Greetings from Lyndon LaRouche
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Dec. 21—This message from Lyndon LaRouche was presented today to the conference at Dubna, Russia.
The world has never been in such a peril as it is at the present time, when the combination of the pending disintegration of the trans-Atlantic financial system and the related danger of a geopolitically motivated thermonuclear extinction is putting the future of mankind into jeopardy.
In these times it is the special task and responsibility of science to provide the human race with a perspective for a sustainable existence as a galactic species, as the only species known in the universe so far, whose creativity can again and again break through the boundaries of existing knowledge, reaching deeper and deeper into the inner lawfulness of the physical universe, of which human creativity is the most advanced expression.
If this world is to be saved—and it must and it will—it is the living tradition of such great minds as Vladimir Vernadsky and Pobisk Kuznetsov, which will show the pathway. We must encourage young scientists from the entire world, to come forward with new creative ideas to define the next epoch of civilization, an epoch of creativity per se, as the only condition, worthy of the dignity of man. I wish your conference all possible success and remain yours,
Lyndon LaRouche
18 December 2015