This article appears in the February 25, 2022 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. (1922-2019)
Video Excerpts
You Have Nothing to Fear as Much as Denial Itself
[Print version of this article]
So, what do you live for? Do you live like an animal, to go out with a whimper? Or do you live like a human being, knowing that you are doing something, you are developing in yourself, something which will be transmitted to future generations, to make humanity better in the future? You no longer are a little person living in a little neighborhood, with a little mind, with little ambitions and little interests; you’ve suddenly become a very big person, because you have the minds of some of the greatest people in history before you, live in you! And your replication of exactly their act of discovery.
You do things with pride! They’ll say, “He was right! This was a great discovery. We’ve got to use it for mankind’s benefit.” You say, “I’ve got to do something to make the future better, for those who come after us. Then, I can die with a smile on my face. Because I’ve lived well. I’ve lived at peace with the greatest people of the past. Or, at least, some of them. And I can live at peace, with joy, in the people in the future. I will live forever, in this process.”
That’s what it is to be human.
And when you think like that, and look at other people like that, you don’t have a problem. You may have problems, but that’s fun! Because, if problems force you to attack and solve problems, whether as an individual, or in concert with others, that is fun!
History Doesn’t Work That Way: Crisis, Not Incidents
On the 12th of August—a Saturday—a major Russian vessel, a submarine, the Kursk, was sunk in the Barents Sea. Some hours later, the location of the sunken submarine was located, and, in the following hours, the President of Russia, President Vladimir Putin, telephoned the President of the United States, Bill Clinton. They met, by phone; there were discussions with their respective military groups, advisers on both sides. The two Presidents discussed. And, thermonuclear World War III was avoided.
That’s the fact of the matter, the essential fact.
Now, this situation, which still continues. It continued, an escalating threat of thermonuclear and other war, now spreading about the planet—is a condition which I addressed a little more than 11 months ago [in the film, Storm Over Asia, released on November 27, 1999, in which Mr. LaRouche said then:]
What you’re seeing is a war in the North Caucasus region of southern Russia. What you’re also seeing, is a war which has broken out simultaneously in the border between Pakistan and India. The forces behind these attacks on Russia and on India, are the same. They are a mercenary force which was first set into motion by policies adopted at a Trilateral Commission meeting in Kyoto, Japan in 1975: policies originally of [Zbigniew] Brzezinski and his number-two man there, Samuel P. Huntington; the policies which were continued by then-Trilateral Commission member, that is, back in 1975: George Bush, before he became Vice President.
These were policies which were continued by George Bush as Vice President. Under Bush, this became known as the “Iran-Contra” drug-financed link operations of mercenaries deployed with private funding all over the world, recruited from Islamic and other countries, and targetting Russia’s flank.
But, in that film, I did not, of course, indicate the sinking of the Kursk. Though I did indicate [that the type of] crisis associated with the sinking of the Kursk, which, if Bush had been President, or George W. Bush had been President, would probably have led immediately to World War III. So, obviously, you don’t want George Bush for President at this time, under those conditions.
What I forecast was a condition which already existed, a condition, which, in the later part of the film, I indicated would continue, has continued, would worsen, had worsened, and we are still headed toward some kind of catastrophe, which could be thermonuclear World War III, or something equally bad. And there are things which are equally bad.
The point is, that what has happened now, was the inevitable consequence of policies to which I referred then, policies which have a deep root in U.S. foreign policy from the 1970s. These were the policies of the Carter Administration. These were the Bush policies of the Reagan Administration, as far as Bush was running part of the show then. These were the policies of the Bush Administration.
These have been the policies of the United States government, under the Clinton and Gore Administration—continued. Clinton may have objected to this. Clinton may have acted, recently, to prevent this from becoming an aggravated crisis, in conjunction with President Vladimir Putin. But, Clinton has done nothing to lessen the danger of this global warfare.
If Gore were to become President, or Bush, war or similar kinds of global catastrophe would be inevitable.
That’s the problem we face. Because the policy-structure, which is in place in the United States and generally in the world today, ensures a drive of civilization toward a collapse, worse on a global scale than the New Dark Age which struck Europe during the middle of the 14th Century.
Now, contrary to some people, you don’t bet on wars. You don’t go to your bookie, and say, “I want to make a bet on whether war breaks out or not.”
War is not an event. A condition like the sinking of the Kursk, is not an isolated event. This was not an incident. There was not a “Kursk incident,” that provoked a crisis. There was a crisis in which the sinking of the Kursk occurred. A strategic crisis. There was a response to the crisis. There was a response by two Presidents—that of Russia and the United States—to the accentuation of the crisis associated with the sinking of the Kursk. But, do not speak of a “Kursk incident.” History doesn’t work that way.