Hamilton's Role in Creating the Nation
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Lyndon LaRouche sent this videotaped message to a New York Schiller Institute Conference, Jan. 17, 2015.
Good morning, for a Saturday morning. I'm Lyndon LaRouche, of course, and speaking briefly on behalf of our team, which is operating especially inside Manhattan, New York City, that is to say. And what we're doing is commemorating in a, shall we say, systematic way, the leading role of Alexander Hamilton, who is actually the creator of a real New York City, and who also was virtually a creator of the Constitution of the United States; he wasn't the only one, but he was the leading figure.
And he was assassinated. He was assassinated by a British agent, which is not unusual for heroes of the United States. And they usually get killed, like, we have a couple of Kennedys who were assassinated on that principle. And so this is the kind of thing we have to deal with now, to celebrate it, in a sense, of pointing out the importance of the life, and assassinations as well, of great heroes of the United States.
And we recognize also that the United States was organized around New York City, organized especially by Alexander Hamilton, who was assassinated. And after the assassination of Hamilton, we had a bunch of Presidents who were not so hot. Then, in about 20 years, we had a new President who was good, and then we had another President who was good, and then we had another bum, and a lot of bums. But then eventually, we had Abraham Lincoln, for example, especially, and other people.
So the United States has always been besieged by British-directed agents, who often operated as Presidents of the United States or something tantamount to that, or a group of people, or by institutions of the United States.
But the time has come now, that the Wall Street interest, which is actually a British interest, traditionally—it's a treasonous kind of operation—and they're bankrupt. Wall Street is bankrupt! And actually, the island of Manhattan is pretty much bankrupt, when it comes to Wall Street matters. So we're in that kind of situation today.
The Manhattan Principle
We have that on our hands, now, and we, some of us, have done something in this direction to remind the people of the United States, of the full United States and beyond, of the way in which the United States was created, brought into being under the leadership of Alexander Hamilton.
Our time has come to recognize that there are no local states. There are states which we have created under our Constitution, with the help of our Constitution, but the creation was the creation of a single state, the United States so-called, and that the center of that has been Manhattan. And when you recognize that, the key role that Manhattan has played since the role of Alexander Hamilton, and since his demise, that this is the issue we have to turn to, for policymaking for our nation.
We don't make our nation in terms of defining a couple of states, or different states. We have no separation of the United States into states. We have a convention which we designate as states; this is a convention. It's a useful convention when it's not abused, when it's not overextended.
Now we have to bring the people of the United States, who now have to take on, like a single force, getting rid of the filth and corruption which has destroyed us so often, especially under the Bushes, Prescott Bush's crowd in particular.
So we have to have a mobilization of the spirit and intention of our republic, which is a task which is located essentially for our attention, in the role of Manhattan, of New York City, Hamilton's New York City. And that's what we have to do.
We're now, today, celebrating that point. We're saying, yes, the states have a role as states, but they really aren't that important. They are significant; it's useful that they are organized that way. It's significant that we manage them that way, but we manage them under a single conception, a conception associated most crucially with Alexander Hamilton, a citizen of New York City. And that's the way we have to do it now.
I am rather old in some people's eyes; I'm not dead and not stupid, but I'm passing on, of course, in the future, this mission to recreate the intention of the creation of the United States, by bringing the factor of the island of Manhattan, New York State essentially, similarly, as the force around which we must organize our nation, again, afresh, to restore it, to eliminate all corruption and stupidity that we can do. And let's do it today. Let's do it now.
And here's the old man, he's got plenty of things to say, on later occasions, and you will hear about them I believe, if the old man continues to live. But that's the situation right now. Have a good time, and try to keep good health above all other things.