'We Are Entering a New State of the World Economy with the Four Senators' Reintroduction of Glass-Steagall'
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The following is excerpted from the July 11 discussion by Lyndon LaRouche with an audience assembled in Manhattan, New York. The discussion was moderated by Dennis Speed. To see the full video of the dialogue, click here.
Lyndon LaRouche: Right now there is a great change in the destiny of the United States: It's centered in origin or location by a group of four Senators, who have restored as their intention, the relatively immediate reintroduction of the Glass-Steagall law. Now, this has some very special implications: First of all, it means that Wall Street, which is already now bankrupt, but it's sort of hiding from the outcome of its bankruptcy; it's broken down; it's in a freeze state—Wall Street must be removed.
Now, the way we can do that, to save our nation despite the crisis which is threatening us right now,—in other words, Wall Street now threatens to cause a very destructive, sudden force, in the lifestyle of our nation and the people of our nation. This has to be treated in an orderly way, so there are some things I shall not push on this occasion, because I want to give some of the people in the Congress, especially these four Senators, and some other people who are very relevant, a chance to state what the issue is,—to make a rather simple, but straightforward explanation of what the remedy is and what the problem has been.
![]() EIRNS/Julien Lemaître
Lyndon LaRouche, at the Schiller Institute conference in Frankfurt, Germany, April 2013, with his wife Helga.
So I'll base myself in my remarks today, here, as initial remarks, on that basis. The fact is, therefore, that Wall Street is about to be eliminated. Now I have some ideas and information on exactly what that means, but I'm not going to elaborate those because I would rather let those things be passed back to the Senators, because they are going to have to make certain decisions about how they approach this motivation. And I will simply make notes on that. I do have a systemic view of what the solution is, to get out of the breakdown of the Wall Street system.
I can assure people that this is seriously understood. It's also understood that the Glass-Steagall system is there, waiting, and that the Wall Street system is in terminal disarray. In other words, it's virtually frozen, with some of its problems hidden for various reasons. But we're entering into a new state of the world economy, because whatever the United States does, as expressed by the active role of those four Senators—and I'm sure they're very intelligent Senators and they know what they're doing—so I'm not going to try to muck up and interfere with what they're going to do. I know in advance, that I'm in support of it, and this will be a solution for the people of the United States and others,
Therefore, I can assure you, that if that program that they have launched is carried through successfully, over opposition, that the United States will come out of this mess, clean and much better than it's been for many years before.
That's my point.
The Fate of Greece
Q: Okay. Hi, Lyn. This is A— from New York. My question is in relation to Greece. One day after the historic victory of the vote, the Finance Minister resigned. And I read earlier on the site to get ready for all types of hell to start breaking loose. So you try and stay calm, but when these things happen, you don't know how to interpret it. What are the implications of such a resignation?
Then of course, just earlier this morning, you get reports on television that, indeed, the Prime Minister has now agreed to some kind of reforms, or cuts. I'm not saying I believe it; but I'm just saying that I find the situation quite confusing at times. And I know that there are people within that government that have worked with the Schiller Institute, that are very familiar with your ideas, and that is largely why Greece is where it is now. But I suppose I'm asking for a kind of update on the Greek situation, if you could just share that with us?
LaRouche: Okay, the answer essentially is that the Greek situation, as such, is in process. Now the problem is, to come to a final decision on this matter of the Greek thing, consider the fact that it rests on two things. First of all, Europe. Europe is in a state of breakdown—even Germany is at the threat of a breakdown. Other nations are on the edge of a breakdown. We are also on the edge of a war, a general war which is launched by the British Empire, and is potentially prepared, and would be launched by the President of the United States, Obama. That's the situation first.
Now the action of these four Senators, and those who will follow in augmentation of their action, is going to also change the economy. First of all, we're going to eliminate—if they do their job, and I think they will—we are going to eliminate Wall Street. We are going to shut it down. How do we do that? Glass-Steagall. The restitution of the existence of the Glass-Steagall law of Franklin Roosevelt will be a sufficient instrument to protect, now, the United States as it was before. So therefore, what we have to do is go back to the Franklin Roosevelt conception of the principles of reform, which he introduced against bad predecessors, at his time, and actually restore the nature of the intention on Glass-Steagall, which was established initially by President Franklin Roosevelt. That's the solution.
Now in the process, this means that Wall Street, as we know it, is going to disappear. But the point is, you don't simply dump Wall Street; you have to have a program which admits that Wall Street is essentially hopelessly dead. You don't want to leave the corpse around. So therefore, I'm not going to tell you what I think we should do about it, because it has to be decided by members of the Congress, for example, the Senate in particular. And there are certain options which the Senate, or the Congress generally, has for dealing with this question of dumping Wall Street. Those decisions have to be made by relevant authorities in the Federal government.
There can be suggestions, recommendations, and so forth, and I will also make such things. But we understand that there is a solution, which is presently available, to save the economy of the United States, by means which require the shutting down of a bankrupt Wall Street system. I'm not in a position to meddle in how the present government of the United States, especially the Congress, is going to handle these problems. But I am in sympathy with the necessity and urgent performance of solutions which I know are feasible. I know the principles of the things that I know of, define a competence to solve this problem. But to solve the problem involves a process of shaping, and reshaping, some of the law of the United States from the top down.
I shall talk about that; I shall refer to that; but I shall not proclaim a solution, as such. Because I know the four Senators, who led this process of trying to save the United States by Glass-Steagall approaches, implicitly. I'm not going to interfere with it, but I support it. And I will say things to support it, and so forth. But I will always admit, that at this point it is the Senate and Congress of the United States, which has the responsibility for executing the departure of Wall Street from the U.S. economy. I will not specify how they should do that.
Q: [Inaudible]
LaRouche: Greece? Well, of course Greece will be a key factor in the international processes, which should be supported in due course by the United States. That is, these kinds of matters in Europe, in particular, must be settled in terms of diplomatic proceedings in the trans-Atlantic community. This goes not only to the Greek question, and things like that in Europe; it also goes to the world, or the best of the world, including China, notably, including Russia, including nations in Europe otherwise, and in other parts of the world. We are going to have to have a process which reorganizes the planet; essentially you have got to eliminate the British Empire, as it stands today.
What is happening already in that direction, is that China, for example—China has committed a great revolution, which not only is for China itself, but is for the world as a whole. And China is the leading nation of the entire world. China is probably the most advanced, in terms of exploration of nearby space. Other parts of the world have not come up to performance on that.
So therefore, we are now at a point where there are certain nations, or groups of nations, like India, as well as China, and some other nations, such as in South America, which have already [adopted] the same thing: It's called the BRICS. And so the BRICS policy, and things like it or related to it, are already implicitly the next step required as we get out of the mess of the world today, including in the United States, including other parts of Europe, and so forth. And China is a very important part of this whole thing. Also, look at certain nations in South America. Look at some ambitious nations, which are not too powerful right now, but in Africa.
So, going on before us we have a general revolution throughout the world, in terms of not only particular nations and their particular problems, but their relationships with others—the changing relationship among nations. You already have something good going on in much of the world, outside of the trans-Atlantic area. But we also need, and we must have, a more general comprehensive view for most parts of the world.
You know, you can always have a dissenting point, here and there, and so forth. That's not a big issue. You can deal with that. But the principal body of the nations of the planet, while they will retain their actual independence, will also at the same time, as China is doing with the "win-win" concept, and what's happening in South America, come together on a joint, common-interest basis, on a global scale.
The British Imperial Enemy
Speed: Let me just read this question from Sean, first. Lyn, Sean Stone is a correspondent now for RT, Russia Today, and he was in Athens on Friday, July 3, Saturday the 4th, and then for the vote. He had the following question. He talked about how on Friday there were about 50,000 people in the square. He saw the enthusiasm of the people. But he wondered this: With what he saw coming back, with what happened with the Chinese stock market and the various other things, he said: What's actually going on? Is this a financial Armageddon?
Then the second part of his question is: What exactly should Americans do who understand the importance of what happened in Athens, to make the reintroduction of Glass-Steagall a reality?
LaRouche: Okay. This is complicated, but it's not that complicated. What happened is that the European system, backed by the British Empire, the Queen herself, and circles like Wall Street in the United States, have created a global situation in which the Greeks have been increasingly raped by chiefly the British Empire, but also by other nations on the continent of Europe. That's the chief problem. What has happened is, the Greeks have revolted.
![]() Queen Elizabeth and Royal Consort Prince Philip on an October 2008 visit to the Slovak Republic..
Now the Greeks in a state of revolt, have very little in terms of financial resources among the nations of Europe and also beyond. But we do not intend—not only me, but many parts of the world—do not intend to leave the Greeks in the degree of impoverishment which they have been victimized by the British Empire and by the other nations of Europe. That is, they have raped Greece!
The way it happened is that some of the Greek governments were intimidated and became opportunist, and sold out Greece, for the sake of their own short-term purposes. In other words, they pledged debts to other nations, and these debts could not be repaid. But the problem was the raping of Greece by its victimization. That is, when the Greeks were not able to fund their own operations, rather than fighting on that issue, they let the Greek population suffer, in the main.
Therefore the question here is, first, how do we get the Greeks back what are their justified powers. Now, they have a government now, and the government is a good one, so far. I will not talk about the indefinite future. But anyway, it's good.
And Greece has allies. Now these are not allies, like war allies in the ordinary sense, but there's an agreement from other nations that Greece must be defended, and that there must be a successful form of emergency effort, to bring better order in the Greek situation. Now, for the Greeks themselves and for the Greek nation, that is an urgent issue. It's not something for "down the line." We're talking about a relatively short period of time. For example, Russia is a main protector of the Greeks. Now, how far Russia will go in the short term, is not knowable. But if everything comes to the worst, Russia is one of the nations which will be very important, for defending Greece, if other parts of the European system don't come across with something good. And I'm sure of that.
And we have members associated with me, who are very much devoted to that, particularly on the Greek question directly, who are working closely in and out with leading Greek figures.
So this is not something to worry about, as a long-term perspective. What we're doing is we're fighting a short-term war. And Schäuble in Germany, Merkel in Germany, are real problems; France is mezzo-mezzo, as the Italians would say.
In Britain, Britain is a mixed-up thing. The British monarchy is for genocide. What the policy is right now with the British monarchy, and of California, the governor of California, and similar places, is to reduce the population of the planet, from seven billion people to one. And the project is on now. The project is organized by the British Empire, the British Queen, the whole kit and caboodle; they've always had that kind of policy. They've always been for mass murder, for mass reduction of human population, and so forth and so on. That is, the British Royal Family is one of the most evil, most Satanic forces on this planet.
And ultimately the problems the Greeks face, still today, is the effect of the British Empire, in its influence in the nation as a whole. Now, naturally, my inclination is, that nonsense has got to stop. We're going to do something about it. And there are nations such as China,—don't worry about China's problem; there is no big problem. It's being spelled out by the British, especially Wall Street, especially Obama. President Obama is really one of the real problems here. Otherwise, on the China problems: Obama's done that, or it's done on his behalf, underscored.
So we do not have to worry about the Greeks, and say that they're doing something terrible, or that China's collapsing—nonsense! Absolute nonsense! Greece will not be abandoned! It will not be abandoned. We're going to have to do something rough on that.
Remember, right now, something very good is happening: Four Senators of the United States have taken steps to defend the United States itself, against the onrushing collapse of Wall Street! So, we're in a period of possibilities for great change, if we don't make a mess of our options. And that's the way to look at these things.
Glass-Steagall Is In Process
Q: Thank you very much, my name is R—. I have a question: How does the passage of Glass-Steagall raise people's awareness via Classical music?
LaRouche: The problem in respect to Classical music, is something which Wall Street has actually been chiefly responsible for. I mean, all the idiots running around, playing we don't know what; they're playing something and they're making noises. We're not quite sure what the root of the thing is.
But you have to look at this fact. There's a dividing line in modern history, in the European and so forth part of the world. What happened is, in the beginning of the Twentieth century, with people like [David] Hilbert and Bertrand Russell, successfully introduced a process of destruction of the systemic intellectual, and related characteristics of the U.S. population.
This coincided with the ouster of [Chancellor Otto von] Bismarck from his office in Germany. Bismarck had been a very close ally, but indirectly, cautiously shall we say,—but he was supporting Abraham Lincoln in the Civil War; that is, not the war itself, but to support Lincoln and what he represented. And Bismarck's economic policies during that period, and the period since Lincoln's assassination, were dedicated to a new economic order in the world. But what happened is, that period leading into the Twentieth Century, was a period of mass murders: The President of France, assassinated; other Presidents of other nations, assassinated; bloody wars in various spots exploded, during that period of the last ten years of the Nineteenth Century.
So there was a change in things, in the direction of decadence, from which the United States has never been freed. Franklin Roosevelt, of course, was excellent. Other people who followed him, like Kennedy, excellent! Ronald Reagan, excellent, though he had a Vice President who was a real bad piece of work. These are the realities that we deal with.
Now we're at the point where Wall Street is absolutely bankrupt. It may maintain some fragment of its financial interest, but right now it's on the edge; it's on the edge of a complete collapse, and I welcome such a collapse. I welcome the collapse on the condition that something else, good, is in there to fix the problem.
I think what the four Senators have done, in restoring the appeal for Glass-Steagall, is the action which is required. And I think at this point, as a matter of practice—there are many other things I could say about this—I would say the fact that Glass-Steagall is now on the agenda, inside the United States, through the Senate, and since Wall Street is in very, very deep problems—it's bankrupt in fact—whether it's able to wiggle or not is another matter; but more or less inevitably, Wall Street is finished! If it's not finished, then the planet's finished, more or less.
I think we're going to win. But we have to understand the processes: Don't rely upon events as such. Because events are always in process. The question is, what is the process doing? In what direction is the process going? Or what are the factors which determine how the process will go? And I welcome very richly, the idea of the removal of anything opposed to Glass-Steagall. I hate Wall Street. I hate 'em because I'm smart enough to know that I should hate them.
Let's not worry too much about these things. But look at what is in process; always look at what's in process. What's the direction? What's the motion? What are the factors that people are going to revolt against? For example, the O'Malley case: O'Malley is not featured, officially, as being a probable President of the United States now. But he's looking closer and closer in that direction. Why? Because the other guys are no good! Like the Bushes! Who would want to vote for a Bush? Moses should burn all the Bushes!
We've got to have a realistic idea, not a so-called "simple fact" explanation. The world is in flux; the world has always been in flux, more or less, at least in civilized times. So we are now in a process. My function, like your function, should be how to change the course of events, in order to solve the problems which confront mankind, both in the United States, and among nations generally.
Q: [starts mid-sentence] ... a problem that maybe you could help me with. I'm very active politically. I go to the Tea Party meetings and such, and all these arguments, as you've been saying, boil down to not the argument; what it really boils down to, is the destruction, the killing, of 85% of the world's human population. And when I bring this up, they look at me like I'm from Venus or outer space. And I don't know how to break this barrier.
The only thing that I can think is that the evil is so diabolical that the goodness within their soul refuses to allow them to face it. Because that's what I get—oh, they make up excuses why it is totally irrational.
I'd like to get from you a hint, so to speak, of how to approach this problem.
LaRouche: We should be approaching it anyway. I've spent most of my life, you know, I've had some experience in economy and things related to that; I've been successful in economics, in financial economics and so forth. And many other things; I've been an efficient agent of action in many nations; my wife, of course, has been in China. I was on the edge of China, I never got in there, myself. But that was just coincidental. Indochina, other parts, India—I have a big history in India. Lots of history in Europe. I have lots of history in our economy and in our Presidency. I served briefly under President Reagan, except the Bushes got in the way; the Bushes should have been burned.
But anyway, this is not an impossible situation; we're in flux. We have a battle on our hands. We have no winning position. Take Glass-Steagall: Suddenly, recently, just recently, one Senator called upon three other Senators to activate, not just to introduce but to activate Glass-Steagall. This coincided with the fact that Wall Street was on the verge of a general breakdown crisis: Wall Street is no more! It's just a matter of burying the corpse.
And the only thing that's holding up the death of Wall Street, as an institution, is the fact of going through the formalities of creating its successor, and that, as I said earlier here today, that's a question on which authorities of the United States government, the Congress, the Senate and the Congress generally, and other institutions, must make a decision. I will be imploring, shall we say, things that I already agree with what they're doing, with what they've done, the four Senators. They did the right thing! They have taken actions which lead to the possibility of defending the existence of the United States, against what the Wall Street collapse could do! They know things, they have the intelligence to understand this; they have the sources of intelligence to know what to do. It just takes the guts to do it. And I think these four Senators have shown a sign of the guts to do it.
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Presidential candidate Martin O’Malley, a prominent promoter of Glass-Steagall, greets patrons of Uncle Nancy’s Coffeehouse in Newton, Iowa.
O'Malley, for example. I don't know if I want him to be the next President of the United States; I certainly would prefer him, far, far, far above anything like Obama! But I think he's a good potential candidate. In my view, he, with his policies already, is potentially a suitable candidate to replace and dump Obama; and that would be a very, very good thing.
Those kinds of things have to happen. But the problem is, we're now at a point where I think we have everything in our hands in the United States among appropriate leading circles, including leading circles of the highest level of Congress: I think we can do the job. My concern is to support those people who are going to do the job; and also to recognize that it is they, not me, who have the authority to choose and shape the way we're going to get rid of the bums, the rascals. And how we're going to solve the problem for the coming period of time for the solution to this crisis.
Our Internal Enemy
Q: Hi, Mr. LaRouche; my name is R—. It's an honor to speak with you; I've been following you for twenty years and plus, since I was in law school. My question relates to the IMF and NATO and the British Empire. Obviously, from a realistic standpoint, the United States has inherited the mantle of the British Empire; or at least certain forces in the United States have inherited the British Empire from my understanding. And that NATO is sort of the military arm; whereas the IMF/World Bank is the financial arm of the British Empire. And it seems like we're on a collision course, as you said earlier, with the rest of the world, in a sense.
How do we integrate the United States of America—which really should believe in the spirit of free competition according to the Sherman Act even—how do we integrate the U.S. into the BRICS paradigm in a way that's voluntary?
LaRouche: OK; we have one problem in answer to that question. One big problem. It's the loss of Glass-Steagall, and the Obama Administration and the Bush Administration that preceded Obama. These are the chief obstacles, not some foreign obstacle; no. It's inside the United States.
Now, of course, Obama is an agent of the British monarchy; that's how he got his job. The same way that Schwarzenegger got his job in California. Remember, he was the whore-master of Europe in his earlier proceedings, and the British system pulled him into California; and then inserted him into a different role, as a movie star. Then they made him a governor,—and what he did, destroyed the government of California. I mean, the original Governor of California [Pat Brown] was a good man; his son, who's now in charge, is an absolute idiot, and a very not-nice person—on the contrary.
So, we have these kinds of problems, but the problems come from disasters which were large-scale economic disasters which are caused by bad policy. The cancellation of Glass-Steagall was actually a treason against the United States, in fact. It may not be recognized as such, but to anyone who is looking at it from an economic standpoint or a scientific standpoint, that was a crime against the United States.
And it happened because Bill Clinton was set up; that's how it happened. It was set up by the British monarchy, the Queen herself gave the orders; and the Republican Party team carried it out. They knocked Bill Clinton out.
Now remember, in this case, I was actually working in Russia; I was invited to come to visit there; because they wanted my expert advice on what to do about their economic crisis. So, they invited me to Moscow to hear their description of the situation, and to ask my expert advice on economy. We came up with a proposal which I said "yes" to, and they agreed; and we aimed that proposal to a delivery of negotiations with Russia, based on the openings being created by President Bill Clinton.
What happened to Bill Clinton, to get a clear idea of how these things go, Bill Clinton did not act immediately on my recommendation. He was sympathetic to it. This was a funny relationship, because Bill and I never had a direct connection; we had very good indirect connections. As a matter of fact, he saved my life among other things; that's a pretty good connection.
So this financial problem today is of that nature; it comes into that category. And if we in the United States get rid of Obama, before he can lead us into a thermonuclear war; that is, a thermonuclear extermination war, which is possible during this summer of this year unless we get that bum out of there; or get somebody else to bump him out of there. Expel him from office! He's a criminal, he's committed crimes, great crimes. His Administration has done great crimes; even greater than the crimes of Cheney and the dumb Bushes.
![]() White House/Pete Souza
President Obama discusses his confrontation policy toward Russia with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in Washington, Sept. 18, 2014.
Our problem is that! We don't control our own nation, because Wall Street's ties with certain elements in the United States use money, chiefly, money control, swindles, in order to control the United States. And from all the things I've known, the United States has been [under that control], since Bill Clinton actually left office. He was being booted out already, and he gave up on Glass-Steagall. Just before he left office, he dumped Glass-Steagall, and that caused the great Wall Street boom. And then Britain, which has ruined the United States since that time.
But now we have a Congress that's recognized that Wall Street has to be dumped, and that means it has to be done. It has to be done now. And now we have four Senators, leading Senators, who have pushed the Glass-Steagall reform. Once you get the Glass-Steagall reform in place in the United States now, you're going to find a big, big change for the better. Now the change will be something like what Franklin Roosevelt meant when he became President. He made radical changes, but they were the right changes; proper, moral changes, in accord with our Constitution. All we need now, if we can prevent war from happening, is to retread the tracks of Franklin Roosevelt's election, and what he did in the first period of his term as President is the same principle of action which he represented throughout the entirety of his own Presidency. That's what you can count on.
Q: Hello, Mr. LaRouche; this is J—. My question is: Recently, the dreaded secret TPP—Trans-Pacific Partnership—was approved by the entire Congress of cowards and sycophants. These traitors in Congress cannot be persuaded by the citizens alone; we must pressure our local state and local reps to persuade the House of Representatives to impeach Obama—even though they are cowards. And both chambers to reinstate Glass-Steagall.
LaRouche: You can say the intention of doing Glass-Steagall now, is a pretty solid blow in motion. We have one Senator who signalled to the other three, "We've got to get the Glass-Steagall thing into motion now."
Now, the relevant action now; don't look at fixed positions. Always look at the process of change, and see which direction of change you want to go in and how well you can do it, if you want to do it.
Right now, if Obama were to be continued in office, then I'd say, because he's an agent of the British Empire, and the British Empire has a longstanding policy, to reduce the population of the planet Earth from seven billion people to less than one billion people. That's the intention; that's the intention which motivates Obama—that's what he is. Look at his health care policies; look at his practices. This man is, by instinct, a murderer. Look, he's an assassin! No President has a right to go out there and assassinate people, the way he did it. Maybe the target's a criminal, but you have to follow some discretion in terms of fair justice; and we don't have it. And you have also under the Cheney Administration, you had some of the same kinds of stuff.
Now, we've come to a point where the leading people, the smart people, the conscious-stricken people in the United States, and those with some knowledge and influence, have to come to the point of saying: "Wall Street? Forget it! Dump it!" Build a new organization based on the precedent of Glass-Steagall, which is what the Senate has done. That would eliminate already most of the economic evils; some of the things that we have from one candidate for President is also very useful. I know these things very well.
The time has come for certain changes to be made immediately, or relatively immediately; but also, what one has to change immediately is the attitude that most American citizens feel—a feeling of impotence. Now, feeling that you're impotent, is like getting cowardly in the period of battle. And what we need are people who are determined, but with decision and with competence to make presentations as the four Senators have done on the Glass-Steagall initiative. Now, what they've done, if carried through, will save the nation. And that's why I think you need to look at it that way. We have to march along the road which leads to victory; don't stand still, move, advance along the road to victory.
Speed:: While the next questioner is coming up, I just want to say that you reminded me, when you said that, Lyn, of Sylvia Lee; who had a spiritual she used to do—actually an anthem—called "March on, and you shall see the victory. March on, and you shall see the day."
LaRouche: Yes, yes, yes. That was delightful. She was a wonderful woman.
Obama's Extermination Agenda
Q: Good Afternoon, my name is C—. I have only two questions. They appear broad, but they really hit the spot of Wall Street's business. One question is what will the government's perspective be if Wall Street disappears, in term of these programs for the people in need, especially in the City of New York?
Because I like pro-activity, and sometimes, the government gets involved in too much rhetoric, too much talking, and no action. So I would like to know what they're going to do. Because Wall Street is going to fall of its own weight. You don't have to be a psychic. But I would like to know what the government is going to do?
The second question is, what is the International Monetary Fund going to do with Greece and Puerto Rico? Because they have to do something. This time it's not a question of analyzing, thinking about it, putting it off for tomorrow; they have to do something or otherwise, the United States is going to pay a big price for not being a leader, and being a follower of the British Empire.
LaRouche: Well, this problem is really on the edge of solution, because you do have right now an intention by the United States Senate, by the leaders of the Senate, and by the implicit intention of many other Americans,—the fact is, Wall Street is already broken down; it has reached a limit beyond which it cannot extend its expectations. The United States economy,—the extinction is likely, under those conditions.
But now the point is, that now that the Glass-Steagall resolution has been re-introduced into Congress, the reactions and effects of that mean that this is not a frozen situation. Yes, you're right in saying that these things have happened; you're right in saying that nothing much has been done about the injustice. Well, of course, that's true.
That has been the case of the Twentieth Century. Since the beginning of the Twentieth Century, and of the wars which occurred in the last decade of the Nineteenth Century, there's been a general trend of decadence and degeneration among nations both in Europe and the United States, and around the nations which surround the United States. This is true, no question about it. It seems like an impossible, permanent disease.
Well, I would say, that's not true. You've got two options right now. If the British Empire and Obama have their way, then the extinction of the human species is a possibility, on short notice, even this summer. Because what the British are doing now, is an intention of mass murder, of reducing the population of the United States and other nations from its present population to less than one. That's what the policy is; down to one billion people at most, is allowed.
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Among the early victims of the genocide policy being imposed in California are the farm workers, like the one shown here.
Food is going to be destroyed, according to them. Wall Street and the greenies are out to murder the people of the United States. How? Well, the Governor of California is determined to murder the citizens of the United States, by a green policy; which is the same thing as the British policy; which is the same place as the ancient Zeus policy. This is real evil. And unless you can fight that evil, are willing to fight the evil, and understand how to defeat it, we don't have any chance.
But I know we do have a chance. And some other people in other parts of the world know it, too. Actually the development of the BRICS motion, while some parts of Central America are not in good shape, has not been supported, this is largely the effect of Obama. I mean the real downturn, came with the entry of Obama into the Presidency!
If you look at what Bill Clinton tried to do on this thing, it's a clear indication. Here's a former President, looking backwards, even though he's been kicked around a little bit, and he recognized what the truth is about this man.
We now have come to a time where the trend of actions, direction of actions, is against the green policy, but against the British policy, against the mass-killing policy throughout Africa and the Middle East; and the nations like Russia, China, India, and somewhat smaller nations, some in South America, are all against this nonsense.
We are now where the United States' power, as an economic power, is out of control. Wall Street is bankrupt! That is clear. Wall Street right now is totally bankrupt. It's super-bankrupt! It's been stretched already into bankruptcy, many times over. Now, the prick has come to the balloon. Wall Street is finished. That's the good news!
And all the things you're talking about come to that thing. The point is, the question is not what has happened; the question is what can we make happen, and how do we do it? Well, the very fact that four Senators who are designated, for a Glass-Steagall policy and have adopted it; and Wall Street is bankrupt,—what are the leading bankers going to do, therefore? They're bankrupt! Their institutions, their trillions of dollars of assets, that they claim to have both in the United States and beyond, where it's got them to? It's gone! And the only thing is, we've got to do is to step up, take charge, and take the next step. They're finished!
Effective action by the leadership of the Senate is sufficient motive to bring those kinds of evil you referred to [to an end]: Get rid of them; correct the problem. The time has come to win, not to complain, but to win: The chance is now. We have to make it now. [applause]
Speed:: Let me point out, that there are 37 state legislators in New York that endorsed the Glass-Steagall reinstatement resolution that we circulated during the last session. There are three Congresspersons, including Charles Rangel, who have also done so.
And were this meeting—and of course Mr. LaRouche intends to continue this dialogue here in New York,—were this meeting to resolve that it is going to work in the way that it can, on behalf of this, I'm confident we can create a situation both in Manhattan, and more generally in New York State, where the prospects for the passage of Glass-Steagall become more likely because of what we do here.
I should just say that the New York director for the League of United Latin American Citizens introduced at the National Conference of LULAC, a resolution to reinstate Glass-Steagall. I don't know if that group has voted on that today or not, but the point is there's plenty that we can do. March on, and you will gain the victory. [The resolution carried.— ed.]
Greece Will Be Defended
Q. Hello, LaRouche? It's the first time here. I'm not very familiar with everything, but I'm getting more familiar. First off, I have many, many things that—Oh, my name is John; I'm Greek myself. And there are some things that confuse me.
First of all, I thought that IMF is a Western invention, the United States supported it, and BRICS is an antagonist, it's something opposite. And I'm not sure how Americans can get into BRICS and like BRICS. That's one thing that confuses me a little bit.
Another thing is that Tsipras, the Greek Prime Minister, is a traitor. He is against the Greek Constitution, and he signed the new memorandum where it stated that he cannot get money from other places. That happened yesterday, last night; very late at night.
It was one of the things that the IMF and the Europeans asked him to sign, and, of course, he did, because he was put into power by them, and Mr. Soros was funding his party in Greece. And so, whatever he said before the elections, now he did exactly the opposite.
Now, another thing is that the Greek Revolution was never completed. Once the Greeks got freed, after the American Revolution, was the Greek Revolution. So we had all these other people, all the Greek Presidents, were shipped from the United Sates to Greece, even Mr. Karamanlis, Mr. Papandreou; you know they were prepared here and they were sent there, even without real elections. Everything was against the Greeks. It was about other people and other nations.
And the last thing is, I heard you talking about Zeus. I want to tell you that the Olympic spirit, which Zeus represents, and the Greek spirit, which is the Olympic spirit, is the spirit which I think everybody at some point should start getting into, in order to be able to make a better humanity, and make a more beautiful world.
Anyway, these are some comments, questions, whatever. And I want to see how you feel about these things. It might sound really crazy or out of place, some of them, anyway, yes. Thank you.
LaRouche: Okay! Well, I would say the first thing we probably should take up, of the points you've just listed, is the question of Zeus. Because the death of Zeus was the beginning of the triumph of Greece. That's a good thing. And you find all over the symbols around Greece, it's loaded with this history. It shows up in various ways.
The fact that the Greeks were broken, it was a plan; it was an intention. Look, if you look at the map, and I gather since you're Greek-speaking, you know what the agenda is in terms of the map of Greece. And Greece represented a very important strategic point in the Mediterranean; that's how it was able to function. First of all, it's commerce; it's many other things. Even when parts of Greece degenerated, the tradition of Greece, which the Greeks themselves had lost at that point in a degeneration, but Nicholas of Cusa, and others, stepped in—Nicholas of Cusa personally, this great leader of Christianity, stepped in, and adopted the Greek tradition as a working device, for the development of the new system, the Renaissance, the great Renaissance.
The Greek port of Piraeus, a key commericial hub for the Maritime Silk Road.
And so, now we're in a point where everybody is, in tradition, in the tradition of Greece; for example, also because the temple was there, still, when Nicholas of Cusa went there. That is the tradition: That's the tradition of Christianity; it's the tradition of many other things, essentially.
Therefore, the Greeks will not be abandoned by the Creator; we can be assured of that. They have suffered, but on top of that, the Greeks, if we have anything to say about it, are not going to continue to suffer. Not only because we are a great, giving people—that's not the point; we need the Greeks! They're a factor which we need, their skills; and we want them to come back, into a position of strength. It's economic strength, social strength. They're a fighting people, anyway, and we're seeing that now: They're fighting very courageously. And some of us, including some people in Germany, believe it or not,—some big thieves in Germany don't like that, but I do, and others do.
Now Greece is being defended. The problem is, how do we negotiate the process of that defense? We try to deal with things at different levels. In other words, you've tried to chew down on the opposition position, which is largely the European system; the European system as it is now. The European system has been and remains, the source of the suffering of the Greek people; and the continuation of that suffering. So therefore, we have to look at it from that standpoint.
We have to get a victory, for Europe itself, as well as the United States, and that will not be a victory, unless Greece also has its rightful position. Because Greece is very much needed by us; if you just look at the map, the map of history, since Zeus was crushed. The death of Zeus was the best thing that ever happened for Greece. And that's the tradition; we have to fix it. And fixing it, is something I absolutely advocate; we're not going to shirk it, we're going to fix it.
The Hamilton Principle
Q: Good afternoon, everyone. I'm B— , I'm here from the U.S. Virgin Islands, St. Croix. We're here in New York, and you may not be aware that there was a terrible murder today committed. It affected the United States. Now, fortunately, it happened 211 years ago: Alexander Hamilton was shot today. So I just wanted to report that local news to you.
But, on a larger issue, I agree with some of the things you say, but certainly not all. I spent many years in office when I was in my thirties; I was a mayor of a city of 100,000 here in the U.S., though I've lived in the Virgin Islands now for many, many, many decades, for most of my adult life. And I can say something: The United States Virgin Islands has double the personal debt of Puerto Rico, which has double the personal debt of Greece.
But here's my question, too: In my experience, and I'm politically involved in the islands, the demand for debt comes from below, not above. The demand for debt comes from government [inaud]ible unions, people working for the government, people demanding that the government spend money often on themselves. Now, there's obviously some legitimacy in that, but when you're not building roads, and you're not building bridges, and you're not using the money for those hard things—you know, I'm an architect, so I think in those terms—but when you're not using the money for those long-term things, the debt becomes a very difficult and dangerous proposition for many countries and little territories, like the Virgin Islands.
How do you feel about the demand for government spending coming from below, not from above?
LaRouche: Let's say very simply, you just have to follow the principles of Alexander Hamilton. That's the short answer. And if you know the real history of his role, while he lived. And including the fact that some of the leading colonies which brought together his enemies, and that they were evil people, that certain Presidents of the United States who were successors to Alexander Hamilton's role; the people who assassinated him, and the people who hated him, apart from those who assassinated him, directly, the problem has been treason in the United States, performed largely as treason by the Southern states of the United States. The ones that lived on racism, that's what the problem is.
![]() EIRNS/Stuart Lewis
Alexander Hamilton’s statue in Manhattan.
What happens is, in these island areas you referred to, what's the effort? It's the same thing. It doesn't have a black skin, it has a brown skin, or a light skin; same thing. It's a category of people, who have, since the Roman Empire—the Roman Empire!—have made practices, and mass-murderous practices, and the Roman Empire was purely evil, like the British Empire today, which is purely evil. Now that doesn't mean that every Briton is evil, but it means the British oligarchy is! Every oligarch, very, very evil! It's the most evil thing on the planet! And Obama works for it.
That's the question! How do you get rid of Obama, in time to save civilization? How do you get rid of Wall Street, in time to save civilization and the people of the United States? How do you eliminate the racist characters, which still permeate the Southern states of the United States? What do you say about the fact that Florida has the highest rate of homicide of any state in the nation? These are the realities, not "facts" as such, treated in abstract, but the process of history. What are the forces which deal with the process of history? Motion! Not fixed things, not complaints about fixed problems. How do you change things, move them, so that the things that should have been removed, are removed?
Remember, the third President of the United States, was a raving idiot! a murderous idiot! Who hated Alexander Hamilton and who did much to destroy the first Presidencies of the United States; who was behind the assassination of Alexander Hamilton, and so forth and so on? These are the issues. The issue lies not in the event, but in the history of the process of the event. And that's something I've learned very richly, through most of my life, and remember, I'm a 90-year-old observer.
Obama Must Be Removed
Q: Peace, Brother LaRouche. My name is C—, I'm from Brooklyn. I'm on a little different subject, but it's still the same crisis. Have you heard about Jade Helm 15? A military exercise that will be held in 9 to 15 states in the U.S.A. between July 15 and September 15th, Florida and New York are included.
What concerns me is that due to the fact that it's the military—in New York they say it's the police and the National Guard; but due to the fact that it's the military, false flags can go, and martial law can be called any time this summer.
LaRouche: Yeah. True. That's a fact. I understand the fact in terms that I've warned, as I said—and I've been following this and I'm an expert in it—that Obama has been long intending, because he's a British agent; that's how he got to be President; the process is known. And you know the first successful election that he had for President, was based on a British orders, British backing. It's the British Kingdom, the British monarchy who put Obama into power.
Now, they left some skunks there beforehand, Cheney: Cheney's one of the nastiest, most evil persons I know of in the United States. He still is. And Obama is the same thing. He's a stooge. He's not the top man, but he has a top man in the case of the British monarchy, which will kick him around and make sure he does what the Queen wants. That's the way he functions. That's how he got to be President of the United States: It was the British Empire, and I know the facts of the matter, who put him in power. So he should never have been in power. He should be removed.
So what's happening now? Obama is the agent, under British direction, the British Queen's direction, to launch a general thermonuclear war, throughout much of the planet, and the danger is coming up now, in these months. I don't know what date it will occur in, but I know we better get him out of there, fast, and get the Congress to do something about throwing him out of office. It's an impeachment. We've done that before. This man must be impeached, because the powers that the British Empire expresses through him, as their agent, is the greatest threat to humanity and to the United States itself.
So therefore, this guy should be removed. Now, the pressures that are happening now may cause his removal anyway. But the danger is,— and I know this man very well—this agent Obama, I know him very, very well; it doesn't take much to know him, once you understand what the rules of the game are. But this man is evil, purely evil. But he's only an agent of the British Queen. And the policy of the British Queen, is—and has been before—to reduce the human population of the planet Earth, to less than 1 billion people, now! Not in the distant future, now! Immediately!
And they've taken over a Pope; the current Pope is a supporter of the genocide policy of the British Queen. All right, fine: That's the evil that's going on. That's the problem!
But the answer lies, not in a fixed state of affairs. The problem lies in the motion: who is creating the motion that leads in the necessary direction? And I'm confident that I'm supporting that motion. But I'm also celebrating, with some pleasure, the fact that there's some members of our government who understand that something has to be done about all this stuff, right now; including those military officers in the United States service, still, who recognize that we're threatened by the United States being pushed, by Obama, by President Barack Obama, into a war, which would exterminate almost everybody. So we'll have to do something about that: Get him out of office, quick.
The Role of Experienced Teachers
Q: Good afternoon, Mr. LaRouche. This is J—. I'm from Brooklyn, New York. I wanted to talk a little about Glass-Steagall and I know we've gone over this a lot. But as a delegate to the United Federation of Teachers, myself and other colleagues got through a resolution, got a resolution passed through the UFT and the AFT, to support Glass-Steagall. It took a lot. Now, we're at a stage where I have written a letter to the delegates; I have to kind of tweak that letter and rewrite it, do some things and present it to those delegates. There are over 200 organizations like the UFT; other unions and other organizations, community organizations, that many of us belong to.
Now, my question is, how can we use the prior work that we've done, the things that we've set up already, to get a breakthrough right now?
LaRouche: Okay! I think there are some other things we have to do that're supplementary to that to make it work. In other words, the idea itself is excellent; the question is, how do we make it work. We have to take up several things: First of all, the fact that Glass-Steagall is being pushed, again, seriously from the Senate. We don't know how durable that motion by the four Senators is, and other people involved as well; but we know that it is a motion which is credible; it's a real action for emergency, relatively immediate action, by the government of the United States, by the Senate of the United States, which is a primary administration of the United States. So that's there.
We also know that the problem has been, and this is a deeper question; I think what you said so far in your remarks, is perfect—I agree with this, there's no difference whatsoever in the urgency of this motion and the accomplishment of steps in that direction are absolutely indispensable.
For example, let's take the case of the New York teachers union: New York teachers union, the senior members of the New York teachers union, live in a domain which is far above the level of education allowed in New York City, even New York City, in recent times. The reason we have great teachers, who are left in the school systems, is because they're old enough to have survived the practice of teaching, and were shrewd enough to know how to defend the principle of teaching, even under very difficult circumstances; just like some trade unionists and so forth were very serious, and devoted, like some of the leading trade unionists are devoted to science. But they only are encumbered by blocks, and things like that. The same thing here.
The question is, what's the issue? What makes the difference? Well, the problem is again, that since the beginning of the Twentieth Century; this actually began, really in the 1890s; in the Twentieth Century, there was the beginning of general warfare. This coincided essentially with Bismarck's departure from office, because he'd been a great leader. He was the one who created the whole German economic machine-tool industry development. And so that was removed.
That led into a war, a great war. And that great war, which is the Twentieth Century war, long-term, now goes into this century, the new century; and what you see in the schools, as you teachers know, whether you were too young to be born or not, from the period of 1890s to the present time, is a steady degeneration in the teaching, the education of the minds of students, at all levels of educational development.
And this degeneration, for example, at the end of Franklin Roosevelt's life, BOOM! A degeneration, a whole degeneration; which we got some bounce-back from, from a couple of good Presidents, but we then went down again, with the wars fought against the United States, that is, the interests of the United States. We degenerated, again, and again, and again.
![]() National Institutes of Health
Scientific work like that of this medical laboratory scientist is under threat, due to the degeneration of education in the United States.
Now, look at the educational process and experienced teachers, whether they were as old as I am, or older, or not, know something about this: The process of education, as defined by public institutions of education, even including universities' practices, has been degenerating. And together with that, we have the degeneration of the quality of labor, a degeneration which activated and associated with, the degeneration of the standard of living, of the quality of skills of the development of the mental powers of the individual, all of this degeneration.
So that therefore, from your nexus, and your age group, of where you have been in New York area, a leading teacher among leading teachers in New York, senior teachers but still living, find out that you're living under New York City which is fairly good in general ways, in education; you see that in the population of the New York City, the families in New York City, which maintain a standard of culture which is high relative to the nation as a whole. But the problem is that the prospect of the coming generation of young people, children and young people, and even middle age people, are actually driven down, in their efficiency and ability to sustain progress in humanity's existence: That's the fight.
And that is the best way to look at this thing. Because look, we all die. We all die, and will die, or otherwise. So what is the meaning of life, even for a teacher, as a teacher? What's the meaning of life? It's the meaning of what mankind, that now lives, has the ability and willingness, to make discoveries in nature, physical science, and in the general improvement of the preconditions of a better life; the idea that mankind as a continued existence, has a purpose, whereas no animal species as such, has such a purpose, such an immortal purpose. Only mankind has the possibility of that achievement of immortal purpose. That's the most precious thing on the planet.
And the educational process, as in the state of New York school system at its peak, is an example of that—go better, go higher, go better! Look, right now, one of the big issues that I'm dealing with, my associates, for example, is not Glass-Steagall: It's the galactic process. The fact, for example, that the water supply, of life on Earth, is largely dependent upon the superior supply, of water by the Galaxy. Now, what we're doing now in modern science, of people who are intelligent about modern science, we're working on the question of how the Galactic System, in which the Earth system is enclosed, how this system changes the options which man achieves, through man's discovery in the nature of scientific discoveries' progress. And that's what the issue is.
The issue is to recognize, we are not copycats. One baby and adult, and another baby—it's not the same thing. Human beings are not properly copycats. The human species is properly destined to achieve things that earlier generations of humanity have never achieved! And these were not just rewards, these were achievements of mankind. Mankind becomes a more powerful influence in the universe, within the Galaxy now. And the idea of breeding children, and breeding people, is progress in the power of mankind to achieve a destined future higher order of existence, for reasons and purposes, which we now begin or can begin, to understand of the true nature of mankind.
Mankind is an immortal species, as no animal species otherwise can be!
Hamilton Against Slavery
Speed:: All right. I wanted to say something before you give a summary, and I just do this partially because, as was said by the previous questioner, this is a day of infamy; but at the same time, there's an Alexander Hamilton that people should know about.
The project that Alexander Hamilton created as a secret project with John Jay, and with his friend, Col. John Laurens who was the son of the head of the Continental Congress, and I will read you what that project was, this by way of asking a question for someone in the audience, who isn't coming to the podium, but was asking about South Carolina.
So this is Alexander Hamilton to John Jay; this is Alexander Hamilton, 1779, at the age of 24. And he says this: [as written]
Col Laurens, who will have the honor of delivering you this letter, is on his way to South Carolina, on a project, which I think, in the present situation of affairs there, is a very good one and deserves every kind of support and encouragement. This is to raise two three or four batalions [sic] of [slaves]; with the assistance of the government of that state [South Carolina], by contributions from the [slave] owners in proportion to the number they possess. If you should think proper to enter upon the subject with him, he will give you a detail of his plan. He wishes to have it recommended by Congress to the state [of South Carolina]; and, as an inducement, that they would engage to take those batalions into Continental pay.
It appears to me, that an expedient of this kind, in the present state of Southern affairs, is the most rational, that can be adopted, and promises very important advantages. Indeed, I hardly see how a sufficient force can be collected in that quarter without it....
I foresee that this project will have to combat much opposition from prejudice and self-interest. The contempt we have been taught to entertain for the blacks, makes us fancy many things that are founded neither in reason nor experience; and an unwillingness to part with property of so valuable a kind will furnish a thousand arguments to show the impracticability or pernicious tendency of a scheme which requires such a [financial] sacrifice. But it should be considered, that if we do not make use of them in this way, the enemy probably will; and that the best way to counteract the temptations ... will be to offer them ourselves. An essential part of the plan is to give them their freedom with their muskets. This will secure their fidelity, animate their courage, and I believe will have a good influence upon those who remain, by opening a door to their emancipation.... [emphasis added by Speed]
So, 235 years ago, Alexander Hamilton, John Laurens, and John Jay were involved in a conspiracy to equip slaves with weapons, and emancipate them. This is important, because we have argued, and Mr. LaRouche in particular has argued, that the Alexander Hamilton that he knows, which may not be the Alexander Hamilton that you know, is the moral template for us in Manhattan and us in New York to understand and to emulate; not merely because of his work on economics, but because of this, this moral position and opposition to slavery.
And so I just wanted to say that, Lyn, because as you probably know, yesterday, in South Carolina, the Confederate flag was lowered to great cheering among thousands of people who were there; this being done directly in response to the killings that had occurred, and the fact that the family members, when they confronted the killer, said to the killer that they forgave him. And this created such shame, and such a sense of elevation on a certain level, that that Confederate flag no longer flies in South Carolina. [applause]
So I wanted to segue to you and your summary to us as to what we need to do, any other remarks you'd like to give us, as we close out this portion of our dialogue.
LaRouche: Well, the unfortunate part about that story, which is a true story, is the fact of a leading figure [Thomas Jefferson] who was an opponent of this policy, who was a leading opponent of the whole thing, of the mission. And when Hamilton was assassinated, then that man who was the slave-owner, from the state of Virginia, created what became the evil of the Southern states, the murderous evil of the Southern states. That's what the issue was.
There is no honor in that stuff. Yeah, people were trying have the slaves become freed, with ammunition and weapons to boot; that was not an idle talk. That's what Alexander Hamilton intended. Alexander Hamilton was the longstanding enemy of Thomas Jefferson, who was the third President of the United States. And the Presidents which immediately followed him, were also stooges of that nature.
And then finally there was another President [John Quincy Adams] who came in. He created the 48 states of the United States in his one term, and then he was kicked out of office, by a Southern evil character [Andrew Jackson], a madman, a complete degenerate of every degree! An Indian killer! All kinds of cruel things: And he was the President for two terms, followed by his successors and their successors. And most of the Presidents of the United States after that thing, up until Lincoln, were evil! There were a couple of good ones, or decent ones shown.
And you had Abraham Lincoln, and you had a great general [Grant], who set up two terms as President of the United States; and we had another President [McKinley] who was a genius—and he, too, was assassinated, to bring to two terms of a bastard [Teddy Roosevelt] into place.
And most of the Presidents were evil. Most of the history of the United States, most of the Presidents were more or less evil. There were some significant exceptions; I served, briefly, under one of those Presidents, Reagan. And we ran a great operation together for several years on his ticket.
But most of this has been—the Bushes. Once the Bush family got into the business of the Presidency, the Bushes are nothing! Prescott Bush was an evil man, a purely evil man! He practically invented Nazism; and the Bush family has maintained that tradition,—except most of the Bushes who were his successors turned out to be stupid. And therefore, they are nasty, and dangerous, but they're not intelligent. Cheney is probably a real evil bastard, who would fit that requirement; but he didn't get to be the President. Obama is evil, and he is President. We've got to fix that.
Speed:: Okay, do you have anything else?
LaRouche: If there's anything they want to hear, yes; I'm full of things I'd like to say, but I think I don't occupy an indefinite amount of space! I'm still going to be alive—I think so, unless somebody kills me. I have a certain degree of relative longevity, and I intend to make the most of it.
Speed:: So, I want everybody to join me in thanking Lyn, and he'll be here with us again next week. [applause]
LaRouche: Absolutely!