This article appears in the October 14, 2022 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
June 9, 2015
Again, the Case of Germany’s Role
[Print version of this article]
Editor’s Note: This article first appeared in EIR Vol. 42, No. 25, June 19, 2015, pp 4-9.
EIR Founding Editor Lyndon LaRouche gave the following analysis at a strategy discussion June 9, after German Chancellor Angela Merkel had agreed to Obama’s policy of excluding Russia from the G7 Summit.
Let’s start with a very significant issue; again which pertains to the German situation. It pertains to the argument that I presented as part of our team on Monday; that the three senior members of the German team [former Chancellors Helmut Schmidt and Gerhard Schröder, and current Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier—ed.], who are partly technically in retreat, but are actually quite active. German policy works that way.

But the issue is simple; there’s only one nation in Western Europe which has any actual, efficient integrity in economy, and that is Germany. The German economy is still an efficient economy in structure; it has a certain amount of garbage accumulated from the so-called left wing—the wild wing, or whatever. But you have three active leaders in the German organization; two of whom are technically retired (but that doesn’t mean much), and one who is the active leader. And so what they’ve done is, they’ve laid out a policy which is a challenge to Merkel; a direct challenge to her. Which would mean that Germany would tell Merkel, “Stop the shit! And you are not going to have Germany excluding Russia, because Russia is a part of Europe; the Russian economy is a part of Europe, it’s a very good part of Europe. It’s one of the strongest parts of Europe.”
One of the strongest forces of Europe is the German economy. Although the German economy has been suffering the effects of other things along the line; and therefore, the pressure on them has been increasing. And this increase threatens to destroy the functional integrity of the German economy.
The French economy is very poor; the Italian economy is more or less shattered. Spain and Portugal are almost nonexistent in terms of being nations as such; even though the Spanish used to have a great railway system, relatively speaking, but there’s not much left of anything else there.
So, the point is this: Germany cannot continue to accept the rate of collapse of the actually efficient part of the German economy. Because otherwise, Germany would become as rotten as most of Western Europe is. This includes France and Italy and so forth; they are not competent systems. They’ve been broken down before then, and how this breakdown occurred is a matter of history, so we don’t need to go through it here. But that’s the fact. Germany is the only nation in Europe, outside of Russia, which has any real integrity as a functional economy.
Merkel the Problem
The others? Take the case of our own United States.
What do we produce in our own United States in terms of economy? Less than bullshit. The skills of our people have been driven to a level, where they are practically non-functional. If they had any functional potentials, they’re denied the use of them. And there are very few exceptions to that; and it’s only a sprinkling of exceptions of specialists, like certain machinists’ institutions and things like that, which are significant. But they’re highly withdrawn; they’re contracted, because the U.S. economy is disintegrating and has been disintegrating at an accelerating rate.
So therefore, Germany is the only economy in this particular sector, in terms of the northern quarters, the only one that has actual integrity as an economy. France does not; Spain has lost it a long time ago. We don’t even talk about some other places; they’re gone.
And so therefore, the issue is rather complex, but it’s fun. First of all, if Germany is allowed by itself to open up an active economic policy relationship with Russia, then the Russian economy is strengthened; and the German economy is protected against an imminent systematic disintegration, where it goes into the also-ran category of most of the rest of Western Europe.
So this is the reality; and the problem is Merkel. As long as Merkel has any control with her policies over the German economy, the German economy will be soon plunging into the dismal condition of the other parts of Western and Central Europe. And that’s the situation.
Now, the other part of the thing is, again: If Germany is able to function in trade relations on technology, production, then you cannot have a war between Germany and Russia, or war-like situation. In that case, the whole thing is jammed up; and Obama and all these other things get into jeopardy. Because look at where China is; China is the most powerful nation in terms of personnel on the planet. It has the highest rate of technological progress of any nation on the planet. The United States is a pinko, relative to what China represents today in terms of technology.
Will the U.S. Destroy Itself?
But this is what we are! Because everything that we are concerned about, in the United States in particular, depends upon these kinds of considerations that I’ve just mentioned. And it represents it in two respects: Will the United States destroy itself? Because if it goes to war, it will be destroying itself; as well as bringing down a lot of other nations in general warfare.
So, there is no possibility of a capitulation to what Obama represents, or what most of Wall Street represents, in particular. The British Empire, without this kind of control, is really weak; it’s a failure, it’ll disintegrate. There’s nothing much there; the whole British sector is disintegrating, and it should. And the disintegration is, why? It’s not because somebody said “Let’s do this, or let’s do that.” Actually, the British population is not competent to live; and a lot of other parts of Europe have lost the competence to live. They can’t maintain themselves; they can’t cope with the threats that reality presents to them.
That defines what our policy has to be; which is the point I presented, together with our team, on Monday. That’s our policy. And our policy is, we have to get rid of Obama; we have to get rid of the Wall Street crowd, which throwing out Obama will do.
So, all the other talk about this and that, and this could be and that might be, and this might be, is all nonsense. Forget it! Don’t even mention it anymore. You’re wasting time and distracting attention. We’re now at a point where we’re coming to a point of crisis; where the world is coming into a point where everything is coming into a common point of consideration. Not a scattered bunch of points, but one concentrated point. That point is, on the one hand, going to thermonuclear war; thermonuclear war means the extermination of the human species.
But, you say, “Well, we won’t do that.” “Well, how are you going to stop it? How are you going to prevent it? It’s almost now.” If Obama continues as President, it probably will happen; and it probably will happen within as soon as weeks, or maybe a couple of months. And when it happens, you’re all dead. That’s the issue! All this other stuff is just peripheral gossip. This is the issue which is now a global issue; defining the fate of mankind globally, with one big fell swoop.
And war, when it goes off—if it does go off—ain’t gonna take long to go. Thermonuclear warfare under present modern conditions. General warfare? Nah.
By Contrast, John Kennedy

We almost hit that, as has been noticed again and again, in the Soviet threat on Cuba. The Cuba crisis with Kennedy. What President Kennedy prevented, with his brother, working together; created the last stage of the Soviet Union to withhold, to destroy its thermonuclear weapon system. And they did it; and if you had the right seasoning, you get up there and watch, the explosion, the great black and fiery motions going over northern Russia, the backlands. Boom, boom, boom; going for weeks. Firing off these weapons; weapons which could have wiped out the United States. And they didn’t. Why? Because of John F. Kennedy, knew how to handle this problem, he and his brother. And he and his brother did the job.
So, you’re in a situation like that time. You can’t say, “Well, this part of the planet, and this part of the planet, and this part of the planet, are different parts of the planet.” Bunk! We have a global system, a global threat, a global process, and we have to take account of that. Now what that means is, you’re not going to have nations as such engaged in war against nations as such. That is no longer a feasible process. Either you have extermination war, or you don’t. And what happened, when the Soviet system blew up, the Soviet weapons system under Khrushchov, was a touch point; the model for the extermination of mankind. And what the situation is now is way beyond anything like that.
So therefore, what we do, you say, “Well, we’re only a small organization.” That’s nonsense; we have more brains than these guys do. Or at least I know something about that. Our conceptions are competent. The conceptions of Wall Street? Wall Street has no competence whatsoever. If Wall Street has to run an economy, the people of that nation will die. It’s inevitable; because they’re cannibals. And what do cannibals eat? Human beings.
So therefore, the idea that you have a practical solution, or a practical option, or this sort of thing, is a pure mythology; it beats the stupidity of people who don’t know any better. And unfortunately, most of the classes of students of universities and so forth today—forget the other schools—the universities, they’re traps. The typical mentality of the person at the university level, is absolutely systemically incompetent. They can’t do anything that’s needed in general. A relative handful of people inside the United States are capable of doing anything.
So therefore, these kinds of considerations and the relationship between Germany’s situation, its effect within the European system as well as Russia; the effect that this has on larger parts of the planet integrally, including China, including India, including all the nations of South America, for example. Most of the nations of Asia are nations which are immediately threatened by any development of this nature. This means that mankind has to have a new conception of mankind. All the old so-called practical expositions are nonsense.
Defend the Existence of Mankind
Now this is what we touched on in the discussion on this matter on Monday. And it has to be carried further, because it’s crucial now. If we could pull off—and we don’t have the power to do it—but if we know what it could be; we have a good idea of what to do to make it, should be. And that is, get Merkel either thrown out of office, or subdued totally; let the three chief exponents of the Russian system negotiate the system.

Russia is the only economy in Europe which has any inherent utility, in Western Europe at all. So if Germany, which is the only functional part of a modern economy in that part of Europe, if they are enabled to conduct trade, a system of trade voluntarily in development, technological progress, with Russia. It doesn’t mean they have to make any big deal; all they have to do is say, “We are trading with each other once again.” Doing that is sufficient, to stabilize all of Europe; because if Germany were to flop, all of Europe would disintegrate. It’s already ready to disintegrate, and in the process of pre-disintegration.
The sum total of this thing is, that principle does not arise from force. Principle arises from mental powers. It is the human mind and the development of the powers of the human mind which are the only efficient force by which mankind can defend the existence of mankind.
And that is what this policy must be for our organization. All the other stuff, the popular stuff, the interpretations, the explanations of why things happen, and this happens, it’s all been garbage. I’ve been through the whole pit of the thing; it’s all garbage.
To run society, you have to run it from the top down. The top down means the intellectual ability to create a successful society on a general scale. To develop the necessary relations among nations which make the conditions for doing that possible.
In other words, you have to look at history from the top down. And all the fallacies are people who thought about history from their summed-up time, bottom up. And therefore, what we’re doing right now, in this organization—I mean look what you get in Wall Street; look at what you see in New York City. Look at what you see in different parts [of the country]. Look at California; look at the government of California. Look at the government of Texas; look at the government of Louisiana; look at the government of Georgia. And look at the government of—yuck, I puke —Virginia. This is all crap! It does not decide the powers of mankind; it’s a source of the farces of mankind’s experience. And we have to understand that. The idea of being humble; “Well, you don’t know anything about this.” “I know enough to know you’re totally stupid.” That’s my usual answer for these creeps.
But we have to understand that that’s our policy. That was the discussion that we had, effectively, on Monday; and what we circulated during the course of Tuesday, today. That’s the issue. And it’s what’s in the minds of a few people, relatively, always in the history of mankind, that decides what the outcome could become, under stress conditions.
A New Basis for Peace
Like the case of Bismarck. How did the great wars of the Twentieth Century occur? They would never have occurred if Bismarck had still been in charge. And when they got rid of Bismarck, what happened? Bang, bang, bang! Everything began to collapse. The assassinations—the assassination of the President of France, all these other assassinations and things, and little wars and test wars; like the one with Japan, for example. All these wars began to occur. And then one bright day—bang!—and then World War I was suddenly there. We’re in a World War I precondition right now. It’s not the same kind of conflict, it’s not the same terms; but it’s the same logic.
Look at the Twentieth Century. People think that they’re smart because they got a Twentieth-Century education. That’s the dumbest thing I ever heard! It’s a fact. I know this because of my experience with the education system; and I knew very early in life that the education system I was subjected to—both in secondary schools and in universities—was crap. And the principle is exemplified by the fact that there was only one man in the Twentieth Century as a scientist, who was really qualified for physical science as a leader: Albert Einstein. All of the rest of them called themselves great things, had certain degrees of qualified talent, but none of them except Einstein understood the principle of science, of scientific progress. And that’s the difference.

And therefore, we have to understand what this organization must be; and how it must make itself self-organized, to the mission which is required. Because you’re in your situation, all explanations, all the usual customary practical expositions are just crap. And we’ve reached the point that all that stuff is way past. What we have is a relationship to China, a relationship to India, a relationship to some South American nations which are now emerging. They’re not perfected yet, but they have promise. We see the relationship between China and the South American nations; what their development is, what the promise is. So what we want to do is, establish this kind of peace; which is not really a simple peace where everybody’s going to have one-world dreams and so forth. But it’s a way in which the nations of the world can organize and interchange their organizational efforts into a culminating something else.
And when you look at what Ben [Deniston] has had fun with—the Galactic System—and then you go back before the Galactic System was known, to Kepler. The history of mankind is that what most people believe is nonsense. The history of mankind is like the discoveries of Kepler. The discovery of Kepler is that there’s a higher order in the Solar System and beyond the Solar System, which is something which began to become known through the work of Kepler. That mankind is a unified process, implicitly. It has different characteristics, but the way it expresses its commonality, is in the convergence of ingenuity. And it’s this kind of convergence of ingenuity of different nations and different cultures of a particular time, which is the thing upon which mankind depends.
How are we going to control the galaxy? How are we going to control even the practical system as such, as we have it now? It means we have to organize the relations of mankind, throughout mankind, to meet this challenge. And to bring nations together now, with their different languages, their different habits, and all these kinds of things that go there; and we see what China is showing, and what is otherwise being shown in the process now; and China is the leader in this process. That would develop a relation among nations, and among the peoples of nations, which becomes an efficient means for the commonality of the general interest. It does not mean they have to adopt common things; common habits, common everything; but they have to converge on the efficiency of the common goal.
And that’s what we have to understand. And don’t get out and try to say, “Well, here, I’ve got some facts. And these facts are going to tell me the thing is going to work this way.” All those kinds of explanations that I know, are crap. Yes, there’s divergence in the form in which development occurs, among nations, under conditions. But! There’s a principle of convergence, which unifies the process, of the destiny of mankind. And the best thing to say is, “That’s what’s going to happen. Enjoy the ride.”
That’s what our policy has to be. . . . And that’s what our issue is right now. We’re going to be going through this week and the next week; and we’re on the edge, we’re right on the edge, of the extinction of humanity, if things aren’t organized the right way.
The Potential of Germany and Russia

And this case of the German case, of the three leading senior officials: On the surface it simply looks like, well, Germany is the only nation which has any integrity as a producer nation in Western Europe. All the others are either dead, or heading for the garbage heap. So therefore, we’re not talking about any simplistic thing.
Germany has a technological capability which none of its neighbors do, in terms of productive economy, because you take the economy as a whole. The economy as a whole functions like a unit; so you can’t pick out this point and that point and this point. It doesn’t work; you’ve got to look at the economy as a whole. And you’ve got to find out where the balance lies, which is the difference between collapsing and arising. Germany still has, up until this time, an advantage over all the other nations of Europe in technology, in terms of its productive capabilities. It’s the most advanced nation in capabilities in production; in the production of national economy.
So, that is what is being challenged for Russia now by Merkel. Merkel’s policy threatens to bring Germany down, as an economy. On the other hand, if Merkel is thrown out—which is the optimal thing—you know, sometimes it’s better to throw the garbage away than trying to pick the food out of it. Some people may know that technology. But the point is, if Germany continues to allow the suppression of what its productive potential is in the market, then the German economy will be in trouble, functional trouble. Otherwise, if Germany is allowed, by Germany, to deal with Russia—this is not to make big deals with Russia, but just simple deals with Russia, technology deals—in that case, then you actually do several things. You prevent Europe from becoming what it is now threatening to become—a garbage heap.
So, if you free up the German technological potential in the economy, you suddenly create, what? You open up the development of the economy of Russia. We’re not talking about weapons; we’re talking about economy, economy in general. In that case, if Germany, which is the dominant economy in Western Europe; every other economy is a piece of shit relative to Germany today; so if that economy is taking over Europe, that driver, that increment, is being injected, the benefit of what Germany can represent injected into Europe generally, what happens? No desire for war.
And the war-makers are threatened, because what happens if Germany integrates, if they try to destroy Germany, or involve Germany in a war, no good result is possible.
And no good for the United States, either. The United States could not survive the effect of a collapse of the Russian economy; because that would be a war economy. And the war system now, which Russia is fully equipped for full-scale warfare, full-scale warfare to take on the United States, too. Do you want that?