After Tuesday: Last Chance
To Avert a Global New Dark Age
Lyndon LaRouche delivered this webcast address from Northern Virginia, on Nov. 6, 2010, just four days after the midterm elections. Debra Freeman, LaRouche's national spokeswoman was the moderator.
Debra Freeman: On behalf of the LaRouche Political Action Committee, I'd like to welcome all of you to today's event. And in fact, I think it is going to be quite an event. I know that, whether we are talking about people in Washington, or people scattered around the United States, there are many eyes glued to computer monitors today, as we embark now on this critical post-election period.
It is, in fact, the case that prior to the Tuesday election, Lyndon LaRouche had outlined a clear path, that could have been taken, and again, this goes back, indeed, to the early days of the Obama Administration: It continued, it escalated. Warning after warning was issued, prior to Tuesday, from the standpoint of what the American people needed, what the nation needed, and what those who were seeking public office, had to do.
For the most part, those things were not done. The election has come, and it has gone. And now, the United States is in a very deep crisis. And who better to address that, than Lyndon LaRouche? So, ladies and gentlemen, without any further introduction, I bring you Lyndon LaRouche.
Lyndon LaRouche: Thank you. Thank you. The old man thanks you!
Let's start with history, because, American history in particular, because that is what our politicians have lost sight of. We are a Constitutional republic, which is different than Europe. There is nothing like us, as we were founded, in Europe. In point of fact, the reason we were created, beginning with the Plymouth colony settlement and the Massachusetts Bay Colony, was people from Europe, at that point, English and some Dutch, recognized that the aspirations of humanity could not be realized at that time, within Europe. And therefore, we must move the best of European culture, to a new territory, separate from Europe, and separate from the pressures of the corruption inherent in Europe, which I will refer to.
We launched the first success in this direction, even though there was an initiative by Columbus and others; but, unfortunately, Columbus was under the control the Habsburgs, and the entire Portuguese and Spanish nations were controlled completely by the Habsburg tyranny, so that, where the settlers who settled from Spain, in particular, who settled in the Americas, found themselves crushed by a Spanish faction which were the servants or slaves of the Habsburgs. So thus, the launching of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, was the first concrete step, in founding what became, later, the United States. This Massachusetts colony was crushed, later, by the British, as they were becoming an empire.
But nonetheless, the legacy of what had been accomplished under the Winthrops and Mathers in Massachusetts, during the period of a virtual republic in North America—this did not die. And under the leadership of various people, most notably Benjamin Franklin, in the course of events, we founded a republic, which was unique, among all political systems on the world up to that time! Yes, the ideas had existed earlier: They were represented by people like Nicholas of Cusa, in the great Florentine Renaissance, and by his legacy. But, the first time a political system was established, which was fit for mankind, was in North America, in the area of Massachusetts, in the 17th Century.
Now, Europe was punished for its bad behavior. It was punished, because it was sucked into what was called the Seven Years War. And in this process, the British Empire, which was then a company, a private company, the British East India Company, organized, through its control over the British monarchy, organized a war on the continent of Europe, known as the Seven Years War. Now, to understand the whole history of the United States, and where we stand today, and what the crisis is, today, in the United States and the world, this is what you have to take into account.
The Idea of Humanity
See, we live in a time, where people don't understand humanity. The idea of humanity, the idea of the individual person as human, no longer exists as knowledge, in educational institutions, for example. We don't have historians who are teaching in universities any more! Oh, there are some retired relics, like me, hanging around, and who still know what history is, and what the teaching of history should be. But, in our schools, we don't have that. Our people don't have that.
If you take the characteristics, for example, of the younger generation today, as the Boomer generation—my children, so to speak, are dying out, of old age, and similar kinds of symptoms—we don't have any knowledge. You know, people today, will say, "I exist from the time I'm born until the time I die. And I have to locate everything within that period of time." That's insane! That's immoral! But that is the popular belief today, among the young adult and slightly older generation: They don't believe in history! They believe in history as some kind of a story. Like Obama: You can make up a fake story, and call it "history," like his autobiography: a complete fake story.[1]
They don't believe in history. They don't realize that mankind, unlike all other living species, has this quality of immortality, which no animal has. Because no animal has the power of willful creativity. Yes! The universe is creative. Every aspect of the universe is creative. People who say that the universe is fixed and finite—they're idiots. The universe is inherently creative. Even the nonliving part of the universe is creative.
Look at astronomy, look at real astronomy: It's creative! New galaxies are created, new stars are created. And these things affect the entire universal system. The universe is creative! Even the nonliving side. The living side is creative. I mean, your grandfather was not a dinosaur. He was not a reptile. He was not a one-celled animal, or plant. Life is creative! Forms of life have evolved, and they are creations, not derivations.
And mankind is unique, in being a willful creator. We create through the medium of ideas, a medium of ideas which no animal is capable of doing. Therefore, when we talk about creating a society, we are talking about a society which is based on mankind's capability of shaping the future, through the willful utilization of creative ideas, universal principles for example, their discovery and their application.
And that's what the Massachusetts Bay Colony represented: It represented, specifically, the proximate heritage of Nicholas of Cusa, who is the leading founder of all modern science, or at least a central figure in the leading of all modern science. And this was the beginning of modern European civilization, was this.
And we in the United States, represented that. We represented a distillation, of what had been, in European civilization, these ideas, which we can trace back to Plato, and his immediate predecessors. We can trace them through Charlemagne, and other creatures of that type, human creatures, who had changed the course of mankind's destiny by being creative.
But then, Europe was always, as Cusa recognized when he projected the colonization across the oceans, before he died: This legacy of Cusa, was picked up by a Genoese navigator in the Portuguese service, who also was active in Spain: Christopher Columbus. And Nicholas of Cusa carried out the mission assigned, not to him, but through his heritage, to Christopher Columbus. The act of Christopher Columbus was a creative act, which reflected a creative movement within European civilization. Yes, it was crushed! But it was not eradicated, it was not uprooted.
A Melting-Pot Nation
And here, in North America, we had the opportunity. And when we recognized that we were a melting-pot nation, to receive people from all over the world, to participate in this mission, which the United States has come to represent through its Constitution, we became essential. If the United States were to die today, as it could, on tomorrow morning, or some other proximate date, then civilization would die, and every nation on this planet would disintegrate. It's now ready to disintegrate! We are moments away, from the disintegration of the entire planet!
The first place where it's going to collapse, is in the trans-Atlantic region, and Europe included. Then, at a later point, China, India, and countries on the Pacific Coast will degenerate: All of South America, all of Africa, all of Eurasia, is on the verge of a process of disintegration, now! And the reason is, because we, in the United States, have lost our legacy, lost sight of it. We no longer believe in creativity. We believe in kissing the butt of somebody who may have more power than we do, and hoping they like it! And don't use us up all at once. That's what it is.
Now, therefore, when you are dealing with the problems we face today—and we are now on the verge of a fascist dictatorship in the United States! But the ushering in of a hyperinflationary form of fascist dictatorship, which is what's on the way right now, under the new Congress! And you take a case like Rand Paul: This guy's a Nazi! He's a killer. He's the enemy of civilization. And he simply exemplifies a crew that is now recently elected, which is coming in to take seats in January in the Congress, which are fascist, just in the same degree that Adolf Hitler was fascist! And the attempt is going to be made by these kinds of people, called "Republicans"—because there are Republicans who are also human, these are not—Rand Paul is not a human Republican—he's a something. They will destroy civilization. Because, for two reasons: First of all, morally. They're not fit. A society which lives under them is not fit to exist. No concession, to a Rand Paul, or what he represents: None! Crush him! Because, if we don't, we lose our nation. We have to think in those terms.
And don't think terms of parties! Don't think of Democratic Party and Republican Party. Republican Party doesn't mean anything any more. It lost all meaning, all distinction. It's a crazy house! And some people in it, are decent by instinct, and some are not. Rand Paul is one of those, who are not.
So, we have to look back to something, not party. We have to look to nation, and to the meaning of our Federal Constitution, which is something which distinguishes us from Europe, in terms of our legacy. You look back to figures like President Franklin Roosevelt. Look back to figures like Abraham Lincoln, and others, who were great heroes in their time: And these were the people who led, after Benjamin Franklin, after the others, who created this nation, who led, in creating this nation, for the benefit of the world, as Franklin Roosevelt understood that mission.
We exist, not just for the benefit of the United States, we exist for the benefit of the world. Because, if the United States goes down—and it can go down, in the weeks ahead! We are in a hyperinflationary process, and under the present head of the Federal Reserve System, the United States is on a short fuse to suddenly vanish into chaos. Unless we change the way things have been going of late.
How Did We Become the United States?
Now, how did we become a nation, and how did we come into problems? We became a nation, through a war against our British oppressors, and we are about to be destroyed under the influence of our British oppressors, today.
For example: In 1971, two actions occurred, which have, up to this point, doomed the United States: One, was the termination of the fixed-exchange-rate system, which had been installed at Bretton Woods, by Franklin Roosevelt. The second thing that was done, was to bring in, a new world imperial system, launched by the British monarchy, through its instrument, Lord Jacob Rothschild: The world today, is dominated by a banking system, which was brought in to replace the United States' fixed-exchange-rate system, with the British system. And the British system, which is the Inter-Alpha Group system, is the financial power that controls the world's finances today.
So therefore, our war is against the British Empire: the other English-speaking empire. You know, the Devil speaks English, and we speak English, and there's a certain misunderstanding about the use of the language between the two, as the British will agree, when it comes to me.
So therefore, what are we? How were we created? And how have we been destroyed? We were created, through a process, which led into the so-called Revolutionary War, against the British Empire. How did we win that war, with the defeat of Cornwallis? How did we win it? We won it, because the King of France, the King of Spain, and the League of Armed Neutrality, led by Catherine the Great of Russia—this combination of forces enabled us to have the victory of establishing our United States.
But then, beginning in 1782, Lord Shelburne, who was, at that moment, the Prime Minister and also was the leader of the British East India Company, organized, through his establishment of the British Foreign Office, ran an intelligence service which organized the French Revolution, to destroy France. And which, with Metternich, cooperated to destroy Europe, using—guess who? Napoleon Bonaparte, as the instrument! Napoleon Bonaparte destroyed Europe! He was a British agent—and didn't know it! What he did, he unleashed wars, just the same way the British had organized the Seven Years War, earlier, which had made a mess of all Europe, the British, again, went back to another Seven Years Wars: The Napoleonic Wars!
Remember the history of Napoleon: Napoleon was a fascist, already. He was a no-count character, and he tried to run something on his own. Now, at the time that Napoleon started his career as a military adventurer, France had a tradition of being allied with the Ottoman Empire, against the Habsburg interests; that was the alliance. So Napoleon went off, on this basis, and went into Egypt and so forth, and had his little expedition trying to conquer the Mediterranean. And the British kicked his ass. He came back, and he divorced his wife, whose family was tied to the Ottoman side of French policy—and married a Habsburg princess!
Now Napoleon was actually a tool of Metternich and the British, and Napoleon conducted wars which were nothing but predatory wars, which destroyed all of Europe, again! Very much as the Seven Years War had been used to weaken and destroy the nations of Europe, earlier.
And then, they got rid of him. And the British—the Habsburgs and the British controlled Europe. And the United States was placed in danger, because no longer did the combination of forces exist, to maintain the United States.
Now, there's the other side of the thing: What was lost and how was it lost? What was lost was, you had Jefferson became terrified, did crazy things. Other people who had been leaders of the American Revolution did crazy things, and were destroyed, morally and otherwise; but we had a few Presidents and a few other great leaders, who came forward and kept returning us to the principles on which we had been founded, the Constitutional principles on which we had been founded. And one of the great ones, John Quincy Adams, was typical, and accomplished great things, not only while he was President and before, as a diplomat, but also in providing the legacy for what Abraham Lincoln did.
We have been the victims of this destruction by the British Empire! But, the problem also has been, that inside our country, as in Boston, with the Boston Vault crowd, or in New York, with the founding of the Bank of Manhattan by a traitor [Aaron Burr], who was working as a British agent, we have always had in us, an enemy: an enemy within. The enemy within was an extension of the British monetary-financial interests, which is centered today, in the Boston Vault banking interest, and is in the Manhattan banks, in Wall Street, and also Chicago, and a few other locations. But traditionally, it's Wall Street and Boston, where the British East India Company controlled things, and largely is controlling us now: It's that interest, through Britain which controlled us on behalf of Britain, to the effect of our self-destruction, by these kinds of policies.
Traitors in the White House
Now, what they did, is, these financial interests—like Andrew Jackson was really a traitor, he was a British agent—really. And the guy that owned him, who was part of the thing, was also a traitor! So, we had many Presidents of the United States, who were, in fact, traitors, because they were British agents, against the United States. And they successfully destroyed the United States: 1837, the operation set into motion through the New York banking system, which shut down the Constitutional system of national banking, and resulted in the 1837 Panic, the crash of the U.S. economy.
This has happened repeatedly. Lincoln created and used a fixed-exchange-rate concept, in the greenback system: That's in the Constitution—that's Constitution! But they shot Lincoln, on British orders, on British direction, and the government changed, and the greenback policy was repealed. And the United States was bankrupted by this treasonous breaking of the greenback policy. How did we get into World War I? Well, they assassinated the President of the United States. Theodore Roosevelt, whose uncle, who had trained him, had been the chief spy for the Confederacy in the Civil War—another pig.
These are the kinds of problems which we have faced. So, look at the Presidents we had: They killed McKinley. How was McKinley killed? He was killed by an imported agent, an assassin, brought in, through Hull House in Manhattan, and got conveyed around, introduced, and he shot the President of the United States. Now, the right-wing faction, as it was called, the Wall Street faction of the Republican Party had put in Teddy Roosevelt as Vice President; so, by killing McKinley, they put the system in the charge of, what? Of Teddy Roosevelt.
Now, what was happening? The British had never forgiven Germany, or Russia, in particular, for what had happened when the United States had launched the idea of a transcontinental railway system. What had happened, is, Bismarck had gone for the same thing: Bismarck, in 1877 on, had reformed the German economy, in a very decisive way, and had gone for an international, or continental railway system organization of an agro-industrial economy. This had been imitated by the Tsar of Russia, with the result of the production of the Trans-Siberian Railroad, which is not merely a railroad, but it was actually, under the direction of this program, was a search for the mineral deposits and other natural wealth, or potential natural wealth, of the entirety of Russia! And to make a railway track, which would go through these places where the greatest, richest ore known to them—as Mendeleyev, for example, knew—and they built a railway system to connect these areas in Siberia, which contained the richest potential for development of natural resources.
Now, what happened then? At this point, Bismarck was a friend of the Russians. He had a Russian agreement. And he was prepared to sabotage any British operation, or any Austrian operation which would destroy or impair the relationship between Germany and Russia.
The British freaked! Because the British viewed that, as the extension, or the end of, the British Empire's control of the planet. Because the British Empire's control of the planet had been accumulated in maritime power! If you open up the development of the interior part of a nation, through the development of canal systems, and then transcontinental railway systems, you have now shifted from dependency upon sea transport, you have now shifted the weight to the development of the interior of the nation, the landed area.
And of course, this is the secret of the United States: You see this in the case of what Lincoln did, during the course of the Civil War, was precisely that! He brought in populations from all parts of Europe and China, and brought them into the United States, and this influx of immigration, into the United States, during and following the period of Lincoln's Presidency, was what created the greatness of the industrial power of the United States. Because, we also brought in with tthe same process, the best knowledge of science, partly, which was developed in the United States itself; but we had a trans-Atlantic relationship, of Germans, French and so forth, with the scientists in the United States, as in the case of Alexander von Humboldt, which was key to this particular relationship.
So, now, suddenly with the victory of the United States, over the British, over the British puppet called the Confederacy and the British themselves, you had a growing cooperation, among Germany, Russia, the United States, and other nations, which were now looking for a trans-Atlantic, and broader connection, to develop a system of nation-states on this planet, which would base their relationships on cooperation in these great ventures, in the development of the potentiality of mankind.
The British considered this a geopolitical threat to the British Empire! That is, the shift from maritime imperialism to a shift to landed development of nation-states, cooperating nation-states. So therefore, that's why they got Bismarck out, which was the beginning of the war: It was the beginning of a permanent system of war, from 1890 to the present day! We are still living under permanent warfare, prescribed by the British, launched by the British, directed by the British, by the manipulation of stupid Americans and others, in other parts of the world! People who are stupid enough to listen to the British, the British Empire, and kow-tow to it, and treat it as "our closest relative"! It's close so it can pick your pocket. That's the nature of the beast.
So that's where we stand.
Patriotism, Not Political Parties
Therefore, the question is, what should politics in the United States be? Party politics? No!
Should parties exist? Yes. Should the government be based on party politics? No! Because, party politics is based on the accidents of the present moment. Some idiot leads the Republican Party, or some other party. You have a clinically insane man, like Obama, as President of the United States today. The man is clinically insane! He's a British agent, totally controlled by the British—and he's insane.
And you find the United States is the one nation which is destroying itself, with the help of the Federal Reserve System. The United States is now being finished off, in a very short term, if it's continued, by the present policies of the Federal Reserve System. Very soon, the United States will cease to exist, if this is allowed to continue. We're not talking about a long-term view. We had a fairly medium-term view, back in 2007, when I warned, that unless we made a certain change, right now, the United States was going into a great crisis.
I made a proposal, which is called the Homeowners and Bank Protection Act of 2007, which would have prevented all of the crap that has happened to the United States, in the main, since that time. And you had the Democratic Party, among others, led in sabotaging that act! And if you want to know what the problems are, in the United States today, look back into how that act was sabotaged: It was building up rapid support on the state level, within the Federal states. And then came the bailout: The bailout was the alternative. The bailout has destroyed the U.S. economy.
And people are playing this thing as party politics! How about patriotism, instead, instead of party? Right now, the parties don't really mean anything. Yes, they do: What they mean, is something significant, in the sense that the Republican Party is evil. The Democratic Party is noted for its stupidity, the Republican Party for its evil. And that doesn't mean all Republicans are evil, because, actually, what you've got is, there's not a Republican Party, you have a zoo over there. It's not a party, it's a zoo. And, we can not be run by a zoo!
Now, the plans of the Republican Party are to blackmail the Administration, by striking a very close alliance, with the President. Now, the President is not exactly an interchangeable part. It's a question of an interchangeable species, hmm? So, this President, now is already, and has been, committed to the same policy that the worst of the Republican Party, as typified by Rand Paul, typifies.
Rand Paul is virtually an animal. He's a fascist. A strict fascist, no question about it. And he has to be taken out of office, or neutralized. Tennessee is practically ready to go back to the period before the Tennessee Valley Authority, go back to the swamps again, produce more of these kind of things, like Al Gores.
So therefore, the point is, it's not party, as such: It's a nation. It's the Constitution.
Now, you have a wave of sophistry inside U.S. politics, which is centered around so-called "party loyalty." Would you swear an oath of allegiance, to a party? Did any of you swear an oath of an allegiance to a political party? As opposed to the United States? Or, did you recall—as you should—the historical basis for the existence of the United States!? As a unique creation, for the benefit of mankind, but as a nation-state! We are not going to run the world. But we are going to run a nation-state, and we're going to cooperate with other nation-states, on a common principle! A principle of sovereignty, and cooperation among sovereign states.
But you don't have loyalty to a party! You have loyalty to a U.S. Constitution, and what it means. You don't turn the thing over to dickering between parties! What about the United States? In this conflict, in this mélange, between the Democratic and Republican Party today, what have we got? And the Tea Party—who knows what? Right? This mélange. We're destroying the United States, because we don't believe in the United States any more! We make laws which violate the intention of the U.S. Constitution! We adopt policies which are contrary to the very basis on which this nation was founded! We're a mélange of people who are either traitors, or too stupid to know what the difference is.
And that's the way we have to understand this.
Rand Paul's 'Creative Destruction'
So now, what's happening? The election has happened—well, almost happened. It's probably still not completed yet, anyway. The dead have not yet been fully counted—and buried. So, that's our situation. So, it's not settled in that sense.
But what's the debate today? Is how the Democratic Party is going to get along with a Rand Paul, and what he typifies? That degenerate? A complete degenerate! He's also an idiot! Certifiable!
Look at Rand Paul's policy. You want to get an idea of what a real idiot is, a dangerous one: His policy is: We've got to a balance the budget. He's nuts! He's talking about balancing the monetary accounts!
What about our unemployed? What about our dying citizens? What about the states that are bankrupt, when most of them are? What about the destitution being wreaked upon our people? Is this in our Constitution? How did that SOB get elected in the first place? And there are people like him! This is the policy of the new Obama Administration! The second half of the Obama Administration is based on the policies of "creative destruction," by that fascist, Schumpeter, and his predecessors, Nietzsche and so forth: A policy of creative destruction. Which is a monetarist conception.
This guy is an enemy of humanity! But he's now the newly elected Senator from Kentucky. And he's typified by what the leading Republican edge is now: to get the Democratic Party to capitulate. You know, this is a time, that an old soldier like me—and I'm not much of a soldier, but anyway, strategist, maybe, not soldier—says, "No, no, no, no, no! We make no concession, to Rand Paul!" Because the United States' existence depends upon physical economic conditions. And money conditions are not physical economic conditions—they're paper! And it's pretty much toilet paper by the time that Bernanke gets through with it, right now.
We are already in a hyperinflation, comparable to that of Germany in 1923. That's the process which is in process, now. It's not merely confined to one nation, as Germany in 1923 was a case of one nation, within its own borders, confined to a certain special treatment. This is now the world economy. But, if you look at the pattern, what Europe has rejected, is what the United States has accepted: We have accepted the self-destruction of our nation! And Rand Paul typifies that threat! You can not be a supporter of Rand Paul, and a true patriot of the United States. Because if you can't defend the United States and its citizens, you're not defending the United States. There's no room for a Rand Paul in a safe United States.
What are they going to do? The cuts that they plan, the cuts they're going to try to blackmail the Democratic Party leadership into accepting, mean mass death in the United States! This is mass murder! This is the destruction of the United States. You're going to find that in the law of the United States? Can the law of United States, or the power of lawmaking of the United States, be used to destroy the United States, as it's now being destroyed? As Europe is on the way to being destroyed? As Russia is being destroyed by the same kind of policy? And in the long run, China and India—or not so long, will also be destroyed.
The policy is to reduce the world's population to less than 2 billion people, from 6.8. And this is the way to do it! These kinds of economic policies.
Real Economy Means Nuclear Power
Real economy is based on physical economy. It always has been. We use certain technologies, for example in mineral technologies, other things; and we, naturally, being not stupid, we don't use the least rich concentrations of ores and things, we use the relatively best concentration of ores and things. Now, by going to the best concentrations, we reduce the amount of that concentration. As we increase the population, we increase the rate of consumption of these raw materials. So therefore, a fixed-exchange-rate doesn't mean anything in terms of economy: It's the rate of increase of potential relative productive powers of labor, that count.
And this involves technological progress, or the application of technological progress. It involves great changes in infrastructure, because there can be no progress in economy, without great changes to that effect in infrastructure: water systems; green systems in terms of plant life, animal life; all these things. And we use up things, in their richest concentration. But we haven't used up the resource, we've used it up in that concentration.
Therefore, what do we do? We go to use of higher degrees of power, increased rates of power, per capita and per square kilometer; we go to higher energy-flux density in modes of power produced; we go from burning Bushes—especially George and company; we burned the Bushes behind us, or something like that, because we don't like to see the spectacle—and we use up some ore, in their richer concentration. And we go to, by scientific discovery, we develop technologies which increase the energy-flux density. As now, if you're not using nuclear technology, you're not civilized any more. Because, without nuclear technology, we can not meet the needs of mankind.
We require, also, thermonuclear fusion, as a technology, otherwise, we will not be able to meet the requirements of mankind, even on a fixed level. Because we were drawing down some of the richest concentration of resources, and we haven't lost them! We haven't lost any mineral resources, by using them up. We've lost the rich concentration of mineral resources. Now, how do you compensate for that? You go to a higher degree of energy-flux density. You go to nuclear power, and thermonuclear power, right now, and beyond that. You start to reach out into Solar System, and get control of some of the processes inside the Solar System, beyond Earth itself. You increase man's power to maintain the existence and development of mankind.
And that's the principle. That has always been, essentially, the American principle. Since the founding of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, that's been the American principle. That was the principle of Nicholas of Cusa; that was the principle of Charlemagne. It was the principle of every great progressive movement, for mankind, in human history. So that's our criteria.
Rand Paul: He's going to cut this, cut that, cut this! This is the Republican program! Which they're now trying to shove down the throat of the Democratic Party! And someone says, "Well, we have to go along with them." I say, "No, we don't go along with them. We do not go along with them! You have sworn an oath to uphold this Constitution and defend this nation. If you're an honest patriot, you won't go along with them! They want a crisis? Give them a crisis!" Don't concede: Give them a crisis. Change the agenda! Don't try to work within the agenda: The agenda which has been worked up, is a doomed agenda. You will lose the nation! How can you compromise, to lose the nation? How can you compromise, to lose the very meaning of the existence of this nation?! How can you betray this nation?
And anyone who supports Rand Paul, is voting to destroy this nation! And with such people, we don't make agreements! We crush them. We neutralize them.
That's what patriots do.
Compromise Is Off the Table!
Now, I admit the generations lately, don't have much patriotism, not because they're unpatriotic, but because they really don't have the culture built into them, of the World War II generation, which would have fought this nonsense.
And therefore, my job is—there are a lot of good people out there, Democrats and Republicans, and so forth, and they are good people, but they're confused. It's like the dog that's trying to mate with a dog of the same sex: We don't say they're bad, we say they're confused. So you don't make agreements with certain people: It's like the dog that makes that little mistake. And you say, "Well, what can you do? It's a dog! How can you explain this to a dog?" And some Republicans and Democrats are like that, and you say, "How can you explain this? I mean, after all they're only poor dogs. They don't think much above the dog level; as a matter of fact, they don't even know how to pee properly. But that's the situation.
So therefore, the issue is this: Is, are we willing to stage a fight—because, if we concede, if we concede, to this crowd, now, we are not going to have a nation.
Now, our predecessors, our patriotic predecessors have been there before. We've been at that point, before. And up to now, the nation has survived, because, more or less, at one time or another, American patriots have come forth, without respect to party, but with respect to the cause of the nation, and defended the nation, even at the risk of their own life, at the peril of their own life. And we are there, again. If we do not defend this nation, if we concede, if we compromise with the Rand Pauls, we are not going to have a nation. So, what's there to compromise about? Compromise is off the table! With this crowd: It's off the table, for every patriot. And that is how you define a patriot, is one who says, "This is off the table."
Because you're about to lose this nation: And in my forecasting, I've never been wrong. You better worry. I was right in 2007, in particular. Look what you got! You got exactly what I warned you against! And now, you're going to get it, full.
We can defeat this—why? Well, forget the politicians for a moment. What do we have — beside politicians? I mean, this is nation of politicians? No. It's a nation of people. Now, who is threatened by this? Well, the politicians in the end, yes. They will always get it in the end; some of them like it, apparently, like that. But it's the people. And the people are not being consulted! Consulting means, an honest consultation, of telling them, what you're going to do to them. And acting with their consent! Knowledgeable consent! By ensuring they have the knowledge they need. You don't make deals, with a Rand Paul, you don't. He belongs to an inferior species, or feces, if you prefer. You don't trade the nation off, for a deal, that sells the nation down the road to destruction.
That's the primary thing: If we don't understand that, nothing else means anything. If we go along, with conceding to the Rand Pauls, we are not going to have a nation! It's not going to exist! And the only people that count, are those who are assembled to fight, to prevent that from happening, to save this nation: For the people in it! It's the people who are being betrayed. And the politicians can not go behind the back of the people to betray the people! That's the end. And that's what's missing.
I've got some good Democrats out there, and they're leading Democrats, and many of them are very intelligent. But they don't have the stamina, apparently, at least maybe I can talk them into having the stamina—they only want to compromise. They want to go by successive steps of compromise, to get agreement. That's not the way you deal with this kind of situation! We've had too much agreement! That's what the problem has been! Too many deals. Too many com-pro-mises! And what happens to a person who compromises too much? They become compromised. Divorce court is awaiting them, or something worse. Compromising, compromised personalities. That's our situation.
The Planet Is About To Disintegrate
Now: The other side. What's the option? What's the other option, presuming that we are in tune with reality? Well, right now, the entire planet is about to disintegrate. Why? Well, it's been a long story. You have a story at the end of the war, what the British managed to do, once Roosevelt was dead, and Truman, with the British, conspired to do it: What was created, first of all, was the so-called Anglo-American war against the Soviet Union and China, eventually. What was this for? Go back to the Seven Years War! Go back to the Napoleonic Wars! How do you destroy nations? You get them involved in long wars. Perpetual wars. They destroy each other! And the British Empire sits back there and laughs about it.
The British organized all this stuff! Everything! From their organization against railroads! Now, what is Rand Paul for? Oh! Destroying the railroads! An old British trick! Why doesn't he go back to another country, you know, like go back to Britain. Why doesn't he transfer to British patronage? He doesn't belong in the United States! He's not really one of us. He belongs to something strange: Destroy railroads! We've already done that. Destroy industries: We've already done that. No, this thing has to be eliminated.
But what are we going to do? The other direction: We have a shortage of energy-flux density, now, in terms of production on the planet. We can no longer, with the present level of technology, as installed and operating, maintain the present population of this planet. We have come to the point, that's not possible any more. We have been living on drawing down accumulated capital improvements of various kinds, including basic economic infrastructure, over this period of time—especially most recently, in the past decade: The rate of destruction, of the U.S. economy, in the course of this past decade, the past ten years, has been an accelerating rate. It was already started, before then. But the rate of destruction of the U.S. economy, willfully, by the hand of government itself, has been monstrous.
The same thing has happened in Europe. This coincided, in part, with what happened with the breakup of the Soviet Union. What happened, of course, was, essentially, that the British, François Mitterrand of France, Margaret Thatcher of Britain, and George H.W. Bush, the President of the United States, agreed on what's called, in effect, the Maastricht agreement. The Maastricht agreement was targeted to destroy specifically Europe, continental Europe, especially from Germany into the Soviet Union. And there has been a massive destruction of the economy of Central and Western Europe—and also France, and others—since that time.
This took off about ten years ago, and it was the Al Gore paradox that occurred. You had a man who was not fit for habitation among man or beast, Al Gore. And he, through a series of things, which some people understand, became the candidate for the President of the United States. And Al Gore was the guy, who elected George W. Bush, Jr. And George W. Bush, Jr., was really a nothing, a thuggish creature of no particular intellect. He was really a stooge for other people who used him, and George Bush, Jr. did a great deal in destroying the United States and destroying our freedoms!
Behind the 9/11 Attacks
For example, what happened with the coverup in the takedown of the towers in New York City: It was a planned operation. Who was it run by? We know who it was run by. We have evidence enough to know who it was run by. It was run by BAE, the British BAE, collaboration with a leading faction of the Saudi monarchy. We know personally, that the Saudi ambassador to the United States, was personally involved in recruiting and sustaining pilots who were used in the attack on New York City. And that was covered up.
Why? What had happened? The British organized it, with their usual Saudi accomplice: The same Saudi group which created the wave of Islamic terror in this whole region of Southwest Asia. That's how it happened. This was used to put dictatorial institutions into operation, inside the United States, and to create a state of terror, which was used to control the population of the United States. Wearing out the population that was dying of old age! Because the younger population today, generally does not have the characteristics, even the young adult population today, does not have the characteristics, as a generation, which are sufficient to save a nation, to maintain and save a nation. They're too demoralized. They're too oriented to a simplistic conception, of personal adaptation to society. That's where the problem comes in.
So, we are now being permanently destroyed, as a planet. What is the intention? The intention is an old one: The intention is to reduce the world population from about 6.8 billion people to less than 2. That's the declared intention, of the British Empire! That's the policy of Prince Philip, with his World Wildlife Fund, and all these other funds, all these other operations. What's happening is, the carrying-capacity of the planet, for human beings, is being destroyed. And Rand Paul's initiative, is simply a deep cut, in the population potential of the United States and of the planet. This guy is worse than Hitler, in terms of his policy, and the policy he represents.
Do you compromise with that? No! Those of us who understand the Hitler phenomenon, understand how it was created, say: No! Nyet! No! No Hitler. No Hitler-like policy. Rand Paul has a Hitler-like policy. We can't compromise with him. He calls himself a Republican. What's that? What's a "Republican" mean any more?
So, what we have before us, is the opportunity: Now, what we could do, as a nation, if you've got people with the brains, and guts, in government to do it, and there isn't much in terms of both brains and guts in government, right now, to do much of anything any good—but, maybe we can muster it. Maybe some of the people will become angry enough to insist that their politicians rethink the recent election, which was a farce! A President who is insane, is now being given Republican backing, for his insanity!
Well, we have a policy: The key to economy, real economy, as opposed to all this monetarist nonsense, is physical economy. That is, mankind, especially with such means as increasing the energy-flux density of the modes of production we employ, by increasing the capital intensity in terms of technology, that we develop and employ, we are able to increase the power of mankind to exist, to sustain a larger population, and this ultimately means that we're going into space. We're going to extend man's operation into space.
The NAWAPA Project
Now, we have a policy right now, which my associates and I are pushing, and some other people are sympathetic to, which is this NAWAPA project. Now, we've given new meaning to the NAWAPA project, from what it was meant in 1964, because we are now talking about the new implications, which are not read into the design of the NAWAPA policy. NAWAPA policy, as it was defined by the Parsons Company, was a very good design, and it still, essentially, is the foundation of a very good design. It is the necessary design, because we have a situation, now:
Let's take the United States in particular: Take the Western land-area. Look at the 20-inch rainfall line. We are now losing the aquifer level of resources, to maintain the production of food in the central states of the United States. We are draining deep wells of water, we are draining the subterranean resources. And this is producing a destruction—along with certain policies—of the ability to produce food!
And also, we've cut out nuclear power. We no longer are competent in nuclear power, we're no longer competent in energy policy, in power policy; we have these windmills and solar power, solar cells. Windmills? These things—they're only good for killing birds, not as a source of power! And the cost of a windmill is greater, from the time of its construction through its demolition, when it's worn out—is greater than all of the income you got from it! The same thing, the solar collector, the same thing: It's a complete waste of time!
Well, then, what's the natural form? Nuclear power. And you know, Asia's nuclear power. China's nuclear power. India's nuclear power. Japan will be active in nuclear power, now. So, the sane part of the world is going to nuclear power, and that's already a little bit late. Because we now have to go to thermonuclear power. We need to increase, as has always been the tendency, the energy-flux density of the application of power, which enables us to transmute materials and so forth, this sort of thing.
Now, in the case of NAWAPA, what are we doing? Well, we're realizing what NAWAPA means. It not only means an adequate water supply, to maintain the fertility of the United States, and Canada, and Mexico, but it means the steps into space. We are now going into areas with NAWAPA, in our work on this, which is beyond anything really, until recent years, that has been considered. This thing has the implications, it really is a part of space. When you look at the cosmic radiation relationships, and the process of that, and their relationship to what NAWAPA means, it means that we actually are, on Earth, in terms of NAWAPA, we're going into the Arctic, we're going into areas like that; into areas of technology, where we are really looking at the relationship of what's happening in nearby space, in solar space, how it affects life on Earth, and with NAWAPA, we are intersecting precisely that question! We are the first concrete step toward mankind's development of nearby space.
This means that we're moving into an area of energy-flux density per capita, per square kilometer, and so forth, which is beyond anything we've considered before. This means, we have within hand, the power to change the character of the planet, man's life on the planet, to go to a new platform, of level of production; a level, where we have the productivity to change the conditions of life.
What are we going to do for India? They're doing fairly well, so far, but they have big problems. What about Africa? What about South America? What about other, poorer areas of the world? Without these technologies, we really do not have the resources, to meet the needs of the existing population of the planet, and to continue that process.
Why not reach upward, as we in this nation have always tended to do, as a nation? To look to higher forms of technology, to improvements in the organization of infrastructure, to all these kinds of things which result in the increase of the productive powers of labor, and thus, the means to satisfy our needs? That's the alternative.
The Third American Revolution
So, we have come to a time, where the Third American Revolution has got to occur: We have to go to the people—don't talk about the politicians. Yes, the politicians are fine, I know some. They can be used, they're useful: If properly fed, and directed, and educated, they're useful, a very necessary species. But, we are in a situation where we can reach a point, right now—let me give you a concrete: What's the program? My program is, number 1: Obama out! Why? He's clinically insane. We have a 25th Amendment. The 25th Amendment says, an insane President can be removed. Now, let's stop—don't worry about the details: He's insane, we have a law, we say that insane Presidents can not function. They're out. So, he's going to be out. That's number 1. If you don't get this President out, you're not going to do anything good!
Get him out: He's now the New Republican. He's a post-election Republican—and you're going to find out that's true, very fast, and very painfully. He's going to make Hitler look like a humanitarian? That's what you're dealing with.
So, what's going to happen then, is, we have the greatest crisis in all humanity on our hands, now. The option is to move ahead, get him out of there, in order to make room for the policy which is needed. Now, the first thing that's needed, is actually a formal introduction of Glass-Steagall. Now, only Glass-Steagall will do this, itself. There is a potential of doing that, agreeing to do that in government, among politicians, they know how to do that. But it's not just that we need: We don't just need a Glass-Steagall effect, we need the Glass-Steagall principle, not a Glass-Steagall effect. Difference, hmm? We need it for this planet, because, what we've got to have, is a fixed-exchange-rate system! A planetary fixed-exchange-rate system. We don't want any more monetary systems!
We want a fixed-exchange-rate system, which is essentially a credit system. That is, each nation creates its own credit. And it creates its own credit in a knowledgeable relationship with other nations, which also are creating their own credit. You're going for, as Roosevelt defined, a fixed-exchange-rate system of credit, not a monetary system! A fixed-exchange-rate system of credit! National credit! We utter credit, which is then used, as credit, for financing all kinds of things on credit.
For example: NAWAPA. The NAWAPA project is being installed, which can be done after that, once you've adopted the fixed-exchange-rate system, as part of this reform, the Glass-Steagall reform. You go to a fixed-exchange-rate system, the first thing you're going to do, is, you are going to do two things: Number 1, you're going to cancel this present banking system. You're going back to the protection and development of a commercial banking system, as it existed under Roosevelt, and in U.S. tradition generally. So, you're going to do that, and then, you're going to act, to save the Federal states of the United States.
Now, this is where Rand Paul is way off base, politically, and even as an opportunist. Because, if you do not do that, if you do not take these measures—get Obama out; get the Glass-Steagall formally adopted as Glass-Steagall, not something that can be managed to look like Glass-Steagall, but formally; if you do not then revise the whole banking system, banking reform, generally to go back to the U.S. standard of that system, you can not save this nation. It will not exist. And under the present Federal Reserve System, the nation is about to be finished, right now, anyway! So, the first thing, you have to get Bernanke and that crowd out.
But, once we do that, we then have to bail out the states, because the states can not fund essential state operations, on their own resources. The only agency that can do that, is the Federal government, under Federal law: We have to save the states, which are now disintegrating! Does Rand Paul accept that? He says no. No Rand Paul.
Once we do that, now we've got to get some real production. And real production means, inclusively, high-speed modern rail, on a large scale. Do Rand Paul and Co., want rail? He's banning it! Eliminating it! Enemy of civilization, again: Rand, you're not doing well, in your score.
Now, how is the rail thing going to develop? How're we going to do that? Well, we're going to finance the long-term credit for the development of NAWAPA. How's that going to work? Well, NAWAPA means you're going to be the greatest engineering job that the world has ever seen. It covers Alaska, Canada, the United States, especially the Western part of the United States, Canada, and Mexico. A grand project! Wonderful. Those of you who are young enough to enjoy that, will see some of the most wonderful changes in the landscape you ever imagined.
But—what happens then? Well, if you're going to build NAWAPA, you're going to build dams, a system of dams, which is higher than any dam you've ever seen! It is comparable to, but greater than the Three Gorges Dam in China. The greatest dam system, the greatest water system you have ever seen, man has ever seen. You are going to have nuclear power all over the place in this thing, because that's the improvement over the Parsons approach to this thing. You're going to change the ecology of the planet!
We Can Transform the Planet
But at same time, how are you going to do this? You're going to have to build railway lines, from places such as New York State, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, out to St. Louis, and down into certain parts of the southern states. Because, without this rail development, you can not provide the material developed, which is necessary for the NAWAPA project.
What you are talking about, therefore, is a sudden increase, in the employment, and usually, largely skilled employment, including highly skilled employment, of about 4 million people. And it starts on a dime! The minute the law is passed, to implement that policy, which depends upon the previous steps I indicated, once that's done, we are out of the woods! We're on the way to recovery!
And then, if you take this thing, and say, "Let's apply the same thing globally"—well, globally is obvious: Break through the Darien Gap, in South America, with the rail system, we can do it. Transaqua in Africa: We can save Africa, particularly that part of Africa, which will save all of Africa. It can be done! What could happen in Siberia, especially, after we agree on the tunnel, or rail and tunnel combination, in the Bering Strait, between the NAWAPA project operating in Alaska, and Siberia, you have a revolution in the world system: an economic revolution. This we can do.
This can be the achievement of the coming generation, which can be completed within two generations, mean 50 years: Within 50 years, we can transform this planet. Within 50 years, we will be ready, then, to launch the effort on Mars. We can reach that point, now. We can make scientific revolutions, which we, in the Basement, for example, are discussing and exploring, now. Tremendous potential.
So, why should we take this crap? Isn't it worth more than your life to prevent what Rand Paul, and the Democrats who would butter his bottom, would do? Wouldn't it be worth it, to take the effort to do that, for the sake, of a couple of coming generations of humanity, for the benefit of humanity as a whole? Isn't it worth that?
This is the time, and kind of issue, on which a great statesman, would go to the point of declaring war, to protect that opportunity! There is no moral excuse, for compromise. And the only way you are going to win, against these bastards, is not by placating them. You're going to win by crushing them—and it can be done.
[1] See the LPAC video, "The Obama People," which exposes the sham of Obama's so-called autobiography, Dreams from My Father, as likely ghostwritten by the "ex"-Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers.