True Law Was Never a Matter of
Any Ruler's Mere Opinion
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
March 27, 2013
Mankind has been in trouble, often in peril, as under both the original oligarchical principle of the Roman Empire, and as continued by the implicitly quasi-planetary British monarchy presently. I remind us, that the trouble with the United States itself, as knowable to most among us presently, has been, usually, as it was under that contemptible wretch, U.S. President Andrew Jackson. The trouble has been caused, chiefly, by what has been mistakenly accepted as (actually British imperial, financial) law, as today, under the intrinsically foolish rule of mere belief in money as such.
Sometimes, there had been, necessarily, practical reasons for enacting such laws among the human populations of nations. Usually, that has been the custom whenever man has known no better, which has been often. Often, unfortunately, what passes for law, is all too often the effects of imperial law in its characteristic expressions, which has always been the systemically malicious factor in the very bones of its intention.
Despite the continuation of that custom this far, there have been some precious exceptions. Two among the exemplary modern lawmakers typify those who did really qualify for prescribing that which meets the standard of truly natural law. Such were Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa, as represented in his De Docta Ignorantia, and the case of Cusa's avowed student, the Johannes Kepler who expressed this law in terms of vicarious hypothesis. It was similarly expressed as metaphor, as by the work of Shakespeare. Similarly, Johann Sebastian Bach, had demonstrated the principle of metaphor in such expressions as his set of Preludes and Fugues. Bach was, like his own true disciples, also a valid lawmaker. True law was never, and will never be a mere matter of anyone's merely official, or other crafting of mere opinion; only truly universal principles could qualify as true principles, as Cusa's principle of creativity did, and as I shall illustrate that case in the course of this present report.
Otherwise, in the merely common practice of nations, very little, even none of the presently knowable law has been truly worthy of the character of "universal law" in the process of its making. The U.S. Federal Constitution's original intent is expressed in a crucial way by the way in which Alexander Hamilton overcame that systemic error whose correction made possible the survival of the original U.S. Federal Constitution in its original making.
Most law of nations, unlike that of our original U.S. Federal Constitution, has been merely "made up," that according to the peculiar tastes of the "makers," without truly better than very sloppy evidence. Even most among our U.S. Presidents and the laws of our United States, have usually failed to meet the requirements of what should have been recognized as that original Constitution's essential intention. The failed results, when considered in accord with the true evidence, have been, customarily, according to the evidence presented as if from lessons of history, more often wrong, than even barely useful.[1]
Nevertheless, that much once said, there is, in principle, a still rare, but readily accessible, notional principle of truly universal law. The problem has been, that the general practices presented by nations in the name of law, are not only often wrong, but often simply foolish. Take the cases of the Roman law and its intended continuation under the world-wide-ranging empire of the Queen of England, for an example. Both of those two cases from history have been, more often, purely evil, than not on the current record; the current Queen's (actually oligarchical) custom in law, is fairly to be measured as not only wicked in a systemic sense of matters; it is presently the worst of wickednesses, considering the recent results for mankind globally. Nonetheless, despite all those bad things, good law, if it existed, were always urgently needed; but that has been, heretofore, all too rare.
The proofs of what I have just now, summarily presented, thus, can be known presently, and the contrary known either as simply wrong, customarily silly at best, or an evil as such. I, for one, would demand that which would be rightly termed "natural law," if our citizens had actually remembered what the true nature of what true natural law might be.
For example: without the presently immediate passage of a renewed President Franklin Roosevelt's "Glass Steagall" law, the planet as a whole would now be collapsed into a deadly ruin, almost immediately. Those of contrary opinion, have sought, wittingly, or otherwise, their own very early personal extinction, and that of the institutions which they have claimed to represent; so, they would have hung their own bad law around their own virtual necks.
Chapter 1:
Simply, What Is "Natural Law?"
One most troublesome irony in the current domain of belief in science, is the systemic nature of the irony which attends the credulous belief in the effect of human reliance on the naive practice of attribution of "self-evidence" to human sense-perception as such. Is the existence of God Himself merely a "self-evidence of bare sense-perception"? The logic of the customary argument would appear to make God Himself merely the ultimate expression of a presumed "absolutely fundamental law" of a bare principle of sense-perception! Or, is sense-perception itself not merely a matter of a shadow cast by higher-reigning principles of our universe at large?
Does that take away from us anything which is actually known to be true about the universe, otherwise? Is the entirety of the still popular human conceit respecting "sense-selfishness" not merely a science-ignorant man's petty ego-trip? Is the universe we experience merely a shadow cast by a human individual's ego-trip? Were it not prudent to consider that the universe (e.g., the Solar system) might have contained, in some fashion, the generation of the faculty of animal sense-perception?
Were it not evident, in fact, that the irony of the argument I have just stated here, lies within the failure of the critic to recognize the distinction of the noetic powers of the human species from the beasts? True, the typical human individual known to us in Europe and the Americas today (in particular) does not recognize the evidence to the effect that the human mind, when functioning in its normal state of matured development, does have the ability of efficient foresight of a type absent for inferior species of life, on precisely this account. All of the problem is that the oligarchical principle demands dumbed-down members of the inferior ranks of society.
Therefore, let us now proceed as follows.
The apparent principle for what might be defined as a body of "knowable law," in any meaningful sense, is to be located generally in the evolution of an inherently evolving domain of the implicitly living stellar array in its own (also) living expression on that matter. Then, next, there is a generality of the implicitly (also) living expression. Next in the order to be considered, is the noetic expression of the qualities and powers uniquely specific to human life.
The most immediate consideration, one which is specifically required for the functions of mankind, must be awarded to the unique power of the human will to organize a general process of ceaseless increase of the relatively energy-flux density of the modes of progress of mankind, which must be summed up as ready to exert a more powerful organization of the universe which mankind inhabits, as this is measurable per-capita and per standard area of energy-flux density. That must be a suitable view of our universe which mankind is to be enabled to inhabit, either directly, or otherwise. There are other, related considerations, but those which I have stipulated this far, will be sufficient to report for the present moment here.
Probably, the most common human mistake in the choosing of opinion and related practice by mankind, has been a false presumption: the presumption that the organization of the processes within the Solar system, is to be identified by the action of human sense-perception (e.g., "the senses") as such.
To bring matters to the most crucial point to be emphasized here: it is that the true law of the universe which can be presently known, by us, to exist, is knowledge which is readily known to be premised on the principles of human, willfully noetic creativity, per se. It is of particular, exceptional importance, considering the state of the Solar system now, that we define law to fit the included requirements implicitly existing within the nearby regions of the Solar system presently: first, the landing on our Moon, and, then, human-controlled apparatus operating, suitably, for our needs, on Mars.
The Remainder of Our Century[2]
We had already been made aware of the actually great threats to the life of mankind on Earth; but, the current general opinion had been: "Practically, there is nothing much which we could do about known threats from within the Solar system" (and, to some degree beyond). The general attitude had been, that we were best advised to cease thinking about such realities which might be lurking "out there." Now, official opinion among the populations and general governments of the trans-Atlantic regions, has returned to the habits of a time when the Mediterranean region of the planet had adopted the popular opinion that "the Earth is flat." Nonetheless, the world-outlook of what could have been presumed to be intelligent Europeans had largely abandoned the legendary, brutish "Flat Earth" mythology of the Fourteenth-century populace, for a Fifteenth-century "Golden" Renaissance.
Since the period of the "World War I" which had been prompted and unleashed by the sudden, 1890 ouster of Germany's Chancellor Bismarck, and the immediate aftermath of "World War II," the society of Europe and the United States, has been moving backwards and downwards into a now immediately-threatened "New Dark Age," a "New Dark Age" set into motion by the lunacy of returning to the British monarchy's launching of a general warfare unleashed by the combined effects of the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and of his brother Robert, the Indo-China warfare, and the repeated defeat, by a corrupted U.S. Congress operating under orders of a British Prime Minister, such as the later, evil Tony Blair, against President Ronald Reagan's sponsorship of the U.S. Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI).[3]
We are presently being plunged into the very depths of a "new dark age," one which had been officially launched, actually, by the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and, a bit later, his brother (and presumed Presidential pre-candidate) Robert. Those effects emerged clearly, and now fully, with the crooked actions of a largely bought-and-paid-for U.S. Congress's implicitly treasonous scheme of the Gramm Leach Bliley hoax-swindle, the bought-and-paid-for repeal by the U.S. Congress of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Glass-Steagall law, a bought-and-paid-for repeal by the U.S. Congress, which was imposed at the close of a battered President William Clinton's turn in office, at the close of the 1990s.
The United States had never been successfully ruined, since the Peace of Paris (1763), by any other human enemy than the British empire, or by the related agents of our republic's enemies, including a number of those persons and institutions operating against our republic some of whom had actually served even as U.S. Presidents in their time. The ultimately serious enemy of the United States, the British empire-in-fact, has operated against our republic, that done through the British monarchy, but also through those British banking interests and related agencies originally controlling the United States' policies through those British imperial banking institutions traditionally poised within the U.S. region of New York City's Wall Street, as that long-standing swindle was defined clearly by the role of the British spy Aaron Burr's top-down direction of the U.S. Presidents Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren, and by their successors in similar roles.
The Crucial Role of Alexander Hamilton
The key to understanding the role of U.S. traitors and their like, must be seen in the overthrow of the U.S. Constitution's founding principles of law for economy, as those are specified, in design, by the role of U.S. Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton, and as those principles were nearly restored, largely, through the combined efforts of U.S. Presidents James Monroe and John Quincy Adams. Later, President Abraham Lincoln restored what was to be considered a "fair working model" of the intention of the original Federal Constitution's economic principles; later, President William McKinley, while he lived, was moving in that direction. However, Presidents Theodore Roosevelt, (Ku Klux Klan refounder) Woodrow Wilson, the ugly personality of Calvin Coolidge, pompous swindler Herbert Hoover, Harry S Truman, Richard Nixon, and Jimmy Carter, were either simply catastrophic failures, or outright scoundrels such as George H.W. Bush, his son George W. Bush, Jr., and the worst among them all to present date, Barack Obama.
Each and all among those errant Presidents, had been committed, in their practice, to principles directly contrary to the specific principles of Alexander Hamilton, without which, the U.S. Constitution would have been a disastrously failed economic system from its outset. The inherently failed U.S. Presidents were each, essentially, monetarists, rather than economists who based themselves efficiently on the principles of physical economy, rather than monetarism. All of the economists of Europe, for example, have been lately bunglers, at their very best, since the middle through closing years of the 1960s and raw beginnings of the earliest 1970s
Monetary theory and its practice, are always directly at odds with the physical realities of a competent form of national economy. Nominally "successful economists" have often been considered such by those who are essentially swindlers, rather than producers of physical-economic growth on a national scale. Monetarists, as such, are essentially either clever or simply brutish thieves, or, we might suggest, pitiable or otherwise wretched bunglers.
The Economy of Animal Species
That much said in continuing this chapter thus far, now shift your focus, this time to the matter of the explicit physical principles involved.
To understand those principles of growth on which all competent economic policy-shaping depends, we must recognize a strict distinction of principle separating human intelligence from the natural behavior of all non-human living species. All competent economic practice, begins with a strict separation of the principles of actual economy in its distinction from what is, otherwise, non-human life. In fact, there could not be a competent theory of economy, without the specifically noetic characteristics which distinguish the inherent function of the human mind from all other presently known forms of life.
To understand economy competently, we must, first, identify the absolute principle of difference of human economy from the behavior of non-human life. Take note of the fact of the difference between living and non-living processes, and, then, identify the absolute difference in known characteristics of behavior of man from that of beasts. Do some people behave as if they were beasts? Of course! The crucial task confronting us at this stage of matters at hand, is to focus on the specific characteristics of all that animal and plant life which are systemically absent from that principle of life which inherently defines the noetic functions specific to the human mind, as distinct from other known forms of life.
The required choice of terminology for such cases, can not be classed as anything but "failed." The evidence here is "inherently scientific." That signifies a reference to the history of extinct species of what had been living types: as evolution among emergent classes of living species is properly dominated as upward-development-directed. That is not merely a trait of "species," but is inherent in the process of "natural selection" of known past species excepting the case of the human species. In particular, the challenge of human species-survival and closely-related considerations, includes such factors for consideration as a required rate of the species' increase in potential relative productivity, as this is to be measured in per-capita rates of upward-directed change in required rate of growth of "energy-flux density," relatively to changes in the energy-flux density in the increase of the Solar system and related factors in the galaxy.
In turn, the failure to increase the energy-flux density of life on Earth, and in comparable cases, predetermines a decline in the ability of living species, as, specifically, the human species to survive, both on Earth, and within such bounds as identifiable factors within the Solar system. In fact, the human species' ability to survive, must be estimated in terms of the increase of the energy-flux density of any of the relevant cultures of the human species in its relatively required pre-conditions of existence. In brief, if we could not successfully "colonize" human mastery of the intent for human occupation of Mars at some relevant future time, we must consider the human species as relatively an intellectual failure.
The foremost distinction of human life from all other forms of life, is the human species' power to effect a willful increase of the quality of energy-flux densities, which, in the case of the human species, is the systematically functional distinction of the qualitative leaps into higher orders of magnitude of "energy-flux density."
Chapter 2:
The New Challenges Now Before Us
Up to the completion of the preceding chapter of this present report, the subject had been premised on the standpoint of an Earth-based challenge. Now, we shift emphasis to the mapping of the domain of action within the Solar space marked out according to the characteristics of what composes the relevant asteroid belts and other subjects inclusive of the region between the ranges of the asteroid belts from those associated, relatively, of Mars into Venus. The associated presumption for this purpose, is a dedication to increasing emphasis on the development of a "traffic system" within that volume, operating with increasing emphasis on leading roles of the use of thermonuclear fusion propulsion among targeted destinations on planets, moons, and asteroids. That array is to be presumed to feature increasing emphasis on both keystone selections of useful asteroids (for communications, defense, and offense) with a strong emphasis on adjusting the ironical limitations on Mars-Earth communications presently.
As it has been pointed out in studies by the Basement Team, we stress the fact that the planets of the volume of the notional space within which the Solar system is operating, present us with a present choice of image in which the planets and their moons of that system are presently implicitly targets for what is being "shot against them" at relatively very high speeds across long spans of relatively lapsed time, which must, in fact, be resolved for the "rough factor" of equalizing the acceleration/distance factors of pre-mapping of choice of distance/destinations/impacts/defense.
The feasibility of such a pilot program within that domain, will obviously depend upon increasing the rates of increase of energy-flux density employed. That should be readily understood to signify a program of development within (and beyond) that domain, defined by an intended rate of increase of the per-capita energy-flux density, as if per-capita, which is to be assigned within the context of a rate of increase per capita, assigned to each of typically four generations of development per century relative to Earth's civilization.
Obviously, that mission is to be defined in terms of the mapping of generated and applied potential; it must represent a constantly higher level of relative "charge" ("action") per marked point of the overall process.
Implicitly, this means the effect of increasing the rate of relative increase of charge within which the rate of applied advances (within the expanding intensity of the field) are to be situated. In other words, increase the potential of the field, while raising the potential operating within the field. In principle, this represents a relativistic kind of mission-orientation in policy: accelerate the stream, and accelerate the stream within that stream: "flow with the go."
That is nothing really so new as it might seem to some. That is the tendency demonstrated by the progress of mankind from the simple fireside of the aboriginal "cave man," through successively higher levels of energy-flux density.
[1] Cf: Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.: "Obama and The Trojan Horse," Dec. 21, 2012: EIR, or Lyndon LaRouche PAC.
[2] The strict limitation on the reliance on sense-perception as such, is the source of the difficulty we had encountered at this point in the report, for the present moment. When science is limited to a reliance on human powers of mere sense-perception, the higher and more profound issues of experimental physics in the very large (e.g., the Solar system) and very small, are no longer reliable instruments in and of themselves. This is a grave source of errors encountered intrinsically in the use of mere sense-perception when attempting to measure experimental evidence in the very small, or very large. The margin of error in such cases is beyond the reach of all conventional presumptions respecting measurements in matters of the very large or very small: e.g., Bernhard Riemann in his habilitation dissertation.
[3] The skills of President Ronald Reagan shone brightly in the matter of SDI and related strategic matters, as this is strongly affirmed in matters of defense in space and related subjects.