This article appears in the March 8, 2019 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
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The Woman on Mars
Jason Ross: I’d like to begin the panel with some words from Lyndon LaRouche, who in 1988 produced a nationally televised campaign broadcast called “The Woman on Mars.” Let’s see the beginning of the video.
Male: Am I speaking to Dr. Gomez?
Female: Yes, John. I have the announcement you’ve been waiting for. As of five minutes ago, our environmental systems have been fully stabilized. Man’s first permanent colony on Mars is now fully operational.
Lyndon LaRouche: Many of you are shocked. Some of you are saying, “Why is this old geezer talking about a permanent colony on Mars, 39 years from now, with the major budget problems in Washington today?”
In a nationwide television broadcast a few weeks ago, I told you, that on my first day as President, I shall declare a national economic emergency, and launch the largest economic recovery program in our history. During each of the first two years of my administration, about $2 trillion in low-cost federal loans will be invested in building up our nation’s presently rotting industrial infrastructure, plus building up about 5 million new industrial jobs, during the first three or four years of my administration.
Looking back to the experience of the 1940-1943 period under President Franklin Roosevelt, we know that the recovery will creak at the beginning, but will build up speed over the first two years, so that about the third year, the United States will have the highest per-capita income in our history. There are no mysterious tricks involved. It is all basic economics, modelled upon our successful economic recoveries under Franklin Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy.
However, to keep that recovery going, beyond the first three to four years, and to make our economy, once again, the most competitive on Earth, we must invest in creating new technologies to do that. We must pick up where we left off with the old Apollo program, back during the 1960s.
President John F. Kennedy: We choose to go to the Moon in this decade, and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard! Because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we’re willing to accept, one we aren’t willing to postpone, and one we intend to win, and the others, too.
[sound of rocket launch]
NASA Mission Control: Lift-off, we have a lift-off, 32 minutes past the hour. Lift-off on Apollo 11. Tower cleared. Neil Armstrong reporting the roll and pitch program which puts Apollo 11 on a proper heading.
LaRouche: The old aerospace program of the 1960s has paid us back more than 10 cents for every penny we invested in it. This Mars program will pay us back much more, not 40 years from now, but each year, over the 50 years or more to come.
This project’s spinoffs, in the form of new products and new technologies into our civilian economy, mean that, by the year 2027 A.D., the average person in the United States will have a real income at least ten times that of today. [applause]