LaRouche Replies to Questions
from a Russian Journalist
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Below are Lyndon H. LaRouche's replies to questions posed by a Russian journalist on Sept. 20, regarding four subject areas.
Question 1: Europe faces a huge refugee crisis nowadays. To what extent can it harm the EU economy? Is the integration of the European Union now under a real threat?
LaRouche: The prospective subject of a "huge refugees crisis" is not actually a presently required consideration. It nonetheless represents a matter of presently deadly risks on nothing less than a global scale: a presently still profound risk which must be soon defeated. In essential principle, it would be defeated, were the present United States of America freed from the legacy of the presently traditional British Empire's admittedly still menacing grip on the United States of America.
There have been a crucially important minority of useful leaders of the United States of America, despite the relatively greater extent of wretches who have actually occupied that office. Admittedly, the present risk remains truly great; but, there is no present alternative, excepting the presently hopeful options for a now prevailing great peace.
Question 2: Europe bears the losses because of its sanction policy against Russia. Do you think the EU should revise this policy, taking into account the situation with refugees?
LaRouche: Recently, there have been two notable changes in certain European sectors, which have been, most notably the converging efforts, in effect, between Germany and leading elements within the bounds of Eurasia, and, implicitly, others. The presently strenuous conditions affecting the economies of Russia and its relevant neighbors can, and must be efficiently addressed, however difficult during the relatively short term.
Question 3: Speaking of the ruble's weakening, what do you think are the roots of it? Does the West want to weaken the Russian economy by imposing new sanctions?
LaRouche: Of course, there is a plentiful supply of those wishing to "weaken the Russian economy." Soon, the trans-Atlantic economic breakdown crisis will be pushed into a sundry set of general breakdown economic crises of their own. Wall Street, now, for example.
Question 4: How do you think the Russian economy can cope with this crisis and avoid a negative impact from Western policy towards Russia?
LaRouche: For the case of the United States, in particular, the United Nations, considered as a whole, during the term of the present weeks, now presents the generality of the trans-Atlantic, Eurasian and related regions. I explain.
The general conditions of the regions throughout the nations of our planet, and, now, implicitly beyond, are already, presently, bringing about the generally systemic, immediate collapse of what has been long the systemic crisis of the origins of the economies of both the British Empire and its roots. The range of that particular region of World History, since the crushing of the principal political powers of the Renaissance, is now menaced by the emergence of a new Renaissance, a Renaissance which rejects all that the British Empire and its lackeys represent. The world at large is presently located within the verge of the end of the existence of the legacy of the British Empire and its particular roots.
On this account, in particular, everything which has been a sort of victim of the British Empire, is presently doomed to oblivion. This includes, in particular, the expressions of the British system's legacy, that same legacy which was resurrected afresh by evil Bertrand Russell's system of world economy. That legacy which has been continued under the systemic influence of the so-called Twentieth Century system, has now reached a condition of a general, global demise of the presently doomed order of "money system" premised upon products of the British Empire and its roots.
What The Monetary System Actually Means
Simply, for example: The U.S. "Wall Street" system, and its likenesses, are now in the actual termination of any of their continued qualities of existence. I mean the very principle of "monetary systems, as such." What must replace that system, and all its ordinary licences, is the creative powers associated with the principle of the rising power of efficiently practiced human creativity.
Take, for example, the scientific principles coincident with Johannes Kepler's discovery of the notion of a Solar System, or the greater instrument, the galactic system.