoke as follows:
On the Subject of Immortality
The essence of true statecraft is recognition that the human individual, unlike the beasts, is essentially immortal. As it was written of the Moses who led the Israelites out of Egypt, he did not live to experience the result of the mission to which his life had become dedicated. The mission of Jesus Christ, that he would die for the future of mankind, is the same. It has been so for nearly all significant leaders of society, as it was for the Jeanne d'Arc who was cooked to death by the evil Norman Inquisition.
The creative powers of the human individual mind are a quality of existence which is utterly lacking in all forms of animal life. We have, indeed, an animal body, which we shall each lose, soon enough. It is that part of us which is not the animal, which should be the expressed chief motive of our passions, and the purpose for which we may hope to serve by the manner of our living.
Of all those immortal treasures we may enjoy on this account, the most precious is that we find in our attachment to missions whose outcomes we shall, chiefly, not live to see within the span of our mortal lives. We use our own personal bodies with this goal in view, as should any official who has reason to think about sending men and women to suffer and die in war: for what is their life being expended so? So, we are not winning a war in Iraq, but, rather, we are actually losing our republic and probably much more besides, by the folly of continuing that war like an ego-trip. A military commander who does not agree on that point, is not morally fit to be a military commander.
True virtue lies chiefly in devotion to goals which we, as actors, shall not experience in our lifetimes.
For example. I am presently eighty-five years of age, and would be eighty-six in about another half-year to come. At this time, my passion for the future experience of our nation and of the world at large, is more intense, more impassioned than it has ever been before. The thing I hate the most among my associates, is either evidence of cheap ambition for personal gratification in the short term, or shirking needed commitments to more long-ranging goals, where their passion should be a gloating satisfaction in the benefits which none of us may live to experience, but which we are working to bring about. All really good individual persons, or groups of persons think like that; they think like persons who really know that they are immortal, and know that their future lies in the outcome of their devotion to the future of mankind.
Most important of all, is devotion in impelling people with bad morals and perhaps worse behavior, to become better people. Our duty is not the gospel of hate, which Jeremiah Wright expresses, but to improve the sinners as a mission for improving ourselves, and ourselves even more, and more necessarily, than others.
That is the way a real statesman thinks. Never support a Presidential candidate who refuses to think about such matters as I do.
Meanwhile, choose your candidate carefully. Don't you wish that that terrible thing had never happened?