Afghansi terrorism
around the world
Only days after the inauguration of President Clinton in 1993, a wave of terrorism erupted from Argentina to the Philippines, at the hands of a global pool of assassins, manipulated through ideology or greed, whose deadly skills were honed on the battlefields and training grounds of the war against the Soviets in Afghanistan, under British and Anglophile sponsorship. The following chronology reflects either the direct actions of these mercenaries or derivatives of the environment created by their actions.
1. Turkey
Jan. 24, 1993, Ankara, murder of Cumhuriyet investigative journalist Ugur Mumcu, by car-bombing, claimed by two previously unknown Islamicist groups. He was an expert on Ali Agca's 1981 assassination attempt on the pope; at the time of his death, he was investigating the Kurdish Workers Party's (PKK) links to the CIA.2. Virginia
Jan. 25, 1993, Langley, murder of two CIA officials outside of CIA headquarters allegedly by Mir Aimal Kansi, a Pakistani involved in Afghanistan.3. New York City
Feb. 26, 1993, World Trade Center car-bombing, six killed. Charged in the bombing are Sheikh Abdel Rahman, Ramzi Ahmed Yousef, and other veterans of Afghanistan.4. Egypt
Feb. 26, 1993, Cairo, bombing of a coffee shop kills two foreigners, 20 injured. Interior Ministry claims the bombing was done by El Gamma el Islamiya, the "Islamic Group."5. India
March 12, 1993, Bombay, commercial district car-bombings, over 200 killed. Police arrest two people, one an Indian and another holding forged passports. Iranian Yakub Momin, alias Memon, reportedly head of the Hezbollah, flees to Dubai. Interpol supplies clues showing that the explosive used was very similar to that used in the World Trade Center bombing.6. Pakistan
March 24, 1993, Karachi, Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto's home is destroyed, along with her personal papers and records. Bhutto blames Ramzi Ahmed Yousef.7. Western Europe
June 24, 1993, Turkish embassies, missions, and businesses in 29 European cities are simultaneously attacked, with some offices briefly occupied and hostages taken. Attributed to the PKK.8. Argentina
July 18, 1994, Buenos Aires, Argentina's largest Jewish organization, the Argentine-Israeli Mutual Association, is car-bombed, killing over 100 and wounding 344.9. Algeria
Sept. 21, 1993, Algiers, first Armed Islamic Group (GIA) assassination of foreigners—two Frenchmen.10. Philippines
Dec. 11, 1994, Cebu, one Japanese citizen is killed in bombing of PAL airline en route to Tokyo, following takeoff from Cebu airport. Attributed to Ramzi Ahmed Yousef, with logistical support from Abu Sayyaf.10. Philippines
Jan. 6, 1995, Manila, authorities raid apartment of alleged World Trade Center bomber Ramzi Ahmed Yousef, under suspicion of plot to assassinate Pope John Paul II, finding computer records of planned bombings and materials for four bombs. Apartment is 300 yards from Papal Nunciature, where pope stayed.
11. Algeria
Jan. 30, 1995, Algiers, GIA car-bombing outside police station kills 42, injures 286.12. Pakistan
March 8, 1995, Karachi, two employees of U.S. consulate are murdered.14. Philippines
April 4, 1995, Ipil, Mindanao, 200-man simultaneous land and sea raid, the worst incident in Mindanao in 20 years, results in 72 killed, 67 wounded; 37 people taken hostage as human shields. Attributed to Abu Sayyaf, later claimed by previously unknown "Islamic Command Council" of Moro National Liberation Front.15. Oklahoma City
April 19, 1995, car bombing of U.S. Federal Building, 168 killed. On the same day in New York City, alleged WTC bomber Ramzi Ahmed Yousef is arraigned.16. Turkey
April 20, 1995, Istanbul, police detain 21 people suspected of plotting to kill Turkish Prime Minister Tansu Ciller, then on a visit to the United States. Police also reportedly seize a hand-drawn map of Ciller's residence and "intelligence reports." Suspects are members of the Revolutionary People's Liberation Party Front.17. India
May 11, 1995, Jammu Kashmir, the Charar-e-Sharif Sufi shrine is burnt down by the Indian Army, following the operations of a group of Afghansi, led by Mast Gul, and members of the Harkat-ul-Ansar, which is based in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir.18. Paris
July 19, 1995, Abdelbaki Sahraoui, an 80-year-old Imam and one of the founders of the Algerian Islamic Salvation Front (FIS), is assassinated by GIA. Sahraoui was known as a moderate spokesman for reconciliation.July 25, 1995, GIA bombing at the RER St. Michel Metro station.
Aug. 17, 1995, GIA bombing of Metro station Place de l'Etoile.
Aug. 26, 1995, failed GIA bombing of Paris-to-Lyons high-speed TGV train.
Sept. 3-4, 1995, bomb attempt against the Richard Lenoir Marketplace, followed by bomb attempt at a market in 15th Arrondissement on Sept. 4.
19. India
Sept. 3, 1995, Chandigarh, Punjab, Chief Minister Beant Singh slain by a human-suicide bomb, together with several bodyguards and aides. Claimed by Babbar Khalsa, a Sikh separatist group.