The New Governance
of Inner Solar Space
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
March 16, 2013
In the several concluding pages of my March 11, 2013 "A New System Among Nations,"[1] I had introduced certain essential elements which should now be considered as required reading and practice. They are elements which are needed for an escape from the heretofore "standard" notion of what had been widely accepted, but, which is, nonetheless, systemically wrong. The fault in that mistaken notion is, that it is, essentially, a reductionist's popular misconception of the underlying principles of the human mind.
I shall repeat myself here, when I believe that that is necessary.
I point here, now, to what had been a prevalent, but misleading definition of the human mind: a definition which had been premised on a prevalent, but misleading description of that human mind: a definition which had been premised, customarily, on an erroneous notion, on a mere description which had been premised on the popular, but a viciously mistaken premise: that of a notion of elementarity of mere sense-perception as such.
Here, I introduce, once more, a much-needed, more rigorous, corrected elaboration of that same general argument.
On this occasion, I shall now proceed by shifting the emphasis absolutely away from the customary standpoint of considering the Solar system and its associated galaxy merely as subjects. We must now view the subject of the experience of life on Earth in a fresh approach: away from the all-too-elementary reference-point of a view which could be likened to one "from within a human experience within the habitat of our actually tiny Earth." We must shift the frame of reference, to viewing a human experience of life pragmatically, this time as being experienced within the higher frames of our Solar system and its galaxy. These higher, inclusive points of reference must be searched out, and experienced as a new, preferred choice for the discussion, as I do here.
It is not sufficient that we should report our goals within Solar space, and beyond; it is now an urgent matter, that we must be enabled to reach toward, and control the effects which we must achieve without dependency upon bare sense-perception as such.
That much now said on the subject of definitions; now consider the following refinements:
The Goals We Require
Now, even the very name of "government," as we might have presented the case under earlier circumstances, now tends to become useless, or worse, under our hitherto present forms of practice by governments generally. All the various, gravest dangers to mankind, seem to be located in nothing less than the currently growing extent of threats to mankind, threats which are now located, in turn, in nothing less than what should be the requirement of an effective defense of the inner planets of the Solar system, a defense against the known danger from such as asteroids, comets, and meteors. This includes whatever else threatens mankind from within the bounds of such a domain as that.
I emphasize, that the goals which we must reach, ontologically, within the Solar system and beyond, represent something which we must cause to be achieved, but which are not necessarily consistent with the effects associated with mere sense perception as such.
On this account, a well-chosen definition of "domain," signifies, for our argument here, a region which could be, and should be defined as a target to be defended by mankind. It is a target which does not yet include, for us presently, the subject of the Sun as such; but, it does include regions and threatened targets which mankind might become capable of defending, and, therefore, also mastering.
However, a better choice of quality of terms of definition than I have stated here this far, is urgently needed, that as a practical matter. In the matter of definitions, as pertaining to oneself: What is that region within the relatively inner Solar space, which serves us as a region which mankind could reasonably become capable of defending (at least conceptually), within some specified range of future time? What could we, as mankind, accomplish on this account, and how far does that reach for our purposes, in some reasonably extended investigation of our future?
That much said, how far into the future must the specified lapsed time for preparing a defense be extended for the purposes of our present argument here?
For our purposes of discussion within the confines of this present report, we should divide the relevant policy-areas between a time we might expect to have no significant defense, and the hope that we survive presently, and, also, reach the later point in time, at which we might expect to be capable of mustering a significant, continuing attempt at defense.
We must take a serious approach to both these direct, and the implied questions. Accept the fact, that the Sun itself is not presently in our range to control. Our likely choice of target for our actions of defense, tends to be centered, for the present moment, in plausible targets within a region of capabilities which includes defense against threats such as asteroids and comets. The typical model for a defense posture would be centered, initially, in a defense of Earth and Mars. As poor as that initial effort might be, we must start somewhere. Start with the proper mixture of a blend of arrogance and abilities, as those might be defined by aid of the notions of that which could be made possible if, as it were properly said, we are really serious.
The essential improvement to be introduced, is to eliminate the practice of attempting to present human experience as if it might be actually defined, ontologically, by sense-perception as such. Sense-perceptions are merely shadows, and must be treated as having the reality of mere shadows cast, rather than as intrinsically elementary. It is the interactions among "heavenly bodies (including mankind)" which are the true reality by means of which mere sense-perception must be judged.
Chapter 1: A Prospect for the Discussion:
Project: "Defend Mars"!
For my associates, there are three heavenly bodies of provisional, but practicable importance, introduced for the indicated primary intention of mankind's common defense of Earth, Moon, and Mars, against such threats as those of asteroids, comets, and meteors. For the moment, the most convenient facts which we might proffer would be those three. Those three cases are presently conspicuous choices. I share the sense of importance of those three cases in practical terms; but, my approach to those matters brings an added, different matter of principle into play.
For example, the outstanding attraction presented by Mars, for my use presently, is that it is, speaking relatively, a nearby planet, and also a planet with a relatively convenient range of gravitational field, a planet equipped with two moons, of which one might be notably useful for our intentions. The prospect for mankind's use of Mars, implicitly includes the necessary defense of Mars (and implicitly also Earth). It also involves considerations such as (in terms of the "speed of light"), relative proximity to Earth orbit, and the extremely significant fact that we have had what should be considered as success in deploying useful objects placed on Mars by mankind's efforts this far. It is also notable, that one of Earth's most significant assets for our species' operations in Solar space, is that which should be considered as available to us, as not only our Moon's potential as a launch-pad, but, also, its role as a production center, and, an extremely important fact, that mankind has already been there.
In particular, respecting the importance of our Moon respecting such matters as those, the combining of the process of extraction, processing and production, of raw and processed materials brought together for the Moon's role as a part of the optionally active traffic between Earth and other bodies in space, this presents us with the prospect of a relatively massive margin of physical-economic advantage in the matter of mustering a defense of essential elements of our relatively local regions of the Solar system.
That much taken into account, now, as a kind of first step in a planning process such as that which I have in mind for our purposes here, the additional factors for planning include consideration of the proximity of a conventional, and also extremely useful, single Moon. The additional factor of greatest relevance, is the proximity in time, between the practice now, and flight launched from the Moon toward Mars. There is the latter consideration which points our attention, both to the relative imminence, in terms of prospective time of departure, and of properly controlled Moon-Mars, thermonuclear-fusion propulsion, and the scarcely indifferent factor of the cost of pushing heavy vehicles directly from Earth-base to Mars, and return flights. "Tunnels located, appropriately sub-surface, within the body of the Moon," present us with a triad of relatively preferable factors which are to be needed for an Earth-Moon-Mars program.
Such are matters which must be included under the working category of "pretty much obvious facts of the trade."
Such a program helps to define the options for creating a defense of both Earth and Mars (and also Moon). The prospect of developing an Earth-Moon-Mars-defense basis, presumes an accelerated effort in developing the roles of "thermonuclear-fusion" and, later, "matter-antimatter" trajectories. Beyond those "first-step travel" prospects, we must turn our attention to a most crucial additional factor to be taken into account: human scientific-technological rates of progress as merely typified in terms of energy-flux densities.
The Principle of Human Progress
In the earlier report, which I bring into play henceforth in this report, I had emphasized a crucial consideration, a consideration on which all others depend: the foreseeable potentiality of expected human rates of scientific progress per generation. This now takes us into the subject of the actual nature of the human mind, the subject which I had presented to the following such ends.
Modern society's rates of potential progress, should be fairly estimated, now, in terms of rates of four human generations per century. Recently, as in the exemplary cases of the United States and western Europe, the rate of progress as such, has turned, since about the 1970s, toward nothing, or, now, much worse: accelerating rates of negative physical-economic growth per capita, a rate of regression and threatened general breakdown-crisis, which has been demanded presently by the British monarchy, and which already threatens the extinction of the human species, as the British monarchy has both proposed, and actually launched such destructive trends in Europe and the Americas, for example.
Nonetheless, we, operating within that scope, do have available access to records of higher rates of science-driven progress at earlier times. Whereas, under the influence of the British monarchy's empire, since the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert, the U.S. trend of progress has undergone a stubbornly persistent, and accelerating rate of physical-economic decline—special, temporary intervals of exceptions to be noted—and has become strictly negative, throughout, but generally downward-plunging since a time dated toward the close of the Presidential administration of President William ("Bill") Clinton, as under the already rotted-out value of a Gramm-Leach-Bliley bill now turned hyper-inflationary. This trend toward collapsed rates of progress and actually accelerating rates of collapse, has turned into an actual general trans-Atlantic breakdown-crisis now.[2]
Those facts mean, that we must now adopt a rate of increase of the per-capita, science-defined rate of increase of the productive powers of labor, which is one consistent with what can be achieved under a series of competent U.S. Presidents, putting to one side the worse than useless performance of the succession of both the George H.W. Bush, and the George W. Bush Jr. administrations, and, a now steeply accelerated plunging under the Obama administration.
This entails the fact, that rates of progress in societies, are now bounded implicitly by the rates of relatively downward intellectual development among generations of children, adolescents, and young adults. The fact is, that although full generations of members of society could set a trend of increased scientific-technological productivity into motion through an appropriate selection of generations, there is a crucial stage of relative development of children, adolescents, and young adults, which tends to pre-define a notion of expectable levels of accomplishment. As I have already emphasized, the current trend-of-trends, which is the more appropriate marker in such moments of history, has been actually in a state of relative collapse of the rate of progress, then diving into accelerating rates of collapse, already under the effects of the George H.W. Bush Administration, which later erupted as an accelerating rate of plunge into hyperinflation under George W. Bush, Jr., and, worse, under his successor, President Obama. The most significant factor in that overall decline, has been the factor of the sheer, accelerating perniciousness of the globally pro-genocidal effects of the so-called "environmentalism" cult steered by the imperial reign under the British Empire's Queen Elizabeth II.
The only basis for a reversal of the presently accelerating rate of collapse of the economies of the trans-Atlantic regions, would be a science-driver-program covering the range of all generations, including improvements in the conditions of life of what are termed "senior citizens." The major benefits of such a return to sanity and actually human conditions of life, would appear in the trans-Atlantic regions with improvements expressed among the present population under approximately ten years of age—presently, even youth over five years of age, tend to be qualified as "doubtful."
That is what had happened, as elements of a net long-term trend into net collapse, after the death of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt; this has been the trend of effects set into motion afresh under President Harry S Truman, and since the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert.
The Prospects for Recovery
The leading efforts of recovery to be achieved, must come out of high-grade agriculture, revitalized high-energy-flux-density in basic economic infrastructure (such as, emphatically, a NAWAPA program), and improved products of education and employment skills generally. The rescue of the children from the presently ominous policies of practice under the relatively depraved, recent Bushes' and Obama administrations, is the exemplary program upon which an upward turn into the future of civilization in the trans-Atlantic region now depends.
That much said, as a kind of warning, once we have escaped the virtual captivity of the semi-destroyed generations of children and adolescents, and the special category of drug-addicts, the institution of an accelerating rate of progress among successive generations, can be brought into play.
If we premise our policies of practice on the kinds of experience of the most successful generations of both native-born Americans and immigrants, there is no inherent obstacle to our future, except those blockages brought to bear by the current enemies of net physical-economic growth of progress per capita, as measured in absolute physical terms. The possibility of a future existence of our human species, now depends, as a clear matter of fact, upon a level of performance in progress for producing model generations of leaps in science-driven, physical-economic progress, when oriented to what I have specified for qualitative leaps in higher energy-flux densities of effects according to a schedule of four generations per century.
Once we add to that, a consideration of the compounded, sundry rates of accelerated productivity, under such policies, it points clearly, from demonstrations of past experience, toward a hyper-growth-rate of productivity in future populations of these characteristics of growth in per-capita productivity.
Chapter 2:
An Ancient Legacy of Evil
Mankind has no future which is not rooted in its history to date. Some history has been mislaid, but that fact must not be over-looked.
When we might consider the presently proven characteristics of the Egyptian culture of the Great Pyramids, and even the later maritime achievements in the Indian Ocean and even the Pacific regions, of the time of the Alexandrian Library of the great Eratosthenes, the proper question before us, becomes: How did relevant, ancient Mediterranean-region civilization fall into becoming so stubbornly and so "damnedly stupid" as during some presently preceding generations?—even, again, in the Mediterranean and trans-Atlantic cultures presently? The general answer to such questions, whether in relatively ancient times, or, still presently, is readily accessible to reasonably well-informed persons who are still thinking clearly. The answer, is most efficiently developed by concentrating on the historical pivot, up through the present time, of the case of the inherent degeneracy of the Roman Empire then, as also continued under the British empire-in-fact today.
For example:
The long-ranging degeneration of Roman culture, such as that of Britain's Tony Blair now, is conveniently presented by the best evidence accumulated, onward, since the time of the death of the living voice of Cicero.
So far, as a matter of fact, the Roman empire has, actually, never left us. In an outstanding example of one of its threatened extremes, the core of the Roman imperium, in its ebbs and flows, had moved to the region of the upper Adriatic, from whence it re-appeared as the several successive stages of the Venetian oligarchical system, up to its present re-incarnations as successive Venetian oligarchical phases up to both the British empire's home base, and the same old Venetian oligarchy of such as Britain and Modena into the present date of hyper-inflationary collapse currently in a breakdown phase.
As a case of the contrary model to that of the U.S.A., as in continental Europe and related neighborhoods: the Roman empire never actually disappeared. In fact, the British, virtually global empire, has, more often than not, controlled the leading circles of the United States since the time under the mouth-foaming treason of Aaron Burr and his puppet-President Andrew Jackson, all under the control of the British financier oligarchy. That oligarchical influence on the governing influences in the United States, has continued up through the "Wall Street" swindlers led by perennial British super-spy Aaron Burr, and even the times of a majority of the related U.S. Presidencies such as those "skunks" from the Twentieth and Twenty-first centuries known as Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, Harry S Truman, Richard Nixon, James Carter, the Bushes, and Barack Obama (so far). All of those "skunks," and, also, the mere failures among the U.S. Presidents of the Nineteenth Century, all but for relatively exceptional intervals, have been controlled by British empire financial agencies which were traditionally centered among the cronies and outgrowths of Aaron Burr in the area of the New England and New York regions, up to the continued corruption of the "Wall Street" of the present date. All of this history includes, of course, the Venetian circles of today's Modena et al., and the financial tyranny associated with the power exerted within the "Euro system."
The emphasis is to be placed on the dominant role of the oligarchical system throughout a modern world history of the monetarist system. The world empire, still presently, has been, predominantly, the monetarist system, a moral and intellectual state of an often fatal, recurring mental disease of nations and peoples, since no later than the establishment of both the ancient Roman empire, and its typical antecedents.
The Viewpoint of Nicholas of Cusa
The most successful initiative for resistance to oligarchical rule during modern times, continues to have been associated with the central role performed by the work of Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa and of the Catholic Church Councils of that same time of what was identified, then, as "the Golden Renaissance's" effective revulsion against the news of the Norman cooking-alive of Jeanne d'Arc. The global significance of the achievements of the work of Nicholas of Cusa, was brought to the surface of modern European life, by Cusa's crucial role in prompting what was to become the crossing of the great oceans of the world as an indispensable action for the rescue of civilization from the recapture of Europe by the resurgent forces of the Venetian party of that time.
It was, most emphatically, the influence of Cusa's policy on Christopher Columbus, an influence which was exerted initially in Portugal, which set into motion a process which was to lead into what was to become our United States.
Although the Massachusetts Bay Colony was crushed in the course of the Seventeenth century, crushed by the new evil of William of Orange's "New Venetian Party," that was in contrast to the continuing devotion to the intention of the then young Benjamin Franklin to the heritage of the Winthrops and Mathers which had actually engendered what was to be become our United States.[3] The sweeping influence of immigrants into the United States, once it had been founded, provided the influx of populations drawn from Europe, which enabled Europe itself to achieve periods of resistance against the evil embodied in the New Venetian Party of William of Orange's British creation.
The pre-history and history of our United States had been centered in a process which checked, repeatedly, the oligarchical evil which had so often taken over the nations of Europe, then, as presently. The assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and his brother, Robert, had set into motion the process of the decline of the economy of the United States, which has been the continuing basis of the net physical-economic decline of the United States, up through the present time of the presently impending, currently onrushing, general, hyper-inflationary collapse of the U.S. economy as a whole. The Bushes and Obama, have been the very worst among them all, throughout our nation's recent century's relevant history.
The question of physical scientific developments which those facts require, are the subject of this following chapter.
Chapter 3:
The Subject of Physical-economic Principles.
Money Had Never Had an Intrinsic Value
Money as such, never actually had an intrinsic value in its own right. Indeed, any claim to some intrinsic value for money as such, had been inherently a swindle, clearly intended, or not. It is the folly of belief in an intrinsic "value" of money as such, which turns silly fools into the virtual slaves of society's busiest swindlers, such as the "Wall Street swindlers" operating in the name of that outright fraud presently identified by "quantitative easing." The intrinsic "value" of merely nominal "money," is less than "zero;" in fact, it has an ultimate value of waste-paper, or ultimately less, as in Weimar Germany, 1923. Presidents James Monroe and John Quincy Adams, had shared a clear, bold, and effectively truthful view of this subject-matter of the value of money as national credit.
In point of fact, the proper approach to the differences expressed by that subject, lies in the vividly fundamental contrast between the animal kingdom and the human species. To wit, the following.
The recommended first step, is a scrupulous study of the general elements of the evolutionary history of plants and animals. The appropriate measure for organizing a discussion of that subject-matter, is the yardstick provided as a continuing increase of the "relative energy-flux density" of the functions of our human species. In an attempt to compare and contrast plants and animals with the human species, the measure of increase of the energy-flux-density of an upward progress of human individual behavior, is the most useful way of opening the relevant discussion. To open that subject-matter, the best option is to examine the function of "fire" in defining the characteristic progress specifically unique to the human species. The measure chosen, to distinguish the progress of the human species should be "relative energy-flux density." The function of "energy-flux density," is a crucial measurement.
In that setting, mankind is unique (at the least in principle) for its obedience to reason, as in the rule of voluntary increases in relative energy-flux density. That is to say, among other points of relevance, that a stagnation, or, worse, a lowering of the energy-flux density of human productivity (and, therefore, also, "cost") means a march of the relevant groups of persons toward extinction. In the case of human individuals and their societies, a lowering of the relative energy-flux density of performance is the threatened death-knell of the relevant part of the human species.
In those terms, we must say of both man and beast, in the relevant German from 1960: "Die Hauptsache ist der Effekt!"[4] ["The main thing is the effect!"]
In the annals of actual human history, the social distinction of "slave" from "overlord," is that of the serf, or slave, which is treated as a category of mere animal, albeit "talking animal," which is, thus, of a type of a fixed species much in the sense of the categorical likeness of an animal species. The biological form of the human species of the "chattel-like category" requires the suppression of scientific and related progress in the behavior of the general population. In the real world, as a matter of contrast, any species which does not increase its own relative energy-flux density of productivity, is destined for threatened merely looting, or even extinction, as a species which has outlived, or never enjoyed, what had been the true reason for its species of existence.
Animals and plants depend upon their delivery of their progress in evolution; the human species is essentially defined, functionally, as a species whose appropriately defined typical behavior is qualitatively upward-driven, and, thus, as evolving upward in species of behavior, rather than in merely ordinary biological evolution. That means a species which depends upon a rate of increase of relative energy-flux density, an increase of which has an effect equivalent to representing a higher order of species, in effect.
The latter point now confronts mankind in terms of the history of what is identified as the oligarchical system as that system is typified by the Roman empire and such of its successors of that same generic type, as the British monarchy and the system which it typifies as a global oligarchical system.
This quality of progress of what is effectively the human species, is measurable in terms typified by the notion of qualitatively upward leaps in energy-flux density of fuels used by successive stages of progress of the human condition. It is a history, which, for our archeologists, begins with the remains of a very ancient fireside left by an early state of progress by the relatively primitive type of human specimen. From thence, progress is implicitly measured in leaps toward higher types of energy-flux density.
The Power Which We Humans Must Wield
So far, mankind has become broadly aware of a significance of concentrations of a power reaching beyond nuclear fission, into thermonuclear fusion, and into the domains of matter/anti-matter densities. We must develop the capabilities of "reach" within that universe which we must seek to control, including goals of bringing to bear effects far beyond our reach. This means that we must be capable of gaining access to efficient influence over goals which lie beyond our explicit reach to observe. Instead of limiting our capabilities to what we can observe in time, we must learn the means to actually foresee the desired future effects.
That is no fantasy!
Some among us are already familiar with the person's power to foresee the oncoming effects acting upon the future. I have been practicing that quality of forecasting for some decades past—that as a not-infrequently successful economic forecaster. The principle involved is that of what some might identify as a "fourth dimension" of experience, as, for example, the difference in time between the reaction of pigs to an earthquake, and the lapsed time required for human detection of the same earthquake.
Admittedly, as we grow older, fresh experiences of that type may often tend to be weakened; but, nonetheless, the habits experienced from the past can be learned as if as "habits," even if the original "trigger" experience is no longer experienced as such. We recall proximate effects no longer explicitly experienced: no "voodoo," or the like, is required.
Chapter 4:
The Genius of Shakespeare and Bach
In the concluding pages of my earlier "A New System Among Nations," I had emphasized the crucial importance of both Johannes Kepler's vicarious hypothesis and the principle of metaphor as typified by Shakespeare's dramas and Johann Sebastian Bach's Preludes and Fugues.
As I have reported during some earlier occasions, the prevalent forms of error in generally accepted thinking by human individuals, are typified most simply by the reliance on an attributed set of words merely as such. Such distinctions in meaning are typified for physical science as such, by the case of Johannes Kepler's presentation of the notion of the principle of vicarious hypothesis for the principles of the practice of physical science, and, for Classical artistic composition by the principle of metaphor, including such expressions of poetic composition as Classical musical composition, as typified by Johann Sebastian Bach for music, and for Classical drama by Shakespeare and other great poets, such as Friedrich Schiller.
In both categories of cases, the existence of the principle lies in the effect, not an interpretation of the expression.
For example: those who are falsely described as "Classical musicians," include such ostensibly popular hoaxes against Classical musical composition, as the work of Franz Liszt and Richard Wagner. The falsity of such, and kindred composers and performers, is precisely definable as explicitly located as a distinction of what is called "the categorical effect." The same denunciation is necessary for a broad assortment of designs or practices of drama.
The categorical distinctions which such cases of systemic distinction evoke, were nicely defined for drama by William Shakespeare in the model form of development of drama presented by the exemplary case of Shakespeare's critical advance in human culture, as encountered in the use of "Chorus" in his Henry the Fifth. The first entry of "Chorus" is sufficient to provide a precise meaning to Shakespeare's use of the distinguishing significance of such notions of the proper use of the playwright's and director's giving a specifically distinct species of meaning to the notion of Classical dramatic composition, just as Johann Sebastian Bach supplies a perfected quality of meaning for the term, "Classical musical composition" for those compositions which fit those categories of intention and performance which fulfill the intended meaning of the performance of Classical musical composition.
The significance of such distinctions, with respect to the cause of such categorical distinctions, is not attributable to a mere style of composition as such, but to accord with a principle of truth. Shakespeare's Henry V, for example, is governed by the intention of its effect, with those real-life characteristics which supply a quality of intrinsic verisimilitude to a presentation of a stunning reality of the characterization of the drama: not a mere style, not mere gimmicks. Is the composition and its performance combined in effect, to present an inspired grasp of virtually self-evident, human reality?
It is the same for Classical musical composition. Truth, rather than "cute effects," is the required standard.
For example:
Take, for purposes of illustration of this same point, the case of two contrasted performances of Franz Schubert's Ninth Symphony, one as directed by Wilhelm Furtwängler in a famous post-World War II performance, and as contrasted to another under a well-known conductor of the approximately same vintage during a nearby time. In all great Classical drama, musical, or otherwise, the function of performance is the achievement of truth. The choice of actual truth in such matters, is not a matter of personal choice of idiosyncracies, but, rather, the performance presents us with something of a quality which suggests a nearness, or actual realization of perfected intention. "Perfected intention," in such cases, means something near to, or even beyond the very best intention yet experienced, whether absolute or relative. The adducible fidelity of intention in performance, is the broader consideration: "Are we speaking the same language as the composer?"
In the matter of the comparison of achievement in drama or music, consider the interesting cases such as those of the outstanding physicists who were also of excellent qualities of performance as musicians, such as Max Planck, for example.
The Foolishness of "Practical" People
When we escape from ignorance, and enter, thus, into a domain on which science depends, we are repeatedly confronted with instances such as the mistake of many musicians who are not real musicians in the same meaning of the term at all, but are only caricatures, as in the cases of Franz Liszt and Richard Wagner, or the even far more ominously weird specimens of that entertainment world which has lately dragged its noxious rubble into the cultural trash-bins of the present Twenty-first Century of the likenesses of the Bushes and Obamas. What should we make of that?
Look back to an earlier point in this report, when I had included not only the discovery of the universal physical principle of vicarious hypothesis, but also the scientifically essential principle of metaphor. We have already considered, here, earlier, the highly practical, scientific importance of freeing the human mind from the fetishes of what has been merely sense-perception. Granted, sense-perception does subject the victim of that belief into accepting what often passes for a compelling distraction; but, the belief in an absolute principle of sense-perception in the role of physical science generally, has been one of the greatest sources of mental damage to the cognitive powers of the believers.
Fortunately, the practice of medicine had tended not only to produce, but to foster improvements in the practice of medicine. However, since the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert, a former emphasis on patient care and actual health, otherwise, has lost, officially, important aspects of our society's earlier passionate devotion to its code, as in a relatively worst case such as Britain's accomplices Tony Blair and U.S. President Barack Obama. This has become a source of the occurrence of accelerating rates of diminished care for the well-being of the human individual. Hastening the demise of the aged and ill, has become a religion spread by the British system, that of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II most notably now, as was done similarly, under Adolf Hitler earlier, and also by President Barack Obama now. The root of the evils practiced on that account, is located in the intention to shrink the welfare of the member of society, even as Tony Blair and his like have been copying Hitler's health-care policies in Britain, and have been spreading that British practice of such Blair-style murder into the United States, in sundry direct and indirect ways. Murder, by any means, is murder, whether under Blair's war policies of mass-murder and torture for Iraq, or President Obama's falsely alleged care for the lives of his victims in such places as Libya and Syria.
These points to which I have referred, in passing, have their importance; but, the important aspect of the subjects on which I have touched, this far in this report, lies in the subject-matters with which I had begun, in the opening discussion of the prospects for Mars.
Chapter 5:
I Return to the Subject of Mars
The great challenge to mankind presently, is to be found, in every practically essential respect, in our confrontation with menacing problems within the present and future Solar system itself. The perceived quality of a present threat to mankind, is globally existential, at the least.
That threat has three, interacting, but knowable aspects. The first of the three, is the threats from, again, such sources as asteroids, meteors, and comets. 1) Has mankind the will, now, to defend its existence against those and related types of threats? 2) Will mankind muster an adequate force to defeat such threats efficiently? We must, of course, commit ourselves to defeat such threats; no contrary option exists for mankind; 3) The nagging question is: "Is sense-perception real?"
In any case, the primary thrust of action in the current state of our Solar system, requires immediate and rapid advances in the very-high-energy-flux density actions which must be mustered as the source of the power needed as a precondition for defeating the indicated probable types of threats now menacing us. A full-scale re-launching of a greatly enhanced NASA by the U.S.A., for example, while also closing out the so-called "green doctrines," are among the elementary preconditions for a possible survival of the human species.
That much said, this far, the stunning next question (if you actually understand it), is the third of the three questions just posed: Is human sense-perception as physically real as Shakespeare caused his "Hamlet" to speak:
... that dread of something after death—
The undiscovered country, from whose bourn
No traveller returns, – puzzles the will,
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?
How real, actually, is that which passes for us as living human flesh? What really is "time"? What is that work of mind, whose footprints of thought move on, as the still-living works of the human mind: a creative mind whose force remains efficient, when the flesh is dead? What, therefore, of the spirit of those originally created human thoughts which voluntarily, or otherwise, still create the living future of mankind, even when the human body is more or less long dead? What of those thoughts which are enabled to increase the power of the existence of the true discoverer of universal physical principles, principles which are enabled to move the human species into domains which had never existed before, domains which, in a certain setting, bring into being a willfully engendered principle which had never existed before?
Admittedly, mankind often copies; but, there are also those much rarer makers of what might be given birth as a perpetually living future, those who express in discoveries of one kind or another, a certain, unique quality of discovery of an actually living, future, a thought—if, you must, a truly creative thought—which gives actually efficient birth, to an actually still living future. The rarer ones are privileged to bring forth the birth of an original future for mankind, and they are therefore to be prized on that account.
Take Mars, for an example.
Mars is, almost certainly, not immortal; it never really was. The same might be said of more imposing objects, such as our Sun, or the Solar system as a whole. Or, who might know whatever, even in some future place where mankind might experience a memory of a sense of times and places, such as, perhaps, a long forgotten Solar system of some future time. Such is the implication of the true human creativity which distinguishes us from the beasts, perhaps to be a subject of awe, which is to be remembered as if by a memory of a dying star.
There is that which we should come to recognize as something wonderful, which is the uniqueness, as known presently to us, the uniqueness of the implicit potential of an immortality lodged within that creativity which spreads the footprints of an eternity as the ever-passing footprints of the companion soul, whose own footprints are those left in the tracks of a perpetual mission.
I shall now explain.
On the Subject of Mars, Therefore . . .
The Moon and Mars are, presently felt to be our nearest companions in the conduct of our leading action; but, this must not be taken for a frivolous sentimentality. There is a problem of ordinary human men and women, which needs to be heard, one might hope, by you. Let us consider those who are the immortal dead, those whose still impassioned spirit leaves the mortal one behind. We would never really die, when the good we had created lives still, sitting patiently, waiting, beside what we had thought to have been our true grave, but now lives forever.
Chapter 6:
The Outcome of Sense-Perception
Now that I have presented the subject of Chapter 5, the time has now come, to take up, most emphatically, the most crucial issue of all so-called "physical science," the fallacy intrinsic to the general, naive belief in sense-perception as such.
Heretofore, I have referred, repeatedly, to the existence of a fallacy inherent in a reliance on sense-perception as an elementary basis for physical science. I had referred, earlier, as in several published references, as if in passing, to the existence of an inherent fallacy in such a reliance on sense perception. Heretofore, I had taken that subject little further than the fact that the belief in a reigning notion of sense perception was inherently fallacious. In coming forward to the present point in respect to such matters at issue, I have emphasized two apparently distinct, but actually fundamental proofs of the argument against the customary notions of "sense certainty," as "sense-certainty" is customarily, but wrongly presented as a matter of physical-science principles today.
Those two proofs are represented by Johannes Kepler's presentation typified by the principle of vicarious hypothesis, and the principle of Classical artistic composition specific to such matters as Classical drama (e.g., metaphor), Classical poetry otherwise, and the principles presented by Johann Sebastian Bach, as Bach's principles are typified, as to method, by his sets of Preludes and Fugues.
Now, for me, the most crucial feature of that set of definitions, is that which is presented by Kepler's identification of vicarious hypothesis. A "vicarious hypothesis" is not a "physical object;" it is a manifest creation crafted according to the design for a shadow of reality, not the reality itself. It is, as Kepler defines the matter in his practice, a special kind of "an efficient shadow of reality." It is not something intrinsic to nature in the sense that the errant dogma of "sense perception" proposes; it is a comprehension of a shadow truthfully cast by reality upon the mind.
The shift from the subject of vicarious hypothesis, to metaphor, is a crucial advance in the quality of insight into the human mind. The function assigned to "Chorus" in Shakespeare's Henry the Fifth, has a relative crucial importance in this respect. The essence of the matter no longer lies in an image per se; the artistic direction creates the domain of the performed drama's reality. All great Classical drama depends upon the same creative principle supplied as from above.
Now, treat Johann Sebastian Bach's set of Preludes and Fugues as called into action according to the principle which Bach supplies. Treat Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Schumann, Brahms, Verdi, and so on similarly. But! Exclude Franz Liszt and Richard Wagner, and all of the so-called "modernists," alike: in the latter, exemplary cases, the creative action of true Classical musical composition is systemically excluded by the intention.
It is the action of the inherently noëtic powers of the human will, as through human voluntary imposition upon the process, which leaves its resonant mark, just as great poetic composition expresses this, which acts on the medium to create the result, as in the composition of fugues by Johann Sebastian Bach. This is carried to a higher quality of expression by successfully delivered, Classical musical performances, just as William Shakespeare's composition evoked a quality of a living form of action into what is, for the dull-witted, merely a manipulation of words and visions in a play.
There is a reality behind all this: the life of the drama must exist, and be found in the action which crafts the successfully crafted drama. The artistic creativity lies in the efficiently physical realization of the play. In the successfully crafted Classical drama, what the audience must experience in witnessing the drama, is not a mere comment on the enunciation of a script of the drama, but is the inherent living essence of the drama acted upon the stage, for which the proper actors are merely the specters placed in motion on stage. Otherwise, the mere play on the mere stage would be a failure in life. That creation is expressed not in the actor, but the character he is assigned to be in fact, just as Shakespeare's Henry V had created, in the medium of "Chorus," the actual image of the adopted souls of the players (for a moment). The human mind is really so, when its action creates a change the world which it occupies. Hopefully, it will either be a success in its own right, or a failure which inspires a subsequent, better successor.
The creative thought is the only true reality of the true existence of the human species; it is the reality of the universe in the drama: Whether in drama or in mankind's power to effect a willful change in a higher form within, and upon the universe which we not only change, but which we change by the appropriate means of a life created by our mind's inhabiting it.
[1] EIR, May 22; Lyndon LaRouche PAC.
[2] Admittedly, "Bill" Clinton did sign Gramm-Leach-Bliley, but that was under the special circumstances of the final times of his term in office.
[3] However good, poorly informed, or bad, my North American ancestors had been in at whatever stage in their lives, they were, usually, a reflection of the process within which they lived.
[4] Spukschloss im Spessart, 1960 German film.