The Crucial Atlantic Triangle
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
January 24, 2011
In February 1763, in the Peace of Paris, the future U.S.A. was divided between the Liberal faction of the British East India Company and the American patriots. Since the period from the February 1763 "Peace of Paris" to the United States' victory at Yorktown, that division has existed to the present day, as between the American patriots and the "party of treason," that of the so-called "Tories" of the British East India Company faction in North America. This division, as it has been described by Anton Chaitkin's Treason in America[1], has been the continuing quarrel between our patriots and what is regarded as of such offshoots of the British East India Company as the Wall Street gang associated with the legacy of the traitor Aaron Burr's founding of the Bank of Manhattan. So, Burr had remained a British agent against the United States, and associated with the name of "Wall Street." U.S. Presidents such as Richard M. Nixon, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Jr., and Barack Obama, are merely typical of that same, Wall Street-to-London "party of treason" which has been, still lately, the agents of influence of the British empire's interest inside the financial centers and government of our United States. Such was the division between the patriots and the "White Shoe" Anglophiles' faction within its own, Wall Street part of the U.S. wartime Office of Strategic Services (O.S.S.); that division within the O.S.S. has remained the key to politics within the U.S.A. since that time, to the present day. That is our story, still today.
The SDI Experience
To be clear in this matter, during my relatively short time in military service during World War II, I was never an assigned part of the U.S. intelligence services. However, even then, as to the personal role which I played in Calcutta during the immediate post-war period that I was still in military service abroad, it was to be proven, years later, that what I conducted in Calcutta, then, was an action fully consistent, paradigmatically, with what had been the patriotic faction of the war-time Office of Strategic Services (O.S.S.), rather than the British-aligned. "White Shoe" faction.
In the meantime, with the close of my military service, once I had resumed my role as a civilian back in the U.S.A., not many years were to have passed before I came to be increasingly suspect, even hated to the present day, by that Liberal faction associated with certain "Wall Street" and related, pro-British factions' circles of political and financial, reductionist opinion still today. As it is said: I "have had their number."
During my U.S. Presidential candidacies, beginning the late 1970s, I did play a 1977-1983 role within an official framework, an initiating role in what came to be known officially as "A Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)." The original design of that endeavor was my own; but, relevant senior forces of several leading governments had taken over the leading official role within the evolving framework of that organized effort.
During the course of the post-World War II period, what can be identified as many leading military, diplomatic, and scientific circles from among an impressive listing of nations, including some on both sides of the Atlantic, echoed President Charles de Gaulle's notion of a "Europe . . . from the Atlantic to the Urals," as I emphasized that connection among relevant U.S.A., European and other prominent circles through the time of my October 12, 1988 Berlin address on behalf of this perspective. Similarly, as Dr. Edward Teller had spoken at a relevant Erice conference of that period, the object of bringing the Soviet Union into this new configuration was to "achieve the common aims of mankind." Leading senior figures of sundry nations participated in this effort prior to and following President Ronald Reagan's public declaration of his proposal for a shared Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) between the Soviet Union, on the one side and the allies of the United States on the other.
Thus, the objections of such Soviet figures of the 1980s as the Yuri Andropov and Mikhail Gorbachov opposing the SDI proposal, went to great lengths to prepare what turned out to be not only the doom of the Soviet Union during that time, but, as we have seen since, the degradation of all continental Europe, and areas and peoples beyond, into the present advanced stage of a general breakdown-crisis throughout the planet's trans-Atlantic regions, and, implicitly, the planet in its entirety.
That had not been my specific goal when I first returned from overseas service; but, the changes which occurred in that direction were consistent with the trends in my outlook throughout the period of my experience beginning my overseas war-time service, to the present day.
My present role, as it had been expressed afresh in my voluntary "State of the Union" address this past Saturday (Jan. 22), is best understood from the vantage-point of the kind of strategic-intelligence function which I had first performed, briefly, in Spring 1946, according to the public instructions for the post-war period which I had heard uttered by President Franklin Roosevelt, earlier. Such were my views from the time of my return to the U.S.A., especially since the period I composed my forecast of the severe U.S. recession to break out during the February-March interval of 1957. This led to a later time, as when I played a similar role as a forecaster, but with increasing political significance, since my celebrated, December 2, 1971 debate against Britain's Professor of a Nietzschean ("creative destruction") disposition, Abba Lerner, at Queens College.
Fairly said, since my overseas service at the close of the war, such had been my virtual instinct, then, as now. The same kind of significance is to be emphasized respecting my leading role in the development of what came, later, to be termed as a "Strategic Defense Initiative" (SDI), a policy which I had launched, in fact, as the seedling of a strategic mission-orientation over the 1977-1982 interval, and into 1983 and beyond, a part which I conducted in opposition to British-leaning Soviet officials Yuri Andropov and Mikhail Gorbachov, a long-term perspective which remains my commitment to the present date.
Since the mid-1950s, my performance in economic forecasting of major medium- to long-term trends in the U.S. economy, and, also, sometimes others, has been outstanding among economists generally. Many of my successful forecasts have had significant, or even crucial significance for our own republic, and, often, also others, too. Now, with the combination of a set of most recent developments, including the report of the Angelides "2008 Commission," my successes as a forecaster to date, have a most extraordinary, immediate significance at the highest level of attention to policy-shaping.
To that point, the following is now to be said.
Now that the Angelides ("2008") commission's report has been delivered to the public, during this week, I have come to enjoy an enhanced degree of international authority in the matter of urgent economic reforms, an enhancement derived from the fact that I have been fully demonstrated to have been correct in pushing my defense of the principle of the 1933 Glass-Steagall legislation in my own July-August 2007 draft legislation for a Homeowners and Bank Protection Act. This was continued in such notable occasions as my 2008 denunciation of the launching of a lunatic, inherently fraudulent "bail-out" practice, a real-life caricature of the children's game called "Monopoly," the opening of the great "bail-out" swindle which has been played out at greatly fraudulent public expense, by leading political figures which should have known better, a fraud for which there had never been any competent sort of actual authority.
Now, only the cancellation of the entirety of that "bail-out" swindle, under the authority of a renewed 1933 Glass-Steagall Act, could save our United States—and also other nations, from an oncoming plunge into a global, chain-reaction sort of general economic-breakdown-crisis now threatening to become a catastrophe comparable to Europe's Fourteenth-century plunge into "A New Dark Age." Since I have been the only notably competent public authority in general economic forecasting, the fact that the "2008" and later "bailout" has been such a terrible fraud, requires that official institutions of the U.S.A., including the two awfully incompetent Presidents, George W. Bush, Jr. and Barack Obama, must now act abruptly, and most urgently, as by aid of Section of #4 of the 25th Amendment of the U.S. Federal Constitution, to remedy the sheer and reckless incompetence of their widespread and ruinous error of 2007-2008, their folly which is being stubbornly continued, still today.
The facts which support the findings of Professor Phil Angelides' "2008" echo of the Franklin Roosevelt era's Pecora Commission, show beyond any presently reasonable objection, that I had been correct in both my strategic assessment, and, also, the remedies which I introduced as my policies of the 2007-2008 interval—and beyond. This included my 2008 denunciation of the 2008 launching of what has been a fraudulent bail-out scheme, where those who had opposed me in this matter are now shown to have been awfully misguided in this matter.
Shame on them? Yes; but, the important thing is not to whimper and whine, but to reverse the fundamental errors of policy-shaping leading into the "bail-out," by returning immediately to a full and immediate reversal of the entirety of the bail-out hoax, before it is too late to save civilization from the effects of that fallacious, London-steered policy.
So, today, in the light of the "2008" Commission's references to those developments of the 2007-2008 interval and beyond, I must include an explanation of why I must now explain my essential distinction between those two, contending, U.S. factions, from the World War II period, to which I referred, as follows.
To explain that situation competently, we must look back to the foundations of our U.S. republic under the 17th-century, Massachusetts Bay initiatives, actions taken then under the leadership of the Winthrops and the Mathers.
Man or Beast?
The original distinction between the Massachusetts leadership of the Winthrops and Mathers, on the one side, and the British East India Company crowd of the likes of American Tories such as Judge Lowell, on the other, was a fundamental, and often fierce difference of principle. It was the distinction between man as essentially human, and man as a talking and calculating simulation of a beast, the latter being predators of, for example, the kind of present-day predators of the current "Wall Street" design. That characterization is more than justly identified, otherwise, as representing the difference between the U.S. constitutional commitment as a system of credit, and a contrary, monetarist system of a European type which remains, in fact, as descended from the Roman Empire, still today.
The meaning of that distinction, the difference between what is identified as the "credit system" on which the U.S. Federal Constitution was based and a monetarist system of the sort now preferred in Europe, will probably shock many readers at first glance; despite that, the urgency of proceeding to that change, reflects a difference between the two policy-outlooks whose essential distinction lies in man's urgent need to conceive itself according to man's true nature, rather considering himself wrongly as virtually a "talking beast" lured into folly by the worthless worship of mere money.
That is to emphasize, that the idea of credit, when strictly defined in strictly scientific terms, such as those of the modern European Renaissance's Nicholas of Cusa, depends on the role of what Cusa identified as those creative powers of the human mind which constitute the essential distinction of the class of living creatures known as human, from the more limited category of powers attributable to the beasts; the principle of consciously voluntary creativity, which, speaking categorically in terms of the principle of science, does not exist among the beasts.
I explain this crucially important distinction as follows.
There is a kind of specific incompetence which frequently prevents human individuals, and also leading governments of the world, from recognizing the systemic nature of this crucial point of difference between, on the one hand, the mere symbol of money and, on the other hand, the physical actuality expressed as credit, as this were a difference between man and beast. That failure is the expression of an induced, incompetent habit of ignoring the existence of those efficiently definable universal principles of scientific practice which are categorically excluded by such prototypes as Aristotle. The same is to be said of the sheer ontological silliness of Aristotle's foolish echo Euclid, and the followers of Paolo Sarpi's "neo-Aristotelean," modern British Liberalism as echoed by the black-magic hoaxster Isaac Newton and his echo Adam Smith. The widespread, foolish rejection of the scientific fact of Johannes Kepler's unique accomplishment of the discovery of a universal physical principle of gravitation, as Kepler's discovery was treated by Albert Einstein, illustrates this fact, all in accord with a judgment of mine, and of others, which is of great actual importance in all cases of a discovery of an actually universal physical principle.
The most convenient illustration of that set of facts, is presented as the concluding sentence of Bernhard Riemann's 1854 habilitation dissertation. There, Riemann warned that we must leave the department of mathematics, so that we might proceed with a competent physical science. All true discoveries of principle in science, are demonstrably fruits of either the discovery of such an original, universal physical principle, or represent an enrichment of the recognition of the applicable implications of such a discovery. The successful application of such discoveries, or, of their derivatives, is the essential, driving force of a system based on the physical principle of economic credit. The marginal gain, by society, of a presumption which satisfies that requirement, is the root of that principle of creativity expressed by the progress of the Seventeenth-century Commonwealth of Massachusetts under its original charter. That is also to be recognized as the expression of the physical principle of credit.
Mankind is no wretch, no mythical "Old Adam" borrowed from heathen legends, but, admittedly, man has frequently, like the authors of the U.S. "bail out" of 2008-2011, made wretched choices among society's decisions. To the best of our present knowledge, mankind is the most accomplished of the known living creatures we have encountered. Our species' errors must, therefore, be attributed to the failures of some, often even many human beings to come up to the standard of creative performance which is the inherent distinction of mankind's inherent powers. Nonetheless, our existence is not an error, but, our failure to come up to that standard I have prescribed, is, indeed, an error. Therefore, let us now proceed here with that understanding of that distinction, accordingly.
Economic Reality
In a civilized society, this power of human creativity has two, overlapping, but never contradictory expressions.
Said most simply, we have the case of either an actual discovery of principle, or a nearby approximation of such an accomplishment. The implied alternative expression of the same creative mental powers, is that which is otherwise associated only with formally Classical artistic creativity. These two, ostensibly distinct types, are, actually, differing phases of that creative process which distinguishes the creative powers of humanity from the forms of innovative behavior common to the beasts. The true principle of Classical-artistic metaphor, coincides, in effect, with the import of a genuine approach toward achieving a true scientific discovery; the two types of human behavior are ultimately of the same categorical quality.
The connection between the two "phase-spatial" expressions of specifically human creativity, is often to be found in the way in which human Classical artistic creativity serves as the precursor of what is rightly to be recognized as human physical-scientific creativity. To the same end, the loss of a wont for the experience of Classical-artistic creativity is, more than often, evidence of the serious impairment, even the loss of scientific creativity among science professionals so afflicted.
My own unique success as a long-range economic forecaster, from beginnings during the middle through late 1950s, has depended upon, and expressed that distinction of the often elusive, true principle of human scientific creativity from the murky, statistical waters of both Aristoteleanism and modern, Sarpian Liberalism.
All that which I have to report in this present report, should be situated by the reader within the setting of the foregoing emphasis on the interchangeability of true scientific creativity (such as that definable in terms of a science of physical economy) and what are clearly human forms of Classical-artistic creativity.
That point just made, is to be borne in mind in viewing the case of my own original design of the SDI. The same point is to be made for the case of creativity within the Seventeenth-century Massachusetts Bay colony under its original charter.
The Case of the SDI
What all of Europe, including the former Soviet Union, has since suffered from Andropov's 1983 rejection of the SDI, has been the price paid, on both sides of what Winston Churchill had named "The Iron Curtain," a price to be blamed, essentially, in respect to the matter of practice, on the consequences of Andropov's and Gorbachov's rejections of what U.S. President Ronald Reagan proffered as the SDI option, an option which would have protected the world from the worst disasters since suffered by the peoples of this planet.
What Britain's Margaret Thatcher, France's François Mitterrand, and the U.S.A.'s President George H.W. Bush imposed upon Germany, and, ultimately the planet in the large, in 1989-90, was a reflection of the situation which the Soviet folly in rejecting of the SDI had made possible. That rejection's effects, have come to include, most notably, the present-day subjugation of continental European nations to the virtual slavery of the "Euro" system imposed, by today's British empire, on nearly all of continental Europe at that same time, including the separated parts of the former Soviet Union. This is the root of the worst of what all of European civilization is now suffering, most bitterly, as its grave, deepening, present crisis, still today.
Had Andropov, or Gorbachov, accepted President Ronald Reagan's proffer of SDI, those bitter consequences suffered, still today, since 1989, particularly, in the regions of the former Soviet Union, much suffering of those people, and also the world more generally, would have been avoided.
What happened, with the persisting rejection of the SDI option, has been a reflection of the worst of the acts of Nietzsche's "creative destruction" which Nietzsche and his followers aimed against global civilization, especially trans-Atlantic civilization. Theirs was a principle of destruction deployed by such most notable followers of Nietzsche as not only the Hitler period's economist Werner Sombart and, later, the London- and Harvard-oriented Joseph Schumpeter and his Harvard devotee Larry Summers, but their followers' promoting of that presently onrushing, British-orchestrated, general breakdown-crisis which has taken over the trans-Atlantic world at the present time.
Franklin Roosevelt's Patriots
Virtually all of "Wild Bill" Donovan's patriots are now long deceased; but the tradition, and the cause, lives on among us.
The core of the legacy of that leadership which emerged within the SDI constituency during 1977-1986, emerging in both the Americas, much of Europe, and also beyond, is to be located in the two generations of adults coming out of military or comparable service during what is called "World War II." These to whom I refer now, were chiefly scientists, notably including those who had served in some notable military, or related functions during the second "World War" and beyond. The most notable figures drawn most directly into the SDI initiative itself, were, in part, typically senior ranking military and comparable figures reflecting the experience of that warfare, whether in the U.S.A., France, Germany, Italy, and elsewhere, that of those drawn from either my own, or an earlier generation, including a significant representation of discussion partners from inside the Soviet Union itself.
Much of the support for what became known as the SDI, reflected fresh memories of the folly of permitting the U.S.A. to destroy itself to the degree it did in the folly of the Indo-China warfare of 1964-75, and of the so-called "Cold War" up to that time. This reaction included living remnants from among those who, decades earlier, had been intellectually and emotionally engaged in winning a war which we hated, the so-called "World War II," but a war which we had, rightly come to consider, as, nonetheless, necessary at that time, as I virtually broke with my Quaker family on this account then.
However, then, since about the time of the breakthrough at Normandy, we had sensed revulsion among us, when we were presented with the thought of continuing World War II beyond the time of victory which the Third Army was ready to achieve within either late 1944, or early 1945, as most of us were angered by Churchill's determination for continued war against the Soviet wartime ally.
The reaction of the World War II veterans, on both sides of the subsequent, so-called "Cold War" conflict, reflected a more or less conscious awareness of the experience of modern European civilization since the folly of Europe's being drawn into the repeated stupidity of falling into the British imperialist traps modeled on both the so-called "Seven Years War" of 1756-63, the Napoleonic wars, and the state of the British Fabian Society's policy assigned to terrorist and gun-runner Alexander Helphand ("Parvus"), over the course of the entire span of general warfare, terrorism, and those of a spirit like that of "Parvus," as over the entire sweep of the period of Britain's "geopolitical warfare" over the entirety of the period, from the 1890 British monarchy's ouster of Germany's Chancellor Bismarck through the warfare in the so-called "Middle East" today.
Many of us drawn to the conception of the SDI option, recognized, that it had been the British empire and its Wall Street backers of Adolf Hitler's rise to power, which had been the enemy to be fought. The idea of dragging our United States into the role of a tag-along of that Britain which had brought Hitler into power, was far more than merely an utterly repulsive piece of folly. Bertrand Russell's 1946 scheme for a pre-emptive nuclear-weapons assault on the Soviet Union, later, disgusted us; we had no inclination to become Churchill's and Russell's dirty fools.
So, the British were able to stretch out the continuation of that warfare in Europe and the Pacific for an additional five months of 1945, a tragedy which was justly blamed by many on the role of the high-piping, shrill voice of anti-black-racist Montgomery's British command of the First Army, as what was demanded, with repeated use of similar pranks, by the British oligarchs and their Wall Street cronies led by Winston Churchill.
The essential fact of that tragedy, was, that the British empire, typified by the often slurred voice of Winston Churchill, demanded both an unnecessarily prolonged war in Europe, that for the purpose of an intention to start a new war for exterminating, among others, our common World War II ally, that against the Soviet ally which played an indispensable part in defeating the same Nazi-led fascism which British imperialists, such as Winston Churchill, the Bank of England gang, and Wall Street entities such as Prescott Bush of Brown Brothers Harriman, had actually crafted and unleashed upon the world.
Whatever service Winston Churchill might have performed to his credit, as contrary to some even much more repulsive other British leaders up to that time, the fact remains, that Churchill's "Iron Curtain" was as much a crime as that we had been fighting against the Adolf Hitler regime, a regime which no one had done more to bring into power, despite a certain role by King George VI, than the British monarchy beloved of the tradition of both Churchill's own Marlborough ancestor and the William of Orange of the "New Venetian Party" tradition of the British empire itself.
The crucial point illustrated by that experience, is that British Liberalism's slimy system of ideology, when followed strictly according to the slippery slope of Liberalism's moral standards, forbids a policy of constructive actions among potential adversaries, as the expressions to be employed on behalf of actually human creativity, which must always be desired as an attempted general practice by society. I know that very well, as in my role as the original instigator and specialist in what President Ronald Reagan was to name "A Strategic Defense Initiative." I view those who opposed the SDI accordingly, still today, according to an excellent judgment on this point respecting the distinction between cases of necessary and unnecessary warfare.
The necessity of promotion of the organization of mankind among a system of cooperating, but respectively sovereign nation-states, rather than empires such as the present British imperial scheme for locking the nations of continental Europe into the slavery of a British "Euro" colony, means that the mere fact that we have come to a point proximate to warfare, does not mean that we should plunge eagerly into new wars, or continue, or renew certain old ones. A civilized modern society hates the idea of destruction associated with such as the Dionysian Nietzsche, and will tolerate much to keep doors open for cooperation aimed toward the appropriate "common aims of mankind." Such a precaution is most urgently required by what are regarded as "great powers," and is, especially, the obligation of those powers.
So, with the need to proffer "thanks" to Churchill and his like, there came the time, some decades later, after the death of President Franklin Roosevelt, when what was chiefly, a younger generation came into power, the so-called "Baby Boomer" generation. This was a generation which lacked the passion of my generation's war-time heroes, and were, therefore, thus, of a spirit more prone to that relative demoralization and decadence which spread all too readily among the victims of the post-World War II "Iron Curtain" ideology. This fault was especially true of those 1968ers of "Liberal arts" inclination, who had been born and reared, in effect, to become their part as a so-called "Baby Boomer" generation, a part of that generation which became, in large part, the rabidly existentialist elements of the so-called "68er generation" bred in the treasonous disposition of the wretched, post-World War II "Congress for Cultural Freedom."
Even among those "Boomers" who despised the worst of the tribe, there was a certain weakness, and tendency for sometimes disgusting moral vacillations, which has plagued even many among the better of today's "Baby Boomer" class.
Thus, with relatively rare exceptions, although the "68ers" generally tended to fail the standard for a "Gideon's Army;" they were, in the main, far less resistant to the "existentialist cultist" outlook of not only the anti-SDI effort; but, those we called the"68ers," especially those of the anti-science set, in large part, became more or less impassioned devotees of the same type of Nietzschean-like, so-called "environmentalist" de-generation which had been part of the build-up for Nazism in Germany from 1923 onwards.
Thus, the U.S. was ruined, in morals and will, by the extended warfare in Indo-China, a British imperialist policy made in the tradition of "The Seven Years War" 1756-63, a policy which could not have been imposed upon the U.S.A. except by aid of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. That, more than any other development of that time, ruined the potential otherwise to be expected, as among most of the so-called "Baby Boomer" generation.
I. The Truman-Churchill Syndrome
When considered in light of those social factors defined by the sundry reactions, for, or against the SDI project, there are essentially three principal factors to be recognized, as against the backdrop of two successive "world war" periods, which were at play in the context of the presently onrushing, general, hyper-inflationary "breakdown crisis" of the trans-Atlantic system.
The first of these, was the sudden and radical shift in U.S. morals and outlook, with the change from the leadership of President Franklin Roosevelt, to that of the wretched and habituated Wall Street crony Harry S Truman. A second was the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, which cleared the way for launching that Indo-China war through which the United States was virtually destroyed, that done to intended British strategic advantage against our United States. Third, was the effect of that assassination of Robert Kennedy, which cleared the way for the election of President Richard Nixon, the latter a consequence from which we have never really recovered to the present day.
The removal of President Nixon from office, did not reverse the massive damage to the economy and morals of the U.S. nation which had been lost in the aftermath of the assassinations of President Kennedy and his brother Robert. Damage continued under the Trilateral Commission's Carter Administration, and the ominous presences of Vice-President George H.W. Bush and Secretary of State George P. Shultz, were to be considered as exemplary expressions of ominous factors within the administration of the same President Ronald Reagan who had, repeatedly, sponsored the adoption of the SDI initiative which I had led in creating and pre-organizing.
That much said, now consider the actually perverse motives of the British imperialists and kindred sorts in the U.S.A. itself.
The most crucial of those effects, is located in the virtual simultaneity of the Nixon Administration's wrecking of the Roosevelt fixed-exchange-rate system; without that wrecking we could not have been destroyed in the manner that has been done since that time. It was no mere coincidence, that that Nixon Administration's action coincided with the British launching of the instrument by which that empire intended to destroy us: Lord Jacob Rothschild's 1971 launching of the Inter-Alpha Group, a.k.a. "BRIC," that done as the new financial-monetary instrument of a renewed, virtually world-wide British empire.
George P. Shultz's role in pushing through the sinking of President Franklin Roosevelt's creation, the Bretton Woods system, was an action under the Nixon Administration which was effectively coordinated with the formation of Lord Jacob Rothschild's launching of that new British Empire designed to bring the United States itself into ruins through the cancellation of Bretton Woods. George Shultz was brought to prominence as a successor to the man, the Arthur Burns who, as if miraculously, lifted Milton Friedman virtually "out of the mud" of apprenticeship as an accountant, to a nominal economist, as continued by the same Shultz of "the Chicago boys" dirty doings in Pinochet's Chile; the Shultz who, later, hauled the improbable Arnold Schwarzenegger into a California governorship blessed by Lord Jacob Rothschild, is of the same notability.
To understand the following three, specific aspects of recent world history, we must trace those developments, first, from their proximate origins in the circumstances of the evolution of the neo-Dionysian cult of what was known as, interchangeably, the Nietzschean cult of "creative destruction," "also known as," second, "the oligarchical principle," as the latter had been so known much earlier, during such times as the fall of the Persian empire, and, then, in the aftermath of the death of Alexander the Great, and, then, thirdly, the launching of that evil known as the original expression of the same Roman Empire which we have come to know as the cult-worship of the Sarpian (e.g. "Liberal") model of the British empire of today.
The root of the evil which that British empire of today typifies, is to be recognized in its role as being the relative center of the infection of a morally sick world system, a system which expresses the effect of presuming a world order expressing no respect for any true moral principle. By "true moral principle," I mean, and that most emphatically, a discovered, universal physical principle, as such true principles are typified by the uniquely original discovery of the principle of universal gravitation by none other than that follower of Nicholas of Cusa and Leonardo da Vinci, Johannes Kepler.
It were sufficient to have considered certain presumed alternatives to such notions of a truly universal principle, such as that Aristotelean presumption which underlies the fraudulent system of a-priorist presumptions of both an Aristotelean authorship of a Euclidean geometry, or the modern alternative to Aristoteleanism known as the system of British Liberalism derived from the neo-Aristotelean dogma of Paolo Sarpi and Sarpi's cheap and filthy imitation, the shameless hoaxster Adam Smith and his tribe.
So, today, it is the popular form of the social disease known as the presumption that we are each "free to choose" any among a collection of systemically opposed notions of the principles of society, that done under the dogma of showing "respect" for the choices of each cult, or the like, as if each might be contrasted as being presumed of essentially equal merit.
In fact, the only thing which might be considered as less evil than an arbitrarily presumed, and also false claim to truth, such as the fraud of Anglo-American Liberalism, is the willingness to accept one's stubborn ignorance of any actual notion of truth. The requirement of any moral society, is the rejection of any variety of what is merely an arbitrarily presumed truth, as a truth which might be defined, in favor of the effort to discover the true principles which are needed to bring humanity closer to the requirements for mankind's continued existence within our universe now, as that requirement permeated Nicholas of Cusa's celebrated De Docta Ignorantia (1440).
Truth exists; but, to become truth for us, we must discover it. To discover truth, we must exclude notions rooted in arbitrary, or merely taught presumptions. For me, in my professional practice as, in fact, a leading economist of my time, as in my capacity as a discoverer of a modern Riemannian science of physical economy, even the leading such during some times, the source of scientific truth is to be found ultimately in the deeply underlying implications of that science of physical economy which best defines the role of mankind within the universe.
To be specific on that account, it is known to us beyond reasonable doubt, that the continued existence of the human species at a given level of ability to continue to exist, demands continuing advances in the power to exist at even a present level of existence, can not stand still, but must be expressed in repeated advances which depend upon revolutionary gains in the domain of applied physical principles of practice. Those advances are exemplified by the standard of an increase of the relative "energy-flux density" per capita and per square kilometer of territory, an increase which is required to enable society to achieve a state of standing still or better, as such results are typified by a required rise in relative energy-flux density, per capita and per square kilometer of relative habitable area, as of areas being rendered habitable.
The fact, that the progress of mankind's societies requires, absolutely, a form of increase in the potential relative population-density of the human species which is rooted in promotion of physical-economic scientific and cultural modes of progress in the potential relative population-density of an anti-entropic mode of existence of society, is the most crucial of the general preconditions for not only a durable state of progress in the human condition in any society, but a form of progress in rising to higher qualities of mankind's condition in life, and powers to improve the universe in manners relevant to that desired effect.
Pause now, for the span of at least a few paragraphs here, that much said thus far, to reflect upon a crucial question. Ask oneself: what is the unavoidable, deeper meaning of what I have just stated here on the authority inherent in a competent science of physical economy?
Man's Place in Our Universe
It is safely said, when competently considered as a matter of truthfulness, that mankind actually achieves the quality of being mankind, only through our rising, repeatedly, to higher qualities of existence, as that might be estimated in terms of increased energy-flux density per capita and per square kilometer of a standard quality of realized human power to exist on an equal or better level. Yet, although that is not an untruthful statement in any part of it, it is merely a useful description, and, therefore, falls short of stating the actual proof of what that statement imports.
The crucial paradox inhering in all of mankind's claims to knowledge of the universe, especially our knowledge of the true nature of our own existence in that universe, depends upon the merely conditional, relative validity of that knowledge which is based on the experience of our own powers of sense-perception. Sense-perceptions are never the expression of the truth, as Bernhard Riemann warns us in his 1854 habilitation dissertation; sense-perceptions only take into account our experience of those mere shadows which have been cast by an unseen reality which is located only outside the department of mere mathematics, shadows located beyond the attributed limits of both the very large and the very small.
Our senses do not reveal the real universe directly, but, as the Christian Apostle Paul uttered this conception in I Corinthians 13:12: "For now we see as through a glass darkly [as in a mirror]..." Such is the import of what is often regarded as being the power of our senses, of sense-perceptions which are merely the shadows of that true object which has remained unseen for us, directly. It is by the unseen means by which actual progress for mankind comes to be knowably understood and experienced, that mankind distinguishes the human species known as V.I. Vernadsky's denizens of the Noösphere as a knowable state of specific existence.
It is through the combination of those highly fallible senses, including those beyond the illiterate's belief in the limits of a conventional list of five, that we might deceive ourselves into imagining that we know the universe we are experiencing. As we add other kinds of senses, including those crafted kinds specific to scientific instruments, we are thus enabled to adduce functions of a principled import, as typified by Johannes Kepler's unique discovery of the principle of universal gravitation, through which we may come nearer and nearer to the truths of the universe we experience. As it was for Socrates, in the end, we know best what we have actually come to know of our role in the universe, a role which is the true identity of ourselves, and of the self-likeness of mankind in general. What we are actually enabled to know with an always improvable degree of certainty, as Helen Keller did in her own fashion, is that this is our place in this universe, our action in and upon this universe, and its action upon our existence, in turn.
Thus, for us, the experience of being mankind is at the center of our experience of the universe. By intimation, we know the Creator with a specific quality of certainty, and, to the degree that we adopt the humility of that viewpoint, we are enabled to know more and more about the nature of ourselves. We are not mere observers of the universe; through the powers of willful creativity which are unique to mankind among known creatures, mankind is, for us, functionally, at the conceptual center of the universe; we are the essential, experienced reality, thus, of what we know, with all due humility, about that universe.
II. Octavian & the Cult of Mithra
Given our relationship, as mankind, to the universe, as in political-economy in the world as it is, in the main, today, we have, on the one side, the British Empire. That is an empire in its role as a present-day continuation of the monetarist, imperial system, a system born as the Roman Empire on the Isle of Capri amid the bargaining between Octavian and the priests of the cult of Mithra, there at that time.
That was also the continuation of the Roman Empire as Byzantium, and of a succession of "evolutionary stages," which has continued, to become, through the present day, a continuing monetarist tradition which the flag of the "New Venetian Party" of William of Orange, later carried into the British Isles and beyond. It is that modern, British, Sarpian, "New Venetian," nominally Anglo-Dutch guise of the originally Roman empire, which, in fact, represents the reigning world tyranny of this planet today.
The Roman Empire is, as it always existed, since its founding at Capri as a Mediterranean region's newly reigning monetarist system, one which would be extended later, by the Norman Conquest and the later trans-Atlantic colonization, to become, in succession, a trans-Atlantic, and, thereafter, a global monetarist imperium. That is an imperium to which we, of our persuasion, reacted by the creation of an opposing force in the world, a sovereign United States based on a credit system, as defined by the Preamble of our Federal Constitution, in opposition to the intrinsically imperialist monetarist systems of such as "Old Europe."
To wit:
No one can be considered competent in these strategic matters, who doubts that that Roman Empire conceived on the Isle of Capri, is, by no means, a thing of the past. That empire, in its presently latest incarnation, persists today as the central feature of the crisis of our entire planet presently. The issue takes the form, today, of the conflict posed to our U.S.A. as it is represented by our Federal Constitution, in our opposition to both the British stage of the Roman Empire which is the only world empire in existence presently, as also against our enemies of the agents of that empire working inside the United States, agents typified by the so-called "Wall Street" factor of often, shamelessly treasonous, or simply thieving British influence within our republic today.
It might be fairly said, that the power of the British Empire lies not in its possession of intrinsic power; rather, that it is tolerated as a virtually world empire, only because powerful nations, such as our own, implicitly powerful U.S. population, especially our presently leading political circles, among other credulous types, insist, at the present time, on playing the roles of dupes and fools.
On the opposite side, as represented by our often well-meaning, but frequently intellectually confused patriots, there is the American faction, a faction which had been, once, constituted, during the middle decades of the Seventeenth Century, under the leadership of the Winthrops and Mathers of the Massachusetts colony at that time. In between one time and another, among the adversaries of our anti-monetarist constitutions, there are those represented by, or merely corrupted by a leaning toward the British empire, that being so despite our republic and its Federal Constitution.
There, in such types as those, lies the virtual "Trojan horse" of London's monetarist parasites come among us. That pack of Anglophiles, or outright British agents, inside our institutions, constitute "The Third Man," typified by our nation's moral corruption by Wall Street and its Liberal hangers-on, which exploited the legacy of a common language, to have planted a crucial factor of moral corruption within our nation and even, from time to time, its top-ranking officials, such as the recent cases of George W. Bush, Jr., and the, mentally, critically impaired Barack Obama.
I shall return to the subject of that same "Third Man," at a place below, where the crucial strategic implications of that figure will be detailed.
The present world reality is, therefore, that if we do not administer an immediately crushing defeat of the presently reigning British monetarist faction and its Wall Street agents, the penalty of our failure will be the chain-reaction-like breakdown of the social-economic system of the planet as a whole, and, as a presently threatened result of that, the resulting, worst known genocide against humanity in known history thus far.
In fact, the modern form of what has been identified as European and related "fascism," was a British creation, essentially a Venetian notion which the followers of Aristotle and Paolo Sarpi, successively, imposed upon the credulities of modern trans-Atlantic civilization. This latter development, was especially the case in the wake of the moral degeneration of British culture launched during the "Age of Walpole," and in the aftermath of that February 1763 Peace of Paris which established the continuing world reign of British imperialism.
It is to be emphasized, on that account, that the notable use of the name of "fascism," was begun in Italy as a Sarpian revision of the Delphi cult's Aristotelean doctrine of design for an imperialist system, a system which remained as one based on the oligarchical principle identified by Aristotle, but with a certain, small Sarpian adjustment, which I describe as follows.
Sarpi Adjusts Aristotle
The Fifteenth-century "Golden" Renaissance, was not merely a return to the ordering of the European society which had existed prior to the Fourteenth-century "New Dark Age." Once we have acknowledged that the effect, "The Heavens rejoice," of the great ecumenical Council of Florence incorporated a memory of the work of such as the Pythagoreans and Plato, there was, for known, earlier European culture, also a new, previously unknown element with characteristics which included certain discoveries of great principle by the Filippo Brunelleschi who crafted the otherwise impossible cupola of Santa Maria del Fiore, and who is known since for his relationship to the far greater scientific achievement of such works of Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa as De Docta Ignorantia.
Although the Florentine Renaissance's achievements were set back greatly in respect to public practice during the last period of Cusa's life, that Renaissance was a sweeping revolution with respect to all known physical science and statecraft prior to that time. Thus, when Europe was overtaken by a Venice-led return toward the systemic outlook of the adversaries of the Renaissance, something persisted among the followers of Cusa which defied the reactionary efforts of such predators as the Habsburg reign.
The culture of the Renaissance had been planted deeply into the new Europe of that time. Despite the repeated victories of the neo-Venetian predators of the late Fifteenth and Sixteenth centuries, we had, as the case of Machiavelli illustrates this point, a new element of social character of an insurgent people who had inherited much of the "Golden Renaissance" as if in their bones. The most notable expression of just that underlying change is located in the case of the Niccolo Machiavelli who appeared as the great exponent of the strategic principles which the Golden Renaissance had imbedded in the social culture and physical science of an emergent modern European civilization.
Among the most notable strategic effects of this ironical development was the irrepressible effect of the Renaissance, a strategic effect most readily typified by the influence, and hatred against Machiavelli by those Habsburg-centered forces struggling in the attempt to eradicate the impact of the Renaissance. This was most plainly expressed in the stubborn failure of the prolonged exercise of the strategically failed Council of Trent. Machiavelli exemplified the source of the failure of the old feudalism of that time.
Hence, Paolo Sarpi and his revolution. Hence, the conflict between the legacy of medieval Venice's monetarist system, and the new Europe which would come to be expressed by the admittedly qualified triumph of civilization in the Treaty of Westphalia.
To grasp the leading features of that modern revolution in European culture, we must look back to such ancient predecessors of modern fascism as the ancient monetarist system of such figures of the Delphic Apollo-Dionysian cult as Aristotle. The great dramatist Aeschylus provides us a rather deep insight into these matters.
Institutions such as the monetarist cult of Delphi, projected an order within Mediterranean maritime cultures of that time which is most clearly delineated by Aeschylus' Prometheus Trilogy. In a culture defined as based on two general classes, a ruling oligarchical class of the so-called "gods," and the virtual slaves called "the mortals," Aristotle's doctrine prescribed a fixed quality of social order, within which the efforts of the so-called "gods," the reigning oligarchists, emphasized a world order in which the conditions and economic and social practices of the lower classes would remain unchangeable, lest the people, discovering the powers inherent in their own humanity, might break free, upward, from the status of permanent classes of slaves and serfs.
That oligarchical principle was carried into action under what had been the leading elements of the Mediterranean region's Venetian ideology of the Habsburg types. The Golden Renaissance, and its heir, France's Louis XI and his follower, England's Henry VII, had broken the chains of the slaves. Hence, the failure of the old Venetian party which had sought to turn modern, Fifteenth-century Europe back to the old oligarchical system of slavery and imposed stupidity. Hence, the Aristotelean tragedy of oligarchical Trent. Hence, the opportunity created for a new oligarchical system, one which abandoned the stricter, traditionally Aristotelean form of oligarchical tyranny, in favor, not of actual freedom, but, rather, of the depraved licence in the new system of the followers of Paolo Sarpi represented by the new imperialism built up, as largely Protestant (nominally), for reason of its rejection of the old Mediterranean form of oligarchical tyranny, in favor of the new form of tyranny centered still in old Venice, but which expressed itself most clearly in the nominally Catholic Anglo-Dutch Liberalism of Seventeenth-century England under the reign of the Stuart dynasty. The failures of the Stuart dynasty, which are chiefly to be traced to the reign of the mad human butcher known as Henry VIII, had led to the assertion of power over England by the elements of the New Venetian system which had been built up in the bastions of the Netherlands through the effects of the Spanish Habsburg Inquisition and its ultimately failed tyranny. The full takeover of England by the tyranny of William of Orange, became the mechanism by which the old Roman Empire transferred its principal residence to the New Venetian Party now led under the William of Orange who occupied England and butchered the Irish.
Hence, the British Empire as the new incarnation of what was, essentially, the same-old same-old of the oligarchical form of imperial maritime culture which had been represented by the Delphic system of such as Aristotle, et al.
Such was the primary legacy inherited by such notable figures as Winston Churchill's sometime crony Benito Mussolini and the like; but, nonetheless, fascism-in-fact goes back to an oligarchical tradition as old, or older than the Apollo-Dionysus Delphi, maritime form of monetarist cult of imperialism. Thus, Mussolini had revived the Roman symbol, the oligarchical principle of such expressions as Barack Obama's "Wall Street" gods today, and called it "fascism," a term originating in the virtual regimental emblem carried ahead of the Roman legions along the line of march.
This brings us to the essential included fact contained within the following brief account of the last days of Benito Mussolini.
Brown Brothers, Mussolini, Harriman, Churchill,
And Prescott Bush
Once the Venetian Volpi de Misurata's buffoon-like ruffian, Benito Mussolini, had come briefly into the leading role in creating Italian fascism into that cult of what became known as modern "fascism," that cult was spread into Germany, and other locations, such as the elements of the Liberal system of Fabians such as H.G. Wells and Bertrand Russell of the United Kingdom itself. This had included the role of the notable British Fabian Society asset, Frederick Engels, who blessed British arms peddler Alexander Helphand (i.e., "Parvus" of "permanent warfare, permanent revolution" notoriety) sent into the Balkans region as an adjunct to the role of Venice's Giuseppe Volpi (later di Misurata), the creator of the Benito Mussolini dictatorship.
The creation of Mussolini out of something reputedly much less respectable than mud, was made possible through much support by British imperial support from leading British Fabian and related circles. A British corruption with fascism, which was spread throughout continental Europe, as shown by evidence such as Winston Churchill's shamelessly, rather long-standing, and still embarrassing affinity to Mussolini, attests: only which was the more evil than the other, remains in worthwhile dispute. Thus, we have, similarly, the fact of the explicit British support, by both the Bank of England and such as New York's Brown Brothers Harriman, and their Prescott Bush, who funded putting Hitler into power in Germany, as this was continued, like Churchill's skein of sponsorship of Mussolini, until the Nazi over-running of France in 1940 prompted such as Churchill to "adjust," rather than exactly "change," their minds about Britain's affinities to Hitler.
Originally, the British and French backing for Adolf Hitler and his Nazis, had been premised upon the strategic delusion that Hitler would march eastward, through Poland and against the Soviet Union. Then, after that, it was presumed that a bled German nation would become easy prey for the Anglo-French forces lurking behind the Maginot Line's "Western Barrier." (Meanwhile, it was presumed that the Japan naval forces would destroy that U.S. Pearl Harbor base which Britain and Japan had agreed to attack, since the early 1920s, as soon as the time was deemed ripe.) However, the strong fascist tendencies within certain leading government circles in France, had wittingly left open the gate for the Wehrmacht armored divisions. With France defeated, a beleaguered Britain howled for American succor, and Japan soon carried out the attack on Pearl Harbor which Japan had agreed to do, earlier, in partnership with Britain.
Then, with the "fall of France," that same Britain which had created modern fascism, and had led in backing Adolf Hitler, had suddenly changed its collective mind, following the unexpected fall of France to the Nazis, to fight the fascist menace insofar as it had become a continued immediate threat against the British empire, if that only temporarily.
For example:
So, the time came, when Benito Mussolini, accompanied by his mistress, was racing his automobile and its attached trailer toward the Swiss border, aimed thus for an intended meeting with the Winston Churchill ostensibly awaiting his arrival there. In the trailer attached to Mussolini's automobile was a mass of documents, documents whose significance could not have been much in doubt, considering the circumstances of that moment. Mussolini never reached the border, but turned up, hung upside-down, hanging out, beside his dead mistress, in a gas station en route to Milan. The documents which the members of Mussolini's party had been carrying fearfully in their lunge toward the Swiss border, had somehow disappeared, documents to turn up, much-culled-out, to appear at a later time, with the fuller complement of that collection not to be seen again in public. Winston Churchill was thus spared the experience of a most curiously inconvenient political moment in his career.
The fact is, that the fascist system which was copied as a political system by Mussolini and others, was actually a product of what had been, long ago, the creation of an imitation of that Roman Empire of the Caesars whose military forces were rallied about the symbol of the symbolic bundle of sticks carried in the vanguard of the marching Roman legionnaires. The past century's Fascism was then, as in ancient Roman times, and still today, always a "Wall Street"-like concoction derived from that image of the Roman imperial model, a model which was also to become known, in due times, as that of Byzantium, and, later, that of the old Venetian empire of the "middle ages," later, and, still later, the modern neo-Venetian Liberalism of Paolo Sarpi and his "New Venetian Party's," Anglo-Dutch devotees of the trans-Atlantic regions still today. And, so, begat and begat, and on, and on.
Meanwhile the official fascism of 1930s Britain, remained essentially a product of the Fabianism of the like of such British agents recruited by help of Frederick Engels as "the infamous Parvus," he, as I have already noted, above, as also known as the Alexander Helphand hosted by the Fabian Society's Frederick Engels, working on behalf of the leading British arms traffickers, and the marketing of credulous Helphand dupes such as Leon Trotsky. Why should that consequence appear as anything but a natural consequence of the tradition which the New Venetian Party of William of Orange carried into the outcome of the February 1763 Peace of Paris?
The definition of this latter phenomenon is as follows.
There is nothing obscure about this, once you have taken possession of the relevant actual facts, including an, unfortunately, still rarely understood, but crucially important phenomenon of "monetarism," as distinguished from the physical credit-system of our U.S. version of an anti-Liberalism, truly republican society.
What we call "European history," either as a culture on the rim of the Mediterranean and related waters, or extended throughout much of the world in latter times, as under the medieval and modern Habsburgs and the Anglo-Dutch modern imperialists, is the following.
Roots of the Homeric Legend
What we have rightly called modern fascism, apart from silly uses of that term as a "blind" epithet, has been a product of what is reported by the Homeric Iliad, and known in the successive times of Aeschylus and Plato, as "the oligarchical principle." The key to understanding this, is the distinction made, in such locations, between "gods" and "mortals," as the Homeric legendry is clarified by such sources as Aeschylus, as that separating men who called themselves "gods" and those denounced as virtually "human cattle."
This arrangement, expressed those ancient (and, also, modern) oligarchies lording it over those classes of persons reduced to the "cattle-like" status of slaves or serfs, Africans in general, or the wont of the specific quality of the present-day victims of such as U.S. Presidents George W. Bush, Jr., and Barack Obama. It is the same "oligarchical" distinction associated with traditions within the European oligarchies to the present date.
The tradition of Roman imperial law, which is a variant of the same principle of depravity as the present British Empire of Lord Jacob Rothschild's Inter-Alpha Group, is a society which is organized as an empire whose most notable, commonly defining quality of monetarism, is that it defines a supreme authority reigning over a number of subject kingdoms, or the like. Such is the relevant definition of the true meaning of "empire" today. In such systems, whether of the Asian or European model, the power to make law is implicitly restricted to the authority of either a designated emperor, or the like, whose will reigns over the mere kings, or the like, of the individual "nations."
The notion of a "post-Westphalian" society, such as a "post-Westphalian" continental Europe under the intended reign of a British imperial captive called the "Euro," is an aptly chosen replica of the principle of the ancient and modern forms of imperialism. The cult of worship of the prospect of a Post-Westphalian society today, expresses the intention of producing a fascist society with Hitler-like potentialities intrinsically included.
The characteristic, principled feature of all empires based on a maritime culture, such as the Roman empire in its original form under Augustus Caesar, is a supreme monetarist principle which has never been diminished in its essential quality of sheer evil, to the present date. The maritime empire's primary quality of its own defining function, is a system of monetary rule exerting control over elements of those mere "kingdoms" which compose the parts of that empire, as in Britain's prescribed role for the underlings of the European Union's "Euro" today. The price of an authorized, supranational form of "money" as such, such as the one-time British imperial "gold standard," reflects the characteristically monetarist feature of an imperial form of oligarchical rule, that under the oligarchical principle, over the subjects of the imperial system.
This oligarchical system, as it was expressed, typically, by the pact struck between King Philip of Macedon and the Achaemenid empire, is a case which illustrates the basis for a system of monetarism based on what both of those ancient imperial parties regarded as "the oligarchical principle." As the 2006-2011 "bail out" of Wall Street and London attests, monetarist notions of economy do not rely upon any actually intrinsic value attributable to production of useful wealth; the monetary function is essentially a mechanism of political forms of social control of the empire as a whole, that in a form of monetarist rule over the actual or virtual "mere kingdoms" which the reach of the imperial authority subsumes. The debate among monetarists is not a debate over principle; it is a debate over the choice of method by which the intrinsically imperialist swindle called monetarism is to be applied.
The characteristic of a society of an imperial form is expressed in the following two leading practices of social control.
The first of these two, is control over the imperial domain as such. The second is social control over the permitted size and conditions of life assigned to the designated elements of the subject populations, exactly as the evil Prince Philip's World Wildlife Fund (WWF) prescribes his program for what could not be practiced by any means but genocide, genocide practiced throughout the planet today.
The case of the formation of the ultra-Malthusian World Wildlife Fund (WWF) of Britain's Prince Philip and the late Prince Bernhard, is typical of a system of "managed genocide" applied to control of the numbers and quality of existence of the members of the imperial world-realm. The latter tactic is a method of population-control employed in aid of the intention to prevent the emergence of forms of higher intellectual development of a population, when applied as a method of controlling the exploited population by keeping the subjects under conditions in which they are made to become relatively stupid, and by controlling the members of the ruling class itself by promoting more or less depraved moral characteristics, as was done to many Britons during "The Age of Walpole," not only as among the ranks of the oligarchical class itself.
For example: the entire expansion of the national debt of the United States since prior to time of the J.P. Morgan firm's tool Alan Greenspan's term as Federal Reserve Chairman, has been designed to promote increasingly wild monetary inflation, using essentially fictitious forms of money as virtually mere "scrip," all done to such a degree that worthless scrip is now outstanding amounting to trillions of dollars of U.S. artificial, fraudulent debt, a mass of "Monopoly-game money" which, if honored, would bring about both a cyclical destruction of the economies and a moral stupefaction, and misery, of the general population, as we have witnessed precisely this form of tyrannical corruption under Greenspan and his incredibly pathetic and yet also vicious successor, Bernanke. The trillions upon trillions of nominal U.S. dollar value of an essentially fraudulent form of burgeoning debt, typifies the monetarist outlook taken to its desperation-driven extremes.
III. A Ruinous U.S. Indo-China War
Now, our discussion will move, step by step, into some profound matters of universal physical principle in economy, proceeding here from what may appear, to most, to be simple beginnings. Therefore, think of the initial portions of this present chapter as being tantamount to "stage settings." Therefore, my task, in this present chapter, is to make that which is simple appear simpler, so that that which is not simple could be distinguished in a way of being better, not only to be better understood, but understood, we may hope, correctly.
Consider, first, the relevant history of the United States under the misdirection of President Harry S Truman and, then, by the pattern superimposed upon the U.S. Presidency since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, to the present time.
Right in the middle of any competent such investigation, we are confronted with the unignorable issue of the fraudulent, but widely popularized swindle known as a "Second Law of Thermodynamics."
We are presented with that complication in the following way. Turn, now, to one of the most crucial pieces of evidence which brings that issue into focus now: the great down-slide of the U.S. economy which has dominated the trans-Atlantic world since the after-effects of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
President Kennedy's administration had shown a highly significant pattern of upward change in policy-shaping, in the direction of returning from the wretched U.S. policy-impetus of Harry S Truman, to return to that which had been a familiar impulse under President Franklin Roosevelt earlier. This quality of change under Kennedy, was clearly President Kennedy's intention, as President Roosevelt's widow, Eleanor Roosevelt, had indicated in a general way. This upturn, which had been successfully promoted by President Kennedy's relevant actions, placed him into a direct collision with what had been President Truman's intentions, as also what had been President Kennedy's unwholesome opponent, Richard Nixon, in the 1960 election campaign.
The British empire, and that empire's fellow-traveler, "Wall Street," had been determined to push through, and maintain, policies which had been designed to ruin that same Franklin Roosevelt legacy which President Kennedy upheld in word and practice. Kennedy's and General Douglas MacArthur's stolid opposition to a U.S. adventure in Indo-China, is the most typical of the crucial issues on which the long-ranging economic fate of the United States depended, in fact, at that time.
So, it should have been no surprise, that the successfully attempted assassination of President Kennedy, and the essentially unnecessary Indo-China warfare which Kennedy and his advisor General Douglas MacArthur had blocked, soon sent into reverse what had been, briefly, the Kennedy-led U.S. recovery. Despite President Lyndon Johnson's firm, 1964 intent, to proceed with the installation of the great NAWAPA reform, that reform had died, as if "on the vine," under effects including the great economic wasting caused by the totally unnecessary, and ruinous continuation of the U.S. war in Indo-China.
What remained of President Kennedy's intention, was evidently supported, in at least many aspects, under President Johnson; however, with the fading away of NAWAPA's prospects, under the pressures of the escalating demands of the Indo-China war, only the continued progress in the Kennedy space-program supplied what might be considered as a "corrective," upward factor, and that only temporarily, and in waning degree. Behind the scenes, even the Moon landing could not continue to conceal the fact, that the space program, too, was suffering an accelerating rate of attrition, a downward trend which would show itself clearly under the 1980s conditions presented to the administration of President Ronald Reagan, as in the instance of the "O-ring" catastrophe.
So, contrary to all of the statistical and related sleight-of-hand since the mid-1960s, the trend has continued in a downward direction to the present time. Since the mid-1960s, there has been no factor of net progress, in total, or net technological progress, or, even a serious effort to halt the rotting away of what was called the "infrastructure" of the U.S. economy, since approximately the middle of the 1960s. The current report of Philip Angelides' Federal Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, has become virtually a map of the history of those confirmed economic forecasts of crisis-points, and their neglected, but prescribed remedies, for the U.S. economy which I had delivered over the three recent decades, which are now to be added to similarly confirmed, earlier forecasts dating since August 1956.
A Fraudulent Image of Technological Progress
Even now, there is still significant confusion, in addition to an outrightly fraudulent chatter about the matter of alleged "technological progress" in the U.S. economy.
Most of such chatter, even before the incumbency of the Barack Obama Administration, had been purely intentional fraud; but, in some other cases, the statisticians in question have managed to deceive even themselves, wishfully, through increasingly incredible, practically fraudulent fallacies of composition. The processes leading into the catastrophic "bail out" practices of 2008 and beyond, have been the more obvious of the expressions of such an already earlier trend since the Russian bond crisis of 1998. The allegations of some sort of economic recovery since that time, never could, and never would reach beyond merely some persons' wishing to talk themselves into believing a now proven fraudulent, but consoling set of fairy-tales of promised virtual travels through a never-existing, economic paradise.
In fact, ever since the attempted impeachment of President Bill Clinton, the U.S. economy which would come under both the George W. Bush and Barack Obama administrations, has never moved in any direction but down, down, and still ever more rapidly down, into the imminently fatal, present condition of that pattern of a plunge into national bankruptcy, to which Philip Angelides' Commission refers. Only what may be fairly described as "the economic fungus" of technical games-of-play in economy, has grown.
Growth in a national economy can be competently defined only by premising the making of growth, chiefly, on the assessment of the quality and quantity of development of what is loosely identified as "basic economic infrastructure," or what I had recently decided to identify, for the sake of precision, as "platforms." These platforms are fairly measured, in their effect, in terms of relative energy-flux-density of the power employed for the national infrastructure on which the processes of what is actually net increase of the output of production and care of the people depend. As my associates of "The Basement Team" have now documented the essential chemistry of the anti-entropic pattern of the development of life on our planet, into an oxygen climate, and the development of the "ozone layer" on which the higher forms of life on our planet depend, the so-called "Second Law of Thermodynamics," was and remains nothing but a willfully fraudulent hoax.
The actual measurement of the sundry cases of the progress, or the decline of human life on this planet, are to be defined scientifically, as depending upon the factor of the rate of the combined net increase of the energy-flux density and the rate of realization of the net productive output, per capita, and per square kilometer of the economy in the large. The notion associated with the term "realized energy-flux density of capital-intensive investment in physical production, per capita and per square kilometer" were a preferred sort of convenient "yardstick" for conducting the relevant discussion of the transformations which have occurred within the context of mankind's changing condition of existence thus far.
For example, every investment in windmills and solar collectors as sources of power deployed, lowers, more or less savagely, and deeply, the rate of net output and potential productivity of the economy as a whole, whereas the increase of the mode of energy-flux-density always corresponds to increases of the relative productivity of the economy essentially. Worse must be said of the flood of contemporary forms of entertainment and other substitutes for physical productive investment, in respect to the challenge of increasing the capital-intensity and energy-flux-density of investment in an extended base-line in capital formation throughout the economy as a whole.
On such accounts, there has been no net increase, physically, in the long-term productivity of the U.S. labor force since the 1966-1967 middle of the 1960s. A long-term, and accelerating decline in basic economic infrastructure since the mid-1960s, shows this most directly, and most clearly. What is claimed to have been other forms of investment in technology has been, predominantly, an implicitly childish fantasy.
It is not sufficient to quote alleged attempts to improve the economy; it is essential that the claims be subjected to the standard of a physical economy, rather than something equivalent to a Wall Street puff. For example, consider the following matters.
"Energy Flux Density"
In elementary physical chemistry, the notion of energy-flux density has a simple kind of general meaning, a meaning to be expressed in terms of both the quantity and density of the various levels of heat-action associated with the physical combustion of compared types of fuels. This may be illustrated most conveniently, by the progress of cultures secured through the progress from the simplest fuels, to wood, to charcoal, coal, coke, petroleum, and so forth, and onward and upward to fuels of nuclear fission, thermonuclear fusion, matter-anti-matter reactions, and so on.
Continuing to put the case in the relatively simpler cases of such fuels and the like, we have, already, a rather simple classroom model used to show how contemptibly poor the quality of what has been heralded as "wind power" is, relative to even the otherwise most simple examples of alternatives. In fact, the competitiveness of windmill-power is so wretched a contender, that even by awarding that virtually worthless technology the most inflated, relative prices per kilowatt-hour for modern windmills, the life-cycle of a windmill is a net loss for the investor from the construction of the unit, from manufacture, installation, maintenance, and take-down over the entirety of the device's "life cycle."
The inherent wastefulness of "solar collectors," is a bit more interesting.
What the solar collector is "consuming," is the same radiation which would usually be captured, instead, by plant-life whose function is expressed, most notably, for example, for popular consideration, by the innately characteristic action of chlorophyll. Whereas solar collectors are most useful in creating the expansion of very widespread areas of desert (if that were your foolish intention), whereas, on the contrary, the use of relevant plant-like life, such as leafy vegetables, bushes, and, trees, uses the principles of life to increase the product of solar radiation, that many, even very many times greater than the essentially useless solar collectors, whose net cost-benefit ratio is economically negative. Moreover, the transformation of deserts into rich and relatively cooled land, through the action of chlorophyll, contrasts with the production and heating up of arid deserts by solar collectors.
Worse: the placing of solar collectors on rooves of urban residential regions (in particular) creates a kind of fire-trap whose fires no sane fireman would dare to attempt to extinguish, at the very peril of his life! An entire neighborhood so endowed, is, implicitly, a horribly doomed situation. Moreover, in net cost, such technologies are, comparatively, rotten net investments of a type which should be authorized for no one but for the education of excessively wealthy fools in the principles of prudence, the better that they should part with their excess of money to such ends.
Such fetishes of our so-called "greenies" have one essential use for society: to reduce the density of the inhabitants of a territory inhabited by those dumb enough to be lured into relying upon such foolish, low energy-flux-density choices of sources of power. Not wishing such stubbornly foolish folk to suffer from those errant practices, I am impelled to suggest considering psychiatric help for those foolish enough to select such sources of power for themselves. The effect to be avoided, is to be compared to the evils implicit in suggesting to children that they amuse themselves with ordinary kitchen-matches as a force against boredom whenever the adults of the household are away.
The discoveries in the physical chemistry of both living and non-living processes, under the leadership of Academician V.I. Vernadsky, remain the only competent standard of reference as a precedent, so far, for a rigorously scientific investigation of the processes which regulate life on our planet, and beyond.
That much said here to prepare for the discussion of weightier aspects of this subject, I now turn our attention to the deeper implications of the general discussion of the role of power in economy.
The decisively greater part of society's technology depends upon "raw materials" which are available to society in the form of organic debris left behind by the deaths of vast numbers of tiny units of vegetable and animal matter, as the case of the mining of iron ore, as in a certain region of the North American Great Lakes, illustrates this point. The richest concentrations of iron ore may be deposits of that character.
The science required for this and related purposes has two phases. One, as the case is presented by Cody Jones' summation in his LPAC website report:[2] that is the history of life on this planet prior to the appearance of mankind, a development secured through the process of development of the oxygen atmosphere and into the appearance of the protection of the ozone layer which had permitted higher forms of life to appear. The appearance of an actual economy on Earth, is defined by the effective means for the continuation of the development of life on Earth by the appearance of the role of the creative powers of the human will, the turn to a planet whose characteristics and destiny are being shaped by what V.I. Vernadsky defined as the Noösphere, the creative powers of the individual human mind.
Under the reign of the Noösphere, and that more or less inevitably, the miners give their special attention to locales in which the accessible concentrations are relatively the richest. To enable miners with access to a poorer density of ore to become equally productive, or even more productive than during the use of shrinking supplies of what had been richer lodes, it is important to introduce improved technologies, whose relatively higher energy-flux density, would enable miners with poorer qualities of deposit to match the net productivity of the miners with the richer qualities of deposits.
Do not underestimate the portion of such "ores," once living processes of our planet had been found reasonably near enough to the surface to be presently used by mankind. The particular point I am emphasizing at this moment, is the foolishness of the cult-worship of a notion often referred to as a "Second Law of Thermodynamics," a very foolish belief, indeed. Mankind's advances in technology, notably progress defined in increases of employed energy-flux density of applications, reflect natural processes in an intrinsically growing and developing (i.e., anti-entropic) universe. Mankind's successes in the economy of production, enable us to overtake the rate of entropy through practices which supply an increase of anti-entropy.
Much of the sillier sort of belief associated with the cult-chatter about the so-called "Second Law," is encouraged by another popular, but also essentially silly belief, whose true believers base their arguments in favor of universal entropy on their presumptions such as that of the existence of empty space, as distinct from a universe more fairly represented by the notion of a universe of a physical space-time super-dense with cosmic radiation, a universe in which what are customarily referenced as "particles," are better identified as singularities "sticking out" in a very complex domain of cosmic radiation of many origins.
To make the implications of the relevant point clearer, let us now take the subject in a slightly different direction, temporarily. That preferred subject is the nature of the social doctrine which is, in fact, chiefly responsible for the tendency of many, still today, to overlook the sociological implications of the conception of a "space filled with cosmic radiation." The subject will now be part of a report based upon my speciality as one of that presently rare profession of physical economist who deals with the problems caused by the illusions of what most people today, regrettably, still view as "sense-certainty."
The Illusions of Sense-Perception
The greatest obstacle to sanity about science has been the widespread, foolish belief in what is identified as "sense-certainty," the foolish persuasion that reality is that which the senses are presumed to show us directly. Not only is it the case, that the customarily identified sense-perceptions are not a representation of what is actually "out there;" they are very far removed from being a direct representation of the actual sources of our experience.
The beginning of a competent science of physical economy on this planet, occurs only when mankind takes into account the fact, that the "famous five senses" are not direct evidence of the human experience, but are like mere shadows cast by an unseen reality. Even to the extent that the use of those greatly misunderstood five senses themselves, serves a useful function for a mankind bungling its drunken-like way through the experience of life, the worst consequence of belief in a popular, naive notion of sense-certainty is, that that belief itself suggests the mistaken presumption, that sense-perception is the location of the identity of the individual human personality. Over the course of the recent decade, I have devoted much attention to warning against that commonplace error born of childish belief in the popular notion of sense-certainty.
I have emphasized that even to the extent that some reliance on sense perceptions is useful, even unavoidable, the fact is, that human existence depends absolutely on a resource which is entirely lacking in all other known living species. That resource is the power to discover the universal physical and related principles which actually determine mankind's ability to exist as mankind within accessible terms of reference for known expressions of human life today.
The most crucial of those relevant observations on the subject of human life, is mankind's manifest ability to generate advances in the power of mankind to exist, advances which depend absolutely on those same powers of the imagination specific to what is known to us as the human mind, powers which generate the anti-entropic effects of the net discovery of universal physical principles. As Cody Jones' website report has outlined the case for pre-human states of life on our planet, as being a chemistry of anti-entropic development, so, the appearance of the noëtic powers of the individual human mind has taken over from what had been, earlier, the monopoly expressed by dumb plant and animal life, willful development, in the sense of superseding the anti-entropic transformation of our planet and the nearby universe by simple forms of life, accomplishing this superiority of effect performed by the human creatively willful imagination, done through the creative faculties presently known to physical science as the noëtic powers unique to the human will. The latter cases are those of such as a Johannes Kepler and Albert Einstein, in defining both the principle of universal gravitation and the deeper implication of that discovery: that the universe is finite, but not bounded, in other words, intrinsically noëtic in the language of even a relatively simple notion of the physical chemistry sampled in Cody Jones' website presentation.
The trouble is, that while competent physical science, such as that which produced the science of chemistry to which Cody Jones' website documentation refers, shows us that the characteristic feature of the emergence and continuation of higher forms of life on Earth, has depended upon a well-documented history of chemistry, on what is actually the "virtual religion" of a body of scientific opinion which is descended from such origins as the priesthood of ancient Babylon. That is a tradition which dominates not only much of the world's present religious belief, still today; but, it also dominates both political life and much of those teachings of what usually pass for science itself. Much of what has continued to be taught as political science, as the doctrine of economics, and even at the highest level of the social authorities reigning over science today, is a by-product of a widespread variety of efforts to placate some strange and also very wicked sorts of religious beliefs, a kind of religious belief which has not concealed the fact that it is based on a religious doctrine derived from the notion of a universal principle based upon the practice of some form of virtual, or of actual slavery. Such is the still dominant role of reductionist philosophies throughout most of our planet now.
In the main, thus, modern society has not been based so much on science, as that it has avoided much needed, therapeutic attention to the fact, that, to a large degree, what is presented in the misused name of science, is polluted with the leftovers from ancient religious superstitions which have been a bad choice of practice for mankind.
So, to a considerable degree, science itself has been governed by its own genuflections to the overreaching power of an ancient, and evil religious opinion, an oligarchical religion of masters and slaves of the types familiar from much of what has been prevalent world-wide, but more familiar in the experience of European historians as the cult of "creative destruction." Such is the cult of "creative destruction" which was otherwise known as the cult of Dionysus, the cult associated in the history of European culture with the Apollo-Dionysus cult of the temple of Delphi. Thus, we have the so-called Delphic method, a method which tends to dominate the teaching of science in European culture as much as anything else.
The present problem which confronts us, lies in our continuing efforts to discover more fully how mankind developed what we have inherited from generations earlier than the onset of the cyclical tendency for temporary melting of the most recent general glaciation in the Earth's northern region (while other parts freeze "unseasonably") pending the presently onrushing tendency for a scheduled "new ice age" presently in progress. The problem there, is that what we are enabled, thus far, to trace as the forebears of European civilization prior to about 19,000 years ago, is of a shadowy character. Yet, the irony is, despite that shortfall respecting knowledge of more ancient times, we do have some relatively excellent knowledge from more recent sources, of the pathological elements which had been carried over into known history from developments during the preceding period of glaciation into known cultural developments within the bounds of known history, without knowing much, heretofore, about the actual root-origins of such relatively recent traditions of the so-called historical periods.
On this latter account, I refer, most emphatically, to the legacy which Aeschylus attributed to the oligarchical dogma of that Olympian Zeus of the Prometheus Trilogy. There is no reasonable doubt of the fact that all of the essential evils of what is known variously of very ancient, medieval, and modern times, alike, are the persistence of what can be fairly described as a Whore of Babylon-like "oligarchical model," as such a model was represented, dramatically, by Aeschylus, and represented by such forces of pure evil as the ancient Apollo-Dionysus, oligarchical, maritime cult of usury, at Delphi.
What we know on this account, is chiefly the following.
The Religion of the Slave-Holders
As we turn our attention to the process in the Mediterranean region and its surroundings since the beginning of the retreat of the last great ice-age, there are spots in that history, such as marked by the great Pyramid of Egypt and, later, the Pythagoreans' heyday, which show brilliance; but, the periods of the great wars such as those between Egypt and Mesopotamia, are heavily burdened by the types of madness associated with numerous more or less "dark" ages, in the quality of much of that civilization as a whole throughout the Mediterranean and its littoral. The elaboration of that aspect of the history is now a suitable subject for detailed elaboration of the situation, overall, in this report. The single point to be emphasized among us for this occasion, is the role of depraved systems of religious belief which are a factor of recurring damnation throughout much of the history of the period typified, in character, by the Peloponnesian War and its aftermath as treated by such insightful scholars as Aeschylus.
Without deprecating the work of the archeologists, there is what may be classed best as "internal cultural evidence," evidence bearing on included considerations of physical science and also political and cultural history generally. The seeming murkiness of the evidence bearing on the origins of what are included as religious traditions, can be overcome, if we include and apply the methods of scientific inquiry to the most crucial of the rather well-known cultural issues bearing on the roots of certain systemic aspects of religious and related beliefs. That is illustrated in a useful way by the inherently fraudulent attempt to substitute the appeal to the method of reductionism, as in the Titius-Bode construction in mere mathematics, for the discovery of the universal principle of gravitation by Kepler, or the treatment of Kepler's discovery by Albert Einstein.
The source of much of this problem has been the influence of formal mathematical deductionism, whose effect has been to limit discussion of matters attributable to so-called "physical science," to emphasis on formal mathematical methods of reductionism. The essential defect inherent in that emphasis, is to be located in the attempts to substitute reductionist mathematical formalism for the process of actual discovery of what are truly universal physical principles.
"Satan's Second Law"
Specifically, modern science knows in physical-scientific terms, that the "Second Law of Thermodynamics," is a not a product of science, but of a certain pagan trend in known varieties of relatively ancient religious presumptions. The known physical-scientific evidence, as Cody Jones has summarized that history in physical science, suffices to prove, with the most devastating effect, that the so-called "Second Law" was always an absurdity. Once that evidence of the history of the chemistry of the evolution of life on planet Earth is considered, we have hounded the devotees of the "Second Law" into their not-so-secret lair, that of the pagan religious beliefs well known to us from the literature of the recent thousands of years.
However, once we have considered that evidence, we have shown that the pagan religious beliefs are false to fact; but, the question remains, what is the principle which accounts for both the origins and the beliefs in doctrines which are scientifically absurd?
The central feature of that needed investigation, remains the surviving elements of Aeschylus' Prometheus Trilogy. There is no reasonable doubt of the validity of the dramatic theme of that trilogy; there could be no reasonable doubt, since the content of that drama has been the essence of the true history of European and wider civilization from the time of Aeschylus to the present time. It is that legacy of oligarchical evil, coinciding with the theme of the Prometheus Bound, which presents us with the very essence of the continuing, oligarchical form of corruption of what is modern trans-Atlantic culture to the present day, that imperialist legacy which is presently epitomized by the evils radiating, more or less rampantly from that Roman Empire whose essential quality is typified by the British Empire re-established by means of the continuation of Lord Jacob Rothschild's 1971 launching of his presently disintegrating Inter-Alpha Group.
In short, as of the present moment, the entire world is sliding into what threatens to become, more or less immediately, the greatest "new dark age" of extended European history since both the initial collapse of the Roman Empire, and, later, the collapse of Europe into a Fourteenth-century "New Dark Age." Unless that British puppet currently known as the psychologically impaired President Barack Obama, is scrupulously removed from office very soon, there will be no more United States, nor much of the remainder of civilization anywhere on this planet for a rather long time yet to come. Those who linger with the mentally defective mind and morals of President Obama, are bringing on a now very early dispensation of sheer Hell, that upon not only the United States, but upon the world at large, a condemnation on the innocent and wicked alike, as it were the condemnation of a new "Cities of the Plain."
The "Dark Age" Syndrome
As I have already indicated at an earlier point in this report, all of this takes our attention back to a state of human culture which came into being somewhere before the larger part of the melting of the last great Ice Age. Somewhere in that dark past, there were men and women who called themselves "gods," and who preyed upon the greater part of humanity as if those victims were merely cattle to be abused, or simply killed. Such was the heritage expressed by the legendary Peloponnesian War, as, similarly, by that later Roman Empire which was the grandfather of the British empire today; such was the ancient nature of the oligarchical system sanctified by the Delphic Apollo-Dionysus cult. Such was the mist-ridden ancestry of the infamous tradition of the legendary "Cities of the Plain."
Take, for example, the lingering history of systems of such relics of the old oligarchical systems as the parliamentary systems of government in a modern, but a monetarist Europe which has never yet freed itself from the role of provinces of the contemporary, British imperialist form of the system of monetarist imperialism established by the agreements between the thoroughly evil Octavian and the cult of Mithra on the Isle of Capri.
That much now just said as a necessary bit of introduction to the principal part of the immediate subject-matter of this present chapter, return, so prepared, to the theme introduced earlier in this chapter.
Ask yourself: since I have emphasized, earlier in this chapter, and in reports published earlier, that the universe which we inhabit is specifically a systemically anti-entropic universe, and since the characteristic of life on Earth is ontologically anti-entropic, as in the sense of Cody Jones', summary, nearly half-hour, audio-visual report on the evolution of life on Earth, whence the impassioned insistence by even the majority of academics today on such a piece of nonsensical arrogance as the "Second Law of Thermodynamics"?
The short answer to that question is: "Religious tradition." That suggested answer is correct, as far as it goes; but, it does not yet reach a competent explanation of how and why an absurdity such as the fraudulent "Second Law" came into being.
The Evil in Aristotle and Euclid
In all known traces leading toward the precedents for that so-called, intrinsically fraudulent, "Second Law of Thermodynmics," the essential argument to which all presented evidence returns is the concept of "the oligarchical system." An interesting precedent, to which I have referred on fairly frequent occasions, is brought to our attention by a friend of the Christian Apostle Peter, Philo ("Judaeus") of Alexandria, who attacked the dogma of one who was, ostensibly, the notorious poisoner of that time, Aristotle, the ancient forerunner of the modern existentialist worshipper of the Delphic Dionysus, Friedrich Nietzsche, on precisely this point.
According to the Philo who attacked Aristotle roundly on this point, Aristotle had asserted that, once the Creator had finished the work of crafting the existence of a finite universe, that the Creator himself was no longer able to do any actual creating. That was, indeed, one of Aristotle's more crucial frauds. A deeper understanding of the meaning of Aristotle's sophistry, is readily demonstrated by any thoughtful attention to Euclid's basing all his geometry on a set of silly, a-priorist presumptions, presumptions which exclude all material causality from a conjectured form of geometry. Indeed, this fallacy of Aristotle and Euclid has persisted in universities to the present day, despite the effect of the crucial physical discoveries of principle by Brunelleschi and Nicholas of Cusa. Such was the adoption of the crucial, anti-Euclidean principle of physical curvature expressed in the form of the catenary principle employed by Brunelleschi to craft the cupola of Florence's Santa Maria del Fiore. The same was embedded in Leonardo da Vinci's demonstration of the interdependent principle of the catenary and tractrix, the related discoveries in modern physical science developed jointly by Gottfried Leibniz and Jean Bernouilli, as also in the general solution for the notion of Abelian functions developed by Lejeune Dirichlet and Bernhard Riemann, and, also, in the consequent discoveries of relevance to this by such as Max Planck, Albert Einstein, and Academician V.I. Vernadsky.
The very fact of the persistence of the lunacy concocted by Aristotle and his epigoni,[3] also tells us something of importance. The stubbornness with which the errant belief of Aristotle et al. is defended, tells us something relevant respecting the true nature of evil. We are dealing, not with what were merely a matter of optional religious beliefs, but with a particularly vicious expression of some ancient, implicitly Delphic social principle of oligarchism. It is a mental disorder which has very deep-rooted and vicious root in the known history of mankind. It is also the clearly impassioned doctrine of a prescribed necessity of the supremacy of the master over the slave. It has the form of that same notion which the Homeric Iliad, among other locations, stipulates as the distinction of "gods" from "mortals."
What I have just stated on the subject of lord and master, thus, has the value of an obviously pathological pattern in human behavior, but that, in itself, does not provide us with a really credible demonstration of the actual origin of this reductionist form of belief. We must permit ourselves to be teased into seeking a deeper root of the problem. The issue is apparently one of social caste, but saying that touches the matter only superficially; the truth lies in the influence of that attributed nature of mankind from which such a system of beliefs as this one might have originated. The import of that distinction must be traced to a more crucial sort of a-priorist root of the fallacy of attributing truth to sense-certainty.
What this paradox demands is an indicated principle as the notion of such a principle is typified as of the form of Johannes Kepler's and Albert Einstein's combined discovery of matters pertaining to the original discovery of the principle of universal gravitation, the discovery which led into Leibniz's uniquely original discoveries in the domain of the calculus, into the treatment of Kepler's specified task of defining elliptical functions by the contemporaries of Carl F. Gauss, the general solution for the physical implications of Abel's discovery, as located by Lejeune Dirichlet and Bernhard Riemann, and those crucial achievements in method by V.I. Vernadsky which provided us a crucially fresh insight into the place of the human cognitive powers within the higher category known as the Noösphere.
IV. The Real Human Mind
Before returning to the relevance of these scientific matters to the relevant, deeper implications of the report by Philip Angelides' Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, we shall examine the way in which the mind of the members of society shapes its reaction to the kinds of evidence of experience which the Angelides Commission's work touches upon in a very special, and highly relevant, although being a very useful, despite merely negative way.
Assume for a moment, that human knowledge were delimited to the evidence of five separate types of sense-perception (which is, by no means, the actual case). Each of the five types is incommensurate with the others; none of these senses agrees with the other. Actually, human sense-perception is not so simple-minded as to believe in such admittedly still-popular fantasies as that vulgar scheme of things still widely believed.
Nonetheless, such considerations taken into account, the implication is, that there is something acting "as if from behind those shadows which are merely sense-perceptions." That something is what tends to serve as the notion of that power of the mind which, while itself of the category of the "unseen," is the location of the aspect of our identity which must interpret the interacting realities of this experience. The mind is interpreting the act of sensing that object which is merely the shadow of the unseen mental object, the mind. It is that unseen, but efficiently existing mind, which is actually observing, and seeking to identify and interpret the real product of that which remains unseen, but which we must be certain had cast those shadows.
In experimental physics, and comparable enterprises, we, thus, synthesize other readings of sensed experience which are not simply those of the poor, ignorant man's naive notion of five senses.
This aspect of the subject-matter led Bernhard Riemann to the concluding, third section of his 1854 habilitation dissertation, in which both sense-perception and the idea of any mathematical physics as such, are implicitly false to the extent that a naive faith in mere mathematics implies. At the outset of the concluding section of Riemann's epoch-making dissertation, the evidence is that, apparently, the mental powers associated with sense-perception do not include the ranges of the extremely large or the extremely small. From these and related considerations, it follows, as Riemann's conclusion, that to enter the domain of physical science, we must depart the domain of mere mathematics as such.
It is the deeper implications of the argument of both Riemann's habilitation dissertation and also of his and Dirichlet's notion of those physical implications of Abelian functions which beg, implicitly, that notion of a distinct agency of the human mind which coincides, in fact, with V.I. Vernadsky's concept of the Noösphere. Then, by recognizing what Vernadsky has thus located as the efficient expression of the identity of the human personality, as distinct from the character of all known, lower forms of life, we have acknowledged the ontologically efficient existence of a power of creativity which now serves us as the "mental image" of an ontologically actual existence coinciding with the concept of the creative powers specific to the human mind as such.
The essential quality of what we must conclude from such crucial qualities of evidence, is that our powers of sense-perception are merely that. Truth is not to be found as something expressed literally in such a domain. It is in those forms of intellectual action which, by reacting against the evidently intrinsic incompetence expressed at the outer limits of sense-perceptual inductions, discover true physical principles, as in the manner in which both Dirichlet and his associate Riemann reacted with such great expressions of gratification to the notions prompted by the challenge of Abelian functions. The drawing out of Riemann's achievements in this respect, led to a crucial further breakthrough of decisive consequences for all future mankind in the development of what was named the "Noösphere" by V.I. Vernadsky.
The concept of the Noösphere, so situated as an outgrowth of Riemannian physics, has implicitly shifted the standpoint of what is to be now considered as a competent standpoint for physical science, to the view of the human soul as the virtual incarnation of the being whose presence lurks among the shadows of crucial-experimental knowledge derived from the "hypergeometry" of the Abelian factor as considered by Dirichlet and Riemann.
Once, the experience of the impact of Abelian functions upon Dirichlet and Riemann has been taken adequately into account for its ontological implications, there is nothing which is, as a matter of fact, merely mystical in any of this. It were sufficient to accept that evidence as proof that man must consider sense-certainties, such as those of mathematics, as Bernhard Riemann emphasized this paradoxical matter, already, in his 1854 habilitation dissertation, in the concluding, third section, most emphatically.
The point stressed by Riemann in that concluding section, is that we must not fall prey to the presumption that the principles around which the universe is organized, are those of sense-perception as such. Hence, to understand the universe's existence, we must depart the domain of mathematics for the domain of the crucial ironies which compel us to abandon mathematical deduction for the domain of experimentally adducible universal principles. This must be extended to placing the mathematical form of evidence under the higher authority of the experimental discoveries which show us the inherent absurdity of relying on mathematical deduction, such as that of Aristotle and Euclid, for example, as if mathematical deductions were universally congruent, merely mathematically, with the ordering-principle of the physical universe.
Thus, "we must depart the department of mathematics, for physics." To cling to mathematics would be to lie against the universe and its Creator. The human individual, to become fully human, must depart the realm of merely mathematical deduction, for the freedom to discover, experimentally, as Dirichlet and Riemann declared such a doctrine of freedom in their treatment of the higher implications for physical science, expressed as Abelian functions. It is not the mathematics of Abelian functions which is crucial; it is the existence of the implications which Dirichlet and Riemann were among the first to recognize in their treatments of Abelian functions as the shadow of states beyond the bounds of deduction.
Such was the crucial contribution to all modern physical science, and also statecraft, by Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa.
Hence, I have argued over decades, that poetry must supersede mathematics in physical science, a physical science of economics most emphatically. Step over from the dungeon of mere mathematics, into fresh air of the real world of human powers like those expressed by the specific contribution of Dirichlet and Riemann, out of the darkening dungeon of merely mathematics.
Consider the following.
All actually Classical expressions of artistic creativity are based on that which William Empson sought to convey as an idea in his Seven Types of Ambiguity. Actually, the best standpoint from which to consider that work by Empson, is that of what has survived, and that rather famously, as the concluding paragraph of Percy Bysshe Shelley's A Defence of Poetry.
To wit:
Since our sense-perceptual images are merely shadows cast by "a distant mirror" of the Apostle Paul's I Corinthians, competent science, like successful attempts in the domains of Classical poetry and music, refuses to take sense-perceptual experiences such as those of pleasure or pain, literally. The pain, in particular, is a real experience; but, it is more a kind of warning than a substance in itself. The sane mind adduces the unseen object which has cast the shadow which we experience as sense-perception. This is the essence of both scientific competence and also of all valid expressions of Classical modes of artistic composition.
This subject toward which I have thus just pointed, is the persistent theme of the defining of a competent form of physical science by Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa, for example. It was the shadowy reality which the modern genius Filippo Brunelleschi recognized, as in the funicular physical curve, as a physical principle named "the catenary," as the expression of the intrinsic incompetence of the Aristotelean notion of Euclidean geometry. This was the genius of the follower of Nicholas of Cusa known as Leonardo da Vinci, and of the founder of all competent further developments in modern European physical science, as based on the crucial insights of Brunelleschi and Cusa, Johannes Kepler.
This reflects the trajectory of the development of all competent physical science since that time, as is shown by the evidence from the study of a science of physical economy which reveals the ostensibly hidden principle underlying and controlling the physical principles of a real-life economy. It is the properly informed scientific imagination which leads the competent economist to the conclusions set forth in the immediately preceding paragraphs here. There is no accident, therefore, in the failures of all leading efforts in the practice of economy by the governments of Europe and the Americas since the death of Franklin Roosevelt, and no accident in the present pattern of doom behind the worsening failures of the governments of the trans-Atlantic economy, in particular, since the death of President Franklin Roosevelt, and, more emphatically, President John F. Kennedy's practical approach to economic reality expressed in the launching of the NASA program.
In the proper reading of such experiences, we have, thus, a sense of "coming home" to be our true selves, the actualization of the experience of the true human spirit which informs mankind's greatest achievements. It is nothing contrary to Classical poetry and music which is true and decent. Only in that mode of Classical artistic composition which informs the greatest achievements, such as the principled role for scientific creativity expressed by the Classical artistic imagination, as in the case of Albert Einstein, for example, or for his contemporary V.I. Vernadsky, that, thus, ultimately, mankind is equipped to know man himself as a truly creative being, as that is emphasized in the terms of reference which I emphasize here.
The Aristotle who virtually declared that a creative God was dead was not only absurd, but epitomizes, still today, a certain brand of evil which became seemingly universal. He was wrong in declaring that the Creator had ceased to create; he was evil in his resulting, implicitly pornographic, image of mankind. Money is not a fixed value: the universe is anti-entropic, that in precisely the shocking way which Cody Jones presented the biology of the chemical evolution of planet Earth in his recent account.
Such is our true destiny, if we have both the wisdom and courage to take it into our hands.
For the Present Moment
The crucial point to be considered here, if we are to come away from this report's reading into a confident sense of what we human individuals really are, is to appreciate the deep implications of Riemann's habilitation dissertation in the depths of its entirety. The crucial implication of that, is a sweeping change in the scientist's notion of the ontological actuality of the human soul, a notion which expresses a shift of the location of reality away from the mere shadow-land existences of sense-perception, into the higher principle, which might be equated to the notion of the distinction of the human soul from the ontological state of the mere beasts.
That necessary transition in adopted choice of location of one's innermost sense of personal identity, is assisted by a compassionate view of the delimited existence of our most faithful among pet dogs. All those passions which are common to such dogs, as to the poorly defined sense of humanity associated with a mere sense-certainty of our mortal existence, can assist us to insight into the difference between the dog and what most people fail to achieve as a fully adequate sense of a distinctly human identity lacking in the faithful household dog, and, unfortunately, all too many persons as well.
We can not deny the persistence of those passions to which we, as the inhabitants of human doggedness are prone. We need not abandon the recognition of that mortal quality of our existence as living persons; but, we must control it. Arbitrary "control" as such, is not a reliable indication of the difference of the human soul from the beast. We must behave, for as long as we live, as living human beings must tend to act; but, it is urgent that we accept that condition and its implications from our proper role as in the likeness of the attributable Creator of the universe.
One reference to the extended argument presented by Cody Jones, an argument shared among those of us associated with the so-called "Basement Project," is that life on Earth for what we persons must consider, retrospectively, a terribly perilous long time, was limited to unicellular creatures, until the successive appearances of the oxygen and "ozone layer" developments permitted the lawful coming-into-existence of those higher forms of animal life from which the superior existence of the human being emerged. The creation of our existence as human personalities appears, thus, in retrospect, as a process of progressive evolution of life on this planet to permit the appearance of human souls here. The tendency is, therefore, to read the single opening chapter of Genesis from this perspective.
There is one additional point to be made on this account.
That summary point is, that we need not, and should not attempt to deny the realities of our incarnate existence, for as long as that state exists. What we must do, nonetheless, is to let the reality implicit, presently, in the discovery of such as Dirichlet, Riemann, and Vernadsky "sink in," to become what our permanent role, as human beings within this universe now, will be, and must be, for much longer than we live in our present circumstances and form of the expression of the significance of our existence for the future beyond.
Therefore, today's tragedy is that few living persons today see themselves actually in the terms of the higher aspect which those who are wise will experience while they are still among the living, as what they will be induced to accomplish as the changed future being willfully created by our presently living human species.
Our mission is, thus, to contribute to creating beautiful people.
[1] Washington, D.C.: Executive Intelligence Review, Second Edition, 1999.
[2] www.larouchepac.com/node/17323
[3] The allusion to epigoni is to the highly relevant, Classical, quality of ironical implication of Aeschylus' Seven Against Thebes.