Simply & Summarily
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From early during the 1950s, there was a trend, as in the United States, to move production away from industrial centers, to the cheaper labor markets within the U.S.A. itself. Similarly, later, especially since the assassination of John F. Kennedy, to move technology away from the then industrialized nations, into cheaper-labor markets on a global scale.
This trend entered a new phase under U.S. President Nixon, and entered a trend toward still-cheaper labor markets, the beginning of a post-industrial trend over the course of the 1980s, as in the case of the Anglo-American wrecking of the Mexican economy in the Summer of 1982. New extremes were seen in the wrecking of the continental European economy, from 1990, which became a torrent following the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
It soon became apparent, for all to see plainly, as if under their noses, that the export of production to so-called developing nations was an intended process of ruin of the economies of the nations of the northern Trans-Atlantic region, to transfer of surviving rations of production away from original centers into a process of what became known as "globalization."
As an outgrowth of the historical process which I have just outlined, summarily, in those immediate, three paragraphs, above, we have the following most notable, four patterns operating presently.
- There has been a post-1968 shift of the Trans-Atlantic set of economies, away from a role as what had been, earlier, a traditional cultural trend, progressive economic-superiority, toward post-1968 chronic decadence.
- This is marked by emphasis on rapid expansion of reliance on modern nuclear-fission and prospectively thermonuclear-fusion technologies in the Asian and African regions rimming the Pacific and Indian Oceans, at the same time that the economies rimming the Atlantic have retreated into the doom inevitable in the general destruction of the role of what had been modern technologies prior to 1970, toward barbaric, frankly dionysian (e.g., Nietzschean existential) primitivism.
- However, the vigorous efforts expressed by the combination of a suicidal drive toward such regressive modes as windmills and solar-collectors, and toward massive genocide against existing world populations, dominate the world economy as a whole to such a degree, that unless the U.S.A. abandons its ties to the principal source of the cultural decadence of European civilization, the United Kingdom and its global influences, there is no likelihood that civilization as a whole could survive the effects such British-led Trans-Atlantic cultural trends would have on the world as a whole.
- A shift of the U.S.A. away from the plunge into a Hellish, planetary new dark age, being led currently by London and its American puppet Barack Obama, would tip the balance of trends in favor of defense of a civilized form of existence on this planet at large.
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
January 19, 2010