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This article appears in the October 3, 2008 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.

Wall Street's New Dark Age

by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

September 22, 2008

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Conniving U.S. Treasury Secretary Paulson has turned out to be another typical swindler, and worse. Up to last night, he had been a slicker, and also more pompous swindler than dumb-bunnies such as Rohatyn's and Soros's dupe Senator Christopher Dodd, or the utterly flakey U.S. Representative Barney "Bail-out" Frank. The tragic, greed-driven stupidity of the lot of them and their like, has been the relatively simplest aspect of what is actually the presently onrushing, global financial breakdown-crisis of the world's IMF system—the same crisis which the current President and post-2005 sessions of our U.S. Congress have done so much to bring about.

The more essential fact about this presently skyrocketing crisis, is that those politicians' sly, smash-and-grab outlook on life during the 2006-2008 interval so far, shows that these sessions of the Congress have lacked precisely that special category of moral intelligence which distinguishes the human species from the baboons. "Go along to get along," is what the legendary lemmings must have been saying to one another in their popular rush to doom. The essential point is: their expressed quality of flakiness during this, 2006-2008 interval, when embedded in high places, could now, probably, get you, your family, and our republic killed.

Moral people, as in our U.S. Congress, are nonetheless often dumb and opportunistic in important matters; which is sad, because the effects of that can be evil, even if the members did not actually intend to promote a crime by those actions. That must be our kindest view of what Senator Dodd and Representative Barney Frank have done, since July 2007 in particular. Some other people are dumb in the sense that they make themselves victims merely by suppressing the truth, as did that political pack of greedy swindlers supporting the presently proposed rape of our U.S.A. by Secretary Paulson et al.[1]

Contrary to much popular opinion, practicable solutions for crucial problems of society, such as the present world economic breakdown-crisis in progress, require emphasis on two classes of measures. First, present experience tries to teach us, that we must re-examine those underlying assumptions of currently prevalent academic and popular belief, within which the causes of the presently onrushing disaster are to be recognized. Second, we must not proceed at the whim of a mean, erratic, and depraved, or simply stupid U.S. President.

I preface the substance of this report with certain observations which were supplied here because they assist us by provoking attention to the questions whose answers could only be supplied after that closer examination of the crucial issues, which I shall conduct in the main body of this present report. The purpose thus served within these prefatory remarks themselves, is intentionally limited to the usefulness of these prefatory observations in leading our discussion here toward those deeper problems, and their answers, which we shall have identified in the course of this report as a whole.

Most of the general citizenry still living today, among the nations of both the Americas and Europe, in particular, were born too late to have been given any semblance of a competent insight into the origins and nature of the changes in national cultures and prevailing currents of public opinion which have since occurred, during the course of the 1945-2008 period to date. Thus, they, excepting, chiefly, a sprinkling of figures from among those presently in their eighties and nineties, lack any effective, adult experience of "what went wrong," in the process of creating what is presently occurring as the greatest general economic breakdown-crisis in modern history. The typical citizen today, accepts the changes in thinking which have produced today's disaster, accepting these as being almost some universal truth since the beginning of Creation; they accept this without any efficient sense of the origin, nature, and effect of what has become a traditional outlook among each of the generations in their forties, fifties, and sixties today.

The lesson to be learned from that experience of those born to form the post-World War II generations, is the lesson of that principle of all great Classical tragedy since the Homeric Iliad, which presumes, insightfully, that it is a generation's own acquired habits, and the influence of whatever supposed gods or demi-gods they worship, which are most likely to be the causes of its own, systemically tragic, self-destruction.

Therefore, out of respect for that prevailing source of intellectual difficulty among, most emphatically the under-seventies generations, I should proceed here, from these prefatory references to the apparent situation of the recent four decades, to the actual nature, causes, and remedies for what has become, now, the worst general economic-breakdown-crisis of the world as a whole, the greatest crisis since Europe's Fourteenth-Century "New Dark Age." It is the habits embedded as "tradition" within a generation of a people and its acquired culture, the which are the most likely source of its impulses for self-destruction; that has been the key to understanding the earlier, actual origins of that commonly specific process of self-destruction which has prevailed inside the United States, and also in Western Europe, since 1968.

In effect, the data since U.S. Fiscal Year 1967-68, shows a consistent, and generally accelerating decline in the U.S. physical economy throughout forty years 1968-2008, to date. All official data suggesting the contrary, has been wilfully misleading, or outrightly faked. Thus, we can say that the relevant decisions of the Presidency and the Congress since that time have been a record of increasing incompetence in the combined public and private management of the U.S. economy. The crisis which has hit now, is chiefly the product of an habitually increasing economic incompetence built into our national political system during the recent four decades! While the downwardness of the trend has been consistent over this entire period, the pattern since 1988 has seen a degree of public insanity not only beyond the imagination of our government during the preceding two decades, but an incompetence which has been often largely treasonous in effect.

Little wonder that the citizenry reacted so suddenly, this past weekend as it did, to the proposed bail-out of useless and bankrupt Wall Street and also foreign financier swindlers. Those citizens are now entering a state of mind and temperament to take charge, whether what they see as corrupted public officials like that, or not.

So, to begin thus, we may say, therefore, that, from the beginning of this presently onrushing, global monetary-financial breakdown-crisis, which came to the surface as an economic phase-shift, inside the U.S.A., in late July 2007, the essential mental illness among leading financier and governmental circles of the U.S.A., has been the fraudulent presumption—actually, an outright lie—that the presently ongoing crisis has been essentially a "cyclical" form of "mortgage crisis."

Over the course of the recent decades, it was made clear enough, that what happened is that the Alan Greenspan who had succeeded former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker, had introduced a type of swindle modeled on that which had been used by jailed asset of so-called "wise-guy" interests, Michael Milken. Milken's swindles were echoed by what became notorious as the keystone of Federal Reserve Chairman Greenspan's own policy, and also that of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke. Increasingly hyper-inflationary forms of this malpractice, were used by Greenspan and Bernanke up to, and beyond the point since late July 2007, when a presently ongoing, breakdown-crisis phase of the international financial-monetary system had clearly begun.[2]

The Oncoming Crisis!

One of the most conspicuous features of the process steered, largely, by Greenspan and his successor, had been the implicitly fraudulent looting of the Federally created agencies, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. This looting had been done to the effect of creating a present, hyper-inflationary, speculative bubble in questionable, inflated values of real-estate mortgages. In late July 2007, that real-estate-mortgage swindle which had been used to support cancerous bubbles in investment-banking speculation, reached a built-in, self-inflicted barrier. Since the close of July 2007, the entire international bubble created by these and kindred monetarist practices, practices which were launched during Greenspan's tenure, has been lurching toward the implicitly inevitable stage of a general, planet-wide, financial-monetary "breakdown-crisis," a crisis comparable, factually, to Europe's Fourteenth-Century "New Dark Age" crisis.

Thus, the so-called "mortgage crisis" of more than a year to date, has been a mere footprint added as, in itself, one of the relatively minor effects of the evil done globally, by larcenous financier predators operating even in the highest ranks of both private financial affairs and governments, including the virtually insane, present U.S. Bush Administration, most emphatically.[3]

The assumption of a "cyclical," "mortgage crisis," has been premised, essentially, upon a lie, a lie used by the world's biggest bandits of these times, the investment bankers who had created themselves in the self-image of those predatory Lombard bankers, such as the houses of Bardi and Peruzzi, who created the general financial-economic breakdown-crisis known as the Fourteenth-Century "New Dark Age." The truth is, that this crisis had already been, from its outset in 1968-1981, a general, global breakdown-crisis of the present IMF financial-monetary system in progress.[4] No correction of this continuing, downward trend was ever seriously attempted: with the qualified exception of President Bill Clinton's interrupted intention to proceed to a much needed reform of our nation's financial architecture.

It is, as I must emphasize now, again, a crisis of the same essential cause and characteristics as that great breakdown-crisis, if in a different time, of the Fourteenth-Century European Lombard banking system, the system of investment banking houses of the type of the medieval Bardi and Peruzzi, which plunged all of Europe into a vastly genocidal "New Dark Age," then, as the present-day Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs, et al., now.

That Fourteenth-Century "dark age" wiped out half of the parishes of Europe, and reduced Europe's population by about one-third, net, during a period of, chiefly, approximately a generation. A similar effect is to be expected, soon, unless culprits such as Secretary Paulson, the fox who is looting America's financial chicken-coop, and the very guilty President George W. Bush, Jr., are removed from control of financial-monetary policy now.[5]

Thus, the point which must be emphasized, repeatedly now, is that fact that the resurrection, by a degenerate turn of modern society, of a return to a global form of medieval European financial practices of usury, that over what has been now approximately two decades since the election of U.S. President George H. W. Bush, has produced the present, medieval-like result. The modern system of lunatic, speculative investment banking, revived Greenspan-style, has created, as a dominant form of essentially predatory financier interest, an intrinsically corrupt system of international financier corruption echoing those same practices of the Fourteenth-Century Lombard bankers whose practices plunged all Europe into the genocidal, Fourteenth-Century "New Dark Age."

What is happening, not only inside the U.S.A. and western and central Europe, now, is global in its effects. The present, floating-exchange-rate, international monetary system, is doomed beyond reach of redemption. Corrective measures are available, if there were the wisdom and will to employ them. I have specified those corrective measures, and they will work, provided we overcome the virtually criminal form of stubborn stupidity exhibited by predatory Secretary Paulson and his dupes.[6]

Fortunately, there are available corrective measures which could be taken, even at this late date. A decision by that U.S.A. which is still the controlling center of the world's debt, is required. This must be a decision to initiate such a correction in the global system as would be indispensable for this purpose. Without such a U.S. initiative, the world as a whole were already virtually doomed to a global new dark age.

Unfortunately, the swindlers of "Wall Street" have not abandoned their determination to steal and swindle for private advantage at public, and perhaps also pubic expense.

Unfortunately, therefore, influential circles in the George Bush government, including President George W. Bush, Jr. himself, like his father before him, visibly hate those types of corrective measures which could save our nation, among others.[7] Thus, in effect, these types would prefer that the U.S.A. and other nations be destroyed, than that needed corrective measures be considered. On the surface of matters at hand, that is the mass-murderous thing which the Bush Administration is doing, and for which it might be held accountable in the relevant judicial proceedings of a future time. In the particular case of President George W. Bush, Jr., he may lack the intelligence to understand what he is doing in such matters; but, in this matter, his innate perversion, his sheer meanness, as seen in the 2005 case of "Katrina," serves as being more than sufficient evidence for proving something tantamount to malicious foresight as typical of his behavior. His case is now typical of those rallied, including this President Bush, who are the controlling force behind the implicitly treasonous swindles proposed by Secretary Paulson now.

These points just presented here, are essential, hard facts. Anyone who denies them at this very ripe stage of global developments, is either simply ignorant of the ABCs of economy, or is, in the alternative, perhaps, insane, or, even, simply, a criminal.

All that I have just said above, is true; but accepting those true facts leaves out something essential. Why has the present-day, modern world, fallen prey to a kind of general social disease last seen by Europe in the depths of feudalism, in the "New Dark Age" of more than seven-and-a-half centuries ago? That is the matter which is addressed, albeit in an altogether fresh way, in the following chapters of this present report.

There are two kinds of proper responses to the latter question. The first, the simpler response, is not untruthful; but, it does not get to the gut of the matter, and, therefore, while it is an accurate description of the disease, it does not, in itself, represent a basis for design of a true solution. That needed solution is a matter of physical science, as in the subject of the following pages of this report.

If we are willing to recognize that the root and substance of the present world crisis is a great fraud by a certain kind of financier interest, and if we are disposed to rid the world of the specific institution which that fraud represents, the nations of the world can rally in concerted action among sovereign nation-states to bring humanity out of this menacing situation with a relative minimum of pain and destruction.

With the developments of the recent week, the world has entered, fully, into the grip of what will soon be recognized, as a world-wide, general collapse of the global civilization into the onset of a new dark age of humanity. The only significant issue of the moment, therefore, is stopping that collapse, by uprooting the policies and institutions which have generated this perilous state of affairs.

That solution is to be found only in the domain of specifically human expressions of true creativity, the aspect of real economies of which typical accounting professionals, and nearly all recent university graduates in economics, know less than nothing. Admittedly, the habits of economic practice which prevailed prior to the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy, were fruitful habits, in the main; but, very, very few among our people then really understood the deeper meaning of those habits.

Today, those habits have been largely lost; only a relative handful of the members of the labor force retain such competence in economic practice. So, if those misguided folk, such as those accountants of today, live up to the professional standards of recent decades of practice, we have thus come upon a time which finds their accustomed professional outlook itself to be ridiculous, or, like that of Paulson, Bernanke, and foolish Representative Barney Frank, mass-homicidal in consequence of its inevitable, but probably unintended effect.

Those secrets of an intentional successful form of economy, are the subject of the two following chapters here.


As the justly celebrated Albert Einstein emphasized the fact of the matter, the most crucial issue of economic policy-shaping now, is modern European science's needed typification of the underlying, essential difference between man and ape. That is a difference best illustrated by Johannes Kepler's uniquely original discovery of the principle of universal gravitation, a discovery which served, then, as the actual, working foundation of all competent modern science thereafter.[8]

This, Kepler's notion, was that of a general physical principle which is developed for any competent present-day student of science on a university level, in Kepler's The Harmonies of the World.[9] Those who reject knowledge of that principle of creativity, the principle which sets mankind apart from the apes, express a fault, a habit, which if permitted to continue, tends, ultimately, to make "virtual" Yahoos of our citizens, as the dupes of Secretary Hank Paulson have been typical of that kind of defective behavior today.

The mission adopted for this report, is to identify the fundamental principle more rarely known today, since the changes in U.S. and European culture caused by the rise of the "post-industrialist" mania of the 1968er existentialists. What has been lost through that decadence in recent trans-Atlantic European culture, is precisely that principle of human individual creativity, on which all competent discussion of matters of economic policy depends. That principle is expressed empirically in two distinctly opposing forms, but nonetheless a single coherent manner: as economic processes as expressed, both in the large and very large, on the macro- and cosmic scale, and also as a principle of infinitesimals as the latter were defined by Gottfried Leibniz.

As I have explained this in earlier locations, this twofold quality of human individual creativity, is most typically expressed in two distinct, but cohering modes. One of these is physical science, as the method of modern physical science was established, experimentally, by Johannes Kepler. The other, is the domain of Classical art, such as Classical drama, Classical poetry, and Classical music in the domain defined by Johann Sebastian Bach, as in the work of Leonardo da Vinci in several fields, including music. In the first of these two, categorical cases, physical science, man's willfully changing the physical universe we inhabit, is the standard of reference. In the latter category, Classical art, it is man conceptualizing man as an individual, and man's social relations. Essentially, the subsuming method, in both of those two categorical types of cases, those two phase-spaces, is the same.

So, in both categories of human experience, the physical-scientific and Classical-artistic modes, the underlying meaning of "creativity" is essentially the same. In all cases, creativity is expressed by the individual human mind's seeing the efficient existence of a universal principle which lies outside the assumed bounds of previously established conventions, as Albert Einstein recognized this specific quality of genius underlying Kepler's uniquely original discovery of the universal principle of gravitation, as this discovery is systematically developed in Kepler's The Harmonies of the World.


The principled difficulty in achieving a competent understanding of economics for practice, an impairment which is far worse among literate sections of the populations of Europe and the Americas today, than two generations earlier, is an impairment expressed as to type by the spread of the influence of mental disorders of the types such as empiricism and existentialism since the rise of the influence of such expressions of Anglo-Dutch Liberalism during the early through middle period of European culture's Eighteenth Century. The most crucial of the obligations imposed upon us in the preparation and study of this report, is, as I shall show, our urgent need to recognize the effect of a lack of competent comprehension of the notion of the Leibniz "infinitesimal."

A misguided person might think, that the cure of this deficit lies in the advantage of higher professional education as such. That was never really true, and is far less true in trans-Atlantic culture (in particular) today than was the case two generations ago. The cult of "post-industrial" ideology has not only ruined the productive powers of relevant nations, per capita and per square kilometer of their territory; it has destroyed the ability of the most highly educated, among others, to think clearly, even to learn skills which were relatively commonplace during decades earlier. The ability to think among the dominant educated populations of trans-Atlantic civilization today, has fallen, thus, far below that of four decades ago.

Matters of this sort have reached the point of decadence, that, while we can show that true scientific and related creativity can be revived, and carried forward to higher levels among some strata of young adults in the 18-35 age-group today, the fact remains, that one of the greatest challenges to our presently decadent and tattered European civilization today, is the need to bring the general population up to at least the functional equivalent of the level of secondary school and university graduates of four decades ago. For this sort of renaissance in the world's civilization now, it is indispensable that we free education and related areas from traditions taken from the legacy of Anglo-Dutch Liberal empiricism, in favor of the crucially pivotal notion of the Leibniz infinitesimal.

That said, in this present chapter, our attention is focussed on the nature and role of those discoveries of principle which govern increases, or decreases of per-capita productivity in the small. In the subsequent chapter, attention is focussed on the role of creativity in the large, as on the scale of entire nation-states, or continents, or even the entire planet and Solar System, or beyond, as a whole.

In both chapters, the subsuming general case is the following.

Universal Physical Principles

To refresh the reader's recollection of crucial points introduced at the outset of this chapter, we now have the following.

So, that much once said up to this point, now, in both of these chapters, as Einstein identified the already referenced unique act of genius, by Kepler, an act of genius underlying all competent modern physical science, we shall have been confronted by the search for a relevant paradigm for discovery of a truly universal physical principle. Any true universal principle discovered, is demonstrable as existing independently of any particular choice of a pair of respectively independent, human powers of sense-perception; but, yet, the same principle controls the phenomena of relative productivity so determined. Such a principle bounds the universe as we human beings are capable of knowing that universe, as Kepler defined universal gravitation: as the (implicitly Riemannian) transfinite principle which subsumes the internal organization of the Solar System.

In each comparable discovery of a universal physical principle, the mind of a human individual attempts to step outside the bounds of the universe which he had thought he knew a moment earlier.[10] As this is true for physical-scientific practice, it is also true for truly Classical artistic composition, if in a qualitatively different, but efficiently connected quality of expression. This brings us to the matter of the notion of the "infinitesimal," as "infinitesimal" is defined by leading minds of science, such as Leibniz and Riemann, in particular, as a physical, rather than a simply mathematical concept.[11]

The experimentally validated discovery of principle, defined in this way, is a principle, not a priori, but because we can demonstrate that it bounds the relevant category of phenomena in the universe. So, in each of all of the discoverable universal physical principles of our universe, each represents that which bounds action of the universe within that realm. All such considerations, when combined, thus represent, as Einstein emphasized, a universe bounded by the aggregate of such discovered principles, defining a universe which, as Einstein emphasized, is finite in that sense, and, therefore, being self-bounded in this fashion, has no external boundary. That aggregate, in turn, represents our presently actual knowledge of the universe, as you are being prepared, here, to know it now.[12]

No mere mathematical formulation could define an efficiently existing physical principle. This principle was well known, as to fact, in ancient Classical Greek science, such as that of the Pythagoreans and Plato, and has been the characteristic of all competent modern European science since the work of Brunelleschi and Nicholas of Cusa, as the case is typified by such explicit followers of Cusa's founding of all competent modern physical science as Leonardo da Vinci and Kepler, and as Albert Einstein emphasized the unique importance of Kepler for all modern science (contrary to the degeneracy of the followers of the dogma of the pro-Satanic Bertrand Russell's anti-scientific Principia Mathematica).

Now, since approximately the 1930s, with the relevant work of Russia's Academician V.I. Vernadsky, experimental science has established, experimentally, categorical separations of living from non-living processes, and of the human mind from the nature of all lower forms of life.[13] This work of Vernadsky not only clarifies, but emphasizes what was already known to all competent modern European and ancient Classical Greek scientists: that a universal principle is one, such as Kepler's uniquely original discovery of universal gravitation, which separates one category of action in universal physical space-time from all others, but, with emphasis on the fact, that, nonetheless, each such principle interacts efficiently with respect to all others, as the interaction of living and non-living processes merely illustrates this point.

So, as I shall make this point clear in this present chapter of the report, since any universal principle is universal, it is never externally bounded physically in its expression as a sense-perceptible principle of action. Thus, it exists anywhere and everywhere within the domain of action which it chiefly, specifically reflects. Although this efficiency extends to the infinitesimal, the notion of infinitesimal is not located within the bounds of childish notions such as the notion of extension in Euclidean or Cartesian space-time. In physical reality, we are dealing with what is ontologically (not mathematically) infinitesimal, finite, and universal, all at the same time.[14]

I explain, as follows.

The Human Mind

What I have just emphasized, here, is not some exotic, academic notion which might be skipped over by actually intelligent individual men and women (who have been misguided into considering themselves as being "practical"). It is general lack of precisely this kind of knowledge which has allowed the great majority of the U.S. population, and also its esteemed academic and political leaders, including readers of the notoriously often lying New York Times, into the state of physical-economic and related depravity in which our own republic, and the nations of Europe, are entrapped by their own ignorant folly, at this time.

The just emphasized, categorical distinction of the human from the animal mind, corresponds to what is the presently little-known principle of human creativity: the principle upon which all competent scientific and Classical-artistic practice both depend. In both of the present chapters, the present, and that to follow, that principle is universal as well as (ontologically) infinitesimal. The infinitesimal is the reflection of the universal principle as projected upon the indefinitely very small: the ontologically, rather than mathematical, infinitesimal of action. The difference between these two chapters is, that in this present chapter, the emphasis is upon the impact of a universal principle as applied to the legendary "point of production." In the subsequent chapter, the subject will be the same expression, but treated in respect to systems as, conceptually, wholes.

Perhaps the best illustration of the next point to be introduced, is the comparison of the functional role of sense-perception and measuring instruments, relative to the mind's formulation of the universe around the person, or persons. The modern Classical illustration of this principle is the scientifically crucial quality of ironical juxtaposition of the human individual's use of the senses of sight and hearing in Kepler's discovery of the general principle of gravitation with respect to the then-known range of the Solar System as a whole. Without that ironical juxtaposition, the discovery of a general principle of the Solar System, in the organization of that Solar System, could not have been made, and was, in fact, never made by any contrary approach.[15]

The issue of method which separates the genius of Kepler from the hoax of claiming a silly, weirdly superstitious Isaac Newton to have been a scientist, is, formally speaking, as ancient as the Sophist Aristotle and his followers Euclid and the hoaxster Claudius Ptolemy. Putting aside the fact that those sophists were hoaxsters, like their intellectual descendants Descartes and the empiricists generally, later, the issue of method which the latter cases pose, is typified most efficiently for classroom purposes, by focussing on "self-evident," a-priori foundations of classroom Euclidean geometry's definitions, axioms, and postulates: the same issue of method identified, with such elegantly Dirichletian irony, in the closing sentence of Bernhard Riemann's 1854 habilitation dissertation.

The essential counter to those varieties of Sophistry, was already known to the ancient Classical Greeks, such as the Pythagoreans and Plato. Kepler's discovery echoes those predecessors, as Nicholas of Cusa did, as in Cusa's own writings, such as De Docta Ignorantia, founding modern European science. It was the incongruity of the visual representation of the phenomena of the Solar orbits, with the aural (harmonic) representation, which prompted Kepler's uniquely original discovery of the gravitational organization of the Solar System.

It is the cognitive powers of the human mind, powers not exhibited by any other living species, which are the key to the issues posed. These powers of the mind do not lie within the domain of sense-perceptions, which are merely "instrument readings," like any other kind of instrument-readings. Here, in this apparent paradox, lies the key to what is competently identified as human individual creativity. It was Kepler's cognitive insight into the incongruity of the visual and harmonic aspects of the self-same astral phenomena, which implicitly defined a relationship among the planets which corresponded to neither a visual, nor a merely harmonic formulation.

There lies the key to understanding the motive for and nature of the "brainwashing" which had induced relevant suspects, such as professors and their students, to submit to the blind, essentially irrational passion, of choosing to believe (without any actual proof) in the "Harry Potter"-like hoax of silly and depraved Isaac Newton's alleged discovery of gravitation.

Was Your Classroom Decadent?

Throughout the known history of human culture, the characteristic affliction of cultures has been sophistries akin to the mumbo-jumbo of the Aristoteleans and that Newton hoax created by the English devotees of avowed follower of the medieval irrationalist William of Ockham, Paolo Sarpi. It is only through recognizing, both, that these have been frauds, and the motives of the priesthoods of relevant cultures in perpetrating such frauds, that a competent approach to modern science could begin, an approach akin to what I write here. It is necessary, as here, to point out present-day widespread "brainwashing" in any effective approach to competent knowledge of the universe in which we live, such as the subject of the pro-existentialist "brainwashing" of masses of post-World War II Europeans by the pro-Satanic Congress for Cultural Freedom, such as both the irrationalist fanatics Theodor Adorno and Hannah Arendt and their fascist colleague, Freiburg University's Nazi, anti-Semitic Professor Martin Heidegger (or, confessed British fascist H.G. Wells).[16]

This has a very special kind of importance in the domain of the subject of economics. Without the precautions to which I point, rather summarily, here, there is no possibility of a competent notion of the actual principles of political-economy, or of economics more broadly defined. The beginning of knowledge in matters of physical science or Classical artistic composition, lies in the understanding of the essential fraud of modern empiricist and related notions of "sense-certainty."

Since approximately four decades ago, but with warning signs to be seen with increasing frequency earlier, there was an increasing disparity between the notion of physical science practiced in the field of machine-tool design and related practice, and the strong smell of that contrary view which should be denounced as "ivory tower-ism" in the academic classroom. Unfortunately, the phenomenon of this discrepancy was often viewed, somewhat justly, by the so-called practical scientist in the laboratory as a lack of regard for "being practical" among academics. The error of that view lay in the misuse of the term "practical."

The actual problem is that typified by the continued, widespread academic absurdity of foolish academics and others in defending the lying myth of Isaac Newton's alleged discovery of gravitation.

Simply, it was much easier to brain-wash the typical university student in the classroom, than to test the reality of what academics recklessly alleged to be a principle against the harsh realities of competent industrial design practice. The most commonplace among the severe problems in competence met among even some leading working scientists of the world, as in the domain of nuclear physics and related matters, was never so much a problem of physics as such, as the brainwashing to which the scientist had been subjected in his preceding incarnations as a student in an academic program.

It is fair to say, that, still today, the leading universities of the United States, in particular, are abject worshippers of a depraved pagan cult, a cult managed by the Babylonian priesthood of the so-called "peer review" institutions. Since the drive toward a post-industrial, one-world "Tower of Babel" which erupted around the so-called "68ers" of Europe and the Americas, the earlier practical connection of the economies of North America and Western Europe to reality, had been broken, through the drift into an increasingly prevalent "post-industrial" ideology among the "68ers" and similar, intellectually depraved types.

At this moment, I must emphasize the fact of this corruption of both our national-economic practice and our academic-intellectual life, without remorse for what might be "hurt feelings" caused, or any show of hesitation. The rescue of civilization from the jaws of an oncoming general breakdown-crisis of this civilization, requires, that academic and related depravities of today must be condemned openly, in order that we might mobilize the effort to save civilization by identifying the relevant error as not merely wrong and depraved, but as constituting a threat to the continued existence of civilized life on this planet.

Take as one of the clearest cases of such academic depravity the spread of so-called "green ideology."

'The Class Struggle' of Today

The most conspicuous example of this corruption of the academic classroom, has its root in the conflict which emerged during the late 1960s, between "68ers" on the one side, and industrial operatives and farmers, on the other. The root of the conflict lay in the fact that the core of the adolescents and young adults expressing this hatred against the so-called "blue collar" classes, were products of a conditioning program which complemented the corruption practiced by the Congress for Cultural Freedom in Europe.

As the anarchoid faction of 1968-1970 emerged as the most actively promoted political component of the generation born during the immediate post-war decades, there was a matching physical-economic collapse of the U.S. economy under Presidents Nixon, Ford, and Carter, which has continued as a trend up to the point of the presently onrushing breakdown-crisis of the trans-Atlantic economic systems—and radiating beyond. The resulting, degenerative cultural matrix dominating what has been, until now, the politically-influential minority of the adult population, has brought us now to the present point at which the mass of the population is in enraged revolt against what it despises as the present U.S. government and the like, while a suddenly aroused general, "blue collar" and related generation has arisen, as it were a modern Rip Van Winkle, in full revolt against what the majority of the voting-age population regards as treasonous behavior by the Federal Executive, the financier stratum, and the complicit political parties, press, and Federal legislature.

Underlying this new expression of a social conflict within our society, is the fact that the social and political values expressed by the "Baby Boomer" component of the nation's "political class," have an agenda which has no correspondence with the core values and aspirations, or welfare, of the great majority of our adult population. Nothing that the Democratic Party's current Presidential campaign proffers, now, has any correspondence to the actually vital interests of the majority of our citizenry in general. The majority of the Congress, especially the Democratic members, were prepared to continue to sell out the most vital interests of the population at large, that chiefly for sake of desired support, in the current year's election campaign, from the very same monied interests which had just robbed the national cradle through the so-called "investment bankers."

"We must win the current election," even if that means not only selling out the nation and its people, but sending the nation into its rather immediate doom in the greatest hyperinflationary blow-out in modern world history."

The "white collar" Baby Boomers' interest in winning an election, outweighed saving the nation and its people from a plunge into a new dark age of the United States in particular, but also the matter of saving the world as a whole, in addition.

The reason for this disgusting behavior from among the leading Federal politicians and their relevant accomplices, is, of course, a reflection of a moral failure among the currently reigning political class. However, we must also recognize that this moral failure of the national leadership of the Democratic Party in this matter, is essentially a reflection of the change in values which occurred through the impact of the phenomenon of the anti-science element of the "68ers." In other words, it may appear that the politicians who supported the bail-out were immoral; that is true, in a certain sense. However, the reality is, that the immorality of 68er-style, largely "green" moral values have become the inserted pseudo-morality of this time.

Similar paradoxes have risen to a comparable point of crisis in earlier history of revolutions and the like, as in the case of the Fourteenth-Century New Dark Age which wiped out half of the parishes and one-third of the level of population of Europe during approximately the span of a single generation.

These just stated social-political implications of the present U.S. national and international situation, provide the setting, at this juncture, for resuming our review of the scientific implications of the present political-economic crisis.

Economics, Science & Morals

For reason of the lack of a comprehension of what human creativity actually is, the term "creativity" has been employed loosely as expressing a favorable opinion of what might sometimes seem to be about everything but creativity itself. In physical science, for example, actual creativity is actually typified by Gottfried Leibniz's allusion to the infinitesimal. However, even in the domain of mathematical physics, the existence of actual creativity is more or less emphatically denied by what passes for entire classes of notable mathematicians such as Rene Descartes, or, more notably, the hoaxsters Abraham de Moivre, D'Alembert, Leonhard Euler, Joseph Lagrange, Pierre-Simon Laplace, and the plagiarist of Abel, Augustin Cauchy.[17]

The term "creativity" were properly employed in the sense of Biblical Genesis 1, where its true scientific meaning is emphasized in verses 26-28. The term "creativity" signifies anti-entropy as a recognized characteristic of the universe. It signifies, in fact, a universal principle of anti-entropy as being a general law of the universe. Thus, as a beloved, now deceased rabbi of note made the point correctly and neatly, "The Messiah will arrive according to the Creator's choice" of occasion deemed appropriate, not according to something like a predetermined railway schedule.

The same notion is expressed as a condemnation of the method of Aristotle, and his self-designated propagandists, like the hoaxsters who propagated a "second law of thermodynamics," Clausius, Grassmann, Kelvin, et al., who echo, thus, the evil dogma of both the Olympian Zeus of Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound, of the evil Prince Philip of Britain, and the latter's U.S. lackey and former U.S. Vice-President Al Gore. Such perverts have insisted, either explicitly or in effect, that "perfection" signifies that the Creator was reduced to impotence, and so prevented from attempting any further action to change the universe, once its initial Creation had been effected. What prudent soul would pray for succor from an impotent such god, thus probably angering the actual Creator?

The characteristic distinction of human species from beast, is that mankind is the only known species of living existence which has shown itself capable of successive increases of the potential relative population-density of its species. This unique quality of the human species, is the typical expression of the practical meaning of that potential of the human individual which is rightly identified as creativity. This quality of the human individual mind is not merely a capability, a potential, of the human individual mind; it is an imperative built into the Creator's design of the human species.

Accordingly, the essential obligation of the human species, and of its individual, is to act in service of fulfillment of that assigned, anti-entropic obligation. It is, thus, the essential obligation of mankind, and also of its individual members, to work to understand this unique form of power which the Creator shares with mankind, and to learn to practice it with appropriate devotion.

Such considerations underlie the birth of modern European science, as this is expressed, typically, by Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa, as in his De Docta Ignorantia, and as that injunction was heeded by such among Cusa's avowed students as Leonardo da Vinci and Johannes Kepler, and by their followers in this persuasion, such as Pierre de Fermat, Leibniz, (implicitly) Gauss, Lejeune Dirichlet, Bernhard Riemann, et al., as also J.S. Bach, W.A. Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, et al.

In the origins of what emerged as European civilization, out of the background associated with the evil Babylon and its adversary Egypt, the essential form of evil experienced by European culture has been the principle of empire, as from Babylon, ancient Rome, the medieval partnership in evil of the Venetian usurers and their crusading Norman flunkeys, and the British (i.e., the neo-Venetian, Sarpian Anglo-Dutch Liberal) empire, from its original composition as an empire of a private firm known as the British East India company, since the February 1763 Peace of Paris, to the present day.

The characteristic of this imperial legacy shared among Mesopotamian and European traditions, is that which was identified by the great tragedian Aeschylus in his Prometheus Bound. The essence of such empires is the stipulation which tragedian Aeschylus places in the mouth of the evil, Delphic, Olympian Zeus, the banning of man's knowledge of the principle of "fire." This is the Olympian stipulation otherwise named a "second law of thermodynamics," courtesy of the hoaxsters Clausius, Grassmann, Kelvin, as by the self-described, would-be mass murderers of the pro-genocidal World Wildlife Fund, the Princes Philip of England and that late, former Nazi-SS veteran Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, who, on the exact occasion of his marriage to the Dutch princess, signed his letter of resignation from the Nazi-SS, to Adolf Hitler, "Heil Hitler."

The characteristic of all European empires in the skein which the British (Anglo-Dutch Liberal) empire shares in history, from its birth in February 1763 to the present day, is the popular suppression of the practice of those innately creative powers of the individual human mind which have been banned by ruling circles from the knowledge among all designated as typifying the lower social classes of their subjects, including, clearly, that lower intellectual class known otherwise as students of science and economy in leading British and U.S.A. universities of today. That heathen dogma of that malicious cult called "environmentalism," is merely typical of the depraved, imperial cultural tradition of the Olympian Zeus.

The Relevant Conflict

The Anglo-Dutch Liberal motive is clear enough to those informed persons who are able and willing to actually think for themselves, rather than regurgitate the nonsense typically circulated so copiously through today's classroom and Liberal press.

The religious warfare launched by the so-called "old faction" of Venice, which long used the Habsburgs as the pivotal force for the attempt to destroy the Fifteenth-Century European Renaissance associated with the great ecumenical Council of Florence, led to the emergence of a then-dissident Venetian faction associated with the figure of the Venetian reformer Paolo Sarpi. The essential trick of Sarpi was to enable the opposition to the Renaissance's modern sovereign nation-state to resist the superior culture of the Renaissance's modern sovereign nation-state, that by accepting the Renaissance reforms only to a certain degree, by substituting the medieval irrationalism of William of Ockham for the intellectually sterile imperialism in the tradition of Aristotle.

The result was Sarpi's build-up of a new Venetian faction of financier-usury, done by creating what became known as northern European Protestantism, and by shifting the financial-oligarchical power of this new Protestantism from an orientation to the Mediterranean littoral, toward the coasts of northern maritime Europe.[18]

However, just as the old imperial tradition of Rome and the Medieval period had relied on the dogma of Aristotle for the purpose of "dumbing down" the great mass of the population, Sarpi permitted a certain amount of scientific and technological innovation, which thus increased the relative economic power of the Protestant (over the traditionally Aristotelian) faction, while preventing any actual discovery of a system of universal physical principles.

The outcome of this process of Sarpi's empiricist reforms, was the relative triumph of the corrupted English-speaking trans-Atlantic culture, a culture which has been divided, from the outset, by an existential conflict between what became our United States and the Anglo-Dutch Liberal empire of the depraved, Liberal followers of Sarpi. For reason of the implications of this arrangement, the U.S. republic has been, from its outset, the great, mortal, English-speaking threat, as if from the inside of British imperial culture, to the continuing global reach of the imperial power represented by the Anglo-Dutch Liberal financier interest, and, the financier interest's attempted destruction, as through Wall Street subversion, of the United States.

With the split between the patriots and the American Tory Party of the British East India Company's agents in North America, beginning the February 1763 Peace of Paris, our United States has remained polluted by that treasonously inclined Liberal faction, through the presently, actually treasonous role of the circles of Secretary Henry Paulson et al. in the current effort to bring about the hyper-inflationary self-destruction of our U.S. republic in favor of the bail-out of London with virtually stolen U.S. dollars.

The crux of this fight between Anglo-Dutch Liberal Protestant empire, and republicanism, has been the intellectual conflict, within physical science, between the hoax known as the actually systemically irrationalist cult of the silly Sir Isaac Newton, which was poised against the legacy of Kepler and Leibniz. This division has come to be expressed, otherwise, by the systemic difference between the credit-system under the U.S. Federal Constitution, as opposed to the monetarist lunacies of traditional European parliamentary systems. This division is typified by the hatred by Britain's Winston Churchill and followers against the United States under, most notably, both the President Abraham Lincoln whom the British assassinated, and against the Franklin Roosevelt whose legacy Churchill's British Empire had been determined to subvert and destroy, since even before the death of that President.

The implication of this, is the conflict between, on the one side, the London-dominated Wall Street interests, including controlling foreign elements operating from within the leading U.S. election-campaigns of the present moment, and, on the other side, the suddenly insurgent mass of the U.S. citizenry now revolting against the vast, mass-murderous, hyper-inflationary swindle perpetrated by London's lackeys such as the two President Bushes, and by the terrified and corrupted U.S., "Baby Boomer"-dominated, national political establishment.[19]

The Crucial Role of Lincoln & F.D.R.

Britain's creation and steering of the treasonous Confederacy, and the similar intention of London's role, through arranging the assassination of the patriotic President William McKinley, in bringing avowed "Sons of the Confederacy" Theodore Roosevelt and Ku Klux Klan fanatic Woodrow Wilson into the Presidency, had been ventures ultimately set back by Presidents Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt, respectively, each in their own time. Hence, the implicitly treasonous anti-FDR fanaticism of pro-fascist Felix Rohatyn and the morally depraved British Foreign Office agent George Soros.

However, with the Nazi breaking of the "western line," with much help from French traitors, through the invasion of Netherlands, Belgium, and France, the Anglo-American party, including the Hitler-backing father of former U.S. President George H.W. Bush, a large section of what had been the Hitler-loving Wall Street Establishment, including the current President's grandfather, echoed Winston Churchill in going over from being actively sympathizers of Nazi power, to enemies of the Nazi surge for world imperial power.

However, with President Franklin Roosevelt dead, the "white shoe" gang of strictly temporary adversaries of Nazism in our intelligence establishment, went back to the same root-passions which had earlier put them into the camp, with the former head of the Bank of England, Montagu Norman, of Britain's one-time puppets Mussolini and Hitler. So, the same old see-saw game of patriots versus the pro-British, American tories in the British East India Company tradition of New England's Judge Lowell, has played out, played out through to the present day of the implicitly American Tory gang rallied around Secretary Paulson and three "de-generations" of the Bush family tradition.

Under present circumstances, there is no term for such betrayal of our U.S.A. in today's circumstances, but "treason." These British and our American traitors are joined in making war against the very existence of our constitutional republic! Will you defend our republic against its avowed enemy, or not? The intent of the Treason Party in the United States, the London-centered financier interests is to destroy us, to gobble us up, and to eradicate the principle of our republic from this planet; this role by the London interests represented within our U.S.A., can not be fairly described in any less blunt terms than a case of treason against the continued existence of our U.S.A. The Marquis de Lafayette, and his associate James Fenimore Cooper of the Society of the Cincinnati, and Secretary of State and President John Quincy Adams, would understand my point here, and doubtless agree with me were they to come alive today. Would you? Are you, perhaps, one of those cheated Americans who have now awakened to discover that the Wall Street Establishment is robbing you, your family, and seeking to loot and destroy our republic?

As life is distinguished from death, there are points of transition in the life of societies, at which human sickness passes over into threatened death. On such occasions, the will to act to resist this, by the patient and others, will tend to become decisive. Sometimes, it is the will to live which is, itself, decisive, for a society as for the individual and his or her family. Recently, many in our U.S. Congress and the leadership and general composition of our leading political parties, have sent us signals of a coming political death-rattle from their own side. There are also those, as in the Congress itself, who are those spring-time patriots, even in high places, who would trade the continued existence of our nation for that mess of pottage which is hope of sufficient financing to secure their temporary re-election

In such circumstances as that, the matter of the will to defend the nation hangs on the presence or absence of the relevant motive. Does a prospective candidate, for example, prefer his, or her wish to be elected over the survival of what our republic was created to become, and what was defended, at great cost and peril, by those generations which made possible even the very existence of today's wavering patriots among our elected class? Are there those elected officials, who deserve to be called "losers," who consider themselves, nonetheless, skilled in the matters of winning particular elections, who would condone an electoral victory purchased by the process of destruction of our economy, a wretched impulse, from such quarters, which has continued throughout the 1968-2008 interval to date, as a demonstration of the principles of "successful political strategy" in government?

Are we increasing the productive powers of labor in these United States, to the effect that the physical standard of life, the life-expectancy of individuals, and the productive powers of labor, per capita and per square kilometer of total territory are increasing consistently over successive generations? Looking at the physical conditions of life in the U.S.A. since 1968, this earlier dedication to progress has never happened in the leadership of our political system since that time. The politics of all leading political parties and relevant leading individuals, as well as the general trend of opinion of the electorate, has been in a consistent period of decadence—of their devotion to the electoral success of the political cause of national failure!—over the entire space of the forty-year cycle of 1968-2008 to date.

As John Ball said, "When Adam delved and Eve span who, then, was nobleman?" Where are the noble patriots among our elected officials and party spokesmen today? An increasingly aroused and growing mass of our U.S. citizens is challenging the members of the U.S. Congress today: "Who among those we have elected can be trusted, now, to defend us against the rapacity of those stinking American Tories who would sell us out to what is itself the hopelessly bankrupt empire of the wicked old Union Jerk?"

What Is an Infinitesimal?

The LaRouche Youth Movement has done what few among today's university professors have ever actually attempted, to work through the actual founding of competent forms of modern physical science through the work of Kepler on the organization of the Solar System. Thus, in even leading universities in many nations of the world, the teaching of what passes for physical science is polluted by the incorporation of a gigantic hoax based on the admiration of a silly and utterly damned fool, Sir Isaac Newton, a professed student of witchcraft and other black magic, who is on record as one who could not even discover the way to open a window in the British Parliament. (Valuable information for Prime Minister Gordon Brown, these days.)

This, thus-illustrated streak of widespread intellectual and moral degeneracy in physical science and other academic matters, combined with the Sophist tradition of Aristotle, Aristotle's dupe Euclid, and even many far worse, is the most systematically efficient illustration of the chasm of moral and intellectual corruption which prevalently separates the beautiful design of the human soul, as the noblest creature under Creation, from the realization of that design in the practice of human cultures.[20]

In the situation so described, now examine the Leibniz "infinitesimal" more closely.

The rise of the evil Aristotle during the time after the death of Plato, has tended to encourage the concealment of the fact that the same notion associated with the Leibniz concept of the infinitesimal, was not only Leibniz's defense of an earlier discovery presented to "future mathematicians" by Johannes Kepler, but was already embedded as a functional characteristic of the method in physical science of both the Pythagorean doctrine of Sphaerics and the closely related work of Plato.

The concept of the infinitesimal was introduced to modern physical science, implicitly by the same Filippo Brunelleschi who employed the catenary principle of physical science for the construction of the cupola of Florence's celebrated Santa Maria del Fiore, but it pervades the development of the foundations of modern physical science by Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa, as in Cusa's principal published works beginning with his De Docta Ignorantia

The essential feature of this discovery, both in ancient and modern European times, is expressed most notably in the rejection of the Sophist Aristotelean dogma of Euclid's Elements. That Sophist dogma, as expressed in both ancient and modern intellectual climates, asserts that the sensory image of the world outside our skins, is not only a direct experience of a real universe, but that the universe is of the exact same form as sense-perceptual readings. Cusa's De Docta Ignorantia represents, even in its title, a rejection of those fraudulent, Aristotelean or kindred presumptions. As the Pythagoreans and Plato had insisted earlier, Cusa emphasized that we must discover experimental proofs which lead us to a correct meaning, contrary to the misleading impressions left by mere sense-impressions. Before preparing the meal, clear the garbage out of the kitchen!

This distinction first appears as a clearly defined notion of Kepler's work in his The New Astronomy. Out of the laborious succession of critical steps leading to the demonstration of "equal times, equal areas," Kepler reached a new demonstration of Cusa's rejection of the Archimedean error of assuming the possibility of the true quadrature of the circle (or, the ellipse). This discovery by Kepler, as amplified qualitatively by the discovery of universal harmonics, led directly, with help from Pierre de Fermat, into two great achievements of all modern European physical science: the discovery of the physical principle of the truly infinitesimal calculus, by Leibniz, and the solving of the riddle of elliptical-physical functions by Carl F. Gauss and his collaborators and followers.

These discoveries, as restored and advanced by modern European physical science, have led into the development of an essentially Riemannian general theory of physical functions, a general theory which is absolutely indispensable for the development and application of a competent general theory of physical economy today. Albert Einstein's recognition of the indispensable role of Kepler, and of Riemann, in all competent modern physical science, is exemplary. The central notion for this purpose is, in first approximation, the notion of the physical-economic significance of the Leibnizian infinitesimal.

The crucial issue to be addressed in concluding this present chapter of the report, is the following.


To restate the argument of Cusa as simply as accuracy permits, all attempts to derive curved functions from the linear standpoint of Euclidean or Cartesian geometries are intrinsically incompetence physically. This principle, which was already true in Nicholas of Cusa's rejection of Archimedes' mistaken presumption of a quadrature of the circle, was thrust into the form of a crucial paradox by the implications of Kepler's "equal times, equal (sectoral) areas" of an elliptical function.

No longer was an ellipse simply a plane-geometrical construction; now, the value associated with any minute interval along the trajectory of the orbital pathway varied "infinitely" with the progress of that motion. Thus, there was no degree of smallness which could be employed to define the orbital action in terms of a linear algebra. Yet, that same interval, while not measurable in any ordinary sense, nonetheless existed ontologically, although not simply geometrically in the Aristotle-Euclid-Ptolemy-Descartes sense.

The paradoxes so generated reflected the fallacy against which Bernhard Riemann was to warn us in the concluding sentence of his 1854 habilitation dissertation, the folly of attempting to derive a physical principle from a merely geometrical one. The infinitesimal quality of the interval of action along an orbital pathway, existed (ontologically), but only as a physical phenomenon, rather than an elementarily geometrical (mathematical) one.

This problem was carried to a higher level in Kepler's Harmonies. Here, mere mathematics was cast aside absolutely. Not only was the absurd set of Euclidean definitions, axioms, and postulates rejected absolutely by the physical evidence; the entirety of the assumption that a competent mathematical map of the organization of the universe existed, was destroyed in a manner and degree which affirmed the intent of the title of Cusa's De Docta Ignorantia.

A similar challenge is presented by any competent consideration of the effect of even a slight improvement in technology on the productivity of any otherwise fixed mode of productive labor. In this domain, that of the physical productivity of labor in society, we are, once again, dealing with a quality of non-linear action which lies outside the ken of any financial accounting scheme. Yet, what the accountant habitually ignores, is the absolutely decisive feature of the economic process in question.

From this point in description of the case, on, it becomes apparent that the determination of the relative potency of the productive powers of labor in society can be understood only from the standpoint of the physical process of production from the "top down" standpoint of the social-economic process treated as an integrated whole, from the standpoint of the subject of power.


The development of pro-industrial, productive modes of basic economic infrastructure, includes the development of water-management systems, national rail-way systems, centralized power-generating systems, and kindred general works essential to production and productivity. These crucial forms of public, as opposed to the relatively tertiary, private infrastructure investments, create what is, in effect, an artificial environment required for the society's productive powers as a whole. It is those public infrastructure programs, as typified by the Tennessee Valley program of the Franklin Roosevelt Presidency, rather than simply direct investment "at the local point of production," which are the primary, most effective drivers of increased productivity, per capita and per square kilometer in the economy as a whole.

The local capitalist of a town, city, or region of the nation, may insist that it is his leadership, his investments, and so on, which are the driver of his independent contribution to national economic progress. In many cases, it used to be the case that such local entrepreneurs did make a significant contribution to the national economy as a whole. Therefore, one must pose the issue: "It is now a clear fact, that the U.S. economy has undergone a consistent pattern of decline in net per-capita physical output of the national economy as a whole, during a period of forty years, since U.S. Fiscal Year 1967-68. It is also true, that some enterprises did provide a net gain in production of true physical wealth and productivity during parts of the 1968-2008 interval, whereas the economy as a whole has failed miserably, with an accelerating rate of net loss in net physical output, consistently, over the entire forty-year period. How was this ironical pattern possible—over the interval of the most recent forty years!?"

Why has our national leadership, including the Presidency itself, been a consistent failure in matters of economic policy over a span of forty years? What has been the controlling influence on the predominant ideological trends in the economy considered as a whole, throughout each and all of the most recent four decades?

Admittedly, Presidents Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, and Clinton (to say nothing of the—ugh!—Bush league's no-hitter Presidencies during a total of twelve particularly awful years) each and all failed to bring on any program which would have reversed the terrible errors of their predecessors on this account.[21] Let academics and other foolish people make up all the self-consoling so-called theories and other opinions they might choose: the success, or failure of nations' economies is decided from the top, down, not the bottom, up. Without a functioning human head, everything below the neck is kind of silly and pitiable.

This fact has had consequences even within my own association. When it comes to telling the straight truth, when the truth were probably not instantly popular, populist sorts of opportunism have been the greatest of the afflictions which I have been obliged to confront within my own associations, here and in other parts of the political world.

Contrary to much public sentiment, it is a fact, even statistically (which is about as low as the mind of a typical economist can descend), that the possibility of the success of enterprises depends upon the economic environment which has been created and boosted from the nation's leadership—especially our Presidency—on down. It is, variously, by killing our Presidents, or selecting incompetent, or corrupted ones, or, simply fools in the Congress trying to "go along to get along," that the nation is deprived of that quality of Presidency upon which a determining national economic-development policy depends absolutely.

Unlike the customarily failed European parliamentary systems, with their attached, inherently failed Keynesian and kindred monetary systems, the U.S. Constitutional system of national leadership and government, as understood by such as Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton, Henry C. Carey, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin D. Roosevelt, is the best system of government ever designed in any part of the world, at the least, thus far. This advantage, when permitted to express itself through a good U.S. Presidency, expresses the moral advantage which was sought and developed among the best leaders of the English-speaking colonization of North America, in contrast to the inherent corruption of the parliamentary and monetary systems of "Old Europe."

This advantage of our historic legacy, is located as our original Federal Constitution stipulates, especially, in the functional implications of that highest principle of our Constitutional law, which is expressed in the Preamble, a Presidential, rather than a parliamentary system. The selection of that President is highly significant, and sometimes crucial, but any President, even one as great as Washington, John Quincy Adams, Lincoln, or Franklin Roosevelt, does have the power to influence, but does not have, in himself, the power to predetermine personally, the course the nation will follow over generations to come.[22] The President must lead, but it is the Constitutional intention of our Presidential system of self-government, far more than any President, however great, which decides the outcome in the long run. The principle of leadership must be built into the way the succession of Presidential administrations is pre-arranged and ordered thereafter. The problem has been the corrupted way in which the succession of the Presidency was ordered after the assassination of President Kennedy. That is what I mean by The Presidency.

Forty recent years of what has become now a catastrophic, global failure, is a fair intimation of "the long run."

The root of the relevant connections is implied in the summary which I have just presented. That is to emphasize, that the driver of our national economic progress, since the beginnings in the Mayflower and the founding of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts during the interval prior to 1688, has been a conception of man typified for practice by Increase Mather's period of leadership over Harvard.[23] As the Mathers did, through the time of Cotton Mather, and as Winthrop family members continued this role deep into the Eighteenth Century, the English-speaking colonies in North America were chiefly founded in hatred of the evil which the influence of Paolo Sarpi's Liberalism and that of the morally depraved representative of the traffic in African slaves, John Locke, carried into what became our republic: thus, the role of the latter two factors as an infestation from European Anglo-Dutch Liberal culture morally comparable, in its political expression, to the bubonic plague.

The critical role which Benjamin Franklin performed,[24] in introducing the industrial revolution to Britain, reflects the fact that it was the American system as already adopted by prominent internationally renowned scientist Franklin, as he collaborated on this with relevant scientific circles in Britain and France, which exported the conception of the agro-industrial revolution in national productivity, echoing the Saugus Iron Works, into a post-Queen Anne Britain. It was the principle of Leibniz's influence in Queen Anne's England, most emphatically, which had represented the fragile hope for England's future, despite the Anglo-Dutch evil of William of Orange and Churchill.

What Franklin represented on this account, is summarized as a statement of U.S. national economic policy by our republic's first, and, by far, best Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton, as Carey echoed Hamilton's essential, Leibnizian conception later.

Restated: real economy, is physical, not linear, not algebraic, not Cartesian, nor Kantian. Real economy is dynamic, as in the sense of Leibniz's Specimen Dynamicum, and in the sense of Riemannian physical geometry, and in the sense of the Pythagoreans and Plato who preceded Leibniz in more ways than one.

We Must Reject Populist Stupidities

The stupid approach to the study of political-economy, is the British—or, better said, Brutish, or Cartesian approach echoed by Adam Smith and Smith's famous dupe, Haileybury School-indoctrinated Karl Marx. The pivotal work by Leibniz on this account is, again, his 1695 Specimen Dynamicum, in which Leibniz not only sums up the proof of the intrinsic incompetence of the reductionist methods of Descartes and the Eighteenth-Century empiricists, including the wretchedly incompetent and depraved Adam Smith, generally, but also presents the proper basis for a conception of a science of physical economy in the clearest way.

In the U.S.A. and elsewhere, today, the customary source of lunacy about economy among otherwise intelligent and skilled professionals and entrepreneurs, is their argument, in effect, that since the generality of national economy's principle, as a matter of physical principle, is so elusive to the ordinary individual mind, that ordinary people must reconcile themselves to making the nation's economic policy from the bottom-up, rather than the top-down: the art of thinking without using one's head. The result is, that aiming for the bottom is likely to carry one to the bottom.

This popular, intrinsically incompetent, largely mythological argument against a top-down, universal-principled approach to economy policy, has been often the "the opium of the entrepreneur" inhaled in defense of the entrepreneurs and elected representatives against charges of failure against which the population has complained, or which the population might present against the current apologetics of the local business community, apologetics crafted in defense of that Liberal policy of practice which is, often, foolishly, called "capitalism."

The fact of the matter, as works such as Leibniz's Specimen Dynamicum emphasize the crucial principle of organization on which successful economies depend, is that the effective function of all actual systems, including national economies, functions on the basis of principles which operate from the top, down, rather than the bottom up. Nearly every actually stupid and destructive argument in current, or proposed law bearing upon national economy, is based on arguments which presume that national economy is Cartesian, which is to say, as if from the bottom, up, rather than, as in reality, the head controlling the feet.

All competent economic policy is based on a form of so-called protectionist, "fair trade" policy of government, in which net prices and preferences in extension of public credit, are herded, by government's law and policy-shaping influences in matters such as relative rates of taxation, to conform to the intended effect of a general physical principle of economy. This is not an arbitrary matter; it is the principle of using one's mind, rather than allowing the mind to be seized in the grip of nitty-gritty sexual, or comparable monetary or like passions.

The Crucial Issue of Principle

This principled, Leibniz-Riemann approach, worked to such effects, that the development, through what might be termed the regional "Edison effect" of electric motors used to power specific items of machinery in the greater New York City area, circa 1910 A.D., produced a general increase of net productive power, relative to belt-transmitting systems, without any otherwise appreciable cause for the manifest increase in productivity. Similarly, public health systems, and so on, which provide such services independently of any limitation by fee-per-service considerations, have a kindred effect.

The general point to be raised, respecting the subject of increase of productivity, per capita and per square kilometer, in national economies as wholes, is that it is much less due to investments at the point of production, than the invention and supply of improvements in technology in a general way for the population and economy as a whole. These top-down factors are, chiefly, concentrated in U.S. Federal monetary and credit policy, as in the brilliantly successful reforms under President Franklin Roosevelt, in opposition to any nonsense bred among the intellectual fungi of the Harvard Business School or kindred places where nation's misfortunes are bred for mass-distribution.

It is only when we consider the role of the leading edge of machine-tool design of tool-making instruments and processes, that we touch the essence of the genius expressed by the reforms under U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt and such Roosevelt associates as Harry Hopkins. It is in the history of such practice of the higher order of machine-tool design, at the level of machine-tool design of proof-of-principle experiments, that the great World War II achievements under President Franklin Roosevelt's leadership can be grasped in what may be fairly described in a concretized way.

This outlook on national economic policy-shaping under our original Federal Constitutional system, is strictly Leibnizian and anti-Lockean, as illustrated by the case of Abraham Lincoln's Union mobilized to defeat that pack of British-created, Lord Palmerston-directed traitors called the Confederacy.[25]

Those illustrative points considered, the lesson which should be adduced from the Franklin Roosevelt experience, is the following.

Fighting Fascism & Its Like

This principle is also encountered, as a principle of physical economy, under the emperor Charlemagne, where the first truly competent economic census was conducted, and in which the systemic development of inland waterways of transport was applied, in a related way, to produce a general upsurge in productive powers of labor. Despite what was done to ruin Europe after the death of Charlemagne, what was done in the improvements, under his administration, provided the broadly embedded, model pre-foundations for the later, Renaissance development of modern European civilization.[26]

The public-private, actually Mussolini-style fascist swindle proposed by the Rockefeller Foundation, New York Mayor Bloomberg, and that bankrupt "Sultan of Flab" otherwise known as the bankruptcy of California, is what created what must be regarded by relevant, richly angered citizens, as a virtually sexual affair involving Bushlegger Enron and Governor Schwarzenegger, is essentially a pure fraud, a swindle and ruin now spreading throughout the nation as a whole—or, perhaps, unless corrected soon, a "hole."

Idiots presume that "physical," as that term is applied to economy, is a matter of tangible, countable objects. In other words, they think in Cartesian-like, radically reductionist terms. Their view is contrary to that expressed by Leibniz in such publications as his 1695 Specimen Dynamicum. Leibniz summarily dismissed Descartes as being a purveyor of gross incompetence in both economics and in physical science generally. Yet, lately, as a result of British influence on Eighteenth-Century developments, most currently practiced financial accounting, and teaching and practice of economics doctrine, is derived entirely from that specific form of wild-eyed incompetence represented by Descartes. Such beliefs as those typified by Descartes, ensure a state of mind in the believer which must lead to the inevitability of the greatest imaginable incompetence in real economic matters, as Treasury Secretary Paulson's influence typifies expressions of those diseased mental habits expressed by the Bush-Paulson "bail-out" swindle of the American people generally.

This takes our attention back to the beginning of the first chapter of this report as a whole. The essential ecological characteristic which separates humanity absolutely from lower forms of life, is the human mind's unique power of discovery of the quality of "fire" which is banned from human knowledge by the character, Zeus, of Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound. This distinct power of the human species, is ostensibly, intrinsically, an intangible, but nonetheless powerful physical, but not merely mechanical force. It is a force on which the society depends, not only for its continued successful existence, but, in the final analysis, for any continued existence at all. It is the promotion of the creative powers of original discovery, or re-discovery, of universal physical principles, which fosters that development of the human mind which is indispensable for producing the great scientific discoverer and his, or her essential companion, the machine-tool designer. It is upon such measures, that society's ability to avoid virtual death-through-entropy depends.

Thus, not only does human productivity depend upon scientific-technological progress for its continued economic progress; it depends on the enhancement of production of goods by the production and supply of inter-mediating agencies of the human creative mind, agencies we associate with the expression of technology per se.

These goodies of scientific and technological progress come into existence in their ontological expression, as what is typified, thus, by machine-tool design. Even if the factory operative, for example, makes no significant improvement in the quality of the action which he supplies to the production process, the technological progress embedded in the form of increased power and increase capital-intensity of production, as increase of the energy-flux density of power supplied, and so on, amplifies the net value of the effort supplied by the operative "at the point of production."

The contrary view, as typified by such incompetents and swindlers as the "Bozos" Mayor Bloomberg and Governor Schwarzenegger, may suggest that putting a toll-gate at the intersections along each block-long stretch of local sidewalk, might somehow improve the economic "infrastructure" of the community in question, but only a poor, half-witted bumpkin, conditioned to accept the lunatic fantasies of a virtually Tower-of-Babel form of globally green "post-industrial society," could be insane enough, or simply larcenous enough, to believe Bloomberg's scam. That scam is a one-big-altogether-too-much swindle, concocted by the Rockefeller Foundation, which has been represented as the inspiration of such a proposed, "back-to-the-Middle-Ages" swindle.

The chief product which distinguishes humanity from the apes, is the product of the creative powers of discovery of universal physical principles through which the effective energy-flux-density, per capita, and per square kilometer of territory is increased.

The idea of capital of production, must be taken out of the hands of the financial speculators, and relocated in the concept of increased productivity per capita and per square kilometer through increased physical capital-intensity, and increase of the energy-flux-density of the quality and quantity of power supplied to production and transportation.

'Human Evolution'

From the comparative standpoint of conventional animal ecology, the human species is unique among all living creatures, in that it represents the design of a self-evolving species. It is a design which is expressed naturally in the evolutionary progress of human societies to a, culturally, more highly evolved form of life than its ancestors, yet without requiring any change in the human species biologically.[27] This is accomplished through the discovery of universal physical principles, and by the transformation of the behavior of the individual in society, to higher levels of implicit potential relative population-density than in early phases of science-driven cultural evolution.

This defines the elementary, absolute distinction which separates actually practicing members of our human species from the beasts.

The evolution of the human population to higher forms of potential relative population-density, refers our attention to the following crucial, principled considerations.

The first such consideration is, that there are three distinct phases of reform to be considered:

  1. The percentile of the population's labor-force employed in production of relevant physical goods, must now be greatly increased, but with emphasis on science-intensive, capital-intensive modalities of effort and output.
  2. The increase of the ration of all production represented by capital and related improvements in the infrastructure of production and direct care of the population as a whole.
  3. The increase of the degree of emphasis on physical-science driven progress and comparable roles of Classical culture.

The "driving" of a society's upward pathway of development, to these included ends, requires emphasis in all policy-shaping by governmental and other functions, on both:

  1. Scientific and related technological progress; and
  2. Classical forms of culture in drama, literature generally, music, and visual arts, each and all considered as interdependent, and as to be used as a medium of insight into the historical development of the individual and of the society which he, or she inhabits.

These considerations just summarized, so, summarize the essential issues of a competent nation's direction of its economic and related policies.

All among these considerations are properly subsumed, as conceptions, under the governing notion of the essential immortality of the human living soul, despite the mortality of the living package within which the newborn soul is delivered into its mother's arms. As Russia's Academician V.I. Vernadsky implied, that human soul expresses functionally efficient powers to change the principle of ordering of our universe, powers which do not exist in any other known living creature. It is the association of the human personality with those special powers, known as human creativity, which expresses that immortality of the individual human soul of which Plato spoke and Moses Mendelssohn wrote.

In contrast to that set of criteria, today's so-called "free market" economy seems to be better adapted to virtual slave-labor by an argot-bound quasi-slave population enjoying the beauties of "globalization" on a barren, meaningless orb floating as if outside our galaxy. There, idle hours away from the work-place, or even within the work-place, are devoted to entertainment of the form of attempted copulation with any species of nearby object which even merely appears to move, all under what pretends to be a currently very strict moral code governing not-necessarily human, sexual behavior.

All this just said, amounts to insisting that to understand economic processes of societies, we must first acquire a clear insight into the nature of men and women, and the needs which they have acquired on account of being human.

Consider a few examples of this line of investigations, to make the general, relevant point clear.

The Productive Powers of Labor

All usually taught descriptions of modern European and related economies are founded in what are actually sterile, reductionist models which propose to describe relations of production, expenditure, and income in a fixed algebraic, actually Cartesian form of relationships. In contrast to that, all economies are, in physical terms, essentially dynamic in Leibniz's revival of the ancient Pythagorean-Platonic sense of dynamis. On this account, there is no competent science of economic processes which does not proceed from the argument of Leibniz's identification of the scientific incompetence of the principal arguments by both Descartes and the Eighteenth-Century European empiricists, such as London-trained Karl Marx.

All relevant systems of production in societies worth living, are engaged in the practice of human freedom, rather than the virtual human slavery to fixed traditions in economic and other social behavior. Therefore, it is not merely change that defines society's characteristics, but, rather the matter of change, and, most emphatically, the choice of direction in which change is occurring.

It is the increase of the capital-intensity of investment in transportation and production, combined with qualitative leaps upward in the energy-flux-density of the power supplied to both production and transportation, which must now supersede the follies of financial-capital concentration. Main street must now replace Wall Street, and production by farmers, industrial operatives, increased rations of machine-tool-design specialists, and related qualities of Classical and other higher education, must be increased to reverse that misdirection of the composition of employment which has become characteristic of the decadent age of the Baby Boomer.

The only competent approach to assessing any national economy, for example, treats the entirety of the national economic, or comparable institution as expressing a principled function of constant change. The factors which I have referenced in the listings immediately above, are typical considerations.

Since the revolutionary work of Academician V.I. Vernadsky, our conception of the economy of mankind has been fundamentally changed to reflect Vernadsky's systemic distinction among non-living, living, and cognitive processes. The review of what had been the previously traditional parameters of economy, from the standpoint of the Vernadsky revolution in physical science, compels us now to re-examine old questions of economy from a relevant, fresh, characteristically Riemannian standpoint.

Since I have treated this subject in several earlier published locations of the recent decades, I can, in good conscience, limit my attention here in ways which reflect what can be referenced from my work in earlier locations.

Any competent theory respecting the nature of the individual in society as a whole, must focus on the seemingly paradoxical juxtaposition of the human individual's actions to change nature, while also being impelled to change man's conception of, insight into the mutual, reciprocal dependency of the human individual's thinking of his own actions on society, and society's definition of him as being essentially an immortal being, despite his animal-like, mortal packaging.

That is to say, that the moral intention of living individual human existence, is not the action the person performs on society's environment as such, but, rather, what he, or she becomes as an outgrowth of the dedication to performance of that chosen mode and intention of labor. The cruelest of the widespread experiences of personal tragedy, is the inability to locate such an immortal source of meaning in the practice of what should be considered the profession (or, "confession") of one's mortal daily life.

That paradox defines all competent moral sense as associated with two challenges: that of providing for the always improved material conditions of life, and that of finding in oneself a congruent sort of moral choice of meaning of living one's own life in society. The outcome of a serious such self-examination leads one to consider these questions which I have just posed from the Classical Greek standpoint in which the foundation of now globally extended European civilization is grounded. This means an emphasis upon a metaphysical science (e.g., the Sphaerics of the Pythagoreans and Plato) and the sociology of Classical Greek tragedy since Homer. One is the meaning of the outcome of one's mortal life from the standpoint of expanding, developing, universal Creation as as whole. To what principle of action should we devote ourselves; to what policies of action must we dedicate the necessary, present shaping of the future of humanity, and, implicitly, the universe?

Friedrich Schiller approached this class of question with the concept of the "beautiful soul."

[1] In the LaRouche PAC video, "The Fall of the Wall," I state the case, that the root of the present world crisis must be understood as echoing the cowardly behavior of the current U.S. President's father in the events of 1989-1991, which set the pace for that threatened economic collapse of the U.S.A. as a nation-state now. Had my distant relative, President George H.W. Bush, overruled Britain's Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, instead of his serving as her pathetic toady, then, the present existential threat to world civilization could not have occurred as it has done. Thus, it appears, the son has inherited the sin of the father.

[2] Michael Milken was the idiot savant who ran the Drexel Burnham Lambert junk bond operation in the late 1970s and 1980s, which played a key role in funding the British Empire's war on American industrial might. Essentially an agent of Britain's Dope, Inc. apparatus, Milken was a vehicle for the laundering of dope money into corporate finance, funding the assault on American corporations by a new wave of corporate raiders, financing the expansion of Dope, Inc.'s money-laundering arm in Las Vegas, and helping destroy the savings and loan sector. In addition to financing the hostile takeovers of many corporations, the raiders Milken and his junk bond method helped fund, served to herd scared corporations into the waiting arms of Wall Street's investment bankers, like cattle to the slaughterhouse.

Milken's clients specialized in taking over companies, then loading those companies down with debt; the debt took the form of new bonds, which paid high rates of interest. These high-yield, or junk, bonds were then sold to speculators, including the fast-money types which moved in on the newly deregulated S&L sector. Milken eventually went to jail for his transgressions, but the damage to the nation was already done. Greenspan would later take Milken's method of using debt as an asset to new heights, or lows—John Hoefle.

[3] So, the legendary frog might not recognize the danger, until too late, until the water in which he was sitting had begun to boil.

[4] The British-Saudi orchestration of the oil-price swindle of the 1970s, and the program of the David Rockefeller Trilateral Commission, were the initial phase of this implicitly treasonous wrecking and looting of the U.S. economy, and other victims.

[5] The fact that that President is apparently stupid, like the opossum, does not mean that he is not guilty of malicious intent.

[6] A swindle is a swindle, whether there is current law against it, or not. Investment banking, in the U.S.A., or Europe, for example, has been an intentional swindle since Michael Milken's and Alan Greenspan's relevant roles. What is morally a criminal intent, is a criminal intent whether the law which should have been in force were being applied, or not.

[7] President George H.W. Bush's 1989-1992 complicity with the policies emitted from Britain's Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, were proof enough of this point.

[8] The concept of modern science was introduced by Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa, as in his De Docta Ignorantia. The discoveries which established Cusa's discovery as a working principle of practice, were, chiefly, those established by the success of Johannes Kepler.

[9] See See also LaRouche PAC, "The Harvard Yard."

[10] This illustrates the essential fraud of any mathematics of physical science which does not reject, absolutely, the Sophist fraud of the "self-evident" definitions of Euclidean geometry, as also the derived fraud of the modern empiricism and positivism of Rene Descartes and his dupes. Any adopted notion, such as a mathematical formulation, which does not show that no relevant form of action exists beyond the bound of that claimed principle, is not a principle of nature. All that can exist "outside" the bounds of any particular principle, can only be the expression of a different principle. The utter stupidity and meanness shown by Leonhard Euler in his childish attack on the concept of the Leibniz "infinitesimal," was certainly, as I have shown for Euler's case, more a product of a quality of opportunistic lying by a politically corrupted person, than "honest" ignorance. Not a phenomenon unknown to me from other experience.

[11] In Riemann's German original, his famous habilitation dissertation concluded with the following rebuke of the mathematicians. "Es führt dies hinüber in das Gebiet einer andern Wissenschaft, in das Gebiet der Physik, welches wohl die Natur der heutigen Veranlassung nicht zu betreten erlaubt." (E.g.: "The questions posed in the preceding text of the habilitation dissertation take us into the domain of physics, which the field of today's discussion, [mathematics per se], does not permit us to enter.") The most notable fraud in the teaching of science up to the present university practice, is the attempt to derive principles of physical science from mere "as-at-the-blackboard" mathematics, rather than derive the relevant mathematics from an experimental proof of universal principles as the Pythagoreans, Plato, Cusa, Kepler, and Riemann have defined universal principles.

[12] The problem of today's customary teaching practice, which we can not ignore at this point, is that our universities and related institutions function not as actually scientific bodies but as the pratings of an inquisitional form of Babylonian religious cult, in which the priests and their senior devotees substitute current, mystical, "traditional" doctrines for actual knowledge.

[13] An angry U.S. citizen of today might be tempted to say, in response to today's economic conditions, that the difference extends to the separation of the human mind from the behavior of President Bush.

[14] In other words, contrary to the lying de Moivre, D'Alembert, and Leonhard Euler, the Leibniz/Riemann infinitesimal has no mathematical extension of the type specific to Euclidean or quasi-Euclidean space-time. It has, nonetheless, ontologically efficient actuality, as Kepler's general principle of Solar gravitation illustrates that point.

[15] In fact, in no known case was such a discovery actually made by anyone but Kepler, certainly not by Isaac Newton. Newton's crude formulation was nothing but a butchered copy of the published formulation by Kepler, a discovery accessible to English-language readers of translations from Kepler's writings at that time. In fact, neither Newton nor his supposed devotees ever actually claimed to have conducted a relevant measurement. (Cf. LaRouche PAC, "The Harvard Yard,").

[16] The fact is, that Hannah Arendt's one-time lover, Heidegger, was not only a Nazi, but expressed a variety of existentialist ideology which is specific to the mythic existentialist (Dionysian) basis of Nazism found in such cases as Friedrich Nietzsche, terrorist bomber Richard Wagner, Franz Liszt, and the ideology of the post-World War II Congress for Cultural Freedom (of Sidney Hook, John Train et al.) generally. There is nothing systemically inconsistent with Nazism's core dogma in the teaching of the Authoritarian Personality of Adorno, Arendt, et al. on which a relatively vast portion of relevant trans-Atlantic academic ideology hangs today. Modern fascism, whose proximate root is the development of the Synarchist movement under imperial Britain's French stooge Napoleon III, must be recognized as, most emphatically, a product of the role of such as G.W.F. Hegel as the virtual founder of that neo-Bonapartist dogma promoted by the British Foreign Office's Prince Metternich. Metternich asset Hegel and his partner Savigny, who were leading opponents of the calculus, and were also Romantic adversaries of the legacy of the American Revolution and Friedrich Schiller in the post-1815, neo-Napoleonic Romanticism which Heinrich Heine denounced as the "Romantic School," and who were, notably, the enemies, in physical science, of not only Gaspard Monge and Lazare Carnot, but were, also, the enemies, at Berlin, of Carnot friend Alexander von Humboldt and Alexander's great protégé Lejeune Dirichlet.

The fascist streak in Adorno, Arendt, and Heidegger was by no means coincidental. The German anti-Semitism of the Hitler gang and its followers must be recognized by people who are both honest and intelligent, as the hatred directed against the collaborators Gotthold Lessing and Moses Mendelssohn, by followers of Hitler who created an ideology out of blaming "the Jews" for the emergence of the great German-Jewish culture of science and art which expressed what the British empire hated the most in the matter of Friedrich Schiller and the German developments expressed under the influence of Chancellor Bismarck.

There are even relevant Jews in the German-Jewish heritage who have adopted a weirdly perverted version of that Nazi anti-Semitic dogma, a dogma of the "guilt" of those allegedly "misguided" Jews who had been, allegedly, misguided into irritating Germans by being German. Those who hated Schiller and reason generally, were naturally, like Adorno and Arendt, attracted to the same existentialist ideology shared with their Nazi friend Heidegger, and Heidegger's French proteges of the Congress for Cultural Freedom.

[17] The outstanding reference to be taken from Leibniz's publications, is his 1695 Specimen Dynamicum.

[18] The birth of Protestantism had been actually launched, formally, by the "Old Venice's" Zorzi, a leading intelligence official of Venice, who deployed to England as the marriage counsellor to the mentally unstable Henry VIII. However, the break was made systematic through Sarpi's adoption of the notion of replacing Aristotle by that medieval lunatic William of Ockham who was adopted by Sarpi, and by Sarpi's lackey Galileo, as the model for what became known as British Liberalism.

[19] For example, the Democratic Party machine has been controlled, from the top down, by British imperial agencies represented by British Foreign Office agent George Soros. Virtually every other leading national campaign, including the current U.S. Presidency (and Vice-Presidency) itself has been controlled by similar, London-centered financier and governmental agencies. Thus, all the leading true patriots of the U.S. today are "on my side" in the political spectrum; the majority of the citizenry is now in revolt against the same foreign interest working, through Wall Street swindlers, in the effort to destroy our republic through its proposed bail-out schemes.

[20] It were disgusting, and, probably, also foolhardy, to suggest that the Creator of our Universe has shown bad taste.

[21] Certainly, this does not account for all that this Presidency did during this forty-year interval. Some excellent work was done on sundry matters of policy-shaping, as, notably, by Presidents Reagan and Clinton, but there was never the critically needed correction of the direction of that trend of errors in national and also European economic policies which has dominated the U.S.A. and the world generally, especially since August 1971, since the attempted assassinations of France's President Charles de Gaulle and the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

[22] I believe that, under proper circumstances, President Bill Clinton might be well suited for amplifying my argument here.

[23] Harvard has since had some good years, but mostly very bad ones, during sundry times since. Cf. LaRouche PAC, "Harvard Yard."

[24] Anton Chaitkin, "The Franklin Circle Starts Modern England," EIR, Feb. 9, 1996.

[25] Take the case of the attack on Presidential candidate Lincoln in a famous Boston meeting. Would he be devoted to ending slavery, or defending the Union? Lincoln replied, "defending the Union," because only that approach could lead to the elimination of slavery. It should not have surprised any intelligent citizen today, that Lincoln's Liberal critics from the places such as Boston then, appeared later as the strongest advocates of educational policies design for the dumbing-down of the freed slaves, rather than the policy expressed by Frederick Douglass and other leaders of the freedom movement during Lincoln's lifetime. Lincoln's defense of the Union was that of defeating the imported treason, from British control of the Spanish trafficking in African slaves, of the forces, in Boston and elsewhere, who professed themselves to be against slavery in their states, but permitted its proliferation in other states; whereas, Lincoln attacked slavery at its root, the British system which backed the Confederacy's case with vast amounts of military support, and reaped vast profits from their Spanish stooges' conduct of the slave trade in the drug-trafficking Anglo-Dutch Liberal interest. (Drug trade, then as now, is more profitable to London-centered interests, than slavery; so, London endowed its dumb and vastly corrupt puppet, the Nineteenth-Century Spanish monarchy with the conduct of the less profitable slave trade.)

[26] See Charlemagne and his continuing influence as a legacy of the Augustinian effort, from Augustine, through Isidore of Seville, through the Irish monks, through the miraculous Christianization of the Saxons, to Charlemagne and his works.

[27] For a time, the last hold-out of those British and other anthropologists' efforts to define some populations as virtually "semi-human," ran through cases such as the pygmies and so-called indigenous people of Australia. While I admit my reservations about the case of Beaverbrook political heir Rupert Murdoch, the evidence is that the mis-named "original" population of Australia suffers no lack of the cognitive potential of any other part of humanity. Cultural development, which is transmissible culturally, is essentially all-determining. The case of suspected "marstupial" and former U.S. Vice-President Al Gore, has left me with concern for what might actually have happened in the breeding practices of Tennessee's Possum Hollow.

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