'Shift to an Economy of the Noösphere'
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The following is a transcript of a pre-recorded video presentation by Lyndon LaRouche which opened the March 20 conference on "A Nuclear World War Can Make Us Extinct; We Must Evolve to an Economy of the Noösphere," held in an auditorium in the Mexican Senate. The event was jointly sponsored by the LaRouche Citizens Movement and the Mexican Senate.
It's been some time since I had the opportunity of being invited to Mexico, and we all know what the reasons for that difficulty are. But on this occasion, as I say, again, I'm happy for this opportunity. I'll just take up several subjects which I think are of both practical importance, for a worldview on our situation in this part of the world, and also an indication of what the future could be.
A Two-Fold Crisis
First of all, we are now in a breakdown crisis, an economic breakdown crisis, among other features, as well as a social breakdown crisis, throughout the entirety of the trans-Atlantic system. The system of the trans-Pacific region, leading toward Asia and so forth, is somewhat better. Of course, Africa is in a terrible situation. But what we are in is a present breakdown crisis, a physical economic, as well as financial economic breakdown crisis of most of the planet, especially among the trans-Atlantic set of nations. It's a little less bad on the Asian side, apart from what's going on in the so-called Near East.
So the question is, can civilization survive what is now a present breakdown crisis, and something worse? We're now hovering on the edge of a general thermonuclear war. That is, the British monarchy, and its confederates, including the current President of the United States, are committed presently to threatening to launch a thermonuclear war, against Russia, China, and other nations; and at a certain point, if they do not succeed in intimidating Russia, China, and other nations, by a threat of intimidation, then the intention is to force the United States, now under the ultimate control of Barack Obama, to allow Barack Obama, on behalf of the British, to unleash the military capability, the thermonuclear weapons capability, largely based in the Pacific, to attempt to utterly obliterate nations of Asia, such as Russia, China, and so forth. That's what's in process.
Our problem is, first of all, to stop this thing. And there are many leading people in the military and related functions inside the United States, who have done much already to try to prevent such a horror from being unleashed. Because a thermonuclear war, of the type which the British leadership, with control over President Obama, would unleash, would probably bring an extinction threat to the entire planet. Because, under these circumstances, when thermonuclear weapons are introduced into the equation of statecraft, then you are on the verge of extinction. Because you have one set of powers, which is the attacking power—in this case, Britain and the United States under Obama, and on the other side, you have Russia and China and so forth, which are also thermonuclear powers. Which would mean in logic, that there would be a secret, so-called, thermonuclear launch against Russia, China, and so forth, from the United States, across the Pacific and from other sources. The minute that liftoff is detected, as coming from submarines and so forth, Russia and China are forced to respond immediately, with a maximum thrust of thermonuclear weapons. And you can guess what that is.
So now we have a situation where a few people in Russia, in China, some other countries, and some of our people in the United States, have successfully blocked, so far, a war which was supposed to begin last year, in the late months of last year. And that's where we are now.
We're now united, those of us who understand this, and who are of some consequence and some knowledge; we are determined to prevent such a horror as this from occurring. It is possible. I fear that under the Obama Administration, which is itself now in trouble, the launch would be something that mankind might not survive. If it would survive, it would be survival at a terrible, terrible price, throughout the planet as a whole.
So, we've now come to the point that reform is not something you propose because it would be a good idea. We've come to the point that reform [is required], of a very serious kind, involving cooperation among many nations, of course including the United States and Mexico, the two countries which we're dealing with right here. These countries must be protected, and the life of these nations must be assured.
It's my hope, and it's a realistic hope, that we might avert this problem.
But on the other side, we have, apart from the general breakdown crisis, an economic breakdown crisis, a physical economic breakdown crisis as well as a financial breakdown crisis. Europe is about to collapse, it's about to disintegrate, Western and Central Europe! It's in the process of disintegration!
The Fate of Mexico—and Mankind
But all these problems are soluble. Let me indicate what is typical and relevant. First of all, we know that the fate of Mexico is largely determined by what happens inside the United States, and, from the opposite side, from certain forces in Europe. What we can do on the economic side, is we have the ability, despite the great depression throughout the trans-Atlantic region, despite the great dope traffic, which is destroying civilization throughout the entire trans-Atlantic system, we have programs which we're ready to put into effect right now.
My associates and I are a significant factor in this policy-making. And our intention is, for example, one case: All of you who are senior in terms of Mexico's history, know that there was once a commitment, as long as President John F. Kennedy was alive, and somewhat later, a commitment to launch a project called NAWAPA.[1] This would take the entire water-management systems of Canada, the United States, and northern Mexico, and bring them together under a great water-management system, which obviously would solve a great problem, as in the northern part of Mexico, where the need for the development of a water system is not only possible, but feasible. And the establishment of NAWAPA, which I'm committed to have launched, now, would be a key for that solution.
Eliminate the drug problem, launch projects such as NAWAPA, as cooperative projects in the northern part of the Americas, and extend that into cooperation with other regions of the world, and we have the essential prototype of a basis for going, now, to the kind of recovery for which I hoped and which I worked for, back many years ago, in Mexico.
So therefore, we have a terrible situation, and we can not just talk about nice things, because there are terrible things, in reality, coming down upon us. And therefore, we have to take those things into account, seriously, without trying to evade them, because they are horrors, that can be the extinction of civilization if not of mankind.
Colonize Space!
We also have something to supplement that. We're on the verge, in the development of technology, that we have the potentiality, now, of realizing a project which is already defined. It is possible, some time within the reasonable future of a generation or two, within that timeframe, to have launched a method of transport of human beings from the Moon to the planet Mars, and to complete that voyage within one week, through the use of thermonuclear fusion, as a power drive. This is the old Einstein dream, of being in control of space and time. This is now becoming feasible. It's within reach, if the effort is made to mobilize those forces.
Such a mobilization would change the entire world. You would finally go into what has been postponed for a long time: the possibility of development of advanced technology, which had existed at the beginning of the last century, before World War I. That potentiality, that scientific potentiality, has now progressed slightly, as potentiality. We're now talking about science, we're talking about space defense, because the planet Earth is being always threatened by an asteroid of sufficient size which, crashing into the northern part of the planet Earth, could extinguish human life on Earth, in just one blow.
It is possible for us now to craft and develop means to protect mankind throughout this planet from such a danger. It's necessary to do that! And therefore, the idea of the development of a system controlled by mankind, reaching from the Moon to Mars: Such a system is necessary, because with such a system, we are capable of diverting asteroids which might hit Earth with great force, and thus destroy the human species. We now have that prospect as a potentiality before us.
We also have other potentialities, in thermonuclear fusion and going on to actually the utilization of matter/anti-matter reactions, which are the new technologies for the remainder of this century.
So, we have many hopes. The important thing to do, is not merely to tell our people that we have such possibilities, but to make clear that these possibilities are practicable; and they are practicable. We have to demonstrate to people that they are practicable, because only a few scientists really understand this, so far. But by taking the initial steps, like, for example, the completion of NAWAPA, which will probably take 30 years to complete. This would include all of northern Mexico, which is water-deficient, and that whole area of Mexico would become, then, as a byproduct of NAWAPA and related projects, an area of development, beyond the dreams of most people in Mexico today.
A New Kind of Cooperation
And it's the moral responsibility of the United States to cooperate with Mexico, in the achievement of such developments. And that means cooperation with Canada. But it means more: It means extensive cooperation with similar kinds of technologies throughout the trans-Pacific region, going into all the countries on the other side of the Pacific Ocean and beyond.
So these are the two great things to consider: the danger to humanity which is increasing now. And the hope for humanity, which, if we are successful in our effort, we will make possible, make real, in the time to come.
I would say, on the question of timing—I'm fairly good at forecasting, but that is not predicting. Forecasting is the definition of the things that could happen, in terms of what man's potentialities are, if we put our arms to the wheel, to make it then come true. And that's what's needed. We need a new conception, a new conception of cooperation.
One very important thing that we in the United States, and particularly my "part" of the United States, are doing—we're now at a point where we are capable of defeating what is the great financial threat to civilization, for most of the world, but especially the trans-Atlantic region. Under the present economic system of the United States, Mexico, South America, and so forth, it is impossible for civilization to survive! It is necessary to make a fundamental change, from the monetarist policy, which has brought us into this current mess.
What is required for that, specifically, is the development of technologies such as that of NAWAPA; but also, we need to eliminate the cause of the crisis. The cause of the trans-Atlantic crisis in particular, is the present world monetarist system. Under the continuation of what is called the London and Wall Street system of economy, the situation of the people of the United States, of the entirety of the Atlantic region, is hopeless! But, with a single action, by the voters of the United States, under appropriate leadership, we can change all this, by establishing what was the original U.S. Constitutional provision, a credit system, and elimination of monetary systems.
That measure would, by itself, enable the United States, even now, to launch a change in policy which would open the gates for a general revival of economy and of civilization, or civilized forms of life.
Mexico's Future Potential
So that's what we have before us: I know and love what Mexico's potential is, as people in older generations in Mexico know. I was devoted to this kind of change, not only because it was necessary to Mexico as a neighbor of the United States, but because it was necessary for Mexico's role in terms of its participation in reshaping the entire system of the Americas. All those potentialities still exist. There are new features that have been added to that. We can do now, with a slight change in the policy of the U.S. government, we can launch a reform, which would free Mexico from the evils which it has been subjected to in the past two generations.
That's a possibility; we must work for it. Because the only thing that can succeed, is not merely optimism, but a commitment to actions which are the realization of optimism. All those technological problems and related problems can be addressed now. And therefore, we must look at this situation not merely from the awfully ugly things, the great threats that threaten mankind throughout this planet now; we must devote ourselves to a commitment to forcing these changes through. And it must be a sense of unity among sovereign nation-states, which work to bring this about, a unity among nation-states for this cause. And the evils which would be descended upon the United States, and on Mexico, in particular, these evils can be conquered! We must commit ourselves to that end. Don't worry too much about what the chances are, because there's no alternative but to win. And the time has come, that we've got to think in those terms.
I'm delighted to have this opportunity to address people in Mexico, after this long absence from Mexico by me, for various reasons that are well known. And I think that if we can bring ourselves together, in terms of the leadership in Mexico, as within the United States, that that can be a great factor of optimism, and making possible what is long awaited, to be done!
Thank you very much.
[1] For more on the proposed North American Water and Power Alliance, see Feature in this issue—ed.