‘To Give the People Spirit’
[PDF version of this statement]
We’ve come to the point in history where we need new openings to the advising of man, in order to escape the kinds of threats which are taking over mankind or many parts of mankind, today.
We have to also, at the same time, realize that there has been a great demoralization among the people of nations, and that we have to be sensitive to what those problems are and to what the solutions are, for those purposes. I am actually disposed, to recognize what this problem is, and therefore, I will plead among people to recognize their option and ability and responsibility to create a new assembly of various parties, throughout the nations of the Earth.
And we should hope that we should come to an early agreement on the kinds of efforts which we should rely upon in order to inspire people in other parts of the planet, as well as our own, in order to give the people spirit, self-injected spirit, which will inspire them to actually lead the process of a victory for this cause.
EIRNS/Stuart Lewis
Lyndon LaRouche in dialogue with conference participants during Panel II.