The Crisis Is Already Here:
Now, Grab the Solution!
Lyndon LaRouche was the special guest on the May 5 edition of the LPAC-TV Weekly Update, hosted by EIR Economics Editor John Hoefle. The video is archived at
John Hoefle: Welcome to the LaRouchePAC Weekly Report. Today is May 5, 2010. I'm John Hoefle, and with me today is a special guest, Lyndon LaRouche.
Lyn, you were at a diplomatic meeting yesterday, where you delivered a very striking message.
Lyndon LaRouche: Yes. Well, it's important that I repeat that, and amplify that a bit today, in order to give it the broader attention it deserves, and acquires, in point of fact: We are now, already, in a general breakdown crisis of the international monetary-financial system. The breakdown crisis, for the moment, is centered in the Transatlantic region. The notable points, of course, are Western and Central Europe, the United States, and Brazil. What is occurring is actually a final, or terminal stage of breakdown of the existing monetary-financial system. It is not something about to happen. It is something which has already happened, and is in process.
Often, it's the case, as now, that people are still trying to forecast something which has already happened. The collapse has already happened, and the idea of going ahead with a bailout of Greece, which is an idiotic, and actually criminal venture, because the problem is not Greece: The center of the problem of the breakdown crisis in process is the British system. And that means essentially, the Rothschild-led system of the Inter-Alpha Group, whose activities are centered in Brazil, as part of this operation. And this system is now hopelessly bankrupt and is going down.
So the question is not what is going to happen. It's already happened. The question is what are we going to do about it? And the answer is, that we have to go to what is a Glass-Steagall reform of the U.S. system, immediately. Which means we have to extend that reform to include much of Europe. Because if the Transatlantic region, typified by the United States and Western and Central Europe, and also Russia—if they go down in one collision, the entire planet goes into a new dark age. And therefore, the question before us is not whether something is going to happen, or not—it is already happening! This farcical bailout of Greece, which makes no sense whatsoever, if that continues, we're on the road to a hopeless situation, a breakdown crisis. The crisis is already here: Can we stop it? Can we reverse it? That's the question now.
And several conditions are required. First of all, there is an advantageous development: The action against Goldman Sachs (or Goldman Sucks, if you prefer) is quite appropriate, because it triggered enough forces inside the United States to begin to think in terms of going to a Glass-Steagall reform. There's a piece of legislation kicking around now, in the process, as you know. And that is a necessary reform.
Impeachment: A Very Good Idea
We will not get that reform, without getting Obama, essentially, on the way out of the Presidency. As long as Obama's there, and since he's a British agent, essentially, he will sabotage everything in that direction, that the British don't want done. And therefore, it's important to think about throwing him out, in whatever the best way is to do it.
And to threaten impeachment is a very good idea: If you threaten impeachment on the basis of charges which are already existing against him, ready to be launched, then he will quit anyway, perhaps. But since he's like the Emperor Nero, he's not going to do sane things anyway. You remember, Nero performed something on his mother, which we will not mention here, then killed her; took his best friend, and put him through four attempts at murder, and the fourth succeeded, four strenuous attempts on this poor, old geezer; and then he killed himself! And that's the profile that fits Obama. So, we don't know how he's going to react, and how his circle's going to react to this.
But the point is, as long as Obama is President, the United States is finished, because this is already the breakdown crisis, now centered in Europe, in the euro system, but which is also moving toward the United States, and also in South America through the Brazil connection, with the Rothschild connection.
So, we are at a point where the question is not, what's going to happen, but rather, what are we going to do about it? It's already happening. What's the reform? The reform is immediately to install a Glass-Steagall reform in the United States. Once that action is taken, which requires one piece of legislation, then we can turn our attention to Europe, and rescue Europe. We will rescue Europe by extending the Glass-Steagall reform to include Western and Central Europe.
The next step, in part of that process: We then have to go to China, which is key in this operation. China is prepared to defend the price relationship of Chinese goods, with respect to the dollar. Therefore, we go to China, as the partner of Russia and India, in order to put through an equivalent of a Glass-Steagall reform among those nations, including Russia.
On that basis, we're now prepared to reorganize the planet.
Now, the key thing here is, what we're going to do, by launching a Glass-Steagall reform, inside the United States: We are going to wipe out quadrillions of fake money and fake debt. Once we have rid the world of this mass of fake debt, which will eliminate most of Wall Street, admittedly, but we don't need Wall Street. The elimination of Wall Street is no great loss to the United States—it's a great advantage. The British system going under, similarly, with the Glass-Steagall there, an excellent idea.
By a Glass-Steagall reform extended to Europe, from the United States, as a treaty agreement, we eliminate most of the debt of Europe, that's crushing it. You eliminate a great part of this otherwise unpayable Greek debt, as a byproduct. You will eliminate the unpayable debts of Spain and Portugal and Ireland, and reduce the debt to the legitimate debt, by a Glass-Steagall standard.
On that basis, we can now, then, turn around, and say, we can go ahead with reforms which will rebuild a collapsing economy. That's then available to us. And that means we're going to go, largely, to infrastructure. Why infrastructure? Because we have destroyed industry. We have destroyed agriculture, and you can not get a surge of growth in industry or agriculture.
The entire Russian official government policy today, for example, is another case of this: Russia's financial system is insane. Unless they get rid of it, break from this BRIC [Brazil-Russia-India-China] connection, which is the British-Rothschild connection, they're going to go under, too. But, I think if we get the reform with the United States, with China, with Russia—these agreements—Russia will go along, because they need it. They need the reform.
Rebuilding a Destroyed World
In that case, we're now talking about what? We're talking about a world, in which we have destroyed, especially since about 1968, the productive powers of labor, in most of the world—step, by step, by step, by step—we've destroyed it; we've gone down. We have to rebuild. Well, you can't rebuild by building little industries here, or little things there, or industries there. What you have to do, is go to what the government can do. Because the private businesses no longer exist, in the main. They're not there. You can't revive the dead: You have to create new birth.
Now, the way we do that, is, we go to what the public sector of economies can legitimately do, competently do, and that is, build essential infrastructure: This means mass transportation, this means power, this means water systems, that sort of thing. Government can finance these things. We're talking about things which are one-generation, two-generation maturity, in terms of investments. Government can do that in infrastructure. It actually goes for a century, but the first 50 years is crucial.
Once we get the infrastructure started, just started, immediately—as we saw under Roosevelt in the 1930s—once you start with the infrastructure program, you now are creating employment in the private sector, as an adjunct of the infrastructure program. In other words, you're building railways: Well, that involves a lot of industry. You're building a complete mass-transportation system, you're rebuilding water systems, you're rebuilding power systems, particularly new power systems; all these things require the private sector to be called in, to begin to produce the things which are relevant to these large infrastructure projects.
Now, we also have a problem, that, not only do we lack industries which we've destroyed, we also lack a skilled labor force. We have a young labor force which has no skills to speak of, whatsoever. So, we're going to have to go back to what we did with the CCCs [Civilian Conservation Corps] and similar programs in the 1930s. We're going to have to provide mass employment, in infrastructure, and spill that mass employment in infrastructure over into the private sector, in terms of employment.
You can not take people out of the slum, who have been living on drug habits and similar kinds of things, and suddenly make them productive workers; they're going to take drugs all the way to work and coming from work. You've got to recondition them, as we did with the CCCs. You have to get Federal programs which will take youth, who are presently useless youth, put them into situations where, with a painful process of adjustment, they begin to become productive labor. As they gain productive habits and stability in their lifestyle, they are then suited for employment in new industries.
The infrastructure development will demand the creation of the new industries. These younger people can then be absorbed, as trainees, as apprentices, into these industries, along with people who remain skilled, who will lead in the process of skills. We can then build, re-create an economy. We can do this in the United States; we can do this in Western Europe, especially in Germany, France, northern Italy, and similar places. We can rebuild.
In China, we have a rebuilding program. It's a new building program, high-power systems, transportation systems, large-scale water management systems. Similar things are required in India. Similar things are required in other nations. South Korea is ready to go, as a partner of these countries; Japan is ready to go, as a partner with these countries, in these operations. Other nations are ready to go.
The Bering Strait Keystone
So, take one typical long-term project, characteristic of the qualitative changes—or let's say, two of them. Number 1, mass-transportation. Number 2, space science.
Mass transportation: We decide we're going to build the super-rail magnetic-levitation system of the planet. The keystone of this thing is going to be the Bering Strait railway tunnel. This will connect Eurasia to North America. We will then run the extension of the railway system, or the magnetic-levitation system, as appropriate in various areas, all the way down to the tip of South America. We're going to do the same thing, by building the rail system from the Middle East and from Europe into Africa. We're going to develop a large-scale mass-transportation system and power systems for Africa, by using this rail system as a means for doing it in the same way it was conceived of by Mendeleyev in the Trans-Siberian Railway.
It's important to emphasize that Mendeleyev designed the Trans-Siberian Railway, based on his experience, his special knowledge, in physical economy: That he actually understood how you have to organize production, in order to extract the mineral resources from the soil of a nation, and connect these production lines with a rail system of mass transportation. So, now we will have a system, where we have the Americas as one system. We have to build this rail system which connects Central America to South America. That's the big keystone project there.
We're going to connect Africa, throughout Africa, in one system, through Europe. It will come through the Asian end into Africa; it will come with tunnels and similar devices, across the Mediterranean region, as in the region of Morocco, for example. We will then have this rail system, or high-speed maglev system, going throughout all of Africa, which will open Africa for development. It will permit us to get a power investment in Africa. It means that the agricultural potential of Africa, which is one of the greatest in the world, will then begin to be realized.
And the only parts of the world, that won't be directly involved in this connection, but will be connected otherwise, are Australia and New Zealand. But we can connect them otherwise: They'll be participating, because of the importance of Australia's resources, natural resources, for the assistance of the development of Asia. For example, Australia has an immense amount of both thorium and uranium, and other minerals. These things will be much needed in terms of Asia, and therefore, Australia will have a nice little business going for itself, for its own development in this area.
So, we would then have, essentially, a world system, composed of sovereign nation-states, connected by a Glass-Steagall system and a fixed-exchange-rate system. We will go back to the Roosevelt conception of a fixed-exchange-rate system for the planet as a whole, combined with a Glass-Steagall system. Those features mean we can recover, we can stabilize the present situation. We still will have a lot of pain and shortages at the beginning, but we will make progress, and that will be the difference.
And that's the way we have to think.
But in order to do that, in the United States, we have to get rid of this President. Because as long as this President, and his immediate crew of pirates, is in there, he's going to jam up everything, and we can't do these things. The first thing is, to put this to a test: What will break the system? If we put through the Glass-Steagall re-enactment, now, that will break the system, the present system! And that will start us down the road to recovery.
So, we're not looking at the danger of a collapse, the threat of a collapse: The collapse is already here! If we don't do anything, we're doomed! If we sit around and say, "We're not sure we should do this," we're doomed. So, all the people who say, "We shouldn't do this," are doomed, or they're dooming the rest of us.
And, you've got a mass of people out there, of the ordinary citizens of the United States, as in Europe—you're seeing the same thing in Europe now, as in Germany: They're disgusted, the people are disgusted with their own government! They're disgusted with the Presidency, they're disgusted with the Congress! They hate them. They hate the Congress more than they hate the President, because they figure the guy's too stupid to take the message, where the members of Congress, by torture, may admit that they're being attacked.
And what the mass of people out there are demanding, and about to explode over this issue: "We can't take it any more! We can't put up with this any more! We can't go this way any more!" They're ready for leadership, which will organize them, as Roosevelt organized the people in the 1930s; they're ready for it.
Get Onto the Lifeboats!
And once we start, it'll be infectious. You see the case in Greece, you see the other things, you see what's happening in Germany, for example. In Germany, there's a revival of the cause for the resumption of the former currency, the deutschmark. And that will go through, under these conditions.
France will object, because, actually the destruction of the deutschmark was initiated from France, by President Mitterrand. He was the one who practically threatened war against Germany if they tried to develop Germany, and didn't destroy it, and didn't destroy the currency: That was the terms of not destroying Germany, by war, at that point. So, Germany is very hot on this thing, especially the patriots of Germany. They want their country back. They want their industry back, this sort of thing.
So, if the United States does this, and since the only solution for Europe, any nation in Europe, for any intelligent European, is, take the benefit of the Glass-Steagall reform from the United States; extend it immediately to Europe. Maybe the British don't like it—fine! Let them stew in their own juices. But we need that system. If we do that, then we are in a situation to organize with Russia, China, India, and other countries; once we have that combination, we have enough power, political power and economic power in the world, to control the situation on the planet as a whole! Then there's the rescue: It's the kind of rescue which is consistent with the intention of Franklin Roosevelt. And I'm a Roosevelt man, to this day! And that's the solution.
So the perspective is not the collapse—that's there! The ship is sinking, the Titanic is sinking. Get off the ship! Get into the lifeboats, now, while you still have a chance!
So therefore, my prophecy is not that we're going to a crash. It's already here! If you don't do anything, you're dead. If you want to stay on the Titanic because you like the stateroom, you're dead. Get off the Titanic, get into the lifeboats, get the rescue teams going: Restart the economy. Shut this sinking ship down! And launch the new one. It's the only chance we have.
Now, some people think that's not possible. I think it's highly possible. And I think that, as usual, most people are behind the times—except there are people out there, the majority of the U.S. population, unlike some of the creatures out there, who want this and know they need it: They don't want this any more! They see no possibility of tolerating this any more! And if we have any sense, and want to avoid chaos and a dark age, we're going to do what has to be done. And we need leadership which has the guts to do it. I have the guts to do it. I hope others will partake of the same quality.
Demographic Holocaust
Hoefle: Well, this really is a matter of life and death! Because you have, in the United States, for example, a population which grew, during this period of this bubble. The economy's collapsing out from under us, so you no longer have an economy that can support the existing population—which means people die! And this is the same around the world: What we're looking at, is a demographic holocaust, if we don't reverse this. And the only way to save the lives of people, is to begin this process of rebuilding; there really is no alternative to this, if you want to avoid genocide.
LaRouche: Yes, the key problem here is the British problem. It's not the only problem in the world, but it's the most important one. The British monarchy has had, for a long time, under the influence of people such as Bertrand Russell, who's probably the most evil man of the 20th Century, a policy of reducing the world population from what was recently announced as 6.8 billion people, to reduce it to less than 2. That is the policy and motive of the British Empire. The other complement of that, is to lower the level of productivity and technology of the planet: For example, green. Green is the color of rotting crops. It's true in economics, as well as otherwise.
So therefore, the green policy, which is to use a low-energy-flux-density source of power, is a crime against humanity! Because to sustain the present world population, on that level, requires the use of nuclear power. Your primary source of power is nuclear and thermonuclear power: Without that you can not maintain, comfortably, this population, and meet its needs. So the British don't want nuclear power! The carbon policy, cap-and-trade: Cap-and-trade is mass murder! The cap-and-trade policy ensures that a population is compelled to experience mass murder, through shortages! So those who are proposing cap-and-trade, for one reason or another, by conscious motivation or by stupidity, are mass murderers! And yet, this thing is being pushed, as from Chicago, and this kind of thing.
So thus, this is the kind of situation we face, that we must now do this, not merely because economies are collapsing, but because the policies of the British Empire, which controls Wall Street—Wall Street is an extension of the British Empire—these guys are going to kill the human race! They're going to commit more mass murder than Hitler ever dreamed of! And after all, Hitler got these ideas from the British in the first place, on how to do this.
So therefore, we have to realize that we have a factor among us, typically, the British Empire and people who think like that, who want to reduce the population and make people stupid, technologically stupid! Because a stupid population is not capable of resisting this kind of government they intend: Keep people stupid, unskilled, ignorant—poor, rotten culture; present popular entertainment culture, rotten culture like that. And you destroy the ability of the population to advance technologically, if you destroy that capability by cutting back: no high-energy-flux-density power; go back to green. You have people who are for a green policy, but here they want to destroy carbon—what the hell do they think "green" is? It's green plants! What does it come from? Carbon, buddy! Carbon! You say you're for green, and you want to eliminate carbon? You have to be insane, or a madman, to come up with such an idea!
So therefore, we have to change our philosophy, and recognize that the British official philosophy is something we want no part of! We can isolate that island, and similar kinds of local locations, for the sake of the rest of humanity, and let them sit there, and stew in their juices. And decide whether they want to join us, or go their own way toward Hell!
But we've got to get the world free of that empire, of that kind of imperialism which the British Empire represents, and which Wall Street represents! And which the Obama Administration represents, the same kind of garbage. Eliminate that factor!
And respond to the demands of our people, who are looking at us, the ordinary people, saying, "Will somebody please do something, to save us from this hell?" We can do it. We can do it—it's feasible. But it's going to take a large emphasis on nuclear power, thermonuclear power, high technology, mass transportation, water systems; these kinds of infrastructure, which will then drive, and then revive all of our industry, drive our revival of our agriculture. We're going to have to get rid of this crazy control over lifeforms, by Monsanto and people like that. That's got to stop! We go back to honoring the farmer's right to breed a crop, and not be regulated by Monsanto or some other predator on this thing. Get back to sanity.
Hoefle: Put an end to the grain cartels.
LaRouche: Absolutely. The cartels go against my grain!
\Hoefle: Well, you can see this assault on the United States and the dumbing us down, in part, if you look at the composition of the workforce. Over the last couple of hundred years, you can see, that in terms of manufacturing workers per capita, we're now back to where we were in the Civil War period, we've had such a decline in manufacturing. But you've had a rise in service workers. And so, now you have a problem, where "putting people back to work," is not sufficient, because we have to change the nature of what we do, if we're to build our way out of this.
LaRouche: It's like having bulls service cows—it's considered a method of production.
Goldman Sucks, and Other Financial Cannibals
Hoefle: One of the things we've been looking at recently, is the way in which the people who are running the financial system, the Brits, are actually beginning to turn on their own system, because they know it's coming down. And you see this in the case of Goldman Sachs, with the shorting of the mortgage market, that you create all these instruments and then you bet against them.
LaRouche: See, you're dealing with that sort of problem all the time. What is happening now? Look at the case of Goldman Sucks, and look at these other financial institutions of this type: What're they doing? They're practicing cannibalism against themselves. Take the history, as you know the history of this thing: Firm after firm, was once the great power. "Oh, this big financial house is a great power, it's the infallible source of goodies and information forever. You should get a job there and be lucky." And so forth.
What happens is, these things keep dying! And they've been dying in this pattern, over a long period of time. Because this is the way it works: You get somebody to go bankrupt, by puffing them up—you build them up, and you sink them! Then you come up with a new one: You build that up, and you sink it! And this is the way you prevent any resurrection of power from within the troops, because you get them to cannibalize each other.
Take the case of Rothschild. Now Rothschild is really nothing, politically, except a tool of the British Empire, which it's been ever since the peseta crisis during the Napoleonic Wars, which is how the Rothschilds came into power, being the smartest at running the thing for the British monarchy.
So, this kind of operation: You say, "All these great financial houses, they're the great powers. It's the capitalists, the financial capitalists that are the power." Bunk! Financial capitalism is an instrument of imperial power! And you can always control the princes, like in the medieval period; they would kill the members of the royal family to cull the crop, in order to maintain control.
What you actually have, is something which is quite ancient. It goes back to before ancient Greece, to that period, the Cult of Delphi. And if you look at the site of Delphi—the ruins are still there—and you can go up there and walk around it, like a historical visit; and you see these places where you had the temples, you had these treasuries. And each city of the Greek area had a treasury, so that this place ran the world! And since that time, you have the same kind of thing: You have cults which take the form of religious cults, which continued. For example in this case, the Cult of Delphi ran the Roman Empire—still! The last high priest of the Cult of Delphi ran the Roman Empire: Plutarch!
And you have the same kind of thing, with religious and similar kinds of organizations, which are idea organizations, and they sit there with the idea of managing the forces that are more powerful than they are, by playing them against each other.
For example, war: Virtually all the wars in European civilization were orchestrated by things like the Cult of Delphi. Practically every war that's ruined Europe, the continent of Europe, beginning with the Napoleonic Wars, has been the way the European continent has been played: by getting wars among the nations of the continent, which have ruined them, and thus, the British Empire stays in control! The British Empire does not control it by these firms. They're instruments of control. But the instruments of control are not allowed to gain independent control. And the way they do that, they keep culling the flock. This is the way: Today, Goldman Sachs, or Goldman Sucks is going down. Because it is now the time to harvest it! Harvest its organs, hmm? And that's what's happening.
Where's the power, then? If the banks as such are not the power, where does the power lie? Because the banks are now being destroyed by the world's dominant imperial power. What is that power? It's a form, like a religious cult, which manages the minds of people.
Needless Wars, Again and Again
Why do we get into war? Take the case of the United States: How was it destroyed? It was destroyed by the assassination of Kennedy. How? Because Kennedy was opposed to going into a long war in Indo-China, with the backing of MacArthur: no long wars in Asia, on the Asian mainland—the policy of the United States. What did they do? They killed him. They killed the President. We went into a ten-year-long war, from which the United States, as we had known it, at the beginning of the process, never returned. If you look at the wars we went into, in Iraq: None of those wars were ever necessary!
We're going into a long war in Afghanistan, under this crazy President. That war was never necessary! We had the power at hand to deal with the drug problem and related problems. The Russians were going to cooperate, the Iranians were going to cooperate. So therefore, there was no need for this war! But what have we done? We get into wars and we destroy one another, and the British Empire comes out on top, and triumphs over us! The British monarchy, for example, which is running this operation. Who runs the drug operations of the world? The drug operations of the world, since the last decade of the 18th Century, have been run by the British! They're still run by the British!
And therefore, it's not the bankers; it's the imperial power, the imperial conception, which is centered at religious organizations such as Oxford and Cambridge. That these places, with these ideologues, actually design the policies of manipulation in a longstanding tradition, of building up agencies, which are used as instruments of control. And when the instruments themselves tend to become too powerful, destroy them, and replace them with other instruments. Use long wars among nations which might gang up on the Empire, and destroy these powers that might gang up on the Empire, by getting them into wars against each other. By getting the United States into unnecessary wars—the same thing: Why are we going into these wars, in Afghanistan? We can win that war, very easily without fighting it: How? We've got a Russian ally. The Russians want to get rid of the drug-dealing, which is British.
And the President of the United States, who's a stooge for the British, says, "No, you can not tamper with that drug operation." We have a McChrystal clear case of this fraud: An unnecessary war! We could destroy that drug production overnight! We have the available cooperation, with one President, one hand, we can do it! The Russians would support us in it; others will support us in it. We don't have to go into an Afghanistan war!
But what's happened? We go into it? It'll ruin us, just like the Indo-China War ruined us for ten years of ruin! The United States never returned from this misery. And that's how it plays. We're played by ideology, by a kind of pagan, religious cult, going back to ancient Babylon. And that's what destroys us.
And some of us understand this. But the problem I get with all these people who should understand this, and so, sort of understand it, they say, "You're right. But, you know—you're wrong, too. Because we have to go to this war. We'll try to avoid future wars like this, but this one, we're going to have to fight."
And you don't need to fight it. You can win the game by other means. And the whole trick, is to understand that point, that the use—as Bismarck said in the 1890s, after he'd been dumped—he said, we're headed for a general warfare, in Europe, in the continent of Europe, which is going to be a new Seven Years War. And it was: The Napoleonic Wars were a Seven Years War, that destroyed continental Europe.
Wars, and wars again, and again, of these types! And similar kinds of operations, playing one nation against another, one people against another.
We in the United States, probably are the best approximation, historically, of the remedy for this—if we come to our senses in what we're supposed to be: In the sense that we hate war. When Roosevelt said, "We hate war," he meant it. That war, itself, is a disease. There are cases where you do have to defend a nation, true. You do have to deal with problems. But you don't get into long wars! The wars of independence, that's one thing. But wars among established nation-states is wrong! And that's really what's killing us, that kind of tradition.
We are manipulated by people who induce us to think that these games are the games that they have to play. And we have a dangerous idiot, a maniac, actually, as President of the United States, and we really have to remove him from office, and remove that whole crew around him. We have to get that crew out!
Yes, you get the normal U.S. Presidency, as an extended institution: I know that Presidency. I've had some experience with it over a long time. That Presidency, under present circumstances, properly informed, will tend to react appropriately, probably the best reaction of any nation in the world. But we have to have a leadership. And just eliminate this President—send him out to pasture someplace. Watch him carefully, because he might commit suicide; we don't want him to do that. We want him to be around—"We saved you from this"—we want him around as something we can point to that way: "We saved you from this." And we saved him from himself.
And so, that's where we are. We just have to recognize this factor, which is what I concentrate on. You've got to look at the ideas, the nature of the human mind—how it works, and how it doesn't work. And all the manipulations are really about that.
World Government vs. the Nation-State
Hoefle: You see it all the time, in the claims that "if we don't destroy this nation, or this group, they're going to destroy us." And it's all just nonsense. Because, really the thing to do, is for us to work with our adversaries, to reach common ground, harmony of interests. And then, together, we can all build the modern world.
And it's so obvious: the idea that we have to restrict other nations from getting certain technologies, that they can't have nuclear power, because it might lead to nuclear weapons; that they should have "sustainable technology"; and the whole green policy—this is really all just a reflection of the British push for genocide, and to keep the world back in their medieval era, and to stop us from having the kind of progress that this nation was founded to foster.
LaRouche: Essentially, there never really was a credible case for nuclear warfare. Because, nuclear warfare destroys its own proclaimed interest. When nuclear power was developed, beginning toward the end of the 19th Century and the beginning of the 20th Century, we had entered into a system of power, which, if used as a weapon, could virtually destroy the planet. So, what that meant was, at the time that World War I and World War II were launched, we had already reached the point that the capability for warfare by using the most advanced level of technology available for warfare, was a losing cause. You could never win that kind of war: You could only destroy humanity.
And so, we got to the point, that it's no longer advisable to have that.
Now, you get the idea, for example, of world government, which is the current theme: The whole idea of the euro system was world government, to eliminate the nation-state, eliminating the nation-state is the current policy of these guys. That doesn't eliminate warfare; that just establishes an empire which will conduct warfare, and organize warfare among its subjects, as a way of controlling them.
So the point is, what the signal is, for the development of nuclear power, and similar kinds of technology—it signals that the time had come, where we do need the nation-state as an institution, a sovereign nation-state. But we can not solve our problems by warfare, by advanced warfare. Police actions, yes, of a certain type are possible, and necessary; but to get into nuclear warfare and similar things, is unthinkable.
So, the signal is given to us, that our progress as mankind had brought us to a point that certain bad habits were no longer to be allowed. And if you have a good government of the United States, getting us through this mess, now, I think we can say that warfare, of the type we know from previous centuries, can be effectively outlawed. Not necessarily police actions or emergency actions, like putting out fires; but it has to be in the nature of putting out fires, not perpetual warfare, not prolonged warfare, like that which the President is proposing to support now.
So, there are deeper questions here. There are deeper intellectual questions. What I address, immediately on the surface, is the things you've got to look at, right now. But I also do not deny, there are deeper considerations, of deeper reforms. But in order to get to those deeper reforms, we have to take certain emergency actions, now, to prevent the planet from destroying itself, now! And we're at the point that if we don't take these measures, we will destroy ourselves, and send humanity into a dark age for a long time to come!
So therefore, we must take these emergency actions. And having taken those emergency actions, of what I've indicated today, then you have to add to that, the development of a deeper understanding, by a deeper education of our people.
Look: I've raised this repeatedly, recently, on this question of space technology. We've now reached the point, where we, as in the Basement,[1] are now going beyond what was done in establishing the Periodic Table, to inverting it. The Periodic Table, for most people, involved planets and vacancies in space, between the planetary orbits. That's no longer true, because space is not empty. It's full of all kinds of cosmic radiation, and if you try to fly through one planet to the next area, you're not going through empty space. You're going through electromagnetic space, very highly organized, very complicated—and we in the Basement are having fun, working with this, and discovering things about it. It's going to take us a couple of generations before we've solved the problems we've marked out now, but we're going to have a lot of fun doing that. So, we're going into that.
Then it poses another question: If we can do this, what about the future of humanity? I mean, people live, and they say, as human beings, they have a purpose in life. And their purpose in life includes awareness of the fact that they are going to die, that everybody's going to die. And they say, "Well, what's the purpose of living then? Is it just something you do, because you're an animal, and it happens to you? Or, is there some purpose in living, a purpose which outlives your dying? Or, is being stuck in a grave just a fake? Are you just being told that there's a mission, a purpose in your life, that you just terminated?
Or is there a higher mission for humanity, in the fact that you lived?
Well, when you consider the fact that the Solar System is a temporary arrangement, on the global scale and collective scale of events, and that probably 2 billion or 5 billion years from now, maybe earlier, Earth will be pretty much uninhabitable—it may be gone, with the kind of things that may happen. Well, what's the purpose of mankind? When somebody's going into a grave, what can you say, the meaning of their life has been—the future meaning of their life has been? How can you answer that question?
Well, if you say that mankind is a special kind of creature, which is designed to master the challenges of development of the universe; and if necessary, we will be living on other planets, and in other places, as mankind. And the discoveries we have made, and the advances we have made, will pile, one on top of the other, generation after generation, as over three generations of a normal life, a normal life today! And we'll make progress, we'll make progress, we'll make progress. Humanity will be here! Humanity will be more powerful than it is now. It will have a bigger place in the universe than it has now. And we will take things, like a threat to mankind's life on Earth, today, and say, "Well, yes, that's probably true. But we're not going to worry about that, because long before that point is reached, we will have made discoveries which enable mankind to go to a higher level of existence."
And therefore, we have to instill in people a culture based on this idea of cosmic radiation, a culture in which they realize there is a future for humanity in a changing universe. And that mankind's development is an important part of that universe, and there will always have been a meaning, for our having lived now.
That's the higher point we've got to get to.
Mankind's Future in a Changing Universe
Hoefle: Yes, the idea that you want to maintain some status quo and fixed position is deadly, because the universe doesn't work that way. But that if you orient towards change and towards progress, and towards accelerating the rate of progress—
LaRouche: Think about, with our best people working on some of these things, when you think about the thrill of going through meeting after meeting, discussion of a program, and in many of these meetings you make steps forward, which is an insight into the universe and its development, which is more advantageous than before, more exciting than before—it's only a little step, but it reminds you that the universe is there, that it's your universe, and that you have the power to make things better in that universe, and that you're in the process of making discoveries which will lead to that. And that when the doors are opened to us, again and again, to realize we make a new discovery, which has this characteristic, we realize that this discovery is feasible—we prove that it's feasible—then we want to get out there and do that!
Like this cosmic radiation question we're dealing with now; it's really inspiring! Because, we can see more clearly than ever before, what the future of mankind in the universe is, if, from a practical standpoint, here on Earth, we can see that our living means something for future generations of humanity—provided we manage our affairs decently, right now.
Hoefle: Yes, and this is not some expense that we have to decide whether we can afford: It's the future of mankind. We have no choice.
LaRouche: Go back to the 1970s, in the beginning of that: We recognized at that point, in an estimate made, that for every penny we spent on the space program, we got 10 cents worth of progress. And what we did in that period, we turned around, especially under the Carter Administration, and we began to destroy that! And that's what's happened to us.
Hoefle: We lived on that progress for quite a while. And that's played out.
LaRouche: So, we have to go back. So, the question is, to understand creativity, in its origins in what we call Classical culture, not so-called mathematical science. And that the progress in physical science, as an expression of this power of creativity, is the thing that distinguishes mankind from a beast. And then, you go to simply one thing, and someone says, "What's the universe going to look like in X number of billion years?" And you say, "I don't know, but I know that we embody now, the power of advancing discoveries, which will ensure that, whatever is going to happen X billion years from now, it will be good!"
Hoefle: That's an inspiring way to look at the world. We talk about increasing the optimism in people, who see that their world is collapsing around them. There's not only a way out; there's a beautiful way towards progress, a whole new renaissance: It's ours for the taking!
LaRouche: We have to think about our people out there. Because, as a person in a position of political leadership, which I've been, up and down, over some decades, you realize that there's a certain element of despair in our population, because they do not have a clear vision of the future, of a real future. They don't have any confidence in a belief in the future.
They cling desperately to the hope that here is a future! They hope that "things are going to work out for us"! That kind of thing. A family in desperation: "We hope that it's going to work out, somehow, for us." But they don't have a positive sense of the power to make something happen, for us. That there's a way of working, a way of thinking, a way of progress, which means there always will be, "an opportunity for us."
And the problem lies largely with what's typified by our educational system. We routinize things, we discourage people from making actual discoveries; we destroy Classical culture; and we become stupid, like grimy animals, instead of Classical thinkers. We destroy physical science—we now have mathematics instead of science, and we calculate everything and know nothing.
And so, the problem is, we've come into a period of despair, and we're at a low point. But the good side about a low point, is that you know it's a low point, and you know there's nowhere to go but up. And, we're at the point where our American citizens, and those around the world in many places, know there's no way to go but up! And therefore, if you can present up, in a credible form, and show them some examples which will convince them that up is working, they're going to change their attitude, and you're going to have a renaissance, in the United States, in particular.
It's out there. It's stubborn. It's difficult. But you've got to prove yourself first, with them. You've got to prove to the American people, the average American, that there is hope, that there's a solid reason for hope—it's not just pie-in-the-sky—it's real. That we can do concrete things, which are going to make it better! And that's what I'm concerned about.
Beyond that there's a whole philosophy for this business, which most people don't know. But we have to do, is operate on the basis of what people can know, and can understand: We can make things better. And if we don't, we're going to Hell, right now.
Hoefle: I think that's clear. It's happening all around us. The politicians, the financial class are all trying to deny it, but they're all scared to death. And ordinary people are living it, so they're not confused about this. So the real issue is, what are we going to do about it? And you've identified it: We have to get rid of Obama. We have to get rid of this British system. We have to go back to being a sovereign nation-state: And this really begins with each one of us thinking about these things, and understanding that that's what we have to do. We need a qualitative shift in the thinking in the population.
LaRouche: That's what makes me happy when I get up every morning, as I approach my 88th birthday! It's: Do something with your life! Okay—I'll do that!
Hoefle: Do you have anything else you want to discuss?
LaRouche: No, I just thought we'd get out two messages: One is the nature of the crisis, that it has a solution, that it's practical, it's immediate, it's comprehensible. And beyond that, there's a future for humanity, which requires a little deeper thinking. And establishing that "little deeper thinking" is extremely important, to ensure that if we get through this mess, people are going to be able to think, to get us through the next one.
[1] Refers to the work of a group of young people who are collaborating with LaRouche on making breakthroughs in fundamental scientific questions.