The Weatherman Case Today
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Lyndon LaRouche issued the following statement through the LaRouche Political Action Committee on Oct. 17, 2008.
Chicago's Bill Ayers has currently uttered what is, in itself, a wildly tendentious account of his own, and implicitly Dohrn's roles in the Weatherman terrorist operations of that grouping within SDS during the 1968-1970 interval and beyond. For any relevant historian, Ayers' statement is implicitly his confession of everything which I know to have been recently charged against him. I have relevant eyewitness and related expert witness in this area.
In late June 1968, I wrote a relevant, substantially eyewitness assessment of those events, at Columbia University which had just occurred during the interval of March-June 1968. The title of that piece, contained within a rather widely circulated publication at that time, was "The New Left, Local Control & Fascism," in which I likened the circles then associated with Mark Rudd as being an echo of the "purgative violence" dogma of Benito Mussolini's fascists, and also expressed in the way in which avowed Communists and Nazis swapped large portions of their forces, back and forth, during action on the streets of Berlin during the pre-Hitler period of the trolley-car "mass strike."
By the Spring of the following year, the official Students for Democratic Society (SDS) organization fractured, producing what became known as Mark Rudd's "Weatherman" organization in which Bernardine Dohrn came to play a widely publicized role. The most crucial of the relevant points to be made on the subject of Bill Ayers' current piece, is that he expresses the same, systemic form of fascist ideology for today, which was expressed by the Weatherman terrorists, such as his companions Rudd and Dohrn of yore.
However, there is a more important connection of relevance for today, in this matter. The crucial historical fact about the case of Ayers et al., is that they were a creation of the type of sponsorship from within the financier community which we associate with the expression "Wall Street law firms," or with the Wall Street backers of Adolf Hitler's cause, such as President George W. Bush, Jr.'s grandfather, Prescott Bush (then of Brown Brothers Harriman) together with the Bank of England's Montagu Norman, back during the early 1930s.
Thus, when a putative "former terrorist" such as Bill Ayers, turns up in a notable law firm or kindred institution, we ask ourselves, "Has he, a terrorist, returned to his native roost?" Which is Ayers? Is he a repentant sinner, or is he out of the same stall as when he served with Mark Rudd's terrorist band during the 1969-70 interval?
To answer that question, we should compare the "fingerprint" which Ayers presents in his putatively exculpatory piece now, and that of his actions during the 1968-1970 phase of the emergence of the "Weatherman" terrorist group. His own currently uttered piece is fairly described as nothing but an indelibly Sophist defense of the terrorism he practiced back then, and anyone associated with the kind of firm with which he is associated knows that.
Sophistries such as his construction of Sherman's march, reveal more evidence than they purport to conceal. I have the benefit of relevant experience, that I understand mentalities such as those of Dohrn and that of the mentality of Ayers' attempted swindle very well.
The British Foreign Office's Jeremy Bentham and Bentham's protege Lord Palmerston had conspired to break up and subjugate our United States through a massive barrage of operations, including often overlooked genocide against the Cherokee nation, and the massive infusion of African slaves into the U.S.A. through Britain's puppet, the Nineteenth-Century Spanish monarchy. The U.S. leaders of the conspiracy which was the Confederacy plot were agents of the same British Foreign Office which thrust the Habsburg tyrant upon democratic Mexico through combined British, Napoleon III's, and Spanish monarchy forces, all as part of the British empire's scheme in using Foreign Office puppets such as Napoleon III and the Spanish slave-trading monarchy in the effort to conquer both Mexico and the United States itself.
War is war, and the British monarchy and its French, Spanish, and Confederacy tools were fully guilty of the crime which Sherman's actions aided greatly in defeating. Thus, Ayers makes himself a defender of enslavement of persons of African origin: not exactly what any Presidential candidate, including Obama, should desire anywhere near his camp.
There is nothing inconsistent with his a.) past offenses, b.) the specific kind of Sophist mentality shown in his currently uttered apology, and his lack of loyalty to the United States expressed in his reference to Sherman.
Otherwise, as I repeatedly presented the relevant, conclusive argument, the mentality of the Weatherman was, as I foresaw the trend in June 1968, fascist. That is the same mentality I recognize in Ayers' apology today.
Presidential candidate Obama must repudiate that association publicly now, that for the good of our nation in this perilously trying present time.