Are You Neotenous?
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
September 1, 2008
Not all genuinely evil people are also stupid. Take the case of Julian Huxley, who represented a social set which included the following: his grandfather Thomas Huxley; his own mentor and Satanist Aleister Crowley; H.G. Wells; Brigadier John Rawlings Rees; Bertrand Russell; and, Julian's brother Aldous. That collection was just about as evil as the British establishment types come. Nonetheless, Julian either came up with, or merely adopted a concept named "neoteny." He referred to a special case in which the species of a lower form of life stops its process of metamorphosis into adulthood, as at the larval phase, never enters the normal adult form of its species, and reproduces that larval, or comparable phase, in a sexually potent, "neo-adult" larval state. Imagine something like that being done, on a mass scale, to human beings; not in the customary sense of biological; but, culturally. As the clinical case of the 1968ers' "Weathermen" illustrates the case, it has been done to many among the Americans as it was to the European oligarchy.
Foreword: The Coming of the Larva
As you shall see when your study of this report has been completed, that it is significant that, since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, only three Democratic Party nominees for President of the U.S.A. have been elected, since the President Lyndon B. Johnson, elected in 1964, who sensed the guns which sought to kill President de Gaulle, and had killed President Kennedy, as virtually aimed at the nape of his own neck. The two later cases were President Jimmy Carter, in 1976, and President Bill Clinton, the latter the last decent choice of actually incumbent President we have enjoyed, elected for two successive terms, in 1992 and 1996, respectively.
Notably, the two Bush-league Republican candidates elected since President Ronald Reagan's two terms, have turned out to have been shameful choices, or worse. President George H.W. Bush, had proven himself to have been a strategic and economic catastrophe, and his pathetic son, ostensibly chosen by George Shultz, and largely controlled in office by London-oriented Vice-President Dick Cheney, who has been something so low in character as beyond description in terms fit for the proverbial "ears of gentle ladies."
Now, in the coming election, we are presented with a choice between what presently appears to be two catastrophically incompetent nominees.
What I have just summarized, is a pattern which has prevailed, over most of what is approaching three generations since the death of President Franklin Roosevelt. Yet, no one should attempt to isolate the blame to any among those Presidents, as individuals, for this pattern of onrushing catastrophes. Something has gone wrong, not just with our political institutions, but with the decaying culture which has come to dominate the environment of the great majority of the U.S. citizenry (and, notably, also, a probably worse condition in western and central Europe as well). Our failed Presidents have been less the cause of our affliction, than a reflection of the culture which selected them as choices for that office. After all, who elected them? We are presently in the grip of a true, Classical tragedy, a virtually global catastrophe.
As you shall also see, hopefully, when this report is completed, that all this has much importance for those who wish to understand the why of what has happened to bring about the vanishing of our once actually U.S.-owned automobile industry.
As I have indicated in earlier reports, there have been three phases to the post-World War II process which has now landed us at the terminal end of that process of subversion and related corruptions which has now brought the world at large to the brink of a threatened planetary new dark age of mankind. First, there was the cultural shift downward, relative to President Franklin Roosevelt's time, under President Harry Truman. Second, there was the transition period from the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, to the turn of Spring 1968. Third, there has been the downward slide into physical-economic and cultural ruin which has been ongoing since the qualitative shift into a general physical-economic contraction, of 1968-1971.
The near dissolution of our U.S.-flag auto manufacturing industry, our keystone subject here, has been one of the notably crucial results.
The evidence of the rotting trend, not merely in selection of Presidents, but in the rotting quality of our own national culture over this interval, exposes a flaw in the pattern of design of our recent governments, a design which now echoes the commonplace "free trade" and kindred parliamentary traditions in a decadent Europe. This trend is presently overwhelming us. We can now virtually smell the threatened onset, like the sense of a great Summer storm, of a planetary New Dark Age, nearly everywhere in the U.S.A., today.
Thus, since the death of President Franklin Roosevelt, there has been a general trend, downward, among the top layers of the political life of our republic, especially since the assassination of President Kennedy. Even a decent President, or two, or three, within that interval, has not been sufficient, thus far, to reverse this trend in the overall state of the economy. However, now, it has turned much worse. Since the entry of the first George Bush administration, the U.S.A., as well as the governments of western and central Europe, have been plunged deeply into what is presently on the cliff's edge of becoming a global new dark age.
Since early February 2006, the U.S. Congressional leadership under predatory Felix Rohatyn's and George Soros' virtually fascist control over Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, has become almost as bad in its performance as the Bush administration itself, and in its effects on current and coming events, worse.
We now see, thus, a pattern which suggests that we are on the verge of a perpetual descent into what threatens to become a permanently pathetic quality of government, a quality of change which suggests Julian Huxley's image of neoteny. We, with our so-called "Baby Boomers," are becoming, like western and central Europe, virtually a "living theater" performance of the neotenous The Lord of the Flies.
Nonetheless, bad as things have become on both sides of the Atlantic, the past or present, self-inflicted tragedies of leading human cultures, were never inevitable. I am most probably the most successful economic forecaster over a period of more than four decades, but this is because, for scientific reasons, I never predict a crucial outcome, but only forecast the probable threat of an oncoming condition, and propose the actions which must be adopted if the threat of a fresh catastrophe is to be averted.
We must finally learn, contrary to those "kiss-breeches" and "suckfists" called our accountants and statisticians in general, that it is not "inevitable" trends which doom nations and their cultures, but, as the study of the history of tragedy shows, on and off the Classical stage, the typical root of afflictions such as our republic's own today, has been the present moment's lack of a popular acceptance of a good choice of leadership, if it were otherwise available, a leadership which might be qualified to chart a way out of ruin, which thus becomes a movement to safety. Where human creativity is suppressed, as in the decadence of leading universities and popular culture of recent decades, entropy moves in, as, most notably, since late Spring 1968.
Therefore, I have never "predicted;" as only bean-counters such as statisticians, and kindred fools have accused me of predicting. I do not predict; I propose a qualitative change from current directions, to escape what otherwise might be inevitable. In this matter, I have never erred in any long-range forecast, since my first, 1956, relatively short-term forecast of the great recession of 1957, as to occur about February-March 1957, and as I was the only known forecaster of what became the 1971 breakup of the Bretton Woods system during the 1967-1971 interval The way out of today's Buppie-and-Boomer-led plunge into neoteny, is possible; but, only if we choose to bring on that possibility, instead of letting the alternative come by default.
On that account, as I shall stress, in appropriate moments in this report, Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa, who was otherwise one among the greatest builders of the best of modern history, is a key to defining the required quality of leadership needed for today.
1. Our Atlantic Era
The later, successful birth of modern European civilization as the successor to Europe's Fourteenth-Century New Dark Age, owed much to the devotion of Jeanne d'Arc, despite her martyrdom at English Norman hands. Contrary to the frauds by later British literary scoundrels treating that subject, the relevant drama of the great Friedrich Schiller followed faithfully the actually principled features of her case. The evidence is then clear, that her devotion in real life, inspired leaders of the Christian Church of that time, and led, by way of the great ecumenical Council of Florence, to the realization of the first modern European nation-state under France's great King Louis XI, a king much admired and copied by England's Henry VII, but, not Henry VIII, and not under the reign, to present date, of the British monarchy established under King George I.
However, we do have available options for saving civilization, if we are wise enough, and also able to secure the authority to choose them.
As I have said, repeatedly, on appropriate occasions, the crucial historical figure of that century has turned out to have been Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa, whose heritage has had three outstanding political features. First, the design for the establishment of the modern sovereign nation-state, his Concordancia Catholica. Second, his founding of all competent strains of modern physical science, his De Docta Ignorantia. Third, as I emphasize for the purpose of this occasion, is his posthumous inspiration of the Christopher Columbus who based himself on the counsel of Cusa in adopting his own devotion to crossing the Atlantic Ocean, a mission which Columbus adopted for the specific purpose which Cusa had specified in the writings which inspired Columbus to this end.
The case which I have thus set before you now, has been properly introduced in those terms of reference.
The New World
In the case of the inspiration for the founding of the English-speaking colonies in North America, the leading colonists and their backers followed a precedent implicit in what are termed in modern times as ancient, Classical, so-called Greek sources. That ancient culture was, notably, a principal maritime culture of the Mediterranean, which referenced the existence of a still earlier, Atlantic maritime culture. It was, so to speak, in the bones of that far-ranging maritime tradition, that the apparent futility of living in a certain habitual place which was then deemed to represent incurable cultural faults, would impel bold souls to organize a flotilla for movement to a new colony deemed to represent a quality of advantage, such as that of a relatively safe distance from their present, culturally contaminated habitation.
The outcome of the practice of that lesson from Classical Greece, had included, prominently, Cusa's recommendation for escaping the depraved situation in the Mediterranean region after the fall of Constantinople. Cusa's specifications, with included, relevant scientific-technical details supplied by Cusa's circles, were what prompted Columbus, from about A.D. 1480 on, to make the later, 1492 and later trans-Atlantic passages to the continent on the opposite shore. The first passages required approximately the lapse of time which Columbus expected.
This passage inspired the wave of trans-Atlantic colonization, by proffering, as Sir Thomas More's Utopia implied, the opportunity to colonize a new place at a relatively safe distance from the cultural depravity which reigned under the then-existing Venetian and associated oligarchy within Europe, an infestation of neo-Venetian oligarchism which prevails in Europe, still, today, in the underlying intention of the parliamentary and related oligarchical relics of so-called "feudalism" there today.
The success of the American Revolution, actually over the period 1763-1789, following the British decision to crush the English colonies in North America, reflected an earlier decision made in the context of the February 1763 Treaty of Paris. That decision provoked the colonists into forming what thus became the leading realization of the intention of that colonization which had been set into motion earlier by the influence of Nicholas of Cusa on the intentions of navigator Christopher Columbus.
This notion of the benefit to mankind of colonization in distant lands, has been the root of the functional significance of the American English-speaking colonies in North America, to the present day. This is also what General Douglas MacArthur recognized in Curtin's Australia. That has been the potential which U.S. leaders such as John Quincy Adams, in crafting President Monroe's "doctrine," recognized in the future of the formation of the independent, post-colonial, sovereign states of Central and South America, once those states were freed from control by Europe's Anglo-Dutch Liberal tyranny. This is the underlying, long-ranging, crucial importance of the United States, even as debased as it has become, to the present day.
That then, already existing problem of Europe which Cusa recognized in his time, persists to the present day. The potential remedy is now also expressed in the special importance, for humanity at large, of the development of the great Asian nations, such as China and India today. This is the source of the continued special significance of Russia today, as being, not merely Russia's vast resources, but its historic mission as the world's leading Eurasian culture, a culture upon whose revived, U.S-modeled, science-driven industrial development in the tradition of Franklin Roosevelt, much of the possibility of a happy future for western and central Europe now depends.
Since Cusa, France's Louis XI, and England's Henry VII, there have been some relatively great periods in this or that nook of modern European culture. Post-Westphalia France under the influence of Cardinal Mazarin and Jean-Baptiste Colbert, is an outstanding case, as was a brief period of Queen Anne's England under the influence of Gottfried Leibniz, and the mid-to-late Eighteenth-Century, Classical movement under the leadership of such as Abraham Kästner, Gotthold Lessing and Moses Mendelssohn, and under Josef Haydn, Wolfgang Mozart, Lazare Carnot, Goethe, Friedrich Schiller, and the Humboldt brothers, and under the leadership of the Carl F. Gauss, Lejeune Dirichlet, and Bernhard Riemann of the 1840s and 1850s. There was a later kind of Renaissance in Europe, following, and largely shaped by the U.S. victory over the British Empire and its Confederacy puppet over a period during the 1860s, into the 1880s, until the ouster of Bismarck in 1890.[1]
The Sickness
Yet, in all, as we in the U.S.A., and the Americas generally, have felt the ebbs and flows of the cultural tides of civilization in Europe, for worse or better, not only during the Eighteenth Century, but over the course of the span of the rise of the U.S. to become a great power during the Nineteenth Century as a whole, the oligarchical weaknesses in "Old Europe" have been the source, time and time again, for us and for other nations, of the same worst afflictions, such as the types of Rohatyn and Soros, transported to us, here.
Largely as a result of the two so-called "world wars" created by the London-centered Anglo-Dutch Liberal interests, Europe still carries the endemic moral sickness from which the leading colonists of North America fled, a legacy of the neo-medieval oligarchism of parliamentary systems, from which our leading colonists had fled, but of which Europe has yet to be cured. This has been a sickness which arrives in the Americas, again and again, like flotsam, as if with the new dawn's coming upon our Atlantic shore, a disease known as the Anglo-Dutch Liberalism which, among other flotsam, gave the world Mussolini and Hitler. It is a financier-oligarchical sickness, which could prove fatal, unless cured very soon, or, otherwise, the United States, too, will go down to a virtual Hell born of the spread of imported financier-oligarchical tyrannies typified by the predatory, alien grip of foreign financier predators on the U.S.A. today.
What has made possible this presently recent, moral degeneration of our own U.S. political system, a descent into its advanced state of decadent, political and economic morbidity since the mid-1960s, today, is a fungus typified by the rise of what became an artificially shaped, neotenous generation developed in that pathological form, from among the suburban layer born into the "White Collar" and "Organization Man" breed, between 1945 and about 1958.
This neotenous degeneration emerged in the U.S. of the middle to late 1960s, as a specific part of a larger generation aptly compared to the youth of the children and adolescents of the ostensibly fictional The Lord of the Flies. Today, this social formation, represented chiefly in a certain part of the generation now in their fifties and sixties, has distinguishing characteristics, as a kind of special caste-formation, which is anti-"blue-collar," anti-farmer, anti-nuclear, and neo-malthusianist, as this is merely typified by the co-thinkers of an obnoxious royal London pet from Possum Hollow, former U.S. Vice-President Al Gore.
The same pathological influence developed in the relevant "white collar" households of that time, was replicated in Europe in a particularly vicious form of intellectual and moral degeneration, under the influence of an existentialist, implicitly pro-Satanic, Congress for Cultural Freedom and, in a related form, the influence of such as Crowley, H.G. Wells, Bertrand Russell, and the Cambridge Systems Analysis group, an influence spread into the Soviet Union in such Russell outgrowths as the Laxenberg, Austria International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA).
That aspect of "the Baby Boomer" culture, as reflected back within the U.S.A. itself, typifies the notion of a neotenous form of human cultural degeneration in the modern world of European culture today.
This is what has happened to ruin many of the people of the United States culturally and morally: most notably among the Baby-Boomer caste-formation. We should recognize an earlier, even ancient precedent for this in a similar, Dionysian, or Dionysian-like pattern in the decline of many modern, medieval, and ancient cultures. We should recognize it in perspective when we contrast such types of Baby-Boomers and their culturally specific forms of conditioning by the "White Collar" and "Organization Man" cults of the 1950s, with what we should have recognized as the genius expressed in the design of the ancient great pyramid of Giza, or in the related case of the acquisition of knowledge of the form of physical science known as Sphaerics by such as the Pythagoreans and Plato.
The relevant evidence of this, is that, often, in history or credible evidence of pre-history from deep into the last great wave of glaciation, many known cultures have been progressive offshoots of a reaction against the degeneration of earlier ones: just as the constitutional system founded by immigrants to the colonization of the Americas was expressed in the establishment of the United States, as an escape from the persisting decadence within "Old Europe."
We also have some clinically conclusive evidence of the way in which the reverse of such cultural degeneration occurs. Usually, some part of society moves away from the degenerated part of its current culture, usually by basing its fresh development on nurturing evidence from an earlier cultural renaissance. Just so, the rebirth of ancient physical science, in the form of the modern European science, was built on the foundations of such as the Pythagoreans and Plato, and the program of colonization, defined by Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa, which sent Christopher Columbus across the Atlantic to lead a flood of Europeans migrating from corrupted Europe into new settlements such as those of pre-1689 Massachusetts.
We do not know presently, how many times in the existence of the human species, that a renaissance has expressed the legacy of an earlier, relatively superior form of culture. The best evidence of a categorical quality known for this purpose, is the evidence of the roots of competent physical scientific practice in the development of astronomy by ancient, transoceanic maritime cultures existing during the long glaciation of a time when the ocean levels were about as much as four hundred feet below current ones.
We also know, that the great change in economy and statecraft which has shaped the course of world events since the U.S. victory over London's Confederacy puppet, was, most emphatically, the effect of the development of the U.S. transcontinental railway system as the crucial shift in the nature of modern economy which has been the threat to which the British empire reacted with its preparation and launching of that change in world affairs typified by that empire's orchestration of launching the horrid events typified by both of two "world wars," the so-called "cold war," and the present effort to eradicate the institution of the sovereign nation-state through the proposed new "Tower of Babel" called "globalization.
We should have known, by now, that unless we defended the character of our United States as a refuge from the endemic sickness of Europe, that that creeping sickness would take us over, as we find the hand of British corruption of the minds and bodies of our institutions and of so many among our citizens controlling our nation's will and destiny now. "Globalization," expressed typically as so-called "environmentalism," is that potentially fatal, creeping sickness.
That is what is expressed in the form of the spreading "neoteny" spread by our Baby Boomers and their like today. Such is the present crisis of "The Atlantic Era," the crisis engulfing the world today.
2. The Coming of the Baby Boomers
As I have outlined the evidence in sundry earlier locations, the "Baby Boomers" and their echo in the phenomenon called the "Buppies," is a sickness, not a lawfully natural phenomenon of healthy human minds. Without the moral sickness which that section of the population represents, the present economic crisis of the United States, including, specifically, the destruction of the American-owned auto industry, could not have happened.
This matter requires a brief introduction into the relevant areas of deep background.
The "Baby Boomers" are not a generation, but, rather a "degeneration." They are not an age-group, even though they are, principally, part of an age-group. They are a social-economic caste.
We do, or could know a great deal about characteristics of "class," "caste," and other special behavior in some types of historically defined societies. All in all, the best insight into "naturally human behavior" of all cultural varieties of mankind, is available to us through studies of the ways such phenomena emerge in various expressions of cultural evolutions. What we can fairly say that we actually "know" about cultures, is what we are able to prove to be some of the ways in which the knowable principles of "naturally human behavior" are expressed, or suppressed in cultures which evidence permits us to examine more or less closely.
What we actually know about the matter of social neoteny considered in this present report, is clear evidence that most of what we tend to regard, especially academically, as principles of "sociology" or "cultural anthropology," or "law," is a well-defined topic if and when it is considered as the product of what should prove to have been some clearly definable sort of hocus-pocus, or, perhaps, simply the usual case of those apparently literate persons who mistake mere "information" (e.g., "facts") for human "intelligence." However, there is nothing properly called "natural" about the mode in which the massively "brainwashed" class of "Baby Boomers" in the 50-65 age-group today came into being.[2] It is not a "social class;" it is a "caste," which, in this case, is distinguished by the caste's cult-like trappings of something like a primitive religion with, like the famous de-composed Richard Wagner, specifically Dionysian-like characteristics.[3]
To understand that caste, and its effects on society, what we actually know about the principled nature of mankind in general, is the fact that there is probably no part of mankind as a whole which lacks the manifestly "inborn" distinction of the human individual from all lower forms of life: creativity, as I use that term in matters of physical science and Classical artistic composition. Yet, the characteristic of most known societies is the systematic suppression of that creative potential among the largest part of a society's population. The pro-Malthusian and related characteristics of the phenomenon of the Baby-Boomer caste formation, are typical expressions of the characteristic of that social formation as a quasi-religious cult, a specifically Dionysian (e.g., pro-Satanic) caste.
Among English-Speakers
The typical root of this specific, "Baby Boomer" and kindred brutalization of intellectual life in the English-speaking world, is the phenomenon of so-called "Liberalism." Liberals in general are not necessarily "Baby Boomers;" rather, the Baby Boomers as a caste-formation, are a case of a fanatical cult-form, derived from the foundation of the specifically Ockhamite, as distinct from Aristotelean irrationalism. Sarpi's neo-Ockhamite system of what became modern Anglo-Dutch Liberalism, the social base of what was built up in what became, under Sarpi's influence, the maritime regions of what became his Protestant northern Europe. That term, Liberalism, strictly employed, signifies the substitution of induced customs as replacement for the functions of actual human intelligence, as in the case of the specifically Sarpian form of deluded belief induced among academics duped into genuflecting before the delusion that Isaac Newton was a scientist, or the similarly foolish idea that Euler made honest objections to Leibniz's concept of the infinitesimal.
What we know of the principles of human intelligence, is chiefly what we know of the way in which creativity is suppressed among, for example, the typical university graduate, and others, of our society today, as the point is made in the video production on the subject of the Baby-Boomer's hand in crafting the specific quality of decadence commonplace to the teaching of academic science today, "The Harvard Yard."[4] In this and related cases, customary taught belief is substituted for actual scientific proof, and the ritual of a virtually proprietary, descriptive language of mathematical formulations is substituted, as by Liberalism (e.g., empiricism, positivism), for actual knowledge of experimentally validated natural principles.
In the U.S.A. today, for example, the typical standard of mental behavior in nearly all social classes, is the desire to be overheard saying what will be accepted among the members of the social grouping to which one's ego is appealing for recognition and affectionate stroking. Such people do not recognize their behavior for what it is: They are, in effect, being efficiently "brainwashed."
At the present moment, a sweeping shift in cultural trends is under way in the U.S.A., in particular. It is a shift of authority during the recent two years, even if it is only one in progress, a shift away from the largely self-discredited "68ers" of the political class most clearly, toward the potential new center of leading social influence in political life, a layer centered presently in their 40's. We in the U.S.A. are as if caught in political midstream, between the present hegemony of the domination of our political and related life by a caste-like formation within the generation in their fifties and sixties, who have lost their way, and, on the other hand, those only presently at the verge of establishing their leading influence. That has been most emphatically the experience of the recent Democratic Party Presidential primary campaigns.
In this transition, the worst of the lot still in leading positions are the traditionally "white collar" "sixty-eighter" expressions of a lunatic cult like that of the English Luddites of the early Nineteenth Century, today's artificially induced, mentally diseased cult of post-industrial "environmentalism," as typified, in a typically disgusting form, by the case of virtual American moral expatriate, Soros-related, former Vice-President Al Gore.
To illustrate the way in which a caste-formation (as distinct from a social class) operates inside the U.S.A. today, take the clinical case of the entirely arbitrary destruction of the U.S.A.'s own automobile industry by this "Baby-Boomer" cult.
The 'Auto Industry' Syndrome
The last gasp of the credibility of the "Baby Boomer" generation came, largely at my prompting, during the immediate aftermath of the November 2004 Presidential election. I called out to the Baby Boomer leadership in the ranks of the Democratic Party, and elsewhere, to get up off the floor of the dubiously certified defeat of the Kerry Presidential campaign, and rally to defend Social Security against the lunatic efforts to loot and wreck it, efforts coming from the George W. Bush, Jr. Administration.
The Democratic Party stalwarts and also some key Republicans rallied to this patriotic cause—until February 2006.
In the meantime, at the close of 2004, I launched an effort to save the machine-tool-centered economic potential of the U.S. auto industry against evident clear intentions to shut down that last major bastion of what the U.S. economy had once been. In the Spring of 2005, the frankly fascist Felix Rohatyn of "Big Mac" and "Pinochet" notoriety, intervened directly against me, arguing that I was, in effect, a potential new "Franklin Roosevelt," and that this, and my role must be stopped. In February 2006, the Congressional leadership capitulated to Rohatyn's line, and the U.S. auto industry has virtually disappeared, and with it most of the once-great political-economic power of the U.S.A.
The U.S. Congress has been virtually dead under "Squeaker" of the House Nancy Pelosi, ever since February 2006. However Pelosi could not have conducted the wrecking job which she has done for the advantage of Rohatyn and George Soros, to date, but for the "Baby Boomer" factor inside the Congress and that Boomer age-group's leadership of the Democratic Party generally.
As I had emphasized from the close of 2004 onwards, it would be impossible to "save" the auto industry in its present form. The post-industrial orientation launched against the Franklin Roosevelt legacy after the close of World War II, had focused on using the automobile and related aircraft industries as a way of shutting down what had been the bulwark of the great U.S. industrial revolution since the mid-Nineteenth Century, the agro-industrial development based on the role of the emergence of a transcontinental railway system.
There are, in fact, two automobile industries. One is a manufacturing industry; the other is the worship of a cult of worship of the Boomer's modern golden calf, the car. In recent times, that manufacturing industry has virtually disappeared. Such a variety of industry exists, and has operating branches inside the U.S.A.; but, it is a foreign industry which has ceased to exist as an actual U.S. industry, like many other former U.S. industries which have either virtually died out, or are expressed for Americans, chiefly, in terms of products made by foreign interests, even when not by foreign sources.
3. The Myth of the Automobile
The development of transcontinental railway systems, had been a U.S.-piloted, modern supplement to Charlemagne's pioneering development of a European system of inland waterways. This development became the driver of the great agro-industrial development of the U.S.A. and its power in the world from President Lincoln's administration onward. The essential feature of this industrial revolution over the period from President Lincoln through President Franklin Roosevelt, had been the build-up of the scientific potential represented by the machine-tool sector, and the great development of the industries which developed knowledge and practice of scientific principles into the form of a highly developed machine-tool skill through whose role large-scale and other manufacturing industries, were established. Formerly, many among these industries had been world leaders. Since about Fiscal Year 1967-68, that U.S.A. economy has been gripped by a process of destruction by the complicity between its own government and ruling Anglo-American financier interests.
The history of the U.S. automobile industry since that time, has been closely tied with the British empire's fear, which it experienced during 1863-1865, a fear expressed in the view that the United States under President Abraham Lincoln was probably going to defeat London's puppet, the Confederacy, in the course of Lincoln's commitment to defending the Union. This turn in the course of that Civil War did not actually kill Lord Palmerston; but, it did ruin the policies of attempted containment, dissolution, and other systemic wrecking of the U.S.A. which the British Foreign Office of Lord Shelburne's Jeremy Bentham (and Bentham's successor Palmerston) had played since the closing years of the U.S. War of Independence until Lincoln's victory.
It was the development of the transcontinental railway system, especially as by the methods unleashed under President Lincoln, which had brought into being a quality of the U.S. republic as Secretary of State and President John Quincy Adams had intended, a republic which would become a transcontinental sovereign within its Atlantic, Pacific, Canadian, and Mexican borders.
This was a U.S. achievement which also became known as the "geopolitical" threat to the British maritime power represented by the effect of the industrial, agricultural, and railway development of the U.S.A., as this was manifest over the course of the 1861-1876 interval. This U.S. development was one of the leading reasons that the British assassinated Lincoln, and, probably were directly engaged, later, in the strategically crucial assassination of President McKinley, as well. This was the motive, and remains the motive of the London imperialists to the present moment.[5]
In two World Wars, the influence of the U.S.A. on continental Eurasian development, and the vast superiority of American economic methods over those of the British Empire, signaled to London that the U.S.A. must be destroyed, if the British Empire were to continue to rule the waves of the world.
Any political, or military strategist who does not recognize this most essential feature of world history as a whole since 1863-1865, is virtually an idiot in the matter of strategic outlook on world affairs, however skilled he, or she might be in the relatively minor arts of the military and diplomatic trades.
The creation of the post-World War II "Baby Boomer" generation (were "de-generation" not a better term) is essentially a post-World War II, Truman Administration-promoted, but chiefly British-crafted outgrowth of this strategic reality of the essential, mortal conflict between the U.S.A. patriots and the British imperial design of its monetary system.[6] The way in which the automobile industry had been built up (most notably, since the 1920s), and the U.S. railway system taken down (actually beginning, about 1926, but, more emphatically, after the close of World War II), is a crucially revealing aspect of this existential form of strategic cultural conflict between the patriots of the U.S.A., and our republic's principal foes of the entire 1763-2008 interval to date, the British imperialists and their American assets within our economy and political parties.
The way in which the U.S. automobile industry was, undeniably, first, built up, to undermine the railway systems, and then taken down, as now, can not be competently assessed without taking into account such crucial issues as the strategic superiority of rail, and comparable mass-transit systems over personal automobiles as a mode for transport of people, or of high-value-density, or very heavy freight over medium to long distances.
This means, that while the automobile as a supplementary means of personal transportation, has a significant, continuing place in daily life, the replacement of mass transport systems by individually operated transport, has been, in large, an expression, at higher strategic levels, of a more or less fully witting intent to bring down the United States' economy, and, thus, the power of the United States otherwise.
No sane person could honestly deny that the combination of increased reliance on highway commuting by trucks and passenger vehicles has ruined the standard of living of households who have been victimized by the increase of lapsed time in commuting. No sane person, and no competent accountant, could deny the importance of replacing that costly highway congestion by mass transit systems. No competent economist could deny that the need to replace lost railway transport by short-haul airline traffic has contributed to the ruin of many things, including the airlines and airport facilities.[7]
It should therefore be obvious, that any political figure who does not grasp, and concur with the point I have just made, is not competent to serve as President of the U.S.A. at this time.
Once such facts are recognized and understood, there is no real mystery about either the why or the how of the manner in which that aberrant caste-formation, the "Baby Boomers," was created synthetically inside the U.S.A. and in western Europe beginning the close of World War II. Taking the issues in the light of the alien role of the Baby-Boomer caste, consider the difference between an automobile as a useful tool for certain specific kinds of cases of transportation, and the use of the automobile as a virtually sexual expression of a cult-formation.[8]
Look at the most relevant expression of not only the obscene noises from the rumble-seat of the past, but today's proverbial, often rage-driven "nut behind the wheel," the Baby Boomer today.
The Boomer as Your Enemy
The emergence of the Baby Boomer generation[9] from its egg-and-early-larval stages, during the late 1960s, and that generation's neotenously quasi-adult phase as "the 68ers,"[10] was the expression of the work of the circles of followers of Aleister Crowley, H.G. Wells, and Bertrand Russell of the 1920s and 1930s. Russell, in the post-World War II decades, emphasized his continuation of the Wells-Russell project which Russell identified publicly as his contribution to World Government established through Nuclear Warfare, beginning in his contribution to the September 1946 issue of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.
The Bertrand Russell of the late 1940s and beyond, while lacking Wells' earthy ways, but equally nasty in other respects, was, essentially, echoing both H.G. Wells' The Open Conspiracy and The Shape of Things to Come.[11] By the end of the war, with Wells dead, Russell carried on through such channels as the later establishment of his penetration of the Soviet Union through his World Parliamentarians for World Government, and through the Club of Rome-linked, Laxenberg, Austria International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) as an outlet for the influence of Russell's Cambridge Systems Analysis cult's penetration of the Soviet system, and beyond.[12] This same crew played a crucial leading part, together with Britain's Prince Philip and his crony, former SS official Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, and, thus, with Dame Margaret Mead, in the creating and continuing sponsoring of the Club of Rome and related associations such as the World Wildlife Fund.[13]
If you wish to ask, what was Russell's motive, read relevant excerpts taken from[14] Russell's Prospects of Industrial Civilization[15] and his later The Impact of Science on Society.[16]
From the former, read: "The decay of individual passions brings with it, first of all, a diminution of individuality. In a thoroughly industrialized community, such as the United States, there is little appreciable difference between one person and another; ... A lunatic who kills his wife with every circumstance of horror, is a public benefactor, since he livens things up."
Then, from Russell's Impact of Science on Society, consider the revealing following excerpts:
"Bad times, you say, are exceptional, and can be dealt with by exceptional methods. This has been more or less true during the honeymoon period of industrialism, but it will not remain true unless the increase of population can be enormously diminished. At present [1953] the population of the world is increasing at about 58,000 per diem. War, so far, has had no very great effect on this increase, which continued through each of the world wars.... War ... has hitherto been disappointing in this respect ... but perhaps bacteriological war may prove more effective. If a Black Death could spread throughout the world once in every generation, survivors could procreate freely without making the world too full.... The state of affairs might be somewhat unpleasant, but what of it? Really high-minded people are indifferent to happiness, especially other people's." Russell yearns for a world controlled by a medieval aristocracy, in which "the present urban and industrial centers will have become derelict, and their inhabitants, if still alive, will have reverted to the peasant hardships of their medieval ancestors."
Then, in the same book, he presents his own personal motives, his British oligarchical hatred directed against our United States:
"As for public life, when I first became politically conscious Gladstone and Disraeli still confronted each other amid Victorian solidities, the British Empire seemed eternal, the country was rich, aristocratic, and growing richer.... For an old man, with such a background, it is difficult to feel at home in a world of ... American supremacy."
In reading those quoted passages, you must remind yourself, that the attitude expressed by Russell is not that of some isolated case of a British eccentric; Russell is, as I have emphasized at the outset of this report, a key figure among those who have largely shaped the policies of contemporary post-Nineteenth-Century Liberalism, especially that of the English-speaking world.
The entire Liberal establishment of the United States, when the term "Liberal" is properly employed, is a product of precisely that British Liberalism which the aristocratic Russell not only typifies, but in which he has played a very large part, together with the Fabian Society and his more earthy, plebeian political sibling H.G. Wells. What I have cited from his writings in this location is typical of the kind of thinking we meet today in the public expressions of the Royal Consort, Prince Philip, of World Wildlife Fund (WWF) notoriety, and with Philip's late close associate, Nazi-SS veteran Prince Bernhard, or with the views expressed by Prince Charles and Charles' lackey, and former U.S. Vice-President, Al Gore.
Against such evil fellows as those British types and their American flunkeys, the silly variety of typical U.S. citizen, with his so-called "practical" opinions, is virtually "putty in their hands," is a poor fellow who believes almost any piece of sophist "explanation" by which he is cheating himself of his liberty, and, perhaps, his life, and that of his family, too. The American fool of that type, is his own worst enemy, who does not recognize the Satanic quality of the British imperial crowd which Russell describes with such brutal candor.
To understand the significance of the crisis of the U.S. auto industry, we must clear away the fog of popular delusions which envelop and protect the intention expressed by Britain's Prince Philip and his late accomplice, Nazi-SS veteran Prince Bernhard's role behind the project of the World Wildlife Fund, to continue the intentions of Adolf Hitler's regime by reducing the present world population from a level of about six-and-a-half billions, to about two billions persons.[17]
Ignorant people in high places in Europe or the Americas, believe that simple financial profit and the like, are the glue which holds imperial passions, such as those of the British Empire, together. On the contrary, it is the same aristocratic principle affirmed by Russell, the security of a social system of aristocratic world rule, which is the underlying motive of the feudalist imperial power, not the mere financial gain as such which the Anglo-Dutch Liberal financier interest treasures as the principal economic interest of imperial power. The financier robber-baron of the Anglo-Dutch Liberal stripe, or a similarly corrupted American, desires nothing as passionately as being "born again" as a "Euro-aristocrat."[18] It is those systems, including physical-economic progress, which tend to undermine the power of international monetarist usury, which imperial agents such as Prince Philip are determined to destroy, if they can not prevent them.
The foolish American fails to recognize that the United States has never been menaced by any actually formidable, ultimate enemy, who was not essentially a tool of that British Empire which had set the Japan of 1895-1945 for war against us, and others, and which is setting us up for similar sorts of surrogates' attacks upon us right now.
How and why do you imagine that Prime Minister Tony Blair, through lies and possibly a relevant assassination of one who exposed his fraud, induced the U.S.A. to buy a pack of British lies which brought us, under Dick Cheney's pawn, silly President George W. Bush, Jr., into a long wasting war in Iraq during which we virtually lost our U.S.A. ground forces, while also thoroughly wrecking what had remained of our U.S. economy.[19]
There are numerous bad Americans, but the bad Americans would not have succeeded in ruining us as they have done, but for far too many just-plain-dumb Americans, including some Harvard graduates, especially those of the Baby Boomer class.
Think of the things to which I have just pointed, and you may be on the verge of understanding the current crisis in the cult of American auto-eroticism.
The Myth of the Automobile
Since the aftermath of the Napoleonic wars, the center of all credible threats to a British empire with Habsburg appendages trailing after, has been the United States of America's role as a bastion of the kind of alternative expressed by the intentional design of our Federal Constitution, its Preamble most notably. It is on exactly this point, that any competent understanding of the causes for the rise and fall of the U.S. auto industry depends, and that absolutely. There can be no competent psychological understanding of the recent crisis of that auto industry, and of the cure of that sickness, from any different standpoint.
There are two principal aspects of that cause of conflict at this present time. First, uppermost, is the British Empire's persuasion that its successful corruption of the U.S.A. culture has brought the U.S. into the pitiable condition at which London's assets, such as the ideologues Felix Rohatyn and London's own leading drug-trade-pusher and foreign agent George Soros could bring down the U.S.A. once and for all, thus clearing the way for the elimination of other obstacles, such as China, India, and Russia. Second, is the orchestration of the social-political-cultural processes inside the U.S.A. which are intended to ruin the U.S.A. to British advantage as from the inside. The auto-industry case is exemplary, for this reason.
Today, there is a cry to save our automobile industry. That is a childish far cry from reality, and I am well-qualified to speak of this, since I have the hash-marks of a leader in the recent economic war to end the insanity which Ford's McNamara and Wall Street control of General Motors caused, my commitment to save the actually useful features of that industry, as I gained those stripes, in February 2006, when the leaders of the Congress and most leaders of the major parties had thrown the entire industry on the dump, all on the orders of swindlers like Felix Rohatyn. What had I said about that issue since the end of 2004 and the very beginning of 2005? Let us consult the record, and ask: who was right, and who did, and is still doing wrong?
Let us also settle accounts with the foolish people who propose to save that industry itself, rather than save the machine-tool capability of which that industry is merely an aspect.
I said, again and again:
I said that we could not save the auto industry on its present scale of operations. Try that, and you not only lose that industry, but you wreck the chances for organizing a recovery of a U.S. economy which is already careening down the highway toward bankruptcy Hell. Some idiots (or, worse) listened to the Felix Rohatyn of Pinochet fame; you can blame them, if you wish, but you should really blame yourself for being either stupid enough, cowardly enough, or crooked enough to believe him. I said, repeatedly, we must save the auto industry by taking it back to its roots, to the development of the machine-tool industry which created the auto industry as one of its many lines of products.
Stop using the silly name used by the usually silly variety of so-called management consultants: "Auto Industry." Say, instead, "That machine-tool sector which enabled us to win World War II, while also rescuing the U.S. economy from the great Depression which Coolidge and Hoover built."
I said then, that we must hive off, for other employment, those sections of what is called the "auto industry," which contain two elements. First, and foremost: the machine-tool design sector as such. Secondly, and that only secondly, the portion of the general manufacturing labor-force which is associated with those relevant elements of the machine-tool sector which must be redirected back to the kind of manifold missions that sector fulfilled during periods such as World Wars I and II. We earmarked specific plants of the so-called auto industry, which should be reclassified to this effect.
In presenting this specific subject-matter, I must also point out the way in which the auto industry was wrecked from the inside, as since the days of that misguided accountant, Robert "Slickum" McNamara, relative to the development of the auto industry in Asia, notably Japan and Korea, and, to a significant degree in pre-1989 Germany. It was the U.S.A.'s playing down the crucial role which must be played by emphasis on scientifically advanced machine-tool design, which set up that U.S. industry for its downfall. In effect, General Motors wrecked the railroads, and then, by the same methods, bankrupted itself.
The first step toward saving that sector of the U.S. economy now, is to get rid of the financier interests which have had full responsibility for wrecking and looting that industry in the first place. Get the paws of Felix Rohatyn and his like out of all strategically important aspects of the U.S. economy.
In 2004-2005, I proposed that the U.S. Federal Government, which has the primary responsibility for that basic economic infrastructure which silly incumbent U.S. governments have been casting adrift since 1967-68, must, like the legendary Rip Van Winkle, come awake again, to create the categories of infrastructure which we have lost to deliberate ruin, by attrition and intentional neglect over the now nearly forty years of Federal lunacy and the reign of the Baby-Boomer sect of former Vice-President Al Gore, et al.
Large-scale water management, such as the desperately needed rescue of the Mississippi basin which drains the area of the nation between the two principal North-South riparian systems. Get the trucks and private autos largely off the highway to national ruin, by providing a modern rail- or maglev-based transcontinental transport system for the principal modes of transport of passengers and freight. Get out of the rust-bin by launching a national nuclear-power network, the only economically competent system available for today and our future, and instead of relying upon the less efficient, and much more costly imported petroleum for power, use high-energy-flux-density nuclear power systems to generate local and regional supplies of hydrogen-based synthetic fuels for aircraft and automobiles, in addition to producing fuels for regional heating and air conditioning in the principal local and regional areas of habitation. Use these types of large-scale Federal and auxiliary state and local infrastructure projects to generate expanded agriculture and manufacturing, while ending the monstrously silly and wasteful overgrowth of "white collar" employment, by returning to emphasis on actually productive forms of employment, with emphasis on increased rations of employment in categories of all-purpose machine-tool design and experiment.
Under such programs, the ration of automobiles required, per capita, per square kilometer, and per hour of the per-capita day, would be reduced to a sizeable fraction of the current ratio. Hours per day of commuting time would be eliminated, or substantially reduced, giving children their parents back again, and ending the situation in which it is difficult for adults to recall exactly whom they can recall as the identity of their spouse.
Let's get back to being human again.
Therefore, let's divide the form of machine-tool design and related categories between a shrunken auto industry employment, and a greatly expanded variety of alternatives, once again. Let us save the states, cities, and other local communities, and families, we are presently permitting to be destroyed, destroyed through policies of people such as Felix Rohatyn and Britain's anti-American agent, and drug-traffic promoter George Soros. Let us put the full capacity of what some people thought was just an auto industry back into operation again, by putting the emphasis on the principle of science-driven machine-tool design, rather than taking in each other's laundry, if you still have laundry worth washing.
4. The Case of Russia in Eurasia
As we turn our attention now to Eurasia, with emphasis on the role of Eurasian Russia in Asia generally, we must not lose sight of the fact that this chapter's discussion addresses a situation in which the so-called Baby-Boomer generation, with its strategic factor of neoteny, is a leading controlling factor, functionally, of that generation's presently dominant role in several governments, and therefore a crucial factor of the 1968-2008 crisis in the world as a whole. The Baby Boomer factor, the factor of neoteny, is key for understanding the presently manifest sheer lunacy of the current behavior of the U.S. government, the leading U.S. political parties, the special, controlling role of the British government's BAE and related connections to the crucial role of Saudi Arabia, and the sheer lunacy steering the present international monetary-financial situation.
Back during the 1970s, I had a New York City meeting with an Israeli gentleman who was one of the celebrated statesmen of the preceding decades. At one point, he put in a word of caution: Do not forget that some leaders of the region (to which our conversation was devoted) "are clinically insane." He expanded; I could not but agree.
The case of Russia in Eurasia is a phase-spatial aspect of a world situation which, itself, is dominated by the "Baby Boomer" factor in, especially, the Americas and western and central Europe. Such are the dynamics of the present world situation. Worse than insane individual heads of state or government, is the insanity of a dominant layer of several governments, a layer like the neotenous Baby-Boomer element dominating key institutions of a number of crucially important governments today. The recent incident in Georgia should remind us, that this factor of insanity is a factor with which Russia, in particular, is contending today, not only in Georgia.
As a citizen of the U.S.A., I am worrying about the security of a nation which should be a key, cooperating partner of the U.S.A., Russia. Russia's economic security is therefore an important part of U.S. strategic self- interests. My worry is not just about Russians. It is my worry about the important physical-economic role which Russia must play in the present and future economy of the world at large, and, also, how the lack of progress in this area affects the U.S.A. I am worrying about a lack of truly modern Russian successes in the area of non-military production there, and, therefore, my worry about Russia's tendency toward disproportionate economic reliance on what are otherwise, admittedly, its treasures of natural resources.
This is a Russian problem; but, the effect which should concern us the most, is the fact that the problem involved is essentially global. This is the case, since Russia is the keystone of the entire Eurasian continental system of economic development, and its agricultural and machine-tool grade manufacturing capabilities ought to be recognized as a much-needed, contributing factor for the survival of the world economy as a whole.
The crucial conceptual problem which I am addressing at this point in this report, is a prevalent failure in theoretical economics, one which is generic for the prevalent systems of accounting and physical economy, in nearly all cases, world-wide today. For example: no nation appears to have become capable, so far, of understanding the true meaning of "profit." In fact, because of the influence of monetarist forces in financial accounting over thinking about today's economic theory, and related governmental programs, today's taught economics is intrinsically incompetent in respect to the tasks posed by the physical results needed, per capita and per square kilometer of the territory of nations.
The other name for that problem is: a lack of mastery of true, individual, human creativity.
The world we have entered since the financial crises of 1997-98, is a different world than existed earlier. Although the trend in the world economy since 1968-73 was, indeed, already insane, the continuing decay in both leading institutions and in the shift of power in government and corporate life, toward the Baby-Boomer generation, has introduced a growing factor of sheer insanity into the world system, such that the already bad systems of the late 1960s and early 1970s, were shifted into a condition of sheer insanity under the changes in international economy under the impact of the role of the Trilateral Commission's violently destructive influence on the international monetary-financial and economic-social systems. What had been the onset of cancer in the body of the patient, has become the patient.
Thus, the problem now is, that the concept of true scientific and related creativity as such, is not a concept included, even in a peripheral way, in the language of the practiced economic doctrines of nations, or economists generally, today. On close scrutiny, in the leading economic circles of most nations, today, the term "economic science" usually means, ordinary, green-eyeshade traditions of ordinary financial accounting, or simply a consulting charlatan's sales-pitch, dressed up, for the edification of the credulous, as if with some silly frills integrated into an ill-fitting clown suit. Under presently deteriorating conditions, even traditional accounting practice itself becomes, clinically, insanity.
The magic word which best identifies what the experts of most nations have lacked, even before the developments of late 1960s and 1970s, is, so to speak, "creativity." "Creativity," which is the crucial issue of this report on required economic measures, is properly defined, descriptively, as the essential, absolute difference between man and beast. The problem which I am emphasizing here, is one whose origins have arisen from that kind of lack of creativity. Even among leaders of nations, and many scientists as well, there was already a lack of knowledge of that which has been denied by what that great Classical tragedian Aeschylus portrayed as the evil Olympian Zeus of Aeschylus' drama Prometheus Bound.
For as long as a significant factor of actual physical productivity gains was influential within the worsening crisis situation of the late 1960s, as long as the manned Moon landing was still a theme in popular opinion, there was an element of sanity in policy-making, an element of sanity which vanished over the interval of the U.S. Carter Administration. With the rise of "environmentalism" and "globalization," the factor of traditional sanity seemed to go down the drain. However, the corrupting factor was, in principle, an ancient one, as Classical Greek tragedy should remind us.
In Prometheus Bound, Aeschylus had portrayed that Olympian tyrant Zeus as torturing Prometheus for the alleged "crime" of imparting knowledge of the use of "fire" to mortal men and women. In real history, most societies have been ruled by agencies, which, like the Olympian Zeus of that drama, forbade the individual members of the mass of the subject population from discovering those principles of nature which fit that drama's category of "fire."
What is called "globalization" is a swindle intended for a kindred sort of anti-humanistic effect. In that case, the avowed intention of the British and other ideologues involved today, is that every nation should depend upon the production by other nations for even its food supplies and other subsistence. This is the design for a global form of a "Tower of Babble," in which financial speculators sit between and prey upon the flow of goods from farmer to eater, paying the least amount, and extracting the highest price at the consumer-end of the flow.
For most of the societies, and their cultures of which we have actual knowledge, including most European nations and the U.S.A. today, not only are the so-called lower economic strata condemned to this suppression of their human creative potential. Even the most powerful ruling circles, while better informed in some respects, have no actual knowledge of those kinds of principles of creativity which the Olympian Zeus demanded be hidden.
Since the problem of creativity is essentially a matter of social relations, social processes, the best insight into this problem is usually found not among physical scientists today, but in the great Classical tragedies of ancient Greece and the modern dramas of Shakespeare and Friedrich Schiller. Like the mortal men and women of Homer's Iliad, or the great Classical Greek tragedies, the mortal members of society, usually extended from the highest political ranks to the lowest social grades, are victims of what are for them "invisible forces," forces corresponding to the imaginary evil gods who dominate the mortals of the Iliad, or the echoes of the same view of tragedy by the Classical Greek tragedians, or by the characters of each of the tragedies of Shakespeare.
Contrary to modern English-speaking and kindred Romantics, the true principle of Classical tragedy is that it is virtually the entire society which is self-doomed by the controlling role of mental habits and adopted beliefs which prevent virtually all of the members of society, as in the Schiller-Verdi Don Carlos, from acting in what should have been the obvious way of freeing oneself and one's society from the grip of those customs and related beliefs of the society virtually as a whole, which would cause the society as a whole to virtually destroy itself, rather than offend one of those accustomed beliefs.[20]
So, the tragedy of European civilization, over the interval from the 1890 discharge of Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, a discharge done in the interest of the Kaiser's uncle, Prince of Wales Edward Albert, condemned Europe to two World Wars, to the rise of Mussolini and Hitler, to the so-called "Cold War" of 1945-1989, and the threat of a new such "world war" today. The typically tragic modern fool of today, responds to that fact, by saying, "What British empire? I don't see a British empire."
It was not ignorance as such which caused such tragedies, in real life, or on the Classical stage. It was the Sophistry of accustomed belief, or so-called "popular traditions," of belief like that of the mortals of the Iliad or later Greek tragedies, in the existence and the will of the "gods."
This practice of "traditionalist" suppression of the creative mental potentials of the majority of the subject population, has been the characteristic of the known imperial systems of western Asia, and their European successors, since the evil Delphi cult of Gaea-Python, or Apollo-Dionysus. This was the Roman Empire, Byzantium, the Venetian-Norman system of the Crusaders and their Venetian loan-shark financiers, and of the efforts to revive such imperial systems, such as the Anglo-Dutch Liberal finance-imperial system of modern times.
Thus, society imprisons and repeatedly destroys itself for the sake of obedience to the implicitly perceived pleasure of the pagan household gods of each relevant culture's version of a Pantheon.
In the Liberal form of imperialism, which was crafted by Paolo Sarpi in the form of northern European culture known as Anglo-Dutch imperial Liberalism, the same suppression of the human knowledge of the actually creative powers specific to the individual human mind, has appeared in a relatively new guise. The phrase, "magic of the marketplace," is typical of the modern Sophist's suppression of knowledge of the role of human individual creativity in generating that physical and cultural innovation on which all increases of the productive powers of labor depend, per capita and per square kilometer of territory.
To Free Humanity
To secure those urgent goals urgently required for today, we must uproot all vestiges of the inherently tragic, recent drive toward "globalization," not only to return to emphasis on the role of the perfectly sovereign nation-state and its culture, but also to do this from the standpoint already expressed by the principle of the 1648 Peace of Westphalia. In other words, a system of respectively sovereign nation-states bound together by the common principle of the benefit of the other.
This confronts us with four leading, shared challenges for the planet as a whole.
- Raising the price of labor to the levels of national productivity at which prices are not driven so low "competitively," that some nations, largely representing the great majority of humanity, can not afford to employ the lower eighty percentile of their populations, by commitment to developing modern standards for standard of life and employment of the entire national population. This means high rates, per capita and per square kilometer of scientific and technological progress embodied within the body of production. This is achieved through investing the marginal increase in protected price, in increasing the productivity of all parts of the population, including what are presently the poorest.
- Developing the raw materials of the planet to such effect that all nations will be assured reasonable access to the purpose of providing the raw materials required for the uplifting of the preponderance of their population as a whole.
- The rates of development of raw materials, throughout the planet as a whole, must be advanced for the benefit of the population of the nations as a whole.
- The rates of scientific progress needed to realize those objectives must be supported.
The territory of Russia and adjoining nations of Eurasia and its nearby waters, embodies a crucial part of both the development of raw materials and scientific progress needed by neighboring nations of Asia. The crucial thing is not access to the land-area in which such resources lie, but the quality of fundamental scientific progress needed to gather such resources and process them in ways suited for the needs of both Russia and its neighbors.
Therefore, in the case of Russia itself, it is the underdevelopment of Russia's previously established, relatively unique scientific potential in large categories of science and technology, which calls our attention to the terribly destructive, and vicious effects of the looting of the territory and scientific institutions of the former Soviet Union during the greater part of the decade of the 1990s.
Therefore, the limitation of economic goals to proportionately excessive emphasis on harvesting of so-called "natural resources," is a hazardous enterprise in the end. I explain here, echoing what I have stated in my recently published Russia's Role in a Recovery.[21] Russia's management of raw materials from an advanced scientific standpoint, is clearly of crucial importance for both Russia and its neighbors. The present danger, is that, presently, the dependency on a flow of income from export of raw materials, becomes an extremely problematic course over a period of the medium term. The balance must be adjusted, to put advanced productive goals for scientific progress in production, and expansion of the productive base, to a higher place on the agenda, not merely for economic reasons, but for the continued overall cultural viability of Russia itself.
As I expressed this on public occasions such as my notable Berlin Kempinski Hotel address of October 12, 1988, it was clear to me, then, as a U.S. figure engaged in relevant policy discussions of prospects for future cooperation between the Soviet Union and both the U.S.A. and Europe. This option existed, but only in the case that the U.S.A., Britain, and France's President Mitterrand, had not adopted their savage ruin and looting of the former Soviet Union, and of Germany and the former Comecon states, a looting which was effected through what became the Maastricht doctrine and adjunct measures targeting continental Europe, including Russia. This looting was greatly aided through the British use of its foreign agent George Soros, to wreck the European Rate Mechanism. Consequently, the per capita condition of life in relevant parts of the Eurasian continent would have been progressive, as opposed to the vast, mass-murderous orgy of economic rape targeting Germany as also the former Comecon nations, a looting which has been fostered through Soros' accomplices during that decade, and longer.
My forecasts of the trend leading into 1989 had been on the books of nations, so to speak, since 1983,[22] when I forecast the danger of a Soviet economic collapse "in about five years" if certain measures were not taken in the meantime. The crash against which I warned took six years, not five, but no one otherwise known publicly, had any idea that such a development could occur. Even when I had forecast, in October 1988, an early 1989 Polish crisis leading to the threatened collapse of the Comecon, and then Russia, later, the U.S. Administration of my personal adversary President George H.W. Bush, showed no inkling of the reality that such developments were already afoot.
As a result of the combination of ignorance and ham-handed follies, by both the U.S.A. and western and central Europe from 1989 on, those nations are now bankrupt, looted paupers compared to their condition then.
From the standpoint of the informed knowledge of competent U.S. circles, economic partnership, on an equitable basis, between the U.S.A. and Russia today, is an indispensable precondition for not only the welfare of those two nations, but, in fact, the world as a whole.
Take into account, but also prepare to put aside, the lunacies which are admittedly rampant in certain circles within the U.S.A. today; we must cooperate between Russia and the U.S., as with other parts of this planet, on the basis of an up-to-date version of the great principle of the Peace of Westphalia. As our great Benjamin Franklin once said of the relations among those North American colonies menaced by the evil British Empire, so the representatives of the U.S.A. and Russia should speak today: "We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately."
Thus, to illustrate the larger scope of the principle involved, the common interest of the U.S.A., Russia, China, and India, typifies the principle which we must deploy in concert for the purpose of bringing together the sovereign nation-states of this planet as a whole.
That said, as a matter of explanation, most among those in the U.S.A. who may be considered well-informed, do not see a needed present balance among raw materials development, agriculture, manufacturing, science, and basic economic infrastructure in the current direction of Russia's policy. This is not a matter of a proposed U.S. demand upon Russia, but a well-founded concern for the well-being of Russia as an important partner. We have a mutual interest in Russia's success in these matters, and should discuss the matter accordingly. Forget the British and their ideological partners for the moment; we who are civilized must assume the moral and intellectual leadership in treating what should be considered by coming generations as the common aims of mankind.
The Present Crisis In Economics
In the closing sentence of his celebrated 1854 habilitation dissertation, Professor Bernhard Riemann ends the dissertation with a sentence in which he warns that the treatment of the problems of mathematics which he has just identified in the preceding part of the dissertation as a whole, must be transferred from the department of mathematics, to that of physics. Only a minority of scientists since, such as the opponents of modern positivism and of Bertrand Russell's numerology, opponents of positivism and numerology such as Max Planck and Albert Einstein, have understood the fuller significance of that closing sentence of the Habilitationsschrift. Students of Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound should understand my point.
Instead, we have been belabored, in university classrooms and elsewhere, with both the dogma of Paolo Sarpi and such of his ideological descendants of the empiricist school, such as Abraham de Moivre, D'Alembert, Leonhard Euler, Lagrange, Laplace, Cauchy, et al., in their silly and arbitrary notion of the so-called "imaginary." As a result of the influence of such reductionists as the modern empiricists, positivists, or the radical school of Bertrand Russell's devotees, or the kindred descendants of the ancient Sophists, the idea of a universal principle and its formal expression in mathematical forms, has been lost from most classrooms, despite the precise warning by Albert Einstein, lost to most of even those ranked as scientists.
The practical issue of economy here, is a matter of the actual, ontological implications of the notion of a universal physical principle, as Einstein emphasized this in defining the physical universe as finite, but without external boundaries. These ideas, from the ancient Classical Greeks, as given rebirth by Nicholas of Cusa and his followers, are, as Einstein emphasized, pivoted in the modern classroom on the subject of the uniquely original discovery of the principle of universal gravitation by Kepler, in which the relationship of the universal physical principles which define the universe as experimentally finite, is coupled with the ontologically infinitesimal expression of that principle in experimental practice.
This relationship, as Einstein recognized the present-day authority of Kepler's discovery, is reflected in individual human experience as the notion of creativity. The discovery of such a principle, which takes the experience out of the more limited domain of earlier experimental knowledge, typifies the quality of the human mind which corresponds, ontologically, to the notion of that human creativity which distinguishes the human individual's mental potentials from the behavioral limitations of the lower forms of life.
The problem which tends to prevent even students trained in physical science from grasping the notion of the experimentally demonstrated existence of anti-entropic creativity, is indoctrination in the reductionist method in the history of mathematics since the aprioristic, Aristotelean hoax of Euclid's Elements, or comparable intellectual impedimenta.
Creativity is, ontologically, the valid experimental demonstration of the existence of an efficient, "commandable" principle which lies outside the domain of what was previously considered the self-boundaries of reality. Unfortunately, the modern classroom, including the modern university classroom, is often as dumb as rocks in this matter.
To illustrate that point in a manner relevant to the issues of economy and society treated here, permit me the following, admittedly cute illustration of the point.
Captain Nudnik Beams Down
If you were, for example, a Captain Nudnik from Vega first encountering the human species on Earth, how would you know the difference between, on the one side, men and women, and, on the other side, the beasts? Suppose you, playing the role of that Captain Nudnik, were assigned to breed an intelligent species selected from among the fauna of Earth. Since Nudnik would not speak the local language, how would he know which was which?
He might wish to rely on a notion which is typical of the circles with which Julian Huxley was associated professionally: potential relative population-density. Now consider, the three more obvious of the degrees of freedom which express the essential, absolute distinction of man from beast.
In animal ecology, there is a balance among the species inhabiting a given territory, such that for each species-variety, there is a definable phase-space of each species (relative to the others) which represents a variable relative boundary condition within which the variable population-potential is fixed (as for example, between foxes and the prey called rabbits). With mankind, this kind of limiting function does not exist; a different kind of boundary-function is pertinent.
For man, there is first, the variability of the function of simple per-capita values, relative to the environment. Man's expressed power to innovate technologically, changes that function in a way not existing among lower forms of life. On a second level, man is able to offset the depletion of a specific, previously required element of the environment by discoveries of principle in human technique. On a third level, man creates artificial entire environments, even to the extent of creating new elements to become determining features of the society's new environment.
The human mind, by means of a creative faculty which does not exist in the lower forms of life, is able to change its behavior in a fashion associated with the discovery of universal physical principles, principles which transform the mentality of human beings to the same effect we would otherwise expect only in the evolution of a qualitatively higher form of new species.
This specific power of the human mind is unique among all known living species. The included effect of this cognitive evolution, upward, of the human mind, evolution as expressed through science and Classical modes of artistic composition, is the origin of the qualitative increase of the potential relative population-density of the human species.
This evolutionary development through human creativity, has two general, categorical types. Physical science and only Classical modes of artistic composition. The faculty of mind in both cases is the same; the difference is the application. In the one case, the human mind is transforming society's action on nature; in the other, it is the social process of transmission of ideas, which is the medium and mode of creativity.
As to the physical-productive side of this matter, the increase of productivity, through innovations at the point of production, is more readily acknowledged. However, the most significant effects occur in the domain of general, basic economic infrastructure, such as the effect of the shift from Solar power, to the higher level of chemical combustion, to the vastly more efficient (per ton of fuel consumed) use of nuclear-fission power, and the use of more physically efficient modes of transport than automobiles, such as rail or maglev. The greatest part of the gains in productivity are found in the impact of advances in basic economic infrastructure upon physical production, and in the promotion of the development of the powers of insight of the human mind achieved, almost exclusively, through scientific or Classical artistic practices.
It is up to the economist to become as intelligent on this subject-matter of the effect of human creativity on increasing the potential relative population-density of mankind as the legendary, very observant Captain Nudnik.
After all, being stranded on Earth, and, therefore, having nothing much to do otherwise, a poor Nudnik had no choice of occupation so well-suited to his circumstances as studying, and promoting human creative behavior.
The Machine-Tool Principle
The most significant economic activity in production is the production of the means of production themselves. Thus, to limit the latter, as what might be assumed to be an economic measure, for the sake of building automobiles, for example, is utter physical-economic incompetence. Thus, it was the spin-offs from the Kennedy Moon-Landing program, which contributed the relatively highest rate of physical return on investment of virtually all production in the U.S.A. during the relevant period.
Thus, it was failing to put the machine-tool sector associated with the auto industry first and foremost, above the auto industry itself, which was the great idiocy in the economic policy which located the greatest economic benefit of production to be in the cars, rather than the higher technology of the machine-tool sector itself, and the creation of relevant forms of basic economic infrastructure. It is not infrastructure as such which provides this benefit, but the toll-free public infrastructure which increases the net productive powers of labor per capita and per square kilometer, for the society as a whole, that at a greater rate than at any point of production investment.
Similarly, it is the employment of Classical artists, physical scientists, and an advancing quality of universal health-care system and pensions, the human aspects of basic economic infrastructure in general, which must enjoy, together with science and the machine-tool sector, the relatively greatest degree of preference in the expenditure and investment by society in all sectors.
The way to higher productivity is not the immediate output of some people, but the development of the general environment defined by the society as a whole, the society within whose development the great catalyst of increased productivity is concentrated.
[1] It is necessary to point out one error in Germany's policy which haunts Germany still to the present day. The action by Prussia against the attack from France under Britain's puppet, Napoleon III, was correct; but, the desire by Prussia to continue that war after the abdication of Napoleon III, had tragic consequences which were evident to some even at that time. By failing to offer France an honorable peace at the point of Napoleon's abdication, Wilhelm I's monarchy sealed the potential for what became France's future role, later, as a hardened asset of Britain after the twin effects of the assassination of President Sadi Carnot and the Dreyfus affair. The "First World War" launched by Britain was made possible by this piece of folly, and, similarly, the "Second." This continued until President Charles de Gaulle's "Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals" alliance with Germany's Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, an anti-British action by de Gaulle, to which London responded by pushing the massive efforts at assassination of de Gaulle by his London-centered array of adversaries, which also led to the direct role of London in pushing the early resignation of Adenauer in favor of the German Liberal faction in Adenauer's own party. The rape of Germany by London (and Britain's anti-de Gaulle asset, Mitterrand) after 1989, must, therefore, be recognized as a continuing effect of the role which Britain has assigned to France, a British policy which is to be seen as a continuation of London's role in orchestrating that Seven Years War, by means of which the British East India Company became an imperial power.
[2] E.g., "Buppies" and "Boomers."
[3] Conductor Wilhelm Furtwängler was, unquestionably a genius, despite his defense of Wagner's work. Furtwängler's error on this account, was his affinity to the idea of a tradition of "German music," as distinct from the contrary notion of "German" by Hermann Göring's favorite oompah-bandmaster, Herbert von Karajan. Such are the pitfalls of the sometimes extraneous presumptions co-opted by a great mind.
[4] See www.larouchepac.com.
[5] The actual authorship of what is called "9-11" is no longer efficiently concealed.
[6] During and following World War II, the U.S. intelligence community was divided, "essentially," between two factions, as typified by the case of two factions inside the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). The one, associated with OSS chief General Donovan ("Donovan's boys"), and the opposing "white shoe" gang centered in Ivy League, "Wall Street"- and London-oriented types, who emerged around the Dulles brothers. Although I was never part of this then, I came to identify myself with the remains of the patriotic legacy of Donovan et al. at a later point in my life, not as a recruit, but as a meeting of the minds among patriots with converging experiences. This resulted in a virtual war within wars between the patriots and the "white shoe" types, with a third set occupying a middle-ground, still today. The Truman Presidency was a temporary victory of that "other side," closer, by instinct, to Churchill's London, than to the patriotic U.S. tradition.
[7] With the development of magnetic-levitation replacements for friction-rail systems, we have not only touched ground speeds of 300 miles per hour, or greater, but have available methods of handling of freight classification without the accustomed jams of railway freight systems. Under these conditions, the door-to-door lapse of time for medium-haul not only competes with air transport, but is much cheaper in physically-determined costs. So, nuclear-power is inherently less costly, when properly developed and used, than any other mode of fueled system today.
[8] There was a time when it could have been said, that, "It is no longer necessary to drive into the woods, or crawl into a rumble-seat, to make babies."
[9] In essential respects, a generation which appeared, as a generation of "white collar" attributes, during the post-war interval 1945-1958, between the "book-ends" of V-E and V-J days, on the one side, and the relative depths of the 1957-58 recession, a generation which fits roughly, as a caste-formation, into the categories of two books from the 1950s, White Collar and The Organization Man, and from the influence of such devotees of the evil H.G. Wells and Bertrand Russell as Professor Norbert Wiener. and John von Neumann. The Anglo-American cult (e.g., the Congress for Cultural Freedom) of the systemic irrationalism of the Frankfurt School existentialism of Heidegger, Theodor Adorno, Hannah Arendt, and cult-writings such as The Authoritarian Personality, is among the notable markers of that trans-Atlantic cult-formation.
[10] The use of the issues of the Vietnam War in lowering the voting age, is a correlative of the factor of neoteny (e.g., The Lord of the Flies) in the emergence of the Baby-Boomer caste.
[11] The actual origin of the Fabian Society's influence in shaping the plans for World Wars I and II was the same H.G. Wells, trained under Julian Huxley's grandfather. Wells' The Open Conspiracy of 1928, and Russell's endorsement of its theses is notable; but it is with Wells' 1933 draft of the warfare-scenario of The Shape of Things to Come that the war issue is made clear. It is these schemes by the Fabian Wells and Russell which are the context of the intention which created the synthetic cult of the Baby-Boomer generation as a caste-formation now popularly referenced as "the 68ers." Beginning his invitation to Soviet General Secretary Nikita Khrushchev to participate in Russell's meeting of World Parliamentarians for World Government, Russell emerged as a chief architect of both the plans for thermonuclear confrontation with the Soviet Union and the breakup of the Soviet Union under Gorbachov.
[12] The same Soviet and Euro-oligarchical circles associated with British penetration of the Soviet system by IIASA overlap those leading Soviet personnel who brought about British agent George Soros' penetration of Russia during the 1990s.
[13] An embittered enemy of mine from Columbia University days, the late, and thoroughly evil Dame Margaret Mead, a former backer of Professor Norbert Wiener's RLE operations at MIT and kindred operations, was wielding what was quite literally her witch's staff, as she pursued my then-future wife, the still athletic Helga Zepp, with Mead's witch's staff through the premises of a 1974 conference on world population control at Bucharest, Romania. Helga pranced merrily in great amusement at the spectacle of Mead's efforts to appear monstrous without the means to actually reach a Helga who pranced always at a safe distance from the lurching hulk of Mead. Then German journalist Helga had challenged conference spokesman John D. Rockefeller III on the Nazi precedents for what he was promoting there. Mead who had once come in Samoa, was no longer amused.
[14] The following, referenced excerpts from Russell's published writings have been taken from a 1980 book compiled by a team of writers assigned by me to compile this report; the nominal author who assumed the position of editor for this project was Carol White: The New Dark Ages Conspiracy (New York: New Benjamin Franklin Publishing Company, 1980).
[15] (London: George Allen and Unwin, 1923).
[16] (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1953).
[17] On the occasion of his marriage to the Dutch princess (January, 1937), Bernhard signed his letter of resignation from the Nazi-SS to Hitler personally with a salutary "Heil Hitler!" In those days Nazis were popular with Anglo-Dutch leading circles, including, for a time, Winston Churchill himself. Why not? After all, it had been Hjalmar Schacht's sponsor, Bank of England chief, Brown Brothers, Harriman associate, Montagu Norman who had orchestrated bringing Hitler into power, during times prior to the Nazis' breaking the eastern boundary of France's and the Netherlands' borders.
[18] Imagine a figure such as the notable "Greasy-thumbed Guzik" being "born again" as "Lord Chicago." The late Max Fisher might say, either "Why not?" or "Kill him as one who has become an inconvenient person."
[19] Look at the peerage scandals under Blair's ministry. Imagine, the presently unlikely case in which the present Prime Minister is being recreated as "Lord George." Ah, where is our dear Jonathan Swift when we need him? After all, George H.W. Bush was knighted. Is it possible that rancher George W., Jr. might be elevated to the rank of squire?
[20] Schiller-Verdi: "Beware the Grand Inquisitor!"
[21] See EIR, Sept. 5, 2008.
[22] That forecast was first delivered, by me, confidentially, in late February 1983, in my discussions with the Soviet representative involved in those exploratory U.S.-Soviet discussions. Later, after things turned nasty in the late Spring, I repeated the forecast publicly, but without referring publicly to the February discussion itself. At that point in the game, I was still bound not to reveal what might be classified materials.