This article appears in the April 29, 2022 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
[Print version of this article]
March 6, 2014
Eurasian Economic Development Is the Real Target

Editor’s Note: The Schiller Institute issued this report as a press release on March 6, 2014.
April 22, 2022—A five-minute segment featuring Lyndon LaRouche was aired on Russian state TV’s Rossiya-24 prime-time Vesti news program, titled “Lyndon LaRouche: USA Relies on Nazis in Ukraine,” on March 6, 2014. Correspondent Yevgeni Popov reviewed the extent of Western support for outright fascists in Ukraine, anchoring his report on an interview with LaRouche. The Vesti interview was illustrated with that week’s news clips from Ukraine, including Barack Obama’s representative Victoria Nuland at the Maidan and the attacks by Right Sector guerrillas on the police. That evening news program regularly had an audience in the millions.
EIR is reprinting the translation of that news feature to help our readers gain some needed historical depth on what is unfolding today, and to understand the crucial role played by Mr. LaRouche internationally in rallying forces committed to the common good of mankind. Ellipses indicate parts of the original, English-language interview skipped in the Russian translation; phrases in square brackets were added in the Russian-language voiceover of the interview.
Anchorwoman: It is obvious that the coup in Kyiv could not have happened without direct support from the West. Prominent EU and U.S. politicians openly visited the Maidan and supported the mob’s intention to overthrow the democratically elected government. On the eve of the Vilnius summit of Nov. 29, 2013, Speaker of the Lithuanian Parliament Loreta Graužinienė did so, on an unapproved visit to Kyiv during which she spoke from the Maidan stage. The EU’s High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy, Catherine Ashton, showed up at the Maidan, as did former Polish Prime Minister Jarosław Kaczyński. The most memorable visit, however, was that of U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, who handed out pastries and cookies to the crowd. At a closed White House briefing, Nuland acknowledged that the USA had spent over $5 billion to support the Ukrainian coup.
Yevgeni Popov heard about the West’s role in an interview with American political elder Lyndon LaRouche.
Popov: Those who decided [President Viktor] Yanukovych’s fate and forced him to flee the capital do not have Ukrainian surnames. After all, it was Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk who made it public that the President had agreed to early elections. His representative, Foreign Minister [Radosław] Sikorski, was at the Presidential offices on Bankovskaya Street at the time, with [German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter] Steinmeier and [French Foreign Minister Laurent] Fabius. The foreign ministers of Poland, Germany, and France did their job: They convinced Yanukovych to sign the agreement, which the opposition also signed, and then immediately forgot. And it seemed that the Maidan had won its own victory in Kyiv.
Lyndon LaRouche, now 91 years old, is an American idealist, whom even J. Edgar Hoover and [Henry] Kissinger tried to work over, back in the day. LaRouche, who has been following the Maidan since December, notes that the puppet-masters were not on the scene at the decisive moment. The State Department’s Nuland handed out cookies early on, while Senators [John] McCain and [Chris] Murphy snapped their iPhone photos also before the main events.
LaRouche compares the Maidan with a component of a construction set that collapsed after Syria, and now the U.S.A. is trying to put it back together. But Ukraine is only an intermediate goal.
LaRouche: The point is that Ukraine is an area [which the West is using] to try to break Russia. If they don’t get the break [by diplomatic means], they go [further].
Popov: The task is not a new one and the methods are not original. Beginning in the mid-1940s, LaRouche recalls, after the war, the U.S.A. rescued and recruited Nazi criminals and their henchmen, in order essentially to send them back to the same front.
LaRouche: Ukraine is only really a strategic point of concern. It is not a Ukraine crisis. Ukraine has ... a Nazi organization which is still a very active Nazi organization, ... [ever since] the Ukrainian part of the Hitler organization, which specialized in killing Poles and Jews.
Popov: Thus, the American emissaries prefer not to mention the rampages of the Right Sector in Kyiv. Or that 100 people were killed, at a comfortable distance from Washington. As for policemen in flames from Molotov cocktails—that, of course, was a “provocation.” After all, the Kyiv protests were “peaceful.” But the Western strategists didn’t anticipate an uprising against the Maidan in the southeast and Crimea. In 2004, they had done all right there, too.
LaRouche: Crimea is a vulnerability for Russia. If you take the whole area of the southern Ukraine region, and the area of the Black Sea, there, and you go into Crimea, you are at the core of the vulnerability of Russia, geopolitical problems for Russia. Russia’s effective military defense is vulnerable, in the belly of Russia! It is not really the issue. The issue is to destroy, defeat Eurasia.
Popov: LaRouche doesn’t want to hear about “common European interests” in Ukraine. In the post-industrial philosophy, Britain and the U.S.A. have the deciding say.
LaRouche: Western Europe is dead! There is no sovereignty in Western Europe! The only thing that gives any sign of life is Germany, ... which really is worried about trying to get a peace agreement.
Popov: Things are more complex in the East. The threat of sanctions against Russia, he finds amusing. He recalls how he himself suffered for his convictions. In 1989 LaRouche was sentenced to 15 years in prison on false charges of fraud. Later, former Attorney General [Ramsey] Clark called the case against the politician “a gross abuse of power by the U.S. government.” Sanctions against Russia won’t get anywhere, LaRouche believes.
LaRouche: Russia has strong allies, like China and India, ... [with a strong economy and] a very capable military capability. That is a powerful region, collectively. And that’s what they’re trying to attack and destroy. Russia is the point they picked on, to try to crack the whole system.
Popov: Russia’s reaction and pushback, which the West didn’t anticipate, doesn’t mean that Washington is prepared to retreat, LaRouche warns.
The conflict has entered an entirely new phrase. There is the fateful referendum in Crimea, and also reports of foreign mercenaries, already sighted in Donetsk and Kyiv.