The Science of Physical Economy
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
July 11, 2009
[PDF version of entire document]
Introduction: In The Image of the Creator
With this present opening of this third section of this trilogy on the underlying, practical foundations of the science of physical economy, we have presented ourselves with the task of untangling the most crucial of the issues posed by recorded human history, with emphasis on the history of European civilization from its ancient to modern times, up to the present day. This confronts us now, in the form and implications of the greatest threat to civilization as a whole known to us in an approximation of systematic terms, from the relatively earliest to present part of that history. This is also, in part, the history of a social disease.
That sickness, which now, immediately threatens all mankind with the gravest, most genocidal collapse of the human species in known times, confronts us with the heritage of all of those most crucial errors in generally accepted beliefs which have been accumulated, from the earliest to present records of organized forms of civilizations, to the present day. The greatest follies of mankind today lie, therefore, in much of what conventional beliefs and practices mistreat as virtually axiomatic truths.
The additional paradox is, the immediate practical solution for this crisis, is relatively elementary, as the reader will discover in the close of this report, but, the baggage of those cultural traditions which have misled mankind into this present crisis over millennia to date, must be cleared away.
So Far, Today
In the two preceding parts of this presently continuing series on the subject of the urgently needed, world-wide scientific revolution called, "a science of physical economy," I had treated the most essential among the methodological foundations on which a suitably reformed science of economy must now be seen as based. This must be done, if the world is to escape from the present, virtually terminal breakdown-crisis of the presently existing form of organization of the world economy as a whole.
In the systemic features of the two preceding elements of this series, our urgent attention was focused upon the goal of setting forth the ground-principles of a science of modern physical economy, as such. The rudiments of those changes are now presented in the course of this, the third part of the series.
Here, in this part of that series, I converge upon the principles which underlie the needed notions of the idea of that set of urgently needed scientifically revolutionary changes in that concept of "economics," by me, which is based, entirely, upon the principled notion of physical economy as such. By that, I mean, particularly, those notions which must be employed to eradicate the influence of the chief current adversary of our United States, that monetarist system which is, usually, still defined as that of our republic's most relevant economic enemy, Britain's John Maynard Keynes. In this present document, the treatment of that, and closely related subjects, prepares the ground for examining the structure of the urgently needed new design of that form of an international credit-system so urgently needed in launching the immediately oncoming half-century of an operating system for a physical-economic recovery. This is a recovery to be achieved through cooperation among the majority of the population of which those sovereign nations of the world is now to be comprised.[1]
An actually competent science of modern economy today, is essentially a matter of the ending of, and replacing of the priority which had been wrongly placed on what had been, hitherto, an axiomatically incompetent system, a monetary system. This has been a modern, specifically European system which had been rooted in the basis provided by those Liberal monetarist conceptions of price, such as those of the scoundrels John Locke, and the British East India Company's Adam Smith and Jeremy Bentham. More broadly, the fault of that system has lain in the system's adopted notion of the function of price, a notion which has been a vicious, modern expression of what has been, essentially, the same incompetence built up from both those ancient and, then, the medieval Venetian varieties of monetarist roots traditionally underlying the prevalent dogmas of financial accounting practice during the medieval and modern times, still, as I write here today.
The presently onrushing plunge of our entire planet is into what, unless stopped, will be a prolonged, global new dark age of all mankind. This contingency requires that we free ourselves from the grip of those conceptions and practices of the monetarist traditions, traditions which must now be thoroughly superseded, that systemically, by a science of physical economy: by the adoption of a notion of physical, rather than monetary value. This replacement must be in the form of a credit system, rather than a monetarist system.
This new conception will be a notion of physical value which must be premised, on all most essential points, on the superseding authority of that revolution in modern physical science, the authority which will have been based on the retrospective implications of the unique features of the discoveries of universal physical principles by Bernhard Riemann, and, also, based upon the relevant conception which was derived from Riemann's discoveries by such leading followers of his as Albert Einstein and Academician Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky, as all the three are considered in that order, for our purposes here.
Why should nations and their peoples be so foolish, over so many millennia, as since the Peloponnesian War, as to believe that it were better to be enslaved to borrowing the essentially fictitious value of a form of money which has no intrinsic value, since predatory private agencies of usury, such as the ancient Delphi Apollo cult, or the essentially pure usury of Keynesianism today, rather than, as the U.S. Constitution prescribes, permit only the creation of credit as the debt of sovereign nations derived from no agency but the government of a sovereign nation-state, or association of cooperating, but respectively perfectly sovereign nation-state republics?
This present piece, and the background for it presented in its relevant, two immediate predecessors, are written during a time when all of the presently customary notions of national and world economy have all become, in and of themselves, not only immediate, and hopelessly disastrous economic failures, but systems which, if continued now, would mean the virtual doom of the present civilization, world wide. In fact, the present crisis of the U.S. dollar under the monetarist lunacy of the present U.S. Obama administration, threatens to be, not the explosive charge which blows the nations of the planet apart, but simply the detonator of the failed world system as a whole, a detonator which brings down the entire world into a genocidal crisis for all nations, as early as the closing weeks of this present year—if that administration's lunatic policies are permitted to be extended during the six or fewer months ahead.
For the sake of the immediate prospect of survival of nations, the practices of monetarism, which have reigned in "Old Europe," and beyond, can no longer be tolerated upon this planet since the relevant developments under the Anglo-American "bail-out" policy rampant since September 2007. The immediate eradication of monetarist systems, and their replacement by true credit-systems, such as that central to the Hamiltonian principle of the U.S. Federal Constitution, must provide this remedy through which a system of respectively, perfectly sovereign nation-state republics, is the only reigning system of our planet.
So, to understand the relevant issues posed by the world's presently doomed financial, monetary, and physical economic systems, we must trace the particular portion of the recent decades' turbulent history of the U.S. dollar itself from its condition during the last years of the U.S. Herbert Hoover Administration, through that economy's rise to a great physical-economy recovery, from the depths of the Hoover depression, and during the course of slightly more than three terms under President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Although the dollar's later decline to its presently disastrous condition, was rooted in a succession of down-shifts set into motion, in fact, with the accession of Roosevelt's successor, President Harry S Truman, and the subsequent phases of that history, until the present crisis, Truman can scarcely be blamed entirely for the general decline which followed Truman's own plausibly treasonous wrecking operations; the U.S. economy itself has been steered through a succession of phases of what has become, especially since March 1, 1968, a succession of markedly downward phase-shifts in rate of decline.
This present, post-1958 and continued decline began under such Truman successors as: President Nixon; under the Trilateral Commission and President Carter; under the continuation of the Trilateral Commission's shaping of the Reagan-Bush Administration; under that disgusting, failed Presidency of George H.W. Bush, which brought President Bill Clinton in for two successive terms; under the depraved President George W. Bush, Jr. who secured two terms through the effects of the Anglo-Saudi complicity in the mass-murderous, and frankly treasonous "9-11" hoax; and, now, the most disastrous of them all, which has just occurred during little more than a bare six months, under President Barack Obama.
Nonetheless, despite the fact that that long wave of decline of the U.S. economy began with the Truman administration, the worst part of this continuing down-slide, has occurred since that succession of the increasingly radical, chiefly London-steered changes, downward, which have ensued since 1968. Even then, the U.S. dollar had continued to be unmatched in its role as the dominant factor in the supply of international credit, up to the most recent, catastrophic developments of 2007-2009. Thus, the mass of U.S.-dollar-denominated debt, has been the principal source of the supply of credit on which the world-trade system as a whole had depended, up to the beginning of the term of President Barack Obama. That still presently accelerating full collapse of the dollar, is a collapse which is now immediately inevitable, unless my proposed reforms are instituted; such a collapse would mean the end of civilization as we have known it since the Fourteenth Century of Europe's great new dark age.
Shelley On History
In the meantime, if we are to understand that present change for the worst, which first erupted openly during the close of Spring of 1968, we must turn our attention, once again, to some crucially important advice respecting mass behavior, advice which was presented by Percy Bysshe Shelley, in the concluding, summary paragraph of his A Defence of Poetry.
Shelley emphasized that a current strain of a nation's history lies in the "spirit of that age," in a time where a certain underlying, specifically dynamic quality of subsuming theme, and matching direction of evolution of a nation's relevant aspect of its evolving culture grips, for better or for worse, both those who share that sense of direction, but also those who submit to its sway even despite their otherwise contrary disposition. This notion, as expressed by Friedrich Schiller,[2] as by Shelley after him, is to be appreciated as a complementary expression of the same notion of physical dynamics which had been introduced to modern science by Gottfried Leibniz during the 1690s.
Respecting the immediate situation in the U.S.A., and also in Europe and in Central and South American nations today, that relevant shift in post-1945 culture which actually occurred with the inauguration of Churchill accomplice Harry S Truman to the U.S. Presidency, also set into motion long-term trans-Atlantic cultural trends which have persisted since that time, trends which led, since the late 1960s, into the eruption of a wave of globally extended, anarchoid fascist (e.g., Dionysiac) "youth revolutions" in the aftermath of the combined effects of that first step of that breakup of the Bretton Woods system, which erupted approximately March 1, 1968. This was the eruption which occurred in the form of the ensuing, international rioting by specifically fascist currents of relatively privileged strata on leading university campuses, such as the pro-fascist, Dionysian, "Weatherman" cult, in the Americas and Europe. To sum up that 1945-1968 process of what became known as a "cultural revolution," the sprouting of the dragons' teeth planted under auspices of President Harry S Truman's pro-imperialist alliance with Winston Churchill, and harvested in Spring-Summer-Autumn 1968.
In effect, thus, in the case of the U.S.A., what happened over the 1945-1968 interval, and its sequelae, brings our attention back to the Homeric Iliad and the treatment of the consequences of that by the Classical Greek tragedian Aeschylus, including, notably, his Prometheus Bound. From the vantage-point of the tradition of the ancient Apollo-Dionysus cult of Delphi, the Apollonian culture of the modern, British reigning classes, prepared the swing into a new eruption of that overtly pro-Satanic shift to a pro-Dionysian, drug-sex culture, an eruption which came in the form of the domination of the population born, with the advent of the post-Franklin Roosevelt turn under the connivance of Truman with Churchill during the 1945-1968 interval. Out of this, those who emerged as the culturally privileged anti-Classical cultural Dionysians of the 68ers made their own cultural revolution, a change in culture through which the dominant Dionysian "degeneration" strata of that stratum came to dominate most among the remainder of the same biological generation born during, approximately, the 1945-1958 interval. This has been a social factor which is still dominant in shaping the downward slide into the becoming of that utter decadence which, since 1968, rules the world up to the moment of the eruption of the current mass strike process of August in the United States.
There were principally two crucial factors which, in effect, empowered the process of takeover of control of the evolution of the trans-Atlantic society from the hands of the generation set into motion by the inauguration of President Harry S Truman, and, later, in a much more decadent form, by those "Dionysian" strata of that generation set into motion, not by, but under President Richard M. Nixon.
- The first was the sudden change in the situation of those relatively more privileged university students who were enraged at being expected, suddenly, to be drafted into a military service from which they had assumed they were effectively exempt by the very existence of a special privilege of social status. As a stratum, they exploded in rage at the society which had "betrayed" them by revoking the special privilege which they had thought was implicitly afforded to them. It was, thus, the leading universities which appeared to serve as the breeding ground for the new, fascist youth-culture of that time.
- The second was a Dionysian's specific sense of having a certain class privilege "by right," the assumption that they had been exempt from not only military service in foreign wars, but that these privileges of a special class "belonged to them," as a caste of the "privileged," and that dirty military and other physical labor was properly relegated to the "lower classes" of both farmers and "blue collar workers" which were to be "naturally" presumed to be of a lower class than themselves. They believed that they, with the support of the underclass of "blacks" and "hispanics" were to serve as shock-troops to be led, by rage, by the privileged "upper class" categories of students at certain universities.
This "68er" stratum, in general, hated actual science, even, to a significant degree, among many of those whose academic credentials were nominally located in physical science and engineering. Otherwise, the division of society under the emerging anti-science "aristocracy," was based on the assumed natural affiliation of that hatred against "the blue collar classes," a hatred which was assumed to be shared between the indolent wastrel-class from the campuses, and the "black" and "hispanic" lumpen-proletariat. The ideology which bound these forces together intellectually, was composed by types who adopted their ideology from the fascist existentialism of Theodore Adorno and Hannah Arendt,[3] from the followers of Bertrand Russell such as Norbert Wiener and John von Neumann, and from the Europe-based depraved associated with the ideology of the Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF).
Those attributes of that "Baby Boomer" generation which rose to a dominant role under the relevant, pro-fascist tendencies located in certain clinically definable portions of the 1968-2009 generation, have been, in part, specific to that generation in respect to many mere particulars; but, otherwise, they have only echoed the general character of the ebb and flow of the historically recurring Apollo-Dionysian matrix characteristic of the imprint of the cult of Delphi led by such creatures as that Delphi priest and hoaxster Plutarch who shaped the cult of ancient imperial Rome in his time.
Time and time again, the generation dominated by the cult of worship of the "68er's" narcissistic image of himself (and until recently, his or her nude body),[4] has plunged civilization into relative dark ages. That is the essential root and character of the dark age which the evil-doers, such as Obama and his "behaviorist" crew embody, in their devout service to the carrying out of the Hitler-like evils intended by their master, the British monarchy's mass-murderous, neo-malthusian intentions today.
As we used to warn one other back during the 1939-1945 world war: Know your enemy—before it is too late to fight.
Obama's Threat to Civilization
So, from both such ancient and modern roots, the disastrous first six months of that Obama Administration had unleashed a new phase, launching what now threatens, immediately, to become the greatest global economic catastrophe in all modern world history: a presently threatened collapse of the world population, from about 6.7 billions to about two, or fewer, that in a couple of generations or so, just as the wicked, pro-genocidal intention of both Prince Philip's World Wildlife Fund and the leading present policies of the U.S. Obama administration would have it so.
What were the level of the value to which the U.S. dollar would collapse? The Obama Administration's own wild expansion of the Bush Administration's lunatic, predatory policies, has carried this ruin of the U.S., which was started under Bush in September 2007, into uncharted domains of an absolute, rather than a merely relative bankruptcy, during little more than six months to the present date. Under the effect of such a short-term course under the previously established conditions of early January 2009, the entire world system would be plunged into that general dark age for centuries to come, a dark age expressing a qualitatively worse phase than already experienced as the physical decline in the world's economy since 1968-2009 to date.[5]
Thus, for these reasons, without a recovery of the essential factors of world credit embodied, still, in the U.S. constitutional design for the dollar, there is no visible prospect for an avoidance of the new dark age for any, or all, of the nations of the planet. For reasons I shall indicate later in this report, a collapse of the credit-worthiness of the U.S.A. dollar now, would mean an immediate dark age for all mankind. No presently existing nation would out-live the collapse of the U.S.A. dollar which the British empire had arranged through the ministries of the U.S. Bush and Obama administrations thus far.
Thus, unless the errant, and, actually, not very intelligent, but only Nero-like bully for whom spoken words are often merely the sound of graffiti, President "Barry" Obama, is either replaced soon, or placed under suitable forms of "adult supervision" which do not impair the legacy of the intention of our Federal Constitution, there is no hope for a physical-economic recovery of any part of this planet during the lifetimes of the adult population of today, or, who knows how much longer.
So, the urgently needed reform which I outline in the course of the following pages, must be adopted in recognition of the fact, that one of the greatest threats to civilization, globally, at this time, is revealed by the historical fact, that the model of the American System of political-economy, was rooted in the work of the 1620-1687 New England developments, in the role of Benjamin Franklin, and also Alexander Hamilton's role in the crafting of the credit-system of the U.S. Federal Constitution.
Unfortunately, in the present age of Dionysos which was established in trans-Atlantic society in 1968, the constitutional principle of our American System of political-economy, is, presently, almost unknown among the ranks of virtually all leading governments of the world, outside a limited, and still shrinking circle of better educated citizens of our own republic. That specific lack of competence in matters of constitutional principles, can be largely traced to the dying out, or retirement, of most among the rations of World War II veterans presently still living as formerly incumbent elected officials of the U.S. government, since, most remarkably, the April 12, 1945 death of President Franklin Roosevelt and, also, the November 22, 1963 assassination of President John K. Kennedy.[6]
So, since the death of President Franklin Roosevelt, and the treacherous role of President Harry S Truman, the world as a whole has been ruled and ruined by infection with the dominant role of a systemic form of cultural disease, a form of imperialism identified as the imperialist, monetarist tradition of John Maynard Keynes' presentation of his, then pro-Nazi, September 7, 1936 German-language edition of his properly infamous General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money.[7]
Although the so-called "Hamiltonian model" of credit-system, contains the crucial elements of a remedy for even the present crisis of the U. S. system as a whole, the fact of the matter today, is, that, except for the slightly more than three terms of the Franklin Roosevelt Presidency, these constitutional concepts of that American System, as a credit system, rather than a monetary system, have not been actually practiced, in the full sense, by governments, in even the U.S.A., since the introduction of the monetarist Federal Reserve System under those two faithless Presidents chosen from among the nephews and sons of the Confederacy, Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. Consequently, even President Franklin Roosevelt had been obliged, in his time, to craft a structure which only approximated the intention of the U.S. Federal Constitution prior to the infamous Federal Reserve Act, that in a practical way. Once President Franklin Roosevelt had been removed from that office, by death, there has been no consistent change in general direction from that of the pact between Winston Churchill and President Harry Truman, a change much needed now, for the possibility of any durable physical-economic recovery of the physical economy of the planet considered as a whole.
Respecting the U.S.A. itself, it must be said, that although we have still, presently, a kernel of competent, scholarly economists who have shown themselves to me as capable of understanding effectively what I have presented as the legacy of Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Abraham Lincoln, Henry C. Carey, and Franklin Roosevelt, and also the case of the Chancellor Bismarck who modeled his great 1877-1890 reform of Germany on Carey's counsel, there is virtually no remaining comprehension of the principles involved, among most of the other leading circles of any other part of the world today, even among the generality of economists of the United States itself.[8]
Despite what had been intended as the anti-imperialist, post-war policies, and related virtual U.S. intentions of President Franklin Roosevelt, British asset Harry S Truman had betrayed the United States, that with full, vicious consciousness of what he was doing, a change effected through, chiefly, his dirty, virtually treasonous dalliance with the British imperialist policies of Winston Churchill.
President Roosevelt's own, 1944, anti-Keynesian, Bretton Woods design, had contained all of the crucial elements of an American System of political-economy based on a credit-system, for the post-World War II world. Knowledge of this fact of recent world history has virtually vanished from ordinary reporting, since the dying out of even most of my own generation, and of all of those from among preceding generations from among those of our patriots who had actually participated, as adult citizens, in the war-time policies and practices of the President Franklin Roosevelt Administration. The most of the generation of even our citizens born before August 1945, are now rare among such senior leading positions today, while there are relatively few in the role of such as "Baby Boomers" in the U.S. Congress today, who have, generally, shown either the comprehension, the ability, or the courage to comprehend the American System of political-economy expressed by our U.S. Federal Constitution.
Respecting these matters of economic and related policies: only the terrible shock of the already extant general bankruptcy of a U.S. economy suffering increasingly under the awful misleadership of such as President Barack Obama and Speaker Nancy Pelosi, were to be considered as sufficient to have prompted an actually rational, working majority of the present members of the U.S. Congress to come to their senses, that out of nothing less than a sense of sheer desperation.
Thus, the entire planet now hovers at the brink of an onrushing, generations-spanning dark trough of absolute despair. Only the sudden and thorough scrapping of the monetary systems which have reigned over the world since the death of President Franklin Roosevelt, could provide humanity today an escape from that presently onrushing New Dark Age whose character would bring the entire planet rather quickly from a level of about 6.7 billions individuals, to probably something near the goal of no more than two billions, a goal which has been demanded from pro-genocidalists such as the late Bertrand Russell and the sheer, Nazi-like evil of the present World Wildlife Fund of Prince Philip and the now deceased Prince Bernhard. Such is the pro-genocidal, Hitler-copied "health-care reform" uttered by President "Barry" Obama.
The Challenge of Physical Economy
While it is necessary to continue the use of money as a regulated medium of exchange within the microcosms of the social process of economy, any useful definitions of the role of money must abandon those old, systemically failed definitions which have been formerly taught in schools and universities, and as presently accredited accounting practice. There must now be a sudden and sweeping installation of a new form of an anti-British-imperialist world economy. This reform must become the medium of the cooperating, perfectly sovereign nation-states of Eurasia, Africa, and the Americas. That urgently needed change, will come into existence on the battleground, once the field were occupied by the elimination of the preceding reign over those now hopelessly failed, still presently existing nation-states which had been subjugated to the imperial character of what have been the former monetary systems which had dominated most of European history since the Peloponnesian War.[9]
However, this urgently needed change were likely to occur, only if an inner circle of professional economic competence is created during the very short "window of opportunity" now, from among relevant leading circles among some key nations which are still sufficiently free of British control of the European system to undertake such urgently needed reforms. For the moment, this excludes those nations of continental western and central Europe which were raped, and transformed into virtual British colonies, by the consenting role of Presidents George H.W. Bush and François Mitterrand in support of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's crushing of continental western and central Europe into a mere collection of virtual British colonies, that under the organized system of empire now known as former British Prime Minister (and all-around, lying skunk) Tony Blair and his would-be new world Tower of Babel, a post-Westphalian "Euro" system.
Similarly, the British empire has presently denied Africa the right to sovereignty. For the moment, the national economies of South and Central America, are ruined. Only a certain "Big Four," the U.S.A., Russia, China, and India, represent a potential anti-British combination which embodies a capability for launching the kernel of a new world system of national sovereignties, the elimination of all existing international monetary systems of empire by the establishment of a new credit-system composed of an alliance of respectively perfectly sovereign powers of the type which Franklin Roosevelt had intended, had Harry S Truman not betrayed the most vital, historic interests of the United States.
For this purpose, the preliminary step of urgently needed education to be taken immediately, is to present an updated presentation of that "Triple Curve" imagery which I first published in the official, 1996 announcement of my candidacy for that year's Democratic Presidential nomination. The current update of that "Triple Curve" has been presented in three public events, one prior to my June 27, 2009 international webcast, the second during that webcast, and the third on August 1. The implications of that update, which will have been presented publicly prior to those events, are to be assumed in what is written here.
The crucial change, when it has happened, might appear to some as minimal, since what I have proposed, is, simply enough to replace the existing world monetary system, as if by turning on a dime, by a fixed-exchange-rate alliance of sovereign national credit-systems among a set of what shall be, respectively, perfectly sovereign nation-state republics. Except for the predatory class of speculators, the changes will all come as sudden relief from what must now be viewed in retrospect as a great, virtually life-long headache. The feeling will then be remembered as strange, at first, but curiously invigorating. This shall be accomplished by elementary methods of reorganization in bankruptcy, methods illustrated by the following, conjectured case.
The Road Up: Glass-Steagall's Revenge
In putting the U.S.A. itself through an efficient process of general financial reorganization-in-bankruptcy for this purpose, we shall apply the famous Glass-Steagall standard to all banks and related institutions. Those elements which conform to a Glass-Steagall standard, shall be preserved under Federal protection in bankruptcy; those items of nominal value which do not meet a Glass-Steagall-type standard, such as financial derivatives and their like, are simply wiped from the books of account, on the perfectly reasonable, truthful presumption, that speculators have gambled with intrinsically worthless assets on the croupier's table of monetarist lunacy, have now lost, and, are, therefore, freely subject to risk of even total financial loss—"wipe-out"—in that way.
Besides, since we have no use for such inherently useless and despicable creatures and institutions typified by J.P. Morgan, Goldman Sachs, and the like, there is no loss to humanity in a proper elimination of such types of pestilent relics by the simple act of clearing the decks of their predatory claims. Under a credit system consistent with the embedded soul of our Federal Constitution, we have neither any need of such parasitical Wall Street institutions, nor can we afford to continue to feed such worthless creatures at the cost of starving our citizens and killing them with President Obama's intended copy of Adolf Hitler's inherently murderous, fraudulent health-care schemes.
Contrary to the opinions of J.P. Morgan, Goldman Sachs, and swindlers such as George Shultz's accomplice Felix Rohatyn, or international drug-trafficking's George Soros, it is the people, and the perpetuation and improvement of the productive facilities on which their conditions of life depend, which shall enjoy the absolute priority. Money, other than that uttered entirely by a sovereign nation-state government of a U.S. partner in the composition of the new world credit system, were to be treated as, for the moment, a fiction resembling the "Monopoly Money" of the well-known board-game. As I proposed during July-September 2007, we shall defend and save those banks which conform to service of the citizens of both our republic, and our foreign partners in this undertaking, by virtue of the intention expressed by a Glass-Steagall standard, that under the authority of the Preamble of the U.S. Federal Constitution and the provision of the preceding constitutional principle of Gottfried Leibniz's "pursuit of happiness" of the U.S. 1776 Declaration of Independence.
There will be nothing which is actually unfair, or abusive in that ruling. Those nations which fail to seize the opportunity of participation in a credit-system proffered by the U.S.A. and its partners in this enterprise, will be doomed, by their own choice, if they are so stubbornly foolish as to persist in adhering to the "doomed ship" which that worthless parasite called a monetary system, represents today. If they accept the change to a credit-system, then, the message is, "Welcome aboard! Our credit-system's circles are not sinking."
There can be no honest, or sane, simple reading of the history of U.S. Constitutional Law, contrary to that fact. This is made apparent if and when we examine the actual histories of our Declaration of Independence and Federal Constitution on matters bearing on this point respecting the actual constitutional law of specifically "Hamiltonian" U.S. Federal banking.[10] The relevant points bearing on the historical crafting of U.S. banking law under the guidance of Alexander Hamilton, must be properly recognized for the fact that the very historical existence of the U.S. Federal Constitution and its adoption, has depended absolutely upon the need for a Federal Constitution as the instrument which enabled our republic to defend the existence of our United States through Federal control and defense of our national credit, as facilitated through a national banking system. Our general welfare principle is located centrally in just that matter at issue, then, as now. The Federal Reserve System will not actually disappear; it will achieve a certain, curious semblance of immortality, as a special kind of museum, in a securely located, and securely locked basement area in the "Hamiltonian" Third National Bank of our United States.
All Jacksonian and kindred forms of corrupted persons' animus against national banking, must be located in the relevant, treasonous sources of influence controlled, through U.S. relics of the British East India Company, as in Boston and Manhattan, from the time of the traitor Aaron Burr of Bank of Manhattan notoriety, to the present day of such inveterate scoundrels as Goldman-Sachs and Larry Summers, each and all robbers-in-fact, who should not be shielded from what only a presently lacking, decent standard of law would define as their own more or less criminal proclivities.
The remedies which flow from the considerations which I have just defined in these paragraphs, have a much more ancient and deeper relevance in the entirety of the rise and spread of what has been the imperial legacy of a globally extended European civilization. As I shall emphasize in the course of the following body of my report here, this relevance is as identified by the monetarist system centered in the British empire of London's financial center today.
In this report, from here on, two general rules of discussion must be accepted, and kept in mind.
First, there is no reasonable hope for the continued existence of any national economy which declines the proffer of joining my proposed credit-system based on the principle of the American System. Any effort to cling to a monetary system, is comparable to having had oneself locked in, from the outside, within a cherished stateroom, in an already sinking ship; the present world monetary system is already a ship ready to take its terminal plunge, perhaps as soon as the October 2009 U.S. payments crisis.
Second, there is no possible rescue of nations from the presently ongoing disintegration of the world's monetary systems, except through a form of reorganization in bankruptcy conforming to the historical, Hamiltonian precedent of the U.S.A. Constitution's principled design of a credit-system; the old monetarist body-organ is dead, and must be removed for the sake of the living body.
As I have noted in recently circulated reports on these matters, the change to a credit-system, does not mean an automatic replacement of currencies (excepting the hopeless case of the London-controlled monetary torture-chamber of continental Europeans known as the ruinous Euro). It means a process of reorganization of financial economies-in-bankruptcy, in which only those values corresponding to the likeness of a dollar-based credit-system will be honored. The case of a Glass-Steagall standard for defining categories of legitimate assets under a credit-system, is exemplary. The goal must be the creation of an international, fixed-exchange-rate credit-system. The objective of that process of transformation from a monetary system, to such a credit-system, is the purging of the system of intrinsically worthless, speculative financial debt, by purging it from the accounts of all nations, while, nonetheless, preserving those nominal values which would qualify for the application of the equivalent of an historical, U.S.A. Glass-Steagall standard.
The claimed assets, now denominated internationally in monetary terms, will be checked by the proceedings in bankruptcy reorganization. Those claims which meet a Glass-Steagall standard will be placed in a compartment where they are transformed, as if instantly, from monetary assets into newly protected assets under a credit system. The rest will be re-examined for prospective membership in the same pigeon-hole, under our law, with Confederate bank notes, or the I.O.U.'s amassed by an ordinary, extinct gambling house. The owner of those assets which will continue to be used as money, is the same sovereign nation-state which had had the legitimate title to those national assets when they had been considered part of the basis for a national currency of a particular monetary system. It is only the ridding of the system of properly debridable, fictitious assets, such as the essentially fictitious, Keynesian form of gambling debts sometimes known as "financial derivatives," which has been "victim" of the write-off.
The change must be a moment of rubato in the music of international economy, as the example of President Franklin Roosevelt's "bank holiday" reform illustrates the purpose of such a transformation.
The New World Credit-System
The guiding light in this operation, is defined by the urgency of uttering vast amounts of nation-state-created, long-term credits, credits uttered for the purpose of creating production of physical assets, that done through the cooperation of a concert of sovereign nations operating, in significant part, through what had been national and state chartered private banks operating within the bounds of credit-systems, rather than monetarist systems. These chartered private banks, operating within the framework of relevant, sovereign national credit systems, will operate within a global environment of international credit defined by treaty agreements among respective nation-state sovereigns, for immediate productive investment (and related physically productive employment). That change must be designed for the immediate purpose of terminating the process of present monetary-driven, general physical economic collapse of the planet in general. International credit created for this purpose, must be integrated into a global set of fixed-exchange-rate systems, to such effect that there are no significant fluctuations which would upset a systemic form of exchangeable basic lending-rate among the participating sovereign nations within the simple annual base-rate range of 1.5-2.0% for purposes including long-term formation of physical capital.
No continued existence of the inherently predatory and usurious institutions of a monetary system will enjoy permission to operate within the new international credit-system constituted by treaty-agreement systems of relationship among perfectly sovereign, respective nation-state republics.
The regulation of prices and trade must define adopted valuations adduced from long-term physical investment. This regulation echoes a practice which was the typical implication of the U.S.A.'s economy under its best periods of long-term net physical growth, per capita and per square kilometer, or, as in the case of those Bismarck reforms during the 1877-1890 interval, which were based on the counsel of U.S. economist Henry C. Carey, and on related historical examples in modern European experience since the reforms made under the A.D. 1439 Great Ecumenical Council of Florence. Bismarck's model was based on a view of the policies of Carey and President Lincoln, especially those precedents bearing upon the establishment of the U.S.A. as a credit-system. That was the U.S. credit-system defined by the U.S. Federal Constitution, as this was launched in that form, under the influence of the man who became that republic's first Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton.
So much for the rules of long-term loans under the new, international system of lending of credits within a fixed-exchange-rate credit-system which will replace, entirely, the world's existing or proposed monetary systems.
So much for John Maynard Keynes' money.
Henceforth, from this point on, in presenting the definitions of the required reform of the new world system, in this report, I defer the matter of prices until a point after we have considered the physical principles underlying, and thus governing the operation of the new international credit-system.
The Work of the Creator
In the two reports of this series which precede this present one, I have already shown, that the definition of competent principles of a science of physical economy, is in conformity with that continuing development of the Riemannian physics which is expressed by the pioneering accomplishments of Albert Einstein and Academician V.I. Vernadsky. My emphasis, there, has been on the ordering of the general phase-spaces, which I treated in the order of the succession from the ostensibly abiotic domain, to the relatively higher of domain, the Biosphere, and, thence, to the still higher order of existence, the Noösphere. The notion of economic value as physical value, is so defined, thus, in a new way, in contrast to the inherently misleading manner of denoting capital assets fictitiously, as under the reign of monetary systems.
In other words, the evidence underlying that ordering, signifies that the Earth's abiotic mass is a subject of the action upon it by the Biosphere, and that the Biosphere, in turn, is a subject of the development of the planet by, chiefly, the action of the Noösphere upon it. The principle defining the Noösphere, is the expression of those creative powers of the human will, the which are absent, in a conscious form, in all living species other than the individual personality of each member of mankind. In principle, those powers of creativity are to be located in respect to what I have identified as category "B" personal identities, in the preceding two sections of this series of reports.[11]
In a Riemannian universe in which that noëtic principle and its configurations exists as an efficiently physical agency, there can be no actual existence of an Aristotelean or comparable, pre-determinable, ontological notion of completeness in physical science, or otherwise.
Such was the celebrated argument, for theology, by Philo of Alexandria, against Aristotle's and Friedrich Nietzsche's virtual "God is dead" dogma.[12] Such is the key to recognizing that essential fraud embodied in the a-priorist hoax of Euclidean geometry. Such is the implication of the argument against reductionist mathematics by such modern followers of Nicholas of Cusa, as in the case of that discovery of universal gravitation which was unique to the work of Cusa's follower Johannes Kepler, and for Gottfried Leibniz's definition of the ontologically infinitesimal. Such was the issue implicitly settled by the failed efforts to define "completeness," as by Göttingen's David Hilbert. Such is the implication of the crucial principle of the work of Albert Einstein, in opposition to the positivist followers of Ernst Mach and, also the much more depraved Bertrand Russell. Our universe never was, and never will be completed within finite time with respect to the efficient principles which it contains, and which, in turn, contain it, at least temporarily.
The proof for this understanding of the nature of the human species' individual member, lies in matters pertaining to the interrelated notions of creativity and human identity in the two relevant preceding publications. I refer to the discussion of the matter of functional distinction between, as I indicated there, on the one side, the crude, simplistic, and mistaken form of the human sense of identity which I described as sense of identity "A," as distinguished from that of the healthy mind, by aid of reference to the cases of Percy Bysshe Shelley (or, Friedrich Schiller), and Albert Einstein, with sense of identity "B." The unique power of increase of our human species' potential relative population-density, by creative discoveries of principles by individuals, as measurable per capita and per square kilometer of the Earth's surface, and the rise of the population, thus, from near that of higher apes to approaching 6.7 billions today, proves the superior quality of power of the human individual over all lower forms of life, but also demonstrates that still greater power of the Creator which has preceded our appearance.
The Creator of the universe is not "dead." Man and woman are distinguished from all beasts, as they are made in the likeness, potentially that of case "B," of the Creator. Such is the lesson of the essential evidence of the known, continuing history of human life. Such is the lesson on which all competent notions of economy, contrary to the Nazi-copied health-care policies of the perverted President Barack Obama, but faithful to all true notions of human morality, depend absolutely, today.
The "Green Death" Is Here!
Any possible avoidance of a general, physical breakdown of the economy of the planet as a whole, depends upon the prompt adoption of certain radically new ways of thinking which will be a break with those beliefs and practices, by governments and the people of their nations, generally. This will be an urgent turn, away from those deeply ingrained habits of belief and behavior which have, in some respects, caused, or, on other accounts, have been simply tolerated, under conditions of the present slide of the planet as a whole into the presently onrushing new dark age. It is urgent that nations, especially re-think their own recent mental habits in these matters.
The most crucial, and cruel economic fact of the present situation is, chiefly, the effect of those changes which produced a post-Franklin Roosevelt trend in Europe and the Americas. The most notable among the direct causes for the panic of mass insanity which grips the economic policy-shaping of most of the world today, especially Europe and the Americas, is the sudden shift in social dynamics which was unleashed during the Spring and Summer of 1968.
That was a change in social dynamics of policy-shaping of societies as wholes, with the superseding of the dominant role in cultural patterns set by my own generation, by the youth movement of the anarchoid current among the "68ers." It was a shift in dynamics of policy-shaping trends in mass behavior, a shift into what the archetypically proto-fascist Friedrich Nietzsche had trumpeted as his intended shift from the already amoral, "the Apollonian" to the frankly Satanic, "Dionysian" fascism expressed, typically, by the circles of Mark Rudd during the 1968-69 interval.
That moral depravity has been continued to the present day, as the "green death" of "post-industrial," anti-nuclear-power ideology spread from that Dionysian (e.g., "Satanic") currents among the "68ers" which has transformed what would have, otherwise, become only a new deep world economic depression, into what is presently a global "breakdown-crisis" which has already doomed the continued existence of those ideas respecting economy which had characterized the economies of the Americas and Europe, most notably, prior to the dionysiac eruption of the "68ers."
For a deeper insight into this factor of change of cultural direction in the world economy today, read Percy Bysshe Shelley's A Defence of Poetry. Concentrate on the concluding paragraph of that publication. Just as the dynamics of a new Renaissance, such as that launched during the latter half of Europe's Eighteenth Century around the figures of Gotthold Lessing, Moses Mendelssohn, and the American Revolution. This was the movement of the spirit and of science which drew even what were many otherwise unlikely heroes into the great changes which the American Revolution generated during the Nineteenth-century rise of the productive powers of labor in European civilization.
Now, with the "68ers," we have the expression of the influence of that spirit of evil which the advent of the dionysiac variety of "68ers" has represented. So, the dynamic effects of the reign of the dionysiac evil expressed by the crazed stratum among the "68ers," has transformed even what had been impassioned patriots of civilization into "neo-malthusian" instruments of perversion and of destruction of that which those persons would have, otherwise, prized the most in a saner mental environment.
Thus, similarly, in an earlier time, those seeds of the self-destruction of both the post-Franklin Roosevelt U.S.A., and also the post-World War II Americas and Europe generally, were already lain as a pattern since the combined effects of such developments as the ouster of Chancellor Bismarck in 1890 and the assassination of President William McKinley in 1901. However, the "dragon seeds" of the present world crisis were planted with the birth, during the post-war 1945-1958 period of what became the "middle class" dionysian rioters of Spring-Summer 1968, into the 1960s and 1970s. So, the destruction of civilization generally, which began openly as the Dionysian riots begun during the late Spring of 1968, was the treason against civilization already embedded in the soil of Europe and the Americas born, like cuckoo-eggs who were delivered by agencies such as the morally depraved European Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF), or, in the U.S.A., by existentialists such as the evil Theodor Adorno and Hannah Arendt, who flew in from the Frankfurt School, to deliver their adopted hatchlings into the American Liberal nests, during the 1945-1958 interval.
It is the "greenies" of today who typify the rebirth of what only seemed to have ended, like mythical "dragons' teeth," when Adolf Hitler died.
I. Economy as Human Anti-Entropy
The current celebration of the landing of astronauts on the Moon, four decades ago, has reminded us of certain important realities from better times past, times when history had not yet fallen fully into the combined moral and intellectual decadence of the "68ers" which, for the moment, has reigned much too long in our nation's capital of today.[13] The most striking of the happy effects produced by this recent reappearance of the astronauts on stage, forty years after the manned Moon landing, is the illustration of the principle, that to conquer the present, we must come as travelers to that better world, and that truer human species which dwells, by intention, in the future of all mankind. This is a future which is expressed in a continuing general warfare against the reign of cheap, greedy, and foolish opportunism, and of its banalities.
To overcome the decadence, and cheap banalities of the present age of "the Emperor Petroleum"—and, now, worse, even more depraved, obsessions of the present moment, we must proceed, upward, from mastery of the challenge of a technology which had already reached the higher energy-flux densities of nuclear fission. To master fission, we must proceed from a dedication to the mastery of thermonuclear fusion. To master fusion, we must unveil the concept of the higher orders of energy-flux-density of what we foresee today under the rubric of "matter/anti-matter reactions." To conquer the problems which challenge Earth from within our Solar system, we must first reach the Moon. The proximate motive of landing on the Moon, is to open up a manageable, if still relatively preliminary system of fission-powered, and fusion-powered travel, from the Moon to the orbit of Mars, as I committed us to locate our achievement there in my half-hour 1988 network television broadcast, The Woman on Mars. To achieve that, we must descend from the lunar orbit of Mars, to establish an operating mission on that planet itself.[14] To achieve that, we must adopt the mission of colonizing within the inner region of our Solar system, and, after that, beyond.
To do any of these things, and much more, we must recognize the depravity of those nominal scientists, and others, who, like baboons, avow their intellectually and morally depraved, essentially Satanic commitment to their worship of the notion of universal entropy. Reaching successively higher orders of energy-flux density, is not a wishful yearning for something beyond what we are today; it is a desire which already expresses, within us now, the essential distinction of a faithfully human personality from the beasts.
It is the difference which separates those devoted to being human beings, from depraved creatures such as the World Wildlife Fund's Prince Philip, and the depraved Bertrand Russell before him. Mankind's distinction from the beasts, is man's creativity as such. Mankind's greatest successes lie in the process of actually achieving an eternal tomorrow within its own intentions, a tomorrow beyond anything and everything we were capable of becoming during the short-to-middle-term today. To be less than that, is to fail to realize that spiritual quality of a truly moral mankind which is beyond the reach of the higher apes.
As we should know, the Children of Satan, like the followers of Dostoyevsky's Grand Inquisitor, like those most evil men of the Twentieth Century who have been typified by relics such as Bertrand Russell and Britain's Prince Philip, have always hated Prometheans cast in devotion to the likeness of, and to the mission assigned by our Creator. So, as Philo of Alexandria rightly blamed Aristotle for this, there are those evil persons who have, like Britain's Prince Philip, hated God more than anything else.
Such considerations are the foundation upon which knowledge of a competent science of economy depends absolutely. On this account, I have understood the strategic meaning of Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels, in what I have recognized as the folly of my parents' world since childhood, the folly of a world in which the true Satan wore a British crown, as did the fictional "Scratch" of Stephen Vincent Benet's later The Devil and Daniel Webster, as we may see in Dostoyevsky's earlier portrayal of a Grand Inquisitor, still today. For one like me, still today, Satan in America had come to be reared also in the close of Seventeenth-century New England, where he would come to be worshiped, in my lifetime's experience, by all who would be willing to defame those Winthrops and Mathers who had typified the planting of the true seedlings of our republic,. as my late friend and collaborator, the historian H. Graham Lowry has described this,
All Americans who have reached a fuller appreciation of what we actually represent as true citizens of our republic, have grasped the essence of the principle which we must recognize in the same patriotic devotion to the future of mankind which has been expressed in an exemplary fashion by the faithful astronauts from among the citizens of my own generation.
This being true, consider what remains as the known residue left behind for us in our consciousness of ancient social processes of mankind. Consider this as it is described for us by mankind itself, until now. Consider it insofar as we know the actually recorded evidence of an actually willful form of history up to the present time. So, that subject of what is still, reasonably, termed "economy," confronts us, still, today. The notion is not perfect, but is at least a fair approximation as to essentials.
That knowledge of history confronts us with the net outcome of three qualitatively distinct, but dynamically interacting, phase-spatial categories of phenomena. In the order from the highest rank, to the lowest, there are:
- Mankind as what Academician V.I. Vernadsky defined as the willfully acting agent of the Noösphere;
- The interaction of mankind, as ruler, within the habitat usually considered to be the subject of man's action as economy, also known as both the Biosphere and its overlap with what is often defined as the lower, abiotic origins of that aspect known as the Lithosphere;[15] and that ancient and present foe of mankind and nature alike;
- The dominant role, over the planet in the large, of that general category of social systems properly recognized, from the mists of ancient civilizations, to the present time, as empires, a category which is typified for history generally by all monetarist systems of Europe since the role of the Temple of Delphi in the Peloponnesian War and the lying Delphic high priest Plutarch's role in shaping the characteristics of the Roman Empire in his own lifetime.
The effect of the interaction among these three phase-spaces, is subsumed in the same way I have emphasized, repeatedly, as the expression of the Leibnizian principle of dynamics as outlined, in fact, by Percy Bysshe Shelley in his A Defence of Poetry (as also by the ancient Pythagoreans and Plato, by Gottfried Leibniz in the 1690s, and by such crucial followers of Bernhard Riemann's revolutionary reform in physical science as Albert Einstein and Academician V.I. Vernadsky). It was always so in matters of universal principle, categorically, for mankind's existence on our planet.
However, the true nature of the effects we associate with economic processes, have been masked, until the present time, by the role of what are, in fact of practice, supranational forms of imperialist systems, as typified by what had been, originally, the specifically Europe/Mediterranean-based monetarist systems which have been operating since the time of the Peloponnesian War. What is most important about today's immediate world situation, is that the self-inflicted breakdown of the present, London-centered imperialist, world system, the present, globalized, monetarist system, has produced a kind of global crisis to such effect that no form of civilization could exist on this planet today as long as the world were still dominated by the efforts to continue the present increasingly decadent, global, monetarist system. These agents of the imperialism presently centered in London are the worshippers of the god of the character "Iago" from the soliloquy of the revised version, by Arrigo Boito, of Giuseppe Verdi's Otello. It is not until you understand the essentially satanic quality of the reigning cynicism of the British empire in these terms, that your view of current world history gains a semblance of actual strategic competence.
We are, therefore, presently obliged to re-examine, and remedy as necessary, those exact same assumptions which had passed for the notion of a world economy of interacting monetary systems, up to the point of the post-July-September 2007 outbreak of the presently onrushing, monetarist, general breakdown-crisis of the entirety of the world-wide, essentially British imperialist form of monetarist system of economy in the large. We must now scrap the generally accepted, but worse than useless categories of "economics" which have thus dominated the world up to the point of this present world breakdown-crisis, especially since Truman succeeded Franklin Roosevelt. We must now discover what has been always true about economies, but has been a truth concealed by denials which express the widespread faith in those notions of the monetarist forms of world economy which have now reached a concluding stage of that system's decadence, a stage in which the continued existence of civilization urgently demands the now prompt elimination of those delusions concerning economy which were widely taught and believed, both in leading universities and the relevant leading portions of the governments and populations of the world.
When my report on these matters has been more fully registered as knowledge among the relatively few, but crucially relevant, competent economists in the world presently, it will be gratefully acknowledged by them, that the needed radical changes in view of the subject of economy, are not to be properly regarded as mystifying. They may have been rarely understood, even among leading specialists; but, a crucial section among leading economists and related historians, has shown itself capable of understanding the principles of the urgently needed qualitative reform—and so could you, if you really tried. The shadows of the old categories of the relatively competent economists of the presently emerging new era, will be readily understood among those economists and related professionals; old fellows, if admired, are ironically so, with a certain, empyreal kind of sense of humor expressed about this entire subject.
The objective now immediately before us in this location, is to re-examine those points from the vantage-point of the experimental evidence which is now to be viewed, once more, from the standpoint of what I have identified, in the earlier parts of this series of reports, as sense of personal identity "B."
So, on that account, in presenting those remarks just made, I do not intend to deny that, from the contrasted sense of what is, qualitatively, the morally inferior choice of sense of personal identity "A," there has been a prevalent, misleading presumption of a certain degree of correspondence to what was usually practiced in the abused name of "economics" among leading modern European and related cultures until now. This has included both the general rules of thumb taught as "economics" by both, what Lord Byron might have wished to do, had he lived long enough, to portray the British economists and their Marxist admirers in the lusty style of Byron's English Bards and Scotch Reviewers.
The "facts" were "facts" in the sense that qualified specialists employed them as what passed for practicable, "rule-of-thumb" notions of the quality of crude accounting practices presented in Charles Dickens' portrayal of the character Uriah Heep. Now, however, the time for that formerly habituated sort of approach to mere accounting, has ended, probably for all present and future times within this present Solar system we inhabit. Henceforth, what can be regarded as economics by sane leading circles of nations, will now be rescued, and therefore radically redefined, that along the lines which I shall outline here again, in due course, some few pages ahead, that from the standpoint of the implications of what I have identified earlier as sense of identity "B."
The notion of the argument to be made on account of the case for a notion of universal anti-entropy in human behavior, is conveniently illustrated, as an argument, by certain broad implications of what is known as the "periodic table" of both physical chemistry, and, in broader terms, a physical bio-chemistry. This argument was carried to what can be estimated as its highest point by the influence of the work of what was the person which future history will probably esteem as the most important intellect of the history of the Academy of Sciences of Russia and Ukraine, Academician V.I. Vernadsky.
That is to say, that there can be no fixed form of technology in any culture which represents a durably viable organization of human habitation. Man must accept the fate of creating his own habitat, here or in whichever part of our immediate galaxy, or beyond, we inhabit, in that due course of times which overtake us.
The First Principle of Physical Economy
To wit, we have the following restatement of points made in earlier parts of this present series.
The resources on which human existence has depended thus far, have been concentrated, largely, in residues left as the product of the deceased living processes of plant and animal life. There is no significant indication that the root-amount of the physical-chemical resources of those types has recently increased significantly in total, except through action by living processes as such, or human interventions; rather, the weighty evidence is, that these deposits left by a long-term accumulation of what are now deceased residues of life-forms, have provided us access to certain physically-economically favorable concentrations of the relevant mineral resources, as presently listable from illustrative reference to relevant details respecting currently known isotopes of the Periodic Table. As mankind increases the rate and numbers of the human population, and as human scientific and technological progress increases our rates of consumption of raw materials, per capita and per square kilometer, the happiness of man's continued existence depends upon forms of technological progress expressed as required forms of qualitatively higher levels of energy-flux-density per capita and per square kilometer of inhabited territory of the planet, or in the other parts of the Solar system or the wider galaxy which our Solar system present occupies.
Consider the "energy" hoax of today.
Many politicians, and others, speak with a pretended grave solemnity about "principles of energy." For the most part, in the Congress and elsewhere, they have actually no competent sense of what they are talking around and about with such affected solemnity. They exhibit no comprehension of the crucial notion of what terms such as "power" signify; they usually express a pomposity which increases in direct proportion to the increase of their ignorance contained within what they utter as their opinions in this domain. In fact, these foolish people are predominantly, like the circles of President Barack Obama, the brainwashed dupes of that fascistic, pro-genocidal Prince Philip's World Wildlife Fund, which is the agency chiefly responsible for every really important, actually Satanic evil rampant and rabid among nations today, including the dupes of the utter, anti-scientific, pro-genocidal fraud of that New Tower of Babel cult known as "cap and trade."
Therefore, speaking now in the relatively simplest, but nonetheless competent terms of reference, the ability of mankind to maintain human life at even a constant level of population and standard of living, requires us to progress continuously to higher levels of effective energy-flux density in our methods of producing even currently achieved standards of living. This requirement is typified by the obligation to proceed from relatively lower to higher sources of power, and to more advanced physical chemistries. This requirement is also expressed in the correlated form of an obligation to increase the capital intensity of productive and related modes of existence, per capita and per square kilometer of net inhabited territory. This requires a steady rise in what is manifest as the net energy-flux density of not only the modes of production of society, but, also, of the conditions of life of the productive society as a whole.
Although this signifies what must be done even to "stand still," it also, actually, requires an increase in the numbers of productively living human individuals as a correlative of maintaining what would appear, in effect, to be a constant level of a human standard of living. If we stand back, better to see the implications of what I have just said, the opening chapter of the Mosaic Genesis 1 comes to mind.
This considered, as I have just described it, contains the essence of any presently competent physical science of human economy. The properly required objective of economic policy-shaping is to administer the process of development of the physical economy of the planet (and beyond) in the manner required to perform that just-stated mission which is uniquely specific to the assigned eternal mission of humanity.
This must be restated, therefore, as follows. This brings us to the second principle of a science of physical economy, that of creativity.
What Is Human Creativity?
The essential expression of a systemic distinction between the reproduction of human life, from that of lower forms of life, is located in the functional distinction of human creativity from animal creativity. Evolution to higher forms of animal and plant life is expressed as if simply characteristic of each; but, in animal life and plant life, it is an involuntary expression of living species in general; in mankind, it has a voluntary expression which is independent of the biological development of a species, the human species. This distinction of the human individual from all lower forms of life is, implicitly, the distinction shared by man and woman, according to Genesis 1.
This brings us, again, to a central point in the two preceding sections of this present series: the specifically voluntary quality of human individual creativity, a creativity which is categorically distinct from the kind of "involuntary" biological creativity common to lower forms of life.
Nonetheless, neither the parallels, nor the qualitative differences among creativity among inanimate, human, and inferior forms of living orders and species, ought to surprise readers of Genesis 1; the term Genesis is an appropriate choice of synonym respecting its connotations bearing upon that process of creation which subsumes all existing expressions of our universe. In Genesis 1, the universal deity is a Being which expresses a willful quality of sovereign creativity per se: a quality of willfulness, in the likeness of the essential nature of the Creator, which is presently known to be shared only with the individual members of the human species.
It is useful, at this particular point, to address the notion of entropy.
As I had emphasized in the earlier segments of this present series of reports on the subject of a science of physical economy, the only empirical evidence which has been alleged in support of a general theory of entropy, such as that of the argument made by the hoaxsters Rudolf Clausius and Hermann Grassmann, the latter dogma, called empiricism, was a specific outgrowth of Paolo Sarpi's supplying the premises for what became known as the modern, more popular version of the philosophical Liberalism of Locke, as this was copied in the Newton cult created by the followers of René Descartes, as minted for Eighteenth-century Europe by such as Abbé Antonio S. Conti and Voltaire, by the Physiocrats, by Adam Smith, Jeremy Bentham, Pierre-Simon Laplace, and Augustin Cauchy, a cult of empiricism which was based, in turn, on a mangled version of the borrowed, anti-scientific premises of a medieval irrationalist, William of Ockham.
So, the specific point to be emphasized by me here, is that human creativity does not exist within the bounds of an axiomatic mathematics, nor a mathematical physics derived from the axioms of reductionist mathematics; it exists in man's knowledge, primarily, in the general domain of the imagination commonly referenced to, and typified by Classical poetry, and in the perfection of the concept of music which was set into motion by Johann Sebastian Bach.[16]
The relevant, broader, European cultural origin of the delusion known as universal entropy, is indicated in Plato's systematic attack on such depravity as that in his Parmenides, a systemic error typified by the Aristotelean tradition of the Delphi Apollo-Dionysos cult, as this tradition is typified in a most relevant way by the case of that systemic fraud best known as Euclidean geometry. The assumption, that the core of belief can be confined to a set of a-priori presumptions, which are, in turn, presumed to underlie completely a system of deduction, defines the problem, the mistaken, a-priori notion of mathematical "completeness," a subject which much occupied the attention of Göttingen's David Hilbert, then, during the opening of the Twentieth Century. It was that widely distributed, long-standing cult-belief, a belief in an a-prioristic notion of deductive/inductive "completeness," which has been the sole, clinically interesting source of the vicious delusion known as "the second law of thermodynamics."[17]
Notably, this same rejection of the implicitly pro-Euclidean notion of completeness of a-prioristic conjectures, has occupied a leading place in the entire argument denouncing "completeness," as presented by me in the two preceding pieces of this present series on the subject of a science of physical economy. The entirety of my argument to that effect in those preceding locations, is to be resumed here, but, with certain essential kinds of additional considerations also taken into account: as now follows.
As I emphasized in the earlier two sections of this present trilogy, there are two most essential features of the function of sustainable growth of an economy, per capita and per square kilometer.
- The first is the ontological quality of the creativity of the human individual, which is located not within the bounds of a formal mathematical physics, but in those creative powers of the human mind which exist (functionally) only in the form of Classical artistic creativity as best typified by the modern legacy of Johann Sebastian Bach: any music, or poetry contrary to that principle of Bach, today, is effectively a form of clinical insanity, if not merely depravity.[18]
- The second is the matter of "the location" of the aspect of the human cognitive processes upon which competent physical science, as much as Classical poetic and musical composition depends, which are associated with what I have treated as "Type B," as in the preceding section of this present series of reports.
I refer to what is to be described, as that force of the specific quality of passion associated with that notion of Classical irony, which prompts the actually civilized person's moral sense of contempt for anything being expressed according to the dogma of the New York Times' style book. The rather substantial number and quality of references to the role of Albert Einstein's violin in supplying creative irony and correlated passion to his work as a scientist, should prompt the thinking reader of this report to develop insight into what I mean as the experience of the action of scientifically valid expressions of creativity which depends equally upon Classical artistic development as much, or more than formal scientific experiment as such.
It is the beauty and passion expressed by Classical poetry, especially great, moving Classical compositions rooted in the discoveries of Johann Sebastian Bach, which is the typical location of the specific quality of passion to which actual human creativity is confined, especially including scientific creativity. It is the impassioned expression of creativity, as inspiration, in Albert Einstein's violin, which typifies the origin of the creativity which gives life to what is otherwise poor, inherently dead mathematics.
The case of Johannes Kepler's uniquely original, and uniquely valid discovery of the principle of universal gravitation, in his The Harmonies of the Worlds, is a most appropriately typical expression of this equivalence of Classical-artistic and valid scientific thinking. Or, it should be said, that an Augustin Cauchy, or a pair like Rupert Clausius and Hermann Grassmann, are clear-cut examples of reductionist mathematicians who have no competent sense of Leibniz's actually original discovery of the calculus, as the work of Leibniz or Riemann must be contrasted with the hoaxes of the Newtonians, Cauchy, Clausius, and Grassmann.
So, those reductionists who fall within the categories of either the Aristoteleans, or the devotees of the Liberalism of Paolo Sarpi, must therefore presume a principle of universal entropy as being inherent in the ridiculous presumptions of both the "God is dead" implication of the a-priorist dogma of Aristotle and Euclid, and the utterly whorish view of the matter which was proffered by the Liberal Anglo-Dutch school of Paolo Sarpi, Galileo Galilei, and other modernist followers of the radically reductionist Ockhamite school.
Therefore, turn to reconsider the thesis bearing upon this as I had introduced this in that second, immediately preceding report in this present series.
II. Personality "B" Again
Dwell, for a bit of time, on the following recapitulation of that paradoxical notion of the distinction between a significantly imperfect, but presently typical human personality of type "A," and a matured personality of type "B," a distinction which I had introduced in the preceding two components of this compound report. Restate that case, now, in the setting of the content of the immediately preceding chapter, here.
In the two preceding components of this compound report, I had identified two general categories of the relationship between the human mind's functional relationship to that universe which each among us inhabits. I had distinguished these two, as of optional personality types "A" and "B," respectively. The essential distinction was, that type "A" was premised on the view of experience from the standpoint of the person's presumptive belief in sense-certainty; whereas, the person who has been matured into the quality of type "B," assumed that the human senses are, essentially, merely akin to "meter readings," or, "instrument readings," shadows cast by developments, rather than being the actuality of the subject which remains to be treated. It is the way we must read such "meters," which determines whether or not our interpretation of sense-experience is efficiently real (type "B"), or, perhaps, a delusion in one sense or the other (type "A").
To discover what does, or does not deserve to be treated as the "Classical," "B," case-type of this distinction, take the case from competent modern science, in which we emphasize the crucial role of physical curves (type "B"), rather than merely geometric ones (type "A"). In physical science, as in the cases of the physical curve, the catenary, of Filippo Brunelleschi, the thesis of Nicholas of Cusa's De Docta Ignorantia, or Leonardo da Vinci's relationship between the catenary and tractrix, Kepler's uniquely original discovery of universal gravitation, or, the principle of "least action" of Pierre de Fermat, and the principle of universal physical least action of Gottfried Leibniz and Jean Bernouilli: each and all as distinguished from what were, relatively, the failed attempts of not only traditionally Euclidean geometries, but also the "non-Euclidean" geometries of such as N.I. Lobatchevsky and Jonas Bolyai (type "A"). In the course of my own development since my first rejecting belief in Euclidean geometry entirely during my adolescence, I had come, by early 1953, to the crucial outcome: the notion of adopting a physical, rather than what I already hated as an a-priori Euclidean or neo-Euclidean, formal curvature, as the essential distinction is to be recognized most clearly, beginning the opening paragraphs of Bernhard Riemann's 1854 habilitation dissertation.[19]
That much so far, in opening this chapter, I shall now recapitulate, and, after that, in the following chapter, amplify, what I have written within the two preceding sections of this triad of pieces with these just-presented considerations in view:
- "What is the functional distinction between what I have identified as a human mind operating as 'species' type which I have identified as Type 'A,' as distinct from Type 'B'?"
- "What is the qualitative difference, both scientifically and morally, between the two ways of thinking?"
- "What is the difference in the definition of 'time,' separating the one (B) from the other (A)?"
- "What is the specific quality of personal immortality attributable to Type 'B,' but which does not exist for Type 'A'?"
- "What is the difference in quality between an ordinary society, associated with organization cohering with a Type 'A' sense of personal identity, and one of Type 'B'?"
I begin that account, now, with the following recapitulation of the points on this matter which I had introduced in the earlier sections.
Perception vs. Conception
As I have stressed, repeatedly, in the course of writing the three separate pieces of which this report is composed, the chief root-cause of the moral and related faults of human cultures of which we have knowledge up to the present time, is to be recognized as, that in those cases of which we have competent forms of relevant knowledge of those cultures, the essential fault lies in that brutish belief in sense-certainty which has dominated all of the cultures of which we possess the crucially relevant types of knowledge. That is to emphasize, that to the degree that the use of language among the generality of the population, implies that what the individual senses as an object is the reality of his or her experience, there is a large degree of moral failure in what passes for knowledge among the generality of the population of that culture.
The moral and practical distinction of the Type "B" personality from the more commonplace Type "A," lies here. I restate, and, then, enlarge upon what I stated in The Rule of Natural Law.
As the case of Helen Keller illustrates the point rather nicely, even without quite proving it scientifically, our sense-perceptions are merely the shadows cast upon those instruments which are delivered with us as we are delivered from the womb: what our senses enable us, eventually, to perceive as presumed objects, are essentially shadows cast upon those original scientific-experimental instruments known as our given powers of sense-perception. Thus, as in all applications of scientific and related kinds of instruments which have been created, post partum—and to some significant degree, even earlier, for similar purposes, by mankind, it is only through what are sometimes identified as "crucial-experimental forms of cognitive methods," that we gain an efficient insight into the significance of the reality which lies behind the relevant sense-experiences projected as shadows upon the screens of our imaginations.
In the meantime, we have added scientific instruments, and their approximation, to the originally given repertoire of our native-born methods for expanding the variety of instruments which supplement the given human sense-organs' role, especially in our efforts to explore the universe of the domains of the extraordinarily small or large, alike. By the accumulated assortment of combined means of these types, we are able to construct experiments, or conjure up their effective likeness, which define the way in which variously estimable, or even crucial experiments, present the objects of sense-perception to us in a fresh, appropriately transformed way. Rather than defining relations by objects, we now, either define the existence of objects by relations, or have such opportunities placed within our reach. This latter type of improvement is the basis for the ability of some persons to think in terms of dynamics, such as those of Gottfried Leibniz (or the ancient Pythagoreans and Plato before him), as contrasted with the intrinsic incompetence of the view of the universe implicitly presented by René Descartes and his followers.
Thus we have, on the one hand, a state of the individual mind in which objects define relationships, as by Descartes, and the contrary outlook, that of the dynamics of Nicholas of Cusa's De Docta Ignorantia, the work of his follower Leonardo da Vinci, Johannes Kepler, Pierre de Fermat, Gottfried Leibniz, Abraham Kästner and his followers Gotthold Lessing and Moses Mendelssohn, Friedrich Schiller, Shelley, Carl F. Gauss, the brothers von Humboldt, J.F. Herbart and Bernhard Riemann, Albert Einstein, and Academician V.I. Vernadsky, all of whom represent the standpoint of dynamics, rather than a naive interpretation of "sense certainty."
Heretofore, both within this present report, and on other occasions, I have repeatedly emphasized the distinction between competent scientific practice and empiricism, as being expressed in the fact, that the empiricist (a.k.a., "behaviorist") sees a principle as being "proven" in terms of a mathematical formulation, whereas the competent scientist regards a competent mathematical formulation as expressing a "footprint-like" effect of a proven, or what is suspected to be a provable universal principle.[20] As I have emphasized earlier, the correct view of the work of Johannes Kepler in discovering the universal principle of gravitation, as this is viewed by Albert Einstein, is that while Kepler presented the mathematical formulation for the effect of gravitation later copied by the advocates of the disgusting Isaac Newton, Kepler's gravitation is, as treated by Einstein, a universal principle whose action defines the universe as finite,[21] but whose action is also expressed in Kepler's uniquely original application of this discovered principle to the local domain of our Solar system.
The essential feature of Kepler's discoveries is that he is, as a follower of Brunelleschi and Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa, among the founders of the modern European conception of dynamics. Although the formal introduction of dynamics to modern science was supplied by Gottfried Leibniz during a series of works supplied by him during the 1690s, that conception was already implicit in the greatest achievements of modern European science since Cusa, even prior to Leibniz. Pierre de Fermat is among the most relevant examples of this, for his role in prompting Leibniz and Jean Bernouilli's work in defining a universal physical principle of least action. Equally significant is the fact that Leibniz's introduction of this conception of dynamics, explicitly, to modern European science, was, according to Leibniz himself, a reflection of the dynamis of the ancient Classical Greek science of the Pythagoreans and Plato, and also such ancient notables as the great Eratosthenes.
Most notable, is the fact that the principle of creativity, in both physical science as in Classical artistic composition, is located essentially in Classical art, rather than mathematical science as such. Thus, the greater part of the ruin of Twentieth-century European science occurred through the post-Franklin Roosevelt destruction of the practice and knowledge of Classical artistic composition in trans-Atlantic civilization launched by sponsorship of the existentialists in general and the program of the European Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF)—actually, the congress for cultural depravity, during the advent of the post-World War II decades. The creativity element in physical scientific progress, as in artistic progress, is centered outside all formal mathematics, in that Classical poetry and music which is the natural habitat of those expressed creative powers of the individual human mind which set the human being apart from, and above the beasts and existentialists alike.
Thus, what I have often referenced as the point of the concluding paragraph of Percy Bysshe Shelley's A Defence of Poetry, presents us a crucial insight into the function of dynamics generally. All great Classical drama, similarly, is to be experienced not as action among particular characters, but as the force of a dynamical principle which subsumes the force of a largely unwitting invisible hand of dynamics, which shapes the destiny among the foolish characters who see things only in terms of relations among individuals, as if pair-wise, rather than "the force of destiny" which grips them as the apparent hand which the foolish characters on stage have refused to recognize as the agency of a superior will which shapes the outcome of the drama as a whole.
These dynamics, which do, in fact, generate the relationships among individuals and groupings in society are comparable, in effect, to belief in a choice of universal principle attributed to physical science. If the choice is in error, the society of the believers is to be punished, even ruined entirely, as the beliefs of the 68ers have impelled the present world society into the present, virtually terminal mode of self-destruction. So, it is the adoption of the "environmentalism" of such as Bertrand Russell and his follower, the World Wildlife Fund's Prince Philip, which has hurtled trans-Atlantic society into what has become the almost inevitable plunge of all humanity into the presently immediate global breakdown-crisis. It is only the exceptional individual, who not only sees the folly of this control of society by popular beliefs, but who has the determination to act to bring about the end of that mass-insanity gripping a nation, or nations, who is an exception to the "lemming-like" grip of a madness such as that which has controlled the U.S.A. as a social-political-economic system since early 1968. Only the individual who rejects the grip of "popular opinion" is capable of leading his or her society out of a virtually mass-suicidal plunge into a passage through Hell such as that oncoming at this moment of writing.
As Shelley emphasizes the other side of such social dynamics in his A Defence of Poetry, he wrote of a time in history when a great revival of culture was in progress, a time when even people of wicked inclinations were sometimes swept along by the tide of progress.
This view of Shelley's argument coincides entirely with that of Leibniz, and that not accidentally. The case of the role of Classical music in the creativity of Albert Einstein is fully consistent with this principle of creativity. It is in the application of the powers of the Classical imagination to the rigors of experimental tests performed as the work of physical science, that we have secured all the valid discoveries of those general physical principles, through aid of which the practical achievements of physical economy have been generated. It is only when we study the nature and related characteristics of the human mind, as through imposing a reciprocal discipline of the Classical scientific method of Plato and moderns such as the followers of Cusa in physical science, with the signal achievements launched by the fundamental discovery by Johann Sebastian Bach, that society has become equipped to reverse the terrible and disgusting degeneration of the culture and economy of the world's malpractice of what is called economics today.
This general type of distinction between two contrasted world-outlooks, presents us with the effect of those contrary viewpoints expressed as either Type A, or the dynamical standpoint of Type B. This is the same principle of dynamics reflected in the closing paragraph of Shelley's A Defence of Poetry.
For Example: Space-Time
The difficulties inhering in the intention to transport people, rather than mere baggage, across interplanetary intervals within Solar space, poses the problematic discussion of supplying a state of electromagnetic "1-G(ravity)," or functionally comparable environment within the system by which the passengers and crew are being transported. Once we had achieved and deployed that capability, we have changed the functional meaning of the term "human race" in a truly universal way. That is to say, once we have based the dynamic characteristic of human relations, on those of a Solar domain defined, dynamically, by a generalized capability for "One-G" acceleration in movement within even a portion of the Solar system, we have changed the functional definition of mankind, and of human relations, absolutely. These relations, to the degree they can be achieved for mankind, are defined by the existence of relationships defined in terms of generalized "One-G" or comparable rates of constant acceleration with respect to both gravitation and magnetic fields. All humanity then becomes "people in space," rather than merely an Earth-bound species: hence, "Ad Astra!"
We will have transformed that enemy, which is an inability to be a race in space, into a friend, transforming a prison-like confinement to our planet, into a font of greater human freedom within astronomical space.
This transformation has other leading dimensionalities.
The ability to meet the challenges of both human interplanetary travel, and of the development of what were otherwise hostile habits among our destinations, depends upon a rule-of-thumb principle of competent present-day physical science known, for convenience, as qualitatively upward leaps in the energy-flux density of supplies of power employed (and, available). On this account, where the mastery of controlled nuclear fission brings us up to the level of entering the pre-conditions for human life in nearby Solar space, that as man, rather than mere objects, the realization of this initial break to freedom requires the mastery of the qualitatively higher orders of energy-flux density represented by controlled thermonuclear fusion.
Such are the initial, leading considerations posed by our reflections upon the matter as we have considered it here, so far. We have emphasized the positive factors. Consider the alternative: what happens to us if we do not make this upward leap to freedom from an Earth-bound existence?
So far, in this chapter, I have emphasized the opportunities represented by changes in these specific directions. We must also consider as, perhaps, even much more urgent, what happens to mankind if we fail to develop in these directions.
"The Hounds At Our Heels!"
For such reasons, not only must we now abandon the vicious delusion known as "monetary value;" we must go over, entirely, to posing the notion of economic value as being essentially physical-economic value, as that notion of value must be situated in terms of processes defined, essentially, in terms of the interactive relationships among the Lithosphere, the Biosphere, and the Noösphere. We must begin the exploration of the meaning of a physical economy by subsuming that threefold process, by regard for what has been society's crucial margin of dependency, in physical-economic terms, on, first, the effects of relative depletion, not exhaustion, of the relatively richest concentration of those essential resources, in the normal course of mankind's combined growth of population and technological progress.
I explain, that living processes, by absorbing selected isotopes of elements from the array of the given periodic table into their life-processes, have provided mankind with deposits in which certain elements-isotopes are concentrated as residues of the Biosphere's existence. Mankind's productivity, per capita and per square kilometer, thus far, has depended to a large degree on the richest concentrations of those elements; the relative physical productivity of cultures, has depended upon access to relatively richer concentrations of isotopes accessed in this way. As mankind draws down the more readily available of the supply of the richest such deposits, the potential relative population-density of a culture would tend to collapse, unless the effective productivity of mankind per capita and per square kilometer of relevant territory, were increased to the effect of causing the potential relative population-density to increase, and to promote an increase in the rate of increase.
Thus, the shift of the minimal standard requirement from simple use of sunlight at its relevant lowest value (at the Earth's surface), to the advantage over bald sun-light represented by the work of chlorophyll, to man's burning of trash, to charcoal, to coal, to coke, to petroleum, to natural gas, and then to the leaps to higher qualities of energy-flux density of nuclear fission, and the early prospect of thermonuclear fusion, and the tantalizing subject of matter/anti-matter reactions, are the lawful requirements of endless scientific progress for any civilization which does not intend to destroy itself rapidly at this point of world history to date.
By the same inexorable logic, the security of mankind's continued existence depends upon shifting the hazard of our species' presently Earth-bound existence, from the confines of the surface regions of our planet, to human life in interplanetary space, and, thence, beyond, into our galaxy generally, and, then, beyond that. The achievements of the space-program since the beginning of its systemic development as a mission-orientation, during the 1920s, must be acknowledged by a programmatic commitment to this effect foreseen among relevant scientific thinkers since that time.
This viewpoint challenges the imagination of all truly thoughtful scientists and theologians respecting the notions of "Creator," "mankind," and human individual "immortality." This does not lead us away from the notions of Genesis 1, for example, but only clarifies the way that chapter of Genesis is to be read, as mankind rises out of an apparent state of relative brutishness, to the present outlook with which we are confronted by the combined notions of the limits of the prospects for human life confined to Earth, or even our Solar system, into humanity existing as humanity, still, as an inhabitant of our galaxy, and beyond that. Man made in the likeness of, and servant of the living Creator of the universe, acquires a certain far richer meaning, a nearer and nearer approximation of human existence's true meaning, not only as a species, but as expressed in that identity of the mind of the human individual which is the notion of the individual human "soul." The great mystery of it all changes its appearance, as if in the gradual clearing away of the mists, as seeing more clearly what had appeared as if "through a glass darkly."
What I have just outlined in that description, is no fantasy. From insight into the greatest works of Classical artistic composition—but, only Classical artistic composition—those among us who have enjoyed a witting, and experimentally validated experience of true creativity, see matters a bit differently than those who continue to be blinded by self-inflicted devotion to living as like blind worms, within the dark sack of grubby faith in sense-certainty.
That is not a "merely speculative" view of matters. All among us who have come to recognize what I have termed a "Type B" sense of personal, functional identity, know this. The others, who do not recognize this, continue to live as children; the "Type A" personalities, who view reality with their power of intellectual vision blinded by refusal, as by the self-blinded men and women worshiping Euclidean geometry, refusing, thus, to open their eyes to human individual creativity.
It is through true human creativity, as this is only typified by the progress of society's intentions from the relative bestiality of evil Prince Philip's self-styled "environmentalists," that a sane mankind moves from reliance on lower forms of "energy-flux density," to higher ones, that the progress, even the continuation of civilized forms of existence, is made possible for humanity. It is here, as the role of higher energy-flux densities, such as those of nuclear-fission now, and the looming prospect of controlled thermonuclear fusion tomorrow, bring the future of man's rise from that state of risk of being a citizen of our fragile planet to man in the Solar system, and then the stars, that we become the true citizens of the real universe, out from such filthy hovels as the Anglo-Dutch Liberal imperialism of today.
In real-life history, the proverbial hounds are at our heels. We must move upward, along those pathways in nearby space, to desirable destinations along the relativistic highways which were being paved by the beautiful mind of that great lover of Classical musical composition, Albert Einstein.
Thus, these points now considered, we have been presented, in the preceding paragraphs here, with the kernel of the fundamental principle of that science of physical economy on which all future civilized existence on this planet now depends absolutely. That is the objective side of a science of physical economy; now we must consider the subjective side; here, the concept of "Type 'B' " becomes crucial.
III. The Subjective Side of Science
In the course of the second component of this present trilogy on the subject of a science of economy, I have outlined the principled features of a physically efficient, subjective aspect of a practice of the science of physical economy. I have located the central principle of that science, in the remedy for the systemic disagreement between two contrasting states of the human individual mind, the presently familiar "Type 'A'." and the qualitatively superior, less familiar "Type 'B'." I now restate, and amplify, the argument already outlined there.
The known evidence from which competent physical science found its ancient roots, was in the practice of oceanic navigation according to the changes in array of those markers known as the planets and stars, a practice which gave rise to the meaningful use of the term "universe," not as an image, but as a dynamical form of process, as indicated by the ancient use of the term dynamis, or, the modern concept of dynamics as that latter term was introduced by Gottfried Leibniz during the 1690s.
This is the process of development of that concept of dynamics which underlies the Riemannian concepts of relativity of Albert Einstein and V.I. Vernadsky, today, concepts which had already been expressed by ancient maritime cultures during the many hundreds of centuries prior to the roughly estimated onset of the close of the ice age as about 20,000 years ago.[22] True science is not isolated experiments which merely appear to be "repeatably" successful. The standard for a proof of principle is its grounding in what is demonstrably universal from among the stars, expressed as the power, as from above, which controls the destiny of mankind. All other proofs depend upon their demonstrable derivation from actually universal principles so adduced, as the celebrated work of such followers of Bernhard Riemann as Albert Einstein and Academician V. I. Vernadsky best illustrate the presently best known extent of that connection.
Thus, mapping of what were, at least, apparently two fixed points on the ground-level map of our planet under the condition of changes in the apparent positions of planets and stars over time, as shown by the work of the great Eratosthenes, defines that irony which gave rise to humanity's notion of universal during those times. This, of course, leads to the apposite approach, locating the changes in the map of the planet's surface according to changes observed to occur within an astronomical universe, and, then, in turn, to the study of detected, long-ranging changes in what might have been thought a simple regularity of movements in the heavens. It is important to acquire the habit of thinking about related matters in such a fashion, even if only for the purpose of training the human mind to deal competently with the idea of that universe which we inhabit. This practice fosters that quality of freedom in thinking which is indispensable for promoting the creative powers of the human mind. It is of the highest importance to examine your own mind's process of thinking, thus using the playing of such imagined tricks upon oneself, as a way of promoting true self-consciousness—a truly ironical self-consciousness: to make one's own processes of thinking, when caught in the moments of their relatively greatest moment of deceptively apparent finality, one recognized as a mere object of one's own continuing to think in new, higher-order terms of reference, while our mind's attention has leaped, meanwhile, to the challenge posed by a qualitatively higher set of relative terms of reference.
As the ancient practice of Sphaerics illustrates the point, what should actually be regarded as science, is limited to evidence of principles which are truly of the universe, principles whose proof is of a type rooted historically in the use of astronomy for celestial navigation in, especially, the oceans and seas of the world, as this was done by Johannes Kepler, and by such of his followers in scientific method as the great physicist Carl F. Gauss.
This self-critical view is rooted in what is implicitly astrophysics, in observing one's own creative processes in action, reflectively; so, as I shall emphasize here, it is also the key to the true meaning of the artistic imagination, as artistic imagination is the typical characteristic of scientific outlooks coherent with a sense of personal identity rooted in the concept of a "Type 'B' " method. This is of critical importance for understanding the foundations of competent approaches to understanding the roots of any competent attention to the subject of the principles underlying a science of physical economy.
It is the discovery of the existence of universal physical principles, in that way, which has been required to develop the concept underlying all competent physical science. This is accomplished by forcing societies to cease depending on a depraved form of naive faith in the bare human senses as such, as the modern "behaviorists," such as the evil Adam Smith, have done.[23] This distinction is the topical area of my immediate subject here.
Smith is a crucial target for criticism on this account, not because he was unique in his evil, he was not; but, because of his systemic role as being evil in respect to one of the two specific roles to which he was assigned by, and which he performed in the service of frankly Satanic Lord Shelburne's assignment of Smith: to wit, to seek the destruction of the freedoms of the English colonies in North America. This was a plot for which Smith was assigned, beginning 1763, on behalf of Shelburne's British East India Company, an initiative on which all truly effective forms of global evil have been spread, at least principally so, throughout the world since that time, up to the present instant these lines of mine are written here.[24] It is not what an individual does, as an individual, which is the root of the historical importance, for good or evil, to be attributed to him, or her, in science, or otherwise. Rather, this subject must be assessed from the vantage-point of social dynamics, as the crucially important closing paragraphs of Shelley's A Defence of Poetry identify this topic.
It is the discovery of a true scientific principle, or any other principle which affects the direction of the condition of society to kindred effect, and, which, therefore, distinguishes the individual who actually shapes history, from the virtual puppets who dangle and dance as directed so by the pulling of those strings of a common and prevalent ideology which holds their very souls in the captivity of their naive beliefs. Those exceptional individuals who have served as great discoverers of principle, are of relatively unique importance for understanding any part of real history, because all social processes, and, indeed, all kinds of processes in the universe, are essentially dynamic (e.g. Platonic), rather than reductionist (e.g., Cartesian, behaviorist), in character. It is only by knowing how to overturn those false principles which fools, such as Euclid, have imagined to have been either "self-evident," or merely simple, that we are enabled to bring true human knowledge into play. Whether the exceptional such individual who does this, is an object suited better for either infamy or adoration, the principle of this subject-matter remains the same. It were more important to become such an exceptional individual of the "Type 'B' " category, than an emperor of a galaxy: one would hope, for the good of mankind. It were only required that one have the courage, even the sometimes astonishing boldness, to be just that, whatever the beckoning or menacing circumstances of the moment.
To that point, it is the introduction of the knowledge and use of a true universal principle, whether for good, or evil, which defines the dynamical character of all history, of man, as of the universe as a whole. It is action which shapes, or changes such dynamics, which is the actual shaping of the history of any particular phase of both a culture of mankind, and of the universe in its entirety.
To come to the kernel of the business assigned to this chapter of the report, the possibility of knowing the state of sense of personal identity which corresponds to a personality of "Type 'B'," as distinct from "Type 'A'," is a benefit of the historical process of successive discoveries, assessed by reference to a process by which at least some part of the human population has come to a knowledgeable command of his, or her own sense of an outlook on an imagined universe of the type which corresponds to the characteristic form of belief held by a "Type 'B' " personality.
In other words, animals are born and die as individual mortal members of the same assembly of living creatures. Human beings, when they are fully human in the intellectual sense, locate their identity in history, rather than as some creature whose efficient existence is limited to the span of its mortal existence in the flesh. Human individuals rightly locate their identity in such a fashion, that, what people become when born, already begins to embody the net accumulation of changes in culture which have endured, in one fashion or another, over many preceding generations, especially of that language-culture. True ideas of principle do not appear as discrete events, but as the expressed process of outgrowth of a long sequence, of many generations, encompassing the preceding developments in which the development and birth of that idea is situated dynamically. This is the principle of dynamics as revived, explicitly, during the decade of the 1690s by Gottfried Leibniz.
True ideas of principle fix the point of reality of our present, mortal existence, at some future destination, a destination chosen as a professional mountain-climber selects the peak which he has yet to climb up to the present time, perhaps which no one had reached earlier, perhaps a time, perhaps a destination lying beyond the span of the merely mortal form of his, or her existence. We must think in the future, to locate the true future meaning of present choice of a way of living, of working day by day. So did Nicholas of Cusa; so did the Christopher Columbus inspired by the proposal given by Cusa.[25]
Cusa, Columbus & "The Mayflower"
This distinction, of dynamics, as it also applies to social processes as such, as to physical science, can be made most clearly for one of those among us who dwells in the tradition of the process leading into the American Revolution, when, and if, he or she has gained the knowledge and relevant experience to recognize the systemic points of difference of the patriotic (anti-British empire) American citizen, from the somewhat contrary cultural outlook of the more typical case of even the present-day European.
So, the meaning of our lives as citizens of our republic which dwells within the world at large, lies in our ability, whether American or European, to grasp the future meaning of the distant destination, in space, time, or both, on which we have chosen to be embarked.
It should be clear enough, that all good works by persons in current time, are not defined by what we happen to use up during our own lifetimes, but, rather, good results usually rely on anticipation of the future outcome of those discoveries, that for the benefit of future generations of mankind; such is the option we should seek in the normal choice, a choice of that which we have chosen to become currently engaged in building, in our devotion to the future defined in this way. "What, child, do you intend to become when you are grown up?" The trouble was, that most Baby-Boomers preferred not to think very much about the existential experience of either others, or even themselves, beyond a very, very short distance into their present future.
So, as I have indicated above, the most remarkable such distinction is that the development which became the United States, was a reflection of the influence of Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa's design for crossing oceans to find the opportunity to develop the cultural heritage of European civilization in a place at some relatively great distance from that plague-like, imperialistic, oligarchical form of maritime tradition, which has prevailed in European cultures since the infamous Peloponnesian War. Christopher Columbus' voyage, which was inspired by his knowledge of Cusa's trans-oceanic perspective, pin-points the true origin, and deep-rooted historical character of what became our United States of America and its unique, constitutional system of political economy.
Unfortunately, the broader development of this project within the Americas as a whole, has been crippled, although more emphatically in other parts of the Americas, than in our U.S.A., until the U.S.A. itself had been plunged into decadence by approximately late Spring 1968. The similar expression of such a defect within the other modern national American cultures to our south, is to be blamed chiefly on the long, polluting reach into the other parts of the Americas by the combined actions of the Habsburgs, and their successors and masters, the British empire as Simon Bolivar, at the end of his life, in Colombia, described this British role in South America. The increase of the British brand of Venetian monetarist control over South America today, for example, is expressed by the ruinous interval of the British orchestration of that successor to the pre-1763 "Seven Years War" which became known as the Napoleonic Wars. Such were the wars which a foolish, narcissistically self-deluded Napoleon fought for, in fact, embedding a British imperial reign over all Europe, through creating a more successful version of a "Seven Years War," under a foolish Napoleon Bonaparte's new "Seven Years War," the so-called "Napoleonic wars." The result was a grip of the British Empire on continental Europe which was never successfully challenged in any part of Europe until President Abraham Lincoln had led the United States to victory over the British Empire and its London-controlled Confederacy puppets.
Every major war on this planet since 1865 has been an offshoot of the principal goal of the British Empire, that empire's desperate commitment to bringing about the ultimate destruction of our United States. Every war by the British empire, everywhere, since that time has been subsumed by the British obsession with bringing about the ultimate destruction of our United States, as is the British intent in deploying its puppet Barack Obama now. Similarly, there is no treasonous enterprise, such as the Wall Street rape of our national economic system, or the continued existence of Goldman Sachs itself today, which is not an exertion of that British intention now. The actual British war-guilt for every aspect of World Wars I and II, and the role, in seeking to nullify the 1648 Peace of Westphalia, by such unspeakable moral degenerates as former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, typifies the same issues posed by so-called "British Imperialism" today.
For example:
The fact to be emphasized in seeking to understand the present, global world economic breakdown-crisis in progress today, is that, as I have just indicated, above, the Napoleonic wars served, still later, as the true predecessor of a new "Seven Years War" launched from London, so-called "World War I" and London's resumption of that as "World War II," all combined occurring as a set of outcomes made possible by the combination of the 1890 ouster of Chancellor Bismarck and the 1901 assassination of U.S. President William McKinley.[26]
For example: McKinley had been killed by an assassin brought, from Europe, into a New York City safe-house controlled by British interests.[27] That imported assassin had been harbored for the purpose of this mission, by the greater New York City Anglophile oligarchy, thus bringing into the Presidency the actually treasonous Theodore Roosevelt (the nephew of a British agent in the Confederacy operations) and, also, the Woodrow Wilson of the Ku Klux Klan family tradition, who actually relaunched the Ku Klux Klan from what Teddy Roosevelt had renamed "The White House" during that Roosevelt's own term as President.
Meanwhile, back in Europe, the persistent recurrence of parliamentary systems in Europe, and otherwise systems of law and traditions of social practice which are systemic flaws in specifically European cultures still today, is key for understanding the organic quality of difference in cultural world-outlook distinguishing U.S. republicanism from the pro-oligarchical relics of a European Liberal democracy still deeply corrupted by the legacy of Paolo Sarpi and of such among his notable followers as Abbé Antonio S. Conti and Voltaire, still today.
For related reasons which are illustrated with a certain excellence by what I have just identified as "the Columbus Principle" on which the existence of the United States has depended, it would be absurd to define the culture of the U.S.A. as peculiar in origin to itself. The culture of the patriots of our United States has been a branch of the European culture which has persisted since no later than Solon of Athens and such among Solon's political heirs as Plato. The foundation of the cultures of the Americas is, virtually in its entirety, the effect of transplanting the seed of an already existing species of European culture to a habitat, across the Atlantic, which was a healthier place for its realization than in the relatively decadent, more emphatically pro-oligarchical habitats of Europe. However, it is also the case, that the afflictions of the worst "diseases" which the American cultural species has suffered, are the result of cultural "spores," chiefly modern British imperialism, which have invaded the cultures of the American, bringing the moral diseases associated with the still persisting, pro-oligarchical cultural habits of "Old Europe," such as parliamentary systems.
However, there is a more fundamental issue underlying the aforesaid considerations:
The Fundamental Principle
The underlying principle in all of this and related matters, is that the systemic uniqueness of the human personality, relative to all other types of known living creatures, is that mankind is able to shape the direction of the development of the region he inhabits within the universe, as in the discovery and application of universal physical principles, as Kepler, for example, discovered a universal principle of gravitation, through his use of the creative powers unique to the human individual. In this respect, man not only acts to alter the course of the universe in that degree, but, it is an essential principle of the science of physical economy, that man is acted upon, for better or for worse, by the universe's own reaction to mankind's willful changes in both the parts of the universe which we inhabit, and even beyond.
This is a fact which is only illustrated by the way a trained jet aircraft pilot might think about a space-pilot's controlling role within the relativistic effects of a continuously accelerated/decelerated travel to Mars-orbit, a journey expressed as the experience of that space-pilot's functioning in flight. Thinking of a human species living within the biosphere, and thinking of mankind as controlling the development of the biosphere, like thinking of man as an Earth-dweller as compared to man inhabiting the domain of the relativistic modalities of accelerated space-travel, correspond, in both comparisons, to two qualitatively different definitions of what are but relativistic phases of the same principle of mankind. Accelerated trajectories in space-travel is a nearer experience of true human nature, than growing paunchy as a contented (or, discontented) Earth-grubber.
This is not merely an illustration of my crucial point; it is my use of a relatively extreme case to convey a sense of those boundary conditions through which we are enabled to convey the characteristics of human existence, even as the embedded potential contained within a man whose experience is limited to walking from one place to another. To come to live in space, as travel between Earth and Mars, and dwelling there betwixt and between, requires that man change his environment to bring the condition of travel and Mars-habitation into conformity with normal human requirements. We must create "artificial environments" as the buffer between normal human requirements, as if on the surface of Earth, and an equivalent effect of human life for man under the conditions of travel and habitation in tolerable, and reachable parts of the Solar system with characteristics outside the standards of Earth's surface.
We already do that in development of the Noösphere from primitive to modern physical-economics standards of human practice. Comparing that role of scientific-technological progress of cultures on Earth in recent centuries, to the new qualities of progress required for exploration of nearby Solar space, should be employed as a way of generalizing the concept of typical human progress in such a way that both of the compared states are conceived as if they expressed a single principle of human development.
The means by which we must discover how to employ the effect of a successful extension of the idea of scientific-technological progress in those broader terms, will require the approach to virtually every-day mastery of discovered physical principles which are beyond usual classroom visions presently. So, what! Discovery is the fun of the game! It is the kind of game which really progressive human persons love to play, often even at the price of the explorer's great daring to risk his life. After all, what any of us really "gets out of life," is, in the long run, what we give to it.
Looking at the contrast of "Type 'B' " to "Type 'A' " will also help to make clear the implications of this point:
Principle & Phenomenon
There are four crucial principles which must be considered as primary matters of reference in treating the subject of the human mind within the setting of the subject of physical space-time within our Solar system. First, is the principled distinction of subject-matters which are not considered as, apparently, the distinction of, or products of living processes (the Lithosphere). Second, is the principled distinction of subject-matters which exist for us only as either living processes, or as products of what had been living processes (the Biosphere). Third, is the principled distinction of the sensory functions of the mind of the living human individual, that as a biological phenomenon. Fourth, is the creative powers—the powers of creative imagination—of the individual human mind, as distinct from the animal-like capabilities of the living human body (the subject of the Noösphere): the phenomena of what is identified meaningfully as the human soul.
It is only when the distinctions and interrelationships among all four of these categories are taken under consideration, that the notion of the individual human "soul" finds its real place in study of the efficient principles and effects to be considered in the context of physical science. This matter comes fully into play once the field of inquiry is shifted to the matter of efficiently extra-terrestrial roles of human life under conditions of relativistic interplanetary travel and social relations defined within the bounds of such terms of reference.
Keep the fact of my statement of these as facts to be considered, here and now. I shall return, to qualify these distinctions, at the appropriate points of the development of the following argument.
The first lesson which any person who would be a competent economist must now master, is the importance of rejecting the popular delusion, that mankind's inhabiting the planet Earth, or any particular territory within Earth, signifies the delusion that man is merely living within the bounds of nature. Man, if he is productive, is changing his habitation, as by a higher authority than "nature" otherwise defined, that as if from above.
If his practiced culture is truly productive, man is depleting the richest of those practically accessible resources he employs as "natural resources," but, nonetheless, man must be constantly increasing the productive powers of labor, per capita, and per square kilometer of relevant territory, such that the typical individual is more productive, and richer, with the new, relatively poorer resources, than with the relatively richer, earlier resources.
In the known history of cultures, this increasing of net productivity per capita and per square kilometer, is associated with a long-wave trend toward increase of the relative energy-flux density of the modes of heat-work employed, moving upward from the poorest quality of general resource, such as sunlight impinging on what is conventionally classified as our planet's surface, to the improvement of the net energy-flux density accomplished as the work of chlorophyll and the related role of increased use of that carbon atom which plays such a crucial role in the possibility of life, especially human life. We progress from burning of trash, to charcoal, to coal, to coke, to petroleum and natural gas, and then the leap into the much more powerful energy-flux densities of nuclear and thermonuclear power. It is the increase of the application of a certain energy-flux density, per capita, as distributed, in one or several particular portions, per square kilometer of territory, which is not only the only principled course for the improvement of the condition of human life, but without such increases in energy-flux density, human life on this planet must necessarily deteriorate, ultimately to the point of a large degree of genocide against the planet's population as a whole. A contrary policy, such as those of today's neo-malthusian fanatics, such as the World Wildlife Fund's Prince Philip, et al., would be clearly, and criminally, insane in its effects.
In fact, we have already entered such a phase of degradation.
Take the case of potable water as illustration. We are presently drawing down previously existing stocks of current sources of potable water at such rates that we are already moving toward a global ecological catastrophe for mankind, unless we change current trends by a very large-scale rate of increase of the use of nuclear-fission and thermonuclear-fusion sources of the power needed to ensure a suitable fresh water supply for even the existing level of population. The notion that present ground-level sources of solar and wind "power," or sources of potable water, could meet human needs, is sheer lunacy. In any case, the world is currently in a global-cooling phase, headed toward, and already within the beginning of a cooling period such as those experienced during the late Eighteenth and early Nineteenth centuries, all contrary to the widespread lies currently spread among the credulous by the incredible.
Every change in patterns of land-use since the middle of the 1960s, has been fairly described as worse than merely insane in its effects on present society, with even much worse effects if this nonsense is permitted to be continued during the decades immediately ahead. We must increase the physical productive powers of labor, per capita, and per square kilometer of territory at a fairly high rate, even for the purpose of providing socio-economic stability of the existing trends in population globally.
The general formulation to be brought into play here, is that the development of the preconditions of human life, depends upon the action of the Biosphere upon the Lithosphere, to the effect of generating the preconditions required for progress in the condition of human life. Mankind must manage this relationship, both to reap the harvest of the Biosphere, but, also, to increase man's power of action, per capita and per square kilometer, such that we shift the emphasis away from relying upon the relatively depleted formerly richer fossil remains of the product of the Biosphere, by increasing the physical productivity of mankind, per capita and per square kilometer, that at such rates that the net result is increased productivity per capita and per square kilometer, despite the obligation for using increasingly poor qualities of natural resources to the effect of increasing the net physical output of product per capita and per square kilometer.
This also requires that we increase the power of productivity of mankind, per capita and per square kilometer. This can be accomplished only through, chiefly, emphasis on increasing the level of expressed human creative intelligence of the population, in physical terms, and the creating of superior products by that means.
The included general implication of this, is that the net capital physical intensity of the economy, per capita and per square kilometer, will increase more rapidly than the increase of direct productivity. This also means that the "life-span" of the relevant capital improvements will be increased, at the same time that the capital-intensity of what is consumed per capita and per square kilometer is also increased. In that sense, man's society—mankind's economy—must become increasingly synthetic, relative to the rate of current consumption of what is being currently produced as useful product otherwise.
This process, which must be fostered, if mankind is to survive even within the bounds of this planet, when that process is described as I have just indicated, signifies that humanity is approaching a required point of combined increase of productivity and capital-intensity, on Earth itself, such that this trend toward such compounded rates of physical-capital intensity and related productivity, is moving us toward the practical urgency of launching a society within the immediately more convenient regions of the Solar system, in which space travel will become increasingly economical. We are moving, in the longer term, toward man in our galaxy.[28]
The question to be asked is: how is this possible? What is the assured source of increase of human physical productivity, such that mankind is capable of generating physical-scientific progress at the rates which my descriptive set of ratios, just given here, implies?
This brings us now, again, to the crucial matter of the "Type 'B' " personality.
Type B, Restated
When the newborn person is released from the womb, with the consequent effect of something resembling the unpacking of the contents of a crate which contains the latest new creation delivered from the factory, the bawling, naked individual thus unleashed upon society, is delivered and presented, more or less complete, with certain accompanying, essential attachments commonly identified as "the senses." The ignorant person would tend to believe, that what these instruments, the senses, transmit, as a kind of image, to the human mind, is the image of reality.
Not so: the great principled discoveries of science show us that these so-called senses do not present us with a direct image of either the principles, or objects which control the real universe of our experience, but, are, rather, merely the essential items of instrumentation delivered, as accessories, more or less intact, with the arrival of the infant. This becomes clearer and clearer to the scientist as mankind develops new, "artificial senses," like added attachments, to present the human mind with subsidiary "senses" intended to reflect changes around us which are either too large, or too small in scale, for the human individual to observe directly, or have been crafted to present us with shadows of reality which do not fit specific categories for which the original package of human sense-perceptual equipment was intended to measure the relevant intended effect to be observed.
So, as I have emphasized at earlier points in this present report, our senses do not show us the reality outside our skins; they show us a shadow cast by the reality. We—our mind—can not "see" directly what has cast that shadow; we must craft an image in the human mind which experimental methods can prove to be the shadowy "other" image presented to natural or synthetic, sense-perceptual instruments.
The most essential work of the individual human mind, on this account, is that of adducing what science identifies as universal physical principles, such as Kepler's uniquely original discovery of universal gravitation, or the principle of dynamics as brought onto the modern stage by Leibniz, and developed more richly by such followers of Bernhard Riemann as Albert Einstein and V.I. Vernadsky. By aid of the application of these discovered principles, we are enabled to explore the panoply of shadows known as normal and artificial sense-perceptions in, for example, a competent form of progressive development of modern physical science.
Thus, we have the two types of mentality to which I have referred, repeatedly, in this report: Type "A" and Type "B." The first, "A," is presented by the case of the naive believer in sense-certainty, who blunders repeatedly, by clutching at those gritty shadows which the more simple-minded citizen has mistaken for the objects which have cast the shadows. The credulous dupes of Paolo Sarpi, such as Locke, Adam Smith, and Jeremy Bentham, are nasty versions of the expression of this fault, victims victimized by beliefs resembling the Type "A" case generally. As Adam Smith emphasized his own streak of evil, as in the passage which I excerpted, above, from his The Theory of the Moral Sentiments, he is typical of the vicious incompetence of the behaviorists and kindred empiricists of the Type "A" variety generally.
We, on the other hand, must learn to act effectively on the objects which we can not sense directly, by striking toward those unseen objects whose presence the shadows have betrayed. We must act as if we could actually see the force of the dynamics which controls the apparent objects in motion: dynamics as Percy Shelley sums up the matter in the closing paragraphs of his A Defence of Poetry. We must strike at the unseen object, which we can not sense directly, but which we can adduce, efficiently, as the efficient presence lurking to attack us from his place under cover of sensory darkness. Our power to do exactly that, hit the unseen enemy on his flank, is always the task immediately before us, whether the enemy is hunger, disease, popular misery generally, or a vicious mortal foe of the welfare of mankind.
"What flank!?" we hear some silly fellow calling in from the back of that room wherein we are speaking. "What is this? Voodoo? I believe what I can touch!"
The power to act efficiently against the ostensibly unseen, is the specific genius which most clearly distinguishes thinking adult men and women from the monkeys caught in a Malaysian farmer's monkey-trap. The agency on which this wondrous and absolutely indispensable capacity depends, is what is called "the imagination." The principal expression of this faculty of the human mind is Classical poetry and its integral feature, vocal well-tempered counterpoint. The essential function performed by this faculty is Classical poetic-musical irony. The highest degree of refinement of this faculty of the actually creative mind, has been developed on the basis of the system of well-tempered counterpoint launched by the Johann Sebastian Bach whose influence produced all truly great musical compositions and their performance from J.S. Bach himself through the last principal works of Johannes Brahms, such as his great Vier Ernste Gesänge and his Opus 120 pair of clarinet sonatas.
This is the unique quality of the achievements of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, especially from the time of his deep steeping in the work of, especially, Johann Sebastian Bach, as in Mozart's association with the Sunday events at the Vienna salon of former diplomat at the court of Friedrich der Grosse, Gottfried van Swieten,[29] and of the greatest giant since Bach himself, Ludwig van Beethoven, or the related, massive output of Franz Schubert, or the related genius of Giuseppe Verdi, even taking notice of the otherwise ungodly hater of Johannes Brahms, the wildly Romantic admirer of the fervently Satanic Richard Wagner and Franz Liszt, the Hugo Wolf of his Mörike and Goethe Lieder.
Modern European History
To understand the modern European Classical Renaissance, we must steep ourselves in the echoes of Dante Alighieri, and the consequences of that rise of modern European civilization which was centered around the process leading, explicitly, through the martyrdom of Jeanne d'Arc at the hands of the heathen Normans' inquisition, into the great ecumenical Council of Florence and the contribution to the founding of the modern sovereign nation-state by both Nicholas of Cusa's Concordancia Catholica and the birth of modern science by Cusa's De Docta Ignorantia. Despite the pro-satanic religious warfare launched under the leading role and associated provocations by the Habsburgs from 1492 through 1648, the launching of the modern nation-state premised on the central influence of Nicholas of Cusa, and the 1648 resuscitation of European civilization through the intervention of such as Cardinal Mazarin and his associate Jean-Baptiste Colbert, have defined the platform on which all of the great accomplishments of modern European civilization have depended, essentially.
During those historical intervals of modern European history, from the birth of the Fifteenth-century Renaissance at the great ecumenical Council of Florence, through the high points of the history of our U.S. constitutional republic, the driving force for the progress of civilization has centered, since February 1763, on the initiative which produced the unique form of constitutional, republican self-government of our own United States. However, from the death of President Franklin Roosevelt, and the accession of his accursed successor, Harry S Truman, the world has been, in net effect, on a generally, net downward course, both culturally and in terms of physical economy. The root-cause of this post-April 12, 1945 moral and related decline of the U.S. republic, from the relatively high point which had been represented by the Presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, was essentially the destruction of Classical artistic culture by the modalities of the Frankfurt existentialists and the pro-satanic Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF). The root of this decadence was fostered, in a large degree, by the attack on competent methods of physical science led by the logical-positivist current associated with the mechanics of Ernst Mach and the more wildly fanatical, ivory-tower positivism of Bertrand Russell's Russell-Whitehead Principia Mathematica[30] and of the school of such as those, Norbert Wiener and John von Neumann, justly expelled, by David Hilbert, from Göttingen, on well-founded charges of systemic incompetence.
While the obvious target of the irrationalists of the positivist schools was the uprooting of competent methods of physical science, it was the concurrent launching of the attempted extermination of the Bach-Haydn-Mozart-Beethoven-Schubert-Brahms legacy of competence, especially since the rise of the popularity of the cult of Liszt-Wagner, but, emphatically, the modernist attack on Classical artistic composition, which has been the principal influence responsible for the ruin of earlier competence in physical science.
This new attack had been launched largely with the publications of the Critiques of Immanuel Kant, who had not dared to publish his frauds until both of the great pair of Abraham Kästner and Moses Mendelssohn were deceased, and, as the degeneration of culture was continued beyond Kant, by the founder of the modern conception of the fascist state, Prince Metternich's correspondent (and agent) G.W.F. Hegel. For our immediate purposes here, the crucial issue is the efforts to uproot the legacy of J.S. Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Lessing, Mendelssohn, Schiller, Shelley, and the brothers von Humboldt, under the circumstances created by the stunt of the fall of the Bastille, the Jacobin Terror, and the rise and reign of Napoleon Bonaparte on the continent of Europe. The crucial aspect of this cultural warfare, was the rise of what is known as Nineteenth-century Romanticism of such as the founders of that 19th-century Romantic school of law, G.W.F. Hegel, and Karl Savigny, that out of which modern European fascism was to emerge, especially with the added introduction of synarchism in circumstances defined by the British agent better known as Napoleon III.[31]
The core of all this destruction of the role of reason in modern European culture, was the attack on the principles of Classical composition in poetry, and the relationship of such poetry to Classical musical composition and Classical drama. What happened at the close of World War II, on both sides of the Atlantic, was the destruction of Classical poetry and its expression as Classical musical composition.
The crucial point to be considered here and now, is that the influence of that power of creativity whose products we encounter in the most notable achievements of physical science, is that domain of the creative imagination, through whose "chemistry" the power of creative insight is supplied to what were otherwise morally dead mathematics. The power of musicality expressed as Classical poetry, is the faculty of the creative imagination which produced the great, original scientific insights of impassioned amateur violinist Albert Einstein's wonderful assaults on the domain of the unknown in the practice of physical scientific investigations.
There is an aspect of Classical musical performance, which is stunningly prominent in the conducting of that friend, and sometime member of the Berlin Jewish musical community, Wilhelm Furtwängler, and in the exemplary work of my late dear friend of the Amadeus Quartet, Norbert Brainin, which, as it is sometimes said, gets "between the notes" in a way corresponding to the Classical principle of the "comma," which no mere music school could achieve. It comes from the soul, rather than the literal score, or the mere vocal mechanics of the singing voice of the man-made Classical instrument, such as the greatest still-surviving violins.
We may come to recognize this in the performances of the greatest performing artists which have been delivered "on a good day." There is nothing pertinent to either attempts at simple imitation or to that shameful lewdness called "Romanticism" in such performances. It comes, as it might be said, not from the reading of the score, nor the pretentious appetites of the ego of the performer, but the soul.[32] The sound is not irrelevant, it is relevant only as it serves the purpose of the inherent creativity expressed as an idea which transcends all sound as such. This feature common to Classical poetry and performance of Classical musical composition, is termed, as by such as William Empson,[33] the domain of Classical irony, a notion of irony identical in principle with the definition of the role of the physical principle of the "infinitesimal" in Leibniz's discovery of a higher expression of the calculus during the span of the 1690s.
The Root of the Leibniz Infinitesimal
What I have now presented, thus far, repeatedly, at several points in the course of this trilogy on physical economy, is not uniquely original to me in terms of any among the more broadly defined essentials of that matter. What I have done which is actually original to me in that toward which I have pointed here thus far, is a fruit of my critical insight into the deeper practical, subjective implications of this knowledge for the practice of a science of physical economy. This is the aspect of the matter of economics on which all varieties of the heretofore generally adopted schemes for representing economic processes have failed, that systemically.
The essential distinction between animal ecology on the one hand, and human physical economy, on the other, is those creative powers which do not exist among any lower form of life than mankind, but are found only in the accumulated, vast, willful increases in the potential relative population-density of the human species, as the best periods of the development of what became our U.S. republic illustrate the case. This subjective power of the human mind is the one and only cause for the increase of that potential relative population-density which is unique to the human species among all other forms of living creatures. This specific creative power, unique to members of the human species, is the one and only principle underlying the increase of the potential relative population-density of any successful social organization among members of the human species.
Money as such, has nothing to do, intrinsically, with such potential for increase of sustained potential relative population-density in any society. Therefore, the only competent object of policy-shaping by the U.S.A. or any other nation, or group of nations, under the present conditions of an onrushing, planet-wide, general physical-economic breakdown-crisis, is to subordinate the creation and use of money as being merely a useful form of credit, a form of credit which is absolutely subordinated to physical-science-driven increases in the potential relative population-density and physical standard of living of society. This is a form of physical margin of gain which can be effected solely through increases, typified by the general reliance on increase of the use of nuclear-fission power in the applied energy-flux density of the economy, per capita and per square kilometer. Any policy contrary to that, presently, would be implicitly criminal mass-insanity in its effect.
Otherwise, the relevant principles of science themselves were, otherwise, already known in bare essentials of method of work in the domain of a science of physical economy, to many of the greatest scientists since the relevant ancient Egyptians and Hellenes, such as the ancients Archytas, Plato, and, later, Eratosthenes. It is the subjective view of these matters which is, so far, essentially unique to me here, and which is crucial for society now.
The first topic to be considered here, as to matters of a science of physical economy which are to be discussed among us here and now, are best approached from the starting-point of Gottfried Leibniz's uniquely original discovery of the calculus.[34] Let me begin that discussion of the principles underlying any competent science of physical economy with my own earlier reaction to Leibniz, as I have referred to that on numerous public occasions. I rephrase that discussion here from the vantage-point of this special kind of discussion of "Type B" versus "Type A."
From the start, as I have said, about everything I have published about my own classroom and related experience, has been premised on the following included considerations:
I had never accepted the Euclid I encountered in a secondary school classroom scheduled under the title of "Plane Geometry I," then, or later. As I have reported on numerous earlier occasions, I had developed my own ideas about geometry before my first encounter with geometry as a classroom topic, ideas I developed during a few family visits to the Charlestown Navy Yard in Boston, Massachusetts during the early, through middle 1930s. My most relevant experience there, was my interest in witnessing certain constructions in progress at that place, constructions which convinced me that the ability of a structure to carry its weight required striking an optimal balance between the respectively distinct dimensional qualities of the mass and the shape of the supporting parts of the structure.
That was the birth of my concept which I came to recognize, later, and to the present day, as an anti-Euclidean physical geometry. The most crucial subsequent development in my outlook, was that prompted by Riemann's 1864 habilitation dissertation, in my jubilation at encountering the opening pair of paragraphs presented there, and, more significantly, for reasons which should be obvious to those who know me, the concluding sentence.
In other words, when I had entered the classroom on my first day in a Geometry I classroom, I was already convinced that the function of geometry was to discover how to optimize the relationship of the respective shape and mass of the supporting structure. When it came time for me to speak there on that day, I said so. Many among my silly classmates giggled. Of course, I was nonetheless, absolutely correct from a standpoint of real physics, but not according to the standard of the notions of formal-mathematical completeness attributed to Euclid. I shall return attention to the most crucial implications of that a bit later here.
That confrontation with a silly, but still popular sort of prevalent classroom convention, turned out to be one of the greatest advantages of my life in my becoming a physical economist: my ability to think scientifically was, thereafter, never crippled, as most of my fellow-students then, or later suffered, by the commonplace, particular, pandemic-like effect of actually believing in Euclidean geometry. That was what attracted me to Gottfried Leibniz during my teens, and ever since, as to Bernhard Riemann's famous 1864 habilitation dissertation, later, and to my contentious relations with some leading scientists, over the matter of Johannes Kepler's astronomy, later on. That is the point of reference for what I say here and now. That is how I came to be, subsequently, as today, a leading physical economist of the world, in fact, today: probably, the world's leading economist now. That advantage, largely gained by my being less misguided in such matters than nearly all my relevant contemporaries, is what had brought me to an impassioned preoccupation with Leibniz beginning the concluding two years of my secondary education.
Unfortunately, even despite the great advances in modern physical science which have appeared in modern civilization otherwise, the typical classrooms of the world, up to the present time, have never been freed of what European cultures have known as that regressive dogma of Aristotle expressed as the so-called a-priori presumptions of Euclidean geometry. This pseudo-scientific, traditionally Aristotelean a-priorism, is otherwise to be recognized as the systemically misleading notion of "completion," as that subject was famously treated, from a positivist standpoint, by the celebrated Göttingen scientist David Hilbert, as at the beginning of the Twentieth century. That notion of "completion" has presumed the bounding of the possible practice of mankind by some set of what are assumed to have been deductively demonstrable a-priori assumptions, presumptions sometimes differing from bare-bones Euclid, as in the case of Lobatchevsky's and Jonas Bolyai's assumptions, but akin to the sophistry of Euclid, as expressed otherwise by deductively demonstrable a-prioristic assumptions of mere mathematics as such.
Despite such assumptions of the mere mathematicians, the progress of science demonstrates the contrary to be true. The root of the typical systemic errors of the mere mathematicians, such as the delusion of a "zero-technological growth," proceeds by ignoring the fact of the discovery of new physical principles which seem to "bound" previously known physical-mathematical systems through new discoveries of relatively higher physical principles, as Albert Einstein's rather famous, Riemann-based argument to this effect expresses that notion, and, similarly, the discoveries of the great Academician V.I. Vernadsky of Russia and Ukraine.
As in the case of Johannes Kepler's uniquely original discovery of the principle of universal gravitation, as documented in his The Harmonies of the Worlds,[35] systemically competent physical-science practice is systemically anti-entropic, not only in expressed product, but in respect to the principled, "Prometheus Unbound" conception of science itself. Zero-growth such as that of literature's Prometheus Bound, was always essentially a doctrine taught by slave-masters to their willing slaves.
The best presentation of the systemic features of the distinctions which I have just identified here, involves the discussion of the contrast of "Type 'B' " minds to those of "Type 'A' ."
The Case of "Type 'B' "
The contrast between the more popular view, of a "Type A" outlook, and my own choice of "Type B," came about, originally, in that way. That is the key to my agreement with Leibniz since that time. The key to all of Leibniz's most notable accomplishments, is, that he was a thinker in a "Type B" mode, as to be seen in the fact of his practice, from somewhere in his early years. We who have accepted the "Type B" mode as reality, readily share certain affinities. Sharing this view helped me greatly in understanding how Leibniz thought, and, later, Riemann. That development within me had already fascinated me in my hours spent on study of primary writings on the subject of relativity, during my many hours spent in the reading room of the Boston Public Library during those years before and, briefly, after war-time military service. The fuller implications of this "hit me" a few years later. It was that, combined with my induction into management consulting through my father's activities during the earlier and later 1940s, which led to my very independent views, differing with him, in these matters later on.
Despite the centuries separating our respective lifetimes, I came to know some essential things, bearing on a science of physical economy, about Leibniz and Riemann very well, especially those aspects which bear on what I say here on the specific subject of a science of physical economy. I say this baldly, so, here and now, because this permits me to cut short, to essentials, that which I present here as my explanations of certain preliminaries which I must introduce at this present juncture.
What I have to say here and now, about the coincidences between the thinking of Leibniz and Riemann and what came to be my own, is rooted in the fact we, and also quite a number of others, were all rooted in adopting what I shall outline here, soon, below, as virtually a "Type B" outlook on the universe. Essentially, on this account, insofar as the discussion touches a science of physical economy, I can say confidently that Leibniz and I think alike in such matters as these; if you wish to understand either of us, or also that aspect of Riemann's work bearing on matters of physical economy, take that into consideration; it will simplify matters greatly, especially respecting the matter of the Leibniz infinitesimal which I address in these immediately following pages.
To avoid any misunderstanding of what might be taken as my particular claims on this account, my relationship to the work of those scientists is located essentially within the bounds of the generally underlying principles of the matter. I say that in the sense that Johannes Kepler's discovery of a universal principle of gravitation was not a mathematical formulation as such. The mathematical formulation which he introduced in its form, was the footprint which the principle of universal gravitation left behind, as this was emphasized by Albert Einstein, and was understood as a relevant footprint left upon mathematics, but was not as the empiricists have insisted, the principle itself. The distinction, as by V.I. Vernadsky, among the principled categories of the Lithosphere, Biosphere, and Noösphere is another illustration of just such a significance of the ontological distinction of universal principles from the mere footprints expressed in related, merely mathematical formulations.
Once we have accepted the evidence that the impressions which we may associate with sense-perception are shadows of reality, as that shall be defined by me, here, from a "Type B" standpoint, rather than self-evidently what they might appear to be, we avoid all of the principal, usual blunders which the Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-century cowards such as Abraham de Moivre, Jean le Rond D'Alembert, Leonhard Euler, Joseph Lagrange, Pierre-Simon Laplace, and the sometime plagiarist Augustin Cauchy perpetrated.[36] All of these listed personalities committed intentional frauds, and did so in defense of the fraudulent claims against Leibniz by those devotees of the cult of the black-magic specialist Isaac Newton whose reputation was virtually molded out of something less dignified than mud, by such as Abbe Antonio S. Conti and his accomplice Voltaire.
Those frauds were frankly motivated, as those hoaxsters themselves argued for this view, by the intent to discredit Leibniz's definition of the "infinitesimal" of the Leibniz calculus. The fact that Leibniz was uniquely correct on all points, is the key to competent practice respecting the history of physical science from his lifetime to the present day, just as those who deny the originality of Johannes Kepler's original discovery of the principle of universal gravitation, are either fools, hoaxsters, or simply people who have learned to sing for their academic suppers.
The most crucial significance of that set of historical facts here, lies in the ontological implications of Leibniz's identification of the infinitesimal of the calculus as being real, but real only in the sense of being a shadow of the physically efficient reality it expressed. Leibniz had, you see, like Bernhard Riemann and certain others later, what I have classified, in this report, as a "Type B" mind. It was those who believed in sense-certainty, those exhibiting the characteristics of "Type A" minds, who had failed to grasp the underlying reality of the way in which our universe is organized. It is later, as our thoughts turn into the personal exploration of nearby physical space-time, as to Mars' orbit, that the crucial importance of this distinction comes to the fore.
However, this is not a matter limited to space-exploration; it is, also, already the crucial issue underlying the reasons for the presently onrushing general breakdown-crisis of the world's economy as a whole.
"Type B" & the Infinitesimal
If, as I have emphasized above, as also in the preceding parts of this trilogy, the naive perception of sense-experience is a shadow of reality, rather than reality itself; so, if we seek to portray that sense-experience in customary mathematical terms, how could such a mathematician point toward a reality which is anything but what he must believe exists only as a shadow of reality? Pose that question in the light of Nicholas of Cusa's rejection of Archimedes' pretending to account for the generation of a circle by the method of quadrature, or the comparable challenge presented in treating Kepler's discovery of the generation of the Earth's elliptical orbit in the "non-linear" terms of "equal areas, equal times," rather than any implicitly Euclidean, merely mathematical notion of an ellipse.
As I have emphasized during earlier sections of this present trilogy, the ontological distinction of ideas formulated in "Type A" terms of "sense-certainty," from actually physical, non-linear ideas coherent with "Type B," is that the truly competent scientist, or Classical artist, regards sense-impressions as being merely shadows, or "footprints" of reality. The distinction is approximately the same as that of formal mathematical images, from the image of physical curves, such as the catenary function, and the like. The "Type A" mental state experiences the shadow as the reality; the "Type B" mind sees the shadow as just that, and then seeks the mental-physical image of that which corresponds to the casting of the shadow. Thus, the systemic distinction between merely formal and actually physical conceptions such as universal physical principles, such as Kepler's discovery of universal gravitation as a principle of the physical space-time of Kepler, Leibniz, and Riemann, rather than what Leibniz demonstrated to have been the mere sense-perception of silly empiricists such as Descartes.
Such is the distinction of the infinitesimal of the Leibniz calculus. The empiricist image of physical experience, such as that of Descartes, Abraham de Moivre, D'Alembert, Lagrange, Laplace, Cauchy, and the Cartesians and Newtonians, generally, et al., leaves no place for the reality of a universe whose existence is composed of the quality of physically efficient change, the quality of true ideas. Hence, the infinitesimal of the Leibniz calculus, like the notion of the principle of physical least action generally, expresses the physically efficient presence of a universal principle of action, a principle which is physically efficient, but which does not exist in the presumptions of a Cartesian or like domain of the "Type A" mentality.
So, accordingly, to the extent that the "Type 'A' " mentality regards mere mathematics as the reality, the actual physical principles of the universe are expressed as "imaginary." That is key to understanding the fully witting fraud perpetrated against Leibniz by Leonhard Euler. Euler's fraud, in that argument, was to avoid the silliness of de Moivre's belief in the "imaginary," by substituting the sophistry of an actually irrelevant point, that the existence of the Leibniz infinitesimal is really a matter of mathematical "smallness," rather than the existentially ontological. That is to emphasize that true universal physical principles, such as gravitation as discovered by Kepler, exist outside the illusory shadow-world of mere sense-certainty.
So, it is crucially relevant to be mentioned here, that the very silly Abraham de Moivre proposed to his companion D'Alembert, that the magnitudes associated with the differential of the Leibniz calculus be attributed to "imaginary" numbers, whereas the sophistry of their somewhat less silly ally, and witting hoaxster, Leonhard Euler, reduced the issue to one of "infinitesimal," merely mathematical smallness.
Ironically, de Moivre was right, if only grammatically, in employing the term "imaginary" to point to something which was, understandably, merely imaginary to a virtual dumb yokel such as de Moivre or D'Alembert; neither of those two had a competent conception of what this term "infinitesimal" meant in the domain of physical reality. Both had it backwards. It is the world which is seen by the "Type A" mentality, which is merely a mathematical-like shadow of actual experience ("the imaginary"), whereas it is, most emphatically ironical, that it is the true imagination, such as that of Percy Bysshe Shelley, which embodies the real world of human historical experience, which is the source of the action on the historical process which touches reality, rather than merely the domain of sense-certainty.
Back to Shelley, Again
While mathematics does meet some essential requirements in society's progress, no system of mathematics as such encompasses actual acts of efficient human creativity. Creativity lies, indeed, in the domain of the human imagination. This is shown most readily within the bounds of the domain of Classical modes of artistic creativity.
For example, the relative lack of rationality of members of society born, whether in Europe, or, in the Americas, after April 12, 1945, as compared to relevant leading figures of society born to the members of earlier generations still living at that time, is chiefly the result of the post-war promotion of the systemic irrationalism of cults such as that of the existentialist authors of the Authoritarian Personality and of the moral degenerates of the European Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF), who produced the intellectual and moral degeneracy typical among those existentialist-leaning 68ers who set the pattern for the cultural degeneration in ideas and practice which the dominant currents among the "68er" generation (or, better said, "degeneration") have come to represent as the dominant cultural standard of behavior for the virtual entirety of their presently still culturally hegemonic representatives in the U.S. Congress and elsewhere today.
In other words, just as Percy Bysshe Shelley wrote in the concluding paragraph of his A Defence of Poetry:
"... The persons in whom this power resides, may often, as far as regards many portions of their nature, have little apparent correspondence with the spirit of good of which they are the ministers. But even whilst they deny and abjure, they are compelled to serve that power which is seated on the throne of their own soul."
Shelley referred, thus, still in 1819, to the period of cultural optimism associated with the cultural optimism associated with the rise of the American republic. The same principle of dynamics is encountered in the opposite type of cultural trend, such as the extremes of moral decadence expressed by the characteristics of the existentialism of the "68ers." Today, a comparably radical change in direction of culture has emerged, opposite to the trend in Europe and the Americas since late Spring 1968. A movement centered, most notably, among matured young women centered among such in their fifties today, is typical, as this stratum is conspicuous as a leading part of the rising tide against the frankly Hitler-like, fascist characteristics of the current Obama administration's Larry Summers and the Hitlerian-like, pro-genocidal impulses of the members of the so-called "behaviorist"-economics riff-raff, of such echoes of the "Hitler T-4" riff-raff, as President Obama's Ezekiel Emanuel.
Indeed, in all the better known aspects of human history, the same dynamics illustrated by Shelley's argument which I have referenced in this report, prevails as the key to understanding the processes characteristic of cultures. This is the same notion of modern dynamics traced to the dynamis of ancient Classical Greece; it is the same notion of dynamics which Gottfried Leibniz expressed as a fundamental principle of any competent modern science. It is otherwise to be recognized as a general principle of all competent notions of natural law, whether as the natural law of physical-science practice, or the law of social processes and their history.
In the development of modern European civilization, for example, dynamics signifies the notion of universal law, both physical laws, and laws underlying cultures. The twofold character of this role of dynamics, as Leibniz defined modern dynamics during his relevant work during the decade of the 1690s, is most clearly expressed for both physical science and economy, as for cultural processes generally. In all respects, the leading role of human creativity, including physical-scientific creativity is located, not in mathematics, but in the dynamic role of that power of creative artistic imagination of Classical music, poetry, drama, and comparable expression of the Classical visual arts. The exemplary case of the role of Albert Einstein's violin in inspiring his accomplishments in conceptions of physical science, is exemplary of these connections.
It is the destruction of the practice of the Classical artistic processes under the influence of post-Franklin Roosevelt existentialism, especially that destruction in Europe and the Americas, which has been the chiefly determining influence responsible for the degradation of the economy of those parts of the world since the death of Franklin Roosevelt, and, most emphatically, since the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy, which was clearly motivated by the attempt to eliminate President Kennedy's refusal to accept the British intentions for a U.S. war in Indo-China.
In this connection, it is the notion of Classical poetic irony, which, despite the depravities of the New York Times style-book, is the key to locating the origin of physical-scientific and related creativity. It is that quality of the Classical-poetic imagination which is found only within Classical artistic composition, which has been the source of guiding inspiration for all actual physical-scientific and related progress. Thus, the spread of the radiated, pro-satanic cult of existentialism, such as the perversions of the so-called "Frankfurt School," has been the chief cause of the leading incompetencies and explicit evils experienced by civilization during the "post-Franklin Roosevelt era" to date. It is the contrary, creative-artistic imagination typical of great Classical artistic composition, which is the active principle underlying the greatest achievements in practice of modern physical science. It has been the suppression of that factor, which has made possible the degradation of the human condition launched with the death of President Franklin Roosevelt.
Here, we encounter the essential distinction of man from ape, the expression of the creative powers unique to the human species, upon which all progress in civilization continues to depend. It is this subjective element in human nature which is the locus of true creativity, in physical science and otherwise, and thus of the absolute superiority of man over beast. This is the ultimate secret of success in economy; this is the indispensable function of Classical artistic culture, such as that of Abraham Kästner, Gotthold Lessing, Moses Mendelssohn, Friedrich Schiller, and Percy B. Shelley, which expresses the well-springs of the distinction of man from beast, including that of progress in physical science and economy. It is the loss of ties to such Classical culture, which is the usual root-cause of mankind's depravity.
The attributable "secrets" of human individual creativity are to be found only in the focus on the subject of the "Type 'B' " personality.
IV. The "Type 'B' " Personality
The "Type 'B' " personality is defined, simply, by his or her awareness that sense-perceptions are not, in themselves, the reality of the experience of sensations, but are in the nature of the general class of "instrument readings." Thus, just as Kepler's uniquely original discovery of universal gravitation depended upon recognizing the qualitative distinction of sight of the motion of apparent planetary movements, from the harmonic characteristics of the qualitative differences in movements of the notable objects, all such discoveries of a paradoxical sense of kindred categories of experiences, mark the distinction of reality from what are merely naive instrument readings; this is the case, whether for the human sense-organs as such, or for the use of those instruments which extend the powers of sense-perception into other dimensionalities than those in reach of the given senses as such. That power of discrimination among asymmetrical qualities of sense-experiences, challenges, thus, the specifically human cognitive powers of the imagination in modes which typify the root form of creativity, as Kepler's uniquely original discovery of universal gravitation only typifies this achievement. That experience occurs as the discovery of a universal principle as being itself an efficiently acting object, an object which is not in itself merely an experience of sense-perception, but is the paradoxical form of expression of a principle of nature, a paradox which not only "encloses," ironically, juxtaposed sense-experiences, but subsumes relevant categories of experiences dynamically.
That view of matters is, in essence, the mark of the creative human personality, which is also to be recognized as the imprint of the principle of the "non-other" of Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa's De Docta Ignorantia, as this is also typified by the notion of physical, rather than merely apparent curves, as in Filippo Brunelleschi's use of the catenary as an actually efficient physical principle for the construction of the cupola of Florence's Santa Maria del Fiore. This paradox also accounts for the foolish mistake of the Communist Party of Florence's dangerously blundering intention (during the late 1980s) of its proposal to fill in those open parts of that design built into the cathedral's cupola by Brunelleschi. That Communist Party's error was also a form of ignorance typical of non-believers in science, in respect to that principle of Cusa's De Docta Ignorantia which Cusa's follower Leonardo de Vinci presented as the functional relationship of the physical curves known, respectively, as the catenary and tractrix, something which a foolish and wicked devotee of Paolo Sarpi, Galileo Galilei, never could understand, and never could have understood, that not so much because he was systemically stupid, as he was motivated by the blinding of his mental powers by his devotion to evil.
Among the chief sources of difficulties in comprehension of economic processes, is the commonplace tendency of the student, or professional to place himself, as observer, outside the process he or she is examining. It is therefore indispensable, to emphasize the fact that the creative mental powers of the human individual, in that way, are superior, qualitatively, to any process located within the Biosphere or Noösphere. This means that we must always recognize that what we, as people, see the economy doing, must be seen by us in terms of the effect of what we have done, or failed to do, to that economy. We must look at the economy as should the astronaut operating the controls of a space-craft traveling a relativistic,1-G constant-acceleration-deceleration flight, from Earth-Moon-orbit, to the Mars-moon-orbit.
In the real world's economy, you are not a Wall Street pool-shark playing the table; the table, in this case, is playing you, with its response to what you are doing, or failing to do, to it. What the economy is doing to us, is nothing different, in the main, than what we have done to it, or have failed to do to it. At the judgment-seat in Hell, it is often the accountant who is hung, again, and again, first, that not so much as repeated reminders of what might have been, formally speaking, his active crimes, as, second, for reason of his stubborn indifference to the effects of the follies of moral omission which he is practicing. "Back to the books, once more, sir; the rope is waiting, for you: Timothy Geithner."
The crucial difference here, is that instead of accepting mere sense-impressions as reality, we must seek out a principle of the type associated with dynamics, as Leibniz defined dynamics during the 1690s.These principles of dynamics, as defined, then, by Leibniz, will not merely serve us as being in the assumed form of universal physical principles, or, more broadly, elementary (universal) principles; these principles will deliver the payment to you for what you have done, or, worse, failed to do.
Experience, otherwise, is then read as subsumed, categorically, under the appropriate selection of such a now-presumed-to-be universal principle; such is the principle of dynamics, as it appears in its included role in the prosody of the passage which I have often cited from the concluding paragraph of Shelley's A Defence of Poetry. That is also the significance of V.I. Vernadsky's division of the universe known to him, experimentally, as composed of the subsuming quality of interrelationship among the ontologically distinct categories of experience which are identified, respectively, as in the ascending order of relatively universal authority, of the Lithosphere, Biosphere, and Noösphere. The knowable authority of the Creator is then expressed for us as expressed by that still higher universal principle which subsumes the entire universe, categorically.
In a related matter, the distinction of the human individual personality, is that individual's achievement of an immortal identity in personality, although not in the flesh, as distinct from the lower cases within the bounds of the Biosphere, and the still lower, categorical case of the Lithosphere. That is to say, that the existence of the human personality is not confined to that which is subsumed as the mortal body, but, as the history of scientific progress exemplifies this, is a process of a continuing action of discovery which does not end with the death of the participation by the mortal discoverer in the continuing process of discovery; rather, it is implicitly a genetic-like (hereditable), continuing process of development of discovery, in which the work efficiently done so, by still mortal individuals, as by the discovery of universal principles, such as the case of J.S. Bach's system, continues to participate in society even after that person's decease as a mortal creature: a participation which is "located" in the relevant dynamic in which that individual has not merely participated, but has enriched, or, participates under its adoption under a new dynamic, later.
By this standard, existentialists and their like, such as Martin Heidegger and Hannah Arendt, are typical of those who die to join the ranks of the perpetually becoming dead; once each among them, such as the former Nazi Martin Heidegger, claimed this for himself, he or she has been "thrown" away, again and again, in perpetuity, as by self-inflicted choice, to become something which had lived as something no better than an idiot-savant whose personality had been fabricated, as if by the intention of Bertrand Russell and his Norbert Wiener and John von Neumann, in California's "Silicon Valley." While such wretched persons seem to live, if only as beasts, as do as the behaviorists associated with the U.S. Presidential administration of Barack Obama, they move, but, nevertheless, they are going no-place, but live as beings which have chosen to die without purpose in the end, to die, so, again, and again, according to the explicitly stated rule of the Obama team's health-care policies, and that of Adolf Hitler, too, as if they were no better than barnyard cattle.
This is not to suggest that Classical artistic impulses are wrong in the same way as those cases of failed specific mathematical formulas associated with the idea of mathematical physics. The experimental results of what is called mathematical physics, must be checked, and counter-checked, reciprocally, with the aid of the impulses of the creative-artistic mind; it is that mind which persists. All deductive approximations, are systems of errors in their inherent nature; only a discovery of a universal principle, such as a universal physical principle, is ever true.
Such sometimes kaleidoscopic interactions of the two, is the reality of a competent scientific method, and is also relevant for judging Classical artistic insight. The subsuming relationship between the two, lies essentially within the domain defined by the Classical artistic imagination, as this is shown for art by the case of the heritage of Johann Sebastian Bach's development of Classical counterpoint at the only scientific tuning of C=256 cycles, a tuning which prevailed among competent singers until the massively financed influence of the morally and artistically degenerate Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF) took over, more and more, in the course of the post-World War II period.
I shall show here, that it is those products of the Classical artistic imagination, which must take over, when the formalism of a mathematical science has presumed too much, as the exemplary folly underlying the toleration of what I shall show here as being, actually, a plainly silly, but widely acclaimed "Second Law of Thermodynamics." It is the products of the Classical artistic imagination, as expressed in the form of either science or poetry, which are the source of the generation of scientific progress as much as valid artistic revolutions; but, it is the test of application of the inspirations of the Classical developed artistic mind, which supplies the proof of any valid revolution in either physical science or Classical artistic creativity.
It is the attempt to separate the one aspect of creativity, physical science, functionally, from the other, which leads to failure; it is insight into the sense of the principle of humanity expressed in Classical art, which is the key for locating the source of the prevalent wrongness of the merely mathematical outlook. The two functions, which are usually distinguished as "art" and "science," are distinct, but, nonetheless, functionally interdependent, that under a unifying, subsuming physical principle. The lack of the sense of the unique value of the living human soul, as both Hitler's and as President Barack Obama's similarly evil health-care policies presume this, has typified the depravity commonly met in both categories of profession, art and science, especially, during the course of time since President Franklin Roosevelt died.
As Albert Einstein's relationship to his violin illustrates a principle, it is the creative power of the Classical mode of inherently anti-entropic artistic imagination, which is the indispensable font of all revolutionary progress in the condition and practice of a mankind made in the likeness of the Creator. I shall show here that it is in the lawfulness of Classical artistic composition and its performance, that the true discoveries of physical science reside.
Take the case of even backward trends in economy, or even the case of what is simply technological stagnation, as illustrations of the effect of the forces of destruction which overtake society when this function of artistic creativity were stifled, as by the utterly fraudulent, evil, mass-murderous swindle of the scheme for "cap and trade" today, or, in a relatively milder degree, by the systemically destructive effects of the blight which threatened to destroy science under the Eighteenth-century reign of the British empiricism of the "Isaac Newton" cult.
The Classical artistic imagination to which civilized mankind aspires, inspires man's reach into a universal reality which is beyond currently prevalent practice during that period of time; but, the test of the reality of that imagination occurs in respect to the resulting increase, or failure, of the physical power of mankind to exist, per capita and per square kilometer of territory on the surface of the planet, which defines that which could be regarded as a validated innovation. It is the outcome of that aspect of both science and Classical art, which is the juncture of Classical artistic standards of beauty, as in the case of Brunelleschi's construction of the cupola of Santa Maria del Fiore, an outcome which is expressed in the increase of a culture's potential relative population-density. That which unifies science and art in that way, presents us with a rule-of-thumb for defining the unity of progress and beauty. It is that specific unity which produces, and attests to the beauty and eternal life of the human individual soul, and which underlies the motive-forces of all progress in the human condition.
Our Progress to Mars
At the present time, the most relevant point of reference for making this point clear, is the challenge of preparing the way for the successful establishment of human travel to, and habitation of our most convenient choice of a nearby planet, Mars.
If we know that mankind is the kind of universal being which the author of Genesis 1 attests, could we be content to be such shirking cowards as to choose to remain a species confined to Earth, for no longer than an ultimately imperilled human life on Earth remains possible? We now know that escape to a wider realm in our Solar system is reachable, on principle. Could we dare to shirk our duties in service to the Creator on this account, either on Earth, or beyond? Could we consider the great calamities which may menace the continuation of livable conditions for human life on Earth, and sit, squatting and blinking like toads eating flies, here, when we are so clearly, implicitly assigned to a higher mission in this universe, and even for the continued existence of mankind?
Or, do we tremble when we think of such suggestions, because we are not sufficiently assured that such ventures might be possible, or, if possible, fear that they might be an uncomfortable, or expensive experience? Are we like so many of our misguided fellow-beings, passionately devoted to the appearance of being in service to those mortal ends of whose very existence we are in doubt? Is it not the case that, often, as with actual or would-be tyrants, such as the behaviorists of the current Obama Administration, that those who appear to be the most arrogant in telling others what not to do, as the Obama Administration has done until now, are really cowards, and also either predators obsessed with consuming their intended prey, or, seeking to conceal their own fearful doubts concerning even that thought which they pretend to believe the most? Like our current Narcissus-in-residence, President Barack Obama, they do not actually know what it is that they should wish to see themselves pretending to believe.
Friedrich Schiller and Percy Bysshe Shelley are distinct personalities. Schiller was a genius almost beyond our power of belief, in his accomplishments for his time; but, Shelley was touched by the same principle of genius, with great moments of insight of a kindred quality respecting insight into the essential nature of mankind. The accomplishments of the figure who was, in many respects, the virtual father, or prophet of modern European civilization, Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa, were of a higher importance for all mankind than either of those two who came later; but, the mold of the character of all three was, in certain crucial respects, a quality in which they all participated, dynamically.
The subject-matter to which those three and similar cases point, is the fact that the subject-matter of mankind can not be found outside a certain union of the activities associated today with the legacies of such as Nicholas of Cusa, Johannes Kepler, Pierre de Fermat, Gottfried Leibniz, Bernhard Riemann, Albert Einstein, and V.I. Vernadsky, for the extraordinary depth and breadth of their fundamental contributions to a truly universal physical science; but, at the same time, not only for that reason, but for the reason that they embody the great principle of Classical artistic composition's insight into the essential nature of the human individual, as I have already emphasized repeatedly in this report thus far.
The particular point of greatness of Gottfried Leibniz, to which I referred in the closing portion of the preceding chapter, is to be recognized in the deep stroke of genius represented by his discovery of the functional significance of the concept of the infinitesimal within a physical science which Leibniz had traced to the discoveries of Johannes Kepler. Leibniz's discovery on that account was a pure expression of the quality of genius specific to the "Type 'B' " personality, a quality of genius lacking in all so-called scientists bred and fed in the relatively bestial, "Type 'A' " traditions of sense-certainty. True genius is not measurable in itself, but only in its effect; it is intrinsic.
Kepler had located the actual substance of the real universe, thus, through that power of imagination which "sees" that reality which has cast the mere shadows known as sense-perceptions. It "sees" the real universe, which exists for human knowledge only in the self-conscious development of those powers of the human individual mind which are reflected in the fact that universal gravitation, as discovered uniquely by Kepler, had already, implicitly, defined gravitation as Albert Einstein was to do, as the effect of a universal physical principle which shows the entirety of the still-in-the-process-of-being-created universe to be finite, but unbounded.[37] Whereas, those who plagiarized, wittingly, the mathematical conception of the mere effect of gravitation as that had been originally, uniquely, discovered by Kepler, plagiarists such as the swindlers who concocted the dubious existence of Isaac Newton, were simply stubborn unfortunates who did not recognize an actually, quasi-bounding, universal principle of gravitation at all.
Thus, Leibniz's "infinitesimal," which is the reflection of the principle of each universal physical principle, lies outside the mere shadows which reality casts upon the brutish domain of mere sense-perception. This is the outcome of the case that the experience of sense-perception is merely a matter of attention to the perceived realities of any true universal principle's effect (not its actual cause), the concept of the reality of the infinitesimal, cast upon the mere shadow-world of the sensory domain.
There is nothing properly deemed obscure, or outrageous, in what I have just written here on the subject of gravitation as a quasi-bounding, rather than merely the mathematical construction of that which had been provided, essentially, by Kepler as a product of his essential discovery of the principle.[38]
This distinction which I have just underscored here, is immediately more or less obvious to anyone who examines the proposition of a "Type 'B' " personality closely.
The Type "B" Identity
The Type "A" mentality presumes a simply direct relationship of the sense-perceived phenomena to what is considered by that shallow-minded personality, mistakenly, as to be the actually conceiving mind. Here lies the error of mistaking phenomena for physical realities. In contrast to Type "A," the Type "B" mentality recognizes such phenomena as representing a shadow which has been cast by the "unseen" real object, as we, like the Apostle Paul, might see this "in a mirror darkly." What we experience through the senses, are merely phenomena, shadows cast, as by reflection, as in the instance of sense-perception. At that same point, the Type "B" mind says: "Stop right there! What is that which you claim to know as self-evident; is it something no more than a shadow which reality has, in some way, cast upon your agencies of sense-perception?"
Type "B" rebukes "A." So, the modern followers of William of Ockham are to be rebuked for the evil they have done to humanity generally. "All competent judgment of experience must address the paradoxical fact that what you perceive is the effect of developments upon sense-perception itself, which says nothing about the intrinsic reality to which your powers of sense-perception are reacting." Consider the exemplary case of Kepler's measurement of gravitation, by testing the perception of the organization of the universe by means of the contradiction between the evidence of the telescope and the adducible, harmonic interrelations of the system of principal Solar orbits. As in all competent experimental exploration of matters of physical principle, we must locate expressed physical principles in terms of mutually contradictory phenomena, such that no perceived principle will be mistaken for what is suggested by congruent modes of sense-perception. I do not, personally, promote the dance-form called "The Tango," since I have never learned to dance in any manner myself; but, without a relationship between two separate partners, it were an event which had no noteworthy attraction for the kinds of persons whose tastes I wish to understand.[39]
In other words, the Type "B" personality considers the evidence from the shadow-world of sense-perceptions as paradoxical, and, then, crafts a mental image of the functional characteristics of the "unseen," real object, rather than the intrinsically false judgment expressed by taking the evidence of sense-perception as being a direct representation of reality. The Type "B" mind has progressed to the state of the ability to locate reality associated with the object, as existing primarily—ontologically—in what Leibniz identifies as the categorical dynamics of the historical situation, a notion equivalent to the ancient Classical dynamis. So, I have pointed out this same principle as being presented in the concluding paragraph of Shelley's A Defence of Poetry.
The position of the Descartes whose work Leibniz shows to be foolish, lies in Descartes' fixation upon mere appearance to such a degree that Descartes is, as Leibniz emphasized, blind to even the simplest of evidence of Descartes' own utter incompetence in matters of science.
Thus, the same principle can be witnessed in the role of Classical ambiguity in poetry and drama, or the system of well-tempered polyphony, contrary to accursed "elevated pitches," at the pre-existentialist-Romantic, scientifically critical value of Bachian principles of counterpoint defined at C=256. It is the role of the Classical artistic mode of composition in the use of the evidence of ambiguity for the purposes of conveying conceptions which exist only in the domain of the imagination, rather than as customary styles in literal printed-like statements, which are activities capable of imparting the communication of an actual idea in Classical artistic composition of any kind, as by the suggested eyes portrayed in relevant works of Rembrandt, such as the image of the bust of Homer contemplating the silly, vacuous fop Aristotle.[40] It is the search for the practicable truth of the imagination, which the practice of a science inspired by the creativity shows, which exists originally only in the domain of the ironies of the disciplined Classical artistic imagination.
It is the practice of a categorical separation of Classical art and physical science into two, mutually exclusive categories of action and experience, which is the root of today's typical fostering of expressed stupidity in practice of those who believe in such fantasies as monetarist dogmas. Consider the following, relevant illustration of this point.
When the Economists Failed To Create
When we trace out the physical-economic evidence since the time of the death of U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt, we see, beginning with the prompt reversal of President Roosevelt's intended post-war policy by his nasty little successor, Harry Truman, that there is an evident pattern of destruction in Truman's intention to destroy the work of President Roosevelt, an intention, by Truman, to fail to use the great productive apparatus which the U.S.A. had been obliged to dedicate to warfare, to its proper function as a post-war productive apparatus of peace-time goals of human progress: "swords into ploughshares." Roosevelt had intended to carry out his post-war policy, by, chiefly, two mutually interdependent policy-actions. First, the elimination of all imperialisms, the British imperialism most notably. Second, the full conversion, and expansion of the vast economic-productive potential of the U.S. war-machine for the liberation of the subject nations from under the boot of British and comparable imperial and colonialist degradations, and for accelerated, science-driven increase of the productive powers of labor by the U.S. labor force.
Instead of following President Roosevelt's intentions, London and Truman seized the opportunity provided by President Franklin Roosevelt's untimely death, for both the British authorship of, and the Truman complicity in the launching of an intended preparation for nuclear warfare against the Soviet Union, a perversion which was combined with the re-institution of colonialism where the war-time Roosevelt administration had already acted to cancel it. So, where the British empire and its European continental accomplices restored pre-war British imperialism almost as soon as President Roosevelt was dead, those two anti-Roosevelt actions of what came to be called "The Cold War," dominated the entire world, from the death of Franklin Roosevelt, until a point beyond the termination of the Soviet Union; but, even since 1989-1992, the old habit of foolish Americans' complicity with British imperialism and British imperialism's genocide in Africa and elsewhere, has lingered on as the ever-ready-for-relaunching British imperial intention, as typified by the lingering influence of the evil former British Prime Minister Tony Blair and Blair's Hitler-modelled NICE health-care policy, still today.
Truman, in particular, not only joined his British masters in supporting re-colonization of the British, Dutch, French and other colonial and quasi-colonial systems, but diverted the scientific-productive war-time resources which Roosevelt had intended should have been employed to build up the societies of the newly freed colonials and other victims of British-led imperialism.This was done by diverting those resources which President Roosevelt had intended for post-war construction of a post-imperialist world, to the wasteful service of a mobilization for a war against a Stalin-led Soviet Union, a Soviet Union which had had no intention of launching the warfare which the combination of Churchill and Truman intended, that even before then. Truman and Churchill had officially announced the intention to go to pre-emptive nuclear warfare attacks on the Soviet Union, as Bertrand Russell published this intention in September 1946. So, similarly, today, an avowed British stooge, President Barack Obama, has launched a replay of the ruin of the United States in a long Indo-China war, now, in Afghanistan, today, in his acting in British imperial interest, and that under the British orders which he has obeyed like a virtual slave of the monarchy, waving and rattling his own shackles in pride.
Recall, that the cycle of outrightly shameless U.S. submission to British imperialism began with the aftermath of the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy. Recall that, for both the British and for the Wall Street gang mobilized against Kennedy (as also against France's President Charles de Gaulle), there were two crucial features in the British policy for bringing about the general ruin of the U.S.A. through bringing down the U.S. economy. One was expressed, typically, as the Wall Street gang's London-inspired actions against Kennedy in the matter of the steel industry; the second, immediately more deadly issue of that time, was the British determination to destroy that U.S. policy which was, supported jointly by Kennedy, and by Generals MacArthur and Eisenhower: no engagement of the U.S.A. in "new land wars in Asia." Look at the shamelessness of the way in which the British lured the U.S.A. not only by the ever-contemptible Mr. Blair's launching of the recent long war in Iraq, but an even more insane, Tony Blair-style long-war, by President Barack Obama, in Afghanistan.
Thus, the vast potential for liberation of the planet from those British-imperialist-led conditions which had already caused, among other evils, two World Wars of the post-Bismarck 1890-1945 interval, was diverted, once more, to its use for threatened and actual warfare, such as the U.S. engagement in Indo-China, to prevent the ridding of the world from that lecherous, predatory grip of British imperial monetarism which dominates the entirety of the world at the present, most calamitous moment in all of the world history of modern economy.
Worst of all, since the time of Truman's Presidency, most of the world has believed in that British global strategic policy concocted for the intended elimination of the United States, of ruining our economy through inherently depraved, Liberal policies and useless, wasting, and long foreign wars. This has been a persisting policy trap into which foolish U.S. Presidencies and the U.S. Congress have often fallen, again and again, especially since the death of President Kennedy, which has, now, brought the world as a whole to the precipice of an oncoming general economic and cultural breakdown of the planet in its entirety.
Thus, most notably, since the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy, an assassination motivated by both that President's opposition to British-dictated de-industrialization of the U.S.A. itself, and, more urgently, by Kennedy's refusal to proceed with London's intention to ruin the U.S.A., by plunging it into a useless land-war in Asia, the British-denoted, monetarist empire expressing the design by the wicked John Maynard Keynes et al., has controlled the leading dynamic of world history, since then, up to the present moment. That transfer of power, was actually accomplished through interdependent developments, such as that assassination of Kennedy which terrified his successor, President Johnson, into virtual submission, and thus, brought on the resulting self-inflicted downfall, through the Vietnam war, of the U.S.A.'s former role as a leading policy-shaping power in the world, with the eruption of the so-called "68ers."
The dogma, dictated from the imperial London of the evil Prince Philip and his former-Nazi partner Prince Bernhard, both of the pro-genocidal World Wildlife Fund, has been the most notable source of those pro-Satanic doctrines which have induced the currently-in-progress, self-inflicted destruction of the remains of the U.S. economy, a destruction conducted under the nominal direction of a British imperial puppet on London's strings, otherwise known as the Nero-like narcissist, President Barack Obama.
The future of humanity now depends, in the immediate future, on the ability of relevant social and other forces of the United States, in bringing an end to the virtual high treason against both the United States and even the Creator Himself, which the current, pro-satanic, British-crafted, genocidal, Hitler-like health-care policies of the Tony Blair-guided Obama Administration represent. We must now learn our history, while we still have a fast-fleeting moment of opportunity to bring an urgently needed change about.[41]
To bring ourselves to doing what we must do on that account, some rapid learning of a truthful account of our nation's history, is indispensable, contrary to the versions of such wretched organs as the alien ideologies of mass-propaganda instruments such as the New York Times and Washington Post.
That much just said, now return to those principles of economy on which our republic was founded.
The Foundations of Creativity
As I have already emphasized, the medium of creativity is essentially the combination of the natural association of Classical poetry with Classical bel canto modes of speaking and singing, and with the economic practice of a physical science premised on modern scientific principles developed, chiefly within globally extended European culture, since the work of Brunelleschi and Cusa. The importance of the violin for Albert Einstein as a scientist, illustrates this point, in one way; the lack of genuine creativity among university-trained prospective scientists who have fallen under the post-World War II influence of "popular" anti-Classical, existentialist cacophony in poetry and song, is a compelling illustration of the way that degree of both scientific and related creativity and morals which existed prior to even the death of President Franklin Roosevelt, has vanished from among even most among the university-educated specialists in scientific matters, respecting scientific creativity.
What had happened to bring about this post-Franklin Roosevelt defect in the Twentieth Century European language-cultures, is especially notable under the current reign by the generation of "the 68ers" born since the close of World War II; as, in earlier periods of modern history, such as the post-William Shakespeare period under James I, a similar, downward cultural trend had emerged afresh in English culture with the accession of that James I, and, most remarkably, similarly, in the aftermath of both the succession of William and Mary and the death of Queen Anne, and with a more remarkable depravity known as the Eighteenth Century under Walpole, George I, and their successors. This pattern of increasing depravity following that of the Satanic cults of "The Age of Walpole," is especially notable since that February 1763 Peace of Paris which established the British East India Company as already an empire in its own right, and more so from the 1782 establishment of the British Foreign Office as a nest of the collection of freaks deployed by Lord Shelburne. So, we have the continuing outcomes, today, of the British Empire proper, which was launched under the successive reigns of Shelburne's lackey Jeremy Bentham and Bentham's protégé Lord Palmerston, at the British Foreign Office.
As I have repeatedly cautioned the readers, all globally extended European imperialism, is essentially an expression of the evil called monetarism, as that was understood and identified by Rosa Luxemburg[42] and the U.S.A.'s Herbert Feis,[43] essentially the present-day monetarism of John Maynard Keynes which was brought into the U.S. Government's practice, at the death of President Franklin Roosevelt, by Winston Churchill's captive American performing clown, U.S. President Harry S Truman.
Classical poetry, and its expression in music crafted in the heritage of J.S. Bach, is crucial here. For sundry reasons which need not be elaborated in their full depth here, the subject of creativity prompts us to those leading, internationally influential, modern language cultures associated with creativity in use of language in European civilization generally, which have been Italian bel canto and the influence of Italian on German, largely because the principles of bel canto musicality have been permitted to exert a stronger hold on the shaping of the inherent prosody of the literate expression of those languages for their serious function as the prosody of Classical artistic languages employed in Classical musical performance, with effects of this shown most clearly in the Classical song of those cultures, even in those circles associated with devotion to a tradition of Classical culture. That is to say, that the literate use of those languages has had the strongest influence on both those artistic and scientific cultures. In the United States, relics of the English Classical usages and German during much of the Twentieth Century, have supplied some significant checks to the moral corruption pouring out of Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century England, especially the corruption spread since the reign of Queen Victoria and her monstrous son and successor.
This role of language in culture generally, has been crucial since the beginning of what became the U.S.A. French was most significant for science until the effects of the Jacobin Terror, while German was the leading foreign cultural influence in science from the 1820s onward, as the U.S. and Soviet space programs attest, even during the early decades of the immediate post-World War II period.
Against that broadly described background in general, there was the destruction of both Classical poetry and decent music, with the advent of the Truman Administration and beyond, even that retained among our well-educated classes. This took over the direction of our culture, especially since the eruption of the highly adulterated, existentialist strata among the "68ers" from their childhood and adolescence, a cultural paradigm-shift which has marked the moral and intellectual breakdown of the reigning culture of the U.S.A. itself. The bad effects of California-centered, and related "up-talk," are exceeded only by the presence of the more "smashed" than "broken," brutish cadences of that son-of-a-Nazi Governor, Schwarzenegger, who is only one typical case of those modalities which tend to be the most destructive influence among the relatively more literate strata of the recent adult generations.
The most relevant of the characteristic features of Classical poetry, and therefore song and Classical contrapuntal exposition, is expressed in such typical forms as the literate use of rubato (such as comma-cued rubato in written text), when this is employed as a device of irony in the uttering of poetry and literate prose. It is the model of Classical poetry, as England's William Empson draws attention to this matter in the use of the English language, as in that 1947 edition of his Seven Types of Ambiguity which I encountered that same year. It is this function of ambiguity in both the composition and uttering of Classical poetry, and also Classical modes in composing and uttering literate prose, which touches the most crucial aspect of the role of the imagination in invoking the quality of creativity which is echoed by the act of discovery of validatable hypothesis in physical science. It is that notion of hypothesis, so expressed, which is the essential, even indispensable contribution of Classical poetry to fundamental scientific progress among scientists enjoying a Classical development of their personal character in respect to matters of artistic composition.
The significance of such practice of prosodic irony is the inherent power of both artistic and scientific creativity, which lend themselves most specifically to the creative expressions of the human mind.
The intelligent citizen demonstrates his morality, especially in most troublesome times, in relying on Classical modes in irony.
The synonym for creativity in science, is the sense of irony conveyed by ambiguity in Classical artistic composition and its performance, as Albert Einstein's violin served his role in science.
That point is illustrated in the matter of performance of the Classical aria, in which the performer must seem to have created a new, ironical meaning for a word or two, as needed to convey the special irony of the relevant situation. This is more readily illustrated for purposes of discussion of this point by examining the varieties of irony which may be expressed as innuendo by a very slight element of surprise in the relevant utterance, or touch of a passing suggestion of a gesture. There lies the difference between a mass-produced, as if squirted into the mold, plastic statue, and a genuinely original work of Classical artistic composition.
Similarly, use "irony" in place of "ambiguity." Or, refer again, to Rembrandt's presentation of what was apparently the scrutiny of Aristotle by the bust of Homer.
In physical science, the escape from the trap of a formal mathematical, or kindred expression, is the introduction of irony, as any really knowledgeable and experienced professor in scientific matters could demonstrate. The role of the university academic as, sometimes, an amateur comedian, has its dark side, but, sometimes, a most pleasing, and also more truthful treatment of the material being presented.
So, quickly, then, in passing:
"To be?" [pause, change of voicing], "or," [pause/rubato/ to the measured beat] "not to be. ..."
The irony is to be subtle, but to be made powerful by the ensuing, rhythmic parade of ugly consequences, arrayed by Shakespeare. The form is dictated by the content, not the other way around. In such matters, I am certain that the matured Shakespeare committed few errors. He says what he means, which should be said with an understanding of the ironies with which he had intended to say it.
For that Hamlet, the charades are approaching their end. His doom, rooted in not only his personal moral corruption, but that of his entire culture, is clear to him. The end is in sight, and it is a horrid one, as it is to unfold in the modulated remainder of that drama. This must be conveyed, or the performance were an intellectual dud. Shakespeare understood history as an expression of dynamics, not soap-opera.
How well that Shakespeare, by contrast with his Hamlet, composes an image of a series of wretchedly self-doomed nations, with his Celtic tragedies and his Hamlet! Why should he do otherwise, but write to warn of worthless causes of self-damned fools, since the time Christopher Marlowe had been murdered by political assassins in a tavern? What has Shakespeare to say, then, to the people of Britain, then, with wretched Bacon still loose, and when his own profession as published author had been cut short in favor of silly writers? How much, thus, was Shakespeare able to tell us of the nature of the fate of England in that time? It was a lot! He did well on that account, even if this achievement could be known again only after the Germany circles of Abraham Kästner had brought Shakespeare back to life, in English, by way of German, thus rescuing Shakespeare's immortal works from deadly decadence at English hands, to remind us who think of real history, what it all had meant. Some among us who share English ancestry, remember that, still today.
The principle which is served by reference to that way of thinking characteristic of Classical poetic irony, is the imagination. In the irony of what is competent Classical poetry, as in the struggle with the attempted performance of Classical musical compositions, as in the case of such as Albert Einstein, we experience the standpoint of the Type "B" state of mind. This is, for example, the state of mind of Gottfried Leibniz, in locating the superior implications of the concept of dynamics for the treatment of the subject of related bodies interacting within the subsuming, dynamic domain. Here, the Leibniz infinitesimal is located in the real world, as opposed to the fictitious world which those enemies of Leibniz's work, those of the Cartesian faction of Abbe Conti and Voltaire, presented to their dupes, in their embittered fear of the Leibniz infinitesimal.
Mathematics may express an imprint left by scientific insight, after the fact, but the discovery of any principle occurs in that domain of the imagination inhabited by Classical poetry and music. This is the precious moment of creativity which the Classical-poetic powers of the imagination add to the dish served. Here, we meet the rigor which the Classical poetical form, and its musical and poetic expressions, supplies, which is the domain of the real physical universe in which the actuality of the physically efficient infinitesimal lies.
Now, turn to the most efficiently evil of all depraved cultural influences on economy, politics, and Classical culture today, the influence of the belief in the hoax taught as a "Second Law of Thermodynamics."
Entropy: For Example
So, now turn our eyes to evil, to a crucial matter of physical science, to the widely taught, and also widely believed classroom fraud, which has become known as the doctrine of a "Second Law of Thermodynamics." Without understanding that fraud, it were not possible to provide a competent physical-scientific basis for a study of the principles of economy.
If and when that fraud is examined in the context of the typical, persisting, ontological failures of modern classroom mathematics since the death of Gottfried Leibniz, it can be quickly ascertained on premises which I have already presented up to this point, that the source of this widely held, nonsense-belief in a "second law," has its principal roots in the type of argument raised against the then-deceased Gottfried Leibniz, an attack raised by the Eighteenth-century cult-group which had been organized under the direction of master-hoaxster Abbe Antonio S. Conti and his accomplice Voltaire, a group which had included those whom I had identified here earlier, as including such followers of that cult as Abraham de Moivre and D'Alembert ("imaginary numbers"), the witting fraudster Leonhard Euler, Euler's dupe Joseph Lagrange, and their followers among the early Nineteenth-century notables of fraudulent science such as Pierre-Simon Laplace of "three-body problem" uncertainties, and Laplace's accomplice, the sometime plagiarist of the work of Niels Abel,[44] Augustin Cauchy.
It is essential that, for these purposes, we treat these fallacies as essentially ontological, rather than merely formal in character. Since the practical issues of economy are intrinsically ontological in the final analysis, rather than formal, no competent science of economy could be developed without, first, addressing the ontological issues, rather than merely formal issues, which must be identified as ontological issues intrinsic to the implications of the classifications of physical as, respectively, the Noösphere, the Biosphere, and the Lithosphere, in that order of descent from the, functionally, physical superior, to the inferior.
The notable, and still highly relevant issue at conflict in the attack on the work of the then deceased Leibniz by Conti et al., is the matter of the existence of what Leibniz had defined as the "infinitesimal" of the calculus. Clinically, Augustin Cauchy was, and remains a notable, and influential representative of what had begun as London's repertoire of not actually scientists, but "science dilettantes" of the Royal court, who happened to be also, anti-Kepler, anti-Leibniz fanatics who had no actual position within actual science to lose, and who employed the sophistry of merely formal, a-priorist presumptions to uphold that ontologically fraudulent perversion of the Leibniz calculus to which I have referred earlier. Since they were not dependent on actual scientific achievements, they could say pretty much whatever their gossip-circles might choose, such as treating that specialist in black-magic gibberish, Isaac Newton, as being a genius, by reason of that which Newton himself never actually knew.
Hence, the rather typical Twentieth-century secondary and university student being introduced to mathematics, and to what was passed off as an introduction to the calculus in particular, was most frequently a victim of Cauchy's ontological hoax on this account. By-products of that same hoax turned up in a related role in the work of the Rudolf Clausius (1822-1888), Hermann Grassmann (1809-1877), et al., who "fathered" the common Nineteenth-century version of the anti-Gauss, anti-Dirichlet, anti-Riemann, reductionist thermodynamics of Clausius, Grassmann, Kelvin (1824-1907), James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879), et al.[45] This in turn, became the launching-point for the radically reductionist "mechanics" of Ernst Mach (1838-1916) and Ludwig Boltzmann (1844-1906), which was superseded by the more savagely radical hoax of Bertrand Russell's Principia Mathematica, and by Russell's consequently degrading influence during the 1920s Solvay Conferences, and the consequent role of Russell's brainwashing in producing that particular extreme of corruption of modern science associated with the hoaxsters Professor Norbert Wiener and John von Neumann.
The underlying issue so posed for consideration here, is precisely that of the systemic (physical, rather than mathematical) difference between a mentality organized according to "Type 'A' " and that of "Type 'B'," the same point of crucial difference which I had already set forth here earlier.
The dates of births and deaths of these referenced figures of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth centuries, are notable for reasons located within the indispensable role of the ontological principle of dynamics, as defined by Leibniz during the 1690s, in the political histories of cultures and science. The interconnected history of the politics of science and artistic cultures since Solon, Thales, the Pythagoreans, and Plato, to the present day, has a common theme and thread of conflict throughout. Intervals within the history of culture in general, and scientific opinion, in particular, are dominated by a subsuming notion of a principle, corresponding to the function of a dynamic, or, the equivalent, a hegemonic cultural assumption underlying the consequent distinctions between generally accepted and generally non-accepted opinions. The effect of such habits is equivalent to the effect of a widely influential a-priori presumption. Compare my remarks on the concluding paragraph of Percy Shelley's A Defence of Poetry.
That theme is the reign of the maritime imperialist form of Mediterranean and broader cultural domination by that form of monetarism, from the defeat of the Persian Empire's attempt to subjugate the Mediterranean littoral and to crush Egypt in favor of Tyre, to the present day of the hegemony of the British empire sprung from the Venetian roots of the capture of the monarchy of England's Henry VIII by Cardinal Pole, Thomas Cromwell, et al.
However, to understand the unfolding of the successive phases of that millennial process of see-sawed development, up to the present day, we must distinguish roughly datable periods of change in the conscious opinion of itself, by each among a set of conflicted, formally dynamic patterns in culture. Generally, most of the notable factions and their leading figures of a certain span of time, are dangled, as if they were puppets on ideological strings, from the specific dynamic which subsumes and controls its subjects ontologically.
There are also marked periods, of rarer cases in which an individual, since as Brunelleschi, or, more notably, Nicholas of Cusa, Kepler, Leibniz, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, or Franklin Roosevelt, shapes the specific quality of the dynamic of his, or her time. The distinguishable, apparent clusters of leading individual opinion, in, for example, mathematics, science, and artistic cultural trends, must be considered in light of the specific kind and period of dynamics by which they are subsumed. For just this reason, the trio of Bernhard Riemann, Albert Einstein, and V.I. Vernadsky are still representative of the leading kernel of scientific thought of the entire era of the followers of Cusa, Kepler, and Leibniz, from the Fifteenth-century Renaissance to the present day. What often appears to be the kaleidoscopic shifts within that framework must be approached in the specific manner, the standpoint of dynamics, as I have indicated here.
The core of the issue here, today, in that connection, is the following. Back to the matter of "Type 'B'."
To illustrate the crucial point, simply recognize that the "Type 'A' " reaction to the same real event as to "Type 'B'," juxtaposes the shadow (sense-perceptual Type "A") in opposition to the contrasting reality (physical Type "B"). The most convenient approach to showing the difference lies in what de Moivre and D'Alembert identified as the subject which they named the "imaginary." It is de Moivre's view which is merely imaginary. The "life" of the event is located in what de Moivre misjudges as the "imaginary." This, de Moivre's folly is what Clausius and Grassmann would mistake, approximately a century later, for the reality of the ongoing real process. Here lies the systemic root of the intrinsic incompetence of "The Second Law."
So, the foolishness of Clausius, Grassmann, Kelvin, et al., was not a form of nonsense original to them. It was the same foolishness which accounts for the failure of Brunelleschi's rivals to secure the construction of the cupola of Santa Maria del Fiore. It was, in that case, the incompetence of the Aristoteleans exposed by the achievements in practice of not only Brunelleschi, but of Cusa's followers Leonardo da Vinci and Kepler, against the incompetence of Galileo later, and the contrasting achievement of the followers of Kepler, such as Leibniz, Riemann, Einstein and Vernadsky.
Most simply stated, the organization of the universe, as the relevant evidence shows this to us today, is an evolutionary impulse which carries processes from a relatively lower, to higher state of organization, as from the abiotic, through the living, and into the human-cognitive. The progress from marsupials to mammals, to human living beings with their associated cognitive powers, is no more than typical. In methods in mathematics corresponding to representation of such lower to higher forms of evolution, the ontological significance of the combination of the Leibniz infinitesimal and dynamics is primary.
The contrary view, that of the disgusting, so-called "Second Law," is not a derivative of physical science, but of social prejudices which are thoroughly documented as corresponding in origin to specifically, morally deranged social doctrines consistent with the image of Aeschylus' Olympian Zeus, a doctrine known to the ancient Greek of Aristotle's time as "the oligarchical principle" of the imperialist doctrine of that time. This has been the prevalent social-political doctrine from such parts of history as ancient Babylon, or, the kindred depravities of all European imperial systems from the time of the monetarist policies expressed in the Peloponnesian War through the British monarchy of Elizabeth and Philip today. This oligarchical principle is the dogma associated with the persecution of Prometheus by the Olympian Zeus in Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound, as by frankly Satanic British imperial figures, especially Fabians, such as the most evil men of the Twentieth Century: Bertrand Russell, and the more imaginative H.G. Wells.
Entropy & a Hilbert Paradox in Economy
At this point, that said, now turn your attention to certain implications, which are relevant to our subject here, of what is readily identified for us here as "The Hilbert Paradox."
Start with a reference to the incompetence for which both of that pair of Bertrand Russell's ideological lackeys, Professor Norbert Wiener and John von Neumann, were booted out of Professor David Hilbert's Göttingen program, separately, in different intervals of lapsed time. They were ejected, by Hilbert, both for treating what Hilbert had identified in his celebrated address to the A.D. 1900 Paris conference of mathematicians, for reason of their utmost incompetence, and, in von Neumann's case, also moral failings. Among the twenty-three, named Problems listed in Hilbert's 1900 Paris address, the most important for our consideration here, remains, to the present day, the Sixth on that list, treating the subject of the role of mathematical formalism in the treatment of the axioms of physics: I refer to that as "the fallacy of presumed a-priori completeness." This Sixth Problem has persisted as his most significant failure to date.
This was a case in which the nature of the problem had already been essentially resolved by Riemann's work, as it had been already situated, with proper, full competence, by Riemann, as Riemann did, so very neatly, in the concluding sentence of his 1854 habilitation dissertation, on "the department of physics." That is the Riemann argument, on the subject of "the mathematical treatment of the axioms of physics," which takes us most quickly to the center of the formal problems of development of a competent method for treatment of the subject of a science of economy today.
Here, on this Sixth Problem, the otherwise rigorous Hilbert's argument as a positivist, formal mathematician, is a systemic failure in physics, and, therefore, also economics, for reasons I shall indicate now. For our purposes, in treating that topic here, I turn your attention to, chiefly, what I have selected as the issue on which Hilbert's entire approach breaks down for, in particular, the matter of a conception of the principles of a competent theory of physical economy.[46]
The source of that failure by Hilbert lies in his resistance to breaking with the effect of certain wrongful, ancient doctrines, wrongs systemically akin to those of Aristotle's treatment of the most elementary assumptions of formal-scientific belief, a set of failed assumptions which has persisted, together with many of their anciently associated effects among beliefs, up through the present time.
Hilbert's program was, otherwise, bold, and, in parts, brilliant; but it had that central, systemic flaw which I have emphasized as its failing here: a tendency toward a mechanistic view of the universe, which is a typical consequence of any belief in an abstractly formal, reductionist mathematics: in other words, its submission to the underlying axiomatic presumption of what I have identified as the fallacies inherent in a submission to a goal of conformity with the parameter of the "Type 'A' " mind. That weakness in Hilbert's method becomes clearly the source of a serious error of a type relevant to that subject-matter of physical economy under consideration in my report here; it is in the case of the Sixth Problem which he lists, and its included references to those mechanistic positivists, such as Ernst Mach and Ludwig Boltzmann, whose rank of, briefly, currently leading authority preceded the absurd extremes of Bertrand Russell's centrally underlying presumptions in the Principia Mathematica.
I shall now explain those connections. For this purpose, I employ a reference to a proximate beginning of the history of that subject-matter, in what is called today the ancient Classical Greek civilization. For my purpose here, I concentrate on the effects of the Peloponnesian War, and on the consequences of the subsequent death of the Plato who is the key figure among his peers of his time, such as Archytas, in considering the ancient foundations for competence in modern science.
Dealing with this matter in historically formal terms, the passage from the deaths of two great scientific geniuses of that time, Archytas[47] and Plato, to the corrupting influence by the reformed, Delphic Sophistry of Aristotle, marks the conclusion of an historical interval, a concluding moment defined as being a systemically tragic break in the intellectual life of what we commonly refer to as Classical Greek civilization, a faulty tradition which remains today one of the most crucial tragedies in the history of European civilization as a whole.
Certain implications of that past time may be best approached today, from the specific standpoint of the physical economist, as I do here.
This remark by me is not intended to imply that there were no great achievements in European culture during the several centuries after the death of Plato, prior to the establishment of the Roman Empire. Rather, my remark must be seen in the light of what Leibniz was to identify, about 2,045 years after the death of Plato, as dynamics, the modern echo of the ancient Classical notion of dynamis of Plato's time. So, I have identified the historical significance of modern dynamics in cultures, in my discussion of the implications of Percy Bysshe Shelley's A Defence of Poetry, above.
The issue of this break, which was marked by the judicial murder of Socrates and the subsequent death of Plato, was the issue typified by what Aeschylus, the great tragedian of that preceding period of Classical Greek history, had identified, most emphatically, with recurring references to both the great folly which had been both the subsuming tragedy of the entire span of the Trojan War, earlier, with the image of the Satanic figure of the Olympian Zeus, and, to that ancient, and evil, Asian adversary of European maritime and related civilization, an evil embodied within Greece itself in the form of the ancient Apollo-Dionysus cult of Delphi.[48]
Presuming consideration of what I have published on the relevance of that subject-matter at an earlier point in this presentation, the crucial issue for us in this location, today, is the following.
First, the entirety of the history of what has become the globally extended form of specifically European civilization, since the period leading immediately from the interval between the defeat of the Persian Empire's failed maritime ambitions, and, also, since the Peloponnesian War, has been the reign over what has become, since, globally extended European maritime (e.g., Mediterranean maritime) culture as a whole, by that maritime system's combined adoption, and superseding of a previously existing, inland-based form of imperial system known as the Asian model of monetarism dating, for example, in modern knowledge, from evidence of the nature of the decline and fall of the physical economy of Sumer.
A mythical "god," called "money," is created, under whose reign all peoples are made subjects, a power placed above each and all the real power which a people of a particular national or comparable culture might have chosen for themselves. In short, "globalization," "world government," "a new Tower of Babel," like that being attempted under the flag of the liberally perjured, and babbling Tony Blair et al., presently.
This sophistry-ridden form of the European maritime habit since that time, has promoted the superstition known today, variously, as the form of sodomy of "free trade," or "empire," the implied belief that there is only one true god, implicitly the notorious "Satan," the nature of which is expressed as the reign of a system of money and monetarist practices over nations. All true empires in a now globally extended form of European civilization's history, have been essentially maritime-cultural forms of what have been, historically, a maritime culture's species of monetary systems, centered originally in the Mediterranean, but, gradually shifting to the Atlantic, and, thence, to reign, through monetarism, over the world as a whole, that still at the present moment. That monetarist system, is the same one which is presently disintegrating, a system which could disintegrate into a condition of terminal systemic bankruptcy, almost completely, by its own recent and presently continuing efforts of the British imperial influence, as early as, or earlier than the close of the present calendar year: a general breakdown-crisis of all of the world's nations and peoples considered in their entirety.
That is the contingency against which I continue to act, as I do here, to attempt to prevent it from coming upon us.
Our task, which I present for adoption here, must be our choice of working to establish, quickly, a form of a fixed-exchange-rate system (a credit system in Alexander Hamilton's sense of the U.S. Federal Constitution) among respectively sovereign governments from among a set of selected leading and associated nation-states, a credit-system crafted and maintained to conform to a physical-economic standard, rather than a monetarist system, which will create that which replaces the reign of those diseases represented by all presently pre-existing forms of monetarist systems, by eradicating, and replacing them entirely through acting upon the fact of the systemic bankruptcy of the entire monetary systems of the world presently, that most clearly since July-September 2007. This systemic reform must be conducted through the actions on behalf of common interest, as common interest is to be expressed by a particular set of the world's, respectively, perfectly sovereign nation-state republics.
This reform, the junking of the present world monetary systems, in favor of a network of sovereign national credit-systems, simply carries to its already implicit goals, the notion of a credit-system as specified by Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, and the related specifications within the U.S. Federal Constitution, rather than an intrinsically monetarist system.
This urgently needed, immediate reform expresses the implied goal of the true patriots of Europe since the time of Plato's implied declaration of war against the cult of Delphi. What must be eliminated is what has been classed as, chiefly, a monetarist pestilence, such as the legacy of the cult of the monetarist power of Delphi, which reigned through and beyond the lifetime of that Delphic high priest and, therefore, chief liar, Plutarch, as this practice was extended beyond the time of the old Roman Empire, later as, briefly, under the Julian the Apostate who served as the suggested model for selecting pagan religions recommended to Lord Shelburne by Edward Gibbon. The pagan tradition of pantheism in the imperial Rome of Augustus, Tiberius, et al., persisted, and thence, was echoed in the reign of the feudal and modern expressions of Venetian-centered, monetarist usury, and, in effect, under the presently hegemonic reach of the monetarist system centered on the British empire, still today.
To that end, the U.S.A.'s history has enjoyed the authority of having been developed in a constitutional form unique to itself, as an alternative to the oligarchical forms of monetary imperialism which had reigned still in Europe, as they do there still today. Unfortunately, the disease of an oligarchism-polluted Europe, pursued some of those Europeans who, unlike the representatives of the British East India Company from 1763 onward, had been moved by the contrary intention of creating a new, oligarchism-freed nation in the Americas. The enemy of our United States has remained as a European oligarchy, chiefly a nominally British one, in the image of Lord Shelburne's British East India Company, which has repeatedly attempted to gobble us up, as under this most unfortunate recent reign of a virtual would-be Emperor Nero, a British imperial puppet, a classical Narcissus, a new, mass-murderous, likeness of the would-be Emperor Nero, called President Barack Obama. For that, it is the British monarchy, as under its Hitler-tainted Edward VIII, not that virtually hypnotized "zombie," the intellectually impaired Barack Obama, which is the chief culprit of record in this affair.
When considered in that historic context, the root of the failure of Hilbert, is, as I shall show here, that error then reflected, most clearly, in his brief treatment of what he adopted, in A.D. 1900, as what he identified as his "Sixth Problem," as a reflection of an infection of modern mathematics practice with that European oligarchical corruption of scientific practice, including the promotion of the kind of policy-thinking which has dominated most of the leading currents in the post-Franklin Roosevelt U.S.A.
I certainly do not blame Hilbert for all that; but, I do emphasize, that it is the failure, respecting his Sixth Problem, by a Hilbert, for whom I have serious respect otherwise, which is what I am addressing in this immediate part of the present chapter.
He fell, in this instance, into that mechanistic trap represented by the type of science-degenerates typified by the mechanistic cult associated with Ernst Mach, Ludwig Boltzmann, et al., which had prepared the way for an even much worse pollution than their own, for exactly that same ultimate, abysmal, superceding scientific decadence of Bertrand Russell's Principia Mathematica, the exact same decadence which has dominated the post-Franklin Roosevelt world, up to the presently ongoing general breakdown-crisis of global civilization as a whole.
To be fair to Hilbert, Russell's piece echoed a specific decadence which Hilbert himself later came to abhor, at least in part, after brief associations with those wretched products of the Bertrand Russell school of the Principia Mathematica, Norbert Wiener and John von Neumann. Hilbert himself quickly found this pair, in each case, rightly, too disgusting for his taste for him to continue to endure.[49] However, this included an embarrassment, as caused by von Neumann, which Hilbert had helped to set for himself by his own clinging to defense of the a-priori fraud of the Aristotelean abomination which is the same Euclidean a-priori presumptions implicit in the work of the mechanistic positivists Mach and Boltzmann.
This kind of paradox, of an important scientist, such as Hilbert, who has occasionally fallen into some of the varieties of intellectual cesspools represented by such reductionists as the devotees of that silly witch-doctor Isaac Newton, or, later, the positivist cults, or, as in the case of the broken spirit of a tortured, once brilliant Georg Cantor, illustrates such cases. That problem is not uncommon, still today, among some leading scientists with whom I have had past occasion to cooperate; it is relatively commonplace. In respect to Hilbert's confusion of the systemically corrupt Euclidean or similar geometries with physical science, it has tended to impel the victims of such persuasion, to treat such follies as those as being presumed to be included even in the mathematical wellspring of science, as Hilbert's own program implies this tendency. This has had specific kinds of radiated consequences, in science instruction generally. Hilbert has been no exception to the list of victims with a certain element of complicity of their own.
At the same time, this disorientation by them, presents an issue of crucial importance in the field of my leading expertise, a science of physical economy: hence my emphasis on the effects of the ideology which Hilbert's disorientation contributes to the field of political-economy.
Consider the relevant case of the Aristotelean version of a "God is dead" dogma regurgitated, later, by Friedrich Nietzsche, which had been spread, earlier, in the time leading into the Roman imperial crucifixion of Jesus Christ, a dogma premised on the a-priorism of Aristotle's devotee Euclid. Aristotle's "god," as Philo of Alexandria denounced Aristotle theologically on this account, expresses, implicitly, the same pathetic streak otherwise known to legend as the Olympian Zeus of Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound. The ban on "fire" which was attributed to that Zeus, should have warned such fellows as even Ernst Mach, of a bad smell in the Aristotelean root of Mach's own, as also Russell's more radical variant on Paolo Sarpi's adopted cult of Ockhamite logical positivism.[50] Euclidean and kindred geometries are the true, pro-satanic quality of religious belief of the worshippers of the Delphic cult. It could not be otherwise; each person's religion is, ultimately, in practice, what he or she believes to be the principle of the continuing organization of the universe, and, therefore, also the law of his or her society. Thus, do empires create their implicit "state religions," such as monetarism, in their own chosen, pantheonic image. That is the actual identity of the god which the true believer in each image worships in the ultimately miserable practice of his, or her own life.
To treat this interim topic, this case of Hilbert's work, for its essential role in this report as a whole, the following two leading points are to be summarized here.
First: Despite the relevant, preceding developments in modern physical science, Hilbert's treatment of those mathematical problems which he identified in his 1900 address, is flawed by the way in which it is permeated by a-prioristic presumptions which were the same, hereditarily systemic errors modeled upon that which had been expressed as the Aristotelean/Euclidean perversions mustered earlier against the competent, ancient Greek, Egypt-rooted mathematical-physical science of the Pythagoreans and Plato. The latter competence is typified by the work of Archytas on the required method for the duplication of the cube, and the related later work of Archytas' avowed admirer Eratosthenes; it is typified as the reflection of that true science of Sphaerics still to the present day. The flaw of Hilbert respecting his Sixth Problem, is, essentially, an expression of the fallacy of Euclidean a-priorism, an a-priorism which is typical of what I have emphasized here as being a Delphic expression of a "Type 'A' " mentality.
Second: is that that element of a-priorism in Hilbert's presentation of his Sixth Problem, leads, "hereditarily," to a crucial second, systemic blunder against both science and mankind, the perpetuation of that same error in the practice of science, still today: the fraud known as "the Second Law of Thermodynamics." Those who crafted that hoax known as "the Second Law of Thermodynamics," derived their fraudulent argument, ultimately, entirely from the concept which Aeschylus attributed to the earlier decree of his play's character of the Olympian Zeus, a concept for which Philo of Alexandria, the associate of the Christian Apostle Peter, had denounced Aristotelean influences on certain Jewish rabbis who had been corrupted by Aristotelean paganism: zero scientific growth.[51]
The crucial false presumption, which entered the field of science through the corrupting influence of Aristotle expressed in the form of Euclidean geometry, was that implicitly embedded, a-priori error, in Hilbert's statement of his Sixth Problem.
The problem which enmeshed Hilbert on that account, is a fallacious presumption, by him, as by others, which I have stereotyped as the fallacy of a-priori completeness. By presuming that the a-priori presumptions of Euclid are "self-evidently" universal authorities of sense-perception in their assigned role as premises for judgments, Hilbert confuses problems which are more or less real ones, with others which are essentially products of his own, arbitrary, errors of presumption. In other words, he, first, incorporates the most essential of the presumptions of an a-priorism of the type of Euclid, and of Aristotle before Euclid, as a premise of scientific work in the field of mathematics. The case of the Sixth of his problems of mathematical treatment of physics, is most clearly typical of the latter case.
By that, I mean the arbitrarily a-prioristic presumption, that the mathematics of physical science must be assumed to be a kind of filling-out of what had been the fullness of what is the synthetic presumption of the existence of an a-prioristically mathematical space defined by a merely a-priori geometry such as that of Euclid. All this has transpired since the beginning of the last century, all done as if Hilbert had not noticed the wonderfully ironical, concluding sentence of Bernhard Riemann's 1854 habilitation dissertation: "This leads us into the domain of another science, the field of physics, which the character of today's proceedings [mathematics] prohibits us from entering."[52]
So, Hilbert, like so many other leading representatives of his profession, then and now, had fallen into the trap of "Type 'A' " thinking on this account; but, there is more to the matter than merely that. The issue is, essentially, the effects of today's presently persisting, evil presumption attributed to the Olympian Zeus of Prometheus Bound: that the "fire" of action which defines physical space-time ontologically, must be denied to exist, as the brainwashed dupes of Prince Philip's pro-genocidal World Wildlife Fund, have agreed. In reality, it is physical chemistry known, as by Academician V.I. Vernadsky, through our experience of the way in which creative practice of the human intellect defines both the continued existence of mankind, and mankind's increased power as a species in that role, which, as I shall show, soon, here defines space, rather than the other way around.
This is, indeed, the underlying principle of any competent approach to the subject of national economies: it is the dependency of mankind's continued existence (i.e., "ecologically") on the development of those creative powers of the human individual mind whose existence defines the absolute separation of mankind from beasts. It is the Noösphere which defines the boundaries of the existence of the Biosphere on Earth, and the Biosphere which, in turn, bounds the relevant kinds of changes in the process of positive direction of development of the Lithosphere.
Within the outlined area of the topic as just defined above, it is the role of human individual creativity, as absent in all known lower forms of life, which defines the positive options respecting the conditions of human existence, and of the fate of the human species on Earth itself, as it will be in man's habitation of other planets of our Solar system in some future time. What is crucial in defining the preconditions and development of life on Earth now, is the role of that human creativity which is not merely ignored, but banned under the legendary Olympian Zeus, and by the half-witted "Luddites" also known as the so-called "green ecologists" of the world today.
This point is made clearer by the fact that we have now before us the practicable challenge of using our ability to develop the kind of economy on the Moon, which will enable us to meet the challenge of Man's colonization of Mars, as a feasible goal for us to accomplish, beginning now, within the span of the present century—provided we now reverse the present, London-guided trend for a very early plunge into a prolonged, global new dark age of all humanity. With these prospects still before us, we have reached the border where we must consider the matter of those preconditions for flight from Earth-orbit to Mars-orbit within a lapsed time of days through the relativistic space-time of nuclear-powered constant acceleration-deceleration. There are hosts of problems yet to be solved on this account, but with foreseeable benefits which are within the future range of specifically human creativity appropriately mobilized.
Once the human species is upgraded in practice in such ways, from man on Earth, to man within the Solar system, the day-to-day meaning of "physical-space-time" is changed in practice for mankind forever. This quality of change does not change the nature of the universe, but simply brings us that much closer to the experience of knowing mankind's role as that already existing as an attainable objective within this universe, within as little as five, or slightly more decades ahead.[53]
Against that background, the currently crucial issue in that case, when considered within the context of Hilbert's argument, is that the mathematics to which he makes reference does not permit the factor of actually relativistic human creativity to be taken into account. Indeed, without Albert Einstein's contributions to general relativity, we would lack the degree of clear foresight into the physical principles which have enabled us to foresee the challenge rather clearly.
In contrast to that, in respect to Hilbert's credulous view of the work of the positivists Mach and Boltzmann,[54] we have lived, ironically, during much of the just closed remainder of the Twentieth Century, since the end of the 1920s, and also since the eve of the realization of that great revolutionary work in the direction of Albert Einstein's presentation of general relativity in physical space-time. Since Einstein's rise to prominence in modern science, with the rise of atomic, nuclear, and thermonuclear technologies of very high energy-flux density now more or less in hand, and the prospect for matter-antimatter methods on the more or less distant horizon, it is silly to permit ourselves to be misled into muddling one's way through the relics of ancient and medieval notions of a-priori space, time, and matter, a muddling which was already an absurd enterprise by about the time a youthful Carl F. Gauss had "mysteriously" defined the orbit of Ceres. That was a key point of reference in science, a time when a Gauss who had solved the physical science mystery of the asteroid Ceres, has been treated, still today, as being merely a mathematician.
Hilbert—In Conclusion
The symptoms of all of the actualized and implied failures in the argument of Hilbert and others of the just recently past century, are to be traced, systemically, as hereditarily, to the Aristotlean a-priorism of a Euclidean geometry which had fallen into the utter degeneracy typified by the most evil man of that century, avowed British (aka "brutish") imperialist Bertrand Russell.
The first thing to be said in accounting for Hilbert's failure in the matter just referenced, is that, clearly, Hilbert had never assimilated the systemic implications of the principal discoveries by Bernhard Riemann, notably the matters of the "bookends" of the opening two paragraphs and closing sentence of Riemann's habilitation dissertation. Obviously, Hilbert never wished to assimilate those notions of general relativity which were already expressed, implicitly, in the opening and closing of that Riemann dissertation. Even more obvious, is the evidence that much of what he did understand in some matters, is to be identified, clinically, as exposing the roots of his stubbornly a-prioristic refusal to attempt to understand, in other instances, which is my criticism of him here.[55]
Had one "harbored doubts" respecting what I have just said about Hilbert's failing on that account, the conclusive evidence is, that that systemic failure on his part, is consistent with Hilbert's softness on the systematic fallacies of certain positivists, such as the cited cases of Mach and Boltzmann; similarly, he shows no insight, in that 1900 location, into the actual subject of general relativity, despite his association with Hermann Minkowski during that time, that simply because he has not freed himself from the systemic Aristotelianism of Euclidean geometry.[56] He is obviously clever, competent, and also frequently very stimulating in other ways, but only within the bounds of certain mathematician's "book-ends." The important thing about him, is, that foibles and all, he can not be seriously ignored by those among us who enjoy being forced to think.[57]
I must add certain autobiographical qualifications to that, at this point, qualifications of great importance for understanding the concept of a science of physical economy.
Such are the elements of that specific power of insight which was provoked within me by my disbelief in many of the standard opinions, including what were taught to me as scientific verities at various times, and in sundry settings. These considerations forced my attention to the matter of the implicitly axiomatic roots of the differences between the way in which I thought, unlike others, on many subjects, including my attention to the frequent, systemic, populist implications of the "comfortable old shoes" impact of popular modes of thinking on the person with scientific training, as their susceptibility to drift into Euclidean modes illustrates this tendency.
My youthful contempt for Euclidean a-priorism gave me certain advantages on this account. This gave me a significant margin of advantage in several fields of specialties, especially what has been repeatedly demonstrated, heretofore, as my own, relatively unique competence in economic forecasting. I reference my own achievements in the respect that they are the fruit of a distinctly principled advantage over the failed, reductionist methods of those drowning in the swamp of statistical abacadabra. My presently stunning successes, globally, on this account, have to be credited to the way in which my attention tended to be focussed on dynamics, even before I had full consciousness of even the name of dynamics, rather than immediately stated, implicitly Cartesian, ontological formalities of a given situation. All of my relatively unique, important successes in economic forecasting over approximately five decades, have been, principally, the fruit of such dynamic considerations.
The point to be emphasized is, that the key to actually understanding what people think, lies in the domain of dynamics, where the view of a subject has been shifted from the mechanical (e.g., "logical"/"deductive") aspect of thought, to the power of the imagination used to identify the dynamic principle which subsumes any competent form of so-called "way of thinking" about a subject-matter. The identification of "the way of thinking" itself, must be the primary subject for consideration, as my emphasis on the subject of "Type 'B' " illustrates this point. As in the case of Hilbert's Sixth Problem, it is not Hilbert's argument, but Hilbert's way of thinking, when viewed, itself, as an object, which is the standpoint to be adopted by any competent observer/critic. How does Hilbert think; what is the species of his kind of thinking? What are the dynamics of his method of thinking? What universe do his judgments inhabit—dynamically?
The rule for successful long-range economic forecasting is, as I shall emphasize in the most crucial, concluding chapter of this report, that the future already exists, but is changeable. Take the relatively simplest kind of illustration of what that means.
Aeschylus' presentation of the figure of Prometheus as the hero of mankind, against mankind's cruel oppressor, the evil Olympian Zeus, points directly, to anyone broadly familiar with the modern impact of what is termed "Classical Greek scientific culture," to an opposing force in the known history of human practice, at that time: that man is capable of creating discoveries, and employing them, by means of man's power to create, as Genesis 1 implies this assignment to man and woman, as distinct from the beasts. That Zeus is a Satanic figure, who seeks to defy the Creator by preventing the execution of the mission which the Creator, in Genesis 1, has assigned to mankind. Zeus degrades the minds and morals of people by means of denying that assigned obligation. The essence of the best in Classical Greek culture, is, in fact the alliance with the Creator and His principle, against the evil Delphic twins, Apollo and Dionysus. Indeed, experience with contemporary history's effects of practice emphasizes the lesson to be learned on this account.
Thus, the a-priori presumptions of Euclidean geometry express exactly such a Delphic intention. A Delphic intention known as the policy of those, such as the Aristotle who is the credibly presumed inspiration of Euclid, who adhere to the attempted alliance of King Philip of Macedon and the Persian Empire, a common empirium of two parts, land-based and maritime, premised upon what the Aristotelean has adopted as the same so-called "oligarchical principle" which has been the intention of a trans-national system of imperial, oligarchical rule in Aristotle's time, as later. This was the doctrine of practice of the Roman Empire, of Byzantium, and of all medieval and modern oligarchical political-economic systems.
That doctrine was never an expression of nature, which is defined by a general principle of continuing, upward creation in all domains of existence: the Lithosphere (and what it typifies), the Biosphere, and the Noösphere. Only among the people of stupefied cultures, those who are victims of their own, habituated, slave-like mentalities, the mentality of the willing slave, who, in stark contrast to the heroic Frederick Douglass, the slave who preferred to await comforting descent of manna from the hand of the benevolent slave- master, is a policy of "zero growth" actually believed. The a-priori aspects of Euclid's Elements are nothing other than an example of this.
The principled quality of the systemic error in Hilbert's definition of his Sixth Problem, is an expression of that oligarchical principle inherent in the a-priori presumptions of Euclid's Elements. This error by Hilbert, as by others, presumes a universe based upon an a-prioristically fixed system, whose presumably "fixed" nature presumes that the system's fullest elaboration is bounded, as if externally, as if in infinite perpetuity, by the underlying presumptions which have been expressed under the cloak of those a-prioristic presumptions. Such is the error which has ensured the eternal defeat of Hilbert's efforts to master the Sixth Problem.
That is the same error employed by Clausius, Grassmann, and Kelvin, for their fraudulent concoction now expressed by the puling whine known as "the second law of thermodynamics."
The fatuous presumption that a "second law of thermodynamics" were serious scientific business, has arisen from the practice of an alleged "mathematical science" spread within a large part of Eighteenth-century mathematics, exactly as I identified the related problem here, earlier in this present report, The blunder of attempting to define scientific principle from the vantage-point of a Type "A" personality, by presuming that degree of "sense-certainty," and thus excluding Type "B" realities, presumes that physical principles lie within the domain of mere phenomena, in what are the mere sense-perceptual shadows of reality, rather than in the principles of action which are knowable only from the standpoint of reference of a Type "B" mentality.
So, the duped adherents of the notion of a "second law," are only expressing their relevant ignorance of actual physical principles as principles. They see the phenomena associated with the effect of the principles, but see only the shadows, thus, of the actual principles themselves. This slave's-like blindness to reality of the universe, has been the basis in assumptions for the acceptance of the a-prioristic presumptions of Euclidean geometry, which suffers that intellectually fatal error simply because the definition of an a-priori geometry, as opposed to an experimental form of physical geometry, allows the dull-witted to believe, religiously, in a "second law."
Thus, respecting the Sixth Problem, Hilbert's quest was ill-fated, and hopeless, on this account, from the start.
V. My Science of Physical Economy
. . . henceforth, space by itself, and time by itself have vanished into the merest shadows, and only a kind of blend of the two exists in its own right.
—Hermann Minkowski, 1907.
At this point, many readers will profess themselves to be perplexed about the way in which my treatment of the subject of economy differs so greatly from what they have both been taught and otherwise accustomed to regard as the subject-matter of economy. Especially if they are professional specialists in what is usually taught and debated as within the bounds of the standard subject of "economics," what I have written here thus far, seems very distant from the typical questions and supposed answers exchanged during discussion identified as "economics." That apparent problem is essentially a reflection of that fact, that what is defined as the scope and content of discussions of economic policy has very little do with those aspects of human nature which are actually relevant to the ways in which the well-being and progress of the human condition may be actually fostered scientifically.
The academic and related sorts of discussion of what is regarded usually as "economics," really have nothing much to do with human nature, as distinct from that of both the beasts and the slaves who constitute the generality of humanity under a Physiocratic scheme, for example. A competent science of economics treats the subject of anti-development of human culture, and proceeds so with the intent of enabling mankind not only to rise above the population potentials and conditions of life among the higher apes, but to master the improvement of mankind's power to increase our species' dominant role over the planet's living population, to the extent that we enjoy a population nearing seven billions living persons on this planet today.
The latter gain is an expression of the progress of evolution of culture. It is the progress of culture, as expressed in mankind's willful increase of its potential relative population-density, life-expectancy, and power over the planet, which is the only possible source of these advances in both the human condition and in those alterations of the physical potential of the planet on which that improvement for humanity depends. The proper definition and mission of "economics" is the political improvements on which the maintenance and advances of the human condition depend.
The facts which I have just summarized in that way, have assumed a qualitatively deeper implication since civilization began to take seriously the possibility of the extension of the human habitat into areas of our Solar system beyond the bounds of our Earth's atmosphere.
Although many questions remain to be solved respecting the requirements of extending human habitation into the Earth's Moon and beyond, as to Mars, yet the general notion of the feasibility of such developments has become much clearer during a period of somewhat less than a century. Since travel of mankind between the Earth's Moon and Mars' orbit, requires forms of a synthetic gravitational and electromagnetic condition of life within the set of companion vehicles required for the human passengers and crews, we have enjoyed some recent gains in our practical knowledge bearing on the problems posed. The estimates of the supplies of the Helium-3 isotope on our neighboring Moon, have implied a solution to the sustaining of an induced one-gravity acceleration-deceleration for the several days estimated lapsed-time of flight between the two planetary orbits.
The additional consideration to be addressed, is that on Mars itself, there are notable needed buffers required to sustain the needed conditions of human life in space-travel and on the Moon and Mars, for example. In other words, we must look to a future time when such things have been accomplished; we must, even now, look backward, across time, to assess both, not only how we might have already accomplished such developments of our future, but also the related implications for a change in human culture, from our presently Earth-bound conditions, to the notion of a human species engaged in expanding its populations and their functions, not only within the relatively nearer portions of the Solar system, but, ultimately, throughout our own galaxy and beyond.
The significance of that set of those and related types of questions, for the purposes of our discussion here, is that, in net effect, they force us to finally reach an intelligent assessment of the true meaning of the term called "economics." We are thus forced to define the proper meaning of the term "economics" as the urgently needed preconditions for continued human survival, through scientific, technological, and related cultural transformations, between now and the, admittedly very distant time, when our Sun undergoes changes which would be most unpleasant for those persons who might continue in residence on our planet then.
The related, special problem which perplexes what have been our relatively best economists thus far, has been that the practice of management of national economies, and the analysis of the effects of that practice by certified economists, accountants, and so on, are regarded as authoritative, despite the strong tendency of results and policy to converge in such a fashion that economists and accountants are so often surprised that neither their beliefs nor the statistics give fair warning of systemic failures inherent in their professional practice. The economy appears to be as successful as their doctrines instruct them to believe, until reality ambushes them in a way which they regard as simply "unfair" to their theories.
So, I continue here according to my methods, which work, rather than those which habitually fail, but which have been, unfortunately, generally accepted as conventional academic or other taught opinion and practice.
The first step in the direction of the much needed reform to which I have just pointed, thus, has been supplied, recently, as a profound clarification in meanings provided by the work of Academician V.I. Vernadsky in defining the qualitative physical distinction and interrelations among the Lithosphere, Biosphere, and Noösphere. It is the view of mankind's past, present, and future history, within the bounds of those terms of reference, which is the minimal requirement for defining a practiced science of physical economy for the present and immediate future.
This clarification being delivered by me here, comes none too soon. The present world system, together with its featured present dogmas respecting economy, have now become utterly bankrupt notions, which could be continued in practice only by consenting to the virtual extinction of civilization as we have so far known it at its least worst. It is thus, in the domain of culture, as I have emphasized the notion of a Type "B" personality here, that the essential secret of continued human civilized existence and progress now depend absolutely. Henceforth, economic science is the science of those transformations in individual and mass human culture on which the continued existence of civilized mankind depends.
The physical science of economics, as "economics" was formerly defined, now becomes merely a subsumed, if still essential consideration, within the appearance of the relevant view of the necessity of human cultural progress, as from the weaker and morally inferior ancient and medieval European cultures, to the best expectations proffered by Nicholas of Cusa and his followers in bringing forth the essential seeds of what continue to be the good parts of modern civilization.
So, it was in the Boston Public Library, in 1941, when I first read those opening lines of Minkowski's famous 1907 lecture. I spent many hours in that reading room of the Library during those times; my principal interest there, then, was the subject of physical relativity.[58] At that moment, reading those lines of his declaration, I was inspired by the resonance of Minkowski's rhetoric then, but less so over the course of the following dozen years, when the systemic, reductionist flaws of the positivist David Hilbert's colleague Minkowski became clear to me. The fact remained, that Minkowski, apparently, did teach Albert Einstein in Zürich, Switzerland, but, apparently, never came, actually, to understand the essential, Riemannian distinction of Einstein's scientific method, himself. Little wonder, then, that Minkowski's "four-dimensional scheme" was a kind of failure typical of the positivist's variety of "Type 'A' " mental outlook.
Now, amid the presently onrushing, global breakdown-crisis of the entire world economy, the issue of "time as such" comes before you in a new guise, in its role as physical time, as it must occur in any competent practice of the science of physical economy which is our subject in this chapter of this report. That is the science of physical economy which must now be adopted as the standard of practice used to replace what is already, since September 2007, the hopelessly failed versions of what are taught as "economics" seemingly everywhere among professionals and politicians today.
For example:
Let us begin the presentation of the subject of this chapter by considering the physical form of economic capital in its primary character as technology, as technology is defined, rather than as a nominal value of money, in terms of qualitative degrees upward in both productivity and in the requirement of the effective equivalent of orders of increase of energy-flux density. Consider the consumption of an investment in physical capital, from the time of its "birth" as a type of physical-functional factor in economy, rather than matters of price, considering the time until that capital investment might be considered as "used up," as by age, wear, or technological obsolescence, in its presently invested incarnation as an actual feature of the process of production of physical wealth. Consider the value of that capital to be expressed as the relative rate of increase of productivity, per capita and per square kilometer, with which the rate of related consumption by that body, is correlated in practice. Locate this aspect of that capital, similarly, in respect to the losses incurred, as through technological attrition, as a result of failing to supersede previously established technology by a new technology which increases the associated, relative productive powers of labor, and, also, provides the benefit to society of the consumption of the related product.
Then, ask yourself: when, in time, was the gain actually produced, and when, in time, for example, was the loss which is realized as the effect of failing to invest in that capital, as capital so defined? What does such a question evoke concerning the use of the term "physical space-time" in the field of a science of physical economy? When is what value earned, and how?
What does that say about the follies of financial accounting, on principle? What does that say about what is presently taught as economics? What does presently taught, monetarist economics suggest itself, mistakenly, to be? How shall I address the matter of the proper connotation of an economic process as being, functionally, an efficient expression of physical space-time, that in the sense implied by the celebrated argument by Albert Einstein?
Similarly, define a subsuming dynamic of the process within which the entire repertoire of all of these measures of relative time and place of action are situated under that dynamic.
Those problems, for science, are ones which ought to have been recognized by serious economists, that even by approximately the time I was sitting during some evenings in the reading room of the Boston Public Library in Copley Square. Back during 1941, I had begun to think about matters of that sort, and to seek out those who had done so among what I regarded as actual, or possible "authorities" in such matters. It proved, often, to be a lonely pursuit.
Today, lost time being lost time for our culture, so, we must try to make up for that, even decades later, here and now, before it is too late for present and foreseeable future generations combined. The matter of the principles of a science of physical economy, is now become, suddenly, a most urgent affair for crucial decisions to be made at each new passing point in time, including crucial decisions which must be made by society, top down, in not more than some weeks ahead, even, in the worst case, more and more, some days. The substitution for this approach, by one based on deals, compromises, and what-not, connived at over several months to come, would be clinical insanity in the measure of their effects. What must be done, as I have prescribed, must be done, and done quickly, or, there is no existing remedy for what has been the already ongoing, current onrush into a planet-wide new dark age.
Therefore, before plunging into the issues of the crucial importance of the notion of relative physical time, let us pause by focusing on the following question: "Exactly why is it so urgent that I must insist on bringing up that matter, exactly, here and now?" To proceed further along those lines, ask oneself: what is the factor of change which tends to cause the effect of a net increase in the productive powers of labor, as measured per capita and per square kilometer, when that effect does actually occur? The answer to that latter question, as should be obvious from the line of argument I shall take here, from this point on, is that the answer to these questions is to be found by considering a function of the form associated with the integral effect of the infinitesimal of the Leibniz calculus, but not that of the incompetents who sought to overturn Leibniz's work by their employment of fraudulent means, adversaries such as those which I have identified as the hoaxsters Cauchy, Clausius, Grassmann, Kelvin, et al.
Thus, it is on the point of that urgent matter, that I must hang the need to focus fully on what will be regarded by most, at least at first glance, as those novel, but presently indispensable aspects of the quality of physical science of economy which I am emphasizing here.
So, the following relevant response to that question is interpolated at this juncture in this report as a whole. After that I shall return to the topics of the immediately preceding introductory paragraphs of this present chapter.
My Warning Against Some "Middle Men"
So, resume this chapter with what has proven itself to have been a fatefully historic webcast of July 25, 2007, when I prescribed a set of actions pivoted on my Homeowners' and Bank Protection Act (HBPA) of that year, a prescription which I presented then as an already urgently needed stop-gap remedy, a temporary remedy which would have been both possible, and, also, indispensable for arresting the then already ongoing, inevitable plunge of the world economy into a presently deepening, chain-reaction series of general breakdown-crises.
Then, in those weeks of 2007, it would have been possible to avoid the monstrous calamity brought upon the U.S.A. and the world by the actions of such relevant scamps as the corrupt influence of such as Felix Rohatyn, U.S. Senator Chris Dodd and of the babbling pitch-man of that standard Congressional clown-show put on, ritually, by Representative Barney Frank. Had that HBPA reform of mine been adopted promptly, our republic would probably have been on the way to recovery by now—but, also, a candidate other than Barack Obama would, almost certainly, have been elected.
The role of the world's leading international drug-pusher, the British agent George Soros and his fascist minions, in bringing about Obama's nomination and election, is also most notable in that context.
Since those weeks in 2007, over the subsequent two years of the swindles against the United States government and citizens by the Presidencies of George W. Bush, Jr., and what have now been proven to be even worse-than-Bush policies of the furiously insane, Hitler-like health-care policies of President Barack Obama, a state of chaos has been generated throughout the planet's economy as whole. We have been overtaken, now, by a state of our national affairs in which there is no longer any possibility of even temporary rescue of our own, or any other part of the world's economy, by means of a mere reform-in-bankruptcy-reorganization, even an excellent one of the type which I had put forward in my July 25, 2007 webcast.
Now, the time has come, when there is the most desperately immediate need for a sweeping change of the world system from a monetary system, to the immediate adoption and implementation of a credit system like that prescribed in the U.S. Federal Constitution. This is not an option; it is, presently, the minimal pre-condition for preventing an immediate, global, chain-reaction process which is far worse than any previous known historical experience of the planet as a whole. At this moment, there is a most urgent need for an immediate transformation of the U.S. economy, freeing it immediately from that Federal Reserve swindle, that Federal Reserve Act which was conceived and installed according to that tradition of the Confederacy represented by both President Theodore Roosevelt and Ku Klux Klan leader Woodrow Wilson, and had been pushed through by their joint effects. This was then, and is still now, a Federal Reserve swindle in the British-created Confederacy's tradition of President Andrew Jackson, of President Martin van Buren's design of the land-bank swindle, and the outright treason of President James Buchanan,[59] all of which had been designed to defy the U.S. Federal Constitution, for the purpose of destroying what is fairly identified as a "Hamiltonian" constitutional form of a credit-system, that U.S. form of credit-system which is the central, systemic feature of our Federal Constitution. That Constitution was built on the cornerstone of the establishment of the U.S. constitutional credit-system, "still on the books" of our original Federal Constitution, which, as all witting actual patriots know, bans monetary systems, constitutionally, from the sovereign practice of the United States.[60]
The complementary side of the U.S. existential problem today, has been a product of the condition in which the world at large has been usually dominated by a virtual global empire, excepting during some historically brief periods of outstanding exceptions, such as the Eighteenth-century League of Armed Neutrality, and under Presidents Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt. The world has been dominated, so, during the present period of grave world crisis, by that so-called British Empire established, in fact, through the outcome of the so-called "Seven Years War," in the February 1763 Peace of Paris.
That British empire-in-fact remains, to the present moment this is written, essentially a form of Europe-centered, global imperialism based on the kind of monetarist systems which have been centered on the Mediterranean since about the time of the Peloponnesian War, up to the present moment.
The various so-called empires which have reigned in Europe since the aftermath of the Peloponnesian War, had been, most notably, expressions of the process of emergence of the successive Roman and Byzantine empires, which were then followed, first, since about 1,100 years ago, by an international, monetarism-based succession of imperial monetarist arrangements centered on the Venice which continued as a present expression of arrangements which had emerged from Venice's being a client of a then tattered and torn Byzantium, to an independent center of monetary power. This has been a Venice which, in fact, has been the spiritual center of a satanically inclined international system of privately owned monetary institutions, that, first, over the course of the medieval period (since, approximately, the time of the Norman Conquest) prior to the Fourteenth Century "New Dark Age," and, second, in modern Europe, since that Venetian take-over of England through the corruption of the Venetian financier oligarchy's puppet and wife-butcher Henry VIII,[61] a change which set the formerly cooperating kingdoms of France, Spain, and England (among others) against one another's throats in recurring religious warfare, a radical, Tony Blair-like change in chosen destiny, throughout the remainder of the A.D. 1492-1648 interval, but also to the present imperialist day.
Now, there are two outstanding, present causes for the fact that no one could now be able to implement the kind of a "less strenuous" option than an "American style" monetary reform which I had originally proposed to occur about the beginning of September 2007, which would have been a feasible short- to medium-term remedy at that time, and under those conditions. Since then, a great opportunity which I offered to the U.S. government then, has been wasted, and it is a truly terrible waste which we have suffered increasingly, since the lead taken by the prominent actions of Senator Christopher Dodd and U.S. Representative Barney Frank, in launching the folly which has thrown the United States and most of the world economic system into the global breakdown-crisis we are experiencing today.
First, since the course of September 2007, the Anglo-American financier cabal which has organized this presently monstrous world crisis, has loaded the U.S. system as a whole with such a mass of trillions of dollars-equivalent of worthless "bail-out" electronic "paper," to such an effect, that no internal reform of the present world monetary system, as a reformed monetary system, is now possible. Only the drastic remedies, based on the replacement of the monetary system by a credit system, which I propose now, represent any reason for hope for mankind during a period from the immediate weeks before us, to some future time of recovery, generations ahead. Under presently over-stretched circumstances, every attempt, since September 2007, to limit matters to a mere monetary reform, is that which would only make everything terribly worse, which has taken over U.S. leading policy. This practice has continued to prevail up to the present moment, a policy of practice which has now, in fact, set off a rapid succession of presently on-going, chain-reaction breakdown-crises of every national economy, of every continent in the world system.
This is the situation, which we had encountered in the crisis of July-August 2007, which has now brought the world as a whole, step by step, to that presently aggravated stage of vulnerability which has led us to the present onset of an immediately threatened, global breakdown-crisis of the planet as a whole. This must be seen in the fact, that we live today in what has become now virtually four recent decades of a process which had been established by the time of the U.S. Nixon administration's actions of 1971-1972, breaking up the last vestiges of the fixed-exchange-rate monetary system.
The virtually treasonous developments by the U.S. Nixon Administration which were set into motion then, lit the fuse on a bomb-like crisis which had already been set into place by the British government of Prime Minister Harold Wilson. It was that Wilson, a creature already on record as a malicious character in his own right, seen so by patriotic Britons more or less as much by them, as by our own patriots of that time, a Wilson who had set off the first step into the mire of the present world monetary crisis, on November 15, 1967.
That devaluation of the Pound Sterling, from $U.S2.80 to $2.40, triggered an intended chain-reaction in the international monetary system, which, in turn, triggered the U.S. dollar crisis of February 1968. A bit later, there came a new wrecking of the economy, as added through the complicity of Felix Rohatyn's regular crony, George Shultz, then of the U.S. Nixon Administration. This was a Shultz who would soon become notorious for his relevant inclination to promote fascist schemes of government in such places as Chile, and who supplied a key role in the break-up of what had been the Truman-Churchill modified, pro-Keynes version of the Bretton Woods monetary system, with which Winston Churchill had encouraged President Truman to replace President Roosevelt's intended international, post-World War II credit system in favor of Roosevelt's Bretton Woods adversary, Keynes.
Thus, beginning approximately 1966, about a year before the relevant international monetary actions by the British Harold Wilson government, the U.S.A., in particular, had already led the post-John F. Kennedy Americas, Europe, and Africa down the road toward economic ruin.
That change, then a later change, then another change, and so on, has been introduced here, or there; but always, down the road which has led, step by step, like the Russian soldiers of Sergei Eisenstein's film Potemkin, proceeding down the famous steps of Odessa. From the assassination of a President John F. Kennedy who had refused to walk into the London-prepared strategic trap of a war against the U.S.A.'s World War II ally Ho Chi Minh, through a President Johnson who was so terrified of a similar treatment for him, that he fearfully allowed the fraudulent Gulf of Tonkin myth to push the U.S.A. into a long, ruinous Indo-China war, step by step, in a policy-trend continuing from Johnson, to Nixon, to Ford, to Carter, to Reagan, and into the new wave of ruin launched in 1989 by President George H. W. Bush's depraved complicity with Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and France's President Mitterrand, in creating the presently ruinous "Euro" system of western and central Europe, and through the fraudulent, strategically crucial impeachment effort, assisted by Vice-President Al Gore, against President Bill Clinton, and through the Anglo-Saudi crafting of what became known as "9-11," the direction of the economies of the Americas has been marching, step by step, head of state, head of government, down, down, down, and worse, worse, and worse, in seemingly endless, rhythmic monotony, always marching to the thumps of an imperial British official funeral procession's drum, like the Potemkin film's soldiers down, down, down the steps at Odessa, still to be heard marching in our imagination (if we are truly intelligent in such matters), at the present moment.[62]
It would be incompetent to view that aspect of the November 1963-September to August 2009 history of both the United States and the world at large, in any different imagery than that which I have just described in these preceding paragraphs. Since real economic processes are dynamic processes subsuming their own internal, qualitative phase-shifts, only foolish varieties of accountants and their dupes believe in statistical forms of financial forecasting.
What happened, over the span of that succession of marching events, did not "just happen." It was organized, sometimes wittingly, organized by aid of complicit U.S. Presidents, and other leaders of other nations, figures who, in the main, had not the slightest damned inkling of the damned fool's role they are continuing to act out, still today, since the death of President Kennedy in November 1963, until the "Ides of September" 2009, always, again, and again, and again, under pressure from social-political forces of whose existence and nature most of them had had little or no comprehension. This pattern of a seemingly robotic compulsion of the leading circles of our republic to behave like an "electric bunny" in this way, explains the process of elimination which led to my becoming the world's only competent long-range forecaster on record, from August 1956 to the present day. The essential truth has been clear to me, if, in earlier decades, sometimes only in broad-brush terms, all the way through, down each step of that most recent historical process.
For my own success as an economist, which was continuing amid all this, credit, more than anyone else, the great Bernhard Riemann (and his 1854 habilitation dissertation), who had taught me far more than anyone else since my encounter with Gottfried Leibniz, that which is, still today, the key to defining the principles of a science of physical economy and its related statecraft.
The Present World Crisis
Within the passage down those steps of the imagination, the ensuing, shamelessly overt process of wrecking the U.S. economy under British direction, and the complicity of the successive U.S. Nixon, Ford, and Carter administrations, produced what has been called "globalization," and, has, thus, made a mockery of what had been known earlier by the name of "national sovereignty." Under the present conditions so generated through London-directed "globalization," any collapse of the U.S. dollar now, means an immediate, chain-reaction process of disintegration of the entirety of the present world market.[63]
We should mean, by a shift to the worse than worthless, present world monetary systems (and the planetary monetary system as a whole), that we know that there has been, especially since July-September 2007, a socially dominant, dynamic form of influence which has produced, what has been since, the unavoidable rate of the reduction of the current, net fungible, actual net financial assets of the world, that down to levels well below the level of an actual (i.e., physical-economic) breaking-point. As my "Triple Curve" illustrates the point, this recent, calamitous rate of fall of net financial assets, has been accompanied by an accelerated rate of increase of monetary emission: a sure formula for a process with an eerie kinship to the hyper-inflationary breakdown of the economy of Weimar Germany during the Spring through Autumn of 1923. The updated edition of my "Triple Curve" representation, shows the crucial features of the change in trend which has characterized that general, planet-wide economic breakdown-crisis which has been clearly ongoing since the close of July 2007.
If the reform which I have specified as a change from a monetary system, to a credit system, occurs, that short-fall I have pointed to here, can then be covered, to ensure a process of recovery, by the uttering of long-term credit, based entirely on the promises of sovereign nation-state governments, as defined in a unique way by the intrinsically "Hamiltonian" preconditions prescribed for the U.S. Federal Constitution. Through those treaty agreements among sovereign nation-states participating in such a general reform which had then produced a new, fixed-exchange-rate world credit system, a credit system permits sufficient fresh credit for physical investment in expansion and science-driven, advanced-technology enhancement of the productive powers of cooperating nations (as measured per capita and per square kilometer in each case) to begin a steeply accelerating process of increase of the physical productive powers of labor throughout most of the planet through development of sources of public power which are of today's very high, and still rising energy-flux-density in character.
The crucial feature of a change to a credit system, while, of necessity, cancelling the earlier existence of inherently failed monetary systems, is that the practice of going to the private financial market for investment in development of the economy, puts the borrower, including leading governments of the world, at the mercy of that great imperial bloodsucker known as the nominally private power expressed as a reigning "free trade" sort of monetary system. It has been the attempted "bail out" of that vampire known as the monetary system, the which has sucked the blood of our people since the first steps toward the relevant phases of the "bail-out" which was begun by the often Felix Rohatyn-guided Senator Dodd and by Representative Barney-the-great-sucking-vampire-of-Wall-Street-interest Frank, beginning September 2007.
This recovery can only occur under the condition that no monetary system still exists as a recognized institution throughout the participating members of the community of nations generally. Hence, without a bloc of nations, the United States, Russia, China, and India, leading a faction of nations forcing the world to go through a sudden economic reorganization, from a monetary to a credit system, there is no political prospect that the world could escape what presently looms before us in the immediate period ahead, as the most horrifying rate of sickeningly sudden collapse of the population of our planet in all known history. In such matters, only hateful fools waste efforts in support of the futility of Liberal sophistries; in matters of life or death, of persons, or nations, you must do promptly what history has handed to you as what must be done.
Some valid, crucial, and encouraging considerations, which follow:
It should be noted, for our consideration at this point in the report, concerning what should become the initial pricing of goods within economies and in relationships among member-nations of the new, protectionist mode of international, fixed-exchange-rate credit-system, that traditional price-relations among treaty-defined members of a system of market economies, shall be the general tendency in the early phases of the international economic-recovery process, with the exception that prices below actually incurred costs shall be discouraged, and that parities among the currencies of nations shall be provided for the same intended effect.
The most essential difference, therefore, is the shift from continuing to be the presumed lawful prey of a monetarist system, to becoming a competently managed credit system.
A blending of what are to be preferred as, respectively public and privately-held enterprises, is to be expected under the new credit-systems, both within and among participating nations, with the emphasis on public investment in basic economic infrastructure, and sundry customary forms of private entrepreneurship predominating in local, national, and international marketing of agricultural and manufactured goods, and traditionally private services.
A notable type of exception to this should echo the Hill-Burton law in the U.S.A.,[64] and comparable-effect methods in other nations.[65] Simply and suddenly scrap the swindle known as the U.S. HMO law. These measures of positive reform which I have prescribed as based on the principled concept of the credit system which is built into the dynamic architecture of the original crafting of our Federal Constitution, historically, must be complemented by national authority and responsibility for certain categories of public lands, protection and development of waterways, public educational programs, and national public transportation systems essential to the economy and general welfare of the population as a whole.
As a matter of general principle, public enterprises are to be preferred when the promotion of the public interest demands this, either by the nature of the operation, or for reason of the lack of a private capability for providing a needed function of a type which would otherwise be preferred as a private venture.
On the crucially principled matter of my strictly scientific use of dynamic in the preceding paragraph, the following must be said at this time.
We return now to the matter of the principled nature of the fundamentally new characteristics of the world economy, under the launching of the urgently needed new world system of a fixed-exchange credit-system shared among respectively sovereign nation-states. For this purpose, before getting into the matters of physical-economic principle as such, I illustrate the function of dynamics in historical processes by aid of the following, additional illustrations.
Henry C. Carey, Lincoln, and Bismarck
U. S. President Andrew Johnson (1865-1869) turned out to have been the virtual Harry Truman of his tenure (1945-1953). To grasp the presently relevant implications of that fact, we must situate that Johnson with respect to those U.S. institutional figures who did actually represent the heritage of President Abraham Lincoln, that through the conflicted times leading into that assassination of President William McKinley which was launched in the specific imperial interests of the British Empire. Amid the scoundrels among the prominent political figures of post-war 1860s and 1870s, there were also many true patriots, such as Lincoln's close associate on economic policy, the Henry C. Carey who contributed a crucial part in shaping the economic and related policy-decisions of Germany's Chancellor Bismarck, during the late 1870s and 1880s, prior to the dumping of Bismarck himself, by the British Prince of Wales' nephew, Wilhelm II, in 1890.
Nonetheless, in defiance of clear evidence (but, in favor of a rather "free hand" variety of interpretation of isolated facts), a significant selection of citizens of the Federal Republic of Germany go out of their way in what is often a frankly "anti-American" effort to deny the crucial role of the influence of the leading economist of the Nineteenth Century, Henry C. Carey, in informing Chancellor Otto v. Bismarck personally of those strategic principles of the American System of political economy, advice which guided the seemingly miraculous progress of Germany from the late 1870s, up through the dumping of Bismarck by the most foolish nephew of the British Prince of Wales, in 1890. Since that dumping of Bismarck which turned out to be among the most crucial factors leading into the ups and downs of all of the major wars and near-wars of the Twentieth Century, my point respecting Bismarck's affinities for the American System of political-economy, has considerable importance for anyone who might imagine that he or she is competent to lead, or even to advise, any great nation of the world, such as our own U.S.A., today. It were not possible for competent historians to misinterpret Bismarck's actions in the way that is often done, unless one were determined to ignore the most important facts about Bismarck's strategic role, globally, and in respect to the leading importance of that role in the entire sweep of the global strategic history of modern, post-Westphalian Europe and the Americas, even to the present day.
The included point to be stressed on this account, is that Bismarck's record as a statesman shows some significant signs of a "Type 'B' " personality, a quality which he had acquired somehow along the line. For our purposes here, I simply note that fact for the reader's own future reference, and to situate the following further remarks on some crucial features of Bismarck's role which must be taken into account for guiding European history into a forward direction, still today.
The relevant strategically crucial fact, for our subject here, about Bismarck's role in the history of modern, post-Westphalia European civilization as a whole, to the present day, is that he is among a most uncommon variety of exceptional individuals, a man of his own mind, even when the relevant head of state and the general run of other national leaders tended to be shallow-minded respecting the strategic issues of that world in the large, a world for which modern Germany, then and now, has been often a kicked ball in play on a global playing-field. Bismarck was different than most leaders of his time; he could think: which is why the Prince of Wales urged silly Wilhelm II to dump him. Modern critics and small-minded commentators who do not think seriously, will, of course, miss all the crucial points of what are, without reasonable objection, the essential facts of the matter. The key fact is that the dumping of Bismarck, combined with the succession of the assassination of France's President Sadi Carnot; the Dreyfus case; and, the successful assassination of U.S. President William McKinley by an assassin imported from Europe, which was used to bring London's asset, Vice-President Theodore Roosevelt, into the U.S. Presidency, were the most typical, crucial developments leading into what became the unleashing of not only two "World Wars," but, also, earlier, the British-directed 1894-1945 war of Japan against China, Korea, and Russia, and, also, sundry other little matters, such as the bombing of Pearl Harbor, which are of some considerable, continued importance, still today.
Consider the playing-field of history into which Bismarck came to play his strategic role.
Anyone who has any competence in history as a science, rather than products of some virtual gossip-sheets such as the New York Times, knows that the history of modern European civilization has been dominated from about the time of the coronation of the Venetian asset, King James I, until the present moment, in such a fashion that all the leading developments in the world considered as a whole, have expressed the four-centuries-spanning division between what are, presently, two traditionally English-speaking nations of, primarily, European cultural origins, between what had emerged, essentially, since the beginning of the Seventeenth Century, as the birth of our United States out of the initiative of some English-speaking colonists, including those others from continental Europe who joined them in that enterprise, and, on the opposing side, what became known under the simplistic and more than somewhat misleading title of "the British Empire."
When we take into account the relevant content of Rosa Luxemburg's The Accumulation of Capital and also what U.S. State Department historian Herbert Feis exposed, later, as showing the actual principle of British imperialism in action, showing, thus, the true role of our republic's chief adversary still today, we know that the British monarchy has been a political receptacle for an international empire of concerted, private monetarist interests, an empire which is still today, centered as a monetary system, traditionally, in Venice. We also know that the true world empire, still today, is the present world monetarist system whose public political headquarters of record of the moment happens to be London, but whose true, Satanic soul prefers to reside in Venice.
That is to emphasize the extremely important political distinction to be made, that it is not the imposition of the will of the people of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, which rules; the empire is ruled by the agents of an international pack of Venetian-like, gangster-like, private financier-monetarist interests, which represent a combined, global monetarist power (including the virtual Gadarene swine of Wall Street) which is the presently chief agent of the presently reigning, international monetarist empire.
The Role of Britain in This
There is absolutely no sophistry in emphasizing that distinction. The political issue of relevance, is that the British Isles are operating under a dynamic influence, as the concluding paragraph of Percy B. Shelley's A Defence of Poetry emphasizes the crucial point of distinction to be noted. The effect of the defeat and disgrace of the present policy-structures commanding the British empire in its continuing, present role, would have an effect not dissimilar from the benefit of the current, widespread break of the majority of the U.S. citizens, currently, from both the Obama administration and the U.S. members of the Congress generally. There is, currently, a mass-strike-like effect within the United States, one comparable in some degree to the "We are the People," of the citizens of the DDR against the government of the East Germany "Land of Milk and Honey." My point here is, that there are also aspects of the use of the language and dialects of the United Kingdom, which run as deep in the tradition of the language and its culture as at the time of the fall of Richard III at the hands of Henry V, or "Das Volk" of 1989, and the rising up of our citizens against the President and the Congress which disgusted them, this August 2009. Such is the power of the true "invisible hand" in history, of dynamics.
Britons, as they are called, have carried the burden of a recent bestialized experience, but people are not beasts, but human. People are not mortal in spirit, as beasts are; the cultural currents in which they participate as a kind of heritage, live on. What has been history, moves on, but absolutely not as the evil George Soros would guide it. There are potentials for corrections built into the process of successive shifts in reigning dynamics of that process, just as Shelley referred implicitly to a positive shift from the bestiality of the time of Mandeville, to what we might hope would become a renaissance of that spirit of England, Scotland, and Wales, which many among our own ancestors shared, during the times of Keats, Shelley, and Robert Burns.
It is, once again, a matter of the principle of Leibnizian dynamics.
The power to rule by force, as in the hands of this "Brutish" empire, is twofold. First, it is the force of the control over the planet by such as those monetarist types of financier swine of the United Kingdom and Goldman Sachs' Wall Street. Second, it is playing the nations and peoples which are its intended victims, against one another, as the British Empire itself was first established as a private Company by means of the Seven Years War, a war during which the nations of continental Europe were so passionately occupied in mutual blood-letting among themselves, all for the sake of the greater and more enduring tyranny of Britain, that they fell prey to London in February 1763.
Put aside that computer for the moment. History is not made by counting numbers. History, as the great English poet, Percy Bysshe Shelley knew, is, on the one hand, determined by certain specific, dynamic qualities of culture which dominate the public human mind, and all but a minority otherwise. Otherwise, as Shelley emphasized in what I have pointed out for this purpose as his A Defence of Poetry, the dynamic of real history is located, not in persons considered one at a time, but, rather, in the principle of dynamics, as this notion was developed in the leading work done then by Gottfried Leibniz, during the decade of the 1690s. Thus, often in real history, a certain quality of an idea in the minds of a few associated people, such as the case of Wall Street, has been, for a time, the relatively more powerful force in the shaping of all developments in known human history. Sometimes, fortunately, as under President Abraham Lincoln or Franklin Roosevelt, a shift to a different expression of that power expresses the dynamic of the handful of the new leadership which leads the world itself in that time and place.
That is so in the foresights of the greatest Classical authors, composers, scientists, and true discoverers of principles generally. The process of the development of ideas with which their efforts have been associated, represents a force of dynamics as the best of the ancient Classical Greeks knew this conception, and as Leibniz made it the central principle of all competent modern physical science. It is conflicting forces of dynamics, rather than individual opinions defined statistically, no matter in what numbers, which is the actual shaping of what may come to be considered in retrospect, as the creative force in the shaping of forward movements in the human condition.
The Example of Bismarck in This
Amid such considerations met in history at large, there are, sometimes, exceptional individuals who have the opportunity to play a role of great benefit to their nation, or to society more broadly, as we should recognize in certain crucial features of Bismarck's role as Chancellor under Germany's Wilhelm I. On this specific point, Bismarck, speaking in a time, after silly Wilhelm II had dumped him in 1890, spoke the true words warning of the British empire's role in creating what was to become known as World War I: a new "Seven Years War."
Bismarck's reforms, launched under American influence during the late 1870s, like parallel reforms in Japan during that same period, were also an expression of the principle underlying Bismarck's use of the words: "Seven Years War" during the post-1890 years.[66]
Since the onset of the rise of the Netherlands as the Anglo-Dutch pawn in the wars against Louis XIV's France, and the Anglo-Dutch orchestration of what became known as the "Seven Years War," the policy of the imperial Anglo-Dutch cabal of today's pro-bestial World Wildlife Fund, which had been represented recently by Britain's Prince Philip and Netherlands ex-Nazi-SS man Prince Bernhard, has been twofold. First, always, to set the nations of continental Europe against one another's throats, and to act similarly in Near Asia, as in the Sykes-Picot treaty organization which runs the Middle East wars, including those in Afghanistan and within the region of Pakistan today. Second, to destroy the United States, preferably by the combined use of moral and financial corruption, with useless wars, such as those in Iraq under George H.W. Bush and his son George W. Bush, Jr., and in Afghanistan, then, as now, or Indo-China earlier, as instruments for destroying the U.S.A. itself, as we are experiencing such a treasonous design steering the present role of a British puppet-President of the U.S.A., Barack Obama.[67]
Bismarck knew that the world was dominated, principally, by a great existential struggle between the U.S. constitutional republic and the British Empire. Since the Seven Years War and the relative ruin of France through the London-orchestrated "freemasonic wars" of the Eighteenth and early Nineteenth centuries, all other nations of the world, including Russia, for example, are torn between the polarities of interest respecting the great strategic struggle between the U.S. constitutional system and the British Empire. That is the situation at the moment, when various national capitals in Asia are undergoing shifting pressures to lean toward, or against the U.S.A., and, thus, for, or against the British empire, in what every leading capital of today's world knows as taking either London's or Washington's side in the great new mortal holocaust which is in the process of breaking out soon among the forces of the planet as a whole.
Bismarck understood this nature of things strategically. He knew, for example, as President Charles de Gaulle later expressed that understanding in his pact with Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, and in a related policy of (continental) Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals, Bismarck had already understood that were Prussia/Germany not to seek a fraternal quality of peace with France, once the British puppet, the casus belli Napoleon III, were dumped, that the British would use the hatred of Germany stirred up, by a continuation of the warfare in France, to tend to bring a France driven foolish with rage such as that expressed by foolish Karl Marx's idol, the Paris Commune, into line with London in a coming two-front war against Germany.
Other German leaders were not quite that smart at the time, or, for the most part, later. Bismarck had also made a secret agreement with the Russian Czar, against the policy of his own Kaiser, silly Wilhelm II, to agree with the Czar, that Germany would not support the Habsburgs in a new Balkan war, one of the key reasons that the Prince of Wales demanded that his nephew Wilhelm II dump Chancellor Bismarck, a dumping of Bismarck which ensured what was to become "World War I," and, also, the echo known as "World War II," and also the "Cold War," and the U.S. War in Indo-China after that.
Who in Hell is so stupid today that he does not know that the British empire under the present family monarchy, has had a centuries-long, unique criminal responsibility for the processes leading into the two World Wars of the Twentieth Century, and most of the worst horrors, including things ranging from such as the original authorship of the mass-murder campaign adopted by Hitler during 1939-1945, through U.S. President Barack Obama's copy of the style of Nazi health-care operations of 1939-1945? Or, also, specifically, that the source of the Nazi-copied health-care policy of President Obama is an echo of the same Nazi-like policies of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, and Blair's shaping of the NICE-NHS operations, then, as in Britain and in the Obama administration now, and by the Hitler regime in Germany from September 1939 on?
The great statesman of the world avoids taking sides passionately in quarrels among lesser powers. He, or she saves his fire for dealing with the great imperial forces of the principal enemy, or, he or she acts on behalf of civilization in crafting the strategic approach adopted for dealing with any perceived threat from a particular local party. Sykes-Picot cockpits such as those which London manages, top-down, prompting of terrorism and permanent wars and permanent revolutions, such as those of British agent Helphand-Parvus earlier, including those throughout Southwest Asia, including Iran, are British-made versions of the likeness of Malaysian monkey-traps used to snare and kill human beings sickened with silly homicidal passions en masse. Britain's policy remains "New Seven Years Wars" for every climate and season, in every part of the world today: it was sometimes called the imperial practice of "divide and rule." The suckers, like the Obama Presidency's folly in Afghanistan today, are the suckers who still buy into the tradition of what had been a Malaysian farmer's simple monkey-trap, as a lure for people today, as in the case of that poor monkey, the Obama administration itself!
Let us say, that the next Nuremberg Trial should be convened in London, for the convenience of the suspects at trial, who might be residing a mere subway ride distant from the place where the relevant proceedings are to be held.
The Role of Drama in Scientific Creativity
"All the world's a stage." In the world of "Type 'B' " personalities, a world in which the human mind manages an intermediating relationship with the domain of mere sense-perception, that human mind tends to create a surrogate identity for himself, or herself, an identity which is an object-like personality which is employed to mediate the relationship between the self-conscious, creative powers of the [Type 'B'] individual mind, and the domain of sense-perception. It is this role of the surrogate, between the inner self-consciousness of the person and the sense-perceptual domain, which inspires the character of both the scientist and the self-critical, Classical artist. This is the [Type 'B'] relationship between the inner self and the surrogate. which appears to be the "external identity" of the actually creative mind, which underlies the notion of "all the world's a stage."
So, in the greatest Classical dramas, for example, the audience, contemplating the proceedings on stage, is experiencing that three-fold relationship of the Type "B" mind to the sense-perceived object, a relationship which we should associate both with Classical physical science and with great Classical artistic composition and its performance. In both domains, we view the actors on stage, or on the television screen, as merely the indispensable instruments of the mind of the playwright and director, objects which have a function, but no substance in themselves, otherwise; the actors on stage are required, because they are required to mediate the audience's attempts to grasp the reality of the idea of that social process which subsumes the role of the actors dynamically. A congruence must be achieved, to the intended effect, that when the closing curtain has rung down, and the players and director appear on stage, they come as if they were strangers from a world outside what had transpired behind that now lowered curtain. (If not, either the play, or the players, were a failure.)
So, as I have stressed repeatedly during this report, thus basing myself on past decades of experience, that true human creativity, including physical-scientific creativity, resides, originally, only in Classical artistic composition, and from thence, when, from time to time, the quality of creativity is, so to speak, at home, it enjoys visits with its well-meaning, but dull-witted, harem- eunuch-like neighbor, mathematical physical science, bringing the neighboring Mr. Mathematics not sugar, nor a neighborly sharing of cups of coffee or tea, but a bit of the actual creativity which mathematicians as such have never been able to supply from within their own native calculations. The case of the creatively imaginative Albert Einstein and his violin, points out the relevant distinctions, and related matters of connections.
Here, Einstein, as the seriously committed, if amateur Classical musician, finds his own reflection, in the domain of the creative imagination, in Einstein's own domain of scientific genius. All good science, including any competent practice of a science of physical economy, is situated in a Classical artistic sense of personal identity. With the performer's active sense of the dialogue between these two "phase spaces" as the actual substance of the performance, both the artist and the scientist produce those intended effects of performances which were to be readily recognized as such on any relevant occasion. So, on the contrary, the maliciously intended perversion of such post-1945, existentialist forms of moral and intellectual corruption as the propaganda piece known as The Authoritarian Personality and the European Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF), contributed their leading part to the destruction of the economy of both Europe and the Americas. The destruction of the moral sense, which is characteristic of the existentialist notion of what is sometimes named "thrownness," by destroying the moral character of the personality, destroys the creative factor on which the effective inspiration of science depends. Hence, in the latter, pathological case, we have witnessed such expressions of "existentialism" as the fascism of either the Nazi regime or its twin brother, the '68ers' so-called "New Left."
The musician, or scientist who is not self-conscious of this in his own role, tends, thus, to become a moral failure of performance, in either, and both instances. Each may attempt to simulate an honest performance, more or less cleverly, but, mere cleverness is neither artistic nor scientific inspiration.
Similarly, for related reasons, whenever the actor on stage locates the mission in his own person, rather than the "Type 'B' " personality crafted by the playwright, director, and the real-life personality of the sound actor off-stage, the hollow sound reveals itself to the soul of the audience, and, probably, to the soul of the actor himself, or herself, in one fashion or the other. Mere technique fails, when the performer has mislain his soul for that occasion when the personal "ego" charges out on stage, as in the case of Olivier's disgusting playing in Richard III.[68]
So, as I have emphasized within earlier chapters of this present report, the root of human creativity is resident within the powers of the "Type 'B' " development of the individual human mind, not the presently more popular, and more object-like image of self expressed by "Type 'A'." Take the case of music or drama as illustrations of the state of mind typical of the truly creative artist. My associates and I have often discussed this among us, on those occasions when we refer to matters of Classical modes in drama and music. However, never forget that such examples are also of crucial importance for science, especially so in the matter of that science of physical economy which is our principal subject-matter here.
I shall summarize two, rather obviously related examples of types from Classical music and drama, first, and then show the relevance of such illustrations for showing related characteristics of competent thinking about a science of physical economy.
The well-trained musical buffoon, or what had once been Classically trained musician turned apostate from Bach, as cases of such types are illustrated by those terribly offensive, sometimes disgusting, systemic faults of the late stage-actor Sir Lawrence Olivier, substitutes some fantasy about himself, or herself, for the part he, or she plays. The great actor, or poet, harks back to the Classical stage of ancient Greek times, with parts performed behind the mask. What lurks behind the mask, from case to case, within the confines of each drama, is a completely different personality, whose characteristic behavior differs accordingly from another person who takes a turn in speaking, on behalf of a different character, behind the very same mask.
All great Classical poets and singers have understood this matter more or less well, and good Classical playwrights and composers, too.
The truly dedicated and skilled actor, who, therefore, develops, and plays his part behind the mask, in his turn, knows virtually every hidden detail of the mind of the character he plays, even those aspects of the character's life which are not included in the script. In his, or her preparations to go on stage, since the ancient Iliad, Odyssey, and the dramas of Aeschylus, that actor never limits himself, or herself to consideration of the specific actions assigned to that part within the relevant play. That truly qualified actor would recognize the personality of the same character he is assigned to play, in an entirely different drama, as occurs with some Shakespeare dramas, because this actor has developed insight into the dynamics of the existential character of the character, a character, such as Sir John Falstaff, whose "voice" is recognizable from behind whatever mask he bears on stage.
The same is true for the competently composed and acted Classical musical drama, or any competently composed and performed work. The counterpoint marches, but the concept lies in the mind of the composer, performers, and audience, respectively, not in the abstract expression of the procession of notes as such.
The competent actor, for example, does not put himself, or herself into the part, but, like a competent psychoanalyst, plays the part under consideration as he were a marionettist, as something outside himself which he or she has treated, or even created, and which he, or she controls, by himself, but as outside himself.
This is just as the competent scientist, of the Type "B" category, judges the phenomena, including that which he, or she is generating, and is playing, as the marionettist does. It is the same with the competent scientist, who orchestrates the effects, the virtual shadows on the wall of sense-perception, which he, or she produces. He, or she accomplishes that effect by knowing the real subject, which is unseen, but whose shadow is cast in the form of either sensory or imaginary perceptions. The perceived figure on stage, is projected upon that perceived stage as the unseen person played by the actor who has thus created, and is controlling that image, that shadow of his imagination, which the audience imagines that it had perceived on stage.
It is the same in competent physical science enacted within the real domain of the conceptions of the Type "B" mind.
That much said of the Classical actor, now translate what I have just described about such Classical characters and of the way a character to be played by such as Mr. or Mrs. "Type 'B' " is situated within that great drama which is the proper, ironical practice of physical science and its part in the definition of physical economics as the chief part of physical science. Use an ironical aspect of Kepler's uniquely original discovery of the concept of universal gravitation, as the place at which to moor the relevant argument, as follows:
As I have already emphasized, earlier, here, there are actually two conceptions of the principle of universal gravitation represented by Kepler's discovery. The lesser discovery, which is actually a by-product of the greater, is the determination of a mathematical expression for the role of gravitation within the Solar system, an otherwise perfect such formulation, which lacked only a precise, experimentally determined value for one among the crucial, clearly defined parameters; this is the mathematical formulation which was plagiarized, and that flagrantly at that time, by those English courtly puppeteers steered by the Paris-based, Venetian Abbé Antonio Conti, the Conti who was that avowed devotee of the pathetically foolish, but nonetheless malicious René Descartes, a Conti who, in concert with the depraved Voltaire, deployed the essentially silly, black-magic devotee Isaac Newton to play the part of the plagiarist, as the proverbial "patsy" of the crime of plagiarism in the matter of what had been entirely Kepler's original discovery, and also that of Leibniz, a discovery, by Kepler, which is detailed to a fine point in what had been widely published in scientific circles in England as excerpts from Kepler's published works.[69]
That said, and placed to one side for reference as needed, the formulation for gravitation, as defined by Kepler, was widely copied into what has been adopted dogma of the otherwise most ungrateful plagiarists of the physical-science academia, who steal the ideas of great men and women, but rarely acknowledge the existence of the intellectual food they have taken as the nourishment of their sullied ambitions. That is, as it is; however, the more fundamental aspect of Kepler's work, is not only ignored, except by models of such actually great thinkers as Albert Einstein. The principal fact of the matter, is, as Einstein emphasized, that: 1.) That discovery proves that the universe is, within any apparent instant, ontologically finite; however, it also proves, as Einstein emphasized: 2.) That that same universe is unbounded, or, in other words, that the universe is governed by a principle of anti-entropy, and is therefore only relatively finite, only in respect to its known, or knowable state at any time.
This fact, has the most crucially imaginable significance for defining the underlying general principle of a modern physical science of economy.
Indeed, examination of all of the characteristic failures of globally extended, modern notions of economy developed in trans-Atlantic European society, reflects systemic errors respecting principle, principles whose violation underlies the history of persistently recurring failures of all modern, and also earlier, forms of economies. Such is the categorical nature of the subject-matter before us here and now.
Science is what we can prove an effect would be, an effect produced by means we can not perceive in themselves, but only conceive, as the unseen director of the play prompts the audience to see the drama as played on stage, rather a drama which is playing those actors as such—at least, until after the final curtain has rung down, when the mere players and unseen director appear before the curtain on stage. That expresses the principle of Type "B."
What must now be said of the practice of the science of physical economy, must be spoken to minds viewing the subject in such terms of conceptual reference.
It is so with the performance of the real economy, the physical economy. The productivity (e.g., the value) lies in the effect of the organization "of the notes," rather than the notes as such. Therein lies the correspondence of economy and mind.
That is why I have always succeeded in forecasting. I never "predict" as statisticians do. I warn of the timely effects of timely choices, or non-choices, among alternatives. When that true nature of my forecasts since 1956 is considered, my forecasts have never erred to date. When I have warned of a timely disaster, were a certain change not made, and that warning has been disregarded, there has been a timely disaster, as in Spring 1957, and, more notably, 1966-1971, and, most notably, 2007. In those times, and later, it is those who attempt to predict a statistical certainty contrary to my forecasts, who have always guessed wrong.[70]
From here on in this chapter, what I shall say would often be considered, ordinarily, too profound for the ears and eyes, but not the tears, of those whom we regard as our customary fellow-citizens, or, even among what would be supposed, ordinarily, to be most among leading relevant categories of professionals. However, ordinary conditions no longer exist; we have come into times, especially since July 2007, during which ordinary thinking has proven itself to be, now, nothing as much as a terrible failure, and customary ways of reacting to challenges have been, in effect, a source of disasters which now begin to be seen as fruits of absurdities beyond customary powers of belief.
Nonetheless, that much said, here, I must take a certain risk of being, sometimes, misunderstood by some readers, a risk rooted, so to speak, in the stubbornly persisting habits among both the audience for the play, and even many among the leading actors. "The usual way of thinking" during recent decades, has been a form of public risk akin to the practice of medicine by amateurs, which has usually occurred, even among the usually leading ranks of our government, but for what are, today, very rarely, actually politically or scientifically qualified professional ranks.
We have come into a time when we are all faced, immediately, with the urgency of what must be considered as my warning of needed action proposed for a concert among several leading nations. The fact is, that, now, there is no sane alternative, even in the very short term, except, often seemingly egregious courses of action which I have prescribed for the here and now. The hope of rescue of this planet's population demands that course of action by me, and nothing less.
Therefore, some among you might have preferred to ignore what I shall write in this chapter, but only at your own peril, and, also, that of your own and many other nations, besides. Neither the presently reigning world monetary-financial system, nor the way of thinking about economy typified by the product of the usual daily or weekly press, nor the intention of our own nation's institutions of government, no longer has any useful future place on any part of this planet, even during the immediate future, or, even a distant one.
Yet, once we have conceded the importance of the difficulties of which I have just written here, there is another, helpful, fact to be considered.
A great portion of the adult population of the U.S.A., at least more than half, already, has, just recently, broken free of formerly habituated "respect" for either the recent sessions of our Federal Congress, or the incumbent President and current composition of the U.S. Congress, alike. Under such conditions as these (the proper definition of a "mass strike"), it is as Percy Bysshe Shelley wrote in his A Defence of Poetry, and as Gottfried Leibniz defined "dynamics,"and as I now repeat in the passage I shall now repeat, immediately below, from a passage which I had quoted in an earlier chapter of this report here:
So, often in history, the time has come when the people of a nation can no longer stomach the habits of a reigning government, such as our own at this instant, a government which has lost all respect in the eyes of a majority of the people, as the majority among our citizenry now have made clear, in their showing their contempt, even disgust for the incumbent President and present leadership of the Congress alike. It is a majority which, also, despises the relics of whatever passes for our own current version of an ancien regime under the now retired President George W. Bush, Jr. and the present President Obama, a regime which presumes, like the King Louis XVI of France protected by the armies of an alien Austro-Hungarian emperor, in July 1789, that it controls the situation now, as it presumed then. Such has been, so far, the conduct of an Obama administration which presently relies upon its submission to control over the policies of our government by an utterly alien British empire, an empire which has been our American people's sworn enemy since the aftermath of Peace of Paris of February 1763. In such times as these, the costumes of reigning authority are transformed into the image of those despised political old rags seen in that government which our betrayed citizens now consider as their immediate enemy.
So, think back to Shelley, and to that principle which guides an aroused population which has chosen to cast off those who have betrayed it, as this was expressed in those past times by the combined power of the American people, and our allies, which were, similarly, aroused by the infamy of the forces governing the Britain of that time:
"... The person in whom this power resides, may often, as far as regards many portions of their nature, have little apparent correspondence with the spirit of good of which they are the ministers. But even whilst they deny and abjure, they are compelled to serve that power which is seated on the throne of their own soul."
The crucial features of the work of those who are now still the most important among relevant figures of physical science of their time, such as Bernhard Riemann, Albert Einstein, and Academician V.I. Vernadsky, are features which implicitly define a science of physical economy. These features locate the existence of mankind as being within the power of a universal Creator, while the rest of the matter is to be treated as that which belongs within the bounds of economy as, in order of descending authority: first, and foremost, the creative powers specific to the human individual, powers which, at their highest level of expression, are a power of mankind over the Biosphere, at the top, and the power of both man and, second, the Biosphere over the third, the Lithosphere, at the bottom.
The pivotal feature in what I have to write here, now, pertains to the urgently needed introduction of not only the updated definition of the principle of modern dynamics introduced during the 1690s, against the utter incompetence of René Descartes, by Gottfried Leibniz, but also the function of the concept of physical space-time, as opposed to clock-time, as a central feature of the needed elimination of the not only vulgar, but intrinsically incompetent notions of "time-line" as employed by those scientifically underprivileged who have dominated both accounting and governmental policy-shaping up to the present moment of history.
It is that which is the act of freeing even professionally informed opinion and practice, from what must be recognized as a scientifically absurd notion of the composition of mankind's universe, so defined, which is the essential functional distinction, at all times, past or future, of the existence of all mankind, which goes to the core of what I write here.
The root of a great, and, unfortunately, still widespread error of presumption respecting the nature of mankind's role in the universe, is the presumption that an imagined force of what is often misnamed "nature," rules our planet and its Solar system, an arrangement to which it is presumed, that people must submit, even their government. The fact is, that under the rule of the Creator of our ever-developing universe, man is the only known true authority for decision-making other than that Creator, Himself. We are therefore responsible, in that degree, as much for what we fail to do on that account, as for the effect of those actions which we were willing to take.
That is the only competent definition of the nature of a truly effective form of economy, a definition which signifies that it should be our intention to say, that it is that practice of "a relativistic science of physical economy" which is presently indispensable, if we are to rescue mankind from the deepest and most prolonged planetary dark age in actually known history of our planet to the present date.
Thus, to be more precise in this matter, it must be emphasized here, that there is nothing either exaggerated, intellectually skewed, or otherwise strained, in stating here and now, that the true principles of a science of physical economy are within the indicated domain of that notion of universal, physical relativity associated with legitimate admiration of the work of Albert Einstein.
As I have already pointed out, earlier in this presentation, the fact is, that the residual portion of past investment in the scientific-technological factor of increased potential relative population-density, as by investment in physical capital improvements, is acting on the relative increase of the productivity, per capita and per square kilometer, of the present economy. This fact illustrates that point which is to be considered, on this account, that in a manner related to the case of a future, accelerating trajectory in a Helium-3-fuel-powered flight from Earth-orbit to Mars-orbit, and return.
Such a physical-relativistic implication of such an hypothetical (but, in principle, feasible) future flight, must be stated in terms of the level of present actualities, as I do in the following review of the matter here.
The subject of a science of physical economy, which is the only sane notion of economy which can be decently considered under present conditions of the ongoing, global, economic breakdown crisis, is thus defined in terms of the role of the creative powers of discovery of physical, or comparably efficient principles, as considered in the context of the notion of dynamics introduced to the calculus by Gottfried Leibniz beginning 1690. Leibniz's discoveries since that time, have since been realized more fully, and that chiefly, by such means as the exemplary implications of the successive efforts of Riemann, Einstein, and Vernadsky.
There are several crucial implications for any competent future notion of economy, in this outlined point which I have just stated.
First, of course, the possibility of competent economic practice now depends, especially under the unique quality of crisis encompassing the world economy today, on understanding the evidence which proves that what I have just written, is true. Secondly, many, including some victims of what sometimes passes for scientific education, will disagree, some violently; thus, they are either showing their ignorance, or showing the corrupting influence of widespread, increasingly abundant, modern positivist streams of higher mis-education in such matters. That and comparable cases taken duly into account, the problem is that most people today think of action by mankind in the universe, as being like moving into residence in a rental, or mortgaged property, a choice which they may often come to view, later, as among the roster of those things which actually possess, and, thus, oppress them; meanwhile, usually, they have remained ignorant of the fact of the true nature of mankind's role, as a role distinct from that of the beasts, even though they remain, at the same time, nonetheless, members of the Noösphere, that as Vernadsky, and, implicitly, Albert Einstein, too, defines the Noösphere.
I emphasize, as I have indicated in earlier portions of this present report, that the typically chief source of the popular errors of present European culture's academic life, respecting physical and related science, is of the same type as that of the influence of Aristotle, who represented that fraudulent doctrine which Aeschylus's Prometheus Bound associates with the dictate of the Olympian Zeus of that Prometheus Bound, as this is shown in the fictional Zeus' prohibition of the knowledge and use of "fire" (e.g., nuclear power) by mankind. That view of Zeus, while fictional, is also an expression of the true root of the doctrine of the system of Aristotle, and, consequently, of the famous hoaxster Euclid's a-priori doctrine for a purely formal, rather than physical geometry.[71]
To restate the point in a way which brings forth the crucial scientific issue here, the popular view of the universe, still today, is, unfortunately, of a type which I have identified here, in this present report, repeatedly, as Type "A." Or, to illustrate the same point in a different way, such people are the victims of something like three thousand years of subjugation, as since the account of the Homeric siege of Troy, and by the tragedies of Aeschylus later, to varieties of European cultures which have behaved, apparently, both intellectually and emotionally, as victims of social systems dominated by the European form of mental and moral illness of that pro-Aristotelean defense of "filthy lucre" known as "monetarism."
As I have emphasized, in sundry fashions, in earlier sections of this present report, the world as a whole has come to that point of crisis, at which, most among the customary beliefs encountered among presumed leaders of the most powerful nations, are now shown as having been predicated on that popular presumption which tends to lead them to overlook, or deny, wishfully, the most essential fact that there is a presently onrushing, world breakdown-crisis nearing very close to its terminal state, at this moment of writing. So, the choice for each and all parts of humanity, has now become, either to abandon monetarist systems, for their replacement by credit-systems of the types implicit in the celebrated arguments of such as the U.S.A.'s Alexander Hamilton, or to embrace the consequence of failing to do so
, now, by resolving to enjoy the dizzying, presently accelerating roller-coaster ride to Hell, which the present global state of monetarist practices and beliefs of most leading governments, such as virtually all of Europe and the leading institutions of the U.S.A. would appear determined to render fatefully inevitable at the present time.
So, William Shakespeare has warned us, still today, against even the tyrants of our own time, as, for example, on a crucial point presented in his Julius Caesar, as through the voice of his character Cassius, speaking to Brutus, speaking of the tyrant Caesar:
" . . . he doth bestride the world
Like a Colossus: and we petty men
Walk under his huge legs, and peep about
To find ourselves dishonourable graves.
Men at some time are masters of their fates:
The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
But in ourselves, that we are underlings."
Shortly after that, Cassius asks Casca:
Cassius asks: "Did Cicero say anything?"
Casca: To what effect?"
Casca: Nay, and I tell you that, and I'll ne'er
look you I' the face again; but those that under
stood him smiled at one another, and shook
their heads; but, for mine own part, it
was Greek to me ..."
Be careful; always read Shakespeare according to the Type "B" rules implicit in the intention of both Classical drama, as I have emphasized the reality of the present world-wide crisis here, earlier. These are, for example:
Cassius to Brutus: That the historical process is dynamic, not what would be identified as "Cartesian," or "Liberal," or the typically Liberal misreading of the individual figure of Shakespeare's dramas, as by those academically schooled "traditions" of the Twentieth Century education, as still met today. Casca to Cassius: evasion of discussion of the existence of a higher viewpoint located in dynamics. The apparent loss of a memory of the experience of a Classical Greek civilization, defines the higher sort of tragic feature within which the drama of the play is situated, So, Casca's reaction to Cassius' question, is typified by the implications of the briefly recurring references to Cicero within the play. Shakespeare clearly intends to make that point by the brief, but nonetheless crucial treatments of the subject of Cicero in that play.For many, perhaps, the second of those two points will appear, mistakenly, to be a remote factor, if one at all. The crucial, sometimes fatal error in that sort of criticism of my argument, is that truly efficient ideas in history are never discrete events, but, as Shelley emphasizes in his A Defence of Poetry, expresses a direction in the dynamic ruling over the unfolding evolution of cultural development in a certain direction, as in the case of a true "mass strike" process such as that in the 1989 DDR. Without taking into account the powerful influence of what had been a profoundly superior Greek cultural basis over that developed of Latin, as the older Italian praised by Dante Alighieri is a better language for beautiful singing than Latin, there can be no competent insight into the actual state of Rome at the actual time of the real-life Caesar and the plotters. So, often, as in this case of the relationship of the Greek legacy to the Roman culture, it is the mightier which has fallen because of a fatal folly, while the inferior, like jackals and hyenas by night, seizes the fallen as prey.
A majority of our citizenry, here in the U.S.A., have just recently ceased to be underlings. Most among them will agree with me, as I develop the richer ironies of stating that point here: It is about time!
The points which I have emphasized, briefly, thus, here, could be readily overlooked for reason of the widely shared, mistaken presumption, that ideas occurring within the mind of the individual, are ontologically discrete in their nature, as their nature is presumed, mistakenly, to be limited to the character of the individual's products. That mistaken assumption has been reenforced in modern European practice, by that prevalent credulity, as by university students and graduates, which prompts so many among them to assume that the individual discovery is an hermetically discrete form of existence in respect to those ideas, which they presume, implicitly, to be ontologically discrete, both in form and other characteristics. In other words, the notion of the "infinitesimal" is wrongly presumed to be ontologically Cartesian in form, as the thoroughly foolishly de Moivre, D'Alembert, Euler, et al. presumed respecting a calculus which they assumed, foolishly, to be an outgrowth of the mere mathematical method of "infinite series," a method which is widely favored in academia and kindred places, still today, favored, most notably, by our contemporary dupes of the evil Paolo Sarpi, an opinion which has been often put in place of that Leibniz infinitesimal which is defined as the efficient adumbration of a subsuming dynamic principle.
In human behavior, ideas corresponding to a notion of principle, are rooted in a subsuming, continuing process of the history of the development of those ideas which correspond to the kinds of controlling principle rooted, as if hereditarily, in a history of the continuing development of those conceptions which are to be treated as expressions of physically efficient, non-Aristotelean (e.g., non-Euclidean) universal principles.
For example:
If we trace the origins of the dynamic quality of its functioning from the process of the history of the emergence of ancient Roman history since approximately the sixth century B.C., we must note the traces, through, in significant part, the earlier channels of the Hittites and the later Etruscans, since about the approximately 1800-1400 B.C. Hittite regime in what we know presently as the ancient Turkey centered east of the Halys River, and, also, in the intersection of that with the impact of ancient Greek culture, in pre-shaping the culture of what became Caesar's Rome. On this account, we must discriminate between the relatively more powerful force of evolutionary development of culturally heritable, implicitly universal conceptions, from those notions which are of lesser, relatively transitory influence on the culture in general.
Consider, for example, the powerfully subsuming influence of Mediterranean maritime culture since ancient Greece's defeat of the attempted control of the region of the eastern Mediterranean through the "Persian Wars," and also the still earlier impact of the siege of Troy on all of the cultures converging on Italy. Just so, does the culture of the anti-oligarchical, English-speaking U.S.A. differ, qualitatively, functionally, and systemically, from that English-speaking culture which, the latter, is still situated within the characteristically oligarchical tradition of cultures, expressed top, down, in Europe, even to the present day. We must take into account the difference between American patriots as against the typical subjects of the United Kingdom and its erstwhile colonial possessions, a difference which has often been fairly identified as two cultures separated, systemically, by the culturally differing social intentions embedded in the use of a common language.
For example, consider those same, comparable two instances, British versus American, of contrasting expressions of a common language: the mass-strike phenomenon which has erupted in the U.S. population since the August closing of the most recent session of the U.S. Congress, as comparable in similarities of character to the "mass strike" which brought down the DDR system.
The most notable feature of that development, is to be seen in the fact that the DDR dominated by the Soviet Union, resisted, as, for example, in Saxony, that artificially induced, morally degenerate, pro-existentialist ideology of the post-1945 Congress of Culture Freedom (CCF), a British-devised strategic policy of uprooting the Franklin Roosevelt legacy, an anti-Roosevelt scheme which had significantly corrupted the German population of western-occupied Germany, especially the pro-existentialist currents of German young-adults born after 1945, whereas, ironically, for just the reason of the Soviet encouragement of the fostering of a traditionally German Classical culture in East Germany, it did not so corrupt the East German population, as typified, most clearly, by the cases of the cities of Leipzig and Dresden in 1989-1990.
Thus, in that comparison, the 1989 mass-strike revolt against the DDR regime, had the distinctive character of the resonance of the repeated: "Wir sind das Volk!" a dynamical form of outcry which expresses the same species of mass-strike phenomenon which we should recognize now as the presently ongoing August eruption of a mass-strike of the majority of the adult U.S. population against the hated regime, with its frankly Hitler-like, mass-murderous health-care policy, which that present majority of the U.S. population has recognized in the succession of the already predatory George W. Bush, Jr. Presidency, and the presently, already worse Obama Presidency.
The expression which Shakespeare introduces in defining the character of the assassinated Julius Caesar's successors, through the role of the negotiations, on the isle of Capri, between that creature, called Octavian, which would name itself Caesar Augustus, and the representatives of the priesthood of the cult of Mithra assembled there, characterizes the exact manner in which the continuing, ulcerous conflict of the post-Second Punic War period, among near-Asia, Egypt, and Rome, was resolved in favor of a single, Mediterranean, monetarist form of empire of Rome which was, actually, dominated by the priestly influence of the cult of Delphi over Rome, through the time of the incumbency of the last potent high priest of the ancient and evil Cult of Delphi, the sophist Plutarch.
To make the point respecting Shakespeare's drama clearer at this point in my report, there is no natural culture among the animals, except as in the case of domesticated animals, notably dogs properly trained by "transference" of a family-like allegiance to human owners, after the initial weeks of their lives following the primary weaning period, or the different, but comparable case of the domestication of horses. Everything respecting human social behavior in societies, expresses the cultural evolution, as of what is most conveniently identified as a relevant set of converging language-cultures, reaching back to roots even hundreds of generations earlier.
So, Shakespeare's Cassius pointed to a dominant, dynamic, role of Julius Caesar which is typical of the Roman culture of that time. The alternative to the cultural impulses defining the assassination of Julius Caesar and the conduct which broke out almost immediately among the quarreling assassins, is located within what Shakespeare rightly emphasizes are the deep roots of the Etruscan-Greek antecedents of Roman ideology, since no later than the reforms of the Gracchi's settling native-Italian speakers among the veteran Roman legionnaires as farmers in Italy, as, later, the Italian-speaking veterans who founded, then, the presently Italian languages of the Iberian Peninsula, France, and Rumania in their respective dialects, as in what became known as what Dante Alighieri emphasized as being the originally Italian-speaking (rather than Latin) Iberian peninsula, France, and Rumania.[72]
The case of the Caesarian Roman empire established through Octavian's negotiations with the cult of Mithra, is what became specific to the ensuing empire; but, the sociology of such phenomena is the matter of more general relevance, especially in the specific type of culture of a maritime-based monetarist culture, rooted in the Mediterranean development around Greece, Egypt, and Italy, as extended further into the principal slavic languages and dialects, including what had once been Greek-speaking, eastern Europe.
It is a related fact, that throughout his work, Shakespeare emphasizes the principled notion of "self"-consciousness in his style of dialogue, as he composes the dialogues of this referenced location. That is to say, that the audience is induced to believe in the stage-induced illusion of that merely staged character's simulation of a thinking self, an imitation whose characteristics are to be adduced from expressions of behavior which may not be explicitly presented in the drama, or reflects a personality who, often, either does not actually appear as that character identified as on the stage, or is presented as having died earlier in the unfolding of the drama (as the matter of the ghost in Hamlet). Such is similar to the continuing role of Julius Caesar's influence on the history of the conspirators, once dead, since his assassination is referenced throughout the remainder of the Shakespeare play, but, as if he, or she were nothing more substantial than what appears on stage as, like the ghostly person thinking, if viewed according to the principle of "Type 'B'," as the ghostly presence of nothing other than the playwright's own expressed consciousness of such relationships. That is to speak of the consciousness of his own self as author and director of the dramas, by the playwright Shakespeare, as a Classical playwright's intention to define that object which is intended to be represented to the audience as what appears to the audience as the mental-emotional state of each of the designed characters in the play—as it is in the Passions of J.S. Bach, and the masses and musical dramas of Mozart and Beethoven.
Such lessons, as from Classical traditions of practice in drama and poetry, reflect and typify the higher-ranking context in which the historical determination of the course of such phenomena as economies, are subsumed, as Shelley indicated in his A Defence of Poetry, by the influence of the dynamic form of expression of the human will within society, and on the economy of society. The interdependent cases of the U.S. Declaration of Independence, Hamilton's principle of the national bank, and the highest authority in U.S. Constitutional law, the Preamble of that Constitution, are typical of the expression of such principle of Leibnizian dynamics in the determination of the course of the history of a nation and its culture over the longer term.
So, in a competent presentation of great Classical drama, pain as such never actually appears on stage, but only the audience's contemplation of the audience's own sense of the created stage-character's adumbrated own pain, or, better, what that character's role which he, or she implies as the senses as being experienced by another, as being implied from behind the mask. The witting member of the audience is struggling with this, as if to seek to embrace, or deny, those passions which are only implicitly, rather than actually expressed by the suggestion of the actions on stage. The superior mind of the playwright or director of the drama, but not the actor on stage, must, all at the same time, experience the echoed sense of the real pain, or other passion, of the character who exists only in that reality for which the drama on stage is but a cast shadow, but which the audience may experience, as a prescience within itself, by means of such things as the imagined experience attributed by the audience to its imagined character in the play on stage.[73]
Thus, only a degenerate sort of author or director of a drama ever puts the bloody passions and pains of the part played explicitly "on stage," as I saw a foolish Sir Lawrence Olivier do that, and, then, later, defend this doctrine of practice in a later autobiographical interview recorded for posterity. Rather, in the Classical drama, or great Classical poetry, such as that of Percy Bysshe Shelley's view in writing his A Defence of Poetry, it is intended that the audience, which must experience the sense of the passion, or the pain, in themselves, must do this only in the same manner as the author of the drama has intended the shadows of the drama to suggest. It is the plausible cause and the effect of the indicated passion, or pain, as experienced by the audience, which is the subject in the drama itself, not the passion or pain in itself. So, the Christian of the New Testament, for example, does not experience Jesus's own pain in the crucifixion, but, as in the properly insightful performance of Mozart's Ave Verum Corpus, the passion associated with the implications of the power of the sublime idea of a denoted pain which could never be attained in an ordinary way, by an ordinary human individual, otherwise. So, Shelley argues the case implicitly in the concluding paragraph of his A Defence of Poetry.
As a matter of contrasts, the existentialist experiences the futility of his, or her own existence, by the rejecting, that with impassioned devotion to the sensual experience of unreality, of both the existence of an actual Type "B" human mind, and a personality of a higher principle expressed by the existence of the living mind of a mortal human personality.
The Classical configuration, and its adversary, the cases which I have illustrated, and thus contrasted in these immediate pages, just now, is a reflection of the same, Type "B," state of mind on which a competent science of economy depends, absolutely.
Science, Dynamics & Drama
A grandfather says to the child, "I built this." Or, another grandfather reports, "This was built during my time." Or, nobler soul, another says: "In my time I did experience some of what we did then, but my part was not so important for me, now, when I look back, as the privilege I enjoyed in contributing something to the work led by some of the greatest leaders of our time."
Mankind is the only living expression of those who behave in the manner of immortal living beings. The durable values to be assigned to the efforts and experience of the living individual, are expressed in the continuity of some progress rooted in what was ongoing before a person had been born, which, with his, or her participation, was the premise for further progress in this matter after he had died. In other words, the true value, and reality of life's experience, lies not in the merely perceived, mortal form of the living creature, but the infinitesimal as an efficient principle of change which moves the embodied shadows of our souls, as the physical principle of the infinitesimal was so defined by Leibniz, contrary to Abbé Conti, de Moivre, Euler, et al.
Where, then, is the character Hamlet's sometimes alleged "fatal error," if, indeed, there was ever any historical error specific to him, individually, at all? Rather, Hamlet was self-doomed by his submission to the dynamics of nothing different than that reigning culture of that people at that time, by his refusal to violate the social characteristic (i.e., cultural dynamic) of that self-doomed culture, and not by anything which might be judged a moral error from the standpoint of that state of belief which permeated that entire culture, dynamically. What does Shelley suggest to such effect in the conclusion of his A Defence of Poetry? We are, thus, by such questions, thrown back to the principle of dynamics.
As in the cases of Shakespeare's dramas Macbeth, Lear, and Hamlet, our thoughts are driven back, by Shakespeare's clearly expressed intention, as if to point, in this fashion of the Classical dramatist, to the depraved moral state of England at that time in his own life's experience at the time of his writing, a state which had been brought about, in then more recent developments, by the process leading into the accession of the foolish son, James I, of a butchered Mary, Queen of Scots. Here, under James I, and under the influence of the utterly evil Paolo Sarpi, we are witnessing a dynamic in an English culture which had been shifted away from what it had seemed to be in times prior to the assassination of Christopher Marlowe, shifted in a way which carried the Mayflower to the Portuguese fishermen's settlement later called Provincetown, whence the Mayflower was guided to what became known as the Plymouth settlement of Massachusetts.
So, in the plays portraying a state of what appears, on the surface, to be hopeless cases of despair, such as Lear, Macbeth, and Hamlet, plays which Shakespeare composed under the shade of the evil times which fell upon England then, as upon him personally, he composed what are intrinsically ugly dramas set within what were typical hopeless cultures, but, nevertheless, doing this with a cleverly, deviously inserted assertion of an higher historical optimism, an optimism as expressed in the mind of the person who can see his present condition as in the mirror of the happier tradition of Henry VII's debt to the model achievement of France's Louis XI which had been the reflection, in the mirror of time, of Henry VII's triumph over the ancient evil of Richard III. As I have warned many times during recent decades, to understand the subversive powers of evil, is to strengthen not only a passion for the good, but to suggest a strategy by which that evil, once understood, could be defeated, all in the ongoing course of the struggle for good, against the usually prevalent force of evil; we must do this, for, often, in history, we have no moral option but to do so, as we must do now, as the image of Jesus' crucifixion, for the sake of future humanity, a crucifixion which was a crime done by the will of the long arm, reaching from the Isle of Capri to Golgotha, by the Satanic hand of an evil Tiberius' Rome.
In the later productions of Shakespeare, we meet dramas devoted to the subject of bad, even pervasively evil cultures, in the tradition for evil which had been assumed by England in the later part of Shakespeare's life. Those were, chiefly, dramas which echo the evil of those times under the tyranny of such among Shakespeare's enemies as Sarpi's Francis Bacon; but, by looking evil in the eye, so to speak, as in the tradition of evil represented by Macbeth, Lear, and Hamlet, a higher truth is expressed through the means of a seemingly hopeless situation, even as if slyly, in such a fashion that the circle around the great minister of the Leibniz legacy, Abraham Kästner, that circle of Gotthold Lessing and Moses Mendelssohn, would arouse the real Shakespeare as if from the grave, into which the tradition of Paolo Sarpi's captive London had intended to dump him, into a rebirth of dynamic quality aroused in Kästner's Germany, up and out of the rubbish-bin which was the dominant British culture of that time, through a role of Kästner et al., a turn which made possible what a Kästner, who had died in A.D. 1800, a Kästner then based at Göttingen, had intended, earlier, to become the victory of Benjamin Franklin's circle in the American revolution of 1776.
Goodness does not descend upon us from above. Goodness achieves its goal as a quality of merit, through the arm which dares to combat evil, and to seek to destroy the evil which infects men and women as like a loathesome disease. Evil might be fought as a thing to be destroyed, but to accomplish that, there must be goodness in one's self, as we remember that great President Abraham Lincoln who by defeating the British adversary, by choosing to defend the Union, made possible the freeing of those whom the British and their Spanish stooges had enslaved, slaves freed by no other means than Lincoln's defense of the Union, in the only possible way this victory over slavery here could have ever occurred. Frederick Douglass had understood that that issue must be fought, but Lincoln showed him the instrument of the higher means, the Federal Union, by which the victory could be actually won.
There had come a time, when Shakespeare was soon to be banned from further intrusions upon the English stage of his time, as by the circles of Bacon, in the time of the reign of Sarpi's pirate crew. Nonetheless, later, as during the early Eighteenth Century, when Shakespeare's work was performed in English only as a travesty of its true self, the work of the actual Shakespeare surged triumphantly in Germany in the time of Kästner, Gotthold Lessing, and Moses Mendelssohn, as this was reflected in the higher order of genius of Friedrich Schiller, as also in the rise of a great new nation which the German Renaissance which Lessing's, Mendelssohn's, and Friedrich Schiller's work reflected in our own North America.
So, all true prophets are often devoted to what often appears to be the hopeless cause of such an outcome of a present devotion to a happy future, but, for all that, as Robbie Burns would have said, this sows seeds of triumph in later times. In the end, from those darkest final years of his commitment as a playwright, and the consequent stilling of the motion of his pen, Shakespeare's immortal mission triumphed from out of the darkness, in the end, in the later time of Lessing and Schiller, and truth be known, Bernhard Riemann, too.
Such is the nature of human immortality, when we have the good sense to commit our life to dwelling in that realm beyond our often impoverished present conception of the passage of historical time, an accomplishment rooted in our intention to bring forth such a future outcome. That is, rooted, not by chance, in the fact that the essential article of Christian faith of martyred Peter and Paul, and of the John who survived those times, is a faith in the simultaneity of eternity, a faith, such as that of Paul's First Corinthians 13, expressed in relatively lesser, but necessary achievements, such as man's coming to live, and reign, in performing the work assigned to us by the Creator, our labor as His true emissaries, the mission which we must therefore conduct, from this day onward, among the galaxies.
Against that background, the work of Academician V.I. Vernadsky, more than any other scientific figure up through his lifetime, presents an argument, premised on crucial scientific evidence, which implicitly defines mankind as the ruler of the system we inhabit, rather than as adapting to merely material circumstances which exist independently of our will, rather than as the legacies of the evil Olympian Zeus and Aristotle would demand such self-degradation of us, still.
Properly human adaptation signifies the obligation to make those changes in the universe on which the continuation of our species' existence now depends, considerations which compel us to reign over the part of the universe which we presently inhabit, reigning through our creative powers to change that part of the existing potential of our universe to our species' advantage. When we summon that authority which has been given to us by our given nature as creative minds, we are inspired, and may be, thus, committed to do great things. This set of relations is typified in a general way by the fact that the continued existence of our species demands shifts in technology along a line of development traced, in succession, from the burning of wood, to the power of nuclear fission, thermonuclear fusion, and qualitatively higher energy-flux densities, beyond that. This line of development is not optional; it does increase man's power to exist, but, without it, we could not continue to exist either in a civilized form, or without suffering catastrophic shrinkages in potential relative population-density of our species as a whole.
We, humanity, have, now, reached the verge of the point at which commitment to the extra-terrestrial extension of the habitation of our species becomes mandatory. It is a challenge for which we could have become prepared, even two or three decades ago; but, the influence of the upper ranks of that presently, still reigning social caste born since the aftermath of World War II, was pushing society backwards, in the opposite, neo-malthusian direction, especially the (actually) fascist "left" only typified by the fascist "Weatherman" bandits around Columbia University's Mark Rudd, and kindred expressions of existentialist fascism in Europe. Specifically, much of the body of ideas needed to begin that extension, already existed as knowledge in some phase of actual development by about the time of the Moon-landing.
Also, at that same time, in the late 1960s, the space-program as fostered by the dramatic initiatives of President John F. Kennedy, was advancing by proverbial leaps and bounds within the aspect of the national U.S. economy focused upon the space-program itself, despite the otherwise reigning moral and physical decay of the U.S.A., during the time following President Kennedy's assassination, during the reign of the will to do evil expressed by the Warren Commission. In that limited sector of our economy, by about the time of the Moon-landing, we were generating a fairly estimated ten cents' worth of growth through science-driven progress, for each penny spent. It was the other parts of the economy, not the aerospace venture, which were the already looming threat of failure, since about 1966-1968. Since that time of the Moon-landings, there have been no more such U.S. manned landings on that Moon, during four decades, up to the present day. Meanwhile, back on Earth, the decadence of our planet's culture under the influence of the existentialist "68ers," has carried us all to the present moment of a world teetering at the brink of Hell
Nonetheless, similarly, in France, Germany, and Italy, as also in the Soviet Union and the "East bloc" sector, up to the early period of the U.S. Reagan administration, there were still advanced technologies, such as "scramjet" technologies and related designs of related aerodynamics, as I had indicated in my 1988 campaign telecast, The Woman on Mars. That ended with the evil pact against Germany created by Britain's Margaret Thatcher, France's President Mitterrand, and America's perennial, not so very bright, British stooge, President George H.W. Bush.
Otherwise, the U.S. economy failed, first under the effects of the Kennedy assassinations of the 1960s, the utterly fraudulent launching of the protracted U.S. war in Indo-China, in 1964, and in the rising tide of "environmental" contraction of the U.S. economy's net investment in basic economic infrastructure during the 1966-1971 interval. Thus, since March 1, 1968, the U.S.A. itself has undergone more than four decades of self-inflicted, net rot and ruin, all this chiefly the result of trends in policy-shaping guided by each and every Federal government which was installed from 1969, on, as extended to the presently accelerated moral and economic mass-insanity of the presently utterly truth-free Obama administration and its Hitler- and also Tony Blair-copied (NICE) death-care policies.
The U.S. economy is not merely collapsing, at ever-accelerated rates currently; contrary to all of the stream of ritual lies from President Obama's inner, British imperialism-oriented, behaviorist circles, our only hope for the continued existence of the United States, is to terminate both all of the recent economic and related policies of the George W. Bush, Jr. and present Obama administration's policies thus far, and to put the U.S. economy through reorganization-in-bankruptcy to the purpose of converting the economy, immediately, from a part of a presently self-doomed, global monetary system, to a U.S. constitutional form of fixed-exchange-rate credit-system, a system crafted in cooperation with both certain other leading nations and willing others.
This can only be achieved by any existing nation of this planet today, through an emergency agreement among the United States, Russia, China, India, and other willing-partner nations. With such a reform soon enacted, a general recovery of the planet as a whole can be mobilized, according to the precedents of such as Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin Roosevelt. Such actions would, if taken now, rescue the world from the present, immediate prospect of an immediate plunge into a global new dark age of all humanity. Any contrary inclination would turn out to have been a lurch into global genocide.
For such a recovery program, a commitment to the industrialization of our Moon and the ensuing colonization of Mars, are the indispensable choices for an already overdue general process of economic recovery for our planet as a whole, as President Franklin Roosevelt had intended, had he not been replaced by that ugly scoundrel Truman.
With that perspective in view, the principal parameters of the design for a general recovery can be defined, summarily, as follows.
The Spatial Outlines of Physical Economy
There are no fixed properties in our universe, despite some commonplace delusions among some of the so-called "property owners." Neither Earth, nor our Sun, enjoy the actual authority of permanent titles of ownership of property-titles within the present or future "real estate" within our universe. If humanity were to linger too long mired in greedy complacency on Earth, our Earth-bound human species might, one day, suddenly, be gone, an event which would be of no moral consequence for those children of Satan called "existentialists." That is not a "forecast;" it is a question for which the needed response must be discovered.
Therefore, if we actually desire to acquire a system which affords our species a secured future, we had better turn now, to define the principles of the practice of economy, by proceeding from conceptions which are a way of looking, backwards-in-time, from the future, to our present time for policy-shaping on Earth. We must now look, by looking from that standpoint in some nearby future decades, that future time when mankind has established an inhabited extension of its own future existence on the nearby planet Mars. Not that Mars were likely to be a good climate at the future time the Earth might go under; but, the colonization of Mars is an indispensable stepping-stone toward human life within our galaxy, and beyond.
Like the relevant aspect of the state of mind of Christopher Columbus of about A.D. 1480, some things about a future re-discovery of a continent on the other side of the Atlantic, were, looking back to then, already clear to us. What is clear includes the fact that making the discovery is necessary for mankind living both in and beyond Europe. Otherwise, as then, there is much to be discovered, and many plans, yet to be adjusted, explored.
That perspective for mankind today, is a concept which is no idle fantasy, but is the clear vision of the reality of a future time when men and women could traverse the distance between the orbits of Mars and Earth, within a journey, as if under an impulse of one-gravity acceleration/deceleration, of several days. At that, or any comparable speed, the later exploration of our galaxy is opened up for the future "Mayflower" colonists of mankind. Beyond that, there is much which remains to be, urgently, discovered.
In the meantime, we have entered a part of history, now, when what had been recently considered the limiting practice of policy-shaping for our economy, is doomed forever by its own, systemic quality of obsolescence. Such a tide of presently accumulated obsolescence of our U.S. economic policy, began with effects which began to unfold in the aftermath of the November 22, 1963 assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy. The significance of that assassination on history since that day, was first shown clearly, with the fraud employed to bring about that August 7, 1964, so-called "Gulf of Tonkin Resolution" which, in turn, began the U.S.'s self-ruinous engagement in the subsequent second, post-World War II, wasting war in Indo-China, and in the virtually coincident, subsequent, October 1964 installation of the first of the two evil British governments of Prime Minister Tony Blair's predecessor of similar bent, Harold Wilson. So, the United States began its long process of degeneration into its present economic condition, and, so, the shift of world power away from the United States, back to the securing of the renewed, dominant influence of the British monetary system's international political influence of the British Empire over the U.S.A., as this transpired under the U.S. Nixon Administration, and the recent installation of the successive, virtually British puppet-Presidencies of the U.S.A. under Presidents George W. Bush, Jr., and Barack Obama, so, to the present day these words are being written here.
Now, as this present report was being completed, at the approaching onset of a globally fateful Autumn 2009, we had already entered a unique state of world affairs which has a certain resemblance in the economics domain to the hyperinflationary breakdown of the economy of Weimar Germany through its Spring-Autumn 1923 hyperinflationary collapse. Now, we have entered a comparable, but global hyperinflation of entire world's monetary system, to the accompaniment of a financial collapse of that same world system.
[See Figures 4, above.]
The only way in which the present nations of the planet might be able choose to live on this planet, at this present time of an onrushing, global breakdown-crisis, depends upon the assumption that we, of the United States defined by its unique constitutional history, choose to change from our recent, richly perverted ways, by a sudden reform of the type which I have prescribed. Without that change, there is no presently calculable hope for avoiding a plunge of the entire planet into an early general breakdown-crisis of a type most recently experienced in Europe's Fourteenth-century "New Dark Age."
Therefore, we of the U.S.A. must now resume, full force, President John F. Kennedy's "hard" mission, as a starting-point for a genuine, durable, long-term recovery of the economy of the U.S.A., and, also, our planet.
The manner in which we might choose, successfully, to outlive a pending doom which has been brought to our planet's doors, a catastrophe brought upon all nations by, chiefly, the British imperial control of the world's essentially Keynesian monetary system, is one which, in many among its leading respects, will not appear to be much different from a prosperous version of life here, as we had assumed that case about the time of President Franklin Roosevelt's death. Money, and its use within the terms of the national sovereignties of the partners operating as national credit-systems, will persist for one or two generations or longer. That progress on Earth itself will be the context in which those traditional arrangements within which the essential changes will operate. What President John F. Kennedy proposed be the landing on the Moon, will be the keystone for launching the principal change which the sovereign nations of the planet will experience for about two generations, or more, yet to come. Nothing consistent with the idea of weird arrangements is to be expected for that future time-frame, by any sane adult living today.
In the meantime, presuming that we of the U.S., reverse the catastrophically ruinous, and even implicitly mass-murderous present policies of the current U.S. Obama administration, during those coming generations, as under my proposed reforms, we can still not merely survive, and even recover economically, but will have the means available to bring forth the seed-forms of crucial changes in man's relationship to the nearby regions of the Solar system itself. These implicitly wonderful changes in the present prospects for all mankind, will have immediately beneficial effects which will be modest, but nonetheless terribly important during the short term, but whose long-term consequences for all mankind will be felt only gradually by each successive generation, that over the course of several successive generations, as we, first, develop an industrial capability on Earth's "Fifth Continent," the Moon, a capability which will be the indispensable prerequisite for undertaking any actual colonization of Mars.
The one great technological change must be immediate. It will be, first, the delivery of material which is shipped to the vicinity of Mars, and to the surface of that planet, from, chiefly, our Moon. This will be material which is fabricated, more and more, in the, largely "automated," "industrial workshops" of that Moon, as such a prospect was presented by the great rocket-scientist Krafft Ehricke.
On the Moon, the muscles of mankind are to be used, essentially, for maintaining the good repair of human bodies in a very much less than perfect environment for our living species. The idea of "health care" will assume characteristic features beyond the imagination of most notions of practice currently. The most crucial change will be a reflection of the feasibility of the development of vehicles which will come to carry human crews and passengers at, preferably, one-gravity rates of acceleration/deceleration, between Earth-orbit and Mars-orbit, flights powered by the development of thermonuclear fusion which employs the Moon's stock of Solar-radiation-deposited Helium-3 isotope, for use in such undertakings as human travel to Mars during a lapsed-time interval of as little as several days, from the Moon orbit, to what will become, during the interim, the development of the orbiting and landing of man-made artefacts, that a revolution in both the lunar orbiting of Mars will emerge through the role of products of descent from Mars-orbit to that planet's surface, and beneath.
It is in the decades of preparation for actually human travel between Moon-orbit and Mars-Moon-orbit, that the next great leap of man into space will be prepared. That preparation will, indeed, have increasing impact in promoting the increasingly exciting pleasures of experiencing the development of mankind here, back on Earth itself.
Amid this, the most singularly exciting development to be contemplated here and now, will be the relativistic effects on the passengers, of the approach to one-gravity-rates of acceleration/deceleration between, to and from the Solar orbits of Earth and Mars, that during lapsed times of thermonuclear-fusion powered travels, each way, measured, probably, and possibly, in as short a span as in a few days. This transition from Mach-2 speeds of flight, as by the preferred, more economical, "scramjet" technology, to flight via the medium of relativistic physical space-time, must be the case, if we do not wish crew and passengers to arrive in something approaching the hapless condition approaching that of "blobs," rather than, at the time of reaching their destinations, articulate living bodies suited for piloting return trips,
From the exterior viewpoint of this development of such accelerated travel, by that observer still on Earth, the role of speeds of relativistic travel sustained through acceleration, might not be so readily comprehended by a disinterested observer from the side-lines of such events. It is clear that we must take up, very seriously, the issue of the problematic effects of lowered gravity experienced on the Moon, Mars, or in inertial forms of in-space-flight. It is from the standpoint of the insider of that accelerated travel-experience, pointing to the role of Helium-3 isotope as a considered fuel, that the significance of such constantly accelerated rates becomes clearer, even from reflection on this experienced today. Suddenly, when the implications of what I have just stated here, sink in, at least a little bit, what confronts us in such reflections, is the notion of man's practice of physical science from within the geometry of Albert Einstein's Riemannian notion of relativistic physical space-time.
In broad terms, the notion of feasibility of emerging future action of this sort, is already understandable within the frameworks of our political and scientific culture. The problem is, to make the point gently, that the side-effects are not presently worked out to any relevant, known person's satisfaction. I emphasize, once again, that what we do know, as Christopher Columbus, similarly, by A.D. 1480, knew already, from his studies of Nicholas of Cusa's proposal, was that there was a continent on the westerly side of the Atlantic, and knew the approximate distance, partly through his experience as a mariner in the Portuguese Atlantic service of that time, through the notes of Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa on the launching of such a project, and also the scientific advice given to Columbus by Cusa's surviving associates. The chief problem which Columbus faced, otherwise, was not the pains of the work of exploration, but the ruinous effects supplied, like a dagger thrust in the back of civilization as a whole, by the Grand Inquisitor Torquemada of imperial Habsburg Spain.
For such reasons, it was the combination of the colonization of Massachusetts, in a smaller, but crucial colonization of Plymouth, and the weightier venture of the Winthrops and Mathers, which has been so far the unique historical factor in steps toward the realization of the prospect of Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa. That role of Cusa has been of manifold, crucial importance in the achievement of what became our United States.
Manufactured products shipped, are not the principal problem of interplanetary travel. The principal problem to be solved is, essentially, the matter of the implications of the travel of human beings within a physical-relativistic medium of constantly powered flight. Implicitly, it is solvable; but, there is much work to be done to overcome the proverbial scientific and other "bugs" to be associated with the indispensably relativistic transport of human beings.
The combination of the psychological implications of relativistic interplanetary travel, on the one hand, and the economic implications of this, deserve some special attention, here, before returning to consider the new economic system to be established on Earth, as a process of development converging, more and more, on the effects of economically-relevant travel, in physical-relativistic modes, within the emerging shared economy of Earth and Mars.
An Economy With Relativistic Effects
At the arrival of that moment when the intended effects of relativistic flights between Earth and Mars-orbit, have sunk into the consciousness of people here on Earth, a great revolution in the existence of all mankind will have begun: admittedly, this will occur only if the leading nations of the world take the steps which I have prescribed for preventing an immediate, general physical, as much as monetary-financial breakdown, chain-reaction style, of the leading national economies of this planet. If we may presume the urgently needed, happier, revolutionary changes in the world's current financial-monetary policies, the fellow-positivist associate of David Hilbert, Hermann Minkowski, will appear to some as a hero, with certain qualifying considerations.[74] Otherwise, it will be those who stayed with Bernhard Riemann, Albert Einstein, and Academician Vernadsky, who will have been, actually, fully vindicated, as having provided the true foundations of a true modern science, at the time of such a development. It is this change in popular attitudes (e.g., dynamics), more than any actual beginning of the colonization of a nearby planet, beyond our Moon, which will be "the revolution" to which I have just referred, here.
In the meanwhile, with the world economic breakdown-crisis presently already at full tilt, the terrible performance reflected by the habits found among most of the world's present economists, accountants, and the like, has, in fact, already been put on the record by the fact of their contemptible, failed forecasts respecting any actually important development. Most among them have been consistently incompetent, on the record, since no later than the time of my own first, professional, economic forecast, of the early 1957 U.S. recession, a forecast which I had made during the late Summer of 1956. The fault of the typical opponents of my approach over the decades since, lies in the underlying assumptions which most of them, to the present day, had absorbed from a blend of what became the popular superstitions and kindred academic doctrine since that inauguration of President Harry Truman which had enabled London's lackeys in Wall Street to introduce the post-FDR misdirection of the U.S. economy.
For the purposes of this report, now, consider the most notable such cases of my longer-term forecasting, following my rather uniquely successful short-term forecast of an approximately February-March 1957 "deepest recession of the post-war years." The highlights of that experience have been the following:
Consider the following, most significant, case in point. During late 1958 through 1961, I had warned that, if the current long-term trend in U.S. Federal economic policies under the Keynesian policies of the Eisenhower Administration's viciously incompetent Professor Arthur Burns[75] were continued through the first half of the 1960s, there would be a series of crucial disturbances during the second half of the 1960s, leading toward a breakdown of the system which could be estimated as beginning between sometime near the end of that decade, and the beginning of the 1970s. By 1966-1971, every leading rival of mine among economists at that time, was relying on the assumption, voiced in virtual unison by them, that "the built-in stabilizers" would prevent such an event from occurring. My public challenge to leading universities' economists, was that they had all acted like "quackademics" in this matter at that time. My persistence in presenting this challenge, led to my debate with the leading Keynesian associated with the European "Congress for Cultural Freedom," Professor Abba Lerner, a close associate with the Professor Sidney Hook of the proudly evil Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF). The debate occurred at Queens College, on December 2, 1971.
The leading features of that debate are relevant for reporting here,
Professor Lerner lost the debate when he stated, that "if the German social-democrats had accepted the policies of" the Bank of England's agent "Hjalmar Schacht," who was also Hitler's backer and leading Nazi official of the 1930s, "Hitler would not have been necessary." As those words dropped from Abba Lerner's mouth, a dull, grey thud could be seen, from where I sat at the podium, spreading across the academic and other faces arrayed within the audience. Lerner, once cornered by me during that prolonged debate, had been smoked out, and had, thus, blurted out that confession of his own true nature, as a virtual child of that head of the Bank of England, and Hjalmar Schacht's controller, Montagu Norman, who had brought Hitler and Schacht to power in Nazi Germany. With those words dropped from Professor Lerner's lips, silence intervened, to conclude the day's proceedings, quietly, at that moment.
Decades later, in 1992, from the platform of my campaign for the Democratic Party's Presidential nomination at that time, I forecast an "economic-financial mudslide" as already ongoing. That was the "mudslide," which was already ongoing, at that time, which carried my avowed personal enemy, the then-U.S. President George H.W. Bush, out of the White House, in the 1992 election.
Four years later, in January 1996, I presented my now famous "Triple Curve," depicting the nature of that trend whose effects, as the sudden deep recession which erupted during Spring 2000, carried Presidential candidate Albert Gore to an essentially self-inflicted defeat that same year. Gore's petulant, childish behavior, contributed significantly to the international monetary-financial-economic crisis, already then ongoing, which was to become, later, the greatest, deflationary, 2007-2009, economic-financial collapse (and also, in scale, hyper-inflationary monetary surge) in modern history. That deflation of the financial economy came on under conditions of a skyrocketing monetary hyperinflation of the fictitious economy, exactly in the fashion against which my "Triple Curve" and its up-datings had forewarned, since the launching of my campaign for the Democratic Presidential nomination in January 1996.
Later in that process, in a July 25, 2007, international webcast, I warned, uniquely at that time, that the world was, at that moment, on the edge of something far worse than a "mere" economic depression: a general breakdown-crisis, a breakdown crisis which actually began three days later, and which has swept the entire world into a presently accelerating collapse of the world economy as a whole. The refusal by the U.S. Congress and Presidency, under both Presidents Bush and Obama, to acknowledge that reality, has carried the entire planet, so far, chain-reaction style, to the present, globally spreading general physical-economic breakdown.
Now, at the present moment this report is written, that process of an ongoing general breakdown-crisis, is now carrying the entire world economy near to the brink of a general, physical, chain-reaction form of physical breakdown-crisis of all of the nations of the planet, a fact which gives little to no presently visible hope for all humanity, under a continuation of the present policies of leading governments, during the immediate generations just ahead. Without a sweeping reform, effected through a shift out of the presently, hopelessly bankrupt world monetary system, to a U.S. Constitutional form of credit-system, the entire planet is now on the verge of a general, chain-reaction-like process of a general physical breakdown of every economy throughout the world, and plunge of the level of population, from the present level of about 6.7 billions persons, to a prospect of probably two billions, or less, over the one or two generations just ahead.[76]
There have been many contributing causes for the consistent incompetence of the recent forecasts of every government of the world presently, but the chief among those causes has been the general reliance on the sometimes mathematically complicated, but consistently wrong, and stupidly so, set of so-called statistical methods of monetarist forecasting employed. Every use of a statistical method of composition of a so-called "time-line," has been the principal source of that outpouring of an outrightly wasted previously existing wealth, this coming on as an expression of virtually suicidal stupidity among what appear, presently, to be most of the present governments of nearly every national economy of Europe (with special consideration for Italy as a quasi-exception), and most of the Americas, as also, of course, the traditional victims of modern British imperialism in Africa.
This prevalent incompetence of my putative professional rivals among economists and government officials, and the effect of their policy-shaping influences on nations from virtually every part of the world, has much to do with the fact that we have reached a phase of an actually 1968-2009 process of what is called "globalization,"[77] during which the effects of that virtual new "Tower of Babel" called "globalization," have, themselves, produced a global situation in which the immediate near-certainty of a looming Autumn 2009 general breakdown-crisis of the U.S. physical economy, would be virtually inevitable under any continuation, now, of the present policies of the present U.S. Obama Presidency. Such a U.S. failure of performance, would, also inevitably, set off a global chain-reaction collapse of intermeshed monetary-financial systems, which would bring down the economy of every national element of the world system into a physical breakdown-crisis in the manner of a global, chain-reaction effect. It would be a collapse for which no remedy, even a significant amelioration of the effect, would be possible within the axiomatic features of the present world monetary system, such as Joseph Stiglitz's reported proposal to turn the International Monetary Fund into what would be, in effect, the "bad bank" of the entire world, a suggestion, by him, which is symptomatic of all those foolish economists, even leading ones, who are seeking to introduce some reformed version of that Keynesian system which has, in fact, been the disease at the root of the presently onrushing, global, physical breakdown-crisis of the entire planet. This would be a crisis to hit with increasing brute force, as early as this now onrushing set of events to unfold during the presently oncoming Autumn and Winter seasons.
"Globalization" is better identified as the efforts, led by the post-1946 British empire, to destroy the sovereignty of every nation of the world, that by methods suggesting the erection of an imperial, global "Tower of Babel," which has been designed by such as the evil Tony Blair government of Britain, to destroy the sovereignty of every nation of the world. This is being carried out now through the practice of forcing each nation to give up its control over production of the great majority of what it consumes, to depend upon imports from other nations, through exports and imports conducted for the great middle-man, the reigning world government owned by a new world-government under a "globalization" monetarist version of the British Empire. The monetarist and financial "middle men" of the process of globalization, have been "eating the people" of what had been once sovereign nations, in this fashion. This makes every nation a captive of the international "middle man" of world government, the monetarist interests which control production, prices, and trade in this proposed "New Tower of Babel." The post-1968-1973 International Monetary Fund (IMF) has been turned into the vehicle through which this form of world dictatorship of the British empire has been brought to the presently disastrous state of world affairs in which economist Joseph Stiglitz is reported, as I have said just above, as proposing to turn the IMF into the imperial "bad bank" reigning over the entire planet.
For this onrushing world-wide breakdown-crisis, there is only one remedy:
Put the national financial-monetary systems of the nations of the world into a Glass-Steagall-modeled form of liquidation of the present world monetary systems, through emergency reorganization, to replace them, through reorganization-in-bankruptcy, by a global form of fixed-exchange-rate credit system, a system modeled on the role of Alexander Hamilton in creating what the U.S. Federal Constitution prescribes as a credit-system freed of the intrinsic evils of any form of the implicitly imperialist monetary systems. Since that would end the present imperialist tyranny of the financier class associated with the world's present monetary system, the financier bloodsuckers of the world do not wish to consider my proposed remedies, as a solution for the evils done by the special interests which are the worse-than-useless parasites such as themselves. We have witnessed the implicit criminality of such cases, such as under the former U.S. George W. Bush, Jr. administration, and that of his emotionally highly disturbed suck-sessor, and, for at least a moment, or so, British imperial asset, the President Barack Obama whose personal political reputation is now headed toward the sewer, or lower, unless some kindly persons join me in placing him under protective management inside, if needed, the well-padded interior of the Oval orifice.
The most urgently needed change from the present, Keynesian-like model of a monetary system, to a credit-system modeled on the relevant provisions of that U.S. Federal Constitution, rests upon that principle of the credit-system which has been the root and branch of the U.S. Federal Constitutional system, from the beginning. The intent of that Constitution has been, notably, betrayed by the implicitly treasonous establishment of the presently, virtually super-bankrupt, Federal Reserve system, that in favor of the British-directed, Keynesian form of the presently reigning, and utterly bankrupt, imperial world monetary system.[78] This launching of the Federal Reserve System was effected through two Presidents of the United States, two truly, treasonously inclined biological and ideological sons of the British-created Confederate States of America, Theodore Roosevelt and that Ku Klux Klan fanatic, Woodrow Wilson, who relaunched the Klan on a grander scale than ever before, from the Presidential wing of what had been renamed "the White House," by Theodore Roosevelt, that nephew and protégé of his treasonous uncle and British agent James Bulloch.
At the present time, it can be suggested, if a bit cautiously, that the Federal Reserve system is apparently bankrupt. The only need for such a cautious qualification by me, is the fact that the habit of the U.S. government has become to treat the Fed as it were a part of the constitutional system of government, which, in the final analysis, it is not; however, there has been a series of U.S. Presidencies which has treated the Fed as if it were a constitutional institution, in their practice. Otherwise, were any President and Congress to treat the Federal Reserve Act, now, for what it really was, and actually is, we shall absorb it as a well-defined bankrupt under the custody of the U.S. Presidency, with the constitutional precaution of placing it under the care and management-in-bankruptcy of a Third National Bank of the United States. That arrangement will defend a salvaging process, which will aid the U.S. Congress and Presidency in the much-needed process of carrying away the relevant financial trash.
Actually, those among us who know the economic history of our United States, know that we never actually needed the existence of Wall Street, which, in any case, is now foredoomed to crash sometime after September 1, 2009, perhaps after the next close of the U.S. fiscal year, in October, or after some desperate, intrinsically fraudulent stalling-tactic which makes everything that much worse, a bit later.[79] If we are intelligent, as well as patriotic, the funeral services for those dead Fed assets which have been taken in since September 2007, will be treated, summarily, as parting courtesies performed, by Glass-Steagall standards, at some Wall Street grave-site under the dusk of eventide, the interment of a departed and popularly despised thief, in as respectful a manner as a greatly injured nation could tolerate for such an occasion.
We have already reached, and, in fact, passed the point at which a return to the patriotic perspectives of President Franklin Roosevelt is needed. "Return to FDR's policies" must be qualified. Roosevelt died on April 12, 1945; we are now approaching the close of 2009. The world has changed in many ways since 1945, and I speak here as one who has lived as a presently very active, and unusually well-informed adult, through all of this span.
It has changed much for the worse in the U.S.A., especially with the ugly specter of a President Nixon crooning hypocritically over the outcome of the famous Moon landing of the astronauts then. This change from Roosevelt and Kennedy to Nixon had been brought about, forcibly, and radically, since earlier beginnings of that decline, with the sudden inauguration of President Truman. With the passage of successive generations, good principles, such as those of the original U.S. Federal Constitution, persist, as the true history of the Franklin Roosevelt administration attests, but the conditions for their implementation are often changed.
The Moon landing, over which President Nixon presided, was an accomplishment which had been set into motion by the decision of that murdered President John F. Kennedy, who had been Nixon's bitter 1960 rival for the Presidency. The thought of Nixon watching evidence of the Moon landing, evoked an eerie shudder, at that time, from a citizen who cared about our nation's future—me.
So, with the passage of time, even over a span as brief, when viewed on an historical scale, as nearly sixty-four years since the death of the man we recall as "FDR," and, now sixty-four years since the totally unnecessary nuclear bombing of civilian targets in an already, in fact, defeated Japan,[80] and the disastrous effects on the United States of that Kennedy assassination which cleared the way for the momentous hoax of the "Gulf of Tonkin" resolution, forty-five years ago, I have experienced the crucial changes within the course of world history since April 12, 1945, mostly for the worse, but sometimes for the better. Between the death of Franklin Roosevelt and now, the Moon landing was among "the better."
Now, with ten nations which have already have announced, so far, their commitment to the development of the Moon as a launching-point into space exploration, the history of the always changing world has come to a point, at which the future destination of humanity on Earth now depends upon the launching of a process of high-priority development which establishes that "industrial" development, on the Moon, which is indispensable for the development of a comparable process on the planet Mars.
There is, obviously, a difference between simply saying, we must go to Mars, and actually getting there. "Getting there," if we actually mean to accomplish what we have stated that we intend to do, involves the challenge of physically relativistic modes of transport between Moon-orbit and Mars—and return. With the world now on the verge of a general, vastly genocidal collapse into a global new dark age, the situation here on Earth today, our present political-economic system has reached a point of moral and physical-economic decay, in which humanity is in danger of losing that remaining opportunity of Mars development, even forever.
Therefore, the moment of victory for the future of humanity confronts us now, in our choices between what we do, and what we do not efficiently commit ourselves, as a planet, to accomplish. That choice will be made now, or, possibly, not at all, made now in the midst of that presently onrushing, greatest existential crisis for humanity which is presently known to us, in our reflections of all presently known experience of previous history. Consider the most crucial among the relevant points of that history.
Real History, From the Top, Down
A competent science of economy starts with the history of concepts of principle, first, and proceeds from that primary standpoint, to comparing conceptual history with the quantitative relations associated with those qualitative conceptions. In the field of the mathematics of economy, these institutions and relationships must be viewed in that categorical order.
Therefore, in a real conception of economy, the primary relations considered, are, as I have crafted this present report, qualitative, not quantitative. In the utterly incompetent, but, unfortunately, prevalent practice of economic policy-shaping of our republic, today, it is the quantitative measurements made in terms of measurement of the purely fictional, and dangerously misleading conceptions of categories of economic functions, which have predominated, and which, therefore, have been chiefly responsible for the mess which most leading nations of the world have made of the policy-shaping of the world economy today.
Essentially, the root of this problem is, that the reigning social classes among the existing cultures in what is actually known as history, rather than as mere chronicles of events, have treated the generality of a population essentially as a form of cattle, herded and culled, as under the proposed "death-care" policies of Adolf Hitler, Britain's Tony Blair, and the current, stubbornly held proposed policies of U.S. President Obama, policies, for the satisfaction of what British monetarist doctrine defines as its preferred reigning body of authority in society, world-wide.
Thus, the preferred categories heretofore used for the practice of economics, or otherwise, heretofore, have no desirable sort of direct bearing on the long-wave rates of increase of the potential relative population-density of a culture, or among human cultures. National cultures proceed like madmen banging their heads against the walls, in lurching from one half-baked system to yet another, in a ricocheting succession of what had been one usually lame-brained variation on expressions of an essentially global monetarist system, miraculously avoiding the simple fact that it is the idea of a monetarist system which has been the chief cause of the pin-ball-game likeness of many among the tragic aspects of known world history since the ancient Peloponnesian War.
The point which I have just made is no exaggeration. None of my putative rivals in putatively professional economic forecasting since the time of my relatively short-term forecast of the relatively deep 1957 U.S. recession, has even made a single, competent forecast of a generalized crisis in the economies of the Americas or Europe.
There have been some good proposals with the effect of being a certain kind of forecasts, as best typified by the patterns of policy-shaping associated with President Charles de Gaulle in France and Konrad Adenauer in Germany, or President Kennedy's forecast of a manned Moon .anding; but, the actual "pathogen" responsible for serious economic crises in Trans-Atlantic cultures, has never been expressed in any relevant forecast which might have been a known rival to my own, throughout the entire 1956-2009 interval to date. Put aside some interesting thoughts among some circles in Italy today, and all currently leading views of economy, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Carpathians, remain today a proven existential disaster for civilization at large.
Reforms in economic policies which have been made since the death of President Roosevelt, in the U.S.A. and Europe, most notably, have not been competent, but more in the semblance of changing an infant's diapers, which treats an unpleasant effect without changing the source of the recurring problem.
Think of yourself as having rights limited to those converging upon the upper and lower limits of those afforded to a cow, as by President Obama's Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel and related behaviorists, and you begin to recognize how the City of London, or Wall Street under the proposed health-care and general economic policy of Tony Blair or the Obama Presidency, in its manifest practice, actually regards you as their chosen target for a culling of the human herd, a policy-outlook which was supplied to Hitler Germany from the provinces of the British monarchy and the Montagu Norman of Hjalmar Schacht's time, an intention which categorically, if not in each detail, is a carbon-copy of the policy of "euthanasia" launched by Adolf Hitler in September-October 1939. That is to point out, and that most emphatically, to a policy of genocide which had been conceived, earlier, by the then, still, pro-Nazi British monarchy which had brought Hitler and his regime to power in Germany with the assistance of the grandfather of U.S. President George W. Bush, Jr. You have seen this same pattern reenacted, in the United States, for example, in the behavior of the Federal government and its associated leadership of the U.S. Congress, since the close of August 2007, as by those depraved figures cast in the likenesses of the Senator Chris Dodd and the Representative Barney Frank, who have brought down upon themselves the richly expressed pure, but still controlled hatred shown by representatives of the majority of the citizenry of the United States, during the month of August 2009, and, now, beyond.
The gentlemen and ladies which turn, repeatedly, to such varieties of periodic cullings of the human herd, are usually regarded, of course, as being highly respectable, if only among such as themselves and those lackeys sharing the propensity for kissing their esteemed masters' butts, whose habitual such notions of "respectability" obscure their vision of the future consequences of such behavior.
So, the majority of the citizens of our United States have awakened lately to express, loudly, their break from any willingness to consider the current President and his cronies in health-care and related policies, as being the kind of human beings with which they wish to be willingly associated. So, most present members of the U.S. Congress are viewed currently in a similar, and related way. Any member of the U.S. Congress who wishes to remain a member of that Congress, or be simply regarded as an honorable person, will now seek to prove that he or she has nothing in common with what have been, to present date, the present health-care and economic policies of the Obama administration, or with those members of the Congress who are in the following of such creatures as the notorious Speaker of the House, the most dispensable Representative Nancy Pelosi for whom no political face-lift now seems feasible.
Until these most unpleasant developments since August 2007, and the worse behavior of the Administration of President Barack Obama since his health-care and economic teams were installed, the traditional presumption of good faith among the majority of our citizenry was the assumption, that as Scotland's bard Robert Burns once put the point, "for all that," the Congress as a body had been seen as dedicated to a satisfactory outcome for the benefit of the general welfare of citizens as human beings distinct from animals, that assumed to be the case whatever blunders, and misbehavior the body of the Congress might condone, as from time to time. That changed, suddenly, as the U.S. Congress went into its August recess.
On The Method of the "Triple Curve"
The intent to introduce what has become widely known among leading economists as my "Triple Curve," was prompted by my participation in a 1995 Vatican conference on health-care policies. I sketched out the principles of this pedagogical device in a memorandum given to the relevant institution, at the conclusion of that event, but did not present it publicly, otherwise, as I have already noted above, until my presentation of it as the thematic feature of my formal announcement of the launching of my 1996 campaign for the Democratic Party's Presidential nomination.
I defined that pedagogical device in terms of three principal parameters: the monetary process; the financial process; and, the process of the physical economy measured per capita and per square kilometer. The emphasis of this pedagogical design was placed on the matter of relative directions of changes in relationships among these three subjects. As was emphasized by an updated version of this pedagogical illustration, presented in the August 1, 2009 LaRouchePAC (LPAC) webcast, where the relatively recent development in the economy is portrayed as the fact of a post-September 2007, qualitative, shift in the direction of these three elements, between a continued, and actually accelerating rate of skyrocketing of a hyperinflationary monetary expansion, relatively, first of all, to an accelerating collapse of the financial level, and, secondly, an accelerating collapse of the physical and related output of employment of and productive output of the labor-force. These three directions in economy, not only in the U.S. economy, but world-wide, suffice to define the existence of a presently ongoing general breakdown-crisis, one which is collapsing in every part of the world economy, if at somewhat differing local rates in each and all sections of the world economy. This has been in accelerating progress since July-September 2007, while nothing of any palpable effectiveness has been done, in the known case of any government, or supranational institution of the world, to stop it.
Obviously, not only has neither the U.S. government, nor any government of western and central Europe, nor the nations of Central and South America, taken even the meanest palpable steps, to do anything about this combined hyperinflationary-deflationary, breakdown-crisis, but each and all have refused even to admit that this greatest hyper-inflationary breakdown-crisis in all known world history even exists, a breakdown-crisis of which I am widely known to have circulated repeated, consistent, and widely circulated forecasts, in the form of systematic, empirically detailed, published warnings of the worsening of a global trend in this direction, over four decades; although my repeated warnings have been circulated more or less world-wide, among leading economists of the world, that since my celebrated defeat of Professor Abba Lerner in the featured, New York City debate of December 2, 1971.
In assessing this case, we are impelled, and rightly so, to compare this present, world-wide crisis, with the hyperinflationary crisis imposed willfully upon post-World War I Germany, by the British Empire and its culpable allies, at Versailles. Yet, in making this comparison, we also preface this treatment with emphasis on the fact, that this pattern of monetary hyperinflation and physical-economic collapse, has been shown, most clearly, to have become a clear count-down toward global doom, since the monstrous mis-conduct, jointly, by Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, French President François Mitterrand, and U.S. President George H.W. Bush, in the matter of Germany's reunification.
The 1923 breakdown-crisis in Germany, was, principally, an exceptional product of the British and French determination to destroy any further resistance to the British empire's reign over continental Europe. What the so-called Versailles powers brought upon 1923 Germany corresponds, in essential, lawfully systemic economic features of its dynamic "design," to what is being done by the effects of "post-Westphalian globalization" on the entirety of the planet now. With the imposition of the Euro on western and central Europe, and since the lunacy of the U.S. President George W. Bush, Jr., what has faced us, as presently, is not only the fully lawful process of a destruction of the nations of all of the world's mankind right now, but, now, a wildly insane refusal to admit the problem exists, in a time when the entire world's present monetary system is already disintegrating before the eyes of all nation's governments.
My relevant opponents, including those in highly placed positions of government, are now about as flagrantly wrong as any misguided government in known world history had ever become! So, in such a fashion, have great empires been wiped from the map in times past.
Fortunately, for the people of these nations, there are remedies for this onrushing threat of an already onrushing, total, world-wide collapse, even at this late time. The crucial issue, now, is posed by the simple question to the leading political forces among nations: "Do relevant leading nations of the world have the good sense, to adopt the reforms which I set before them, finally, now, at about two minutes before their common doom?" If, not, then anything resembling civilization, is about to depart this planet for a rather long time to come.
If the nations of Europe have shown no signs of willingness to recognize the actual present situation, perhaps on grounds of sovereign claims of impotence, the question may be otherwise stated for the case of the U.S. government: Is President Obama ready to accept the public proposal I have proffered to him for the rescue of his shattered administration, or, will his stubborn resistance to that reform, condemn the people of the nations of this planet, to a prolonged new dark age, during which it were likely that the present level of world population would collapse rapidly, through famine and epidemic, from a presently estimatable 6.7 billions, to two, or less?
At this time of a deepening and accelerating onset of a world-wide, chain-reaction-style, breakdown-crisis of the entire system, the lawful outbreak of a mass-strike by the majority of the U.S. electorate, against both the Obama Presidency and also the U.S. Congress, represents a mass-strike comparable to that which brought down the tough, stubborn regime of the DDR and also the Soviet Union, too. This is a breakdown-process, already at full tilt, which, if allowed to continue, without needed reversals of the current policies of most nations of the world, would strike all of the nations of the world, beginning with the global chain-reaction effects of a sudden, steep devaluation of that mass of U.S. dollar-denominated debt, on which the existence of every part of the world depends for its stability today.
Admittedly, I am not popular with many leading circles in the world, who are, perhaps, offended that I exhibit so little respect for their current policy-shaping. For reasons which should be obvious, I am rather proud of that curious achievement, since what they show themselves as believing is that terribly wrong opinion which is symptomatically, the sign of the doom of those clinging desperately to lost dreams of past glories that never really existed in any durable way. This world is our world as the creation of the U.S. Federal Constitution set forth the needed principles of government in the world, if, as has been said by one of our greatest leaders, Benjamin Franklin, if we of the United States itself, "can keep it."
What is required, respecting the view of these matters from the vantage-point of the "Triple Curve," is the recognition that, as I have stated, repeatedly, in this report thus far, the most crucial of the needed changes from the terribly failed present world policy, centers on the sweeping elimination of the existence of monetary systems from any large region of this planet. The good side of the present crisis, is the fact that the world's monetary system is hopelessly doomed during the onrushing future. The issue posed by that fact of the present global situation, is whether or not nations are prepared to adopt the essentially elementary changes required to launch a general recovery of both our United States and the world at large from the presently looming greatest cultural disaster in all of the known political and social history of mankind.
The only way in which the existing nations of the world can be prevented from falling, jointly, at this moment, into a prolonged, chain-reaction form of "new dark age" throughout the planet, is to uproot, hopefully forever, all traces of what is intrinsically an imperialist system, otherwise known as a monetary system, from among the leading nations of the world. Cancel all dubious monetary debts; use the Franklin Roosevelt precedent of the Glass-Steagall standard for reorganization of a financial system in bankruptcy, as the entire world is bankrupt presently, and establish a fixed-exchange-rate, anti-Keynesian system of the type which President Franklin Roosevelt had intended, had his death not brought the U.S. Presidency into the paws of a Winston Churchill admirer, and pro-Keynesian President Harry S Truman.
If any nation wishes to survive, words are not sufficient. They must act to prove that they are qualified to survive, by ridding this planet, now, of the intrinsically imperialist evil of intrinsically predatory monetary systems.
This brings us, considering what has been presented by me in this report up to this point, to the technical crux of the entire matter as it is presented to the world as a whole today.
Science: The Most Crucial Issue of Them All
To set the stage, so to speak, for the topic which will now command our attention, between now and the epilogue of the report as a whole:
As I have emphasized repeatedly in this report, by late July 2007, the world as a whole had already entered the state of a general bankruptcy of the economic systems of the planet as a whole. I had announced the imminence of this critical change in my July 25, 2007 international webcast.
It came three days later, when an already creaking financial dam broke. The world system as a whole had been spun into the beginning of a general bankruptcy which has been spreading, as a chain-reaction-style collapse throughout the planet, since that time.
True, the U.S. dollar had no longer controlled the policy of the world, since the British interest took over, increasingly, since the early 1970s. However, as the present case of China merely illustrates the point, it is still the U.S. dollar-denominated credit which supplies, either directly, or indirectly, the greatest single margin of the international financing of the leading edge of the world's economy as a whole, a margin on which all nations depend; so, the dollar still reigns in one way through its use, but only in the manner of that slave upon which his slothful (British imperial) master depends for doing whatever must be done. We are, thus, momentarily, ostensibly trapped in the process of going over from a long post-1968 down-slide of the once-mighty U.S. dollar, into its presently onrushing systemic collapse, which could happen at almost any time this Autumn, unless we act now, to prevent this, and which would set off an almost immediate, global chain-reaction of collapse, which would be sufficient as a detonator, to shut down, suddenly, virtually every other nation of what is already a terribly crisis-wracked world financial system as a whole.
As I have also emphasized repeatedly since a time as early as the beginning of September 2007, my initially projected proposal for emergency reform through reorganization in lawful bankruptcy, was expressed in the design for my proposed, immediate U.S. Federal action in the form of what I had named a Homeowners and Bank Protection Act of 2007 (HBPA). This proposed legislation, which quickly gained widespread electoral support throughout the U.S.A., was, unfortunately, prevented from being installed, by leading actions launched, initially, through two members of the U.S. Congress, Senator Chris Dodd (Conn.) and U.S. Representative Barney Frank (Mass.). In their part in the wrecking of the U.S. economy, that pair proceeded, with the backing for such ruinous policies by the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi (Calif.).
At the time I presented the notion of the Homeowners and Bank Protection Act (HBPA), in my webcast address of July 25, 2007, the return of the U.S. Federal government to application of the standard defined by the Glass-Steagall Act (under U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt), would have been sufficient to enable my proposal to prevent foreclosures of homeowners, thus averting the effects of a social crisis, and, also, to keep essential, regularly chartered U.S. banks functioning, even if some of them would require support in this role through a process of reorganization in bankruptcy.
That was still a hoped-for prospect at the time of the inauguration of a newly elected U.S. President, Barack Obama, in January 2009. However, that changed abruptly, at time of the newly sworn new President's visit with the British Queen in London. It was now clear, especially with the evil Tony Blair lurking in the background, that the Federal government of the U.S.A. was not really in American hands at that time.[81]
Thereafter, it was soon shown that the new President was not what he had generally pretended to be, or been perceived as being, as during the time between his election and inauguration. He showed himself to be, in effect, a British agent close to the evil, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair; and, it was also evident that President Obama had adopted a British health-care policy of Blair's "National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence" (NICE), one which incorporated all among the essentials of the infamous September-October 1939 Adolf Hitler program of killing "lives deemed not worthy to be lived." This evidence defined the urgent need for my April 11, 2009 international webcast, in which I presented a new outlook on our republic's current strategic situation.
Under the kind of economic policy which accompanied President Obama's promotion of a copy of the Adolf Hitler-copied, 1939 program for health care, combined with a tens of trillions of dollars "bail out" of those banks which should have been put, legally, through reorganization in bankruptcy according to a revived Glass-Steagall standard, there was no prospect for what would have been, otherwise, accomplished merely through the success of a relatively simple reorganization in bankruptcy of the type expressed by my Homeowners and Bank Protection Act of 2007. That reform would have worked, in itself; but, there was an additional development which must be addressed.
I presented the most crucial evidence of this new situation during an April 11, 2009 international webcast. In that webcast, I identified, point by point, the essential facts concerning the menacing combination of a President suffering the kind of "Narcissus complex" typified for historians by the case of the Roman Emperor Nero, exposing, then, the murderous intention of the set of those among those of the President's British-style "behaviorist" advisors who were committed to support a health-care policy copied from the 1939 Adolf Hitler-style program for health-care.
The political problem represented by the Hitler-copied program repeatedly proposed by President Obama featuring Obama's health-care program since that time, is juxtaposed with another major problem, the vast bail-out which the Democratic Party had backed, as its continuation of the great swindle of looting the U.S. nation for the benefit of banks, which had taken the banking system outside the President Franklin Roosevelt, Glass-Steagall standards for regular banking, a change from Glass-Steagall which allowed the mixing of the operations of major commercial banks which had been formerly operating by Glass-Steagall standards of credibility, with the highly corrupt, financial-derivatives-polluted trash uttered, most notably, by the Wall Street and London financial-speculators' community.
In light of that fact, the entire world financial community, especially North America and Europe, had to be considered as now hopelessly rotten to the core financially. With its skyrocketing, already hyper-inflationary mass of worthless speculative paper, there is no possibility, now, of preventing any part of a world financial system which has significant ties to the North American and European financial-monetary systems, from falling into a breakdown form of chain-reaction collapse throughout the planet. Almost at the very moment that the U.S.A. itself becomes officially a victim of not merely a general state of bankruptcy of the individual member-states of the U.S.A., there would be a general, chain-reaction mode of breakdown of the society of the entire planet, a breakdown brought about through a plunge of the planet, chain-reaction style, into a greater catastrophe, this time on a global scale, than the Fourteenth-century "new dark age," which wiped out approximately one third of the population of Europe.
The crucial point to be made, is shown most efficiently by the pedagogical model of an updated version of my Triple-Curve pedagogy. Since July-August 2007, while the physical output of the economy has continued to fall at an accelerated rate, an onrushing financial depression in financial output, as presently in progress, has been contrasted with the actuality of a soaring hyper-inflationary rate of monetary inflation, thus creating a simultaneous hyper-inflationary/deflationary stress in the ratio of monetary to financial aggregate, that at the same time that physical output of the economy is declining still now, at an accelerating rate. These are, precisely, the appropriate symptoms of an onrushing collapse of the entire economy of the planet, for as long as the present system of practice is continued. Only an immediate general reorganization in bankruptcy, could save civilization from this now impending, accelerating rate of global breakdown-crisis.
It is necessary to eliminate the monetary factor through bankruptcy-reorganization conducted by government, while pouring in long-term Federal credit for funding a recovery into urgently needed forms of basic economic infrastructure, especially physical infrastructure, and increased productive employment through Franklin Roosevelt-style pouring of that Federal credit into investment in essential forms of basic economic infrastructure and industries associated with the building and uses of that infrastructure.
A Global Challenge
There is a specific remedy now absolutely required for this type of breakdown-crisis. The key to that remedy is the reinstatement, by the U.S.A., of the Glass-Steagall standard; otherwise the outcome will be a form of chaos from which no recovery of the nation were to be presumed at this time.
By restoring that standard, for the case of the U.S.A., and through aid of coordinated agreements with Russia, China, and India, among other cooperating nations, it were feasible to perform the virtually instantaneous "miracle" of debriding all financial claims which do not meet the equivalent of Glass-Steagall standards, and, thus, virtually ending the existence of the presently hopelessly bankrupt monetary system, as that would be accomplished through a process of constitutionally defined, U.S. Constitutional reorganization of national accounts, as conducted in a process of bankruptcy-reorganization.
As soon as continental western and central Europe break from the British imperial "Euro" system, those nations, too, would be enabled to join that reorganization of the world system with the U.S.A., Russia, China, India, and others, in a change from a monetary system, to a world-wide network of respectively sovereign, national credit-systems constituted as a global, fixed-exchange-rate credit system based on the uniquely successful model of the prohibition against monetarism in the U.S. Federal Constitution. The result of that combination of developments would be a system, issuing new national credit-loans over a mean term of a half-century (and wiping the vast mass of "bad," monetarist debt from the books), for rapidly rebuilding the world economy through, chiefly, initially, major ventures in construction of urgently needed basic economic, public infrastructure among cooperating nations, freed from the evils of globalization, to return to the practice of being once more truly sovereign nation-state republics.
For those who know the U.S.A.'s and related history in such matters, as I do, there is no reasonable objection, on moral principle, to such a reform. The difficulties of comprehension, especially in Europe and among other nations trapped in the post-February 1763 legacy of British global imperial monetarism, are chiefly products of the ignorance which has been promoted even in the ranks of the presumably educated sections of the population, rather than a fault in the stated proposals themselves. It is those difficulties on which I have concentrated here, in the remainder of my principal remarks here, today. The key to the needed change from a hopelessly ruined monetary system, to the global array of a fixed-exchange rate set of credit systems, is, as I shall indicate here, a matter of science, not mere opinion, especially in light of the peculiar character of the global crisis which confronts the largely mis-educated world as a whole today.
This brings us to a crucial issue, which is not entirely a new issue in the history of civilized society, but is an extremely urgent, immediate issue, today. The remedy for this crisis, is to be underscored in the most relevant way, by considering the present opportunities for launching the kind of program of fundamental scientific progress, which would lead our planet, over the course of coming decades, through certain, urgently needed, great reforms in principles of the world's economy as a whole. These are reforms which represent the development of the already foreseeable capability of using the emerging capability for specifically relativistic movements in interplanetary travel, technologies whose implementation is coming into reach now.
I shall refer to that in an appropriate way in my conclusion to the present chapter of this report.
However, before getting to the heart of the matter of science in this business, it is essential that we, first, clear away several, unfortunately, deeply embedded, wrongful notions about monetary systems.
European Monetary Systems
The hitherto poorly understood root of the issue posed by the presently onrushing general economic-breakdown-crisis of the planet as whole, is the continuing effect on this planet generally, today, of the emergence of a millennial-long, actually imperialist system of monetarist hegemony within the maritime cultures and their offshoots of a "western" monetary system. These have been a long-ranging development which had emerged in the interval between the effects of the defeat of the long-standing, ancient West Asian empires' efforts to grab control of the eastern Mediterranean maritime region, and the subsequent conclusion of that transitional phase of world history which occurred with the successive victories and, then, death of Alexander the Great.[82]
Within the historical setting of those times, the Peloponnesian War had divided what we call today that ancient Greek civilization which had been united in victory over the Achaemenid imperial power. This internecine warfare among those Greeks, defined what became the division of maritime-centered power in the Mediterranean region, a division among the Eastern maritime regions, Egypt, and Rome, a division which continued until the defeat of Antony and Cleopatra by the alliance of Octavian and the priesthood of the Asiatic cult of Mithra. This division of the Mediterranean system was resolved, in a manner of speaking, by the negotiations between Julius Caesar's heir, Octavian (Caesar Augustus) with the priesthood of the cult of Mithra, through those negotiations conducted on the Isle of Capri which consolidated these three regions of Asia, Africa, and Italy, in a single Roman Empire.
From that point on, all principal forms of European cultures, despite the fact that empires and dynasties have changed in many secondary or tertiary ways, the colonial or semi-colonial subjects of what has become the form of the reigning imperial monetary system of today, have been under a continuing form of imperial rule known as a millennial-long-ranging succession of monetary systems, from that ancient time, to the present day.
The Mediterranean (later, European) form of monetary systems, had deep roots in Asia, as illustrated by the case of the monetarist activities operating out of the center of the cult of Delphi, which continued to exert a very significant role in European imperial systems, as over imperial Rome, through the lifetime of that notorious liar and high priest of Delphi, Plutarch. Indeed, it was from such circles, that the three regions of monetarist maritime interest, Athens, Corinth, and Syracuse, suffered notable ruin in being played against one another by traditionally Asia-related interests associated with Tyre, and beyond, through and beyond the time of the Peloponnesian War.
That development had been an experience with the same practice of divide-and-reign which was to be employed in modern times by the British East India Company interests in their orchestrating the "Seven Years War," and by the British, again, in ruining the U.S.A. through luring foolish Presidents and Congresses, into wars which wasted the U.S.A. to the advantage of the British empire, as in Indo-China of the late 1960s and early 1970s, or, more recently, Blair's lies which led into the trap in Iraq. Such was done by then British Prime Minister Tony Blair's role as a global liar and unspeakable scoundrel, in orchestrating the long, wasting U.S. Iraq war under the foolish President George W. Bush, Jr.
That same, seemingly eternally odious Mr. Blair has played a role in leading the foolish U.S. into the British Afghanistan trap, under the recklessly opportunist quasi-Nero, which has been our President Barack Obama. The British imperial practice has become the permanent ulcer of the wars run, not by those pathetic dupes known as Jews or Arabs, but by the British who control them both as mere puppets of a game like fox-and-hounds, top-down, in the Sykes-Picot regional cockpit called the Middle East. It is the British empire still today, which plays Jews and Arabs like puppets on strings, in killing one another, like puppets, for amusements presented on a British Foreign Office's bloody geo-theatrical stage. They play the game like gladiators trained and assigned to kill and be killed in the imperial Roman arena. The gladiators do this to defend themselves against the other victims of the British imperialists who orchestrate those games. If and when Jews and Arabs face that truth, the British reign over that region will cease, for lack of players foolish enough to continue to play that perpetual, gladiatorial game.
To make our crucial point about modern monetarism clear, a bit of background must be summarized.
The relevant point to be emphasized, for the purposes of the unifying subject of this present report, is that these developments are to be read, in retrospect, as the root of the subject immediately before us today, the origins of a form of imperialist culture rooted in that essentially monetarist type of maritime cultures, then centered in the Mediterranean, as opposed to the monetarist form of the imperialist cultures typical of inland Asia since the decadence of that colony of the Indian Ocean's specifically maritime (cuneiform) culture which had been planted as the "hydraulic culture" of cuneiform Sumer in southern Mesopotamia.
To understand the world in its entirety today, we must understand that all leading European culture, as extended as a maritime culture and its offshoots, has been a distinctly European culture since that late phase of the most recent entry into a post-glacial period, until the present day, an unfolding process which has had the essential internal characteristics of behavior and belief as a specifically monetarist form of culture. The most important development in the history of that culture, so defined, has been the development of the United States of America, as, predominantly, a European culture which was created to escape the crippling effects of the still deeply rooted oligarchical tradition in the nations of Europe themselves. Excepting for the corruption still pouring into North America from, chiefly, the British oligarchical tradition itself, we have succeeded very poorly, but, circumstances considered, remarkably well.
That fact, points to the crux of the character of the currently onrushing, present, global physical-economic breakdown-crisis of the present time. That crisis has been, chiefly, the fruit of the continuation of monetary systems rooted in mercantile forms of money-interests rooted, in turn, in a global monetarist system composed of private trade and usury accounts, an imperial system, still centered in London, as the opponent of credit-systems based on the physical wealth-creating powers of any actually sovereign nation.
British Imperialism's Wars
So, throughout the entire period since about the time of the Peloponnesian War of B.C. 431-404, first, Mediterranean, and, later, European cultures have been dominated by Mediterranean types of monetary imperialist systems. This includes the Roman Empire, Byzantium, the post-A.D. 1000 Venetian-centered system of feudal forms of monetary power, through the Fourteenth-century New Dark Age, and the rise of Venetian monetarist power which was the hand behind the Fall of Constantinople, and the same hand in the launching of the religious warfare in the Europe of the 1492-1648 interval. It was the same Venetian monetarist power, the proverbially Venetian blinding effects, which ran the conversion of the foolish and brutish Henry VIII of England into a piece of diseased rubbish, a creature from the effects of whose assigned role Europe generally has not fully recovered to the present day.
So, with the rise of the power of the Paolo Sarpi who controlled England's James I, and who crafted the preparations for the launching of the Thirty Years War of 1618-1648, the center of Venetian control of Europe through a combination of Sarpi's Liberalism and Venetian financier power, had been shifted to the Netherlands and England by the time of the installation of King George I. It was the orchestration of the "Seven Years War" of 1754-1763, a war orchestrated by the same British East India Company which led it from the latter time onward, that the British Empire was established. It was established, initially, as the empire of an Anglo-Dutch private company, under the direction of Lord Shelburne; and, it was that Shelburne who established the British Foreign Office as a tool of that Company in 1782 until the middle of the following century. The method of "Seven Years" wars has been the trade-style in the art of warfare of the British empire, from 1754 to the present day, including two World Wars, the U.S.-Soviet conflict, and virtually every other staged regional war, such as Iraq, Afghanistan, the Arab-Israeli blood-letting, or threatened major war on this planet, through the recent U.S. Iraq War, the internationally orchestrated effects of Israel-Arab conflicts, and the battle in Afghanistan now.
All empires in globally extended European history have always operated like that, through strategies based on a conception of explicitly monetarist interest, from the Peloponnesian War to the present day in Afghanistan. That was the conflict between Corinth and Athens at the center of the first general phase of the Peloponnesian War, and in the second phase, against Syracuse. This was the practice of Byzantium in its orchestration of wars against Charlemagne. This was the practice of the Venetians, who had superseded Byzantium at that time, in launching the Normans, who had been created by Byzantium, against Charlemagne and his successors, together with diversionary forces from Norway, in the Norman conquest of England, thus accomplishing the first step in establishing Venice, which had been a Mediterranean power, into the foundations of also becoming an Atlantic power through the process of splitting Henry VIII's England from formerly peaceful English relations with Spain and France, and thus continuing the religious warfare of 1492-1648 throughout Europe.
In all of the most significant military and related conflict situations orchestrated by that Empire, to the present moment in Afghanistan, such has been the situation from which we must now free mankind.
The Anti-U.S.A., European Concept of Empire
Some very foolish nations and ignorant people have not written off what they once misconceived to be an American Empire. The European concept of Empire, as distinct from some Asian varieties, has always been a monetarist conception. It has been, essentially, a system of monetarist interests, united under what is either known as an emperor, as in the Habsburg or British system, or as in the form of an emperor under another name. In such a system of law, the Emperor is the only agency which is authorized by what is infamously named international law, to make actual laws superseding any notion of reasonable principle. This is why virtually no nation of Europe has a principled constitution comparable to that of the U.S.A. This was the notion of imperial law which was the issue of theological strife between the Emperor Constantine and the Christians, a conflict over the matter of the concept of Christianity pitted against the inherently Roman-paganist imperial Pantheon.
Under such oligarchical law, the Emperor himself is the kind of anti-constitutional "unitary" authority (e.g., dictator) which was mimicked by Vice-President Dick Cheney in Cheney's use of his puppet, President George W. Bush, Jr., and also of Speaker of a certain kind of House, Nancy Pelosi, the same unitary principle which President Obama has continued as this is expressed in the matter of his own present adoption-in-fact of former Vice-President Cheney's unconstitutional, and plausibly criminal, even treasonous, Guantanamo heritage.
Mere kings, Presidents, or the like, by contrast, have administrative authority in law, but not the essentially pantheistic form of religious "unitary" authority of an emperor, as such imperial presumptions had been wrongfully codified as "international law" under European imperial traditions of law since no later than ancient Rome.
It is to be stressed, once more, that the business of Europe, usually, has been managing the military and economic power in such a way, that the imperial power, or a likeness of imperialism, has been expressed by such means as the notion of "unitary" authority, which has been unlawfully adopted under Presidents George W. Bush, Jr. and Obama, as in the Guantanamo case. As in those cases of dictatorial "unitary" tyranny (for tyranny it is, under historically traditional law), it is, as in the cases of George W. Bush, Jr.'s and Obama's governments to present date, the international monetarist interest which reigns over, and against both the general population and even the military power, as including such relatively recent European cases as Mussolini and Hitler, up to the present moment. This is not novel, since it is nothing other than a continuation of the European monetarist tradition of imperial law over the past 2,500 years, and longer, in Mediterranean tradition, as since Tyre and its offshoot Carthage during the Seventh Century B.C., and later.
So, as my experience tells me, the poor, misguided suckers who often lead the principal institutions of the U.S.A., work in the interest of the British Empire today, as when their foolish, or worse predecessors joined on the side of the British in World War I, or in the Indo-China War of 1964-1975, or two Iraq wars, or the present war in Afghanistan, or worrying about the Arab-Israeli and other strife on imperial Britain's Middle East Sykes-Picot stage.
Look at those pathetic official fools in Washington who, after the follies of Vietnam and Middle East wars, would attempt to teach us strategy lately! At the present moment, that entire issue is, in a manner of speaking, "McChrystal clear."
For example: U.S. Government leadership in taking constitutionally appropriate, truthful action, in the present, global monetary-financial breakdown-crisis, on its own initiative, would have forced all sane governments of the world to, first, have taken comparable emergency actions, and, in this way, brought forth the establishment of a relatively hegemonic credit-rather-than-monetarist system, an international, fixed-exchange-rate credit system. This would be a system consistent with the anti-monetarist principle at the foundation of the U.S. Federal Constitution, a system of credit based on the conceptions of the first U.S. Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton's intention to form what we would term today the anti-Keynesian intention of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, prior to his death on April 12, 1945.
The world now has no other sane choice available, but to adopt this reform which I have present, or, else, give up hope of civilization anywhere, during many decades still to come. It must be done, even to avoid the ultimate vanishing, forever, of some presently existing nations and cultures. Sometimes, the Creator presents mankind, as now, with choices which no power of mankind could willfully resist. I am not dictating these choices; I am merely reporting them, not, perhaps as a Biblical Isaiah, but simply as my being, on the current record of repeated competence in forecasting, the most competent economist currently available for such duties as this I propose here: a relative advantage which many among my political and academic rivals have already demonstrated, by exhibiting either their ignorance, or simple pig-headedness.
One way or another, before the smoke has cleared on what is now coming down upon all nations, we shall have either adopted the reforms I have prescribed, or, at the best, most among those nations shall, in all likelihood, have simply disappeared from the map, that result occurring during some presently early part of that great dark age they will have brought upon themselves, as they have done by their reluctance to make the urgently needed change which I have already proposed here.
All of the worst among the truly existential crises of human cultures have come upon an errant people and their leaders when, as it appears to some among us, that the Creator's patience with the stupid people over several generations, has gone beyond the limits of tolerance, as in a time when the most cataclysmic kind of judgment as before a supernal throne, has struck with punishment against the stubbornly errant likeness of such as most among the governments of Europe, and certain other places, today. Such a time of awesome judgment looms before all that mankind which appear to be gathered on trial, as the accused, before the throne of Heaven in the great global crisis ongoing just now. There are scant few leading circles in the world who are not, each, culpable before that throne, in one fashion or another, whether by intent, wanton negligence, or merely simple indifference to those issues which determine the fate of nations, or even all mankind.
The judgment of guilt to be put upon errant culture in such cases as the present world situation, is in no way the work to be assigned to the judgment of some customarily capricious court. The failure to follow those pathways of progress on which the implicitly embedded mission of mankind depends, as the U.S. Declaration of Independence and Preamble of our Federal Constitution define that high principle of law, is already, in and of itself, a crime against humanity in general, and therefore, implicitly, against the Creator, too, and will, therefore, likely, come to enjoy its rewards accordingly.
For example: there is no recourse in the form of right to democratic appeal in such matters as that, such as the peddling of the use of so-called "recreational substances," all on behalf of a devilishly degraded sophistry in use of the term "freedom," by the accomplices of the evil George Soros whom Hitler's regime had trained, drugs whose effect, in use by oneself, or by others, impairs the fulfilment of obligations to the continuity and progress of the condition of mankind. If you frustrate the defense of progress, such as scientific progress, in the condition of mankind, in any part of the world, you are committing a categorical form of crime against the purpose of the existence of mankind everywhere. Suicide, or similarly destructive behavior, by whim, or by cessation of "a life deemed unworthy to be lived," is also a crime against all mankind.
If you deny that reasoning, you are personally disgusting, and that ends the debate. Then, you are as guilty as any murderous sort of drunken driver, who appeals after the fact "But, I did not intend that that should have happened!—it was an accident!" The prudent judge's reply to such an appeal, might well be, "Are you suggesting that could not have happened, unless your existence had happened? On whom, therefore, should we pass judgment, here, today?" We must all be positively accountable; reckless negligence, or simply moral indifference in respect to matter of principle, might prove to be, after all, an essential form of crime.
What Leibniz identified, as stated in our U.S. Declaration of Independence, as "the pursuit of happiness" is the constitutional principle of all civilized nations, just as the Preamble of the U.S. Federal Constitution, is, contrary to all unreconstructed Confederates of the British cause, the truly governing, primary law set forth in our Federal Constitution.
Monetarism, for example, is a systemic form of crime against humanity. The fact that monetarism has prevailed for so long, does not justify it as being conventional, or traditional; rather, such evidence indicates that the criminality of the effects of monetarism is a propensity for evil which has remained a deeply inbred appetite for the legendary stuff of filthy lucre in the character of the habitué.
What, then, is the nature of the alternative to that ancient evil practiced as monetarism? Herein lies the essential point respecting what I have named "The Triple Curve."
Eradicating Monetarism
It should have been obvious to any persons not "brainwashed" into accepting monetarist practices as, perhaps, "traditional," that there is no causal, or comparable sort of functional relationship of the sort which the professionally competent laboratory associates with discovery of universal physical principles of science, between the notion of price and a functional definition of physical economic value.
Price in a monetary system, for example, as the British "behaviorists" such as a Locke, an Adam Smith, and a Jeremy Bentham presume, is associated either with what the buyer is willing to pay, or fears not to pay. The observed behavior of such wretches as those three and their likeness, tends, as the cases of Enron, or as the form of reckless, usually thieving "financial derivatives," illustrate, predominantly, to the propensity for evil: "I have a right to get money; if you are not smart enough, and crooked enough to beat me at that game, it is just your fault! So, I stole your family's pension from General Motors; what about it? You lost because you were too dumb to pay attention to the fact that I am an outright crook;" so, you backed the members of Congress who went along with that swindle because they had reacted to a matter of what they saw as their own personal or kindred advantage, saying, in effect, "It was all your fault for not also being a smart thief, with thoroughly honest kinds of frankly felonious characteristics. Be like some of the friends of George Soros or Felix Rohatyn, or, like me,who listens to a Soros or Rohatyn on how to take a good profit out of a bad bank."
A physical science consistent with the modern notions of the interactions of Lithosphere, Biosphere, and Noösphere, demands a completely different notion of economy: the true benefit of all mankind and its descendants. That is the exact same standard which must be re-established, if our United States is to survive that general physical-breakdown-crisis of our nation which is in full tilt right now.
Put most simply, the intention of the competent and honest physical-economic, as distinct from a monetary policy of a nation, is to effect the net increase of the productive powers of labor for the entire population of one's own nation, and also that of other parts of mankind. The simplest rule-of-thumb for explaining that standard of performance, is physical: a continuing, science-driven, increase of the productive powers of labor, one sufficient to overtake the depletion of the relatively richest concentration of natural resources, that at the same time that we are increasing the level of relative energy-flux density of the sources of power used for both production and the maintenance and improvement of the physical and cultural conditions of life of a growing population.
This brings us to the matter of a science of physical economy, the science which is the only available remedy for that presently wretched condition of our planet, a condition which has been produced by the prolonged hegemony of that monetarist principle over our planet which must be brought finally to an end within the span of the days and weeks immediately ahead today.
Two Crucial Issues of Reform
There is no hope, at this time, for an escape from a planet-wide new dark age of humanity on this planet, unless two successive general reforms are introduced.
The first, is to eradicate, suddenly, as by action in reorganization in bankruptcy of a belief in monetarism and its practices, the continued existence of monetarist systems on this planet.
The second is to develop an operating system of long-term economic values which correspond to the requirements of a new, scientific system of pricing, as needed to replace those irrational standards which have been characteristic of all known monetarist systems, such as the systems associated with the morally corrupt, and scientifically evil teachings of the British empiricists such as John Locke, and the associates of that British East India Company's Haileybury College which served as a center for the activities and teachings of Adam Smith, the British Foreign Office's Jeremy Bentham, and for the training of the duped Karl Marx whom the British Foreign Office of Bentham's protégé and successor Lord Palmerston had placed for training and other uses at the British Museum.
On the matter of the first of those two steps:
Reality runs contrary to the popular academic, and other merely anecdotal chronicles on the matter. Truth runs contrary to today's, unfortunately, rarely competent treatment of the subject of the explicit foundations for the explicit, American System of political-economy. Ours is a system which has been the only clear alternative to the monetarist practice of the British imperial system still today, a system whose foundations were lain in the Massachusetts Bay Colony's introduction of scrip as a credit system of the internal economy of the colony itself, during the pre-1688-89 interval. The case of the Saugus Iron Works attests to the effect of this. This was revived as a perspective by Benjamin Franklin's 1729 proposal for a paper currency,[83] and was developed in a working root-form as the American System of political-economy by Alexander Hamilton as the central feature of economic policy of the U.S. Federal Constitution.
On the matter of the second step, consider the matter of the distinction of the arbitrary relative values set by the controlling influence of financial capital over trade and banking:
No actually scientifically valid system of valuation has been supplied by the way in which notions of price and value, respectively, are defined in the history of modern commerce in the world, up to this present date. To the extent that useful pragmatic standards for valuation have existed, these have come into play chiefly through a prudent approach to approximations of relative price by some governments at certain periods of the relevant nation's life and relationships among principal trading partners. The tendency of some nations, and their partners, to employ so-called "protectionist" measures for domestic administration and treaty-oriented relations of trade, has provided a relevant form of approximation of better practice; but, otherwise, there has been no actually systemic kind of determination of what might be considered true relative values.
The challenge to be faced on the latter account, is to be recognized as a reflection of the combined effects of the rising capital-intensity of competitive forms of production of goods, and the skyrocketing ratio of the necessary part of public capital investment, as considered relative to so-called private investment. This is to be seen most conspicuously in the two-fold increase in the ratio of investment in basic economic infrastructure, per capita, for the national and world economies as wholes, relative to the relatively local investment in extraction, agriculture, and manufactures.
As the required "life-span" and "relative intensity" of the investment required, per capita, for the private sector increases, at the same time, the technological progress required even to provide a "steady state" of standard of living for the citizen, drives up the relative importance and relative expenditure required for inevitably public investment in science-driven technological progress in publicly supplied basic economic infrastructure. This is complicated by the inseparable matter of fact, that the quality of life and educational development of all of the individuals in society, must rise, if only to provide a quality of population required for such an urgently needed course of developments in society generally.
The problem this second set of considerations might be expected to imply to the ordinary citizen, is that the conditioning of popular opinion today, is oriented chiefly toward the assumption of a predominantly fixed standard of economic performance, in which the factor of progress may, or may not be considered desirable by much of public opinion, such that the doom built into technological and cultural backwardness, or even relative stagnation would doom society to something akin to the presently onrushing global breakdown-crisis of the entire planet which has been brought about by precisely the anti-technological, anti-production-oriented trends in the post-Franklin Roosevelt world at large today, especially the more depraved, anti-scientific-progress cultural trends associated with the rise to power of the "Baby Boomer" generation today, and with the warnings expressed against such trends by Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound.
This brings us to the most crucial scientific point of this report.
The Economic Meaning of Physical Time
To attack the root of the fallacies of those beliefs which have passed for education in economics, in most relevant places, so far: in the passage of what we call time, we are best served, by coupling the problematic features of customary, with an incompetent idea of physical, time. I address this by aid of reference to this issue as it is central to the failures of all customarily taught beliefs concerning economics, and with respect to the timeliness of the prospect of physically relativistic modes of continuously powered flight, as by the relevant use of Helium-3 isotope taken up from the Moon, between Earth's Moon and the orbit of Mars, a journey which passes as a prospect of lapsed-time of days. I define that unmanned mission as prelude to a later actual testing, at what experimental evidence shows to be an appropriately later time, after such unmanned flights, in a lapse of time in the order of something approximating a constant rate of acceleration-deceleration of one gravity, and, probably, then, later, the prospect of a similar lapsed time for a manned flight.
There are numerous problems to be solved in approaching such an essentially valid prospect either of that, or a similar type. Whatever those problems may prove to be, and they are being seriously considered without recklessness, the significance of this information for Earth-bound citizens today, is the fact that we see ourselves, or those to come after us, as being, in fact, at the verge of relativistic space-travel within the relatively nearby bounds of our Solar system. This signifies that we are at the verge of a fundamental, physically relativistic change in the quality of mankind's practical, physical relationship among the parts of this galaxy which are within our reach either now, or within little more, at best guess, assuming reasonable conditions, than a relatively few generations ahead.
There are two principal considerations, directly bearing on this matter of travel to nearby bodies within our space, which bear directly, and immediately, upon current thinking about economy on Earth today, which have the most immediate practical sort of importance for understanding those principles of a science of physical economy which are needed to guide the successful recovery of humanity from the presently onrushing economic catastrophe of our planet as a whole. Essentially, we have touched now, through the by-products of principally the German, U.S., and Soviet (e.g., Russian) developments in technologies of exploration of nearby space, which have led, most recently, to an aggregation of ten nations presently committed, so far, to continue, or to begin the exploration of the nearby parts of our Solar system from operational bases crafted on our Moon.
When U.S. President Kennedy announced that the U.S. was going to the Moon, "not because it is easy, but because it is hard," he touched, with that choice of simple language, on a very important, very complex, but also feasible mission for the future of mankind. The implications of affirming that point of view, again, now, are vast and profound in terms of the benefits which we risk to lose if we do not resume President Kennedy's initiative for the purpose of putting man's active influence on the development and destiny of the nearest likely choice of nearby planet, Mars. The immediate benefit on which it is most useful to focus in this location, is the implications of this space-oriented development for the transformation, away from the manner in which most putatively educated people think about the practical meaning of what most people still think is the meaning of the simple word, "time." This is, as President Kennedy said, "hard."
Now, here, I shall take up certain of those specific kinds of implications, especially on the concept of physical time, rather than clock time, insofar as they bear on the relatively nearby future of a mankind still largely confined to living on Earth, or, perhaps, more or less brief habitation for "industrial" or comparable purposes, among largely "automated" industries, largely controlled from Earth, on the Moon.[84]
That much said, in respect to that undertaking, I have two tasks immediately before me, here, respecting the bearing of these relevant matters to which I have made reference here. The first of these, is the relatively most obvious challenge from the standpoint of Earthbound economy, the technical issue of the proper, necessarily revised meaning of the concept of "physical time," rather than a naive notion of mere "clock time," in respect to defining competent economic investments on Earth here and now. The second, is the implications for design of the direction of the policy-making to be conducted, for the next generation or more, here on Earth itself, of the idea of the role of the concept of physical time, rather than simple clock time, respecting technologies which are largely, but not exclusively specific to the manned and related exploration of nearby space beyond our Earth's atmosphere and local gravitation and magnetic fields experienced.
I proceed, at this point, with a correction of the commonplace, but, speaking in terms of ontology, scientifically absurd, monetarist notion of a statistical "time-line" customarily employed for chronically failed attempts of most of our contemporary, putative economists in the matter of economic forecasting. I shall return to the space-science implications after this aspect has been presented.
A Lesson From the Used-Car Market
As I came to recognize, a little more than a half-century ago, the most elementary error of method in attempts at economic forecasting have been the scientifically fatal blunder of methods of attempted forecasting associated with applying data, which depend upon a more or less explicitly Cartesian statistical method of applying selected data to a so-called "time-line." My first serious test of my systematically principled criticism on this account, was my professional study of patterns associated with marketing of automobiles under the umbrella-conditions shaped by monetarist Arthur Burns' influence on the U.S. national-economic policies of the Eisenhower years. My first notable success in forecasting recessions and depressions came, chiefly, as a result of my studies of the marketing policies common to the principal automobile manufacturing enterprises, and the evidence I gathered so which was shown to coincide with similar patterns in the role of credit in marketing of categories of household and similar "capital goods" during the course of the pre-February 1957 "Eisenhower years."
This study involved such relevant, included considerations as what I regarded as a proven element in intended fraud in the crafting of the dealership agreements which leading automobile manufacturers had imposed upon the dealers. In short, in the instance of a new-car sale which involved a customer trade-in, the manufacturer's agreement required that the new-car sale be listed, in accounts, as a sale at the fixed "ticketed" price for that new car; whereas, the discounts which the new-car dealer had actually negotiated with the customer were added to the attributed value, on the dealer's books, for the used-car trade-in. "I will give you a discount on this new car," meant that the value of the used car taken in trade for the dealer's used-car lot, required the dealer, implicitly, to attempt to sell that used car at a present "inventory value" way above the existing market price for a comparable make, model, and condition of repair, on the general, used-car market.
As a by-product of the same marketing policies imposed on new-car dealerships, as the life of the loan repayments reached the thirty-sixth month (the limit for that part of the 1950s), by 1956, the new car dealer would write up the thirty-sixth monthly payment due as a "balloon note," an arrangement crafted on the presumption that by the time the thirty-sixth-payment came due, the retail customer would have assumed that the thirty-sixth, "balloon note" amount would vanish, in the melee of the next, twenty-four-month round of trade-ins. Thus, it was elementary for me, in the Summer of 1956, to foresee the consequence of that combination of new-car dealers' jammed up used-car lots and that parallel accumulation of "balloon notes" left as the residue of earlier years' new-car purchases on credit.
The fact that the same pattern to be seen in retail automobile marketing, also prevailed in other relevant categories, made it very clear to me, that about the time the first quarter of 1957 arrived, there would be the virtually biggest recession since the immediate beginning of the post-war market. It happened exactly that way. Obviously, statistical methods of "time-line" forecasting had nothing to do with much of anything, in this case. The cause lay entirely in the combination of the policies typified by Arthur Burns, and the induced mentalities of buyer and seller, all within the boundaries of existing patterns of consumer net buying-power.
The stubbornness of the prolongation of the effects of the deep 1957 recession, intersected another factor, the competitive stock-piling of professionals and division executives by expansion-oriented, Wall Street oriented corporations, in their anticipation of an upward-and-forever-onward expansion of the white-collar paradises growing and spreading in suburbia. As the 1957 recession continued, executives and others at pre-1957 salaries began to be dumped on the Manhattan and other streets, seeking salaries ranging to about one-quarter of the standard for them in 1956.
My study of those and related medium-term factors in the U.S. economy during the relevant 1954-1960 interval, and beyond, were as if the proverbial "tip of the iceberg," which did not yet touch the hard core of the longer-term capital problem features of the general problem in the U.S. economy at that time, or later.
Despite the relative boundaries of the problem as I viewed it in 1956-1957, the matter of the credit-practices typified by the behavior of the automobile industry, pointed to a more crucial problem, to a much deeper-going problem which had been set into motion through the role of the U.S. Truman Administration, in cutting back on the accumulated productive potential of the war-time defense industry, rather than, as Franklin Roosevelt had intended, the urgency of the conversion of what the Truman era treated as "war surplus" into a part of the margin for expansion of the internal agro-industrial economy of the post-war U.S.A., by aid of the leveraging of another portion of that capacity for eliminating British and related imperialism through what had been the imperial territories controlled by European colonial powers, the territories which the Truman policies consigned, in a large degree, to the European imperialist, chiefly Anglo-Dutch, powers.
To restate that matter in relevant terms for our purposes here, the productivity of the world's nations and their population, depends chiefly on science-driven technological progress and increasing capital-intensity, per capita and per square kilometer of territory. This requires a relevant high rate of conversion of unskilled and semi-skilled productivity of the labor-force, and of increased capital-intensity, and effective rises in the mean level of energy-flux-density available and applied. In effect, thus, Churchill and Truman employed the occasion of President Roosevelt's death, to turn back the clock of progress of mankind, to the effect of scientific technological regression of such a large part of the households, that the trend in economy was already being turned backward, from the technological level of productivity which had been establishing as the economic correlative of the physical-economic potential unleashed on behalf of the war-effort. Thus, after the death of the President John F. Kennedy, who had taken steps to reverse precisely that trend toward economic backwardness per-capita, as in his fight with the Wall Street steel interests and the launching of the project for reaching the Moon, the post-war U.S. economy had reached a zero level in the nation's basic economic infrastructure by about 1966, and the potential of that economy, and those of most of Europe and most of the Americas, has been in a general, long wave of contraction and collapse ever since, to the present day.
This means, in particular, that everything nice said about the U.S. economy, and Europe's too, since the death of President John F. Kennedy, is utter nonsense, and sham.
The role of long wars, especially those in Asia, has had a highly significant role in this dismal trend.
As we should recognize from the case of the World War II economy, and its post-war experience, especially when we see the effects of waste produced by prolonged wars in the world's developing sectors, long wars have been a chief instrument of the British empire, not only in accelerating the ruin of the economy and morals of the United States in particular, but in the use of warfare of that sort to create the delusion of economic progress in the nation at war, while the actual effect of the nominal incomes from war-making is actually both negative, economically, in and of itself, and in contrast to the NASA space-program launched in an accelerated way by President Kennedy's initiative. The British use the fomenting of such folly by the U.S.A. and others as a way of ruining the U.S.A. and others, exactly as the British East India Company triumphed through the Anglo-Dutch orchestration of the original "Seven Years War."
The way a swindle like the Vietnam War, or the recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is staged, is located in the inflationary features of that sort of "Third World" long-warfare.
The British financier oligarchy, which is the chief culprit in such swindles, does not care about the effects on its own nation's interests, as the NICE waves of euthanasia of British subjects by Tony Blair's health-care policies indicate. The typical members of the British population in general are, for them, merely dispensable economic cannon-fodder. The British Empire's interest has never lodged within the people of the United Kingdom, nor any of the colonies, but in that British Empire itself, which is a matter of global interest of a class of an imperial, a global monetarist class, not the actual welfare of any nation. The British empire is not a reflection of the national interest of the inhabitants of the United Kingdom, but, rather, of an imperial monetarist oligarchy, for whom heads of government are as disposable as sheets of toilet paper: once used, they are to be destroyed as waste-matter of the proceedings.
It really helps to make things clearer, if you will only try to understand the true name of the game in which you, too, are being played.
That said, it is time to consider, in this case, the meaning of physical time in real economy.
The Physics of Time
Now we come to a most crucial point in these proceedings so far: economy as embodied in physical space-time.
The usual incompetence of professionals in the field of economic forecasting, is to be traced essentially to the attacks on Gottfried Leibniz and his work by those followers of Abbé Antonio S. Conti and Voltaire to whom I have referred here earlier. Recall my emphasis on the shadowy character of the sense-perceptions of the true believer in sense-certainty, as opposed to the view of the shadowy meter-readings as seen by the Type "B" mind. In short, to remind the reader of this, the reality of the experience as regarded by the Type "B" mind, is located in what Leibniz had identified as the ontologically infinitesimal. That infinitesimal is the actual expression of the reality of the experience, whereas the meter-reading is actually the shadow of the ontologically real experience.
Ontologically, the infinitesimal is, as Leibniz emphasizes, the expression of the process of the "becoming" as bounded within a process which is essentially dynamic, as Leibniz and Bernhard Riemann define dynamic.
Now, apply that to the relationship between an action and the context, such as a capitalized form of physical potential, as being the type of space-time expression of the relationship between a capital investment and the application of that investment at a certain point in the lifetime of the finite value of that investment.
The relationship between the potential and its variable expressions over a lapse of time, when defined in those terms of reference, is resolved as the replacement of the function of time by relative space-time. This leads to such interesting considerations as the relativistic effects associated with acceleration and deceleration in space-time seen as an expression of potential; in our case in this discussion for economics, the generation, consumption, and effects of that potential. Here, I limit my emphasis to the domain of a science of physical economy, while conceding the broader implications to be taken into account by others, as Bernhard Riemann might have cautioned me, others whose special talents are located in a different quality of relevant other skills.
However, that description of the relationship which I have thus just given, is only an approximation, but an approximation which serves us here as a way of introducing a more general notion of an efficient physical principle's function in the domain of physical economy: the approximate ontological distinction of a process in physical space-time, as distinct from an action at a particular point in a linear "time-line." Thus, we depart the domain of mere things as if occurring at some point on linear time, for the reality of physical processes in physical space-time. The essential physical-economic correlation is an action within physical space-time, not linear clock-time. The expression so described is one of potential, physical-space-time potential. The potential, so defined, and appropriately measured, are the essential relations in the physical space-time of a real-life physical economy.
Clearly, the venture into accelerated trajectories in physical space-time confronts us, respecting future relations in which all we might have taken for granted within the confines of our home planet are called into question for re-examination when we consider accelerated transport between planets as defining a different quality of physical space-time than we have been inclined to consider until now.
Therefore, recall something from ancient European science.
Contrary to the popular delusions of modern European culture's commonplace academic opinion, the roots of the modern European physical science, are to be traced to locations such as what we find convenient to identify as that ancient Greek civilization typified for modern physical science by such as the Pythagorean Archytas' construction of the proof of the duplication of the cube, and by the work of Plato.
However, to summarize here what I have presented earlier in this present report, at the close of Plato's life, consider a figure who is to be remembered as both a one-time advisor to the doomed King Philip of Macedon, and the hate-filled foe of Philip's heir, Alexander the Great. That is the figure of Aristotle, who is persuasively argued, by some authorities, to have been the intellectual mother of the hoaxster known as Euclid. Competent modern science is therefore traced to such exemplary figures as the Filippo Brunelleschi who overturned Euclid's hoax, by discovering the use of the catenary as a physical principle of construction needed to accomplish the otherwise impossible task of constructing the cupola of Santa Maria del Fiore, and also the Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa who was the founder of that tradition of Luca Pacioli and Leonardo da Vinci expressed by the achievements of Johannes Kepler's uniquely original discovery of the principle of universal gravitation, and was also a forerunner of Fermat, Leibniz, and so on, through what the life of Bernhard Riemann, Albert Einstein, and Academician V.I. Vernadsky represented, among the founders of that system on which the validity in method of all competent modern physical science has depended since.
The fallacy of Aristotle whose implications I emphasize here, was that recognized by the contemporary of the Christian Apostles, Philo, (called "Judaeus" ) of Alexandria, who exposed the "God is dead" implications of Aristotle's proclamation of the kind of arbitrarily closed system associated with the name of Euclid in modern academic instruction. This attribution to Aristotle points attention to both the political and scientific implications of Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound, in which the satanic figure of the character of the Olympian Zeus, forbids man's knowledge of the use of "fire"—or nuclear power today.
These references call to our attention the significance of the belief in a-priori assertions of closed systems, such as those of Aristotle and the figure of the character of the Olympian Zeus, the same belief underlying the defense of both slavery and culturally stagnant systems of serfdom against human progress, the dogmas which characterize all systemically inhuman, oppressive forms of oligarchical systems of culture and government, such as the British monarchy's treatment of African peoples still today.
The unavoidable practical significance of what I have been stating here, on this point, thus far, is the following lesson in the ABCs of any competent notion of political economy.
Not only does the growth of population, and improvement of the conditions of life of the typical human individual of any, and every society and culture, depend upon what is typified by scientific and related cultural progress in the practice of education and of scientific improvement of knowledgeable skills of management of society's destiny. The attempt to permit scientific and technological stagnation, not only delimits, but compresses the possibility for human life to a relatively smaller, and chiefly oppressed population, in every case. Even the extinction of the human species, is in a certain way a probable outcome of such "zero growth" social-political models as those of today's so-called "environmentalists" in the train of Britain's Prince Philip and his batty ideas about the global mission of a World Wildlife Fund.
It is the effects of progress, such as those of scientific progress in productive practice, which are the principal distinction, in the field of demography, of the human species from that lower form of life known as the higher apes, and also the worms. In today's science, these are matters which fall best under that branch of Riemannian physical geometry which is associated with the legacy of Gottfried Leibniz's discovered concept of systemic dynamics, and of work of Academician V.I. Vernadsky.
As I have emphasized in an early portion of this present report, the system on which human life on this planet depends, demands attention to the interaction of what Vernadsky defined as the respective Lithosphere, Biosphere, and Noösphere. To remind the reader: The Biosphere draws down from the Lithosphere, while the Noösphere draws down from the Biosphere, but, the creative powers of the individual human mind have been able to increase the net productive powers of mankind in society. This occurs, despite the effect of the depletion of the richest concentrations of essential elements from both the Lithosphere and Biosphere, and even to increase the richness of the Biosphere in that process of apparent depletion, but to increase the potential population-density of our species. This occurs, while raising the standard of intellectual level of both physical productivity per capita, and cultural development of the human individual to a degree beyond all earlier precedents.
In other words, all notions of economy must proceed from understanding the implications of what I have just written here, as in the preceding paragraphs. To the extent that mankind occupies more portions of the Solar system, man directs the development within that system, and such as the Biosphere, and Lithosphere below the rank of mankind, and mankind is, for physical science, as the first Chapter of Genesis prescribes. It is contrary to man's assigned, given nature, to act in any contrary way.
These foregoing considerations are key for understanding the implications of the absolutely necessary discarding of the habitual practice of monetarism, as in globally extended European civilization now. How, now, shall we enter the new arrangement under which we must assure ourselves the progress of all mankind, but in a way which is freed in all essential respects from what has proven itself to be the cancerous-like effects of the toleration of monetarism?
Epilogue:Looking Back From Mars
To sum up what has been written here thus far, the quickest way to reach an understanding of "the new economics" which I have introduced here, is to think of looking back toward Earth from the kind of habitat on Mars, a few decades ahead. All definitions and designs for missions of mankind shall be thought of in such terms of defined mission-orientation of mankind as a whole from this time forward until we have attained success.
Respecting the specific matter of the future trips of living human beings to Mars, and their return alive and well, there are certain distinctions which must be frankly considered as being, first of all matters of challenges respecting notions of universal physical principle. These are several-fold, but include the effects of relativistic trajectories of travel between Earth-orbit (or, better said, the Moon) and Mars-orbit. We have certain inklings from some shockingly significant features of physical relations in time which have been suggested by adduced, seemingly extremely anomalous features of the Crab Nebula's behavior. The first relativistic flights of vehicles, from Earth-orbit to Mars-orbit must be unmanned tests, in both directions, of effects of the highly accelerated modes of Earth-Mars and Mars-Earth flights projected for use in human transport. Such is the work of pioneers, as by Christopher Columbus, for Moon-Mars manned flights today.
What I wish to stress in this epilogue, is that the indispensable quality of leadership in science, or in economy, must combine three broadly defined elements of action: Boldness in abandoning failed habits; boldness in testing the frontiers of the imagination; and, boldness in seeking alternative choices of boldness for replacing hypotheses which did not quite work as intended.
Let us, therefore, now proceed through a series of the type of approximations which the argument here so far suggests.
In summary, the way to understand the proper choice of the destiny of life on Earth today, is to think backwards in time, from a view today of going to and from a future human settlement on Mars. Develop the capacity to become properly inspired about man's future.
[1] The British empire must be uprooted and eliminated, without question. This shall be sought through the eradication of the form of empire which has dominated European civilization since the Peloponnesian War, monetarism. The United Kingdom, either as a whole, or any of the three nations separately, once freed of its role as the center of monetarism, is to be treated as sovereign, by their people, according to their choice, within their borders. In this matter of choice, the 1648 Peace of Westphalia applies as an expression of true natural law.
[2] Schiller's observation on the French revolution of 1789, that a great moment in history had found a little people.
[3] Adorno and Arendt had wished to join the Nazi Party in Germany, until an associate of their persuasion warned them, that they were Jewish and had no future within the Nazi Party which their co-thinker Martin Heidegger would join "successfully."
[4] One has a sudden image from today's not-so-merry-England, of nude bodies of representatives of that generation among the English, whose fat bellies virtually foil a couple's desperate attempts at copulation. This recalls the sight of a captive Maine lobster with plugged claws, plugs which prevent the desperate lobster held in the aquarium from crushing the clam with which he or she is obsessed at the moment.
[5] The Obama administration's health-care policy is identical with the "Tiergarten Vier" practice of the Nazis. Should we not say today, like Gilbert and Sullivan, as for the case of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, that "the punishment fits the crime"?
[6] The assassination of John F. Kennedy ended both Kennedy's domestic, anti-Wall Street policy, and Kennedy's attempted implementation of a policy of the U.S. not entering into "land wars in Asia," a change of policy which ruined the United States through that fraudulent "Gulf of Tonkin" resolution which brought us into the Indo-China war against former U.S. war-time ally Ho Chi Minh, and the other long wars in Asia which have ruined the U.S.A. (and other dupes) since then. For those who opposed Kennedy's pro-industrialist and anti-Asia Wars policies, the President's sudden death has proven most convenient for our British and other adversaries since that time.
[7] John Maynard Keynes, Allgemeine Theorie der Beschäftigung, des Zinses und des Geldes, Fritz Waeger, trans. (Leipzig: Verlag Duncker und Humblot: 1936). It must be recalled, that at that time, and even until the Wehrmacht's overrunning France, the British Royal establishment continued to be essentially pro-Hitler, even after the forced abdication of King Edward VIII. That continuation of this British royal affection for Hitler was premised on London's own wishful anticipation that Hitler would strike East, rather than West, and on the British assumption that Japan would carry out its assigned duty for both Britain and Hitler by an attack on the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor which had been planned as an option, by London and Tokyo since the naval parity negotiations of the 1920s, a plan for which the British and Japan had been agreed prospective partners since the early 1920s. On Adolf Hitler's side, his explicit endorsement of Keynes continued into the early 1940s, when the attack on Pearl Harbor had already occurred. It must also be noted, that virtually none of the governments of the continental European nations which were formed after the close of World War II, had any knowledgeable insight into the principled features of the American System of political-economy and of the difference between the Roosevelt Bretton Woods and the fraudulent version of the Churchill-Truman-dictated Bretton Woods system familiar to relevant government officials of the post-World War II economies.
[8] At the 1944 Bretton Woods Conference, President Franklin Roosevelt and his representatives had crushed the effort by Britain's imperialist ideologue John Maynard Keynes; as of April 13, 1945, immediately upon the death of President Franklin Roosevelt, President Harry Truman connived with Winston Churchill, to scrap President Roosevelt's Bretton Woods policy entirely, and to adopt Churchill's demand for defense of Britain's system of pre-war imperialism, and the corresponding imperialist monetarism of Keynes.
[9] I must emphasize, that the anti-imperialist opposition to the British empire, does not represent any threat to the general welfare of a post-imperialist United Kingdom, which could then perform a useful role among the sovereign states of Europe. The essential foe which we must crush, is the international, monetarist oligarchy of the monarchy's globally extended imperial monetarist system. The enemy of our U.S.A. is a globally extended monetarist oligarchical system, which includes the Manhattan circles currently associated with entities such as Goldman Sachs. I must also emphasize the error of confusing the necessary, continuing role of financial accounting systems, with the measures of value required for cost and income accounting. This is a distinction which I make clear at the relevant later point in this present report.
[10] Strange notions passed through the U.S. Supreme Court, which might be contrary to this principle, must be annulled by being returned to the categorical source of the error from which they originated. This applies to the exemplary role of the British East India Company puppet, Martin van Buren, whose puppet-in-turn, President Andrew Jackson, wrecked the Second National Bank of the United States to make way for the treasonous wrecking of the credit of our United States, by larcenous van Buren's panic of 1837, or the creation of a Federal Reserve system designed to ruin the U.S. dollar through such channels of usury as the Bank of England and Basel Bank for International Settlements. Should the Supreme Court, for example, prevent such action by the U.S. Government, as the bankruptcy of forty-seven U.S. states give us forewarning, that the government, and, therefore, also the Supreme Court which sought to block needed patriotic reforms would quickly cease to exist, entirely of their own accord.
[11] E.g., identity 'B" in the preceding report. Note that creativity does exist in both the Lithosphere and Biosphere, but only in the Noösphere is it voluntary.
[12] It is Aristotle and Nietzsche, who are, in fact, dead, and almost certainly, unlike the best among us, with no souls then to show for it. Some clerics may wish that the souls of very bad people are being tortured. I prefer to presume that they are no more than footprints, or waste-matter left behind.
[13] When I refer to the "68ers" in this manner of speaking and writing, I am to be understood as pointing to the intrinsically morally degenerate types associated with such circles as those of what became the "Weatherman" terrorists associated with Mark Rudd et al. I signify the controlling influence of that stratum within that generation which functioned as the vehicle under whose influence the rock-drug-sex, anti-science culture assumed a controlling degree of dynamic influence over most members of that generation, which the "Weatherman" typified as products of both the existentialism of Adorno and Arendt in the U.S.A. and Germany, and the degenerates known as associated with the Congress for Cultural Freedom in Europe.
[14] Some form of continued acceleration-deceleration is required for this Moon-orbit to moon-orbit voyage, or return. Separate systems are required for moon-planet and planet-moon "shuttling."
[15] All residues which have been deposited in a form which has been determined by living processes are to be counted as fossils within the category of the Biosphere, just as all residues specific to mankind's changes in the behavior of the Biosphere's past and present products are to be counted as part of the aggregate of the Noösphere.
[16] The avowed commitment by Leipzig's great mathematician Abraham Kästner's (A.D. 1719-1800) stated, life-long commitment to defense of the work of both the great Gottfried Leibniz and Johann Sebastian Bach, and his related roles in promoting the work of both his Gotthold Lessing and Moses Mendelssohn against the corruption spread by the Eighteenth-century Liberals, and in his role in promoting the cause of the United States, are of crucial relevance in these matters of the shaping of world history since that time.
[17] This point is implicit in Carl F. Gauss' poor opinion of the work of such misguided claimants to a discovery of non-Euclidean geometry as Lobatchevsky and Jonas Bolyai. There is no reasonable doubt that Gauss had, as he claimed, however elliptically, actually discovered a true anti-Euclidean geometry, and had progressed from the foundations of the work of his famous teacher Abraham Kästner in this matter. A fully competent, explicit anti-Euclidean geometry was introduced to the general knowledge of modern science in the opening paragraphs of Bernhard Riemann's 1854 habilitation dissertation.
[18] The fact that one employs a creative potential within oneself, to produce the moral effect of a bloody car-wreck, does not mean that the employment of a creative potential in that outcome was an expression of beauty.
[19] This is not to imply that Lobatchevsky's work was not brilliant and competent in its own way; as Gauss noted, the flawed discovery of Jonas Bolyai was professionally skilled, too. The point is, that as Gauss emphasized in his criticisms of such works as those, neither of those authors grasped Gauss's own concept of an actually anti-Euclidean geometry, the same concept later presented explicitly by Bernhard Riemann in his 1854 habilitation dissertation. A Riemannian geometry is a physical geometry of a class of those geometries attuned to "living within" a physical space-time extended by continuing acceleration: not a merely formal geometry (e.g., reality as the plot of a trajectory from Earth, in Earth orbit, to Mars, in a Mars orbit, using a pathway defined according to a constant rate of acceleration-deceleration based on normal human requirements, that under the condition that the persons are within the vehicle, and are experiencing that trajectory, rather than experiencing it as if from the apparent world of "the outside observer"). Then, redefine the notion of the relevant tensor, as a physical concept, rather than merely mathematical, from a related, restricted notion of a physical, rather than a merely mathematical conception. The crucial consideration is, that a Riemannian geometry rejects that notion of so-called "completeness," as that subject was famously promoted by the positivist David Hilbert, an echo of the notion of "completeness" of Aristotle and his follower Euclid, as this notion had been attacked by Philo of Alexandria. The catenary-tractrix principle of Filippo Brunelleschi's and Nicholas of Cusa's follower Leonardo da Vinci, to be defined as the catenary was employed by Brunelleschi for the construction of the cupola of {Santa Maria del Fiore}, a notion of the catenary which was based, for example, on the funicular principle of a physical curvature, rather than a formal geometry, is an example of this. Nicholas of Cusa's De Docta Ignorantia is an illustration of this notion of open-ended, physical-geometrical physical principles, as distinct from merely formal (e.g., "completable," intrinsically entropic) geometries. So, Johannes Kepler's uniquely original discovery of a universal principle of gravitation, did not represent a mere product of his mathematical formulation for the effect of gravitation, and was not, therefore, merely something which might be fairly copied by plagiarists such as the patrons of an absurd Isaac Newton. These anti-Euclidean, physical geometries, such as Kepler's uniquely original discovery, earlier, as described in his New Astronomy, identified a principle which expressed the process of generation of the Earth's "elliptical" orbit ("equal areas, equal times"), based on the principle of Cusa's De Docta Ignorantia, rather than an orbit generated from the merely formal-mathematical construction of a formal ellipse. Notably, Cusa had already denounced the systemic fallacy of Archimedes' notion of the representation of the generation of a circle by quadrature. My emphasis in this footnote, is that the method of Brunelleschi and Cusa is also that of Leibniz, Gauss, Riemann, Max Planck, Albert Einstein, and Academician V.I. Vernadsky, as opposed to that of the formalists: formalists including that same, celebrated David Hilbert who recognized both Norbert Wiener and John von Neumann as fakers polluted by their Bertrand Russell pedigree. The same, widely accepted error of formal completeness was defended by my friend Pobisk Kuznetsov, who thus, on that occasion, defended the fallacy of closed systems otherwise underlying the fallacious dogma of thermodynamics of Clausius, Grassmann, Kelvin, et al. The deep-rooted, systemic difference in methods, so expressed, is to be traced to the functional difference between the qualitatively inferior, but more customary, quasi-Euclidean, pro-Aristotelean mental world-outlook typical of the "Type A" cases I treat here, as "Type A" is to be contrasted to the higher quality of mental life expressed by that "Type B" personality which is essential for living within a relativistic, "Type B" reality.
[20] This was the issue of the brutish attack on Leibniz by the Eighteenth-century empiricists, such as Jean le Rond D'Alembert, A. de Moivre, Leonhard Euler, and J.L. Lagrange, and the continuation of that attack by Laplace and Augustin Cauchy. The attack was organized chiefly, beginning about 1714-1718, through a hoax organized by the Paris-resident Venetian (Padua) nobleman Abbe Antonio S. Conti in concert with Voltaire. Conti was an impassioned advocate of the discredited doctrine of René Descartes. Conti was intimately associated with Voltaire.
[21] but unbounded (e.g., anti-entropic).
[22] Contrary to a largely fraudulent, and systemically incompetent opinion of rabid amateurs such as the the British empire's stooge and former U.S. Vice-President Al Gore, the world has currently entered a cooling phase, comparable to that which occurred during the late Eighteenth and early Nineteenth centuries. The purpose of the promoting of the World Wildlife Fund-sponsored, outright lie of "global warming" by vampire- bat lovers such as Prince Philip, is the British empire's intent to prevent any economic recovery which might echo the awesome threat to a world-wide British empire called "globalization," which President Franklin Roosevelt's great economic recovery had represented during his term in office. The spoor of the calendars developed by those indicated ancient mariners to whom I make implicit reference here is the evidence on which I am relying.
[23] E.g., Adam Smith, The Theory of the Moral Sentiments, Chapter III ff.: "Of universal benevolence:" "... The administration of the great system of the universe, however, the care of all rational and sensible beings, is the business of God and not of man. To man is allotted a much humbler department, but one much more suitable to the weakness of his powers, and to the narrowness of his comprehension; the care of his own happiness, and that of his family, his friends, his country: that he is occupied in contemplating the more sublime, can never be an excuse for his neglecting the more humble department: that he must not expose himself to the charge which Avidius Cassius is said to have brought, perhaps unjustly, against Marcus Antonius; that while he employed himself in philosophical speculations, and contemplated the prosperity of the universe, he neglected the Roman Empire. ... But though we are entrusted with a very strong desire of those ends, it has been entrusted to the slow and uncertain determinations of our reason to find out the proper means of bringing them about. Nature has directed us to the greater part of these by original and immediate instincts. Hunger, thirst, the passion which unites the two sexes, the love of pleasure, and the dread of pain, prompt us to apply those means for their own sakes, and without any consideration of their tendency to those beneficent ends which the great Director of nature intended to produce by them." According to certain disputable passages from Genesis, so spake the Serpent to Eve, in the Garden of Eden, as "serpents" in the form of such as Peter Orszag and Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel have spoken to President Barack Obama, or, their likeness had inspired Adolf Hitler before them. Such is the root-doctrine of that intended copy of the old Roman Empire which informed the composition of that empire of Lord Shelburne which Adam Smith, Jeremy Bentham, and Edward Gibbon served with that same Pythian devotion. Such is the inherent bestiality of philosophical behaviorism.
[24] It must be emphasized that Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments was published in 1759, almost four years prior to Smith's personal commission by Lord Shelburne to spy against the Americans and French. Smith was selected by Shelburne for the quality of universalizing evil which he already embodied.
[25] In Portugal, Columbus encountered the writings of Nicholas of Cusa outlining such projects of trans-oceanic cooperation with people on distant continents.
[26] Also highly significant was the June, 1894 assassination of France's President Marie François Sadi Carnot.
[27] The arrangements for preparing the assassination were made through the anarchist Emma Goldman who was, at the time, a controller of New York City's Henry Street Settlement House. The assassin, Leon Czolgosz, had followed Emma Goldman to Cleveland, Ohio, where she delivered a rabble-rousing address. Thence, he went to Buffalo, to assassinate the President. The key figure in the connections of the Henry Street Settlement House at that time, was U.S. Vice-President Theodore Roosevelt, the nephew, and protégé of the James Bulloch who had headed the Confederacy intelligence service's operations from within London during the Civil War, and who was the sponsor of Teddy Roosevelt's political career. McKinley had been commissioned in military service to the republic during the Civil War.
[28] Cf. Marsha Freeman, Krafft Ehricke's Extraterrestrial Imperative (Burlington, Ontario: Apogee Books, 2009). The development of the physical economy on the Moon, as preparation for man's venture to more distant, Extraterrestrial, goals, must be clearly understood as a precondition for man's development of our sites for man on other planets.
[29] Bernhard Paumgartner, Mozart Leben und Werk (1940, 1991).
[30] For which Whitehead justly blamed Russell.
[31] This fact respecting former British policeman Napoleon III is of crucial importance, in the respect of the grave error of Germany's Wilhelm I in evading Chancellor Bismarck's understanding that Germany (then, Prussia and its German allies) must make peace with France, once the British agent Napoleon III were toppled. Otherwise, a continuation of embittering warfare between Germany and France would play into what Bismarck understood as being British imperialist hands and intentions. So, it was the ouster of Bismarck by the foolish puppet of the Prince of Wales Edward Albert, the Prince's nephew Wilhelm II, and the similar folly of Edward Albert's other nephew, Russia's Nicholas II, which led to the ruin of Germany, and the life of Czar Nicholas, under the leadership of the foolish Wilhelm II.
[32] Should we praise the singer in opera for the delicious color of green with which he had painted his face before coming on stage?
[33] I.e., William Empson, Seven Types of Ambiguity (1947). My own encounter with this book was my purchasing it from the counter of a bookshop down the street from the Boston Public Library, in that year. I quickly wrapped myself inside it, with repeated readings during the several weeks which followed. Some of it was new to me with the acquisition of that text; more important for me was what it opened up for my deeper understanding. That writer was truly a great talent.
[34] Newton discovered nothing of more importance than that which he expressed, as a member of the British parliament, as his perception of the need to please "open a window" in those stuffy quarters. He did not even plagiarize what is claimed for him; the plagiarism was done by others, and served as if on a platter with an attached notice containing his name. On the actual historical record, all that was taken from Newton's own chest of scientific papers, from his only active academic field, was black magic. The original plagiarism of Kepler crafted in Newton's name, was taken essentially from published works of Kepler circulating in English, in England, during that time. The fraudulent claim for the calculus was concocted by the Paris-resident Venetian Abbé Antonio S. Conti who launched the swindle under the rubric of his suggestion that the work of René Descartes be reworked in English for the purpose of creating an English Descartes who would be credited, fraudulently with Leibniz's already well known discovery. It was the same Conti, working in concert with Voltaire, who launched the now traditional lies about Newton's claimed discovery of the calculus mouthed by bread-bought scientists seeking secure employment, still today. The project was run through the course of the Eighteenth Century, through such devotees of this hoax as "Three-body" Laplace and Laplace's "Rigoletto," the plagiarist Augustin Cauchy. As to the relevance of my observations on such account, one must not overlook the fact that such scientific frauds as those have served as the foundations for the failed dogmas of leading economics practice today.
[35] There is, admittedly, an extremely useful ambiguity to be considered in adopting an English-language title for this work by Kepler. Does he mean the worlds, or the Solar system (implicitly) as a whole, as a "world"? I prefer "worlds," but I also emphasize that adherence to the indicated ambiguity itself is perhaps the most useful transliteration, pedagogically.
[36] Cauchy adopted a paper by Niels Abel as his own. He was suspected of this by leading scientists who knew Abel's work and Cauchy's own, but the plagiarism was not proven until an auditing of Cauchy's files turned up the original copy of the Abel work, neatly filed and noted in Cauchy's collection.
[37] E.g., the denunciation of the fraud of the Aristoteleans, respecting Creation, by the friend of the Apostle Peter, Rabbi Philo (Judaeus) of Alexandria.
[38] Taking into account that Kepler had left one essential term of the formulation attributed to Newton to be developed by a future scientist.
[39] It is not merely to be admitted, but emphasized, that even the science departments of many leading universities have been frequently turned into a special sort of the "blab schools" created to pretend to educate late Nineteenth, and early Twentieth centuries' so-called "Mountain Whites." They undertake no actual responsibility for proving anything except the credulities of their students. For such students, and, often, their professors, everything lies ultimately under the presumption that the effects of the doctrine will be self-evident.
[40] I would suggest that you consider the possibility, that when you might think you are studying a portrait produced by Rembrandt, that he, somewhere in the simultaneity of eternity, has been already watching you. Even Philo of Alexandria was probably already watching it all, too.
[41] The Nazi-like health-care policies of President Obama are a by-product of the work of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, the man who launched the recent war in Iraq with a shameless lie. However, the origins of the Hitler health-care policies underlying Hitler's practice of genocide, were also explicitly introduced to Hitler Germany from the malthusian population policies of the United Kingdom and Britain's Wall Street agents, and some-time Hitler-lovers, in the United States. In plain fact, the health-care policies of President Obama are identical with those for which we hung Nazi officials in Nuremberg and related post-World War II proceedings.
[42] N.B., Rosa Luxemburg, The Accumulation of Capital (1913).
[43] Herbert Feis, Europe, the World's Banker, 1870-1914 (1930).
[44] This was the Niels Henrik Abel (1802-1829) who is most noted for his fundamental contribution to modern science as treated by Bernhard Riemann, "Theorie der Abel'schen Functionen," Bernhard Riemann's Gesammelte Mathematische Werke, H. Weber, ed. (1902): (New York: Dover Publications [reprint], 1953), [Werke] pp. 88-144. Abel had delivered his most crucial of these works for circulation through the hands of Cauchy, in Paris, where they, after Abel's 1829 death, remained in the hands of Cauchy until Cauchy's own death in 1857. Cauchy had claimed Abel's discoveries as his own during the 1829-interval, even against the insistence of the fact of Cauchy's plagiarism by a number of leading European scientists with the competence to demonstrate Cauchy's fraud. The paper of Abel which Cauchy had denied possessing, turned up amid Cauchy's mortal remains, neatly catalogued, by the auditors of the deceased Cauchy's effects. The death of Cauchy completes a certain dirty cycle in the history of science, located between 1767 (the birth of Abraham de Moivre) and death of Cauchy in 1857, in that dirty side of the history of the mathematics associated with physical science.
[45] Take for example, the case of Riemann's zeta function [Ueber die Anzahl der Primzahlen unter einer gegebenen Grösse (Werke pp. 145-156)]. The modern history of this subject dates to Pierre de Fermat, passes through Euler, and turns up in a restatement of the case by Lejeune Dirichlet, and the best solution to date, that of Riemann. My attention to this matter is limited here to a class of problems typified by the case of David Hilbert's efforts to defend the most devastating of the formal fallacies of a positivist geometry in the footsteps of Euclid: the attempt to define a theory from the assumption of the eternal completeness of an arbitrarily concocted a-priori principle. For example one attack on Riemann was based on the gossip, even by a highly reputable physicist, that his treatment did not prescribe a "final" prime number.
[46] Professor David Hilbert, Mathematical Problems (Paris, 1900).
[47] Cf. Eratosthenes on Archytas' uniquely original discovery of the construction of the doubling of the cube.
[48] During the course of the Seventh Century B.C., a maritime alliance against Tyre had been arranged, by Egypt, with Egypt's Mediterranean maritime allies, the Ionians and Etruscans, the latter already an iron-working culture of that time, associated with a notable center on the Island of Elba, a culture related to the Hittites.
[49] There was also a certain relevant scandal associated with the activities of von Neumann in the area of the work of the circles of Hilbert and Richard Courant, but that bears on the behavior of von Neumann, not Hilbert or Courant. I found no connection of this specific activity of von Neumann then to the earlier role of Wiener there.
[50] The worshipper should have recognized positivism's sulfurous theological implications. For useful suggestions consult Dante Alighieri's Inferno.
[51] As a beloved Jewish rabbi said, implicitly echoing Philo, God does not send the Messiah on a railway time-table schedule. I find nothing strange in the physical-scientific profundity of a well-educated Apostle Paul's I Corinthians 13 use of what is translated as "through a glass darkly." Here we encounter, not some simple-minded mysticism, but the Apostle's standpoint in a "Type 'B' " personality, an intellectual quality not strange to the most literate Jews of the Greek cultural tradition of that time. Jews were hated for precisely such reasons by the Emperor Tiberius whose son-in-law carried out the Roman crucifixion of Jesus, a type of execution which had to be authorized by the Emperor, as through the authority of Pontius Pilate as the "son-in-law" of that Tiberius stalking the cliffside walks on the Isle of Capri sacred to the Roman branch of the cult of Mithra, at that time. Sometimes, it is not the more ancient cultures which had generated strange myths; sometimes, strange myths, such as axiomatic belief in Euclid, are created to conceal the embarrassing evidence of an unwanted, but truthful scientific fact.
[52] ":Es führt dies hinüber in das Gebiet einer andern Wissenschaft, in das Gebiet der Physik, welches wohl die Natur der heutigen Veranlassung nicht zu betreten erlaubt." Werke, p.286.
[53] "Henceforth, space by itself and time by itself, are doomed to fade away into mere shadows, and only a kind of union of the two will preserve an independent reality." Hermann Minkowski on "special relativity"—A.D. 1907. (In his Raum und Zeit.) Some decades past, in the early 1980s, I suggested to the mathematician Dr. Jonathan Tennenbaum then associated with me, that he craft a presentation which would show the profitably interesting shortcomings of Minkowski's mistaken choice of the kind of space-time to be adduced. Nonetheless, I found Minkowski's lecture stunning when I first read it in 1941, and its style still burns in my memory sixty-eight years later, despite the elementary, but delightfully forgivable mistake in Minkowski's choice of geometry, the fact which I pointed out to Tennenbaum a score years past.
[54] Ludwig Boltzmann hanged himself, on September 5, 1906, while a guest at the Thurn and Taxis family property at Duino, known in that time for being a strange place. The setting of this death has a relevance in the history of modern science referenced here, but involves an account which must be put to one side for reporting on another day.
[55] This is also illustrated by that systemic weakness in the otherwise often brilliant work of Georg Cantor, shown in his craven submission to his most devout adversary, Bertrand Russell, a submission which drove Cantor insane in the end. Familiarity with Cantor's work points to the factor of the influence of Weierstrass on Cantor's avoidance of Riemann.
[56] Just as past physical-capital and comparable improvements are contributions from the past to the present, so capital improvements with significantly prolonged "lives" are essential contributions to both current productivity and to the current welfare of society now. The relation of the accumulation and depletion of what are efficiently of such a character as active factors of benefit delivered to the present from the past, or to, or from the future, points our attention to the physical meaning of time as such, and, at the same time, points out the importance of this notion of physical time, rather than mere clock time, for all phenomena. Thus, the unrepaired ongoing depletion which has been accumulated, as in the role of an unpaid bill on the account of lack of necessary capital improvements, warns us that the apparent level of current population fails to take into account the fact that British-led international economic policies have dropped the potential relative population-density of the Earth's population far below sustainable levels. Only an immediate unleashing of an increase of capital-intensity in the productive powers of labor per capita and per square kilometer, could prevent the presently onrushing threat of a new dark age for all humanity. In short, cancel the British empire and the international monetarism it represents, or else. In short: "Dear Larry Summers, in our kindly goodbyes to your role in government, we must caution you: you will not be missed much."
[57] It is important to emphasize, especially for non-professional readerships at this point, that virtually none of the important theorems and related aspects of what was presented as Euclidean Geometry were originally produced by Euclid himself. Rather, Euclidean geometry was a doctrine superimposed on a variety of contributions of earlier authors. It is the dogma of systemic a-priorism superimposed in the name of Euclid which is the fault addressed here.
[58] It was in a different library, during that same period, that I encountered Princeton's Luther Pfahler Eisenhart's 1926 Riemannian Geometry (Princeton). That experience put me off my commitment to Riemann, until early 1953, when I became absorbed by Riemann's habilitation dissertation, an encounter which shaped all my subsequent engagement with the field of economy. My habitual reliance on that Library for sundry research purposes, had begun with an assignment to compose a report on the case of Captain William Kidd, which required hours spent in the Library's archive of early Eighteenth-century printed publications, and thus gave me the habit of treating the Library for a time as almost a second home.
[59] That under the "adheres to their enemies" passage of the U.S. Code. The Confederacy was created from, and by the British Foreign Office, under that Office's Jeremy Bentham, and both continued and executed warfare against the United States (and Mexico), under Bentham's trained protégé and successor, Lord Palmerston. Although enslavement of persons taken from Africa, or of African descent otherwise, had already been introduced to North America by the British East India Company earlier, the launching of what became the Confederacy insurrection was expressed in actions typified by Andrew Jackson's treasonous affinities to the British agent of Chatham House, Aaron Burr, and in the crucially significant matter of that systematic destruction of the formerly autonomous Cherokee Nation which was executed on behalf of opening up that Nation's territory for the London-directed program of expanded African slavery in the United States. Britain continued the capture and transport of Africans into enslavement in the U.S.A. through the British puppet also known as the Spanish monarchy of the post-Vienna Congress period. British policy in Africa, as toward Sudan, Zimbabwe, and others, reflects the same essentially underlying characteristics to the present moment. The U.S.A. alliance with Britain in what is called World War I, is almost entirely a reflection of the treasonous inclinations of Presidents Theodore Roosevelt (himself the trained and dutiful nephew of the British agent who ran the war-time Confederate intelligence service), and Woodrow Wilson, the Ku Klux Klan fanatic. In the 1920s, the British empire connived with the government of the Mikado of Japan in the planning of, and preparation for the future attack on Pearl Harbor by the same Empire of Japan which had been allied for war against the U.S.A. by Britain's Prince of Wales, Edward Albert, which he had set into motion with the launching of the warfare of Japan against China over the course of the 1894-1945 interval. Although it was the technicality of Adolf Hitler's attack on Belgium and France to the west, which actually broke the British Empire's backing for Hitler's warfare under Prime Minister Chamberlain—temporarily—thereafter, the British empire resumed its intention to break up the United States up through the present time, as aided in this by such means as luring us into land wars in Asia which have wasted our economy and our morals, as in Tony Blair's role in the recent Iraq War, and President Obama's currently insane strategic folly in Afghanistan, and has duped a now elected President of the U.S.A. into courses of action, steered by frankly evil figures such as former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, to destroy the United States through the assistance of subversive influence over the policy-making of the incumbent President of our United States, Barack Obama.
[60] This feature of U.S. constitutional law first appeared under the Massachusetts Bay Colony as a system of scrip whose circulation was restricted to commerce within that colony, as a form of credit/debt internal to the sovereignty of the colony. This system was crushed from England, under James II and William and Mary, but was revived as a proposal for a "paper currency" by Benjamin Franklin, A Modest Inquiry into the Nature and Necessity of a Paper Currency (1729). It was introduced in the form of the concept of national banking under Alexander Hamilton, and become the core-principle of the decision to craft and establish the U.S. Federal Constitution.
[61] E.g., Plantagenet pretender Cardinal Pole, Thomas Cromwell, and Henry VIII's marriage counsellor, and cabbalist Francesco Zorzi (aka "Giorgi"), the author of Harmonia Mundi, the attack on the work of Nicholas of Cusa.
[62] There could be no decent criticism which would object to my choice of imagery for this occasion. All "Type 'B' " intellects think in terms of what Gottfried Leibniz defined, in opposition to that incompetent wretch René Descartes, as the universal physical principle of dynamics, as during his relevant efforts during the 1690s, and in his work in cooperation with Jean Bernouilli in the original discovery of a universal physical principle of least action. I have already emphasized here, in earlier pages, that that principle of dynamics is the same principle which Percy Shelley presents in the concluding paragraph of his A Defence of Poetry. Mass social behavior of societies is usually guided by dynamic principles which move masses of people, including the commonplace national leaders, who are directed, chiefly unwitting, like puppets on the master's strings. In competent political and physical science, alike, only what have been relatively exceptional individuals, rather than more popular ones, are exceptions to the kind of puppet-like behavior shown by most formally recognized leaders of nations since that death of President Franklin Roosevelt, when either feigned or actual stupidity was so often the key to the successful election or appointment of what were regarded as the leaders of society. I know; for nearly eighty-seven years, I was there, and, for many of those decades, witting in such matters. It is in the domain of those powers of the imagination associated with Classical poetry, drama, music, and the greatest Classical sculptors, architects, and painters, that the Classical artistic training of the powers of imagination supplies the insight which succeeds in physical science when mathematics fails.
[63] The existence of national sovereignty in actual practice, requires a nation to maintain the essential economic elements of national integrity of daily economic life within its own borders. "Globalization" is a new name for "A Tower of Babel," or, what is also to be recognized as "British imperialism today." Any break in a major chain of nominal credit within the relatively globalized world system of today, tends to cause a general, genocidal breakdown of the system as a whole. The U.S. dollar is presently the most critical of the links in that already much "globalized" chain. The dollar goes down: the world goes down immediately. The system has already been stretched beyond its limit, precisely by the effects of globalization—the new British-built Tower of Babel is already overripe to fall; one significant pin-prick and the entire world system goes down in a catastrophic implosion. Thoroughly corrupt, babbling idiots, such as U.S. Representative Barney Frank, are typical of politicians so deluded by their obsession with their own evil schemes, that what is happening in the real world does not exist for them; they, like an insane gambler, see only their own wishful obsessions.
[64] Named for U.S. Senators Harold Burton and Lister Hill.
[65] Notably, the health-care agenda of President Barack Obama expresses a radically immoral degree of disregard for the difference between human beings and beasts, that in a degree notorious for the precedent of the Adolf Hitler regime during the September 1939-1945 interval. The Obama echo of that Hitler "Tiergarten 4" policy which led into the methods of the war-time concentration-camp "death camp" operations express a philosophy already extant in the British NICE-NHS practice, a "death-camp" like intention at the center of the Obama administration's currently proposed health-care policies of practice. E.g. Obama advisor Ezekiel Emanuel. The intention to accomplish the aims of Universal Public Health, is properly defined as a national security policy of all decent nations which, unlike President Obama, recognize the categorical distinction of human beings from beasts. Between the human race and Obama's health-care mafia, there is a fundamental difference in species of practice.
[66] Later, during the 1890s, the same Mikado jumped ship, going over to become the British ally in a way which would lead to Japan's ruin in World War II, because he was told by the British Royal Family, that he, like them, was an emperor, and "we emperors" must stick together against the U.S.A. That was Japan's policy as a puppet of London in the wars against China, Korea, and Russia of the post-1894 period, and was the basis of the 1920s alliance of Britain and Japan to destroy the naval power of the U.S.A.'s naval forces in both the Atlantic and Pacific waters, the Anglo-Japan alliance of the 1920s which led to Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor, and to the trial of the American patriot Billy Mitchell in a court-martial orchestrated by the British ideologues in the U.S. military.
[67] You can not bargain for influence over Barack Obama; he is a worse than highly neurotic Narcissus, a not-so-very-bright, mere gabber, a British puppet who does not really own his own soul.
[68] I do not object to the actor's taking pride in the performance, after the performance; quite the contrary. Let him, or her, "let it out," but with decent respect placed foremost for those accomplishments of the others, on which the success of the performance of the whole depends. However that may be, within the performance itself, as in combat, each performer must submit humbly to the accomplishment of the proper identification of the mission as a whole. Never let the performer bring his, or her ego in from the street outside; mission orientation, always!
[69] One must therefore wonder, whence so many modern academics heavily laden with higher degrees, obtained their opinions in this matter; they had, certainly, never worked through the thoroughly detailed account by Kepler himself. Was that not actually pretty immoral of them?
[70] I forecast a likely breakdown as a relatively early oncoming development in 1966, which occurred in the successive developments in Britain and the U.S.A. between Autumn 1967 (in Britain) and February 1968 (in the U.S.A.). This process of a breakdown continued to operate through the Summer and Autumn of 1971, and even at that latter time, my British opponent, Professor Abba Lerner, reputed, then, to be the leading Keynesian of that time, guessed wrong in his Queens College debate against me.
[71] The doctrine of Aristotle provided the basis for the "God is dead" argument of Friedrich Nietzsche, against which Philo of Alexandria argued, in defense of the power of a living God, on behalf of Judaism, against the evil Aristotle. Hence, we have the distinction between physical curves, such as Brunelleschi's use of the physical principle of the catenary for crafting the construction of the cupola of Santa Maria del Fiore. and the development of an anti-Euclidean, physical geometry by Nicholas of Cusa (e.g., De Docta Ignorantia), and the definition, by Cusa's follower Leonardo da Vinci, of the functional relationship of the catenary (and catenoid) to the tractrix. The uniquely original development of the universal physical principle of least action by Leibniz, in collaboration with Jean Bernouilli, is an illustration of this, as is the modern physical geometry of Bernard Riemann, and such among Riemann's more notable followers, as Albert Einstein and V.I. Vernadsky. This is a crucial difficulty in the practice of science, still today, a difficulty shown by a prevalent tendency to confuse a fictional, a-priori geometry, with real-life, physical curvatures.
[72] See that much maligned (by oligarchical factions) republican patriot of Italy, Niccolo Machiavelli, on the principles of modern European military science treated from the comparative standpoint of ancient Roman experience. Those who have neglected such studies, including, apparently, even some modern general officers. are often to be told to "shut up until you know what you are talking about." Let them begin with attention to the role of Machiavelli's official activity, in the train of Leonardo da Vinci's direct influence, in the struggle for the defense of the Republic of Florence, a role for which Machiavelli was virtually held captive for the remainder of his life, since the crushing of the republic of Florence by the oligarchical interests.
[73] So, from Act II of Hamlet, we have: "Now, I am alone. What a rogue and peasant slave am I! Is it not monstrous that this player here, but in a fiction, in a dream of passion, could force his soul so to his own conceit . . . Had he the motive and the cue for passion That I have. . . That guilty creatures, sitting at a play, have by the very cunning of the scene been struck so to the soul that presently they have proclaimed their malefactions; . . . The play's the thing wherein I'll catch the conscience of the king." All of which leads, as fatefully, to the outburst of existentialist despair of the celebrated Act III soliloquy.
[74] It may be significant for readers with some relevant background in science, that there are some greater differences, than agreements, between the kind of already defective, essentially Euclidean, mechanistic world-outlook of the associates of Klein, Mach, Hilbert, and Minkowski, from the utterly depraved positivism which claims its own birth from Bertrand Russell's Principia Mathematica. Hence, what I have already referenced here as Hilbert's chucking Professor Norbert Wiener and John von Neumann out of Göttingen on grounds of their manifest utter incompetence in science.
[75] Arthur Burns, whom Columbia University President Dwight Eisenhower acquired through their association at that University at that time, contributed more to wrecking the U.S. economy over three decades, including the creation of the career in economics of the Golem Milton Friedman, than any U.S. influential in that profession, prior to the rise of the influence of the right-wing fanatic, virtual British agent, and political step-mother of California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, George Shultz.
[76] The trend toward a so-called "environmentalist" trend authored by the late Bertrand Russell et al., as combined with the monstrously destructive effects of so-called "globalization," has allowed a depletion of the physical-capital resources of the planet, to such effect that at the same time that the world's population has increased to about 6.7 billions, the long-term "carrying capacity" has been willfully reduced, through suppression of what had been available progress to a sustainable improvement of a growing population of the world, to an "environmentalism"-driven lowering of the planet's economic potential toward the foreseeable potential of about two billions, or less. This depletion is entirely due to the effect of post-Franklin Roosevelt policies traced essentially to circles typified by the combination of the influences of the Bertrand Russell who had demanded the launching of "preventive nuclear warfare" against the Soviet Union in September 1946, and the pro-fascist authors of the World Wildlife Fund.
[77] I have had personal knowledge through the most relevant British sources, respecting incidents at Heathrow and relevant other locations during the early months of 1974. I assessed the situation from the pattern of facts available to me, facts which were subsequently confirmed by very relevant, very trustworthy British intelligence sources a bit later. However, far more important, still today, is the role of Wilson in the systematic, 1967-1968 process of degrading the economy of the U.K. into a mass of post-industrial wreckage. Historically the most important part of Wilson's games then, was the orchestrated monetary crisis aimed at a vulnerable weakness in the U.S. dollar during 1967-1968. I have no inclination to conclude that Wilson had been a Soviet agent during relevant times; rather, through agreements reached through Khrushchev's representatives deployed to the channel of Bertrand Russell's World Parliamentarians for World Government, during the immediate post-Stalin years, the Soviet Union's case exhibited a number of prominent figures who, to my reasonable judgment, have been British agents. Who was a British defector, and who had "gone over" to become a channel of British convenience for Russian collaborators in high places there, has always been interesting Kriegspiel. As one very actively concerned with establishing useful U.S.A.-Soviet and U.S.A.-Russia relations, I have enjoyed an interesting "catbird seat" in watching Anglo-Russian spookery. The British, by all counts, are the dirtiest I have ever taken under consideration.
[78] Respecting my use of the term "treasonous" here, consider the exemplary cases of the U.S.A. Civil War and the organically associated installation of the fascistic-in-fact, British-created, Habsburg tyranny in Mexico. This was, in fact, a British empire's war against the United States, in every meaning of the term "warfare." The difficulty experienced by some governments flows from their stubborn adherence to what are, in fact, certain delusions respecting the nature of the British empire. An empire, such as the present-day, monetarist form of global empire centered, politically, on London, is such that its method of warfare is that of deploying assets controlled by London, to conduct warfare without directly involving the British flag's own military forces in the affray. The witting patriots of a targetted nation, such as the U.S.A. must shape its policy of practice for that occasion on recognition that it is the British empire which has declared that warfare, using a denial, on our side, which complements the hoax expressed in the behavior of the United Kingdom as such. The technical term is "war conducted as surrogate warfare," as illustrated by the role of Prime Minister Tony Blair's lies in luring the U.S.A. into the trap of a new war against Iraq.
[79] What became known as the Wall Street to which we have been accustomed to refer today, was the outcome of a losing battle between the traitorous agent of the British East India Company, Aaron Burr, versus the combination centered in the persons of Alexander Hamilton and Isaac Roosevelt, the latter the founder of the Hamiltonian tradition expression by Isaac's famous descendant, President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Burr was the personal asset of Jeremy Bentham, the agent of the British East India Company's Lord Shelburne who created the British Foreign Office as a Company instrument in 1782. Bentham ran the intelligence operations of the Foreign Office throughout the remainder of his own life. It was he who directed the foreign operations against our United States, and other targets, and who created his protégé, Lord Palmerston, virtually out of a substance less honorable than mud. A number of later U.S. Presidents were agents of Palmerston's Foreign Office, as John Quincy Adams and Abraham Lincoln knew very well during their own later years. It was a British agent, for example, who assassinated President Lincoln, and an asset of the British interest who was imported into the U.S.A. for the assassination of President William McKinley. That was an assassination of McKinley intended to bring the British asset, Theodore Roosevelt into the Presidency, for the purpose of shifting U.S. policy from opposition to Prince of Wales Edward Albert's scheme for what became known as "World War I," to the role of Theodore Roosevelt and Ku Klux Klan fanatic Woodrow Wilson the ally of the British empire, the Presidents who created the ungodly Federal Reserve system out of a substance less honorable than mud.
[80] Harry Truman had probably not known of the nuclear weaponry deployed against Hiroshima and Nagasaki on April 13, 1945, but Winston Churchill, Truman's later controller, did. The issue for Truman, and, most emphatically, for Churchill, was that General Douglas MacArthur must not be seen as carrying the flag of final victory in World War II. That, and the intention by Churchill to deliver a mortal, nuclear threat to Stalin, were the only credible motives for Truman's role in the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings.
[81] Lying Tony Blair now a Christian? Might we expect rats, mice, and cockroaches will be tithing next?
[82] This had been prefigured by the Seventh Century B.C. maritime alliance of Egypt, the Etruscans, and Ionian maritime culture against the maritime power of the Phoenicians of Tyre and its colony Carthage.
[83] A Modest Inquiry Into the Nature and Necessity of Paper Currency (1729).
[84] As we take human beings away from the customary gravitational and magnetic fields of life on the surface of our Earth, there are problems of health to be solved. Implicitly, they can be solved by adjustments in an intermediate environment between that normal for mankind, and the "outside environment" from which the human beings are shielded by artificial environments; but, as of the present moment, those problems must be acknowledged, and attacked until the solutions are defined.