Up From the Ruin
Which the Roman Empires
Have Made of This World
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
March 13, 2011
Foreword: In the aftermath of successive waves of world-wide warfare, we are now faced with a task of reconstruction which is, certainly, far more challenging, strategically, than anything known since the moment of the October 24, 1648 settlement of the Peace of Westphalia among the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, the Queen of Sweden, and the King of France. Notably, the precedent for today's challenge had been nothing less than that great ecumenical Council of Florence of 1438-1440, the Council whose great achievement had been betrayed by the launching of the 1492-1648 New Dark Age in Europe.
Similarly, there has been that destruction of Europe which was brought about by Margaret Thatcher, François Mitterrand, and George H.W. Bush, in the establishing of what was to become notorious as the "Euro," and, the more recent catastrophe of the "bail-out," the fraud brought on by the U.S. Presidencies of George W. Bush, Jr. and Barack Obama. These latter developments now threaten the permanent end to apparent hope for economy on Earth for the presently foreseeable future: unless the present, dismal trends in the official opinion of the trans-Atlantic sector of the world are reversed, very soon.
So, all living species, or societies, which fail to progress to higher states of existence, must become extinct, sooner, or later, unless present peoples resume the role by means of which the human species had progressed thus far, despite all else. A mankind which did not progress to higher levels of energy-flux density, as through nuclear fission and still higher forms of power, so far, could not survive in a civilized form, perhaps even not at all. If the worst happened, blame a world which allowed the current, British phase of the Roman Empire to continue this far, that in a fashion in which trends in official opinions have tended, overall, to go from bad to worse, as since the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and, then, his brother Robert.
Now, what are actually those galactic influences expressed within our Solar system, which have brought this planet to a new, most profoundly menacing situation. It is within that situation, that the already monstrous economic and related threats to our planet are now situated. We must recognize the dangers, and the needed measures, accordingly.
Since the original Roman Empire was crafted on the Isle of Capri, which was done through the plotting between the future Caesar Augustus and the priests of the cult of Mithra, that empire has passed through four distinct phases, through the sequence of disastrous outcomes known as: 1.) the original Roman Empire; 2.) the second such Empire, known as Byzantium; 3.) the third phase of the Empire under the Aristotelean system of monetary reign of the old Venice of the Crusaders' times; and, 4.) the presently collapsing phase of the British Empire of Paolo Sarpi's followers, the latter an empire which had been launched, apparently, under the succession set into motion by the invasion of England and Scotland by the reign of the New Venetian Party's butcher, William of Orange.
Thus that Phoenix-like empire is now doomed at long last. The question is: "What next?"
The present aspect of the trans-Atlantic phase of that Roman Empire, the aspect typified presently by the so-called "British" empire, has been degenerating lately at an accelerating pace, as since that British empire's recent, openly stated intention to destroy that same Peace of Westphalia which, since 1648, had afforded civilization some degree of rational provisions for security. The leading role by that current British empire, had, thus, been the cause of the post-1990 degradation of most among the relevant nations of western and central Europe, a degradation into what has been intended to become, and that quickly, a collection of mere European puppets of their British imperial master. Now, since 1989-90, the rate of degeneration of that British system itself, had been accelerated to the degree that that empire itself is presently near to the moment that it, too, is doomed, as if, as it is sometimes said, "hoisted by its own petard." There are optional, hopeful choices for England, Wales and Scotland, themselves, if they were to choose them; but, there is no present possibility for the continuation of the present form of a captive, "Euro"-centered, British world empire over Europe.[1]
However, I must emphasize that destroying the United Kingdom would not be, in itself, a solution for the present world crisis. Whether economically or otherwise, that is not an acceptable choice of attempted remedy for this crisis-situation of the planet. The Nietzschean schemes of so-called "creative destruction," such as those of Nietzsche followers Werner Sombart and Joseph Schumpeter, are not a remedy, but exactly the contrary.
Rather, just as Glass-Steagall serves as a keystone-remedy for the present plight of our United States, the notion of separating-out the British banks which could begin to qualify as commercial banks according to a U.S. constitutional and Franklin Roosevelt standard, would be the keystone-remedy required for assuring the continuity of the essential physical-economic functions of the United Kingdom itself: whether it be the U.K. as a sovereign, or, for example, an aggregate of two sovereign states, England and Scotland, as partners, or, perhaps rivals.
Rather than continuing to shrink the already depleted physical-productive resources of the nations, what must be done, is to reverse the recent trend, by maintaining the actually useful physical-economic functions of the British Isles, a change which requires the dumping of the monetarists' systems of the planet, for replacement by a credit system of the type at the core of the U.S. Federal Constitution.
The physical meaning of "credit system," both in mode and effect, is the crux of the content of this present report.
The following report presents the essential features of not only the British case, but of the sovereign nations of the planet generally.
I. The End of Monetarism
Presently, the presently new escalation of hyperinflation demanded by the U.S. Federal Reserve System's Ben Bernanke, is being pushed, yet again, to the point that accepting that new round, would accelerate the present, already worsening process of trans-Atlantic hyperinflation. Such a continuing trend now, would be sufficient to carry the entire planet into an actual, early breakdown-crisis, even a virtually "final" one for the set of present nations of humanity on this planet as a whole. Under such a policy of destruction as that, the presently worsening process would go in the direction of an outcome like that which had been intended for Weimar Germany in the closing months of 1923—that, presently, both soon and fast. Whatever the U.S. Federal Reserve System's Bernanke does, or does not do, a continuation of the present world monetarist system itself, could not escape an escalation of hyperinflation being driven to an early breaking-point for this planet generally, even without considering the factor of the presently menacing trends for the Solar system during the months and years immediately ahead.
Therefore, our only choice of object must be to replace a monetarist system entirely, and suddenly, replacing a destroyed monetarist system, by a system based on the same physical principle of credit on which the entire design of the U.S. Federal Constitution was originally premised in accord with Alexander Hamilton's solution.
Presently, it appears to us that a world economy, including that of the British Isles, could be rescued from the presently onrushing global disaster, as I have already said here, but the fact remains, that the destruction of real economy under the current reign of trans-Atlantic lunacy since the close of February 1968, has been so profound in its social, as much as physical-economic effects, that only a reform in the same direction of physical growth, globally, as by extending President Franklin's Roosevelt's "New Deal," over more than a generation, could bring the trans-Atlantic section of the world into a condition which would not be much worse than that which had existed prior to the monstrous folly of U.S. backing of both Margaret Thatcher's Malvinas War and the U.S. administration's backing of the British-led crushing of Mexico in the developments of July-September 1982.
During the entirety of the decade of the 1980s, only the 1983 adoption of what President Ronald Reagan had presented to the Soviet Union as support for a Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), could have "turned the corner," a turn from that continued downslide of the economy which has been characteristic of the post-1983 trans-Atlantic economy, toward, instead, actually physical-economic net growth.
I explain that crucial fact as follows.
That is to say, speaking from the present advantage of hindsight, that only the 1983 adoption of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) by the Soviet and other governments, could have saved the United States and its European partners from the presently undeniable effects of foolish Soviet leaders Andropov's and Gorbachov's rejections of the SDI.[2] The result of those rejections, was the therefore virtually unstoppable collapse of the region which had composed the Soviet Union and, also, the consequent, London-directed, chain-reaction wrecking of the economies of all continental Europe. In retrospect, all of the other hypothetical options were precluded, in reality, by the rejection of the SDI. Hence, today, we have the subsequent, post-1989-1990 unfolding of the destruction of the economies of trans-Atlantic sector of the world.
The opposition to the SDI came, principally, from the influence of those monetarist circles who saw the wrecking of the world's economy as the desired outcome for the intended advantage of the special interests of the Anglo-American and related financier interests centered in London and Wall Street taken into account.
I have not exaggerated, not in the least degree, in my stating that case here. The proof of that point will be made sufficiently clear to the witting in the course of completing this present report.
The Effects of Rejecting the SDI
The fundamental error which underlay the failure to adopt and implement the SDI, was a reflection and product of the delusion adopted as monetarist-influenced policy-making for science during the aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars and the post-1812, "New Venetian Party" policies of both the British empire and the Habsburg interests during and immediately following that interval. The contrasting, previously long-standing Russian support for the United States against the British empire, since the time of Catherine the Great, is to be considered relevant as an included, leading illustration of the point.
Beginning with the fraud associated with the influence of Rudolf Clausius and his like on the subjects of thermo- and electro-dynamics, the fraud represented by the so-called "Second Law of Thermodynamics," which typified the leading, pro-British-imperialist ideological trends in the name of both economics and in physical science generally, imposed what Philo of Alexandria had exposed as the hoax of the specifically Aristotelean doctrine of that opposition to the existence of creativity from among certain defective, but nonetheless prominent voices within the ranks of mathematicians, still to the present day's leading trends in policy-shaping among nations. This was known, then, as now, as "the oligarchical principle" of intended "zero growth" in both population and technology of economy typified by the doctrine of Britain's Prince Philip and his radically "malthusian," pro-genocidal World Wildlife Fund still today.
That is to say, that in the history of European civilization, the root of that cult-doctrine of Clausius et al., is found in the doctrine of the "oligarchical principle" which Aeschylus attacked in his Prometheus Bound. This evil is expressed as the same Aristotelean principle which was introduced to the practice of modern Europe as the Nietzschean, essentially pro-genocidal doctrine of "creative destruction" of such as Werner Sombart, Joseph Schumpeter, and their followers in planetary economic policy-shaping today.
This has been the same policy, which was exposed by Philo of Alexandria as the Aristotelean fraud of "zero growth." This is precisely what is otherwise known as "the oligarchical principle" on which the Roman Empire has been founded through to the time of its present expression by the World Wildlife Fund, and, thus, as the leading edge of the rabidly Malthusian streak in leading circles of the British empire of such as Britain's Prince Philip, today.
The physical-scientific fact of the matter at issue here, is that the successful continuation of the principle of life depends upon the more or less constant process of qualitative increases of the relative energy-flux density of the processes expressed by successful progress in the universe, as this is shown most clearly for the archeological history of the reigning, actually anti-entropic forms of evolutionary trends in the known parts of the universe today. What I have posed as being an expression of evil in the record of life on Earth in general, and mankind most emphatically, is opposition to what was defined by V.I. Vernadsky, correctly, in contrast to his opponents, as the distinction of the principle of life, especially life expressed in the creative powers of the human mind expressed in the form of progressing modes of existence by society. The notion presented by such as Clausius et al. was no better than the attempt to debase science, fraudulently, to submission to the presumption that the existence of the universe itself has been the expression of a crudely mechanistic practice whose origin as an idea is traced to the avowedly ancient oligarchical principle of commitment to some expression of a policy of eternal slavery, serfdom, or the like.
That scientific reality is key for understanding both the true principles of a physical science of economy, and the role of the creative powers specific to the human mind's potential in promoting the continued existence of humanity itself. This is, therefore, the truly underlying principle of a successful expression of civilized society, as typified by a stubborn impulse for perpetual qualitative progress of society, hopefully, whenever the oligarchical principle does not reign.
Thus, the essential principle of evil among the institutions of mankind, still today, is typified by the fact, that, since the death of U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt, the U.S. Truman Administration, which was a virtual puppet of both Wall Street and the British Empire, dumped what had been the U.S.A.'s crucial post-war intention under President Franklin Roosevelt, which had been the intention for a peaceful, cooperative reconstruction of a war-wrecked world economy on an anti-imperialist (e.g., anti-monetarist) basis, and imposed the virtually treasonous, anti-Roosevelt policies expressed by Winston Churchill, instead.
The issue separating President Franklin Roosevelt from both the stooge-President Truman and Britain's Winston Churchill on this account, had been President Roosevelt's intended combination of both the United Nations conference and his "Big Four" arrangement for a special set of relations, including a fixed-exchange-rate system, among the U.S.A., Russia, China, and Britain. The intentions underlying that Roosevelt policy, included boxing the British Empire in, that in a way which would ensure the result which President Roosevelt had explicitly stated as his post-war intention, a policy intended to become the "take-down" of not only the British empire, but those of sundry imperialist systems such as those of the Netherlands and France as well.
The feasibility of such a post-imperialist, Franklin Roosevelt's intended design, had been embedded in the post-World War II prospect for a vast build-up of a war-time U.S. physical-economic potential, using what would otherwise be the idled war-time portion of the U.S. physical-productive potential for the urgently needed capital improvements needed to free the victims of European imperialism from the slavery of the European colonialist subjugations. President Truman, a dupe of British imperialist Winston Churchill, took the world into a largely contrary direction—the direction leading into a virtual state of Hell with which this planet is now self-threatened.
Just as it is clear enough in retrospect today, that the assassination of President Kennedy, and, also, later, his brother Robert, had destroyed the leading edge of the hope for a durable recovery of the U.S. economy, a hope maintained through most of the period of the Indo-China war.[3] So, earlier, the adoption of the 1946 British policy for launching a "preventive nuclear attack" on the Soviet Union, did much to wreck the economic recovery of the United States from the vast burden of its World War II war-debt.
British Imperialism's Strategy
The build-up for what became known as the "Cold War," was the result of a proposition which Bertrand Russell and Churchill had launched openly in 1946, as a stated intention to stage a "pre-emptive" nuclear war for destruction of the Soviet Union. This turn must be recognized still today as having combined other Schumpeter-like cut-backs in urgently needed forms of economic progress of both the U.S.A. and Europe, thus ruining those intentions for post-World War II efforts of post-war reconstruction ranging from full conversion to the more modest expression of desire for a peace-time, post-imperialist economic recovery of the planet expressed by President Dwight Eisenhower's election.
These mutually contradictory impulses set the pattern leading into the Wall Street-London crew's post-Kennedy destruction of the U.S.A. through the decade-long U.S. war in Indo-China. It was when the Soviet Union had developed effective nuclear weapons before the Anglo-American nuclear-war fanatics were prepared for this, that London, as represented by Bertrand Russell's avowed intention to launch "preventive nuclear war" against the Soviet Union, recognized that Russell's 1946 intentions for an early "preventive nuclear war" were now off the agenda, and a new policy, to become based on the Russell-Khrushchov deal, the policy of "mutual and assured destruction," was advanced instead.
Nonetheless, the legacy of President Kennedy's launching of the U.S. space program, created precisely the kind of science-driver factor needed to shift from a posture such as that of the Bertrand Russell-Khrushchov preparations for bringing the world into a state of thermonuclear warfare, a needed shift to collaborative efforts toward eliminating the plausible temptation for a virtual "doomsday" scenario.[4] Honey was sweeter than vinegar. The Kennedy option was ultimately ruined through his assassination, an assassination motivated by the determination of relevant Anglo-American circles to unleash the purely destructive folly of an Indo-China war by eliminating the President (and, later, his brother).
It was against the policy of the Russell-Khrushchov channel, that I came to be enabled, beginning the second half of the 1970s, to play what proved to be a crucial role within what came to be known as a U.S.A. Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). For just that reason, British imperialism and its U.S.A. and other British imperialist "running-dogs of war" found themselves bent upon my intended destruction.[5]
Thus, back during the middle through late 1980s, following the repeated Soviet and other rejection of the SDI option, foolish nations of the world had assumed that the kind of economic reform which the SDI had represented during the early 1980s, was to be considered as a matter to be forgotten, as if permanently; only recently, when the notion of a Soviet threat is now long since gone, has the world's economic crisis reached such an acute state of crisis that the same objective implicit in the SDI back then, that that choice of a world order based on "the common aims of mankind shared among partner-nations," the choice which the SDI had represented in 1983, now, again, confronts us with the need to choose the same objective, "the common aims of mankind," with the same, anti-entropic policy-shaping intention, to be presented in a new form of choice available were mankind to prefer to survive. That is to say: the replacement of a hopelessly bankrupt monetarist system, by a fixed-exchange-rate credit system among the sovereign nation-states of the world.
Strategic outlooks contrary to those which I came to share on that account, must be regarded as nothing better than childish and implicitly mass-suicidal fantasies, as the evidence of the entire sweep of the 1983-2011 period to date shows beyond reasonable objection.
Britain's "Seven Years War" Policy
I have found it convenient, in earlier locations, as Chancellor Bismarck had also done in his time, to make fresh reference to the 1756-1763 "Seven Years War," which, pushed through the Anglo-Dutch circles of the followers of the New Venetian Party's William of Orange, had duped the other nations of continental Europe into playing the fool whose folly in fighting that war created the imperial power associated with the rise of the British East India Company. However, the clearer case is provided by the same party of William of Orange, in orchestrating the prolonged Dutch wars against Louis XIV's France, which, as Minister Jean-Baptiste Colbert had understood, were the means by which the New Venetian Party of William of Orange had wrecked France. To understand the way in which the British empire has operated, to the present date, we must put the word "British" to one side, that we might employ a scientifically accurate term, "New Venetian Party" of the followers of Paolo Sarpi. The British use of "The Seven Years War," was essentially an echo of the "Dutch Wars" dated from the reign of the foolish Louis XIV.
The France of Louis XIV had represented a great power in Europe during much of Louis' reign, but, as Jean-Baptiste Colbert had warned, Louis XIV's follies in warfare had ruined that power to a degree from which France itself has never fully recovered, never to the present day.
The same "New Venetian Party" of William of Orange, under the flag of the British monarchy and empire, had launched, already during the Seventeenth Century, the patterns of orchestrated warfare-as-a-form-of-gambling to which the crowned fools and kindred failures of Europe succumbed repeatedly, as in the founding of the Sarpian model of empire which superseded the doctrine of Aristotle, as being the new method of organization for building up yet another Roman Empire.
This Sarpian method deployed as a replacement for the preceding forms of the Aristotelean system, used the so-called principle of "pleasure and pain," under whose seductions the modern dupe of monetarist imperialism is held captive by his own, usually (for me) disgusting, appetites and desires, such as those of the virtually self-professed sensual perverts Adam Smith and his followers.
Every truly ruinous spate of warfare, within and beyond the bounds of modern warfare since that time, has served as that issue of warfare by which the high-ranking fools of modern nation-states and their admirers have been lately, and repeatedly controlled.
In principle, even presently, there are potential remedies which could steer our United States, and other nations, into a direction opposite to the presently ongoing, combined effects of financial and physical collapse of the world economy. However, the combined mental and physical destruction of the potential powers for investment in productive forms of employment, has been so massive, cumulatively, that only a radical, very high energy-flux-density driven, form of science-driver programs, could prevent the rather immediate plunge of the entirety of the planet into a chain-reaction mode of disintegration into a planet-wide "new dark age"—whether with, or without the effects of the present, galaxy-driven Solar storms being unleashed at our planet at the present time.
Such is a crucial element of background for understanding the case which I present in this report.
But, Mervyn King Misses the Target
Like the former head of the U.S. Federal Reserve System, Paul Volcker, who offered a precedent which he had recently proposed might be a suitable sort of partial remedy for the present crisis in the U.S.A. itself, Britain's Mervyn King is no mere fool; but, nonetheless, his choice of policy, like Paul Volcker's, is crucially mistaken. There is no room on this planet, for the attempted miscegenations which were the combining of a credit system with a monetarist system; all shades of a monetarist system must go, perhaps to the Hell they deserve, or, perhaps, the fancied quiescence of a Purgatory.
The typical mistake recently expressed by King, as by Volcker earlier, is the implicit presumption that a "credit system" is nothing more than a less un-civilized rendering of a "monetarist system." In fact, credit systems and monetarism have nothing in common systemically, excepting the fact that they employ countable utterances of what is recognized as currency (whatever that might prove to be, in fact). Indeed, only the elimination of the factor of imperialism which is an inherently controlling feature in any monetarist system, could present the world with a current hope for avoiding a presently onrushing plunge toward a general breakdown-crisis of the economy of the planet as a whole.
I explain.
My point on that account is of crucial practical importance: as follows. The use of the Massachusetts "Pine Tree" shilling under the original charter of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, is exemplary of the meaning of "credit system," as having no consistency with a monetarist system. This is to be recognized as under what was the comparable design for the basing of the U.S. Federal Constitution supplied by U.S. Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton. The presumption is, that the usefulness of the output of production, as measured in terms of the consumption which is temporarily withheld in the name of physically efficient credit, can be foreseen with a sufficiently good approximation, that the net result, as measured in terms of physical usefulness, is greater than the amount of consumption which is postponed in the name of "credit."
The paradigm for this, which was employed by Alexander Hamilton's contribution to defining our Federal Constitution, is that by "investing" the otherwise unpayable U.S. Revolutionary war-debt of the separate states of the republic, as being transformed by the use of Federal credit, the net output of the investment of Federal credit in physical improvements, would more than cover the foreseeable costs of the debt of the Federal republic to what were then, otherwise, the respective war-debts of the assorted member-states. That essential feature of the creation of our Federal Constitution remains the actual, Glass-Steagall-like essence of the U.S. Federal Constitution to the present day, whatever the silly Barack Obama, or the U.S.A.'s British strategic adversaries might suggest today.
The principal economic effect of this Federalist mode of uttering public credit, was a policy located under the heading of public improvements, such as the public improvements of the states through the benefits of basic economic infrastructure in the matter of transportation and related physical-capital improvements in forms of public works inclusive of public education. The role of military engineering and related forms of public works, is notable.
To express this quality of needed benefit in physical-economic terms, I must interpolate the following considerations as a matter of essential background. Consider the following.
Two Immiscible Varieties of Money
To make the relevant point clear, it is important to emphasize that "monetarism" and "money" are not necessarily the same matter. The difference between the use of money by what is called a "monetarist system," and the use of what may appear, superficially, to be the same notion of money under a credit system, lies in the specifically ontological distinction of a credit-system from a monetarist system. The difference is nearly the same as that between a U.S. dollar in a commercial banking system under the U.S. Constitution's provisions, such as the provisions for a U.S. dollar circulating within a credit-system, and a contrary practice expressed by the morally corrupt mis-use of a U.S. dollar when circulating through the intrinsically speculative channels of Wall Street or the London financial markets.
Only the kind of fixed-exchange-rate system prescribed by President Franklin Roosevelt, could solve the relevant difficulties.
In the one case, the U.S. dollar serving as an integral feature of a physical economy, the value of the dollar is attributed to its physical value as a factor of net physical growth of the physical economy, measured both per capita and per square kilometer of territory. This means the increase of both the effective capital-intensity and per capita output of the national economy.
In the other case, that of the monetarist disorder, the value of the currency is located in the increase of the holding of the currency used as a charge against the actual wealth of the society. The massive fraud of the 2008-2011 "bail out" of the U.S. economy, is to considered as merely the natural outcome of a monetarist system which has passed over from a practice of ordinary outright robbery of the nation by monetarist hoaxes, by using a form of essentially malignantly cancerous (e.g., hyper-inflationary) growth of intrinsically worthless (physically) monetarist debt, as under Presidents George W. Bush, Jr., and Barack Obama since that interval to date.
In both of the contrasted types of cases, the role of the political authority equivalent to that of the equivalent of a sovereign state, or empire, is the crucial point of functional distinction in fact.
The History of This Problem
In the particular case of the history of trans-Atlantic economies, and, earlier, the case of the Mediterranean-centered maritime cultures and their near-Asian neighbors, the notion of monetarism is intrinsically rooted in a still persisting tradition of imperialism, chiefly British monetarist imperialism. The function of monetarist value for these and comparable malefactors, is the use of monetarism as a method for physical looting of the economy and population of a nation or a group of nations under the reign of an imperial system, or, the equivalent of an imperial system represented by the monetarist functions of the cult of Delphi or the imperial system of oligarchical supremacy such as the subjugation of the nations of continental Europe to the "Euro" controlled by the same Anglo-Dutch interests which occupied the British Isles under the paw of the invader representing the Sarpian "New Venetian Party" represented by William of Orange.
The two most notable, respectively Classical precedents for a modern credit system, rather than a monetarist system, are the Massachusetts Bay Colony prior to the loss of its original charter, and that reform of the U.S. Government effected by Alexander Hamilton's design of the most crucial foundations of the U.S. Federal Constitution, as expressed, most notably and summarily, in the Preamble of that Constitution which contains the explicitly stated motive and the germ of the entirety of any and all legitimate features of that Constitution as a whole.
The argument on which that Constitution is premised, is elaborated as an economic argument in Hamilton's famous three doctrines set forth by him in his authority as U.S. Treasury Secretary under the first administration of President George Washington.[6]
The common principle of these crucial documents and their related precedents, is the principle of the use of the public debt of the political system as a means of launching an investment in those qualities of physical improvements which represent an increase of the physical wealth per capita and per unit of territory of the nation. In the contrary case, that of the empire, and of governments modeled on imperial precedents, it is the monetarists' money which consumes the nation and its people; in the case of the true republican system, the purpose of the debt is to increase the physical expression of the capital intensity of wealth of the people and territory of the nation, per capita, and per square kilometer of territory.
Although money passes into different states of meaning as it flows from one state (a credit system) to another (a monetarist system), it is distinguished in function by the manner in which it passes from one state (e.g., a credit system), to another (a monetarist system).
Now, proceed from these exemplary definitions, to the special characteristics of the "oligarchical systems."
"The Oligarchical Principle"
The reference to a kingdom of evil known as "Babylon," such as a "Whore of Babylon," was a fair one; one of the ancient names for that form of evil associated with such cases as the Achaemenid empire, and the later series of four Roman empires which we are considering here, was "the oligarchical principle." That principle itself had been defined in the Prometheus Trilogy of the great Aeschylus, a principle of the distinction between the "Olympian gods" and those slaves, or serfs known as "the mere mortals," a notion which has been a distinction known to modern literary traditions from the time of that great folly portrayed by Homer's contrast of the Iliad to the alternative to that in the Odyssey, or, simply, to the figure of Athena.
The most widely known of the distinctions associated with that Classical tradition, as presented in the Prometheus Trilogy's Prometheus Bound, is the denial of the permission to the "mere mortals" to use "fire," as in the kindred, attempted, psychologically pathetic (and consequently impassioned) bans on the use of nuclear fission and thermonuclear fusion today. The standard argument associated with the distinction of the Olympian oligarchy and the slave-like category of "the mere mortals," is the oligarchical assertion that permitting the "mere mortals" to gain free access to the use of "fire," would lead to the toppling of the Olympian tyranny of the so-called "immortals," over those such as those sometimes called "slaves" or "serfs." Essentially, the modern hysterics demanding the cessation of nuclear fission, are not essentially different from the sycophants of the gang of the Olympian Zeus of yore.
The continued tyranny of today's British empire over the people of Africa, is today's most notorious expression of the evil of that tyrannical denial of the benefits of scientific progress which is associated with the traditional legacy of the Olympian tyrants known as the legendary adversary of the apostle of human freedom known as "Prometheus the fire-bringer."
In opposition to such oligarchical evils, we have the case of the denunciation of Aristotle and his legacy by Philo Judaeus ("of Alexandria"), who is associated with the Christian Apostle Peter. Philo went to the kernel of the actually historical conflict between the oligarchical legacies of the Olympians and Romantics, on the one side, and the cause of human freedom on the other. Philo's famous denunciation of the doctrine of Aristotle, provides the scientific argument, as by Philo and others, against the brutish legacy of the Olympian tyranny defended by the notorious enemy of Plato, Aristotle. On this account, it is Aristotle who is, as Philo emphasized the fact, notorious as the author of what modern history identifies as the Nietzschean notion of "God is dead."
In brief, Philo's denunciation of Aristotle pointed to the scientific absurdity of asserting that any actually creative action within the universe has ceased either with, or prior to the existence of mankind.
As my associates of the "basement team" have brought into play the relevant evidence from the billions of years of the history of the influence of our galaxy on the role of life on Earth so far, the history of life on planet Earth has been shaped by the superior role of the great, reigning cycles known to us from the physical evidence of the influence of the galaxy's cyclical and related history on the evolution of our immediate Solar system, especially respecting the matter of the evolution of living processes on our planet. Broadly speaking, all forms of life on our planet are subject to the hazard of calamitous kinds of destruction of living species and types. This is also the case for the known history among living species on our planet.
In this respect, human life has manifest characteristic tendencies for durability, a quality of defense which is broadly denied to non-human species. However, this favorable distinction of the human species' ability to survive, is conditional upon benefits provided to humanity by those creative forms of willful powers which are known to us today as being unique to the human species itself. The inclusive name for this quality of willful powers, is the creative powers of human reason, a quality of advantage which is specific to modes of increase of the relative energy-flux density of the quality of power which mankind deploys, as in the use of "fire."
These forms of "fiery creativity" on which the continued existence of the human species depends, are ordered in a sequence typified in form and character by the fact that mankind is the only species which employs the willful power to make and use fire in defense against the fiery forces of great destruction otherwise inherent in our Sun and the fiery life of our galaxy. Humanity's existing depends on the burning of fuels, a trait lacking in other species. The quality of such power must increase, or human existence could not be sustained; we progress from burning of the simplest fuels, through charcoal, coal, combustible gas, and so forth, into the presently indispensable domains of controlled forms of nuclear fission, thermonuclear fusion, and, the prospect of controllable matter-antimatter reactions. Any general failure of mankind to proceed along such a course of our own species' fiery development, would threaten the continued existence of the human species itself, as the pattern of Solar-directed thermonuclear fusion's effects are expressed in the current pattern from Christchurch to Japan, into the generality of the Pacific "Rim of Fire" of volcanic and related forces which are presently centered in, but not limited to the Pacific region today.
The forces expressed in the most recent outbreaks of Solar-directed volcanic and related outbursts now scheduled for the several years ahead, are vast orders of magnitude beyond anything which we know as expressed by Solar systemic and comparable forces today, forces which reside far beyond the bounds of the forces known to exist within Earth itself. The recent assaults on Japan have partaken of the side-effects of precisely such Solar-systemic forces beyond the domain defined as within Earth itself. This does not imply that our situation is hopeless. It points to the urgency of accelerating the rate of mankind's scientific practice within the nearby aspect of our Solar system, as the NASA program was intended to do, until it was recently shut down in crucial aspects of its assigned functions by the currently incumbent U.S. Presidency.
This challenge, and its likenesses, must be considered as warning us against further toleration of the effects of what I have indicated, above thus far, as the effects of the oligarchical principle which I have chosen to trace here, thus far, to the role of the oligarchical principle in cases such as that of the Homeric sagas of the Iliad and Odyssey. The continued existence of the human species depends absolutely on a policy of an explicitly Promethean quality of anti-oligarchical progress, as Philo of Alexandria emphasized the continuing policy of practice of the Creator, that as in opposition to such frankly pro-Satanic forces of dionysian oligarchism, whose role is merely typified by the case of Friedrich Nietzsche and such followers of the doctrine of "creative destruction" of Nietzsche as Werner Sombart and Joseph Schumpeter in matters of economic practices today.
II. The Challenge of Physical Economy
The typical incompetence which had been usually shown heretofore, in the ordinary course of presenting a subject called "economics," arises from the attempt to locate economy, on the one hand, in individual actions of what are considered as locally isolable "acts of production," or services to, or administration of the process of such particular modes of production. On the other hand, there is what is often misnamed as "infrastructure."
To free society of the incompetence of such practices as that which had been heretofore often conducted in the name of the "economics" of "infrastructure," I have introduced the concept of "platforms," a concept introduced to the domain of essential technical terms of economy, a concept which I have introduced as an improved practice of crucial importance, a practice which I have prescribed as a reform whose effects are typified by the precedent of the great reform in European national economy associated with the revolution in economic practices introduced by and under Charlemagne.
I have illustrated the argument represented by the effects of such an urgently needed reform, by contrasting the earlier dictatorship of maritime culture over Europe, to the economic revolution by Charlemagne which depended, in a central way, on the development of a system of inland waterways created through linking the riparian systems of inland Europe through a system of canals. That reform, which was an integral aspect of Charlemagne's unique originality in founding the root-concepts of a notion of national economy, is a reform which must be emphasized as having occurred as a crucial feature of the revolution in economy by Charlemagne, but which is also to be recognized in the history of the economic development within North America, as the layered revolution in economic progress of the earlier North American colonies, represented in the succession of integrated riparian systems of rivers and canals after Charlemagne's model, by the addition to the riparian systems of railways which tended, initially, during their earlier phases, to be constructed along routes associated with the riparian passage-ways, later as regional railways, and, still later, transcontinental railway systems. Otherwise, the foundations of the economy of North America were those supplied under the original charter of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, a model which was introduced even to England at the later prompting of Benjamin Franklin.
The continuation of this direction in reforms of economy, became that founding of the rudiments of modern economy which had actually first occurred under the administration of Charlemagne. That reform was then set back, temporarily, for a significant passage of time after his death, as under the third phase of the four phases of the Roman Empire associated with the so-called "feudal system," a "third phase" of the system of the four successive phases of the Roman Empire, a phase which had been established under the controlling influence of Venice, as the successor to the decadent, and ultimately Crusader-doomed, Byzantine economy.
The most crucial factor in that span of the globally extended history of European civilization, had been that civilization's roots in a post-glacial maritime system developed, initially, within the Mediterranean region, and, later, extended to become a European maritime system, to the Atlantic Ocean and beyond. Thus, it was in this context, that the fourth stage of the Roman Empire mobilized itself on behalf of the intention to maintain the imperial form of the European maritime tyranny against the mortal economic threat to the British empire represented by the U.S. initiation of the existence of transcontinental railway systems.
The Entry of British Geopolitics
As a consequence of that history, all the principal warfare conducted throughout the world since the British royal family's ouster of Chancellor Bismarck from the government of Germany, has been motivated by the desperation of that British maritime system of world empire which considered its existence as having been menaced by the Nineteenth-century development of transcontinental and related forms of land-based continental systems which were, and remain vastly more efficient than economies under the reign of global maritime powers.
It was, for example, for that reason, that the British Empire, which had just been rescued by U.S.A. assistance to the British cause against a Nazi-ruled Germany, acted once more, as it had since the early 1920s, when it had promoted a British naval alliance with Japan which was intended, since the early 1920s, to feature systemically extensive destruction of the U.S. naval forces, including the base at Pearl Harbor.[7]
It was that British imperial policy of geopolitical warfare, as launched by the 1890 ouster of Bismarck and by the Prince of Wales' 1890s launching of the imperial warfare leading into that British orchestration of the Balkan wars which was used to divide Russia against Germany, and then virtually, thus, destroyed Germany and Russia as an immediate outcome then, and established the British imperial "geopolitical principle" of what British agent Alexander Helphand, once a protégé of the ageing British Fabian Society asset Frederick Engels, was to christen as a policy of "permanent warfare, permanent revolution," which has been continued as British imperial policy of practice to the present day.
Hence, we have experienced the not-so secret British imperial campaign for the destruction of the transcontinental railway systems of Eurasia and the Americas since 1890, or, similarly, how General Motors and comparable American enterprises ruined themselves by concentrating on the manufactures over-emphasizing the relatively inefficient overemphasis on highways and short-haul air and highway traffic.[8]
Once the foregoing considerations are taken into account, it should become obvious that, in a post-geopolitical Solar system, the follies induced within the United States by the influence of what is called, most ironically, "our British ally," will, happily, no longer be promoted. However, in the meanwhile, the trend in U.S.A., and also European policy, since the 1960s assassinations of U.S. President John F. Kennedy, and his brother Robert, have marked a pattern of catastrophic decline which has been imposed, from the top, down, on the U.S.A.'s economy, and its morals.
This decline has not been a mere coincidence in any sense of such terminology. The cause of the accelerating rate of decline of the physical productivity and intellectual development of the populations of the trans-Atlantic regions of the planet, has been a fully witting policy of destruction of the mind, morals, and general conditions, as of both mind and body, of our populations generally. This has not been accidental, or merely coincidental in any respect; the motive for this has been intentionally malicious, even "intentionally inhuman." That evil intention has a name; the name is, technically, "creative destruction." That intention is, essentially, an echo of the British imperial design for the destruction of both our United States and Britain's European neighbors, as the case of the patterns set by Thatcher, Mitterrand, and Bush under the "Euro" system, illustrate that fact with a most viciously increasing savagery.
"Creative destruction," or what is fairly identified as the implicitly "pro-Nazi" policies of Friedrich Nietzsche and his acolytes, has been the official policy of the trans-Atlantic forces of the British Empire since the 1890s beginnings of the British empire's "geopolitical" commitment of about a century-and-a-quarter; it has also been the policy of the British empire since Britain's Lord Shelburne founded the British Foreign Office and placed his wretched lackey Jeremy Bentham in the position of "chief of intelligence" for that institution. It is what is properly recognized as the contemporary fascism shared among many of those often self-described, euphemistically, as my "critics." Sometime British Prime Minister Harold Wilson is notable for his role in the Schumpeterian "creative destruction" which underlies, still today, as much as remained of the tattered economy of the United Kingdom itself, since the most lamentable intervals of his tenure at "Number 10."
Since that time, as since the assassinations of U.S. President John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert during a period overlapping the Wilson ministries, what was termed officially as a policy of actual pro-fascist "creative destruction," has been the doctrine of political practice of an increasing ration of trans-Atlantic economists and our own U.S. government's budgetary offices, as the precedent for this was made notable by the cases of the Nazi period's Werner Sombart and the more widely influential Joseph Schumpeter. Britain's Prime Minister Harold Wilson is fairly classed as partly a reflection of that influence of Joseph Schumpeter which is associated otherwise with a relevant influence at Harvard University, and of kindred notorieties. Ayn Rand-sponsored Alan Greenspan has been, in fact, a particularly rabid case of this same British, as much as simply brutish temperament.
Platforms on Which Society Depends
The determining, underlying foundation of any economic culture, is located in the implications of a certain "level" of development of what can be translated into the notion of a certain level of development of the modal "energy-flux density" of the entire national, or regional territory within which the equivalent of a national economy is situated. So, presently, the advance from a pre-nuclear-fission technology to a fission-level "platform," to a thermonuclear-fusion "platform," and so on, typifies the conception of an underlying basis for a national, or more broadly defined regional economy on which the quality of both production and standard level of culture depends in any particular case.
Production, like municipal and household existence, is to be measured as a function of what corresponds to a general level of the correlatives of "energy-flux density" of the power in place for the determination of the most essential distinction of quality of change required for the continued existence of any national, or supranational system of political-economy.
This rough estimate, based on energy-flux density provided to the economy's functions, finds correlatives in the degree of general, ongoing development of language culture in use, and in the quality of such forms of Classical artistic culture which are the essential "platform" on which the intellectual potential of the population of a certain culture, or sub-culture depends. Similarly, it is the effect of the changes within a set of platforms so defined, which actually determines the quality of economic development of which a national culture is currently capable. The United States, for example, is fairly described today as worse than half-destroyed by the cultural decadence which has taken us over, increasingly, since the close of war in 1945.
The most stubbornly vicious expression of that British (and also brutish) hostility to our system, which I have just indicated here, is a correlative of the rottenness expressed by the policies of the Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF). This is to be correlated with the general loss of any efficient connection to the artistic and related elements of culture prevalent, increasingly, among the younger generations today; but, some of the most stubborn moral failures and related intellectual ineptitude are met among the so-called "Baby Boomer" generation, the existentialist element of the influence of the "rock-drug-sex" sub-culture most emphatically.
For example, in economy as such we have the following to consider.
The Evil Which Is Liberalism
Although the effects of the practice of economic liberalism are of a quality corresponding to criminal acts in their effects, most of the unfortunate perpetrators of the spread of what is termed either Nietzschean "creative destruction" or, in other words, simply the essential evil underlying liberalism, are not fairly identified as also witting of the true consequences of their terrible ideological affliction. Partly, they are shielded from knowledge of that affliction by the mechanisms of illusion. The effect of what appears, to the true scientist, to be "criminality," in effect, is chiefly a reflection of an induced mental flaw, called "Liberalism," which is a syndrome typical of the victims of the dogma of the evil Paolo Sarpi, as passed down to the foolishly credulous as the ideology of Adam Smith.
The kernel of the subject-matter in this present chapter of the report, is identified by what shall be identified here as the influence of the work of the physicist Bernhard Riemann in defining the setting of those needed principles of physical principles which not only progress in the physical conditions of human life requires, but even mere resistance to harmful attrition requires for society, especially since the course of the Nineteenth Century. I shall now proceed toward direct reference to this aspect of Riemann's singular and systemic accomplishments in science, with certain sets of preceding, interpolated remarks which I employ here to help in setting the stage for that subject of Riemannian physics itself.
Recall what some consider the injustice to "them" caused by what "they," the latter some identifiable as a class of "other people," who, in fact, "produced the conditions" which we, duly considering the matter in retrospect, "should never have been allowed to have been adopted." Similarly, for example, take the case of the person who never considered the intrinsically unjust consequences to society of the behavior of those, like herself, or himself, who contributed to the margin of votes which brought what has since proven to have been the awfully bad choice of Barack Obama into the Presidency, or of some persons' insistence on bringing on, still today, the disaster of the class in which the innocent had suffered as a consequence caused by those some persons' hysterical devotion to the manifest evil consequence of adapting, as President Obama has done, to creating a high-technology-free economy: what is already proven to have been a truly woeful, and reasonably foreseeable disaster to society!
The freedom to vote, is not an actual right to do wrong to the general welfare, even by casual recklessness in the legendary voting booth. You might not be considered punishable for such a decision as that chosen recklessly there, but you are, nonetheless, to be ashamed, that according to the adducible damage your adopted opinion has caused to society in general, or kindred sort of injustice by your errant behavior.
For the individual, it is often his or her failure to recognize and support action which, provably, should have been taken, especially for the failure to develop what I shall define in this chapter as needed "platforms." This applies to a choice which would bring upon him, or her, the disaster for which each, sometimes, heartily blames the Creator, instead of, properly, blaming what either of those should have considered the class of mission which we must have reasonably judged as needed for the public benefit.
However, such choices of causes for complaint as those, can be fairly stated only under the condition that we take into account the fact, that all of what may be called "nature," is to be defined by the standard of that which is inherently creative and beneficial in effect, that as a matter of universal principle; this includes even processes which are not living processes.
The kind of what are specifically wrongful errors, as of the type perpetrated within the presumed sanctity of the voting booth, errors toward which I have pointed in these paragraphs, are, today, typical of the mental aberrations inherent in the current expressions of the so-called Liberal dogma of "pleasure and pain," as that was introduced to modern European society by such as the notorious Paolo Sarpi and his attributable Scottish mimic, the Adam Smith who licked the spittle of his master, Lord Shelburne. Smith asserted, systemically and viciously, that the human individual was incapable of discovery of truth, but, rather, was limited to selections of choices which the dupe of the Sarpi-Smith doctrine regarded as the available options of selection of pleasure or pain.
One of the more typical cases of the followers of the Sarpi-Smith hoax, has been the notable hoaxster of modern European pseudo-science, the Charles Darwin of "unnatural selection" notoriety, or, the kindred cases of such followers of Darwin as the notorious tribe of Thomas Huxley which has supplied what is properly to be considered as a notably curiously noxious ambiguity to the notion of "the descent of man." What has been actually descending, the Huxleys, or their opponents?
Mankind is the unique pinnacle of very large arrays of the behavior and descent of forms of what appear to the simple-minded as equally animal-like life. We, as Academician V.I. Vernadsky has clarified this matter, are distinguished from other forms of life, by the power to create experimentally validatable choices of behavior through what may be fairly described as a quality of creative reason typified as unique to the human discovery of a valid universal physical principle, or the like. We, as mankind, are not at the pinnacle of the tribes of living creatures, but are an order of life absolutely apart from and above the animals, in that role; it is our species' willful choices of categories of influence, which determine the destiny, even the fate, of the array of lower forms of life, all the way down to the relatively most obscure one-celled creatures. Whether we, as individuals, or nations, know that connection, or not, the functional relationship is a reigning one.
The relevant point to be emphasized in the immediate setting of the discussion at this juncture, is that the idea of a Sarpian "pleasure-pain principle" degrades mankind's form of behavioral aptitudes to a simulation of the behavior of the animal herd. As Smith insists in his principal thesis, which indicts him as an enemy of humanity, his 1759 Theory of Moral Sentiments: ". . . Nature has directed us in the greater part . . . by original and immediate instincts. Hunger, thirst, the passion which unites the two sexes, the love of pleasure, and the dread of pain, prompt us to apply these means for their own sakes, and without any consideration of those beneficent ends which the great Director of nature intended to produce by them." The result is "Animal Farm."
Against Smith and what he represents still today, the pertinent evidence is, that the universe itself is inherently anti-entropic, that not merely as an effect, but as a universal cause embedded in the knowledgeable standard of that universe as known to mankind thus far. In other words, the implication is, that the universe itself is inherently creative, as Philo of Alexandria denounced Aristotle as a wicked sort of heathen on this account, and that, systematically, truly so. The subject of "platforms," as I shall clarify that conception at an appropriate place below, confronts us, typically, as those changes in the environment of production, which, in turn, define the relative potential benefit associated with any mode of production as such.
Such are the conclusions which might be best adduced by aid of reference to the accomplishments of Russia's and Ukraine's Academician, the V.I. Vernadsky whose work, in discovery of the Lithosphere, Biosphere, and Noösphere, is attributable in a large degree to the use of the precedents provided by Bernhard Riemann, precedents to which I shall refer, repeatedly, explicitly or otherwise, in the course of the remaining sections of this present report.
The essential point to be emphasized, is the importance of the cultivation of those creative powers associated with both progress in physical science and Classical artistic expressions of culture of the population, especially the leaders of the population, but also the population more broadly. No nation's leadership is more deserving of being thrown out of power than one which is complicit in promoting popularized forms of stupidity among the population at large.
Life in Our Galaxy
Turn attention, for the moment, to the evidence which my associates of the "basement team" have held in view as part of the studies of the effects which our galaxy has induced respecting the history of life on our planet. It is not the individual species, except for the case of mankind, which creates the settings to which the evolving array of the set of species must adapt. Similarly, the fate of society is generally determined by that which some individuals do, who, because of their power in society, or their expressed creativity, or, in the alternative, the utmost lack of such a sense of responsibility, have the greatest relative effect on the destiny of entire nations, or even our planet at large. Often, thus, individuals, or groups of people, blame some other person, or class of persons, for the wicked effects of what they, themselves, have done, or failed to do: as in the case of three recent, U.S. elections of such wretched choices of Presidents as George W. Bush, Jr., and Barack Obama. Clearly, in those cases, the majority electorate had acted as if insane, either by the votes counted, or those which were not cast.
Mankind is an aggregation of the interactions of what are, sometimes, somewhat sovereign human individuals; however, it is the action of the individual on what is defined by a process expressed by a culture, or, often, merely the authoritative voices in society in general, those voices which exert the relatively greatest influence, as a form of willful influence, upon some outcome of the efforts and expressed opinion of the many. It is those same processes of decision-making, so defined, which shape society, as if top down, as by the Wall Street-controlled mass media, against which the individual victim may profess to have been caused to have erred.
It should be made evident, therefore, that the justified instances of causes for complaint within the population and institutions of a misguided society, are usually a product of what a relative authority has decided, or failed to consider. Similarly, the individual citizen who considers himself, or herself a victim of either willful injustices, or those wrought as negligence in manufacture of injustices, has often brought his misery upon himself, by failing to accept his, or her own individual responsibility for shaping the processes which shape the destiny of nations, and of the planet in general, while they wail as if suffering the miseries of Job, for the condition to which they have contributed by their own negligent disregard for the need to care for the shaping of the society as a whole, as if from the top down.
It is our implied responsibility, as individuals, or groups of individuals, to seek out, select, and apply those changes to established practice on which the continued survival of mankind ultimately depends. Being in a minority is not an excuse for negligence in such matters.
For example, the failure to invest in nuclear-fission power, by clinging to sources of significantly lower energy-flux density of deployed power, may have disastrous effects on the relative outcome of a particular mode of production, and, thus, even for the morals-in-practice of the population in general. Anti-nuclear policies are not a morally acceptable premise for the failure to secure a future of mankind which depends absolutely only on qualitative increases in the level of deployed higher forms of energy-flux density. Sodom and Gomorrah had no natural right to have existed.
All competent practice of a science of political-economy today now depends, and that absolutely, on the aforesaid, broadly defined presumptions and preconditions for practice of successive advances in the forms of higher energy-flux density as the general mode on which the continuation of civilized forms of human existence depend absolutely. The uniquely repeated successes in my work as an economic forecaster, have been premised entirely on the aforesaid, broadly described kinds of platform-like preconditions. Therefore, for that reason, I, in my role as a forecaster, have chiefly succeeded, usually in defiance of my so-called "rivals," and did so because I considered the economic process from the issue of what I have come to define as "the platforms" which envelop the preconditions of production, rather than proceeding as the poor statisticians do, from the scientifically incompetent notions of local technology and prejudices, on down.
I shall return to that subject-matter at greater length, a bit later here.
Examine Your Own Mind!
The reader must be forewarned, at this point in the presentation, that the commonplace obstacle to recognition of the principle which I have just so summarized in opening this chapter, is the widespread, virtually "religious" devotion to the common belief formed in professed devotion to what is recognized as the practical meaning of "sense-certainty," a notion which is a reflection of the same crude mechanisms of "pleasure and pain" expressed in Adam Smith's wretched doctrine. The persistence of that reliance on sense-certainty, even among those with the advantages provided by modern European science, is expressed chiefly, symptomatically, by the delusion associated with the influence of Paolo Sarpi, the delusion which is more familiar today as the dogma of "pleasure-pain" associated with the widespread credulity shown by the dupes of the Adam Smith legacy.
The particular practical significance of the mental disorder identified by the name of "Adam Smith," is, that by degrading the human mind to a self-inflicted belief in mere "sense-certainty," the dupe of such induced beliefs, the dupe of such as what is termed "empiricism," is conditioned against recognizing the actually efficient existence of those higher powers of human experience which ought to be properly identified as the creative powers of the typical human mind.
The Role of Bernhard Riemann
Now, having stated that much, to introduce the basis of reference needed for the overall presentation of the case which I have just outlined in the preceding paragraphs of this present chapter; I shall quote from the three opening paragraphs of Bernhard Riemann's revolutionary 1854 habilitation dissertation, On The Hypotheses which Lie at the Foundations of Geometry, the work by Riemann on which all competent scientific practice, subsequently, including that typified by the work of V.I. Vernadsky and Albert Einstein, is premised today. For this purpose, pending a German edition of this present report, I shall now cite from a widely recognized English translation of Riemann's dissertation, the opening sectional sub-title and three opening paragraphs presented by Professor Henry S. White within David E. Smith's 1929 Source Book in Mathematics.[9]
I shall now present that excerpt from Riemann's habilitation dissertation, and return to focus on certain of the crucial features selected for this report at a later point. The importance of this citation is that those who have not assimilated it, or its equivalent, are, to a large degree, illiterate in terms of a valid strain of modern science.
Plan of the Investigation
"It is well known that geometry presupposes not only the concept of space, but also the first fundamental notions for constructions in space as given in advance. It [i.e., better: "These"] give[s] only nominal definitions for them, while the essential means of determining them appear in the form of axioms. The relation of these presuppositions is left in the dark; one sees neither whether, and in how far their connection is necessary, nor, a priori, whether it is possible.
"From Euclid to Legendre, to name the most renowned of modern writers on geometry, this darkness has not been lifted, neither by the mathematicians, nor by the philosophers who have labored upon it. The reason of this lay, perhaps, in the fact, that the general concept of multiply extended magnitudes, in which spatial magnitudes are comprehended, has not been elaborated at all. Accordingly, I have proposed to myself, at first, the problem of constructing the concept of a multiply extended magnitude out of general notions of quantity. From this, it will result that a multiply extended magnitude is susceptible of various metric relations, and that space, accordingly, constitutes only a particular case of a triply extended magnitude. A necessary sequel of this is, that the propositions of geometry are not derivable from general concepts of quantity; but, that those properties by which space is distinguished from other conceivable triply extended magnitudes can be gathered only from experience. There arises from this, the problem of searching out the simplest facts by which the metric relations of space can be determined, a problem which, in the nature of things, is not quite definite; for, several reasons of simple facts can be stated, which would suffice for determining the metric relations of space; the most important, for present purposes, is that laid down for the foundations by Euclid. These facts are, like all facts, not necessary, but of a merely empirical certainty; they are hypotheses; one may, therefore, inquire into their probability, which is truly very great within the bounds of observation, and, therefore, decide concerning the admissibility of protracting them outside the limits of observation, [that] not only toward the immeasurably large, but, also, toward the immeasurably small."
Thus, then, now skip to the closing sentence of Riemann's dissertation [in my own translation]:
"This leads us into a different science, into the domain of physics, which the nature of the present occasion [in the department of mathematics] forbids us to enter."
That much which I have thus quoted from, chiefly, the three opening paragraphs of Riemann's dissertation, the consequent, substantive issue posed by the illusory temptations of a mere mathematics as such,[10] is that which is only typified by a notion of a primacy of five senses. I now contrast the standpoint presented in the preceding three paragraphs from Riemann's dissertation to the British ideological standpoint of Adam Smith et al. We shall return to the deep implications of Riemann's work as such, here later.
Adam Smith's celebrated Sarpian doctrine has left the company of mankind for a certain adopted kinship to the swine who come by his adopted character quite naturally, as in George Orwell's Animal Farm. No actual "principle of nature" is explicitly represented within the bounds of the a-priori, reductionist presumptions inherent in the work of Aristotle, Paolo Sarpi, or Smith. Indeed, insofar as the teaching and practice of physical science is premised upon adaptations to the implications of the Aristotelian or empiricist presumptions, the existence of a competent practice of science were not possible, inasmuch as we attribute the authority of science to such fraudulent a-priorist presumptions.
This issue, which I have just summarized, thus, with these words, assumes a crucially distinct form of expression in any address to the subject of human nature, as that nature is properly considered as qualitatively distinct from the behavioral aptitudes of the relatively lower forms of life. This fact confronts us most clearly and simply, by reference to such modern cases of creative scientific personalities as Nicholas of Cusa, Leonardo da Vinci, Johannes Kepler, Gottfried Leibniz, Carl F. Gauss, Alexander von Humboldt, Lejeune Dirichlet, and Bernhard Riemann, or prominently relevant earlier cases such as Archytas, Plato, and Eratosthenes. What Riemann poses in, notably, his habilitation dissertation, is the issue of the discovery of those underlying, universal, physically efficient principles which lie outside the bounds of a mere mathematics, just as what I have already referenced, above, as the concluding sentence of Riemann's habilitation dissertation, has emphasized this fact.[11] This is the crucial issue posed by the uniqueness of the human individual powers of creativity which lie only within the domains of truly Classical artistic composition, as typified only by Classical modes in musical composition and performance, in great painting and architecture, and in a physical science ranking outside and above mere mathematics as a form of human behavior.
To sum up what have I just stated thus far: the core of a competent modern science is, specifically, the Riemannian approach to the universe expressed to best present effect by that inherently Riemannian approach expressed by Academician V.I. Vernadsky.
So far, as my principal "basement" associates have emphasized by their own original work in this matter, as those competent figures who have preceded them have done: mankind is distinguished from, and above all other actually known forms of living beings thus far, such that the essence of truth in science is expressed in the discoveries of universal physical principle which are demonstrably situated outside, and above the domain of mere sense-perceptual practice, as Riemann emphasizes precisely that issue in the concluding, third section of his habilitation dissertation.
Perhaps the best choice of example employed to illustrate that just stated case, is, perhaps, the case of Johannes Kepler's unique discovery of the principle of universal gravitation, as presented when we have included the role of the "vicarious hypothesis" in his The New Astronomy, and, most emphatically, the echo of the lesson from The New Astronomy which provides the starting-point of practical reference for Kepler's unique discovery of the principle of universal gravitation. The point to be emphasized on this account, is that two contrasted senses, the notion of sight and the notion of harmonics, are employed in conjunction, with that done to define a principle which is not specific to either of those two categories of phenomena, but which is expressed only as what is proven to have been a unique singularity of their conjunction.
A deeper understanding of these indicated implications of Kepler's discovery of universal gravitation, is assisted by re-enacting the celebrated duplication of the cube by Archytas, and the related sort of known method of Plato generally. However, to locate the origins of the revolutionary, modern scientific method actually employed by Kepler, we must look back to a preceding page of modern science, to not only Nicholas of Cusa's De Docta Ignorantia, but to the crucially congruent implications of certain discoveries by Filippo Brunelleschi's recognition of the true nature of the funicular curve, the catenary, as expressed in the form of a physical principle of construction which Brunelleschi employed for the construction of the Florence cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore.[12] These and comparable discoveries of principle, as opposed to mere a-priorist deduction-induction, are to be examined as expressions of the discovery of what are truly universal physical principles, or the like, principles which lie outside the domain of mere sense-perception, but which, nonetheless, are efficiently expressions of the principles which govern the shadow-like effects which true physical principles cast, cast as like foot-prints, where and when the mere spoor of mankind's passing is to be found.
Albert Einstein's treatment of the uniqueness of Johannes Kepler's original discovery of universal gravitation, as being a demonstration of a universe which is always finite, but never bounded, underlies the same notion of the qualifications which are required to define an actually universal physical principle, the notion of a universe which is essentially creative (e.g., anti-entropic) throughout, contrary to the essentially arbitrary, absurd, and, indeed, utterly fraudulent "Second Law of Thermodynamics."
The same notions are crucial for any competent insight into the true nature of human creativity, such as the creativity on which the essential, functional distinction of man from beast actually depends. Hence, we have the following matters to be considered now. We must proceed to re-examine the function of scientific creativity from the indispensable vantage-point of a view of the human mind from the standpoint of the Classical artistic creativity of such as A Defence of Poetry's Percy Bysshe Shelley.
Science, Poetry, Music & Politics
It has been my experience, that scientific creativity, as in its only implicit, attempted representation in William Empson's Seven Types of Ambiguity, depends more emphatically on coherence with a strictly Classical Bach tradition of modern musical compositions and related expressions of poetry, than mathematics as such. The case of Albert Einstein and his violin, is one which I have been impelled to respond to, for this reason, on this account, during the course of quite a number of decades. Classical poetry, when keyed to the Classical musical imagination, as in Percy Bysshe Shelley's A Defence of Poetry, is particularly notable on this account. As a related matter, the increasingly widespread destruction of creativity (the Nietzschean monstrosity sometimes called "creative destruction") in the population born during the immediate post-World War II decades, can be correlated with the monstrous degree of destruction of the creative imagination to be found, most notably, among what often appears to be the certain quality of tendency for showings of virtual brain-deadness specific to the larger ration of the "68'ers," as shown in the relative "political deadness" encountered, as a virtual generational flaw, among the present majority of the U.S. Congress, relative to political leaders of the immediately younger generation.
Unfortunately, among a still younger generation which has been affected by those so-called "elevated pitches" which violate the essential musical principle of naturally defined register shifts, the effects are often more pronounced, in a degree beyond what must be discounted for the substitution of horrid percussion and strange vocal perversions for actual music. The rock-drug-sex, existentialist counter-culture, which is correlated, implicitly, with the European adoption of the 1950 Congress for Cultural Freedom, is typical.
The consequent loss of the connection to the Classical domain of the creative imagination, even the significant damage of the person's access to that domain, has done a form of damage to a population, or merely a large portion of the population which is affected by such factors. This source of damage to the mind's ability to understand, and deal rationally with ordinary sense-perception, is among the notable leading sources of loss of effective human intelligence in the records of history and contemporary considerations. Such relevant English poets as Shelley and Keats, present us with the intimations of powers of the human mind as such which lie beyond what are those mere caricatures of moving ideas which are known as sense-certainties.[13]
Such damage as that to which I have just referred here, typified by the relatively extreme case of the 1950 launching of the Congress for Cultural Freedom within Europe, in particular, when combined with the carry-over of the influence of such elements of moral depravity as that associated paradigmatically with the ugly legacy of Bertolt Brecht, typifies the crippling of the cognitive sense which became characteristic of what had been the relatively privileged stratum of the wild-eyed human creatures who erupted on the leading university campuses during and following the Vietnam War-triggered outbreaks of 1968.
"The Freaks Must Gather!"
However, the Vietnam draft-dodger, or would-be draft-dodger syndrome, on those relatively more privileged campuses of the late 1960s, was more the expression of the eruption of an already existing potential for such an outcome, than might be implied by the neatly definable blaming of the Vietnam draft itself. The truth of this matter is to be found rooted in the case of President Harry S Truman's administration, as, for example, as follows.
The moral depravity of the so-called "right wing" turn so forcibly presented by the Harry S Truman 1948 election-campaign, has been a depravity which was already detectable as a Wall Street-driven turn during that U.S. primary-election period of Summer-Autumn 1944 which had foisted traditionally Wall-Street-linked Senator Harry S Truman on the Democratic Party's Vice-Presidential nomination for the 1944 November election-campaign. The Truman election had put a political bomb into place under the chair of President Franklin Roosevelt; it was deemed likely, "it is over" as by the head of the O.S.S. at the time shortly preceding the death of President Franklin Roosevelt in office, that Roosevelt's death would mean a British-run, "right wing" takeover of the United States, as by the Wall Street factor typified by Brown Brothers Harriman, for a rather long time to come. For the greater part, it did.
The result of the late 1940s developments under Vice-Presidential candidate, and later President, Harry S Truman, was a deep de-moralization (in the most literal and deepest sense of demoralization) of what became the leading stratum of the population, as measured in terms of influence at that time. Thereafter, the relative margin of wealth and honors donated to the section of the population enjoying the advantages of a "security clearance," tended to promote a deep-going weakening of the general moral and related characteristics of that portion of the population.
The resulting lack of a genuinely moral outlook in that relatively privileged sector from among the generation of returning veterans of military service, produced the social effect which came to be notorious as the more notorious, relatively privileged strata of that generation's children, "The Baby Boomer Generation." It was this loss of morality which came rudely to the surface in the relatively more privileged aspect of those children, such as the "rock-drug-sex freaks," who were to be met among the university student-population to which I referred here above. Those of the latter social stratum who were not directly corrupted by these conditions, were affected by the knowledge that the neo-fascist elements typified by the "Weatherman" cult, were apparently the rabidly existentialist wave of the future to which the saner stratum, as if of a lower social status, must now genuflect.
The loss of a cultural level truly equivalent to what should have been expected as a show of "common sense" among many of that generation, was shown by a widespread collapse in the level of actual creativity met among those who had been university types of that sort.
On this account, the relatively happier side of that history, is that the generation which has succeeded the Baby Boomers, meaning those presently found from among those between 25 and 45 years of age, has recently shown a relatively superior moral quality of response to the presently onrushing virtual breakdown-crisis, where the Boomer generation, as typified by many among the "go-along-to-get-along" varieties in the U.S. Congress, are far less responsive, or, perhaps, only much slower to react to the deadly reality of the presently onrushing, existential crisis facing the U.S.A. presently. The appropriate term for that phenomenon is probably "inured." Perhaps this is the case, at least in part, because the still younger generation, between the ages of 15 and 25, has come to be seen as containing some of the elements of a living nightmare, like that recently reported from Tucson, to be brought under control now, as like the terrorist campus killers of a slightly earlier time, while that correction might still be accessible.
That much said on that subject, the most essential fact remains, that while we depend "naturally" on the role performed by the human sense-organs, that knowledge does not come up to the level of truly scientific knowledge; Kepler's uniquely original discovery of universal gravitation, presents the evidence needed for recognizing sense-perception as being a necessary, but delimited contribution to mankind's ability to deal with the universe which surrounds that individual. The case of the concluding paragraph of Percy Bysshe Shelley's A Defence of Poetry, points toward the evidence for a qualitatively higher standard of scientific truth typified by Kepler's discovery of universal gravitation.
These considerations return our attention to the subjects of the role and characteristics of human creativity in the productive process.
The Human Mind's Mass Effects
Return attention briefly to the case of Percy Bysshe Shelley's abruptly interrupted 1815 draft of his A Defence of Poetry.
The plea for optimism which we meet in the most crucial, concluding section of that uncompleted draft, obliges us to focus our attention on the subject of the descent of a "Curtain of Darkness" on Europe which had descended under the influence of Metternich and Castlereagh during the early Nineteenth Century. Shelley had interrupted his writing of his A Defense of Poetry abruptly in 1815, and, to the best of my judgment, had not returned to that uncompleted composition, for precisely that reason, again. The poem lodged within there, remained uncompleted; the song rang still, unfinished, but, nonetheless, has remained crucial.[14]
Shelley was not demoralized; but, he did know, beyond doubt, what his constituency had been up to that time, as Heinrich Heine came to suffer a similar experience vis-a-vis the infamous daughter of Swiss-born French economist Jacques Necker, the infamous Madame de Stael.
Later, two world wars, most notably, and the like have since ensued, that in a pattern which had been continued as a trend to the present day, and will continue to its end, as long as the British Empire, which is actually "The Fourth Roman Empire," remains as it does, however precariously, still today.
Despite those past facts, the principle which Shelley sets forth in that most remarkable single, concluding paragraph of the uncompleted piece, remains to the present time, as among the most important of the statements respecting the principled nature of humanity known to us thus far. Unfinished? Yes! But, what was good and essential in that writing of his, has not been lost to our potential understanding today; that is the gist of my subject at this point in the present chapter's emphasis on the roles of such as Riemann and Vernadsky.
The commonplace, disgusting error among those usually deemed "the learned," still today, has been consistent with the frauds and related follies of Charles Darwin, frauds which are premised on what has been presented as an axiomatic presumption in the domains of biology and politics. The remedy for the contemptible hoaxes by the reductionist hoaxster Darwin and his ilk, is to be found in a "top, down," view of the existence of physical economies, rather than the Darwinians' "bottomed-out," depraved view of both mankind and living processes generally. The universe, including the forms of life, is not a collection of objects, but represents the subsumed expressions of a coherently unified, universally cosmic process of an unfolding principle of creation.
History's Ironic Moments
That fact which I have just stated, is to be located as also being a central feature of my heretofore unrivaled success in my specific role as an economic forecaster. I refer, thus, to what I have introduced as the substitution of the concept which I have labeled "platforms," which must now supplant the tired, and misleading term, "infrastructure." A "cosmic" quality of top-down view of the universe, and mankind, must displace the bottom-up, mechanistically kinetic view illustrated by that dismal practice typified by "financial accounting." When the nation's economy collapses, many formerly grand industries collapse, as if in mockery of the insolence of the individual enterprise's formerly reported financial-accounting successes. Wall Street's triumphs have turned out, eventually, as having been humanity's catastrophes, as under the outcome of rabid monetarist Alan Greenspan's twisted reign at both J.P. Morgan and the Federal Reserve System.
It is appropriate to note a certain coincidence between Greenspan's open launching of his continuing campaign, as a J.P. Morgan hack, to destroy the Glass-Steagall Act, within the 1982-1983 setting of the British orchestration of the Soviet rejection of U.S. President Ronald Reagan's televised proffer of what I had crafted as the initiative for what Reagan titled A Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI).
It had been largely forgotten today, as much desired to be forgotten, that during the years following U.S. President Ronald Reagan's 1983 televised address on the subject of a "Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)," I had been the initial spokesman, over the interval 1977-1983 and beyond, for what President Reagan had come to adopt as the name for the "SDI." Leading circles from around the world, including relevant Soviet figures, had been engaged in discussions of the prospect of installation of this program—until the time the recently installed, British-linked, Soviet leader Yuri Andropov reacted, suddenly, and with a particular personal violence, against President Ronald Reagan's public, televised proffer.
As it turned out as a clearly lawful irony, the rejection of the SDI, first by Andropov, and then by those circles of Michael Gorbachov which uttered murderous threats against me personally over this issue, was the crucial factor in history which assured the doom of the Soviet system as such. It was that rejection of SDI which played a crucial role, as if as a dynastical sort of suicidal impulse, in bringing down the Soviet system.
The Soviet rejection of the SDI was not merely a mistake, but a truly tragic piece of historic folly which has continued to curse much of our planet, Russia most notably, to the present moment.
The crucial part of the irony of that situation, is that the issue of the post-World War II decades, was never really the Soviet Union as such. The issue was then, as still today, the importance, sought on behalf of the still very much real, if battered and tattered British empire, of the still-in-progress, intended, British-orchestrated elimination of any semblance of the global cultural and strategically physical-economic factor of Russia from the global strategic equation.[15]
The principal target of the British role in this affair, was the intent of Britain's traditional puppets, the Wall Street gang, to play the situation between the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R. as Winston Churchill and Bertrand Russell had done during the closing months of World War II and beyond. Russell's role, in, first, declaring a preventive nuclear war against the Soviet Union, in September 1946, and, thereafter playing a not exactly secret British intelligence penetration of the Soviet leading circles as through the Austria-based IIASA (the Club of Rome and Bertrand Russell-linked International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis), had, earlier, orchestrated peripheral conflicts such as the U.S. Indo-China war and the British Saudi channel's role in the Soviet entrapment in Afghanistan, as a persisting back-and-forth game, which, by sinking the Soviet system, eliminated much of the importance of the United States in the British great imperial game.
I was already in the British intelligence "cross hairs" on this account, during this and later times, targetted on account of the continuing effects of the SDI, during the 1980s, until, by 1985, when the British interests and their U.S. assets simply tired of playing the game, and opted to have me summarily jugged.
The deeper implications of all this, run as follows.
The consideration ran, as it does still today; there should be no doubt of that fact among those leading world circles which are presently under the conditions of imminent general breakdown of the so-called "Euro system." The continued existence of that British Empire, still today, depends upon the ability of London to destroy all potential obstacles to consolidating the present Roman Empire's (the British empire's) momentarily, still incontestible, but presently most uncertain control over the planet as a whole.
For as long as the United States and Russia remained a pair of ponderable, still somewhat independent strategic factors in the composition of the government of the planet as a whole, the British empire was not secured. Without such a degree of qualified independence of Russia, China and India, the world would also be greatly vulnerable to being controlled by the global embrace of the empire on the planet at large. The destruction of both the U.S.A. and Russia, have been the leading objectives of "the Fourth Roman Empire," that which must be identified, most emphatically, as nothing but the British empire. The special passion of that Empire on that account has been implications of the combination of the U.S. establishment of its trans-continental railway system as combined with the adoption of the same economic policy by Bismarck's Germany and Russia.
When the British Empire Took Over
To understand the British imperialist role since the close of the Nineteenth Century, turn attention to the Bismarck case.
The result of British policy since then, featured the succession of events represented by the British Royal Family's ouster of Germany's Chancellor Bismarck, as followed by the alliance of Britain and Japan for warfare intended to destroy China, Korea, and Russia, and, since the early 1920s, the U.S.A. through aid of the Prince of Wales' influence on Japan which prompted the joint intention for the attack on the U.S.A. naval base at Pearl Harbor. The British Empire of today has continued to be, in summation, the British "New Venetian Party" of William of Orange and his successors, and the bearer of the planetary, imperial strategic doctrine of the Twentieth and now the Twenty-First Century.
That imperial strategic intention is not inherent biologically in the United Kingdom itself, but in that legacy which the New Venetian Party's William of Orange carried, as Jean-Baptiste Colbert understood, and Chancellor Bismarck did later, as this was to remain of concern through the so-called Dutch Wars, into the intended destruction of a France under a foolish Louis XIV, and, thence, into the capture of the British Isles, by William of Orange, for the role of a maritime base for the global establishment of the Fourth stage of the Roman Empire, the so-called world-wide British Empire.
The evil instinct of that British Empire, is not an expression of the people of that virtual imperial bath-tub toy known as the United Kingdom itself; it is the expression of the lust inherent in the New-Venetian mode of imperial monetarist, maritime system which presently dominates the world through, chiefly, that empire's control over the crucial factor of "Wall Street" and, incidentally, a virtually drooling (intellectually) British puppet, and plausibly mentally incompetent (under Section 4 of the 25th Amendment to the Constitution) and childish basketball fanatic, known otherwise, for the moment, as U.S. President Barack Obama.
Actually, the root of the British Empire must be traced by historians to a time no later than the succession of those ancient follies of Mediterranean maritime culture known as the Trojan and Peloponnesian wars. The key to the mystery surrounding those wars was, as the great Aeschylus, and, later, Plato, made sufficiently clear to the actually sentient, the ancient monetarist maritime cult of Delphi.
What is most essential to be understood about all this, especially from the standpoint of current history, is that the principle of monetarism is, in and of itself, the principle of imperialism. As the history of four successive, principal phases of the Roman Empire shows, as it is now culminating in the British expression of the New Venetian Party's flag carried into the British Isles by William of Orange, is that the essential principle of empire is not colonies as such, but a monetarist system to which nations and peoples remain captives of monetarism as such. Britain does not control the empire; the British monarchy itself, since the folly of Henry VIII, has remained the captive of what has lately become the current neo-Venetian incarnation of a presently reigning, world-wide, monetarist system per se.
The Option: Cusa's Revolution
All that which I have said on the subject of the successive phases of the existence of the Roman empire, requires us to pause at this point to take into account a crucial phase-change in the succession of forms of that empire which emerged around the Fourteenth-century process leading into the A.D. 1438-40 "great ecumenical Council of Florence," and into the role of the Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa who was a leading founder of all competent forms of modern science and the prompter of the policy of trans-oceanic settlements expressed by the Cusa-inspired, A.D. 1480-1492 commitment of Christopher Columbus to cross the Atlantic to the land he knew he would find, as he did in a timely fashion, on the other side.
Briefly, Cusa's expressed intention in proposing such a strategic action, was based upon his judgment that what had been the excellent intention of the Florentine Renaissance, was now imperilled by the fact of that Venetian maritime power then scrambling to re-establish that former imperial maritime authority which the Venetian monetarists had earlier gained over the Byzantine Empire since about the same time leading into the Norman conquest of England. Cusa's instruction to his heirs, was to cross the great oceans to establish a base from which to take Europe back from the fangs of the reviving Venetian monetarist system. As subsequent history to date has shown, Cusa's motive is still the proper intention of a sane state of Europe today.[16]
Unfortunately, such matters as the follies of France's Louis XIV in the matter of the same Dutch trap associated with the figure of Rene Descartes, and the role of William of Orange's conquest of the British Isles on behalf of the New Venetian Party, had led into the Anglo-Habsburg alliance for that destruction of France, a New Venetian Party which consolidated its New-Venetian, monetarist form of imperial power throughout most of Europe up through a crucial point about A.D. 1815 and beyond.
Over the interval since that Vienna Congress which was dominated by the arrangement of Britain's Castlereagh and Prince Metternich, until the defeat of that British Empire-controlled slavery and drug trafficking, as by way of the Queen of Spain, through the setback to the British Foreign Office's puppet the Confederacy, Russia was usually the principal friend of the United States. This U.S.A. victory over the British puppet known as the Confederacy, had led into the emergence of a Germany led by the genius of Chancellor Bismarck as the architect of a Germany whose economy was greatly enhanced by Bismarck's explicit adoption of the American System of political-economy.
The consequent convergence of Germany and Russia on adoption of "the American model," from about the time of 1876 Philadelphia Centennial, until the 1890 ouster of Bismarck by the British monarchy, was the greatest threat to the world power of the British empire until the later accession of U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The intended destruction of both Germany and Russia, and corruption, and ultimate destruction of the United States, was the specific intention of the British monarchy and its empire, a British monarchy to be defined as descended from Caesar Augustus through the Roman, Byzantine empires, and the Crusades, into the modern British empire defined by the methods and intentions of William of Orange and beyond the reign of Prince Albert (Edward VII), as continued up to the present date.
The scientifically precise definition of that four-phased saga of the empire, from Rome through Byzantium, through the old Venetian system, and, presently, the New Venetian Party's Anglo-Dutch system known as the British Empire, is that of "an imperial monetarist system," as opposed to the customary, foolishly naive references to a "British empire" of colonies as such. It is empire in its body incorporating the subjects of the monetarist system as being merely subordinated parts of the imperial form of monetarist power over international finance and trade, nominally centered in the person of the British monarch, just as Queen Elizabeth II has emphasized that point in references to a "British Commonwealth," and as the present "Euro" system avows such a specific imperial power over the nations of Europe today.
Thus, the present British imperial intention is to establish the existence of an economic pact respecting a present world monetarist system in its presently advanced state, as directly absorbing the United States itself into a virtual mere "Wall Street-centered" satrapy of a reigning imperial British power. That is, essentially, where matters stand presently.
On the Subject of "Energy-Flux Density"
The presently urgent task before our United States, is defined by the indispensable mission-orientation of launching a general economic recovery of a largely wrecked and ruined United States. Such a recovery can occur only through a great leap upward, toward the general application of the means of nothing less than progressively increased levels of what is considered, generically, as qualities of "nuclear" and "thermonuclear" power ordered according to the relevant, required qualitative increases in employed energy-flux density. This means "power" as defined in terms of reference to "power" measured in terms of accelerating rises in what is termed "energy-flux density": this means "power" measured roughly in terms of concentration of power per square centimeter cross-section of flow into its application.
To restate the point, that means that today's standard for civilization is the domination of economies by increasing reliance on the movement of standard primary sources of power associated with the transition from nuclear-fission, through thermonuclear fusion, and beyond.
The point is illustrated, most dramatically, and also most appropriately, by comparing the pitiable concentrations of power represented by nuclear-fission with the bursts of Solar radiation which were responsible for the most recent crisis in the Pacific basin. The security of mankind itself demands nothing less than such an active intention as an objective of mankind's policy, beginning now. Does this mean that we must be dedicated to wielding such power according to our human will? Precisely so; it will require a bit of time to reach such a goal, but we must be already in the process of reaching it. If we are truly sane, we are not dedicated to anything less.
III. The System of Physical Economy
The attempt to place the emphasis of science on the worship of mathematics when addressing the principles of economy, or any other branch of modern science, presents us with a matter which is comparable to the case of the post-hole digger who begins and closes his daily routine with a period of religious worship of the image of his spade. It were sufficient for today, to demonstrate that that aphorism which I have used to begin this chapter, has been said by me here on behalf of the intent to defend the fruits of the actually beneficial use of mathematics, but condemn the silliness of a blind worship of that subject. That proof of that distinction can be shown with sufficient relevance by pointing to the most essential interdependence of the truthfulness shared among the principal discoveries of Bernhard Riemann and V.I. Vernadsky. Those considerations are typical of the essential foundations of any actual science of physical economy.
Take the case of Carl F. Gauss's evasion of any endorsement of the claims to invention of a non-Euclidean geometry by his old friend's son Janos Bolyai, or Gauss' related avoidance of similar claims by N. Lobatchevski. Then, turn to the opening paragraphs of Bernhard Riemann's 1854 habilitation dissertation, where Gauss' rejection of the so-called "non-Euclidean" geometries of his time, was made clear: the error of a formal mathematics without substance, which is made clear in Riemann's 1854 dissertation.
For example, from the department of wit:
Question: "Why is it difficult to organize the funeral of a mathematician?"
Answer: "It is difficult to find the actual body."
Such quips would be another way of stating the truth which I have identified above as the argument which Bernhard Riemann presented in the opening three paragraphs of his 1854 habilitation dissertation. The notion of a mathematics which precedes physics, is an intrinsic folly, precisely as Riemann states in the opening, and restates with great force in the third section of that dissertation.
Those notions presented by Riemann were not actually new for modern science in and of themselves. Brunelleschi had demonstrated this in his treatment of the catenary as a physical principle of his construction of the cupola of Santa Maria del Fiore. Cusa had shown this fact with great force in his De Docta Ignorantia, as had Cusa's avowed followers such as Leonardo da Vinci and Johannes Kepler. The same was presented with great force by Leibniz in collaboration with Jean Bernouilli. The age of Napoleon and what immediately followed the 1815 proceedings of Vienna under the direction of such as Prince Metternich and his British accomplices, had been a dark age in the history of science and other greatly important matters, despite the witty expression of genius by the young British Cambridge scholars, Charles Babbage, John Herschel, and George Peacock.[17]
Consider the following realities.
European culture today is chiefly crippled in quality, by its practiced ignorance of the nature of the proof of the point which I have just made, thus, in opening this present chapter of this report. The most appropriate "whipping boys" to be used for this occasion, are the reprobates Aristotle and Paolo Sarpi.
As I have quoted, above, in the preceding chapter, from among the three opening paragraphs of Riemann's habilitation dissertation:
"From Euclid to Legendre ... this darkness has not been lifted, neither by the mathematicians, nor by the philosophers who have labored upon it. The reasons for this lay, perhaps, in the fact, that the general concept multiply extended magnitudes, in which spatial magnitudes are comprehended, has not been elaborated at all ..." by them.[18]
This same difficulty of those who were still merely mathematicians today, did not, of course, exist for such exemplars as Plato, nor for those modern physical scientists in the footsteps of Nicholas of Cusa, including those among the category inclusive of such followers of Cusa in physical science as Leonardo da Vinci, Johannes Kepler, and Gottfried Leibniz.
There is a reason, if not an actually good one, for the persistence of what Riemann references, above, as "darkness," still today.
That much said, I devote the present chapter of this report to the subject of that difference. That subject should be presented, under the title of the ontological distinction of ideas subsumed by a literal reading of sense-perception as such, as they must be examined with respect to the distinctly contrasting standpoints of physical principles and mere sense-perceptions. I emphasize reliance on the knowledge associated with those underlying functions of the actually creative powers of the human mind which have been, and remain common to both great artistic compositions in the Classical modes, and to the actually underlying subject-matter of the imagination which is the location of a true physical science. I include some needed attention to certain mental disorders which are notable for their damaging effects on the mental processes, as the specifically relevant subjects of Adam Smith and Karl Marx serve as examples of that problem.
That is the point of the difference between mere "sense perception," on the one side, and, on the other, those powers of the actual human mind whose expression can not be reduced to the bare functions of mere sense-perception as such. Between those two opposing opinions, there is the matter of locating a defining difference which is representative, in fact, of everything worth knowing.
To place the standpoint of reference for the immediately preceding, introductory remarks within this present chapter of my report, I point to the recent emphasis which my collaborators in these matters have placed on denying the existence of an actually open space, that we might acknowledge that, in effect, no known form of "empty space" actually exists. We must insist that, rather, what naive sense-perception would wish to tease us into believing is "space" as such, is actually filled up as being, actually, richly dense with what, are more or less, extremely efficient forms of cosmic radiation.
For those among us engaged in this present discussion, therefore, the actually errant ideas of the existence of "empty space," are products of an inherently defective, but, unfortunately prevalent set of the notions of functional limitations of the domain of ideas, erroneous limitations which are typified by the errant, a-priorist notion of sense-perceptual experience. Thus, an alert scientific worker must be brought to the conclusion that sense-perception is merely sense-perception, and, therefore, at best, a somewhat informative hypothesis, and often undeniably useful shadow of reality, but, nonetheless, very much a mere shadow, one which is to be recognized by us as virtually a mere shadow which the real universe (so to speak) casts upon our powers of sense-perception as such.
Ths consideration signifies, that any more or less successful attempt to find comparisons for reality in the shadow-world of sense-perception, presents us with an entirely different notion of the ordering of causality than does a real universe whose image is degraded by mere opinion into something which had been cast in the form of a shadow-world experience of sense-perception.
That, however, is not the limit of the differences.
Look to the subject-matter of the first section of Riemann's 1854 habilitation dissertation, where the subject of the issues of the contrast between mere sense-perception and physically efficient reality, is located. Suddenly, later, in the closing pages of Riemann's dissertation, in the third section, the naive notion of a sense-perceptual universe, which Riemann had implicitly deplored in the opening of his dissertation, disintegrates. In that dissertation's third section, the case is presented, that the introduction of instruments which are crafted to show patterns of principled forms of behavior within the extremely large or extremely small, are transformed into parts of a larger framework than our power of sense-perception provides, a framework which includes the likeness of entirely different physically-efficient universes than do the five senses of a mere Aristotle. The general fact of such a difference, has already been settled in experimental fact, through the work of experimental physical science, especially that of such work since the time of Riemann and Dirichlet, which includes both what is, variously, rightly, or mistakenly, treated as a view sponsored by the sundry notions of the proper actually physical meaning of "Abelian functions."
Numerous among the relevant modern scientists, have made essential contributions to a general conception of physical functions on this, or kindred account, as opposed to the relatively crude ontological misconceptions of a merely mathematical domain such as those of Aristotle, or of the modern empiricists. The relevant best efforts of modern science on this account, have been in the direction taken since the crucial contributions by Nicholas of Cusa and his followers, and, beyond that, the continuation of that which has led from Leibniz into Riemann, as follows.
While the general idea of an actually physical domain was developed by such as Riemann and his immediate followers in the domain of physics as such, the fact is, as the case of Riemann illustrates this point, that there is an additional, ontological challenge posed most forcefully in the concluding, third section of Riemann's habilitation dissertation, a challenge which was obliged to wait for the work of Academician V.I. Vernadsky's later works in the field of the discovery of the respectively Riemannian functions of the domains of the Lithosphere, Biosphere, and Noösphere. It is there, at the latter point of developments in the progress of science, that the most crucial aspects of a true physical science of economy have become a systematical form of prospective general replacement for the formerly leading practice of systemic incompetencies in what is classed as the subject of "economics" so far today.[19]
Once we have taken into account the systemic errors generated by belief in the primacy of the presumed actuality of sense-perception as such, our notion of the existing universe is transformed, and uplifted ontologically. That urgently needed transformation occurs through aid of the proofs implicit in the recognition that the authority of sense-perceptual experiences is limited to the domain of mere shadows cast by reality, that of sense-perception, rather than reality itself.
At this point, it is more or less urgent, in today's world, that no competent practice of science can be defined in use by merely collating sense-perceptual experiences, or the like. Principles do not exist in the form of sense-perceptions as such, but in the adduced principles which are not, ontologically, sense-perceptions themselves, but express the existence of that proverbial invisible "foot" which had left its prints behind in the course of its passing.
That issue had become my life's work in chief, and has served as the foundation of my own original discoveries of principles in the domain of a science of physical economy. I did not begin that journey with such an intention, but, as it was a notion which nagged me from the proverbial beginning of my attention to the idea of economy and production as such, since many decades ago, and, is now the result for today. As is sometimes said, it worked out that way.
It is only to the degree that we put these topical issues which I have, thus, just referenced, into appropriate perspective, as a science of physical economy, that we touch upon the deep, prospective implications of the universal domain of Riemann-Vernadsky.
First, we must put the matter of customary practices of contemporary economic dogma to one side.
Adam Smith Was an Evil Man
In entering into the domain of sundry views respecting the appropriate definition of the term "economy," we are confronted, widely, around the world today, by what is in fact the delusion of the range of doctrines which trace the notion of "economy" to a fancied root-misconception attributable to the names of Aristotle, Sarpi/Adam Smith, and the like. Among the more notable features of the history of that "fourth Roman Empire" established in Great Britain under such as Lord Shelburne, we have, still today, that lingering after-effect of the legacy of the wretched Adam Smith which is to be seen by Smith's most impassioned admirer respecting the field of political-economy, Karl Marx.
There is, as you will read in some of the immediately following pages here, a required consideration of the special kind of strategic role assigned to Karl Marx by the British Empire which, in fact, owned him. Without those considerations which are now summarized as much as it is convenient to do so in the several immediately following pages, the strongest influences which have shaped the world's economy from the time of accession of William of Orange to the present, could not be competently appreciated.
Officially, in the territory of the former Soviet Union, for which the legacy of Marx's dogma was once the domain for a putatively reigning authority of intellectual life, Marx today has descended to the sorry status of being, largely, an embarrassing relic of times past. The footprints which his name has left behind today, remain as a poorly disguised imprint of that which remains as a kind of nuisance for sundry varieties of contemporary leading opinion throughout much of the world.
For many among us who have meddled seriously with what has been called "Marxism," as I had done, the contentions among nominally pro-Marxian and anti-Marxian professions, were often relevant, even when erroneous; that was the case over the duration of something which was, debatably, more than about a century. This held up for a time, to the degree that these sundry varieties of professions, nominally "pro," or nominally "con," were real-life, virtually life-death issues in those times, issues whose reality as such, as issues, can not be mocked even at the distance of yesterdays. The fact that a certain belief persists in persuading a sizable current of opinion, let the foundation of that belief be discovered to have been ever so foolish in fact, the belief can never be competently overlooked entirely for as long it exerts a grip on the minds, and the past shaping of the present behavior of influential bodies of believers. After all, the opponents of Marx have remained more or less fanatical followers of the self-same Adam Smith, too.
The Marxian world-outlook itself was a false view of scientific realities, but it was a highly efficient political and social influence in, most emphatically, Twentieth Century political history. It remained, chiefly for reason of the promotion of its use by the British empire, a very real factor in the history from early in the 1890s until the fall of the Soviet Union, a point of distinction which both modern Marxists and the most impassioned anti-Marxists never really understood. If you did not understand it, and were not able to identity its argument, you were not competent in the leading world wide issues associated with political-economy during the span of more than a century. The fights, for, or against the nominal Marxist causes, and among them, were, in a very large degree, a matter of a choice of flag adopted by, or merely attributed to global forces which had practical influence among variously associated states of belief within society during that time.[20]
It seems to be only a dimly remembered yesterday, when that issue of "Marx" once flourished in most of the world at large, especially in the trans-Atlantic world. Yet, even at a grammarian's funeral for "Marxism," the way in which the "fourth Roman Empire," remains today as the British empire launched under the flag of "The New Venetian Party" of William of Orange, had permitted a crucial role for Marxism used by the hands of the masters of the British empire itself. There, in that past history, the presently shadowy remains of the remembrance of Marx, together with the mere myth of Marx's alleged hostility to the cause of British imperialism, and to Russia above all others, remain as a very much active influence in the way in which even the presently collapsing British empire exerts, still now, a very large ideological and practical political influence over the fate of humanity as a whole.
Marx was, in fact, a creation of the intelligence services of that British empire which had been spawned by the New Venetian Party of William of Orange, the latter a person who is ultimately a figure in the likeness, like many others in English history, of that infamous Venetian agent in Henry VIII's retinue, Thomas Cromwell.
Actually, Marx himself was always, as Marx insisted on this point in his own fashion, devoted to the notion of "class struggle," a notion which, despite its plausibility on sundry accounts, served the British imperial interest as a customary mask for the foolish ideas of Lord Shelburne's very dirty and feral little spy, Adam Smith. As the Venetians and the more witting representatives of the British monarchy have understood, to hold a kingdom, or establish and maintain an empire, it is essential to divide one's own forces, chiefly, among no less than two, ostensibly chronically warring parties, thus to catch, and probably crush the unwitting dupes, between the fissures of the arguments. How could an ambitious tyrant create an empire, except by inducing his dupes to make war among themselves?
The so-called "Marxist movement," as it actually existed as a movement after Marx's own decline into obscurity and interment, was concocted by the British agent Frederick Engels, who had devoted the latter decades of his life to creating a putatively living, post-humous Karl Marx out of an already dead one. Engels emerged in the latter years of his own life as an emblematic figure of the British Fabian Society, as in his actual, personal role in launching the career in the British intelligence services of the British weapons-trafficker Alexander Helphand, who is otherwise known as "Parvus." The occasion for these "geopolitical" developments which were merely being brought to the surface already during the early 1890s, was symptomatic of the earlier British intentions for launching what became, among others, more or less notable horrors, such as the two so-called "World Wars" of the Twentieth Century.
It is true, of course, that the troubles which the British empire stirred up to its own intended advantage, and still does today, seldom worked out as originally designed; but, do not allow yourself to overlook the fact, that the British willingness to experience a chaotic challenge to its own schemes, usually won the cause for the Empire itself. Make the best of a bad defeat or two, as Winston Churchill did during and following World War II, and turn it into the worst outcome for the credulous intended victims. Nietzsche's followers call this tactic "creative destruction." Two so-called "World Wars" of the Twentieth Century, are prime examples of this pattern in the imperialist tradition.
Such tricks often worked on some selected victim of the application of a certain British imperial style, in a fashion akin to that of the celebrated case of the Malaysian monkey.
Put a tempting nut within a jar, such that the monkey could not simultaneously retrieve the nut with his paw, and also free his thus-burdened hand from the mouth of the jar. Take the case of the British use of the occasion of the successful assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy, to lure the United States into the Indo-China warfare which Kennedy, like General Douglas MacArthur, had been resolutely determined to avoid. The assassination of President Kennedy solved the problem; Kennedy was assassinated, with the result that the British succeeded in luring the U.S.A. into seizing the foolish nut, and the U.S. government, like the virtual Malaysian monkey it turned out to be, would not give up the nut; the British farmer's family ate monkey that night. Then, there were wars which the British and their American stooges fought in Iraq, and, presently, in the British opium-farm called Afghanistan, all under the specific protection of the opium business there by Britain's puppet, U.S. President Barack Obama.
The case of Karl Marx and what had been British sundry captive, or specially created Marxists, as in the case of the Bertrand Russell-linked setting of IIASA's aping of Russell's Cambridge systems-analysis hoax, still today, is another case of the model of the Malaysian monkey-trap into which many former Marxists, with or without former Soviet credentials, were captive, and some still are.
The Strategic Significance of Marx
Since the role of the New Venetian Party's William of Orange, and the latter's role in the orchestration of both the so-called Dutch Wars against France under Louis XIV, and the crushing of the charter of what had been the Massachusetts Bay Colony, the future United States had already been among the foremost targets for destruction by what William of Orange set into motion to establish London, although, actually, long after his own death, by February 1763, as the world capital of the maritime power of a new, actually the fourth, Roman Empire. For that empire, the greatest test of its ability to continue to rule and reign over an increasing number of the nations and peoples of the world, came in the 1763-1781 period leading into the victory of the U.S.A. and its allies, chiefly France, in the Battle of Yorktown.
It was the same Lord Shelburne who had created Adam Smith out of some unworthy substance, circa 1763, whose unique role in the creation of the British Foreign Office, set into motion the process intended to bring about the destruction of not only the newborn United States, but all of the U.S.A.'s allies and those otherwise deemed accomplices in the U.S. victory over Lord Cornwallis's forces. The 1782 founding of the British Foreign Office, and the typification of the not-so-secret agents of that institution as by the successive roles of Jeremy Bentham and Lord Palmerston in running the intelligence and related operations of that Office, became the springboard for the still presently continued British imperial efforts for destroying each and every nation which had resisted Britain's role as a new, Fourth Roman Empire projected according to the avowed intention of Lord Shelburne's adoption of Edward Gibbon's recipe given in his The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.
To understand the phenomenon of the British Empire, an empire which still functions as a dominant world empire today, we must proceed from insight into the principle on which the origins and continuation of that model of empire, including its maritime precedents, have dominated what has become known as European civilization since before Rome itself, and still today. The principle involved should be readily understood; unfortunately, what people tend to hide the most from even themselves, is a deep, systemic sort of flaw in the character of themselves and their adopted culture. In short, people tend, in such a fashion, to protect that which imprisons them, but, usually, only if they are induced to believe, as did a large ration among the slaves held by the Confederacy system, that the cultural flaw which leads them to submission is a quality of an expression of their own innate nature which they must defend at all costs. It is not the shackles which hold them in bondage, but the shekels or kindred pleasures which exert a kindred effect, as if they were to say: "These are my shackles, and you are not going to deprive me—shekels, or shackles—of my tradition!"
This is also true, to a large degree, here in our United States; otherwise, neither George W. Bush, Jr., nor Obama could ever have been elected President by the margin of a befuddled majority.
Consider the crucial evidence to kindred effect, which is embedded in the case of Friedrich List (1789-1846), a leader in bringing the principles of the American System of political-economy of Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, and Mathew and Henry Carey, into Europe. Karl Marx had been introduced to Germany's political-economic life as a contender, under the Neue Rheinische Zeitung for the position earlier occupied by (Georg) Friedrich List at the original Rheinische Zeitung. Under the influence of the British agent, Frederick Engels, who controlled Karl Marx at that time and virtually all later times, the policies of List were not merely abandoned, but expunged, as done with the aid of the curious circumstances of List's death.
The significance of that particular set of facts, is found in those bearing on the struggle for the establishment, in Germany (and also France and elsewhere) of the economic features of the system of a republic launched in the United States. At several points in his later career, Karl Marx showed a few occasional, but short-lived indications of liking for the cause of U.S. President Abraham Lincoln and Henry C. Carey's presentation of the American System, but Engels, Marx's controller, always succeeded in edging Marx away from such tendencies. Facts toward a similar effect correspond to a pattern of British efforts to create republican movements within Europe which might be considered, appropriately, or not, to bring the processes in leading parts of Europe into convergence against the policies associated with the American Revolution's victory over the British, the latter expressed at Yorktown, and, then, later times.
It was this and related developments echoing the impact of the American System within the political movements within Europe, which must be taken into account to recognize why and how the British Empire spent so much effort in creating a Marxist current as an intended bulwark against the spread of the influence of the U.S.A.'s system within Europe itself, especially continental Europe, as in the case of List. The high points of the actual such influence were to be noted in Russia's leading circles, and those trends within Germany associated with the reforms of Chancellor Bismarck.
Without the British empire's leading concern for the threat to it from even the continued existence of the United States, Karl Marx would never have had much notability in modern world history. Marxism was in intended effect, largely the British empire's chosen antidote to Americanism, as shown in the case of List; Marxism became, especially since what is called "World War I," thus, the dividing-line of conflict between the two leading intellectual powers in the world in a certain time, the American system and the Soviet system.
Anyone who actually possessed a competent view of the leading issues of diplomacy since the American Revolution, should have recognized this aspect of history. How many actually did, is another matter.
Marxism died with the Soviet Union, where it lay destroyed by help of such as Nikita Khrushchov, Andropov, Gorbachov, and the British cult known as the partnership of the Anglo-Dutch Club of Rome and the Bertrand Russell-linked child of Bertrand Russell's circles in the school of Cambridge Systems Analysis, the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis. Once we have taken into account the fashion in which such as Andropov and Gorbachov destroyed the Soviet Union by their decisions at crucial points, we may now put away the matter of any current role of Marxism; we may now return to the essential issues, now freed from the obligation to consider the dead past issues of Marxism, and also kindred forms of diversions to be, hopefully, left behind as a strategic distraction now consigned to a lost past, albeit with relevant tombstone markings.
The End of Monetarism
Monetarism was never a matter of science, apart from the domain of the science of psycho-pathology; it was always, as a political movement, a disease akin to the cult of Flagellants from medieval Europe's Fourteenth-century "New Dark Age." That disease, called monetarism, is presently carrying the world, via the vehicle of the trans-Atlantic breakdown-crisis, to the threatened destruction of civilization as a whole.
Lately, my young professional associates have made crucially significant contributions, especially scientific contributions which threaten to change the world for mankind for the better. We have now entered a period of a fundamental change in the very meaning of the term "economy." Henceforth, from some point in time in the relatively very near future, either the very idea of monetarism, or civilization will vanish from this planet, at least for a very long time to come.
What must take the place of "monetarism," if civilization is to continue, will have the outward form of a credit system, as Alexander Hamilton crafted that feature of our Federal Constitution, rather than a monetarist system. On the surface, it might appear that such a transformation would be a slight change, a mere reform of the sort which former U.S. head of the Federal Reserve System, Paul Volcker would probably understand. On the surface of things, that might be the appearance of things. The change will not appear to be, for those among us who are still able to remember President Franklin Roosevelt, more than a return to the policies of the 1932-1945 period, when that President was still alive; but, for certain types of slight such changes, as was the case with the way in which the revolutionary U.S. Federal Constitution under its brilliantly conceived Preamble came into being originally, what will be a slight change in standard procedures, will become a great revolution for all mankind for long times to come. No actual change from the original intention of our Federal Constitution will be involved, but the effects will be wonderful.
I do not exaggerate in the slightest degree in making the statements just presented here. If we succeed, the result for humanity will be wonderful for not only the United States we shall have rescued from the long wave of decline since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, but a sweet time ahead for humanity within the Solar System at large.
IV. What Happened to Those Dinosaurs?
The view of society recently fostered by the major news media of our planet, is fairly described as a view of the principles of traffic in real-estate under the reign of such as the objectionable British characters presented to prose by the pen of the otherwise amiable English author Charles Dickens. The time has come, to put also such childish recipes aside.
Not only our world, nor even only our Solar system, but our galaxy is now gripped by a great existential crisis, a crisis which is the great challenge to which a sane humanity has no available sane choice but to respond. The point of reference to be emphasized is outlined as the awesomely immediate options set before our species, as presently centered on one particular statistic: an approximately 62 millions years, characteristic cycle of our galaxy which presents to all living species on Earth the great, recurring existential challenge built into the characteristics of the galaxy within which our Solar system is situated as a kind of suburb.
As a matter of scientific fact, we do know, or have available to us to know, a certain amount of crucial information respecting the biochemistry of the evolutionary process of the history of living forms of existence within the span of known evidences of life within the range of planet Earth. Even during recent periods during which mankind is known to have inhabited our planet, there have been great extinctions of living species whose exterminations were a product of those species' lack of the specific kind of creative capability for systemic innovations of their behavior, which is unique, to the best of our present knowledge, to our own human species. So, during the history presently known to us, many species have actually, or virtually "died out," at the same time that mankind has relatively prospered, in even mere numbers, but, more notably, in non-linear rates of expansion of the potential life-span of the human individual, and in the quantity of the population of our species.
The proverbial sum-upness of mankind's present situation on Earth, is provided by my young associates as follows:
Among the most important facts of which we have knowledge, bearing on that background-information, is the knowledge we have accumulated, as scientific knowledge of the known evolutionary history of life on our planet, from the simplest sorts of one-celled plants and creatures prior to "the oxygen revolutions," to higher forms of many-multicelled, and more capable species of vegetable life and living animal forms of creatures.
This knowledge clashes fundamentally with the silly and fraudulent doctrines associated with such as Charles Darwin and his Brutish successors, that being the case in not only the British imperial tradition, nor is it restricted to the currents of social evolution leading into the original Roman empire or its Asian predecessors. The known existence of forms of human society is dominated, most regrettably, by the recurring expression of what are termed oligarchical forms of human societies, which merely include the case for such as the four Roman empires known to present date, and their cousin-like, rival forms of Asian and other oligarchical society. The Asian forms have often been more brutish than the British, if less efficient forms of political society in other planetary respects.
These considerations present us with the image of a great clash between the principle of life and those rules of society which coincide with the clinically insane and systemically malicious, and implicitly genocidal notion of what is called currently "environmentalism."
The known history of life on our planet, thus clashes with the historically destructive patterns associated with oligarchical societies such as the British empire today.
The crucial fact about such oligarchical societies, is that they are not only inherently opposite to the principle of life in general, but are hostile to the inherently creative impulse, otherwise known as the anti-entropic principle shown by the known features of our galaxy, and of the universe generally. In other words, the plainly, inherently unlovable British empire is, like the earlier phases of the same Roman Empire, and like the fabled Whore of Babylon, clearly out of step with God.
It should be, therefore, clear that the leading political challenge which present global circumstances, and also certain galactic ones as well, present to us, is to understand and remove that social-political factor in the present world system which is not only contrary to our Federal Constitution's notion of mankind, but also, more significantly, to the Creator of the Universe Himself. Might He, as Biblical scholars would choose to put the point, perhaps be provoked into becoming angry with us for what must be obviously, our presently very poor choices of national leaders, as in the cases of a pair of recent choices of U.S. President?
Such questions would wander without meaningful consequence, if we failed to adduce some genuine principle out of reflection on those considerations which we have just set before us here. What is the true principle at issue for decision-making in respect to the considerations which we set before us within this present chapter, thus far?
Let Satan Be Heard!
There is no need to ask Satan to speak; the greatest part of the leading world press is already busily in his service. Rather, let him be placed on trial, where we can squeeze some pertinent truths out of him. Where, perhaps, can we find a relevant Stephen Vincent Benet? Perhaps an actual Daniel Webster in a likeness of what Stephen Benet might have intended.
The great crime against humanity for which we should wish to hold Old Satan (or, his feminine side, the Whore of Babylon) to account, is what is to be presented at trial as the crime of the oligarchical principle. The accused Old Satan, is to be charged with offending the Creator through the crime represented by the oligarchical principle of zero growth, both growth in population, and in increase in the productive powers of human ingenuity in labor. In other words, that Devil is to be hanged, whoever he-she is, on the charge of having imposed the zero technological growth used to cause the misery and depravity of mankind and of certain cases of its system of governance.
Consider the nature of the evidence to be presented.
When we examine the record of creation which has occurred on Earth during the course of the known, successive ages of forms of life on this planet, we are compelled to trace a succession of progressively higher forms of organization and capacity of species of both plant and animal expressions of life. The pattern so presented by the evidence at hand, is that the principle by which the Creator has ordered the development of our planet within this galaxy is systemically anti-entropic. So, the Creator has ordered it so, and whoever opposes that must be placing himself or herself, or perhaps he-she, in serious jeopardy for crimes against the manifest will of the Creator.
This fact, just stated, pertains not only to the ordering of the continually increased power of living processes, especially willful actions of mankind, but to the effect of that human creativity which is expressed in the consistent evidence of an increase of the energy-flux density of all successful expressions of human economy. That is to emphasize, that the Creator has built into the system, a coincidence between the Creator's intention for the development of the region of our galaxy, and the increase of the quality of selection of all living processes as expressable in terms of increased energy-flux-density of the means of growth employed.
The succession of layers of living species which are known to us in the material evidence of the evolution of those successive layers of systems of living processes, and of the conditions on the planet which those processes inhabit or otherwise affect, is a warning sign, that the Creator dislikes those misanthropes known as the "zero growthers" of today. Either we correct the behavior of those misanthropes, or the Creator will deal with the matter as the presently known evidence bearing on the history of this galaxy suggests. In that case, there will be Hell for what ever it is that serves as the symbol of Satan.
These morally and otherwise obligatory means include the challenge to the species, mankind, whose willful mission is coherent with the nature which the Creator manifestly assigns to us, as to His own works otherwise. The right to life is assigned to those developments which serve the anti-entropic intention which is manifest with the known work of the Creator.
Mankind must become, and go to where the Creator thus implicitly assigns man his or her mission. That mission is essentially the expression of the power of anti-entropic development in action. The message is written clearly in the history of the succession of development of species on Earth itself, as if by a fiery finger on the wall.
[1] The Paul Volcker-echoing proposal by Britain's Mervyn King, for separating banks into two departments, one in the mode of commercial "departments," a second of merchant "departments," is worth considering, but should be duly considered as a compromise unworthy of actual use.
[2] The efforts to peddle the apology for Andropov's folly, that he did not understand what the SDI implied, does not wash when the history of Andropov's career since the time of the Hungarian revolt is taken adequately into account. The British penetration of Soviet affairs, as typified by the influence of the channels of Bertrand Russell on Soviet affairs, including the Andropov program of orienting young Russian scientists into training in British economic Liberalism, should be taken into account. British intelligence's penetration of Soviet circles alone, including the relevant aspects of Russia's post-Soviet, Caribbean operations, paints a rather shocking picture. The case of A.I. Oparin versus Academician V.I. Vernadsky, illustrates the strong British ideological penetration of Soviet Communist Party circles, through the relics of a strong Russellite penetration of International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and by the closely related case of the Club of Rome still today.
[3] It was the Summer-Autumn 1968 upsurge of the followers of Mark Rudd at Columbia University, combined with the assassination of Robert Kennedy, which were typically crucial for the demoralization associated with the period of the Nixon and Carter Administrations.
[4] See the agreement reached between Khrushchov's representatives and Bertrand Russell's "World Parliamentarians for World Government."
[5] The ideas which I adopted and promulgated were, in the more crucial parts, my own; however, as I came to recognize a certain fact, gradually, as expressed in the support which my initiative came to enjoy in certain leading circles within my own nation and others, an individual may propose, and often does, but who disposes, or prevents? The doomsday scenarios of Bertrand Russell's off-again-on-again crony, H.G. Wells, expressed the Fabian promotion of the prospect of some Armageddon-like holocaust as becoming the purgative event needed to purify mankind's tendency to prefer some kind of evolutionary progress toward such as a world-wide realization of the intention of the American Revolution. Russell hated the United States, and said so clearly more than once.
[6] Report on Public Credit (1790); Report on a National Bank (1790); and, Report on Manufactures (1791).
[7] Ironically, when the defeat of the British empire by the Wehrmacht's overrunning France, impelled an astonished British empire to run screaming for help for itself from President Franklin Roosevelt's United States, the British, temporarily, abandoned the alliance which Britain had built up against the United States since the early 1890s. However, the Naval power in the Pacific and Indian Oceans which Japan's forces showed from the time of the attack on Pearl Harbor, left no reasonable doubt of what had been the intended British-Japan destruction of the maritime power of our United States.
[8] I do not denounce what has become known as the Eisenhower National Defense Highway system. Under the conditions which Churchill and Truman launched on the basis of the conditions created by the schemes of Churchill and Truman, the U.S.A. was pushed to create such an alternative for a transcontinental railway network. Nonetheless, I deeply regret the causes for that essentially wasteful necessity, and for the related economic and cultural follies of the cult of suburbanism. Happily, creating suburban planetoids in intra-Solar space is not a likely threat in sight for the foreseeable present time. The actual net decline of the U.S. railway system began during the mid-1920s, and accelerated with disastrous consequences for the U.S. economy since the tragic, late 1950s negotiations between the New York Central and Pennsylvania railway systems. The looting of the capital which had been associated with the railway systems is fairly described as "catastrophic."
[9] In a German edition of this paper, the Riemann original text should, of course, be used. I have added some needed punctuation to that English translation as adopted here.
[10] I intend to say a "anti-deductive physical mathematics," rather than "a deductive mathematical physics." I mean a science of metaphor.
[11] The entirety of Section 3 of Riemann's habilitation dissertation presents the essential case, which the concluding sentence of that piece presents as the argument of Section 3 considered as a unified entirety.
[12] Notably, Cusa follower Leonardo da Vinci amplified the concept of the catenary to demonstrate the unique principle of the catenary as expressed by the interdependence of the catenary and tractrix. The achievements of Gottfried Leibniz in mathematical physics, in concert with Jean Bernouilli, during the early 1690s, are to be included in this history.
[13] There are valid and interesting comments to be made, on other occasions, respecting the best work of William Wordsworth from a time when the best minds in Britain were still influenced by the best features of the American Revolution.
[14] It were probably sufficient to locate Shelley's abandoning the piece when he did, in the situation of European history's prospects at the time of the triumph of Metternich and Castlereagh.
[15] There were sane and influencial figures in the British system who did support the SDI. Such circles tended to fit into a certain European view typified by the Gaullists and the circles which had been associated with Konrad Adenauer, who shared Fifth Republic President Charles de Gaulle's expression of a Europe "from the Atlantic to the Urals," as I did. The ruin of a post-Soviet Russia was accomplished chiefly within the embrace of Russia's assets by the British empire.
[16] It must be emphasized as a relevant historical fact, that with the decline of the first Roman Empire based in Rome itself, the wealthy and powerful families of the empire moved for the protection of their remaining ill-gotten wealth into the swamp-like regions of the Northern Adriatic, where, at a later time, they secured a certain independence from the European imperial system of that time, to emerge, in the course of the approach to the Norman Conquest of England, as the center of the monetarist interest controlling the Crusades and related matters, up through the Fourteenth-century New Dark Age. The Venetian interests taking control over Henry VIII, unleashed the "hot phase" of the 1492-1648 rampage of religious warfare which continued until the Treaty of Westphalia. The capture of the British monarchy by the Venetian circles associated with Francesco Zorzi's control over the mind and marriages of Henry VIII, set into motion the ugliest phases of the religious warfare of the 1492-1648 interval, leading into the seizure of the total Venetian monetarist control over the British system by the New Venetian Party's role in both the Dutch wars against France's Louis XIV and the takeover of the English monarchy by William of Orange.
[17] Cf. David Brewster, on Charles Babbage's Reflexions on the Decline of Science in England, and on Some of Its Causes, 1830. Babbage, among his other acclaim asa a leading figure in European science among the circles of Alexander von Humboldt during their life-times, was the inventor of the principle of mechanical design for the model of the "Difference Engine" which provided the design for first Twentieth Century development of the modern digital computer later. The design was fine; the machine-tool technologies of the period were unable to live up to the machine-tool requirements needed by the formal design.
[18] By "spatial magnitudes," I include what some would fail to recognize as being within the domain of universal cosmic radiation. See this shortly below. The quotation here is, again, from the referenced English translation.
[19] It is to be emphasized, that the best among our economists are far better than what is to be attributed to most of their profession.
[20] Karl Marx was recruited by British intelligence into the British intelligence services under the supervision of the vast bureaucracy under the Lord Palmerston who was the chosen successor to Jeremy Bentham in that British Foreign Office which had been founded in 1782 under the direction of Lord Shelburne. Marx's entry into the British Foreign Office's intelligence operations, was launched under the supervision of David Urquhart, a senior British foreign intelligence operative then acting in the capacity of coordinator for correspondence for the Foreign Office's Mazzini operations. During that time, Urquhart headed up the British Museum for the direction of the "correspondence" of British intelligence's agent Giuseppe Mazzini, a Mazzini who, in turn, continued to control Marx as his agent for all relevant times during the adult political career of Karl Marx himself, until the fiasco of the Paris Commune. Palmerston agent Mazzini was then the designated head for British intelligence of the "Young Europe" operation, and, also, of the "Young America" operation which served as the British keystone organization for organizing the treasonous operation known as the Confederate States of America. However, despite all that, the credulously impassioned Marx had rejected the forewarnings to him from Heinrich Heine; thus, Marx became a devotee of the work of that Adam Smith to whose work Marx later avowed himself to be totally devoted. Marx, nonetheless, convinced himself that he was the avowed enemy of his actual master of that time, the same Lord Palmerston who commanded British intelligence operations in that time, and the actual owner of what was to become the slave-holders' Confederacy, and who actually owned Marx for all of Marx's career up to the matter of the Paris Commune, after which British agent, and former Marx controller Frederick Engels dumped Marx (virtually), but later assumed the role of official heir of Marx on behalf of the British Foreign Office's rash of schemes leading into the post-1890 run up to World War I. Meanwhile, Marx himself was appointed the chief, for British intelligence, of what would become later known as "The First International" which Marx had been designated to head during a public meeting in London, then and there under the personal patronage, on the scene, of Giuseppe Mazzini. Such are the habits of empires.